HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 9THE SiGNAL : kIrODERICII. ONTARIO ic ft+ 9t StriV St* St St StnfiC Ct* It 910 919 * Ct* The Ne1vs of the District 4 lib*** ******* i.osfebefs.46****454545U pridsy.....Nyere Mergau visited with home of Levi Snyder.. Fred Kur- 51. AUGUSTINE remit/el, Dm. alste Seaforth triende last week (e'en& in Brussels the past w‘eierke.. echimai and daughter are visaing _Mrs. opp wise a visitor with friends at Berlin this week. Nuld Saskatoon. ass willifluX John Richmond, who has been in the %Jr and Mrs. Thomas. \ FOR BALD HEADS. Wiper' perents tbe 9tb A Treatment that Costs Nothing if It Wert for the past few months. re - Miss Janet Andre!! turned home on Fraley.... Mrs. W. Christmas holidays whin Rscho is at present on a visit to rela- Fails. lb. this on vicinity . • • • %VW' Oyes at St. columban %hos Lor- We want you to try three large im of datnekstown..citeetta McCaughey is the guest of her bottles of Hexall 'let" Hair Tonic ‘,ntille.dv.iir_ uncle in Clietono ...Quite a number our per. trial guarantee that the trial eagle -I, wee ... seise shekespeere friends 'mut of the young people went to Clinton will not cost you a penny if it does not tise-.Jes. Wileon, of DetrolWilson. e• Christuisa Day and enjoyed a bowl give you absolute satisfection. That's ji;ereer, Rev. James on the &Hey there. ...Mrs. Kennedy, proof of our faith in this remedy, and to, spent Christmas with their of Florence, is tha truest of her par- it should indisputably demonstrate on es 7th concension .....1seac ens* here alr. and Mre. Biydon. that we know what we are talking 1:cutting wood with hi. of Clinton, 'pent a few hours of about, when we say that Rexall e93" outfit for some of the farmers christwas Day here..... N. Curning Hair Tonic will retard baldnese, over vicinity this week. es and son. James Ci llll ing, were in (lode- conies scalp and hair ailments, and if - rich last week Ili connection with tbe any biutian agency cau aecomplish WESTFIELclosing up of the estate of the late this iesult, it may slso be relied upon D. Miss C. Clueing to promote a new growth of hair. Mostiev, Dec. 30th Remember we are basing our state - sad Ada Stackhouse were visit - PORTER'S HILL. menta upon what hes already been *c- ogs vicioity during the past 34»».y. Dec. 30th. complished by the use of Rexall "9-1" Hair Tonic, and we have the right to Ncrres.-Mr. and Mrs. Kam. Dawson weal of the late Mrs. Welsh aesume that what it has done for y last WAS largely attended and children, if Springbank, spent thoueands of otheis it will do for you. the Christmas liesys at Jahn lox s. n any event you cannot lose any - hang friends. Wilbert tter. of Fort Wayne. Mdals. who hspent the Indiana, and Eard PotLer. of Hik- thing by givirg it a trial on our liberal Ieas vpiarantee. Two sizes, aec and e • easkatchewan, is son, visited in the neighborhood this years . Iteineinher, you can obtain Rexall Hiieinson, st the parented home. of the 9th very returned home fter spendlog their week and brides have La our store -The /treat!' Stoee. lf. C. Remedies in this couiruunity only at 1 is recovering from * honeymoon in oronto. We extend Dunlop, Goderich. stark 01 Petii"ni.:" "nth congratulati ne and a hearty welcome LO the new leer Mr. and Mrs. asi Mrs. Dellert Brown and Alex. Cox ttended a wedding in Wingham t week Mc- lesjusin Brown, of Comber, v are spendine the Christ- Donald au sister Alda, of Detroit, with Frank and Mrs. spent Uhl.' as untlei the parental roof .... . Newton hes returned may friends f Win. Naylor, home aftei !laving -pent a week in o and eine Elliott his foot in the cutting box of Stratford Mr. eg uric/atm. showed their and Mrs. X learns and daughter, of :. by presenting him with Michigan. visiting_ at Wm. John- stonis r and Mrs. 0. W. Pot - thine% hundred dollars. ter and chii a, Harvey and Lilian, DUNLOP. are Prude New Year's at Mitchell. lit. James Sterling spent Ttoteretv. Dec. 31st. Christmas . Iletroit ?DIAS lateer. -The Christ- _ ailment at Leeburn with EA WAWAtIOSH. tree for the little, people. on Meettiee, Dec. 306. Fee. passe,' uff very credi- PRASIOTT. event of con - d heir thprovram, which gime large number gatbered eiderable in et ,took place io Cur- riese scbol se cm Wednesday. De - by A speeeb from the centhe 18t hen William Naylor, of eet, Mr. Linklater. then a East Wawa .1), received cheque in by tee choir, followed hy a reading. entitled -The Min- token of ill ,ympathy of his many he Meeting,read by Miss friends in t community. Several er. Anyone who had reed t" weeks ago Naylor met with a seri- - t hancecould not fail 0115ruiefort e. when -big foot bad to - to be amputat as the reeult of an ay.:l- ee famous -Minutes- taken dent. Sine het time an effort bad vole hun.ortal Pearl Watson try alerting. but revised beeMode his friends to give him to meet threquirements some tang) proof of their regard for e When peopleA five drill by him in , bi rouble. Consequently a . boys ami girls Mvery barge crow ssembled in the school - LA ands pantomime actedhouse for e occasion. A musical was well received.by and literar rograus was given, after gall which hum as served bv the !Adios. recitations by two or three Early in th.roceedings Iie presents, ewer" especially well ren - solo wa.s given hy Master tion to Mr. aylor was made. J. J. delmton, and atter the tree Kerr readin un addles., Mr. Naylor el its fruit, Rev. Mr. replied bri and the eeening was its presented with a' foot- brought to lose by the singing of thenume of a small char- "He's a Joll hood Fellow. , a gift from the young ilLeebern. SLY IN. TCKSDAT. Dec. 31. DAS.—Cbristiii-t. Day very quietly iu town. A y were out of town spend - lir with friends, while quite from here visited in otbee Although there were quite • dvaitors in town it was very khet, it was more like '''is Sun - he were driving, but the set very good. The fact being closed had a tendency decay even iluieter. fleeremen got another call y morning, when Wm. finery turn was discovered fire. Fortunately tbe fire before it had made y and when the greaten Na'alellet Maas playing on it it was weeding w at it seems as if it started of the tw Ise of the hayenow and in Wednesda mist of the damage was Effultwfh 11° Wei upstairs. As yet wedlock to hu C. Durst, • prosper - does not know exactly ousyoung I erutColbornetownship. of insersuce he had on The cereca was performed by Rev. toned nhciiangto prlpegrettreay.He y tilDow is . B. Knec I, of Berlin. Proinptly is Ceiretes. - Word has to at 12 o'cloc while Lohongrin's Bridal reached here of tbe death in Chicago kidding. (Thorns w &red by Miss Ella Or- of Frederick Champion. a native of - Noini ea' 1.)or for tweio, of tea I, cousin of the bride, this place. The deceased had gone to macthe bride ouple, unattended. tofrom bit that city frohis home in Morri illori and three school s fwk Place Monday at noon. their pl in the drawing-roorn. township about five weeks ago in the follaving name, were put which ma ndsoniely decorated for hope of bettering his health, but death J. Milne. by ac- tjj" OCCAyll . The bride was given ensued on December 29th. The de- glwfm ather, W. Treuniner, ceased was born here flfty-ave years .__For councillorar s-4. C- aodawasbY mingly attired in cream ago. Before locating in Morrie niue La_asuroy, A. Carr, G. Powell sae voile d carried a bouquet of months ago, he had resided at Au - see e • For school trustee* bridal rose After the ceremony all burn, Doneybrook. Wbitechurch and wZetsjd)-Dr.Charlesworth, r. 41°Taggart, J. Stothers repaired tA I' dining -room, where a Bluevale. Twenty-three years ago he e Crittenden. Although dainty lin on waa served. About married Mies Martha Milner. and ehe bee Dominated for cotinS cofoorttayacoftitoh mediate relatives of the and a family of six sons and five tilltala, than are required it tele* were present. Mr. daughters blIrvive. Mt. Chanipion awe will be a eoutest. aud Mrs. et left on the 4:32 train, had been in poor health for the past 2djoarned until the even- amid show of confetti, for London five yew*, when he suffered from a and Shute the bride travelling in a severe attack of pneumonia, the ef- 74clid4tea gave an se- as Dr. Sfilne is again Iv- navy blue match. floret'. suit with hat to fects of which he was never able to good wishes of their shake off. Mrs. Joseph Nixon, of seer stewardship for the es further and secure their new e on the Maitland con- and two brothers. Moses and Albert. aceompany them to Lucknow. is *sister of the deceased, c't dAll village, it 'shooed Ina" frie eeillicm. t ke would make a cap- IA,ILLA nie reside at Fordyce and New York City. of the eounty. There Baron county. t 'ost totaioN Narita.- resPectivelv _ - - -- - - vv AND DENERAL. - Mill. Amanda el. who has heen indis- to state that Miss Looks tor The Signal. esesse,,.. . is et present visitirag again. al h she will be confined to Dees R Slit,-nclosed please find one posed for e time, is on the mend I E Canes:tea, Mask. Dec. let h. 1912. Ire dtk ,y. with seaR. urth Mimi(i the hones some time still , dollar. for which renew my subscrie- Fa isher gave n inforrual 1 tion to The Signal. Situated as w . John Denhohn partuyroylaias a nniliberoft Re her friends on I are, aniidst the gun baked dwellers of esiliglw-L-aseslit: "1 PrI'"edD. Charityteato- sardsv. 0. G. the treeless West, we are glad indeed I). siesztee with maids in daaaylltametna t to Milverton on Elatur.1 for the weekly visit of The Goderich the past smelt. he work of Rev. A. D. , Miguel, as it keeps us in touch with the .ne Tiiiitai _,„.. ,,_ Gi•ehlee, is holding communion! current eventa in West Huron. or Miami Nort.h Huron as it is now, and with 'Rue* liaa,ele:abe"kfry••:7:10Mneet..111 "EdrivthicesDu spenin thifieuatndesday with her : the many good friends in good old we ne hTurser and • rss with fri t liummerhill .. . John I in this our fleet year's residence in the open' Mr File icCkhristmlaeirs. hWoildajayil, A‘bWfleehiald.ve had • very successful year Myth visitor* last elastarn 0:111isters harer.liaa and . »nest's ne mese Is nearing commie- I West and are in a fair way apparently nters have twen busy at I to the establishing of a comfortable e and expect to finish home. surrounded by good neighbors .. J. Freeman and fain- and within a mile of the new townsite h, p.nt Obrietanas at of “liassimore" on the Weyborn to Mew Tboa. Pennington. Lethbridge road, C. P. R. The fell Forster and family, of has been &beautiful one here. Thresh. d Mr. and Mn. 11. For- ing all completed In excellent condi- ch. wore t at a tion. Fem. gathering in ?men presen at the home of W. B. 1 where the b oder. d it till De- ristanas Day him ember LA in prime eandltioe. no *II kas Der% wad Mrs. N. brasses were surety ravaged eigli Mg an extimuted visit good crops and good weather to save t West Breech, Mich them In Oils v.ar \ , . r••p , I ftilIT WOW liNire .19 s: , I T A. NIICKNITU : LOT VITALITY 1 -- Caused by Key, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. St. John . 11.. September leth. 1911. -My her was a great eufferer from kidnj. stomech and towel troubles an as given up by two doc- tors. He wi advised to try Fig Pills, which he and after taking five boxes w completely restored to bealtb and better today than he has been for y You can't recommend Fig Pills highly. J. W. MANVERkl. Al. all de rs, 25 and 50 centreor The Fig Pin co eit. Thomas. Ont. Sold in Goderic y E. R. Wigle. druggist. OLBORNE. MONDAY. Dec. 31.n.h. T IIKNSALL. -A pretty solemnized at the home parents, Hensall. on any longer 'camber 25, when Miss Dodds Kidney Pills cure kidney umner was united in dieease ot every stage and kind. KIPPkN. MONDAY, Dec. 3081. W iii *5:0. —On Christmas Day Hugh Mcalurtrie and Miss Polly Cochrane were united in the holy bonde of matrimouy by Rev. Mr. Rich irtison in the manse. They left on the even- ing train for a week's visit with friends. The young couple have the best wishes of it large (elate of friends and acquaintances. BRIEFS. -As usual 1 be Christmas vacatioa has brought its Aluota of visitors who are enjoying the holiday seasim with their friends. The follow- ing Iescbers may I* mentioned ; of Burford ; Leonard 1 of Bruce county : Miss N. Meiregor, of Perth county; Miss Metes, of Vienna, and the Misses Petrie, of Sault Ste. Marie. The follow- I ing students are here also: Gordon and Harvey Gauld and Albert and Mary Johnston, of Toronto, besides many others who are attending school in Clinton. Seaforth or Exeter. Other visitors are Misses Ida and Hannah Dinsdale, front Toronto; Hugh Carueron, from Saskatoon, and Peter canseron, froin Hinderaley, Mask Ou Thursday of last week Miss Ida Dinedele left for Santa Barbara, Cal., to resume her work se stenographer there. Her many friends wish ber abundant success. . Mr. Deuveiler at present is ill with typhoid but is get- ting better rapidly, all are pleased to hear. He is in Dr. Uunn's hoepita.1, Clinton. ..... Miss Mary Hay also is ill with the same disease. Everyone hopes for ber rapid recovery also.. ...The Christmas tee enter- i tamments in the Methodist and Pres- byterian churches were very success- ful. MORE EVIDENCE. Dodd s Kidney Pills Cured Mr. Andef - son of Kidney Diseases of Several Years Standing. Pine Valley, Man.. Dec. 3tith.--(Spe- cialO-Mr. Michael Anderson, of this place, suffered for years with kidney disease, hut is again etrong and hearty. He credits his cure entirely to Dodds Kidney Pills. Mr. Ander- son says: -I am glad to let you know that the I/odd's Kidney Pills you sent me, in lese than one month from the time that I got them, cured Inc. and that is over it year ago. My kidneys have not troublei me since. If persons troubled with kidney disease would use Dodds Kidney Pets, they would not have to suffer from sore kidneys -------- HOLMESVILLE. MONDAY, Dec. 30th. A. 1.00n ..7.triAtidly la% """ Tilgolskaa visited leo *ask . ot Logsdon. is at WW1 her mother "Pot a tail, IN, Clothes Stay White if You Treat Them Right. Use COMFORT SOAP IT'S ALL R GHT" JANVANY .1 I The Advent of 1913 NILE. TUN/MA T. Dec. 31et. Mr. TAW). of .4askatchewan, is visit- ing his t -one ht re. Miti9 Mabel Bailie is snendine her Christmas holidays at London. Mr. and Pere. Lane are visiting at the home of their daughter. M rs. Willens. Harvey Pentland aftee spending Christmas at home has returned to Stratford. Mrs. Lewis Taylor is visiting rela- tives at Mark hem, Toronto and A I tone. Alex. Pentland and family, of Dun* gannon. called 00 Nile friends on Saturday. Wm. Corey. a Nile lel, who has been highly eucce-sful in the "wild and woolly West is raying his boy- hood home a vii it. He naay remain here permanent!: • Mr*. Cannel!, parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, for the Christ/Oa " fe0e3tit;visited her ities and re- l: turned to her mate on Thursday peTheomepeshnriiedstmbayshetrreseigteurtLINtiiiise. Nile was a decided success. Th•ise who took part showed they had been well trained as well as leaving good natural ability. The dialogues. recitations, singing, etc., were of the choieest. The tree was well lo Wed with presents for young and old which were disiributed by Richard. Ethlin in the role of Saute Clem. The funeral of the late James Kennedy, who died at the residence of his, son-in-law, Witi. Mortow„Gode- rich, took pia* to Maitland cemetery ou Monday. December 30th, Mr. Ken- uedy was a highly respected' resident of Nile for over twenty years- and many of his flienda and neighbors paid their last tesken of respect by folloeing his remains to their last resting place. Bald Men Should call and inspect the famous sanitary patent toupees. ae shown bY Prof. Derenwend of Toronto. at the Hotel Bedford on Wedneeday, Janu- ary fitis. These toupees are not only peefece in consteuatiou, but are the only sanitary and patented substitutes for one's owii hair. A Legal Question Answered. The following legal queries were answered in The Toronto Mail and Empire a few days Igo: R. H. A.. St. Augustine. -Qu. ---et municipal council has for several years been taking The Municipal World for each councillor and the clerk and treasures-, charging the sub- scription to the township. Can the money paid be recovered from the treasurer or the councillors? (2) What statute fin bids such expendi- ture? Ane. -Councils can only exercise the authority given to them by the Muni- cipal Act. They can only expend the moneys (which are collected from the people) upon such works and institu- tions as the Municipal Act authorizes or itiptires them to expend money upon. They have no 11101.4, authority to use the funds of the municipality in paying for Tke Municipal World than they have to use those funds in pay- ing for The Mail and Empire or The Globe or any other newepsper. The Municipal Act (section 391) authotizes councils to grant money in aid of any -free library- established undee the Libraries Act. The Free Libraries Act says on it proper petition beiqg pres- ented to the council asking for the establishment of it public library the council may pass a bylaw, %with the as- sent of the elector., giving effect the petition. lf a public library is established in that way newspapers and periodicals may be purchased to be kept in the reading room of the library. Moneys illegally expended may bt recovered from the treasurer or his sareties. 12) I have referred to the stattites relating to. the questicn. eilavehietileiNeeeevieWeseveseeteereo%sea COAL Hay ing purchased the busi- ness, forinerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we tem - pose dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh 'Valley Coal. two line. which are recognized as the best. We wish to giv the people of Uoderich rind vicinity the best service pos- sible, and shall be glad to hear from all of Mr. Holmes' customers and any others who wish anything in our lines. All oitiens left with Jas. Yates, TN est sti e ot, prouiptly attended to. McDonaghOledhill 'Phone No. 78 Yards at G. T. R., Nelson Street PRESSES 1.entth. :7.70 feet Reendtre. 1:15 Si feat Tootouee. 14.500 %Verdes,. ocrl SuSmaelste SJdnala ILOLD ALL RECORDS arrwren CANADA AND LIVERPOOL EmpreK1 of Ireland ..flee. 27 Empress of liritaio.. .... 100. 10„ TuLislan ichartered I -Jas. 24 Empress of Ireland .. Feb. 7 „ Ticketi .tud all iolotrna:lot, flom Any -team.ino agent. or J. Kidd. %gest.' e. P. It, Goaerien. 1.101. tinds us well stocked with all goods that the man or boy requires for his comfort during the winter season. Cloth. Overcoats of a superior quality. pressy Sweater Coats. Caps in the latest styles—but we shall not attempt to itemize the list further. Suffice it to say that if there is anything you want you can get it at ilcLean Bros. SEM: READY TAILORS AND MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Agents for Stanfield s Uushrinkable Underwear and Carhartt Overall NICE NEW YEAR GIFTS Can be picked up in .t shoe Store. It you get among the proper *lasses. it's one of the easiest things in the world '0 get something *liftable -for anybody: lilt be useful, too. And servieeable. And appreciated, you may be sure. Slimier. make an excellent present. Nothing could be more appropriate. say for your husband or brother. We haven lot of Slippers at different prices that would do. Yes. Slippers are all right. So is a dreesy, neat. stylish pair of shoes -for ladies or gentlemen. No trouble to please any taate here- and do it, too, without charging more than you think you ought to pay. W. SHARMAN Corner .East St. and Square •••••••••••111=, CANADIAN - PAC 1 ri 1912 CHRISTMAS - NEW YEARS] EXCURSION FAk E Between all stations in Canada, Fort William and East, and to Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit. Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Minimum Fare, 26c. 1913 SINGLE FARE Good Gong Dec. 24, 25 Return Limit Dec. 28,1912. Also eoing Dec. 31, Jan. L Return Limit Jan. 2, 1913. IFARE AND ONE-THIRD Gocto Going Dec. 21. 1912, to Jan. 1, 1913. I Return Limit I Jan. 3, 1913. Full particulat 8 from Jo, Kidd, C. P. R. agent. tars ore, .1, tas ;Ala t 'IP VV 1N G GIRLS are under double strain - strength to live.and learn and strength to grow—they must have nourishment—not over- loaded stomachs, but con- centrated nutriment to aid nature during the growing period. The wondetful record of Scott's Emulsion as a body- builder has been proved for three generations. It strengthens the bones, muscles and sinews; bode Ma body, trowel weargy sod firm prevents and relieves colds and fortifies the lungs. Millions of delicate and un- developed children have been made 'trent, study sad hearty with Soot's Earmislim • bead so boobs SCOTT& Rent,a Dertese. omen, ma 1 ===1=11 ===11 HolidayGifts REMEMBRANCES U We have a great number of useful' as well as ornamental goods from wnicn:you can make a choice. What would be a nicer and more useful present for mother than in up-to-date Happy Thought Range or a Radiant -Home Heater, two of the best stoves on the market? A number of other Christmas suggestions: Silyer Table,Pessert and Tea Spoons Pearl -handled Knives and Forks Electric Light Fixtures Silver Knives And Forks Carving Sets in.cases Shot Guns and Rifles Coal Oil Heaters Scissors in cases Hockey Skates Brass Goods A Handsome Cornice Ads heti* to the appear.enep and value of your Nome. You would Ivey more for tihouse with MIA° Without one. So would others if your boost - was on the market. TINNING, ROOFING 1NI) CORNICE WORK done by us C411 SIIs ays 1. - by ita fine appearasaiA sad loug wear. If your week* is be- ginning to thaw eigns of age and weakness let WI evitimate on a DeW OThr for you. YCAI *111 1* emrprised at what a low price we will do it for. Carpet Sweepers 11 and many others too numerous to mention. which we.invite you to call and see. FRED. HUNT Herniltori !Street. °eidetic& CHAS. C. LEE Phones; IIII1==11 Store 22 House 112