The Signal, 1913-1-9, Page 5Allow Us to Show You The many perfectly charm- ing jewelry novelties that we have gathered. Our present display is a splendid one, and even more extensive in style and character than our befit previous efforts. RINGS WATCHES NECKLACES PUFF LINKS BROOCHES SILVERWARE were never shown in such variety and so teasonably priced. Weg•laranteethem alt J. S. DAVEY Jeweller end Optician Corner Colborne 5t. and Square r THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO LOCAL TOPICS Farm Ii *u*. Meetings. T*. Donation& modal: moeti in December) The regular meetings of the West At ateoderich Miele No. 116 of the Order of the tam of moteHaCirco ted as Home the BIM aildren s Hospital. Toronto, aid the value amount to Alexandra hospital, poderich. Ding Good Service ANwiy isefulnews of the ambulance- ate mbulance- Thr to Alexandra ti.Pt, on recently tthe y]4ple Leaf Qpapter 1, U. D. E. -has been strikingly dem. atsated dura g the boa tees day,. u Monday it was bri.4%t into tM- IaisitIoD to bring a patient from Bea- ,tipler to the hospital' The following deg a patient was brought In from Woburn, and the same day a lady in sown, who fell and broke bee thi`h, ems removed to the hospital in the sabulauce. Huron Farmers' lost/tufa will be bold at Loodesboro', January 23. and NolmesvUle, January !4• Magistrate Kelly. Walter K. Keay on Tuesday took the oath of office as polio. magistrate under his receut appointment by the Provincial Government. Hehas already entered upon the performance of his duties. Board of Trade Meeting. The nett regular utheaug of the Board of Trade will be held in the town council chamber on 1lAd + evening. January 13. As a numbfr of important matters require atten- tion. and the annual meeting is to be held in February, • large attendance of members is urged. Worth Seeing.Sent Up for Trial. Peru's Peerless Mange will play 11 John O. Uhawn.y, of watt Wawa. M k. a resect nosh, was before Mayor Reid on Tues- rs ell nest wee y p howt that are new and for which spe- cial scenery and effects are carried to pate each production complete in every detail. The specialties produced acre the acts are alone worth the beto prise of adoaLa ion and see cors to fore the county judge. Cbamney re - pits,.. everyone. Sal + now un Sala oenUp rade an assignment for the ort tdwardi reetatlesnt for the grand benefit of his creditors. opening play, •Ten Little l3o-ed," on Monday- night. Priors 15c, Eic and ;lir. day on a charge of securing money on false pretences. Cyrus W. Scott, of East Wawano.h, was the eomp1aiD- ant• and the sum In question was $MO. The accused was sent up for trial be - Rebekah Installation. At of the Rebekah Lodge inrthe Oddfelkrwi Hall on Tues- day evening. R. Y. Morrisac, of Iien- s•iI, and his team installed the follow - „',dicers : Past Grand. Mrs. H. inn ; Noble Grand, Mies K. Gum Jn' • Vice Grand, Y H.T. Edwards ; recording secretary. Mrs. Obas. Reid ; doming! secretary, Miss Tait ; trees- ' Gibson • c lain, lin. reset. j:yitzley. JattAlelhe Ing of the Coming from All Directions. officers • banquet wee Nrved• Newspaper despatches from various Donations Acknowledged. sources foreshadow activity in this The Alexandra Hospital gratefully x.tion on the part of the C. N. R, ledges the followiigdonations : people. They are said to be intending Now for a Better Hospital Building. The percbse of "The Maples," the property of the late M. C. Cameron, as a hospital site has now been com- pleted. The deed was registered De- cember 24, the price has been fully paid, and the property clear of any en.:umbrence now belongs to the Alexandra hospital. It is to be hoped it will not be long until a splendid and well-equipped building on this excellent site will be available for the constantly increasing work of the hospital. ore...., Johmalertiott, $L00: A Hood, two ba-'rpp s ; Mr. Sowerby, two Mr. lisailink, two barrels apple hag. :sprites : Mum Morrison. one bar tel apples ; Mrs, A. Straiton. fruit Mo. Fisher. fruit; Mrs. Jordan, canned fruit ; ♦ Friend, turkey ; Mr. Ellis, lilt niture for nurses'1oranges bo liidder. grapes; Mrs. Cori... orange : Dr. A%ttolY.. tur- key : ur-key: Mt'. Burdette. le. cram; Mr. Warreier. sates; A Friend, $5 ; Mrs. Jas. Clark. fruit. Do You Remember Them ? news item from Brandon, Man., recalls •t feature of the winters in Goderich some years ago, when dog races around the Square made a lively afternoon's program. We are appar. potty too "civilized" for that sort of Wing _now. but Brandon Mains to enjoy it. The item is as follow.: • e annual dog races, a feature for yaars Of New Year's Day in Brandon, were a "howling eucoeee." Over sixty races were run and, tbe weetber being extremely- favorable, Rosser avenue presented a lively scene at 10 a. m. when the races started. It was "Dog's Day" and the frightful din of harking in every keymtngied with the almost incessant Sugg►ter of the lookers -n prevailed from start to finish. "Melees" were the order of the day and one or two drivers were bit- ten by the mistaken canines and had to seal medical assistance, but it cer- tainly pt oved tbe "frolic of the sea- son, not only to the juveniles but also to the "children of a larger growth." Bob Ilenny's "Lynne" and Willie Cooper's Fitzroy were the cham- pions. Tgeme„ limo ant L 1Mig which be is taking a few days Mil- itia his toot jammed, as • result tit EAST STREET GARAGE holi- days. TW regulartuontbly Ieetiod of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Y. M. O. A. will be bald on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the home of litre. Hick, Elgin aveour. The filar uteeting of the CbU- dr.n's Aid Society le called for Tuesday, January 11th, in the court house. All the friends of this work are urgently requested to be preesnt. M,ucb imppoortant work is to be trans- acted. Meeting to begin promptly at 4:13 p. m. In addition to the organ numbers by Ernest E. Pridhem, the noted organ- ist, et North street Methodist church next Tbwrsdey evening. ItIth lull., Yrs. King wtll sing. Miss B. "iridium.' will recite, and the choir of the church, under the direction of Mr. King, wig give some new 'elections. Don't forget the lecture under the auspices of the Collegiate Institute in the court house on Friday nett at S p. p. m., by Prof. Horning, one of tbe most popular pia -Dorm speakers of Victoria College, on the very timely subject, "(lermaoy and Britain." Tickets may be had at the drug stores. Miss Donogh has disposed ot the well-known millinery business on King- ston street to Miss Campbell, who has been associated with the business for some years. Miss D000gb asks that all accounts be settled -within the nest two weeks, so that tbe books may be clotted. Their many friends will be pleased to know that it is the inten- tion of the Misses Donogh to remain in town. The settling of the bank near Mene- set resulted in the tender and baggage car of the Saturday morning C. P. R. passenger train leaving the track. The papsenger cars were brought back to Goderich. The passenger traino were able to run on schedule time by tianderring the passengers, at the scene of tbe accident, to another train. The line was clear at d.811, and the damage done was very slight. ' to build a line from Orillia to Cblllug- wood and thence to Goderich, and an- other line said to be in prospect is from Sarnia north along the ►Aske shore to this point. Doubtless the compares- when it reaches Stratford from the east will come on `to the late shore : so that Goderich may become an important point in C. N. R. traMic. The Hockey Club Entertainment.' The entertainment in Victoria Opera House on New Year's night, under the auspices of the Goderich hockey club. was a success in every respect. Miss Lucy Webling and Walter Mrltaye, the chief entertain- ers of the evening, were very pleas- ing ; and the local talent -Miss Mc- Coll, o-Coll, soloist ; Mr. Jones, cornetist., and Mr. Nilson. comeoian-gave valuable assistance in presenting a program that was received with warm ap- provaL There was a fairly good house, and the hockey club netted .t substantial sum. Former Goderich Girl Wedded. Dixie' Are Coming. The Redpath Bureau take much pleasure in announcing the greatest of all negro attractions -the famous Dixie Chorus, in the most unique, entertaining and refined ,bow ever placed on any stage by colored people. They absoolutely guarantee that the eight men in this company are the highest-paid colored men in the enter- tainment ntertainment world. The program is in four acts and re- quires three changes of scenery. The scenery, costumes and electrical effects cost over $1,000.00 and include a jungle scene in Africa, a cotton field and cabin in file Southeria States, an interior of a church, and a parlor scene. A special electrician and stage manager travels with the company. 1f yo r want to hear one of the beet entertainments ever presented here with good music, bright oowedy, and fine specialties don't miss this com- pany. They appearin VictoeiaOpera House on Y. M. C. A. course on Thursday, January 23rd. Theppl1an will open at H. T. Edwards' on liteeday, January 21st, for ticket -holders and on Wednes- day for the public. The prices of admission will be 00r, 50c and 35c. Order your sate early, as the house is sure to be packed to the doors. CHURCH NOTES. Next Sunday in Victoria street church the Young Men's Excelsior Bible class will meet as usual at 3 p. m. .111 young men are invited. Rev. A. E. :Min, of Quill Lake, nark., will preach in Victoria street church next Sunday forenoon at 11 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Medd will preach in the evening. At North btreet Methodist church next 8unlay the pastor, Rev. Alfre.l Brown, will have charge of the ser- vices!. preaching in the morning and cenducting the adult Bible class. in the evening Rev. A. E. Allin, of Sask- atchewan, will preach. A cot -dial wel- come to all. The marriage of Kathleen Evelyn McGillicuddy, daughter of the Ixte D. McGillicuddy and of Mci. McGilli - cuddy, of Toronto- formerly of Gode- rich, to William Walter Cary, of Cal- gary, Alberta, took place on Friday afternoon lamest the home of the bride s mother, 727 Dovercourt road, Toronto. Rev. T. M. Campbell, who baptized the bride in infancy. was the officiating clergyman. Owing to reo eon bereave- ment the marriage was very quiet. only, the immediate family being pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Cary left for the West via Chicago on the evening train. Mr. Porter Relieved. On account of Mr. Porter's ill -health, the Bell Telephone Co. has appointed H. McLachlin, of Stratford, to relieve him as manager of the local branch. Mr. McLacbliu has already taken charge. The Stratford Beacon of Mon- day says of the new manager : Stratford loses a prominent young man in the removal of Mr. Hodge Mc- Lachlin, who Las filled the position of bead book-keeper in the local branch of the Bell Telephone Co. for the past eighteen months. Mr. McLachlin bas been promoted to the Goderich branch and left this morning to relieve Mr. Porter, the former manager, who is now on sick leave. Mr. J. Simpson of the latal staff will fill Mr. McLaughlin's position. The many friends of Mr. McLachlin will regret his departure from the city, but will be pleased to hear of his promotion. Snyder -Wein. A but ding took place lat Radistoo. Sotty ak.. December $nth. at 1 he home of Norman Snyder, a brother of the groom, Mies Elisa- beth Wein becoming the wife of Levi Snyder, a prosperous young business con of Radisson and son of Mn. Jesse Snyder, of Goderieb. While the soft strains of Mendelseohn'e march were being played by (ties Laura Fink- beiner, the beide entered the paebr mantel by J. J. Berge, of RadMwon. She was dressed its • dsht down of Alice blue silk trimmed with lees and peat 1 ornaments asli earsW a shower Mwluet of roses aid valleys [AU., Mise Viola Besse mads a charm- ing flower Or! en dreamed le pick sia d carried a basket of $ak earn.$hose and hy.cloths. Tis esrallllon) was Perforated by Rev. A. J. Ssaiwsow. Alter expressing their lasertiset eora- gratulatfnoe to tube bends sad R coo. all sat down to a wptemas Ia11et The groom' ift a fibs Mills was • Madmen womb. Wee ami sets:1 . w hick esteem lin *MA Ire mid rel. dories ass bolt tics. A __brei v~ioniall ewe meatwith jjdre sod alter Whish that kr"' ain for di! anal other poises. Among Use neL.d tnenn gv Me MIs. 1sale Viand Mico Iware P akkeiser weetstew, sad Ohms. Me. aa M•' 't^ 4 r aetMnd In Guise Ido Tem- • ones h r,.w-r•1 e1..ir Oibbens-Moro. A quiet wedding took place at Sit. Peter's church at 8:30 a. m. on the morning of Tuesday last, wben Mia Emily Nero, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mem, was united in marriage to Adolph Murray Gibhen.. of Paris, Ontario. The their sang as the wedding party entered the church. The marriage ceremony was performed oy Rev. Father McRae. The bride was attired in a pale blue satin dress with trimmings of asilver brilliant shade. and wore a large white heaver hat. The bride's sister, Miss Maggie Nero, acted as bridesmaid and was attired in a beautiful golden brown satin dregs. Tbomas Andrews. of M of o t supported the groom. gift to the bride was a handsome seal- alte coat with sable Dollar and cuffs. After the ceremony et the church a reeeloD was helThat ehbeWPbride' home on uroo rad • Y by Grand Trunk for a short ouhoney- moon one - moon trip, after:which they will reside in Paris. Their many friends in Gode- rich wish them a long and happy mar- ried lite. _ -- LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. AN OPEN LETTER To Autoaobilt si O arWe have as many machines 1• our barn vow. . as we have room for. but it year machine 1s in need of repair" we cm arrange to do same atour pk.ate. blight we ask you to go into this right away to preveut delay and disappoiutweut nett spring. To Bicycle Owaera. We would suggest limit you bring to your wbeel Dow mo that we can fix it up es opportunity oeturs, and 0 Ovist us by reducing the rush next Yours truly, ARTHUR bl. W V KIL - Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. GODISRICH, ONT. Paorttc !4i be tic ; reserved sate 35c ; plan at ANNOUNCEMENTS. Edwards' restaurant. The game will be called at 8 o'clock sharp. The following players have been signed for the Goderich intermediate O. H. A. hockey team, and have been given oetificates by the O. H. A. exec- utive : Leslie Webb, Donald Mclvor, (Jordon McDonald, Frank McGaw, F. O. Johnston. Clifford Webb, W. Bu- chanan. Roy McDonald, Wm,. &easel, HarryBelobes, James Wiggins, Alex. Mclr, Daniel McDonald, E. J. Prid- ham, Roy Jones and Goldie Smith. Clinton protested the elegibility of Pridham and Buchanan, on the ground of the residence rule, and the protest The Woman's Guild of St. George's church held its annual meeting for the election of officers in the schoolroom' on Monday afternoon. The meeting was well attended and the following officers were elected : President, Mrs. W. L. Eliot : secretary, Mrs. Came ; treasurer, Mrs. Macklin. The sec- retary's and treasurer's reports showed a most successful year, a good balance ou hand and a good attendance at all the meetings. Victoria street church was filled to its capacity for both the morning and evening services last Sunday, when I)r. Medd preached specially to the men. in the morning his message was to the middle-aged men, pointing out the responsibilities that rested upon their shoulders in taking care of their families. The evening sermon was to the young men. The music for the day was supplied by a male choir with Sidney Harding as organ- ist. The solos by E. Schuler and W. (Dolby in the morning and the solo by Geo. Taylor and the selection from the male quartette in the evening added much to the effectiveness of the ser- vices. Ma bees sustained. They are lot th Goderich boys who were temporarily, away from town. 1 The first game 'n this district of the O. H. A. was played at Seaforth on . Tuesday night. when Seaforth de - Mated Clinton 1110 5. Clinton 'cored the first two p'o,a1", but at. half-time the home team %%an hes!. d to 13. D. McDonald, of Gcderich, was the ref- eree. GODERICH MARKETS. Vali wheat, per built Buctwheat, per Doak Oats. per bush Peas, per tomb Barley. per bnah SereenineL txrton The On.ario farmer is fortunate w baying slacken able exponent of hie cause as The Weekly Sun, Toronto. It makes good reading for the tbougbttul. There is oro other paper asst Tike e Farmer's Weekly Sun. YThe ahouli be a reader of it. 'larvas. Jas. tit k IOW bitelln OEM ellb *sato Salt 1 0o t. 1 to 048to 555 2000 to 1000 fe6to 275 3 1e to 300 77isto 2200 SEW :tab Il 00 to 12 W 8 m to 10 00 500 to 550 026 to 029 lb - 0 18 to 025 0 18 to 0 18 0 35 to 035 1501) 2 00 00 5 23 tl 00 7 75 4 00 5 00 0 0s 7 50 0 00 Flour, fa . per cwt F7oty, patent, per owt limn. per ton Shorts, per too Hay. per ton, new Straw Wood. per load Bolter. moth Ofd cheese, per New Cheers. Eggs, tro.b, Per dos Applesper bbl, 100 to pM toee per bombe' cwt. 5 00 to Ce W0. oidlny to seek Orr Cattle export. Par cot..... - . • • 353 10 Ho„• ' 700 to Sheep, per cwt.. t 60 to iambs. per bead 500 t 00 o Tallow, per lb 700 to Hides, per curt 700 to Sheepskiru • Fresh oyster0, the finest that can he had, at Blackstone's. 'Phone 240. BORN.• • Remember the Collegiate Institute lecture oo Friday, IOth inst., at 8 p. w., in the court bourse ; subject, oermaoy and Britain," by Prof. L. E. Horning. Tickets ou sale at the drug stores. Tickets for the eerie, of four lectures. only 50k, for a siugle lecture 15c. ELDER. -In Oodertch. on January nth. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Elder. a moa OFIKLD.-At Dundee. on Kende y, January 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Odsid. a dauah- ter. THOMAS. -In tertab S. C.. Deoember 10th. 1812. to Dr. and S(rn J. E, Thomas, a daughter 'Margaret F•latnel. DIED. DOAK.-In Oedericb, on Friday. Jarman' 3rd. Clarence l N Doak. loaInfant k.. aged Mr. son of rod o months. The annual Sunday school enter- tainment of Knox church was the chief attraction for a large number ot that congregation last Thursday evening. , The lecture room was very prettily decorated for theoccasion and with Rev. Geo. E. Ross as chairman a program was given in which the -kiddies" of the lower claaeee played very ,prominent parts. Other num- bers by the boys and girls of the higher classes added to tke interest. John Story was present and delighted his audiencewith a comic song and a selection on the flute. On the ap- pearance of Santa Claus each scholar received a box of candy. the teachers and officers seeing to It that no one was forgotten. inclement weather and conflicting engagements interfered in a large measure with the attendance at the illustrated lecture in the auditorium of Knox church last Friday evening. Wm. Fingland, B. A., of Toronto i'niversity, a former student of the Goderich Collegiate Inatitnte, was present as a representative of Knox College Miesionary Society. and with the assistance of 150 lantern slides he portrayed vividly the eonditioos under which the "sky pilot" labors in the mission fields of Ontario. the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia. Mr. Fingland has • very pleating style of expression and his words should not fail to incite deeper Interest in the home mission canoe in those who heard him. The meeting was under the auspices of the Home Missionary Society of the church. Baptist Church. Divine worship nett Lord's Day 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., the pastor omiciatiog. Morning subject : "Two Motives : Fear and Love." Evening subject : 'Tbe Two Covenants." For those wbo love to sing a short song service will be held just prior to the regular evening service. Tb. eves Burma for Bydss ! - and dm. t target that esevtee to begin at 7 o'clock. Come tits *Mtdoeset Alai gamed ee i htt n F'rlrf ti• and enjoyBible a d Bib einsple Gospel viaars themempor?ie. et . 3°01111.lschool and Bible class l s•vs seg her quit evere°et, and mt. 3 w M ..ball these .ievlsusa ttore win be y y`etles cow r year& • dew Warm_ ese emsss Owl atter Nest at ?forth Asset Methodist church nett Tbursdsw sv,rling. I Manager 11nid11wwpit mow bee les et 11. Wblues et t rink. wad .cedes HI ksa fist OMEY NOTE&. OPERA HOUSE ONE WEEK t'OYMENCIFti MONDAY, JAN. I3th G. HERBERT PERRY DAN MALLOY _AND - HAZEL CORINNE 8(PPORTSD BT PERRY'S EERLESS LAYERS A company of Metropolitan Artists with New Plays, New Specialties, New Scenery. New and Novel Effects. Without a doubt the best to {Arty here this season. See the great four -act College Play, Monday night "THE LITTLE CO-ED" Parcae 15c, 25c and 3lic Seats now on sale at Edwards' Restaurant. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Holiday Suggestions Holiday goods are in, and our ass )rtment was never better or more complete. The „utmost care has been exercised in making selections, eo that none but the most desirable furnishings should find their way to our tock. There is no reason why you should not be one of the early bird.. We have many novelties that make beau- tiful presents. Here are a few sugges- . tions for you Sweater Coats, Shirts, Gloves, Suspenders with Garters and Arm Bands to match ; Scarfs, Tie Pins, 'Pies, Hose. Hats and Caps, dozens of other gifts M. Robins South Side Square amount aount obi the Isek of 16. iib far the e s l sdulsd few Friday sight of thistinwawa has Mee postponed to nett Moeda) rtighR whom it is hrspsd We weather will M hvolehk. eta forth and Oodsriob see to be the me otrsing teases, 'red as It will be the 110 p"►Dlar pasalrae. / r.. • - w •-I • h- w ow% M luta-. ‘44, 1. . • .. .. 1 1r a Rr -1 • .41 ..r • •" " erre rawvelar 1 ...Or.. •• r r Amerse. A tre:rw o•• w if Groceries When you are buying Family Groceries, the first eonsideration is Quality. • We guarantee that our goods will stand the quality test every time. We want you toLtry them, and if for any reason you ate not perfectly satisfied:we want you to let us know. We are here to give you satisfaction In Groceries. Give us a trial so your next order. =de= 6SturJ3 Co: OPOeer% the fRgueae l.otdetrl.'lr 'PHdas 1 1 ctimilllsm Acom OF CANADA Tied hub (Iiu') • $*IISIN You Can Always' Get Your Money Promptly if itis deposited in the Union Bank of Canada. W ten tbw't unforeseen need arises, or an opportunity comes to wake an ex eptionaUy prwAteble cash deal, it is worth much to be able to get your cash without delay. Metuuwhile it is absolutely safe and is earning intermit ^]'f the time. L W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch. T. __.0.ae0s.1111r Lc l B• M. C. MART NEM . AMOMMI rbM► WHIM YOU HAVE An Unexpecte d Visitor you like to have things nice about the house. Furniture pur- chased at this store gives your rooms that air of conlfol t and elegance whit h is always desired. If you are furnishing your house or refurnishing a room we w ill give you our assist ance in selecting the right article,. Agent for Not dhsWeer Piano'. TORONTO in Centre of Shopping and Husine.m District. LSM 111411111111- lee Mtn Private mom Itt?•0Pxalr AND AtrxawC•x PLAN . A Y lierts Metal.et SA.. e. T 0Ns.0II, .-c NkDRU-CO LTIW31 TE best for nursin rs because they o fect the rest a . Mildbetsure.25at your druggistMAwa Ct.PCaCaelPA, tent°. THE DIXIE CHORUS will present. The Epic of the Negro TN Victoria Opera House ON Thursday, Jan. 23rd on the Y. M. C. 1. Course. Part. I. In the Jungles a Africa. Scenes -- The Hunt - Prayer tor *tin - Offerings of Fleet Fruits Selling Bve to Mala tided-- TM looMof Youth 10 Manhood. Part lj.-Ou the Ri.sieeippi. Soe se- Ts the 1`n& t oe Flenis _ le the P- v., II ......,.. I 1 part 111 -1 so t1.• 14. mom Pial t forst \ Isol„ 6.- rhpn' .t Ti ill.. Viol II; I and Cy 'MOM 1... - GEO. I-HOt1MEIER The Square Goderich I Will Stake This Medicinei 11kkets t',Oc SOc -3Sc. 1 --"It 37'7 Against Yoar Time A Few Days Will Be Sufficient to Prove ;. That You Are Curable A few minutes of your time for a few days and I will demonstrate to you, without expense to yourself, that I have a medicine that drives Uric Acid poison from the system and by so doing cures kidney trou- ble bladder trouble and rheumatism. I don't ask you to take my word for it, but simply want you to let me send you some of this medicine so that you can use it personally. I am trying to convince ?otferers from these diseases that I have some- thing far better than the usual run of remedtee. trcatme.;,; :.:d such thtr.sa, and the only way 1 can demonstrate that fact L to go to the e.pense of compounding the medicine and blending It out tree of charge. This I am glad to do for any sufferer who will take the time to write me. Undcr.tand. I will not send you a so-called "sample, proof or test treatment.' nor will 1 lend you a package of m.-0Icine and •ay that you can use some of It and pay for the rest but 1 will send you a supply free of charge and you will not be asked to pay for this gttt nor will you be under any obligations. All I want to know 1s that you have a dtsease for which my medicine is in- tended. as it 1s not a "cure-all," and I give herewith some of the leading symptoms of kidney. bladder and rheu- matic troubles. It you notice one or more of these symptoms you need this medicine, and I will be glad to send you some of It If you will write me the numbers of the symptom? }•nu have, give your age. and your name and ad- dress 143 FranklIaBD T. Frank onto,, . Toe promme me nothtn t yea par me teething for 1t A11 1 as . no there •ball be no mistake. Is that you send me the numbers of your symptoms or a de- scription In your own words, and that you take the medicine according to the direetioeI I send you. It 1e my way of gatttse pabllctty for m medicine so that It will become widely knows. You win agree when you have used It that It dissolves and drlyss out aria acid Pelson. it tones the kldae s se that they work la harmony with the bladder. It strengthens the bladder so flat frequent deelrs is mrinate and other ertnary disorders are Melshed. • IC sat np rhe made ;chem and pales ls- ite•7!`a}•1v 71 llstori'ee uric acid er° s- Ic!y se that beck andd muscle Ste 1 DJrr efts and crooked 1. 01. qts ellauy bir,V.lts* out. 1t t. - it yo,n.ets the. bl a Mrves .to I' Air yo,t s+on feel -a'thtor sM more vlgerou.. steep het- T.f eco eat better and have energy thrnngl.•et ttwi d•T•It 4_qq5 all th1. aro yet eoatS3SI n.t Int inns.. 504 1. sheelutely vouched for according to taw. tram th.ae dreadful and afirfieR sus diseases can wtvety affordto a tett teams ease Mit for DR'. T. FRANK LYI IOTT who will .mala et ab ise laep ewes@ . Area few dace to demo nst rate to their ow0 satlefaction i they are curable, e,pS. claily when you consider no expense M involved, and I willingly give yea seg time and my medicine. An any talc minded afflicted person wants to know; Is If a certain, thing will cure HIM Sr, HER. and here Is an opportunity to fin out without cost, obligation or import ant loos of time. THESE FEW LATS may be the turning point in Iotas lite. • All who are interested enough to write me for the free medicine will tratedeCmiedicaalcopy which yok t my large desertDeA these diseases thoroughly. it M tWW largest book of the kind ever wrlttea for tree distribution and a new edifies' Di just being printed 1 will arse write you a letter of dlagnoda and medic advice that should be of great sem te yon: but In order to do t11s I must. know that you aced my medietne. Writ* me the number* of the symptoms that trouble you. and your acre, am! I wlUl promptly carry cost my premise* fn.ow an inclination to be cured and yes will be. These Are &Spoon • • t --Pala In tis (task. , -Tee areemeas esr ' W urraie. moverease r ese.wetign r e-rs len re swam In M II--Presteaste ...shat. • (Sae at ears r rM ressaaelk -0q..... esesDn. Nem .r ara I -Plea r a.1 1.._ '.Amt organ 13- Aawtae Is saya. rsearrOu. 1$--c.INIngs.....r Irror (4- PstNrssse. rise■ .ser rs mala t 1- Pen r. Oro belt fea•a. 13 Pon. N. ear ...+e re W. le- ral. r ...s....• to rim le.eew tirises r eels, of Or Meaea I e-rM r w.M.s ee tore atmes..a ,-p.d. W esse..00 as rwa 311 -Assess errealo taemmar.ta.