The Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 2THUaeDAT, JANI'SItY 2, lll'1 THE SIGNAL GODERICH : ONTARJt, .\itu Niagara power for $15 at Torcula d for Watt Goderich are very dif- , tUfl I ferrut prepositions, Jou1UONTttt1O. PUBLISHED EV..RY THURSDAY ■r MIX SIGNAL PRINTINO CO.. Limited. Telephone Call No. Is. Terme of Subecr,ation 'LOU pet annum in advauoo. Six monde, 5 r ; three months. Ma To United State. subscribers, $1.5u a year i.triealy i„ ads /meet Subscribers who tail to eweive Tfis SIa'&L regularly by mall will confer a favor by o o ubaioUng us of the fact at as early • distil as passible. When • change of address is desired, both old and the new %duals should be given. Advertising Rate Le sand other similar adrern:entente, 1a. pe, line for first insertion and is per line fur each subsequent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil scale, twelve lines to au inch. Husiness cards of six lino- and under, F5 per year. Advertisements of Ln.t. Found, Strayed, Sit- uations Vacant, Situation.' Wanted. Housed for Sale or to Rent. Farms for Sale or to Rent, Articles for Bale,•tc., not exceeding eight Mee, tie each iewer!�100 ; $l for first month. 511e fur each subsequent month. Larger advertise- ment.' in proportion. Annm.noernents in ordlnan. reading type Lan Ceuta per tine. No notice le.. than 7Sc. Any special notice, the object of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or aseasei- atlorr..obe oonaldeted an advertisement and charged accordingly. Rates for display and contract advert) v manta will be given un application. Address.' all oom.auuloaUous,to THR L PRINT IXU CO.. Limited. a.oderich. Ont. genitals' EL THURSDAY. J.AN.. t. len - c..-ti-..--.r•,--.-.,-Y_---r-'11 THE NEW YEARt. Christmas and New Year a 1S Day are only a week apart, yet ) ' it would sometimes seem that 1111 the kindly spirit stirred in almost every heart by the fes- S tival of the Christ -child is lulled .1 l again into apathy before the ap- Jl proach of the New Year. This Iought not so to 1e. It is only when the Christmas spirit is carried into the life of ,.the New Year that the ygar• ie profitably ))) spent. To minister a the web- fare of the community, the circle in which nue• lives, to lead < .a life which makes for goodwill and righteousness, to give one's self in service to others, is tt tie t living. This is the very essence of Christmas. This is the only true way to commemorate the birth of Hill' who came "not to be,S ministered unto, but to madrj I inter." To carry this spirit into 1. tbe life of the new year would do more than anything else to- wards -solving tbe problems that hares and perplex the Fouls of m en today. "Christianity," some one has said, "has not proved a f ' tical A vote for the "Hydn' debenture bylaw will be a vote for larger tea bills and industrial paralysis for lioderich. Members of the council adroit tbai they do not understand the "Hydro" propositior. Yet the people are asked to vote V3.0* in the (talk. The tax bills were high enough, in all conscience, this yea: -but wait until you see thew next year, if the Hydro electric proposition is adopted. ' The signing ot the contract for "Hydro' power will prevent Goderich from doing anything for itself in the way of power development far a quarter of a cent ul v. The water ar,d light commission has decided to abolish the metre -rent. But if the ••Hydro" scheme is adopted. the flat rate for floor MPS will hent the metre -rent all hollow es a mini- mum charge. Every person who does not want 10 see Ibe town involved in further money obligations and the tax bills increased should gar to the pulls next Jlondsy and vote against the "Hydro" debenture bylaw. A majority of the votes cast will carry or defeat the 'bylaw. so every vote against it should f polled. .1 plan showing a rotnplete street i. lighting system for the town is pre - wilted in connection with the Hydro - I electric proposition, but there is no information as to what all these lights will cost. It looks like a deliberate 1 attempt to lead the ratepayer to It - herr that the improved lighting is to be given, aithout extra cost. in reality tbf''town will have to foot a large bill for street lighting. ',it the plan is accepted. .. The London Free Press is a gri•at shnute, tot '•hydro" power: but in- stead of using "Ryden- power itself ti run itaprinting presses it has ibe own priv,,ate power plant. The Advertiser published a pictureofthe Free Press p.,wrr rlant in its Saturday edition. Hob. Adam Beck. the. chairman of the Hydro -electric Commission, 'owns a factory in London winch is run, by - steam power. not 'by Hydro -electric. There is no blame to hint for this, but it goes to .how that "Hydro" does not supplant steams in all circumstances. Record Cereal Tonnage, at Sault Ste. Marie. p„ Sault Ste. Marie, Des. 28. -An -in- crease in every branch of traffic through the Sault locks and canal is shown by the annual report of lake commerce given out at the c Bea. An iu rease of.l: tons of Llte1111e1em'Y'lftuiPbtiM�nearly 20,110,1») r J�tof unregistered freight is shown acompared with Zest year. '-'�'�'� Passenger traffir was smeller than in 1911, the total being 118.1») as against 79,151) last year. A slight de- crease also is shown in the tonnage of flour- iron, ore and building atone. Wheat shipments amounted to 111,011,00 bushels, an inrrease of 17,(t10,tkin bushels over 1911. Other grains show increases of from twenty- five to fifty per cent. This year's cereal tonnage was the largest on record. POWER POINTERS. Was ever .an important bylaw pla.-ed before tbe people of Goderich such scant information as is in support 01 even explanation e Niagara power bylaw : any class of citizen. more than other should be heard in connection with the power bylaw. surely it should be the merufscturers. But where are tbe teanufacturere = They are cer- tainly not taking any pelt in support of the bylaw. Moine of them are known to hb decidedly opposed to it. There is no party politics in The gnal's opposition to' the Niagara power proposition, despite the state- ment of our friend William Campbell. A Grit couldn't recite the Ten Com- mandment, in public without being suspected hy Mr. Campbell of some unholy design against the Conserv* tive party. Not long ago a Seaforth ,can and a resident of Goderich were conversing. The Goderich man was telling of the amount of heilding that was Irving done herr, and of the DPW 1 See that were going up in all parts of the toe n. Thelieaforth wan took it all in. and then said : "Well, if you were to ask rue about it, 1 could not tell you of a single uew i house that'is going up in Yeaforth this year." And yet Seaforth has •Hydro power. Ex•Mayor Goat, of Toronto a,l- ' a meeting ►t Clinton the other t in favor of Hydro. The ••Hog town" people are very keen on gettrnk the outside towns into the Niagara power net. it puts them out of bui- 9 neem as ccxrtpelitate of Toronto. . The power bylaw le being forced on Goderice by a little eliqus who imagism they have a right to run the tows. 1t would not make any difference M lama if the mice were *1Ut a horse pallet -they would still shout for it. Yode.-kb will bobble itself for thirty Aare If it passes the Niagara power CURRENT LITERATURE. TUE CANADIAN M.OAZINE. The Canadian Magazine for January con- tains it fine appreciation of Sir Rich- ard,Cartwiight by Professor W. 1. (:rant. of Queen's 1--nive•eit,t-, King Ston: an illuminative e.ea entitled "Canadian Wm Womanhood and Beauty.' by J. D. Logan : a startling account of •'A Summer Night in My lodging- . se,- Its Kenneth Douglas an ex• pet irnce in anperst ition by Dr. Wilfred I:rrnfrll; The Life of the linhnnk," being an account of rnilway labor and construction sot k. hy W. Lerey Array : a p..pnlai scientific elf icle by Prof. I1, Fraser Herri•, entitled •'Me- chauients Before Metal." a ,evirw of the early theatrical Season in New York, i,v John E. Weller : a pictur- resole description of Bristol. entitled Canada'sCrsdie,' and of Sier contri- butions of note. Recipes for a Long Life. The labJohn Higel ,w, t he pat ria Leh of diplowets and authors. and the no leap distinguished physician and author. Or. S. Weir Mitchell. were t --gether, several yearn ago, at West Point l)r. Bigelow was then ninety- two, and ih. Mitchell. eight-. Th.- conversation turned to the sub- )ect of age. '•I attribute my many yenta.- said Or. Bigelow, -to the fact that I have been MOM aheteruious. bay. eaten .iterin ly, and have not need totter -co, and have taken little exercise.' "it is past t he reverse in my rase• rxplaine.d Dr. Mitchell. '1 have eaten pert a much as 1 wished. if 1 could girt it : I have alway. used tobacco, tm- t,eodetately a: times; and 1 bare always taken a great deal of exercise." Kith that. Ninety-Two-Yeanshook his head at Righty -Years. and Said, Well. you will never Ii yr to be aold Oki ,neo rLippincott's. Both Quick and Permaent Strength. If your are run down, t tired nut., it you take cold .Seely ha, . so �syy are losing fifth or have • 'her of lowered vitality, try air lifeel sus System Renovator nod, , vet bylaw. - 1 tee to refsed the price If lie remedy fails to give cot • • Stratford ie sick of its Niagara It aids digestion, tones 't' tis age esis pewee eosteaet. Bet it has to "grin yet and dyes both q.iirk ard per- bsar it." No,.is the ties. far manent remelts. One dollar a Mottle. tiatleeleh to keep out ..t the hole teat Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Go., Gnderleb. Ont rocaak by Min Wight Making the Farm Pay. Did it ever wear to you that a vary large number of farmers are tryi to do what no other burglarise wen think of doing, that is, to run their business without abusiness paper :• This uld Mit lie, and is disastrous. Faresd g u the Iar•geat and mist important i us - try in this country, and every about l eae•h week have the latest par- ticulars regarding his business. The Weekly Sun, Toronto, is the farmer's 'wetness paper. It caste little and will repay you many times its price. It can help wake tte farm pay all it can 13a5 __ _- -. _-_ Experimental Union Annual Meeting. The Ontario Agricultural and Ex - pet Oriental Union will hold its annual meeting at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on the 7th and 8th of January next. The co-operative ex- perimental work of the Union has been more extensive during the past year than at any previous time. Six different committees have conducted active work iu 1912. In agriculture alone experiments were conducted on 3,oN_7 farucs in notario. The summary results of these experiments will be presented and diacuased at the auuusl meeting. Besides the presentation of the result• sit experiments there will tw addresses and diacuseittne on the' following special subjects : "Posibili• ties of intensive Farming in Ontario," "Divi • of Labor on the Farm,' "The Operation and Value of the Seed Control Act of 1911," "Conveniences in the Howe and on the Farm,' "On- tario's Part in Federal Agricultural Co-operation, etc. These Meetings are open to anyone interested in agri- culture. Cheap rates have been ar • ", -d for on the certificate plan. F, t !ieler particulars apply to the Mac - re • ,•. C. A. Zavitz, Agricultural Col - le, elph, Ontario. are simply kidney disorders. The filter the bk,od of all that shei' t there. The blood pisses thrones the kid- neys every three meatus. if the kid .y. do their work no i.mpurity or gases .f disorder can remain in the circulative longer than that time. Therefore K your blood is out of order Jose kidneys have failed•in their work. They are In lased of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all thew. the Joest and most imitated blood medicine there is Dodd's gidne3 Pills DO YOU WANT A UR COAT AT A BARGAIN? • e have decided to dis- -:C REASON FOR DOUBT. continue the fur end of our business and will sell all in ` stock at bargain prices. Bleck !bog ('oat-. 1st quality, regular $_ell,Utl, for - - - - - $16.00 Klnndyk'e Beaver ('oat?, regalar A `S_'. tement of Facts Backed by Strong Guarantee. 'Ve guarantee complete relief to all .sufferers front constipation. In every rase where we fail we will supply the medicine free. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, effec- tive. dependable and safe bowel regu- Later, sirengthener acid tonic. TheyI re-, stablish rature's functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause II any inconvenience. griping or osusea. I They are so pleasant to take and work l 50 1 ,.ilv that they may be taken by anyone at any time. They thou-. nighty tone up the whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies ate unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can- not too highly recommend them to all sutfeters from any forth of constipa- tion Holl its attendant evils. Two sizes, Mc and 2.1c. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store -The Rexall Store. H, C. Dunlop, Gode- rich. $25 On, fur - $16.80 Chinese Wombat Coats, 1eirular $:bi.ntr, tot - - - - - $18.50 Black beaver Cloth Coat-, with Pei Shill Lawh Collars, quilted 'lining, regular $h,,1141; fur - - - $16.00 There arebi,ly a few left, so if you want it Fur ('oat at a bargain, cal! at once. H ATS Fill and. wint-r Hats for $l.25. Cleating all our soft felt tall and winter Hes-, newest tough ••Merle. Regular 132'.' and 24.30, for $1.25 Walter C. Pridham Niagara Power Sztivizie Places Goderich in a Hope- -less Position --Why Should We Accept Such a Position ? Toronto London - 24.00 Guelph r 22.0o Stratford 30.0o Seaforth ... , 'Mitchell St. Thomas \Voodstock 1 ngersol I Beachville Tilson burg Norwich Berlin Waterloo New Hamburg Baden Preston Galt He speler St. Marys Dundas Hamilton Waterdown Port Credit Weston Brampton Mimico Goderich NIAGARA POWER RATES f S15.00 e . . 40.00 37.00 29.00 23.00 25.5o 31.00 32.00 32.00 22.50 23.50 32.00 37.00 21.50 22.50 23.00 29.50 16.00 16.00 26.60 31.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 37.00 This is the WOK schedule of prices of Niagara power. What a pleasant prospect it prosents for the growth of manufacturing in Goderich 1 A mere glance at the list will be sufficient to deter any manufacturer from locating in this town. The Signal hire sever argued for a fiat rate, but there is • good deal of force in the complaint that t he evil tendency of building up tbe cities .1 the expense of the towns is furthered by the great difference in power atee as shown in the above schedule. If we cannot have • Nat rate, why cannot we have some method of changing that would place all municipalities more nearly 00 an even fasting'- If. for instance. Toronto's rate were held at • 10111111320113 d say 1118.111) ($.4.1111 more than at , . and the amount Ibus saved to tbe Commis- sion were used to keep dowel ce. for the outlying tower, it would give the places on the outside of le a somewhat better chane to retain %r obeli �s g ind it is now. it looks as if the day were not and diatomweeds " ratio would be (-outlined to the towns `ire tai cities t Niytars. in the Huron district arra eoneee'ed, there le s*JU be taken into amount. Thrum HIM - Niagara ikon,Seagate. are givea fa rate beuse of iflsir - 'Hen mre is seedier seem, d power M tie want to the li 0sas -- ._ dose not foto lW woad mbar send Niagara power Mr t , pekoe sot be Beed at tbe Boors to which we power leakier t • Those wsddsestia fes the af�treattention the Oe i oeea saisfaetoryc+essestoollgl sir ves a gond tathemselro in refusing to power contract woteld place lugW y weld he a uses ler the inter - akinininliiriwitr b antaiim liaiWibikoitiiiliilwsonriiiiritmeirmeilii JANUA?YSALE0FFUm i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 tr W. ACHESON & SON In this sale we offer our entire stock of Furs at liheral discounts, , Our stoc of Fur Coats and Fur -lined Coats is the largest we iia. e ever shown and very co plete,and now, owing to the backward season, we sac:':lice the prices. We guarant the quality ot all our Furs and Fur -trimmed Coats in ev' Iy particular. The mak name on every garment is a receipt for workmantihip a 1 quality, Ladies' Fur -lined Coats Made from hist ladies' broadcloth and lined with No. 1 Siberian Marmot. ‘S'estern Sable Caller and Revel-. all sizes, 51) inches long. Regular value CIO, for eech r]'n(\ Men's Black Galloway L• l/Vllll Calf Fur Coats No. 1 Skive and Collar of fine black Bokaran Lamb. teed iri every de- $Z%e(lil [all.special rice Wil Men's Fur -lined Coats Fine English beaver cloth collar of Persian . Lomb. Regula[ prier $45'"°. MOO Sale price fin/ Men's Gloves Mena Kid Crleives. all sizes, well lined' and with two heavy- dome fasteners, all $ 75c Anality. Clearing at Men's Swede Kid tilovea lined with noes! wool bluing. dome fasteners. Qual- ity II $L: :11) , and 11.all at .... .....-. •11 \�O Handkerchiefs clearing up all fancy Hsodkercbiefi, all lie aodketrhiets on sale h: at half-price, 2 5 fur ` C Remnants of • Dress Goods Linens; Silks, Tuwinings all left from the holidaa• selling. Clearing now at small frac- tion of valley, Choi. .dint; rlarmot M Mal . ,u n -wort styles and llnisbad linings. Regular R7 50 and •8AO. For each.. Ladies' Quilted -lined Coats \Vith large Sable collar, coat trade of English beaver cloth-beat:tiful finish, stylish coat, length 30 inches -all - Special price $_r ;>t( Sale price $19 Cutter Robes Black Bear Robes, large size 55z66, fully lined with best robe plush and tri Regular price $11kOlt Sale price Si Table Linens Pure linen Table Cloths,2x2S yard., In patterns, scroll and floral. Our regular i• each WIOU, on rale January, each Si Table Damask Seventy-two inches wide, warranted all linen, half bleached. very floe, in three patterns only. Regular price 75c a yard. Jan- usry `aaleJOC Floor lugs Tapestry. Velvet, Bsussels and Axminster Rugs. lauuary Sale price 1') to 25-s discount . • leari ng. A NewHal Year to Ail our Friends - and Patrons Stun!) & Co. Grocer,, The Sque.re Goderich 'PHONE 91 s A GOOD RESOLUTION FOR THE NEW YEAR 1'l) BUY VASSAR SHOES FOR WOMEN HARTT SHOES FOR MEN These are goods that will give the wearer satisfaction every time. They are sold in Goderich by J. 11. McClinton East Side Square. 'P hone 622. RENEWYour subscription to THE SIGNAL RENEWfor 1913. p The opera, the concert and the vaude- ville of the city come to the small towns more vividly than ever before on the Edison Phonograph because Edison Ilan just creased a new record --the Blue Amberol -which is sweeter and int in tone and reproduces in a more lifelike welly dtaa say other phonograph record ever made. And Deas the beat music and songs of the best artists have come to you on Blue Amberol Rec- ords it well m#est r be yours r vividly u at first, for the Blue Amberol never wears out. Hear it at your Edison dealer's today. %her ♦ boom. r. Me terlarsls Ave- Owes, K L.U. S. A. A arwsl se lir 01 Eases lAaeapald t sed mases& sale herb sin JAMES F. THOMSON WANTED 1 For Fall tied Winter months a -Dart• reliable p4sss to sell our well-known trait aol sure ur�nlry, In Godsipb OVER 8pp CREa1 I of the f1 rrewa x IStack sold and delivered to Mende. hely efve yearsgdelivery R�aex e� en T ce se ables U4 to ofM1r the beat agency In our fila Write for reran, Pelbaa Nursery Co 'roltuNm L. 1 T. Swarts' 'Bus, Livery and Bice Stables 1loartsam. *raster JUST oro Tea SWAlas BUBE.Y MEXT ALL THAINS AND : PAOS)RNORR : BOAT% Passenerees 'Salted for In any part of the tows floe all trains at G. T. R, or C. P. R. depots. Prompt service told easeful attar,11 - Our Livery will b. oreR to•data is every e•s %, �) Your patrograge enlidl.4 T. SWARTS Phone 1117 Montreal Street