HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 101 t a cr to Po Da to wl mi he Pa Lel tot col It 1 dol am wil the Oat Dif Mil Po min att colJ ena. ptur coot cab dt hart tows tinct also � for at iaao� town than &bon A is Iso sick Pa for pr The it � w the vl reedit of *4 comps DI ' 1119.66. t loth. under net la hived •tayth the tie "E the 84• profit At acthe tual resent bardl) 01 Mt Mt Ala Mt t6s 6. frost! c The 24 two aq execs, tp thehe r�t�s� Seat`(' So skied. maw thNaY Ib Myth** ere WI kyr*W ass b ole THURanAT 3a!IQARv', 1913 r t .et$8.175,No Teal Assets (Ileer) - W.IM,tM OF ::,kiNiA:-4 Save Systematically Haphazard, occasional saving seldom accom_ plishes much. It's the steady, persistent, regular depositing of so many dollars a week, or month, or season, in the Union Bank of Canada, which hakes one financially independent. The money accumulates all the more rapidly, too, because of II ,1►c Interest which is added every 6 months. Try it. fl W. L. 1IORTON, Manager Goderich Branch. F. W. Asia:.- - saaeeler. LONDON. LNG.. HMAI CR. 1 t. M. C. H .RT Sts: •R. Assistant ea.a.ay. CU Thrtadleedie, L. Ir.C. After Christmas Specials All the new Copyright Baoks at the closest cut. prices ,liven anywhere. -The Hollow of Het Band.- try McCutcheon : "Cor- poral Cameron.- by Ralph Con- nor i - nor : ••Mirahl»+ Islami, ' p .'Pram-: "The Streets of Ascal- on." by Chambers. and dozens of olht•I5: special $1 10. ANNUALS Scout Annual. 1912 edition. ..peciet 81.2.1. Boys' own Annual. while they nat. *1.21. Chums. while they Ilut. $1.2'+. Books for School Opening Hest value in act ildolers. Ex- eteise Hooks, Lead Pencils, fens. Erasers. tar. , etc. The Colonial Book Store I'oITER, Prop. 'Phone 1110 Ooderich. Building Supplies We are now prepare' t.' ',imply contractors with all kinds of Mouldings, Inside Finish. Flom ing and Sidings. and (+enetpl Building Material. V. a ni;tke a specialty of Veneer Flooring in Oak and Rirrh. Dressing and Matching by the thousand. The Paget Grai Door Co. (.411)Elt1('ll 1,rairi i. WOMEN of Godench, come out and vote against the power bylaw. Show the men that they must not swamp the town with high taxes. Important to Ladies. 'Prof. Dorenwend, of Tort ' t ,, begs to announce that he will o at the Hotel Bedford on w'eduesdsy, Janu- ary Sib, with a conipteta displ .y of the newest London, Paris and New York creations in hair goods. You are invited tore!! and inspect his gdoda. A Utter from Mr. Murney. '1'o TUE 1tATN1'AYSit+s,-.t- there seems to be some luisunde.standing about the bylaw to raise $'( .O O, I as tali to ea; lain thee thin y is for I he put Italia• of tae -modelling the water and, lighting system and adding a power *pliant in the town. Our plan for li,ih'ink is to i lace a 100.watt lamp at every rot ner and one in ren'. r e of the lung way of eaeh block. The Square will be lighted with nruumer',al posts of a »livor. , 1 three lights each, one on each co• ner and one In, centre of each bloc k, Making in all seven y -t wo light u t lo- 'hoar also eight lights around roof•' house. Re•ide , then+ will b• a po•v•-r line from the plant to the different factories. This system will e.-ahle any persen in town to have ligi t. and power on abort notice. Py tieing away- with the arc ay -tent ant 'hang- ing to incandescent system n.11 tyke no more power tit -4n at the p•e-eat time. Fin eii.ht. mouths in the year the lights are in t tut two on ,until alt. r a x o'clock p. 111., the' el. re this w'.11 enable .115 u, to 11 power fni ten or twelve hours per ti- y and th o nae for town lighis n l night,.cosl'ling us to derive too.' scat cua of r.•v.:nur. As the lair.' of Ilyd'o is $37 Pe'' horsepower 1111, will elites- ua 10 sell to the factories at a cor.si,rerable redw tion in this pike :.nil will give us our own Ugh' mg and puutpmg et a very eh••ap 1 at.-. One of the g,rat•'st heneti.s derived front rlectr.e ismer is in the induce- ment to m.rtnfav turcts to e-tahli•h a factory, as instead t.f 11I II)t .uonths to build in a holler and cnga.e at a big rest. th. y could in a very few days install a motor with their .hafting at prr,ctiesily very little rota. and also use the 'storey thus saved in their hustle...-. M.. l'•ipe, Iheserr.•tary..1the Hydro C oninii..arm, stated al ('limon that as annul NS hili+ district can take enough power to warrant the develop- rnrnt 4.1 chi• Maitland it est tainly would WI, 4544 at. tale... To bring 7tbout this r.,tidi I ion it i. rtes. .-ars to connect to the "Hyatt," at. present .o en to build lip sufflcient'ravines+ to warrant cites.' road1tion-. The a .ierlers state that it 1a 1 neces.sry to nave the "Iivdro' connected with the Maitland. as there will tat reit .in 1 of rhe Yens 1 be more power than we requite. which will be transfct r•ed to o. her muni- eipaliLie' to g.• to cheapen our power. %V. T. yil•i si . Cutters and Sleighs Now is the bane to look up your Cutter and Sleigh Inc the winter. We have theta -all kinds and all }.rices. Kitchen Stoves and Ranges We have a r.' -r line of Stores and }ranges. tiontethiag nice and not inn expen.ivc Gall io and rr th.•n ROBERT WILSON Niamey .Harris Agent Hamilton Street, Ho4.tieh, Ont THE SIGNAL : GODERICIit OWFARI(' ,-_ SAIV The1irst 4th, 1913�3ay of DAY,JANUAYe JanuarY HIS GREAT ANNUAL EVENT at the Big Store starts Saturday, January 4th, ushering in the New Year with a' host of money -saving opportunities that should makef it withergreatest eats t of alllong list se f January offerings Sales. This yeaTr instead of being simply an effort to move out surplus ' everyissue of the merchandise bought under price and under value just �°� January breaker n every -way. a�ths we have had this January Sale before ,usin and have been planning.rte and preparing local papers, them we will print the weekly news of the Sale. Watch feel at home ini ticket s tl the welcomese.T anymarkther sce it pbright store invites you. We wanty It elms make it worth canaings there. .This big, give. Use it like your own home. Make it your shopping headquarters all through 191;• your while to do this and be more useful to you than it has ever been in the past. 11 Mammoth Clearance of Furs Starts on Saturday There has never been a chance here to buy Furs of better quality or better style than this great Janu- ary Clearance affords.' We have decided to clear every Fur garment, either Coat, Neck -piece or Muff, irrespective of cost or value. Absolutely no reserve is made of any piece in the store. There is a Spe- cial Price tagged on every single article, and that price tells of a saving that is well worth your while coming for. Regarding the Furs. All are up to our well- known high standard and quality. We have built up one of the biggest Fur businesses in Western Ontario handling Furs of high degree only. Back of them all is this store's guarantee without any qualification whatever. For reasons not necessary' to state. but satisfactory to ourselves we are desirous of clearing every piece of Fur before we take stock at the end of the month. it is impossible for us to make a detailed list here, but we assure yoit that we have never in January had such a stock of high• grade Furs as is here today. , Persian Lamb, Alaska Sable, Black Fox and Mink. We have some really handsome pieces of high-grade quality that will ap- peal to every lover of good Furs. The prices we have put on them for January are much below their value, in fact much below what we could put them in stock for should we wish to buy them today. We have good reasons for wishing them. turned into i money, hence the remarkably low prices at which we are selling. Persian Lamb Muffs $5.00 Wrappers $1.19 Five dozen only ladies' Wrappers, made from good quality wrapperette. dark colors. rut in good style. Regular$1.50. Jan- $1 •19 uary Sale each s a7 Pure Linen Table Cloths $1.29 Pure Linen Table Cloths, imported by ourselves direct from the maker, size . ti yards. handsome designs. heavy quality. R e go l a r 1I*1.75. January $1.29 Sale �v i Linen Centres 19c Plain Linen Centres, sixes 2t inhes x 20 incbea, hem- stitched. Regular :tic19c January Sale �7��1., Linen Bed Spreads $3.90 Two only Linen Red Spreads. These are made from plain Irish linen of highest quality. They are trimmed with pure linen tor- chon lace and insertion. The regular prices were $7 50 and $5.00. January K•tle. two to sell at $3M each e����JJ six only Persian Lauth and Persian Paw Muffs. square 't (1 }tape, well made, regular $10 to $15. January $54,00 i Sale, -ocelot'. choice Persian Lamb Neck Pieces $5.00 Six fancy Persian Neck -pieces. Throws, Ties and Collars. regular tip to $15. January Clearan choice .......... Odd Pieces $1.98 re Sale $5.O Fifteen or twenty odd Neck -pieces, assorted many suitable for children's wear. Regular values 1114 .98 up to $O acid $7. January Sale choice Children's Furs Each 75c Tell or twelve Children's Furs. Muffs. and Collars. slightly irnperfect hut lots of wear to them Clearing at each. .. ...... • • . • • • for all. 75c Ladies' and Misses' Suits. Much Less Than Usual Prices. They are made from imported aeries in navy and black or fancy tweeds. All are well tailored and finished and cut in the season's most popular styles. Most of the coats are lined throughout with silk. Just an even dozen to sell. Regular values, $}b 8nd $t ..10.5,.Jannnty Sale. choice of the f$8� 25 l0.. .... LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSI N ESS during tits winter aeeths awl be prepared for tits opponmwas of the early wring. TAKE A COURSE 15 THE RG TORONTO T• M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE al r H 001 Dant. 10 VS RROAn \VEJSJL Wrier far FPS P ' , ONE-THIRD OFF DISK RECORDS SLIGHTLY USED A fine lot ct Disk Records, all in excellent shape, have been taken in exchange. A limited quantity. Look them over. You may find just the one you want. Walter H•Harrison Jeweller And Optician (4ODRRII `H 1 Two Large Size Suits at $15.75 Two only Ladies' Black Suits. Cut in large aiza snittable for stout figures. Welt made, handsomely tailored garments. Materials of high qualitythat will retain their shape and wear well. Regular $25.00. January Sale ... ....... Saving in Ladies' Underwear A Case to Sell at Makers' Prices This is one of the most noted of the January Sale bargains. "Seconds" in Underwear means that a stitch has slipped or a thread been broken in weaving, or possibly a drop of oil from the machine has got on the•garme; t• A darning needle and a little mending will make any imperfection as good as ever and they will wear as well as the perfect. We have been fortunate in securing a case of "Seconds- from the famous Watson mills, and Sat- urday morning we put them on sale as follows: - Ladies' Vests and Ilrawers, regular 25c, January Saie Ladies' Vests and Drawers, 4oc, January Sale Ladies' Vests and Ilrawers, 5oc, January Sale 19c regular 29c regular 39c Ladies' Vests and Drawers, regular 75c and 85c, January Sale 59c Ladies' Vests and Drawers, regular $1.5o. January Sale $1.o9 Remember these are brand-new goods just out of the case this week and these prices are made poss- ible simply because they are "seconds.' 1 i� A Table of Laces and Embroideries per Yard 5c Threehundred yards Laces ° and Embroideries. assorted widths and qualities. Hegu- lar values up to 20e. Clear- ing January- Sale. ler QM. Veilings 10c One hundred yards Veil- ings, a clean up of the stock. Regular up to 21e. 10e January Sale per yard V A Big Kid Glove Clearance Take advantage of this op- portunity to save money. We have gone over the Kid Glove stock and picked out all add pairs and sizes. As a result we find that we have about fifty pain of Kid Gloves of various makes and qualities. all colors and blacks. These Gloves are regularly priced at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Jan- 75 nary Sale, per pair.. Round Lunch Cloths $1.10 These are large size Cloths, round, about 46 to 50 inches in diameter, all real Irish linen with tiimming of real Irish torchon lace. Regular $1.08. January Sale $11 • 25 Sample Pieces of Linen Twenty -Hee, pieces of Fancy Linen, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths. etcall travel- ler's samples. For .Tanuary Sale lees than usual prices. Clearance of Suitings and Dress Goods Dress bloods and Suitings, most of them suit lengths only, including most of our high-grade suit and skirt materials. Regular vahtea $1.26 to $2.00 per yard. All gathered toget her and priced for quick clear- ancat per yard1 e • 00 Towellings IOc Two hundred and fifty yards Linen GIAsa yards 2i inches wide. with red border, heavy weigbt and a good dryer. Special for January 10C Sale C ll Belts 19c Fifty ladies' Rests. silk, elastic and leather. Regular 21Sc to 6t1r. All traveller'• samples. Choice of 19c the leu .... X71. White Quilts Fifty White Quilts. double bed Mae. clean and free from imperfection. Regular $1.26 to $1.60 quality. January Sale just fifty to sell 98c et each �7(7�• 3 Yards Towelling 20c Linen ('rah Towelling. reed Polder. put up in threw yard lengths, good Inc tea .w miler towels. January Rale special. per 20c ...rl \lJ�l., Fashi.) :able Coats Re- duced to Clear The buying _'1 any of these means the sax.; ti r of dollars, for the prices ::re :iv.ay below regular. Our desire to clear the Coat racks in January is shown by the decided reduc- tions made in ttte price.. Come early for besthoosing. Black Coats $2.4 Six only Ladi••. It ck Coats. Full leugtb garrnrnt de Irem good quality cloth. SI fitly perfect. Clearing Jan- uary Sale each ..... Tweed Coats $7.3 Lsdiei d Misses' Tw d Coats. A coilectio4an, of really gh-gaade garments. All goo.1 yIr and quality. Regular valor u� to $lo. anuery (+life each .. ....... $2.48 Short Ponyette Four only Black Pony .waist length. Would for children. Cleari January Sale..... .. 7.35 is 98c t e frost., ke oveett Qc • Remark F A spleptlid asso able values for this facturer who was o subject to our appro cided to keep them money on a Fur Co t larmot Coat 545. One only Brownarmor Coat. Thick. class Fua An eestiA quality skint.s.Radar $70.00. January via Sale .. . Rat Coat $50.00 This Coat is made 111 good Quality prime Canadian Rat skins. Tt irk an heavy fur. Is the popular 7-5 length. ni..ely milked. 1 through and through a root of exceptional value. VP specially priced for $50 January Sale at J�IIJ le Values in, r Coats - ment of Fur Coats. Remark - at January Sale.. 'A manu- tocked sent us as Collection 1, priced so low that we de - We can surely save you if you buy it here in January. • Fur -lined Coat wit Mink Collar $55.00 One only Black Far ted ('eat. Shell of good quality Austrian hrnadcloth.lin of choice Rat skin. Collar of good t„(�(� Canadonlian Mink. Thi ie an exceptionally $55.., Regular value $87.5(1, nary Sale we otter it at y Cloth Coats with ' r Collars $13.75 • Six only Ladies' Bi ' Cloth Coats. quilted ligingu, good quality Western Sable • ars. These Coats are decidedly special value. Janu • ('leatance Sale. $13.75 each ............... Fur -lined Coat wit Ladies' Fur -lined C Australian broadcloth. In good style. Genuin January Sale . ... . A High Grade Fur -1 This is the best Fur -1 The lining is of high- quality broadcloth. C beautifully striped. Th the one Coat only to The price will he .00 Men's Coats with Men's cloth Coat. h collar. A strong. nervi Special fol January Sale Sable Collar $42.50 . Shell of genuine pure wool t skilining, well railored,cut 2.50 Alaska Sable collar. �$�''AA11 d Coat 587.50 Coat we have in the store. de Retaking. The shell of new r No. 1 dark Canadian Mink, gular value is $116.00. We have for January Sale. $87.50 r Collar $13.75 5 y quilted lining. German Otter ble and waren coat. $1 CLEARING 0 The Millinery We never carry Mill another. January purchase of sample original prices plac values that are alm the selling sure we Trimmed Hats, and we offer you your ch THE MILLINERY st surely go in January. ery from one season to ust see it sold. A big its at a fraction of their is in a position to offer unheard nf. To make e the one price for all tr January $/.95 'e at A Big Shipment Co W. beve just pewit is pries* is this paper, a big ship ported amok cissa tiaoches uosetallj taumptike prices for HODGENS BROS. f ns. Sheetings, Etc. ttoe tOottoos � kW to - gotsN Them you will Mod January Sale.