HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 5•
T'auxuDAT. JAN , AMY 4. 1913 •
Asthas<s Cats rh
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a�tWlt< coo COLDS
eso Salary for Magistrate. 1 A New ''Sr'as Gift.
Towu Clerk Knox has received of- I Whtlt the bugle band were in readi-
& al information that the =Aaron- noes to blow the old year out and the
new year in nn New Year's Eve, the
members of the band presented their
bugle major, John Story, with • hand-
some purbe, as a token of the esteem
in which be is held by the band.
Mr. Story is quite proud of the gift.
New Year's Wedding.
A prettyNew Year's wedding was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Benjrmio Keane MacDonald
street, (I,ydericb, on Wednesday of this
week, when their daughter, Miss
Pearl, became the bride of Robert Mo -
Bride, of Hamilton. The ceremony
leaning his revolver wee the weapon
was pertortned at 11:40 o'clock by Rev.
was discharged, the buffet grazing his J. B. Fothetimghsm, rector of St.
cheek. it is understood that the G4orge'r church. The bride was
dressed in s handsome gown of silk
carpe over satin. After cougratula-
tiocs were offered the happy couple the
wedding party partook of a sumptuous
wedding diaper. Mr. and Mte. Mc-
Bride then drove to the G. T. R.
station and bearded the 2.40 train tor
their new home in Hamilton, the
bride travelling in a dro.e of blue
Ootmcil recently passed, appointing
Waiter E. Kelly police magistrate at
a Wary of $*)U, has been amended by
the elimination of the clause referring
to the salary. This action was taken
as a result of the protest entered by
the town council against the appoint -
went of a salaried ma;(istrate.
A Close Call.
1 narrow eteepe from a fatality uc-
cti •d in the rooms over the Hank of
Al • areal about 9 o'clock this (Thurs-
,: a) morning. 1tappears that E.
t'.'.4ttmote, the teller of the bank, was
wound is not a serious one. The In-
jured watt is being cared for at Alex-
andra bospiW.
Death of John Prang.
The death 01 a former resident of
Godericb, in the person of John Prang,
took place, in Stratford hospital, fol-
lowing an illness of several months
from parelysis. The deceased was a broadcloth with white beaver hat.
native of Zurich. For several years The bride received waO beautiful
he and his family lived in Goderieh,
residing on Victoria street, until about
four years ago, when they moved to
Stratford. Early last year he suffered
a paralytic stroke, from which he
never recovered. He leaves bis widow
and one son. his mother, one brother
and five sisters to mourn his loos. The
remains were interred at Exeter.
Goderich Collegiate Lecture Course.
The first of the Collegiate Institute
course of lectures will he given in the
roure house on Friday evening, Jan -
eery 10th next. The subject is •'Ger-
wany and Britain," a subject cf very
great interest at the present time, due
to the keen rivalry between these na-
tions. The lecturer is P.A. Horning,
of Victoria l'olleg,', who has spent
many summers in German}- and has
recently spent a whole year there.
where he had the opportunity of
studying the people. their aspirations the brumes.' of the council for the
and c4pabilltles. There are a great year. Before rising to vacate the
many old stuelent4 of the Collegiate in chairs s motiva was Made by Reeve
(:oderieh and the t•twnships adjoining _MMunnings, eeeonded 'by C7puncillor
,e rejoiceto have the
who will no d tot rel rc h
orportunite,, of attending th-se Tec-
tnres to receive the intellectual stimu-
lus which they are intended to give.
There ought to he a good :400 who will
take advantage of this course of lec-
presents, the groom's gift teeing a
pearl necklace and a set of mink furs.
Awung those present from a distance
were John McBride, a brother of the
groom and Miss Brown, both of
Hamilton ; the Misses Rogers, of
Blyth ; Etuwerson Evans, a brother of
the bride. and Clifford Palmer, both
of Stratford. The bride's friends in
town offer congratulations.
Council 081912 Finishes.
The final meeting of the town coun-
cil was held in the council chamber
last Friday evening. The bylaw
authorizing the sale of a strip of
Harbor Park to the \Vebtern Canada
Flout Mills Co. was finally passed, and
a motion was made by Councillors
Laithwaite end Prllow that an addi-
tions' $1,000 insurance be placed on
the town hall. Councillor Graham
was the only one whet objected to this
,notion. This practically concluded
swore•.•• tee.
A shoots. tote anJ .escu,'t bestow et Inv bros.
ental Wub4M, •itb.,,4 deo./ the ...a•a.5 Fab
d. era. L ...I • as awe,. tor thine Teo..
The e:r Gay •ie4 the eat lie f los ?ache. 1•••ueed
Udell ever, b.e.tb. o..',r t,...lt.,a/ e.-,, ..,.the
the eons throe'. and u.,t4 the leye.. aa.urieg resu[ t
n.ahK C.o...kre .• W. ..:,.•..''. to o..014r• ..,.
).eat tllre a rout • I,• K.M 10 enterers rr....
awlai g..d .4 post..1l.r u.•c,.pti.e booklet.
ALL DN000I•T5.
T,rat /MT ilo" the ..rill.n
Ter 4 • •.ore..
c01,11,11 and
.a t,,., d. ua/ier or truth
U.. lee. u arca.. t.
Vapo Cresolwa Co.
vet CwtWt 54.. g.T.
[�eoe.a ..Cres Boo...aa
llontrsal. Can.
The most delicious thavorr,with
the hest and pureet Cream. nerv-
ed at the BALMORAL CApi. Or-
ders by telephone for ice Cream
in bulk or in bricks attended to
promptly. Telephone el.
1 bavc plenty of
Gas Coke now. Can
fill all orders prompt-
ly. Phone 127.
Geo. F. MacPhee, writing trona I like it here very much, and are having
Edmooton, Alberts, to renew his ; delightful weather -Do snow, and
subscription to The Signal, says : ,• Ws 1 suosbine every day."
We retrad to be the hauling Garage in Ocderich and Huron County.
TO give everyone the best ruerible service by, means of satisfactory work
and -testing value on all goods sold.
To vivo epeeist attention to bicycle work and to carry & full rto-k of
Part - necessary to do this.
To continue to handle a god line of gasoline engines at' to Jo any work
neoes-at y to engines already installed. tI
111 fact, we intend to make all our customers our FRIENDS.
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
htilll'H1('H. ONT. Ieiosix =4a)
Model School Results.
The following candidates were
successful in obtaining Model School
teachers' certificates as a r.•sult of the
recent examinations at Clintuu Model
School: L,uise B'stoo. Clinton : Ethel
B. Case, Dungannon ; Florence A.
Chapman, Ri ley: Edith F. Deadman.
Brussels ; Almeda Finkheiner, ('red-
iton : Wesley Jackson, Clinton : Edna
P. Levis. Clinton : Ellen G. Levy, Car-
low ; David McClinche , Auburn
Grace A. McLean. Kintait ; Mabel F.
McKinley, Blake : Edna l'. Maelfwan.. Rev' Arthur Carlisle officiated. The
Goderrc i ; Stella H. Morrisb, Goderich : pallbearers were :. Messrs. A. B. Lewis,
John B. ewton. Lucknow; Margaret A. G. Roberts, W. Edgar. A. L.
Pick, Fit field : Milton Plunkett, Wilkinson, F. Allworth end 1. F.
Auburn : Harvey W. Reid, Varna :
Thoinas A. Rodgers, Westfield : Fred
G. Sloman, Clinton ; Eva M. Sperling.
Beechwood ; Margaret H. Smith,
Lucknow ; Mildred Spence, Lucknow :
Herbert Toll. Blyth ; Leslie I. Was -
man, ('linton; Margaret \Vebh. Bt.
Helens : Rebecca M. Woods, Meaforth.
Pellow, and unanimously carried. that
a hearty vote of thanks' be tendered
the Mayor for his untiring efforts and
agteeable,lnanner in performing the
duties of hi: office :.i head of the 1
Funeral of the Late Mrs. Willoughby.
The Windsor Record of last Friday
nuke- the fellowinz reference to the
funeral of the late Mrs. iCapt. 1
Willougni.y, who mused away on
Tuesda` of last week : '-The remains
of the la'e Lillian May Willoughby,
wife of Captain W. J. Willoughby,
142 Dougall avenute, who died on iter
birthday, Uecemher ''Mrd, were laid to
rest Thursday afternoon :ti St. John's
cemetery, Sande icb. Services were ]
held in All Saints' church, of which
the deceased was a devout worker.
The Grand Trunk Railway is the
most direct route from all points
East through Canada via Chicago,
Detroit, or Buffalo.
Round trip tourist tickets. giving
choice of all the beet routes, to-
gether with full information. may
be obtail:ed from any Grand Trunk
F. F. Lawrence d- SOM. Town
Passenger and Ticket Agents, Gode-
rich. 'Phone 8.
The Annual Meeting of the Union Bank of Canada Wall held at noon
Tuesday, December 17. at the Head office, Winnipeg. Tee meeting was
largely attended.
The chairman read the annual report of the directors as follows:
The directors l.eg to present to the shareholders the following statement
of the result ."f ' -iness for the year ending 30th November, 1912, together'
with a etatem, ..f ''te assets and liabilities of the Bank:
Forty-r.ght Annual Statement, 30th November, 1912.
Balance at credit of account, 30th Nov. mber, 1911 $
Net profits for the year. after deducting expenses of manage-
ment, interest due depositors, reserving for interest and
exchange. and making provision for bad and doubtful debts,
and for rebate ' n hills under discount, have amounted to
.being slight'.y over 14 per cent. •,n tta average paid-up
capital during the year).
Premium on New Ftook:....L
$ 826,388.0e
will present
A Temporary Separation.
An awkward incident occurred at
Clinton G. T. R. station on the Satur-
day night previous to Christmas. A
mato and woman coming from Co-
bourg were on their way to Lucknow
for the holiday season, hut before
reaching Clinton they decided to tome
on to (oderich and spend the week-
end with friends here. The husband
Refs rff the train at Clinton to secure
the necessary tickets. and his wife.
believing that it was neceoeary to
change trains in order to go to (lode -
rich stepped off atter him. Not see-
ing his wife on the station platform
the mon boarded the train es It moved
out for Ooderich and was painfully
surprised when he discovered that his
wife was missing. The lady way taken
to rhe hotue of a Clinton citizet: and
on`the arrival of the train at Gode-
rich the husband was telephoned and
informed of his wife's whereabouts.
The husband drove to Clinton and the
young couple were re -united the fol-
lowing day.
Godwin -Wright.
"Richmond Villa," Richtouod Hill.
Ontario, the home ut Mr. and Mrs.
Amos J. Wright. was the scene of it
very pretty wedding on Tuesday after-
noon, December 24th, when their only
,laughter, Myrtal L.Irine, was united
.n marriage with W. Orville Godwin,
of Washington, D. 1'. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. William
Godwin, of Sweab ur'g. Ontario, form-
erly of Goderich. father of the groom,
assisted by the Rev. Dr. G. Sydney
Smith. of Richmond Hill ; Rev. R. J.
Mc('ormick, of Holmesville, Ontario,
and Rev. C. E. Currie. of Richmond
Hill. The bride entered the drawing
room escorted by her father and
looked charming in her gnwn of ivory
-titin brocade with eoort train, wear-
ing a Juliet cap and enitroid.red veil
caught with the orange blossoms and
1111y.of-the-valley worn hy her mother
and carrying a shower bouquet of
roses and lilies of the valley. She was
attended by her cousin. Mins Helen
Alexandria* taw. of Detroit. Mich.,
who was gowned in pant pink ehar-
Irlsmee with tunic of secostros•.ple•ted
chiffon and cap of seed pestle end
dewdrops, and carried • shower
bouquet of piek roses and Mee of the
wsflsy Little Mias Med Currie
tufo(.. flower gist w. sedtild •
basket of e•mation. 11✓ groom
misted by his brother. UMPlesidwis.
of.Torrruto. Tl1sweddhop mem* was
played by hies Pawls Gledwis. and
daring the sig los of the rsglster a
sob was rendered buy Mins Ethel
t3wstnee. After the reegation • buffet
10•161 11111 was served. Mr. god Mrs.
Godwits lett fora trip to Fort W •
Tod.. sad other prints. attar which
they will be at home in Wa.hington.
D. O. The Ar'oors's Ott to (.M stride
was n sositlass of whsle pawls, so lb
bridesmaid • mem ring. to the beet
omit • 1M paw and pins to the ethers
Whit.,. A large number of out-of-town
relatives and friends of the bereaved
family, J. J. Mernet', M. P. P.,
and 'wife. of Zurich. Ont. : T. C.
Graham. of New York ; Mrs. ('has.
Lindenfleld, Exeter, Ont. ; Miss Ida D.
Graham ; Mr. Geo. Minke ; C. F.
Preston . and wife ; S. L. Parke
and wife, of 'Cleveland. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Graham. mother of Mrs. Wil-
loughby. and daughter, Maude, of
Goderich. attended the services. The
floral offerings were numerous and
beautiful. and expressions of sympathy
were reoeived by Captain Willot Airy
from lake captains fr all parts of
the country."
The Epic of
the Negro
Victoria Opera House
Which has been appiied as follows:
Dividend No 100. quarterly. 2 per rent ....racrs...r 44*
No. 101. quarterly, 2 per cent e.
" No.. 102. quarterly, 2 per cent. • , , :>v
No. 103, quarterly. 2 per cent
Transferred to Root Account $ 195,360 00
" Premium on new- stock 47.589 00
' Written off Bank Premises Account.
Contribution to officers' Pension Fund...-, ats.a+ae-
Balance of Profits carried forward s.r■.
Speouletien in Land. --A good deal has been said about speculation is
land.• The increase in land values has aided enormeualy to the assets of
western business. and has to surae extent formed a basis for extended credit.
but tbla is not felt to be a drawback when the value is real and converebie.
We consider that a business standing which is strengthened and enhancer"
by property holdings is entitled to a reasonable enlargement 1,1 credit for
legitimate business operations. The danger dee in epeculati(ln.oand tblp
bank should. in the future. as in the past, set Its face steadfastly agat> t
tide evil. -
The general manager, Mr. G. 11. Balfour, addressed the tr . ,ting as fel-
Were: --
Gentlemen,-It affords me much pleasure to welcome so t +any' share-
holders as'are present at this, the first annual meeting to be hell in the new
home of the bank The large number is an evidence of the interest mani-
fl+ted in the welfare of the institution by its western aharehol4ert
The reasons. for n.al int: the .•iiange in the head .office have been fully
explained by the President.
The wisdom of the course adopted has been always full' concurred in
by me personally. and, indeed, its n' cesBity had become very apparent dur-
ing the past few years' ewtng to the rapidly incre•aeing volume of business
transacted by the bank In these western -provincee.
The ['resident has given you some figures bearing on the general .x-
punalon of the hank's posttiup during the past eight yeare.
It may., however. prove. interesting to you to learn :n this commse tion
that. whilst the l.anit h:ut eight'. -four branches in 1904, on the $0th of
Novemb. r. 1812. it had two hundred and eighty-five branch.-. and the num-
ber ut_4.ftic(ala empl.'yed had increased from 420 to 1,387 in the same period -
These figures roust bear convtneing testimony to the steady progress and
expeneie.n made in the past eight years.
Of these 201 new branches. 132 have been opened west of the Great
m Comparing the tisures in the balance -sheet. now under review, wife
those of November .30th. 1911, it will be noted that the deposits have id.
cleared by 310.400.01,0, namely. from $46.23_.460.(0 to '855.643.353.9P. These
flyjres are considered very satisfactory and enrourea-mg.
The subscribed capital. stock het baron fully paid W during the year, ani
now stands at $5,000.000.
99 .044.60 The reef account has been increased by 8243,000., t,ringing It up to 13.-
100,000.00 3t•0,000, or 66 per cent. of the paid-up capital of the bank.
100,000.00 The total assets are $11,000,000 greater than in 191.1. Thjs y
is largely
accounted for by the -increase In •the depwtits above referred to.
242.940.00 Bearing in mind the exceptionally heavy repcneese incurred during the
year incident to the transfer of the head office from Quehe.• to Winnipeg.
100.1,000.00 and to the opening of s.• many new branches, we are well.satisfled with the
10000 00 result of the years operatives, namely, a net profit of alightly over 14•
5.483 76 per cent. un the average capital paid up.
1 may say that the full cost of opening a branch is written off at abs
end of the first baK-year of its operations. This is a very heavy item la
the aggregate when a number of branches art opened in any one year.
In the matter of steel chests alone. the bank has up to date invested
more than 1350,00', all of which has been paid for out •'f its pruflt5.
Coming to the ante's, it will be seen that the holding of gold and gov-
.rumen notes is 8700,000 tnore than last year, being additional cash reserves
held against increased liabilities in the nature of larger deposits.
Notes and cheques on other banks in Canada. whilst 11,000,000 in excel.
of 1911. merely represent the daily'accumulated items for 'exchange with
other banks.
The additional 1700.000 due by agents in the 'United Kingdom peruuns
to money loaned :n. London by our branch there.
The bank has increased its holdings of government, municipal. railway.
61, and other debentures and. stodta during the year by 81.000,000. and its loans
and bills discounted current by 89,000,000, bring these two forme up to 33.-
782,063.70 and 845:015.074.74 respectively. Thte ie in the nature of a general
expansion in the business of the hank.
It' was then moved by Mr. John Galt, seconded by Mr. William Price
and Mr. It. T. Riley that the report of the direc'tor's now read be adopted
and distributed amongst the shareholders..
Mr. R. T. Riley spoke as follows: '
have L,llow-ed with ea much interest ae anyone present the very
a of the president -like everything else that he hag undertakentareen well done and you can accept with confidence every statement
maand be assured he has the endorsation of all his • olleaguer on the
"I am glad we have with us today some of our friends from QuebeAs
Montreal and Toronto. who doubtless hold the proxies' of many of our
ern stockholders. The hulk of our stork is held an the east, and I wish
emphasize the fact that when the wise men of the east referred to by
8 6.627.783.30 Galt saw the star of prosperity arising In the west and followed It, they did
not abandon everything for this new vision -far from It -nor have their sue-
eeesora--for the business of the Union Bank in the east is larger today then
ever before and will In no way suffer by reason of the removal of the head
quarters of the bank. to a point 1,500 miles nearer the centre of its activities,
but there will he a well balanced extension all over the Dominion of Canada,
with the centre rather than the extreme east as headquarters. e
The six months' ex' erienee your Winnipeg direetore have had of head-
quarters work has been sufficient to give them seine idea of their new and
• increased responsibilities -responsibilities not accepted without some head.
Lotion -for a bank is something more than an organization for making
money for its shareholders. it Is a highly organized and intricate piece of
machinery that is at the disposal of the public to facilitate the conduct
busyness -a public utility enjoying special privileges and .. is just as mu
the duty of the directors of a bank to see to it that theme privileges are not
Abused as it le to protect Its ehareholdere who after all own.but a small
percentage of the enormous mums of money passing through their hand*
"Like the president, I take a very hopeful view of the future. OW
shareholders will never regret the conftdenee wan by electing a majoti�
of their directors in thle city. The west ham always been well advertised -+-
never so well as at the present time. It was never quite 'so 'wild
woolly' am rearmed. nor is it now as extravagant and epeeulative as desert
by some. it is true the westerner spends some of hi. money freely and 1
eddy, probably because he makes it easily --but there is underlying On
western community an element of good Scotch conservatism introduced
the Hudson's Bay factors- the ford Selkirk colonists and this good Scot
Tr�rsln/te has'heen well built into the foundations of our commercial life here
we shall endeavor to carryout the advice of our president, the Palle(
pbraseoloree of which 1 cannot res ember but which interpreted Into the
lar is 'Be sure you're right . then go ahead.'
'T have much pleasure in seconding the adoption of the report."
Mr. William Prlre. of Quebec. expressed the pleamure that It gave him as
the eastern vice-president. in visiting Winnipeg. to meet with the western
hareholdera. and stated that the eastern board In handing over the eontrdl
the western directors. did 3o with the utmost re ntfdence that the MUNI'
the Bank would be Ir wood hands. be capably administered. and the lei-
sure dev,:. emrnt ..f t1.' lo/ el no •- • ay.e„11,d en•roroel r„ -.,ff. 14 nee
The motion was then rarrled.
1t was moved by Mr. W 71 Allan seconded by Mr. Stephen Haat,. that
the meeting now proceed to the election of director. for the ensuing y4Pr.
,and that the -ballet t.ex. for the receipt of votes, be kept npee until a quar-
ter past one o'clock, or until five minutes have elapsed. without a vote being
offered. during which time proceeding. be •suspended. -Carried.
11 wait moved hy the Hon. W. H. Montague. r e. and seconded by Ni
.las Flehtr, h 1'. that the thanks of the shareholders are hereby tandere4
8p flee honorary president, the president. and the dire toe of the hank for
their valuable services during the year.
'Item the Hen. W H Montague, P.C., delivered the followir.g:
The president and gentlemen.
1 have been esker' hy a number of the .hareholdere to propose a resole
ties. 1 am quite purr that the shareholders of the Vnlen hank have
very /Ouch graufled to receive a .tatenrent of affairs presented at chi•
lug. This statement ei affair. 'shows the hank to be in an exc'eptlo
prosperous condition. and 1t demonstratee a. well that a met proem
motley has been pursued during the past year The more elowely the stMe-
nr•nf is examined the better the repeats appear In he. •
As the president has stated. 'hr universal prosperity ..f Canada. ccutiles,
with the marked advance which ie heing made n 'cvery brand. of oar r,
Meese"! and commercial life combine to make Canada at the present tine
=bit for toe growth of an institution such se the Union beak i• Revak
t`aktsu air, we rrevtfnlze and trust that the splendid results whieb haver beer
sr.!ieved during tie peat year maid only have been achieved by an instlW-
tierl• whose board of dor etors were Milled and wide awake business meek
1 s•ove, s .onded by Mr .pares. Flakier. K C , that a very hearty vote IM
tirade be presented by the shareholders to the honorer) president, ter. p
`Ira(. tind the hoard of directors of the Union letlnk .4 Canada fee the mans.
In wbkit they hates discharged their duties
* Jas. Fisher ;n a few well-rh1.4n word. •..'.,n4.4 the seetdsn wee!
was t� earrl0.
It waw moved by Mr. M Ault .seeded he F. 6" A. 1P1.V.vtsaR K.0 , the
file thanks of the:!-_;,...„1-...Idere are hereby
sr neer.," to the rename
•1•e�'. vee•r& manager. sup.rintendrr.t.. innpr4fwr• mai rewire •ud PIM
t7 a tphaestba�sekarfor thele div„t1 fI end 04.111 Iw esu. rr--4.-e ell .t'a hang
r t(7 11 Raftbur. to aid M►. 31. a. 61::',.....:::::"..."1":
na/fer. replied briefly en ItwM of the ataff
scrutineers appointed at 'he mew/lug reported
Y directors for the •nanln year lion. leaka Me. e• 1+••
$ $26.388.00
Thursday, Jan. 23rd
on the Y. M. ('. 1. Course.
Pert 1. -In the Jungles of Africa.
Seen re - The Hunt - Prayer for
Hein - Offerings of First Fruits
Selling Slave to Malay Chief -
Initiation of Youth to Manhood.
Part 11. -On the Mississippi.
Scenes -In the Cotton Fields -In
the Prayer Meeting.
Pert t1i.-On the Lyceum Plat-
Solos - l: horur:es - Banjo -- Violin
and Con ertiva music.
Tickets -60c -50c --35c.
Notes of 'the Bank'in circulation
Deposita not bearing interest $ 14,423,1813.15
Deposits bearing Interest 41.211,141.83
$ 4.711.5.34.00
Balances due to other Banks in Canada 266,737.45
Balances due to Agencies of the Bank and to other Banks la
Foreign Countries 1 422 62
Total Liabilities- to the public $ 60,773,048.05
Capital paid up
Rest Account
Reserved for Rebate of Interest on Bills Discounted •• el*
Dividend No. 103
Dividends Unclaimed
Balance of Profit and Lose Account carried forward
167.337 63
$ 69,408.227.91.
Thursday, January 9
Popular Lecture -talk on Dr. Bar-
nardo's splendid Lifework tor the Chil-
dren, with unique COLORED PIC -1
bells, Bagpipes, Mandolins. Rylq-
phones, ocarina•. ('ornets, Ste.. Etc..
Etc. Programme ono yard long. Col-'
lection for the Barnardo Work.
Cbainnes: Wm.Prsdfoot, Fry., M P. P.
tdnissin, 25c; kat Seats, 35 cents
The Goderich
Grain & Feed Co
gold and Silver Coln • ^ i..: $ 690.161 30
Dominion. Government Notes 6.937.622 00
Deposit with Dominion Government for seourlty of . Note
circulation ewe ....
Notes of and cheques on other Banka •
Balances due from other Bantu in Canada
IDalances due from Agents in United States
Balances due from Agents in the United Kingdom.... ..
Government, Municipal, Railway and other Debentures and
C•11 and Short Loans on Stocks and Bonds
230.1100 00
handlesCaldwell's MolessesMeal.
Use it to fatten your horses and
A car of Manitobi feed
wheat just arrived.
Sole Agent for Royal Purple
Stock Specifics.
Goode delivered to any part
of the town.
Special attention given to
farmers wants.
t'ar of Feed Corn for sale.
Warehouse - Hamilton 8t.
Elevator -0.T. R. Track. 'Phone
No. 207.
R. J. Rutledge has charge of
the retail department.
A. J. COOPER, Ilgr.
$ 22.790.045.09
Lorene and Bills Discounted Current,
endue Debts (estimated lees provided for) r
Real Estate other than Bank Premises .....av,•..
engages on Real Ibetate sold by Bank .........'p.. see
k Premises and furniture evil -e. • •slite••.s.
Other Assets e....,...
ee• s.s••
66.0 7 3.52
Charming New Jewellery
in odd and origin& designs is in-
terestingly displayed bere at our
store. You will always he cer-
tain of 'securing the highest qual-
ities and of paying the lowest
possible prices if you
Shop Here During 1913
it u alwaya a treat to select
from our sheering of new and
d•inU1y designed jewellery. be-
came oar (Replays ars always
8 69.408.227.97
G. H. IiALF.)I'R, General Manager.
During the year the head office of the bank was transferred from
Quebec to Winnipeg.
During the past year forty-three branches and agencies of the bank
have been opened in the following provinras--Ontario. 13. Alberta, 9; British
C7olambla, 4; Manitoba, 5: Saskatchewan, 12.
Two branches in Ontario, which proved unproductive, have been closed.
Mite total number of branches 1s now 285.
The customary inspections of the head office and of all branches and
agencies of the bank have been made.
Winnipeg, 17th December. 1912
JOHN (Mldf, President.
The preeldent, Mr. John Galt, addressed the meeting as follows
I beg to move the adoption of the report, seconded by Mr William Pries,
of Quebec. and Mr. R. T. Riley, of Winnipeg, our vice-president{
The financial potation and the net profits of the past rat "1111, 1 trust,
meet with your approval The present year marks an epoch In the hank's
history. and It 1.. therefore, fitting that 1 should make w few remarks on the
premnt position of the bank Its policy and the scope of its operations.
On July 1M the head office was removed from the city of Quebec to
the city of Winnipeg. Such an important event calls for a review of the
progress of the bank in peat years and an explanation of the reasons which.
In the opinion of your directors. necessitated this change.
The great growth of our inetltetlon la coincident with. and largely doe,
to the development of the west. The following figures will show how rap0
this growth has been:
d' On the 31st of May, 1904. only eight and r'neesalt years ago, when the
present general manager took char our capital was 82 feta 600 reserve
fund. *1,000.900: and totni *meta, $$$0.141.lse 'Pedal: these figures •�-
Capltal. 35,000,000. reserve fund. 380
3,3,800: sad total assets ever $118 etlo,
or double the capital, over three times the regeree fund. and well over mesa
times the total assets The policy of the Prion Rank hers on•t•inly been
cnnalalent. It was the first hank to establish a chiles of W+ii. lir- 'n the west,
and as rallways and population spread westward we fu8ewet, and teem
West of and Including Fort William, we have no lose Oran 187 branches
Tide policy was criticised In earlier days, but it has Nate bees adopted by
all the large banks. and the result. have amply Notified It.
We have opened thf. year a number of new Menelwe but we .an a•ntr'e
you that this has not been done without careful ronestheation and • eines
fn•tton of local conditions one not rnnverseel with wewern life
it difficult to realize the change made each year is • few mouth. ly
incoming thousands of new settlers Cast of trpc131 W ars
tot under eultivatien, new lines of raffway are trite
leered, and villagea with store. an hod spring up w
ly. To these eommunitles a bank le eas& 1. and ewe of the
of our Canadian banking system it thea It ste
hewn, and egtlipmegt of 'rancho' whew.ver t •, fife• reens,le+An
te/ f. in labf.
elrlber C.tthorse tit. and !quare
?Witt to re neck •
nit, wEby be a It sot
�lyprt hard $T1 •' • meet
pay for inte l (' AMY nhlltatlotY ,
The day will surely cpax` a�y tA•ss
In Culhet measure. but It will *ol be mi
apthOde• arta until Ogrrrrars reel) Oat faired tMitt.t
run • he wonderful imaymelasets le tam
Maws of mews penes 901, bairns mow= ora
In* o1 immen.et areas el variant lend infer ctlllii
many t., stake thine all net Ilse resnh of fine
r "ream
slams Wm :rice R T Rnev, Wm Shaw_ Z. t.
T. 8 Esa•atne W R Allan. M Buil. P•Jnsei or, A. Tf$
K CStephen Musa ferret. -CM. Jolie F he•h
• sol•sgwsn} meeting othe newly- board the Hos. Jean
was oprary president: ler a OaM, president; Wv. wt.
Np.T. tutor. vice-eres$. a
. W. 4•rlt