The Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 44 TacaauAT, JANUARY 2. 11:3
District News
'ons mord from page 1.
wlariunei, spoke for a few minutes on
the power question and answered sev-
eral questions as to how Hydro -elec-
tric would affect the present condition
„( affair..
Jac°Moses in a brief speech an-
nounced himself as a candidate for
the position of councillor. If elected
be wou'd do his best to advance the
town's interests.
AV. B. Graham. a 1912 councillor,
asked for the support of the ratepayers
on returning hits to a seat in the
council for 1913. As chairman of the
market committee he told of what he
had accomplished.
J. C. Laithweite spoke on the
financial condition of the town. "If
(can do anything for this town I'm
going to stay another year," he said.
Frank Elliott announced himself as
"workingman's candidate," and its
the course of his remarks gave the
"retired farmer' candidate. a few
H. J. Mortis a a. the last, speaker.
He did not favor the Hydro -electric
power bylaw, tut was an advocate of
a better market. He believed some-
thing should be done to prevent the
decay of the m:otetial on the West
shore Railway. He was undecided
is to whether he would offer himself
1- a candidate or not.
Fur Councillors.
Joust McLAxrY.
The electors will vote also on two
questions -that of commuting statute
'labor at the rate of 50c a day, and that
' of purchasing Mrs. Miller's hotel prop -
I erty at Carlow for use se a township
There was a large attendance at the
nomination meeting on Monday after-
s noon. The n. ' ees, with the pro-
posers and seconders, were:
For Reeve.
J. Norman Kernighan, by lames
Watson and %V. O. Robertson.
i Samuel Bisset, by John Gallagher
and James Jones.
John H. McEwan, by 1 atnuel Gard-
ner and Richard Moore.
Fur l:ouncillnrs.
• James Chisnvlm, by M. Tyndall and
C. C. McNeil.
Isaac Hetherington, by J. Moser and
Herbert Fisher.
John McLarty, by Alpert Mugford
and Jas. _attains.
Samuel Gardner, by W. J. Mc-
Whinney and J..1. Moser.
Alex. ii. Clutton. by John Allin and
A. A. AVilliems.
John Linklater, by H. J. A. McEeran
and C. C. McNeil.
Gordon Young, by Andrew Millie°
and Jas. Watson.
Chas. Robertson. by J. J. Moser and
W. J. McWhinney.
Aaron Fisher, by Frank Naegle and
Jas. Howatt.
Wilhelm Walters, by R. Jewell and
H. Walter.
James Glenn, by H. J. A. McEwan
and J. J. Moser.
Levi Snyder, by Herb Fisher and H.
J. A. M'Rwan.
Alex. Young. of Goderich. a former
Reeve of the township,was voted to
the chair and presided over the meet-
Reeve Kernighan, epeakitrg of
county matters, said that a wave of
' extravagance seemed to be sweeping
over the people and the county coun-
cil was lin easy mark for people want-
ing giants tit all kinds. He had op-
posed many things 'that had been
passed in the council. The county
rate was increasing and would proh-
ahlv continue to increase.
Mr. Kernighan spoke of the heavy
expenditure caused by the spring
freshets: the county house of refuge.
. which he considered a splendid and
well-managed institution; the puhli-
city ratnpaign, in regard to which he
said the proposal was all right. but he
opposed the grant to it ; and the pro
past*" formation of a new school in-
spectorate, which he considered un -
net -rearm y.
The reinsinder of Mr. Kernighan's
sPeech was confined almost wholly to
discussion of the telephone question
and the Ramous lawsuit.
Samuel Bisset was the next speaker.
He told about how Mr. Kernighan
had come to him a year ago with the
statute:. under his arm and proposed
to disqualify him (the speaker'. He
ubjectir1 to being disqualified, and
they went tc Mr. Cameron, who told
there that his (the speaker's(,qualifica-
tionsi were as good as ]Ir. Kernighan'-.
Mr. Hisset mentioned a difference
between himself and the Reeve as 20
the method of filling the washout at
Ball's bridge. and claimed he,, had
saved the township $210 by the adop-
tion of his method.
The rest of the speech was on the
telephone question. He claimed he
had done nothing to injure the muni-
cipal telephone system. He was not
on either the municipal or the Rural
system( He had the Bell connection,
on account of his business. He would
like to see the hard feeling and illwill
among the people on this question
stone away with.
H. J. A. Mai'Pwan said it was like
old times for him to be on the plat-
form at a Colborne nomination meet-
ing. Mr. MacEwan dealt with some
matter: in connection with the tiner.-
rial report and said the people would
welcome o frank and full statement of
the telephone finances. Ratepayers
Speakers Devote Much Attention to the
Telephone Question -S. Bisset Op-
posing" J. N. Kernighan for the
Reeveship - Six Candidates for
Councillors. •
The ltallut for° the election in Col-
borne township next Monday is as fol-
lows :
For Reei•e.
S.tYrEL Bissarr.
J. NORM tN KRtr. r,:HAN.
Best Scranton Hard.
Coal -all sizes.
Blue Grass andVesta
Cannel, Coal for open
grates --the highest
quality of Coal that
can be bought for
the purpose.
Empire' Domestic
Lump Coal --- most
satisfactory Soft Coal
for ranges,box strives
and fireplaces.
Standard Chestnut
and Furnace Coke.
All kinds of Hard-
wood and .Kindling.
Peter MacEwan Estate
Tel. -phone SS
PUFFS. eat.
of Torosts
will be et the
Hotel Bed f or d,1
Gorle to ch. ,onl
Wednesday. Ian.
and varied stock
if the newest
Parisian. London
and New York
Ladies with
thin hair sill be
interested in our
improved Trans-
fi emit ions. The
new designs in
Curls are •ery
dainty and attrac-
tive. We invite
your inspection of thaws goods
outside of either telephone company
wauted to know if they had to pay
any of the law costs. Mr. IllicRwan
concluded with a plea for ha y in
the township.
James Chisholm spoke of his record
during the part year and asked for re-
election as councillor.
Isaac Hetherington modestly ad-
mitted that be wigbt hays made wia-
takes during the past year, but he had
tried to do what was right and just.
He asked support for re-election.
John Mclatrty Made one of his
witty speeches, and said be would be
a candidate.
Samuel Oardner declined the nom-
Alex. H. Clutton pleaded for har-
mony and gooiwill and said the tele-
phone question could be settled "if we
use some patience and good sense."
He thought men of intelligence were
needed to handle township affairs, and
that Colborne township ought to have
an ambition to be the best township
in the county.
Gordon Young went at some length
into telephone matters and Laid the
trouble would not he cured 'until the
men who, he claimed were causing it
fulfilled their contract.
Chas. Robertson's speech was an
outline of the history of the telephone
dispute and a statement of the case
from the standpoint of the "objec-
tors." who, he claimed, bad not been
faith- treated. He accused the muni -
pal people of trying to get their men
in so they could keep up the trouble
to the bitter end.
Aaron Fisher and Levi Snyder an-
nounced their withdrawal and James
Glenn said he was undecided whether
he would run or not.
' • , Mayor -Wm. Bone, Geo. McKee-
• Van. Vannorman, C. G. Van-
n Geo. Spotton, Thos. Gregory.
Reeve -Simon Mitchell, H. B.
D. E. McDonald, J. W. Mc-
1, .n•
Councillors -Wm. I s blister,
' Ynnng• .1. A. 'Mills, W. A. Cur -
tie, David Bell, Geo. Spotton, Wnt.
Holmes, Ur. R. C. Redmond, Rol:t.
Des-. Chas. Barber, W. J. Boyce. I).
E. McDonald, A. E. Lloyd, Van. Van-
norman, Thos. Gregory. Johp Glenn.
W. J. Greer.
t ion 1
Mayor John C. Greig tar -cisme-,
For Reeve -- F. Harburn, V. S,.
George Murdie, John J. (Autt, John A.,
Stewart. 1Viii. Ament.
For Councillors -John Gr ieve. V.
S., F. Harburn, V. S , James Gillespie.
Francis Devereaux. Henry Sheare.
John J. Cluff. John Beattie. Andrew
Sutherland, Henry Stewart, Howard
Hart t y, Chat les Abet hart. Geo, ge
Canino. Samuel Holuses. R R. Ross. •.
' Reeve -.George t.indsay iscclawa-
ticn ).
For Councillors- Charles Parker,
Samuel Moore, George Weston,
Thomas Elliott. James Thomson,
Samuel Blair. Edward Merner.
School Trustees - H. Drehmann,
Robert Brown, William Heard (Recta- ;
mation (.
Reeve -John McClure (acclamation), I
For Councillors - John W. Yeo,
George Hudie. W. H. Lobb, D. A.
Linliddodsan,y, Geo. Leithwaite, Daniel
Reeve -Dr W. J. Milne I acclams-
Councillors - Wm. H. McElroy.
Alfred H. Carr, Joseph Carter, George
Powell I acclamation).
For Mayor --B. J. Gibbinge. C. H.
Bartliff, Thos. Jackson, jr.
For peeve -David Cantelon, T. H.
For Nater Commissioner -H. B.
For Councillors -Fred Jackson, J.
1'. Sheppard, Thos. Jackson, jr.. C.
W. Thompson, M. D., J. A. Ford, A.
T. Cooper, A. J. Morrish, AV. .1. Pate -
ley. Chas. J. Wallis, Thos. Mason, D.1
8. Cluff.
Reeve -John M. Govenlock 'by ac-
For Councillors - Thomas Purcell,
Robert Archibald. Conrad Eckert, i
Francis J. McQuaid, John Goveolock,
Henry Beuermann,, John Balfour,
William Knechtel.
Ret•ve - AVilliam Glenn (acclama-
l'ouneillors-John McKinley, Alex.
I Mustard, David Dewar, James T.
Keys (acclamation).
For Keeve--Henry Willert, W. D.
I For Deputy Reeve -Wm. Yearley.
'John Love.
For Councillors -Wm. R. Elliott,
Mich. Finkbeiner, Geo. Kellerman.
Thos. Keys.
Old council re-elected by acclam-
Reeve -James Leiper.
1 Councillors -John Barr, John Fins -
land, Wm. Miller, John Tamhlyn.
Two others -Robert Clark and
James Watt -were nominated but
For Reeve -J. N. Campbell. Peter
For Councillors - Wm. Robinson,
Robt. Henry, - Irwin, Wm.
Currie, Joseph Stonehouse, Henry';
Deacon, Robert Buchanan.
ltey%e Wrn. Hunter Iby acclama
Deputy Reeve -Chas. Stewart (by
acclamation).For Oormeillore-Join A. Jobastoo, i
John Mener•y, ay. Alton, Joe. Datum.'
Frank Johnston.
HIS we call our January Stotk-taking Sale. Every dep: rtment
has a surplus of goods that must be reduced before we make our
stock inventories. We are looking for stock reductions now instead
of profits. This is your chance to get something you need at or
less than actual cost prices to us. Space will allow only a limited
number of articles in each department to be named for this sale.
The following list will give some idea of what is in store for the buyer.
White Goods
Note regular and sale pricer.
Sheetirgs, wh te, 72 loch a wide, 33c for
L6 . 35c for 30:, 37}c for 34c.
Unhlea.hed Sheeting. 72 inches wide, 2.a
for 22c, :ai: for 2Ic, and 3)c for :tic.
Plain Pillow Cotton
40 inches wide, 22s for 18c. 42 inches wide,
tor 19c. 44 inches wide, 2;ic f..r 19c.
Circular Pillow Cotton
lU iuc es wide, 22c for Iic; 42 inches wide,
C.k f,•r _ )ct 44 inches w Ade. 24e foi Air
White Cotton
Tbit t v -five to 3d inches, ltk for 9-, 12}c for
11c. and 15e fur l3}c.
• Factory Cotto •'
Thi, ty-three r , 10 inch •+, µ: for 7c, ID- tut
9.•. 124c fur 11e, 15:. for 13te.
Victoria and Linen Lawn
Toirty-six to 4) itl,•hes 01i 1e. st.ecial pus
chase for 1 his *ate, 1U• for 9 , 124^ for 11^,
15. for 12}-. 2 l for 17', a'•d2ic for 21c.
Spot and Striped Muslins
Some wide rise, s among r hie lot, l2ie for
11c, 15c for 12,2e. 2 le f°.r 17e. 251 for 21e, and
3.5•: for':ltc. '
White Vestings
'.eat tatttern.* in visits and stripes, 1S for
15.'. 22c for 19e. at d 25' for .
White Dimity
Bleek ',sand Fitt ipes, 3 pieces only. They
are very suiteble foil waists and aprons. :re
Bedford Suiting
one . ream. heavy rib. 39 inches
lo spot and s rit e pittertm both light and
p, ice 12ev.
A list of gaieties Shirtings. good value at.
17e. Sale pi -ice I5c.
Thiity-two pieces in oue stock of Ging-
ham.. some 124c a9d *some I5c, good cloth
and good colurs, loc for 12tc, and 12tc for 11.
Apron Ginghams
Five piece.. some plein an 1 some bordered,
blue and white, small checks, 40 incite.. wide,
14c and 15s. Sale price for 1 ic ones 124c.
Sale pries for 13t.e. ones 124c.
Cotton Suitings
A II these Suitings will he on sale, 9 p'eees
in this lot. all 15e. for only 124c.
There toe 17 pieces in thie lot. neoily all
1,0W (hi. 1.11. good colors and gisel patterns.
Note he reductions on every piece, 124e for
ltic for 1,1e. 2lc fui 17c, and
Every piece of Flannelette. in the house
1%111 be at sale prices all through this sale.
Out Prints have always been tbe very hest
both in colons and for weai. They are known
a- CREST than& in black. blue, cadet. lilac
and white ground... srusll ns. abso-
lutely fast, 32 inches ide, 12*.e. sAle price
only 11c.
Black Sateen Underskirts
Six only in stock, new this fall. an extra
c41.0. At regulor prices, 2 at 111.50, peke
sale price st.s,i).
Dress Goods on sale
Every pieee of Dress Goods in the store
will be at reduced prices while the tale lasts,
4 pieces tlDe. sale price 19c; .? 6.5c. Pale
pi ice 49..; 4 pieeee 50c. sale price 314:: 3 pieces
45e, sal. price dlic; 4 pieces 85c, sale price tYJc;
I pieces $1.00. sale pare li5c;
We have in stock 1418 pieces of Engli.ii.
French, German. Torc,We CluTsy and
several other makes of We can.
not quote pricer on el many. but oin
sale prices on this whole lot wiU be from 1
to off regulal prices.
You have 138 pieces to select, from in th:.
lot, ell direct importations rod good Yalu. -
at regular pricey. Substantial reductinn.
made on every piece, in widths from one
four inches wide.
Corset Waist Embroidery
Sale price on every piece. from 17c up to
higher prices. Embroidery Floilnciatri.
inches wide, at about maker's prices. Jim.
gains and no mistake.
Lawn Waists
W0 got. a large shiptneut from the milkers
for the Chrititmas businees; 411 of thew ”te
lett i,ver, reale and get one at wale price.
which means about what it (50,1 to nias.•
t hem.
White Skirts White Gowns
All on sale •t maker.' price.. The N.80. fl
for thetse low prices is we want them .11 oht
while tbe sale lasts, to make room for spring
Twenty-itue in all. 5 print 101.00, sale price
79c; d wrapperette 1111 25, We price 111.0o:
4 wrapperette 111.5lk sale price $1.25; 8 Nigh,
Gowns s1.25, sale price $1.00.
Every pair of Stockings in the house, rii
matter whether child's. girls', ladies', boys'
or men's, will be at sale prices all through
this salt.
The following Silks will be on sale at th..
prices here named: 1 short piessre, colored
foulards, 90c. sale price Mk; 3 pieces col.
ored taffeta.. 211 yards in each piece. 18 inches.
50c, -sale price 3.5c.
Brophey Bros
Huaineer College. The Cert.:el Tele
and Railroad &boat and Four
ride excellent warms timing to good
request. Witte for It. W
nod Sta.. Toronto.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders corefully attended t
at all hours. night or dis,
Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees,
foe Men who are bald. are so constructed that only the wearer will
know that it is tic their own
hair. They give protea
then necessary 1- phyded
si readily as yew own hair
weal/. Light, sti eg. made
in arty style, shad, sir obeys
The Only Sanitary Pr*
ogled Teepees Ma laearearat
I (TIN Now at Quality Nek dogrel
For Seers -Was. Wm. Wet -
*spite's Medd, Patrick Webb, Ben.
ann. AIN., t Johnston.
Chis thoeirsei appReatism of
Zane -Bah at Right ail brheg ease
by rwaraing. Zaiwiash stem die
aearthwg, hook the croak am,
esehee the heads amemoth.
Ones, inane s-41 was trashed withal
heads awl arm and gating sew te bad
arms leareigglay mote we found Senhak. h
hos sanid Ohm. My Wm Me 11110 used IS
far areirsi skis tesehhe taiarfaa sad Minim
liars aesinig Sin linalink'
*we A ilia
gresuiS imps sad soil nom
awe Its MID amok susims.
Idleitirl soak
of the Pember Hair Store, Toronto. will
be et the Bedford Hotel. blocierich,
Monday, Jan. I3th
wit h t he largest display of Hair Goods
Puffs and Trandoesnat1one. ssannfact
tired by ns from hair of tie Sant quality.
will rilse diagoorie. free of chorgs, all hair rind
scalp tro,ibiew. wadi his *dense nosy be relied
if jou love nwsisic. he sure je"7=
fag no" well, mad an wonder. Their
reflects Arrest credk Hirt,.
IMMO tbe attendance of crowds,
ever heard the isearinas re,
the Penciller ventilated Schtweigbt
Toupee or Wig is ihilh
waste for one's ones tbst bee
ever beam MAMA _ and
inreetartte reeleat. UAW who
caneet visit the 111104 WWI, write
or 'abase sad the Preform will
RitilltilleBit THE DATE
Bedford Hotel, Uoderich, Monday, Jan.
No Salary for Magian
'fossil Clerk KIWI
&al information ti
a salary of SSW, bits
thew thselhassuirinatyion. mot itsh:
aa a result of the pr
'the town council saga
cii in the rooms u
) morning. It
was discharged, the
cheek. It is uncle
woond is not a aerie
jured Luau is hang c*
andra hospital.
Gode• rich. in the pert
took placrs in Strati
lowing an illness o
native of Zurich. I
he and his family li
residing on Victoria
four yeare ago, whei
never recovered. 11
sod °De son. bin mot
and eve sisters to ati
remains were inters..
Goderich Skills/pate
The first of the Oc
course of lectures WI
courthouse on Frid
wary 10th next. Th
tuany and Britain,- ,
great interest at the
to the keen rivalry t
many torn:mere in (
studying the people.
lir:aerie/1 an the to
ho will no dieubt
lus which they &re
There oaght to he a
take advantage of t
Model School Resul
Tee following
suteessful in obtain
teachers' certifleates
School : Louise Bast
B. Case, DULgator
iton ; Wesley Jacks
P. Levis, Clinton : I
low ; David MeCI
Grace A. McLean, I
McKinley. Blake ;
Gocteric3 ; Stella H.
John 8. Newton. b
Auburn : Harvey '
Thorns. A. Rodger
G. Sloman, Clinton
Beechwood ; Marg
Herbert Toll. Blyth
Helens : Rebecca M
A Temporary Simon
An awkward inc
bourg were on thei
for the holiday •
reaching Clinton th
on to Oorlerich and
end with frierde ha
w it cif the train at
the necesaary tick*
believing that it
change trains in or*
rich, stepped off at'
ing bis wife on thi
the men boarded th
out for Goderich
mrprisesi when he C
wife was missing. '
to rhe home of a C
on;the arrival of t
rliocwhingthe" w,
informed of his st
The husband drove
young couple were
"Richmond Villa
Ontario, the hom*
Amos J. Wright. w
very pretty weddint
noon, December 24t
daughter, Myrtal
.n marriage with NI
,iirrfauWashinritton. 1)1.
assisted by the Re
Smith, of Richnion,
room escorted b
satin brocade with
ine a Juliet cap an
jai tyr.ogl;fthowitvha itieyhe 01:
and carrying • si
roses and lilies of b
Alanandrhe Law.
who was ytoweed
bouquet or pink rod
gei• sha/id by his twat
nf.Trirciate. The
SIX: lie aliningPI
this; will he at hoe
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