HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 8c 4: GODgfaCII.
THMIOR ► . J tress
The adoption of Niagara Power will increase the tax
rate, will place Go9lerich in a hopeless position as regards
industrial growth,nd will give us no better, if of worse,
rates for lighting than we have now.
If'in doubt vote against the power
bylaw. Should circumstances later on
show the advisability of adopting the
proposition, the bylaw can easily be
submitted again. On the other hand,
once the bylaw is passed and the con-
tract is signed, it binds the town hard
and fast for thirty years.
'llseiiignel aisle the etateneant last week that rue tax rate would be lo -
ceased 1f .the Niapsra pores! tars:position were adopted. Purposely no at-
tempt was made to figure out the difference in the town finances, until the re-
port of the water and light commission for 1912 should be publiiihed, with the
names of Chairman llluruey, Commissioner Chrystal and Mayor Reid signed
toit. Now we have the signatures of the commisew ten to the statement
Which shows as follows :
In the twelve months December 15, 1911, to December 15, 191.2, the com-
mlmion paid to the town in cold cash, from the profits of the so-called ••juok-
bsap" at the harbor, the sum of $6,500. This amount went to relieve the tax-
power plant did the town water ,camping and street lighting amount-
ing to $2,647.39 ; but the town was not asked to pay the recount. There is an
°Meet to this in the debenture. for water and light capital account paid by the
town, to the amount of $7,420.91. It may be argued that this otteet will be
000tinued, but itis open to doubt whether the new Hydro Commission when
it assumes control will agree to take charge of these debentures. There is no
doubt that the town will have to pay over to the Hydro Coannission the
amount of the town pumping and lighting accounts, w that in any cane there
will be an additional $1,2110 to be provided for out of town funds.
Besides these suras, last year the town plant contributed to the extent of
$1,236.06 to the military camp account. Deduct from this $600 received from
the Dominion Government and we have $7119.06.
`Thus we have :
Cash handed over to town.... .. .. 16,600.00
Difference between street lighting and pumping account, $8,647.32
and debenture account., $7,426,91........ 1,217.41
Military camp account .'i 731.08
This means that Dune will be, as a result of the adoption of the Niagara
power oaptrect, the rum of $7.468.47 added to the burdens of the town tax -
pa ere If the ramp is nut. held here this year the amount inay be reduced
to $11,717.41.
The *mount may actually be touch larger than this ; but $6,717.41 is the
minimmm Those wbo appreciate the desperate condition of the town finances
at the present time will realize how serious this added burden will be.
IIsi the year ending December 31, 1911, the water and light p1 int paid in
Odd clash to the town $4,500 (this includes $1,600 of the $o,500 for tbe' year
•Sing December 15, 1912), and in addition did the town street lighting and
prmptng, $8,709.65. and c ,attributed $1191.78 toward~ the military came sc.
In the year ending December 31, 1910, the figures were: $2,288.1.2 in
o•eh. and $8,423.72 for the town water and light account. There was an ex-
penditure of $1,8111.94 on the sedimentation basin in 1910 ; so the commission
did not have so much cash tohand over to the town. ..
No juggling with figures can get away from the tact that the tax rates
have been relieved by these large amounts year after year by the present
town pleat. Under "Hydro' there can be no such relief -the town, se dis-
abet from the Commission, will have to stand on its own feet financially and
sic pay the street lighting and pumping bills.
Stratford hands over to the Commission $12.000 as a lump sum annually
tor street lighting, in addition to the charge for water service.
At Seatorth the charge for lighting is so much per light -$15 for 100 -watt
ilanp and 112 for 75 -watt lamps.
We do not know, of coulee, exactly what the Commission will charge the
own of Goderich for these services • but the amount will not likely be lees
than is now charged (but not collected) by the present commission, namely,
about $8,850 -and it may be more.
So much for the town finances. Now what do the private consumers get?
Private Lighting Charges Will Be Higher.
At Seaforth, with "Hydro" power, tke charge for commercial and private lighting
le tea (to) cants per thousand watts, as compared with nine (e) cents in. Godes
- rick seder our present system,
For Uuderich the "Hydro" peoole recommend another system of charging
for private -lighting (possibly with the design of concealing the higher price).
The new Hydro method would be to charge a floor space rate of four oent. per
100 deet.. per month, and atter that 4ic per 1000 watts. To compare
this �h he rateanow charged in (iaterich we h ire taken three houses in
the vicinity of Victoria and St. Davids streets for which the writer could-
readNy pnooure the measurements. The results are :
Example No. 1. '
Moore/pace 31ix:33=1254 -. for two wore 2&08 Lss Irl per cent. .'r 58, at -lc
f�saar WO eq. ft.-Wa per month -$11.'4 ler year. Tire c rnsutuer's bill at 9t.. was
slltl 34 ,1.would be $11.58. This added to the floor spice ch'srge makess17 . 1 '
.0 etumer will pey $z7.86 under "Hydro" as compared with $13.17 at pres-
/Floor "Pace 42x28, figured out as in example No. 1, (i‘ es an initial charge
d *40 ear. Charge for current $0.05. Total $15.45 under "Hydro as
pOpsteO i»: to at premed.
Krtample No. 3,
e 551/24, elves wt initial ohm of $11.30. ('haige for current
-% OA& Ssa96 ander •+H as with fie 13 at pyeseet.
'Ns j 1. aid Hstepire of December pghliehee a urspsttalt front Guelph
to tbstalliebbtiatthe, net rate forcornmeteia and privet« lighting in that city,
under *Spiro 'iiaeightcentsnet(compared with eight aqd one -teeth nenta
net tseitederiotl) and a reduction of ten ,pet• cent. ,res ttbOUt to be made.
Gsalpblaatuob soarer Niagara than Oo$esich: so ,inyan" can figure out for
binseelf that Goderich electric light cossttm 'r9 have trotting to expect. from
'•Hydro" in thoway of a reducJ;dNp of ahaules. ituru.t he borne in mind Lb tt
%be polos alighting could be , tnat v riebtornt in (,lade, ich i( the town
plaai wSsssjtot "milked" year after lir the relief a( the general fioasxes
dtbe town.
"Hydro" homier% tell us oLthe farcy &&hogs they cru du with power uai
tbasis-selllgg it two vrd.lpee,tirniel at low rietee lad yet waktn,r a
profit es Its It moods an right. 1.4eMe how it works out in actual practise.
At Stratford the contract rate to the city is $27.10 and the actual charge
by the Oommissiaa int -$30. For Goder,10.14be contrset figure is $37 and the
actual obafge will be anywhere from }NI%p6. do thattstford can t.harge
manufacturers coneklerably lees than Godernh could do. Haut even sit that
' bard! aqy of the large manufacturers of Stratford are taking "Hydro" power.
T tbllowing� Stratford tuanut*Cturere are SOT using'"Hydro" power :
n_lob .Wer•nleke ()o.
McLeod Milling Co.
M Bircwft Co.
Atr.ttO°m did Desk Co.
Kamp Manure Spreader C. o.
lltteeldetd MW Building Oo.
Maslio old Mfg. Co.
G.T.H. car shops. (The (:. T. R. pimple generate their own electric energy
troth Deal)
Tweefthe Mister manufactories of Stratford do use "Hydro" power;
The Mattegian Yuruiture Ue. (Pertlal use) sed the Imperial Hattan Oo. These
two are getting cut, ranee on irreg,i1 r matt -set« engem, to. the
expo.. of the Hydro -electric Commission --lett it is cid. isle or take
the /ewer out.
MOH and Mitchell and Iaatorth, although nearer Nt1gars Limn (iode-
=.10 tr. way mew Industries through their '•Hydro•• moasetion.
4ealbllea 'dead" town.
NUM* esstrseta for Niagara power. it means higher tax rams,
'Mess lessises upon the town's flnsocea, with no advaa age. tbut
>Ath� r to electric light chargee. and a price for power
rstl'ikessely pats Oseill stat rd the nuon for manufacturing iodustrioa.
The Signal has been trying to stow the people of
Goderich where they will land if they adopt the Hydro pro-
position. But what is yo r alternative? is asked. The Sig-
nal does not consider itself an oracle, and does not presume
to say what should be the alternative ; but there are several.
Without any great expense we could put our present
plant in good condition for domestic and street lighting pur-
poses. There is no reason why we should not have day
power from the present plant if the people want it. And
Mr. Murney says the improved plan of street lighting can
be had with no more expenditure of power than for our
present antiquated lighting system.
In this connection a few words about the Kelly estim-
ate of $55,000. This is for a power plant to supply power
to manufacturers. Nobody proposes to go into such a
scheme ; but even if we did we could pay for it out of a few
years' profits on our present plant. Very few people in town
have realized what a money -making concern that old 'junk -
heap" of ours has been.
Another plan would be to dam the Maitland at some
point nearer the town than the Black Hole and put in a
power plant such as Orillia and other towns have. Being
nearer town the expense of hauling material for the dam
would be less. For low wager seasons, if necessary, the
present steam plant could be Utilized. This has to be kept
in working order in any cast', to satisfy the Fire Underwriters
(a point, by the way, that is conveniently forgotten by the
advocates of Hydro.), The capital charges would be very,
much less than for the proposed big dam at the Black Hole;
the whole thing would be directly in control of the town,
and we could use it as we wished for the purpose of inducing
manufacturers to locate here.
Hydro power would not be here for a year at any rate
if the contract were signed tomorrow. Is the town to be in
dread all year of a breakdown at the powerhouse ? If the
plant is in such had shape as some people say it is, some ex-
penditure will have to be made on it immediately to tide us
over the time of waiting for Hydro (if we contract for it.)
A very little move would put it in shape for an indefinite
time, during which the town could investigate, examine and
discuss various alternative schemes.
Is it not worth while making an earnest effort to do
something for ourselves that will give us a chance to attract
manufacturers ? The Hydro plan will tie us up for thirty
years and during all this time we shall labor ander a per-
manent handicap as compared with places nearier Niagara.
CENTURY if it votes for the present power bylaw.
A Letter from Mr. Murney.
seems to be some misunderstanding
about the bylaw to raise $36,0('0, I
wish to explain that this money is for
the purpose of re -modelling the water
and lighting system and adding a
power system in the town.
Our plan for lighting is to place a
100.watt lamp at every cotner and
one in centre of the long way of each
The Square will be' lighted with
ornamental poet/ of a cluster of three
lights each, one on each corner and
one in centre of escb block, making
in all seventy-two lights on the Square,
also eight lights around court house.
Besides, there will be a power line
from the plant to the different
factories. This system dill enable any
person in tower to have light and
power on short notice. By doing
away with the are system and chang-
ing to incandescent system will take
as more power than at the present
time. Fpr eight months in the year
the lights are not turned on until
after six o'clock p. m., therefore this
will enable us to sell power tor Len or
twelve hpurs per day and then use for
town lights all night, enabling us to
derive two sources of revenue.
At the price of Hydro is $37 per
horsepower thin will enable us to sell
to the rectories at a co6siderable
reduction in this price and will give us
our own lighting and pumping at a
( very cheap rate.
One of the greatest benefits derived
from electric power is in the induce-
ment to manufacturers to establish a
factory, as instead of waiting months
to build in a boiler and engine at a
big cwt, they ennld in a very few days
install a motor with their 'hefting at
practically very little cost, and also
use the money thus saved in their
Mr. Pope, the secretary of the Hydro
Commission, stated at Clinton that
as soon as this district can take
enough power to warrant the develop-
ment of the Maitland It c.tteinly
would go on at once. To tiring About
this ooedition itis newesary to eonnect
to the "Hydro" at present so as to
Mild up snifictent htt.fne s to warrant
these contentions.
The cnannssioners state that it is
e eesseary to base the "Hydro"
eo}oected with the Maitland. as there
will (at certain times of the year) be
more power than we require. which
will be transferred to other muni-
cipalities to go to cheapen our power.
W. T. Menem.
ittell lsabs1 Assorisr of tart week. di..cwaing its town .Rajmi save
°Mtevsry ditlault questions will have G. be wisely desM' refit, if
M ppm which has been hastened is to he a anus. ribs to
ars sp home. wary `oe. that It I. cle.r that aiditional renis eeere (IN
Aso* Mbee beagles and other expense.*lururrwi befote the t4emMde lighting
ems Its est.si satiable, ar'
Mr. Mersey says the improved
wast Ilehting mitten will take no
IMO" power than the present syagm.
So we ran have jour as good street
N t*/ with our present plant as
with Hydro If we Ines cin ner ease.
missioners' making the change.
Mr. Murney tell. us of the fancy
things that can be done with Hydro
power in the way of using It for town
purposes and reselling it to manufac-
turers ata low rate. Why don't they
do this at Stratford, for instance,
where they have a better rate than
Goderich it offered and where the
manufacturers will not use Hydro ?
Advocates of the Hydro bylaw are
telling around town that a two-thirds
vote is necessary to carry it. The
statement is untrue, and is made
apparently to persuade:voters who op
pose the bylaw to stay at home
thinking that this would be as effec-
tive as voting against It. A majority
of the votes cast will carry or defeat
the bylaw, and every voter who wante
to deteat it moat poll his vote.
At SL Msrye (much nearer Niagara
than Ooderich) the rates for private
and commercial lighting are consider-
ably higher than in Ooderich, exeept
that private users have an option of a
metre rate .t 9 cents, exactly the same
as the Ooderich rate. St. Marys pays
tbsCoinmiesion seri per letup per year
for arc lamps. ,
Mr. Iteck quibbles overthe "contract
price" for power. Thies (s, strictly
speaking, no "contract prim." but the
estimate accompanying the contract
is commonly termed the "sontrct
The editor of The 8t. lferye Journal
(a Conservative paper) writ.. us : " Bt.
Marys contracted for rMo h. p. at Ma -
60. As we have been using nothing
like this amount the Oomstisaioa has
charged us $118.00 per h. p. until re -
Iron Stratford the "contract pries"
was $97.10. The price Stratford
actually pad was MOO until the revi-
sion of rates a few weeks ago, when it
was redeemed to MOO.
There Is on donht that Goderich will
have to pay mere than $E7 for its
power, beeat,se it will not be able to
take the 1.N amount contracted foe.
All the 8eoteenen and -ores who
seem to the Ilae'.artie menliktos ere
delighted with the Tb.
boys Dtay es M the a�.
ars always ttensiv.1 web •ems.
Idles Martha ldwasda a vt.itatx la TueueL
Kra M. .1. Rea visited hired, at Ekes
bridge Inst wesb.
dormitz Morrow. 1�l�vla of Clinton. is the guest
J•s:.A.141eaa, t MouuL Puree, wee in town
over Ins New Tear holiday.
Jona A. Climbdm has �pa� te n
Lando,. where
he expele to mend the wfator.
bon at tBtttsrA ('IoM
mnrleti ea r Nth.
tee ho.ho . et Kr. mad lira N. W. N(sot►le vaJe6tdaYeeg at
visit Ionia , ies. at Alas. di.0. iltfor . oto •
Mies Viola Peemostee of Woodstock, gent
New Year's wit& 1[r. and Mrs. C. M. Moe/
Mnt. T. T. (solos and son. Moate/N, here
been vl•ltiag hi Tsckarrmltk to ped west -
Mae Mary Hendry, prormalmel ulna 01
C,b10 o. is vlrltiag at th...,1.1 forme in town.
Mn. Manning sed ds as Mr.
Mies Ikea, of
a, are vhhryt Mr. and Mr/ M. W.
lemm15. Olive
a witHem, of h their her. Chas.
Mrs. Grainger. of Mir wen, Bask. M Sem on
• visit to her mother, Mrs. Waiters, Park
Mr. .ed Mr. CM•. Swanson and fa l of
W lankale. are inmate or M. C. M waneon, Hrsw
Mr. sod Mrs. Jobe Shaw. of Paris, are visite
at the home or Mr. and Mrs. J. C. L
Capt. 11. P. McCarthy has arrived bosun for
the winter atter melee hie host sip at Port
Meese Vera sod Lena rJuou are.peodt•
few Rase s1 Lassies, the derail or Mr. and Mrs,
A. tlserw
M4 V. MW.aw, teacher to Victoria sonata e
speeding the Cbrlatm.s holidays at bar Mame
la Reit. r.
Mies MN' of Kith.. t the Christ.
mss holidays with r imolai, Walter and ( x
Delius Moose
Harry Watem. who spent the pad 4x
me.Abs at Regina is hams t..4 am( spool lbs
'dotes L tows,
Jake weal. of Port Arthur. s.emerty of
Godarbb. Is reaswlat old aoesal,ora.om la
town this week.
Mr. sod Mrs. Harry Hillier or Tereuto, are
.tlngtows this week. Mr.. w
ex Wb . 0108wigvisit.
Mr. and Mia 0. 1 . Wbl•ely a.4 Me. Norma
have been ma)dnt • weak'. 5dle.y vet .e
Owosso, Miohytan.
Edward woman.. and dasgatere. Makii
and Amy, of Parllaad. Alta. are bre os •
visit to their relative/
J. Ale.. Maotwnnan. of Toronto. 1. to time
today. He has boeu the Wally*
with his reloads in AdaaL.
*lama who
can Road flosadaolhad bisa w.tl rt
tae Amo
take a minim la Ham4wMR lest estates, r
Mew GW Lsady. of Kith. Nese Now
limed with amid and MUM. Mr..ad, Mra
C. M. Moore. Tenses
Mr. and Kra, Jess Shaw. of Gail tars,
Seek., arrived lest week ea • visit to relative.
.d Mends
in 0e 01sn and vi�dta+aa ir.
.d 0 eleaut *9f arises min. mos
Mir Irene T of Ayr. � Mks Ger
Lbrt Yo.bs,_ a[ tJte
Uhrtdtnee Mt1a•y's at Lash 11.6::::711t&
Jobe &. C. i1li.hi. ma of rev. Amok borne for tea beaky. tram Msntae.t wh.e`
be beg been seadytas law ter W past two
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D.ante rater.
of tondos. epees the wilt Mees.
Balloon M,a 8.1... seseemanlen
them on their rotes
Mr/ Jas. Macooasid sed Me. Alb and
Kanter Floyd. at. M. Mary.. formerly el Go4e
doh, spent
pnt the Christmas Malley. with r.
aMrs. J. L Aitken.
J. IS Cbalea er, of Edgerton. AIS, and
Mkt. Anuie Cmalisecor teacher. of Listowel,
..peeling the hdl4ais with their parents at
I akevew, Elide avenue,
Bart Gordon. who he. been teaching school
In the Wed, Is dating at the old boom In
town. He will resume him studies .t tinseled
University atter the holidaye.
W. H. Harrlron who had been • pottiest at
Alexandra hospital fur too day/ following an
operation forettis. h.. been remorse
to he y homa hopes to be able to Tetsuo to
business In the cobras of . few days.
Mr. and Mr.. Donley Johnston end daughters.
Dorothy sod Mildred, of Pre.ton, were at. s
Johnston'. old bonus in town for Christmas
Mr. Jobn.ton has returned to Preston but Mrs.
John.ton is 000tiuuiog ber visit here.
Mr. and Mr.. H. 11. McCreath. of Toronto.
were holidaying with the former', parents.
Mrs. McCreath will remain in Uoderleh for •
few weeks. R. G. Wellmglon Scott accompan-
ied them here and remained for • few day..
Mies Mae Boyd is visiting her sister
in Toronto.
Miss Bert Yates is home from
Chicago for a holiday visit.
W. J. Towersey, of Hamilton, was
in town for a few days this week.
Miss Alice Waite has returned to
Toronto alter a Visit to her home here.
Arthur Baxter, of Chicago, is a holi-
day visitor with relatives and friends
in town.
Rev. A. E. Alibi. of Saskatchewan,
is visiting his relatives io town and
MinitissMaud Watson, of Toronto,
spent the New Year's holidays et her
home here.
Rev. Father O'Neill, of Parkhill,
visited his mother, Mrs. O'Neill, of
town. last week.
Conductor and Mrs. Jas. McDonald
and family left last week for their
home at St. Marys.
Mrs. Jae. Martie and daughter, Una,
of Teeswster, spent the Christmas
holidays with J. J. McEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbert, of Toronto,
Our 1913 Program -The Huron (leoollue Eo
gine & Machinery r:o.. 3
Wed Harm Agricultural Sooiety-J Ades
Oona. to Rent --J. P. Brown 1
Jaaaery 8ale of Fors -W. Acheson t Sm 5
Your Savings- E. V. Caoplon & Co 1
After C uestmas Pedals--G.o. Porter e
California sad the Raney Sesta-F. F. L.Te
mas ft Hose 5
'nese Dixie ('horse Y. M.C. A. $
Coming -Prof. Pember,.
PnbU. Nolioe-O. W. tatter... ..... 1
Neale i Creditors -M. G. Cassano1
Reader -O. T. R
At Hotel R.dterd-Pref. DmeswaN.......
The Adele/ et tett-McLean Ines t
The Firer Day of the Jiesary e.0..selgem
Brine •
stack taking gale - Howell H.rewase Ob$
Rev. W. J. Masers and Or. es. s' M
sal May •
Mnaat Waete4-Mia C. S. `ssgede 1
T. the Ream. i. L MellMss
eeevsrt Wanted -Mm. W. T. sigede t
Leet Warned -L S. Aasr...... 1
menials Csed-.J. C. Lellewelts
Mlssrsee t.1 -Atm. teras
' Loam Aeseases-testa Menem Caftan
T.ee....... . . r
Ranier• -int tone's. ........
Miosis -ns Card- Tram A.
Oast Me. - hem heiress. &tats. 4
o.14 er Meal* Ma. Ma lest t
Mestlse bd-rimed Serie 1
Meshes rnee-Imes Mssesdeesea....... 1
Dwane One.- J. J. Meer..
=settee oast -W. a Mobs= •ro$
Rw4w.Ckslt Nests stags llsibdkt Mored
U• see Mame ter Oese -w. Oi Pal im.- 1
wets guano of J. J. McKwes CUs
week, while in town on their weakliest
lies. f►. hiohol. Ne{`na �are�t, or.
been y ill. Her Mende
that a sage for the better will soon
Mr. t:ooquest and his tltrol, of
Niagara Fans,veal the rtatptas-
tide in town. the weight of Judge and
Mr.. Holt.
Mrs. and Mrs. R.dditt and daughter.
of Barrie, ars trje&Uiug at the home of
Mrs. lteddltt's rrueots, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Mac Vicar.
Mies Young has returned from a
visit to Loudon and Detroit and is the
guest of her brother, Jas. H. Young,
stapley street.
Mrs. Getz and Mies O'Reilly, of But-
tal°, epeut the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly. They
were accompanied by their niece, Miss
Kerbs Nolan.
Mr. and Mrs. ie. ti. Wetmore and
daughter Ardis, of buffalo N. Y., re-
turned to their home on Friday atter
spending two weeks' holiday. with the
former'. mother, Mn. J. C. Martin,
and husband, Angle.ea street..
Mr. and Mrs. John. J. Rowland,
who were vleitiog Christmas" week .t
the home of Mrs. Rowland's motber,
Mrs. T. O'Neill, Trafalgar street, and
oleo at her brother John'. at /Singe -
bridge, lett Tuesday for their home at
Mount Carmel.
Mrs. D. tl. 8Lgi1dart spent the
Christmas and Ne* Year's holidays
with her son, Rev. W. W. fitoddart,
at Rochester, N. Y. Slee was aosom-
panied home by Mrs. W. W. Stoddart
and two children, who will make a'
two weeks' visit here.
Cowen's *ems to i
right spot. It is a jjp•
food for �t Tottat'
easy to
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