The Signal, 1913-1-2, Page 1r sot see the paper you want In clubWog rates, ask lee t It We Wray ort able Ret it toe you at a r educed The Signal 11 TSAR -No. bn 1 nat. ETS CONFIDENCE tetion let thrift beget. confidence id employe, s. seeount will help you. , King and Bay Streets, Toronto anch-ANDREW PORTER, Manager START The New Year Right by. taking out an insurance policy with 1 he Mutual Life of Canada. A. G. NISBET I'FFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANI:. OF COMMERCE, GODERiCH 'PHo•Ate : Omer Si : limey. 160. P. O. llox Sill } GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'hoses tneet all trains Private rally have prompt and careful attention. First - class livery outfit.. at' all time,. Reasonable prier,, THE DAVIS LIVERY F. k T. M. DATIo • Proprietor, South Street 'Phone X ..it CARD OF TANKS. CARD OF THANES. i n beof(ourt G.dcrirh, na _. Nit ,t Canad)a.0 Order of r. ts.s. , nesse accept my donee thank. for 1 he 1. Ind - t+btrn aye d cMaw sly reels= berewv elne•n t •el. i"►e {`reWPt Dement of High Lauri * ad facetal lenebte and rbe.fue tot $isms, wsliabea.t at ft.wracr r a l'.ta held by asyli0ts aal seead in your Soelyy., P Beller a mo, e lit Ottee1 ever Sl, for the future ttls.Aretr oor', ltpal JANy: TA 17. THS LARGE ATTENDANCE the 1 �h OTT Uremia Oat, w jere la set the revolt of steel bet. :here t. a rias+ ler It. W. hare room tier mere. Rater bee lap trap. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, 1 rOTIC'E To (;REDITORs:. IN Tail reaTrgt OE Tns arrrvc (W Jews Jl.- LI1.Lara or. -HE To.w)sit r• 0 ( In.h0101 x, IN T1/gC LN tI IF 111•1o,. TrnNA N. IF. ('E teal., Ndhee 1• hereby elven pnr.nar,t to ettteta 1 Deo, Y., Humplk sec. 3;. t hat alt memos hav= Ing claims Niftiest the e'tate of the late Jaess. Jenkin, deemed. who died on or about the fittrentb depot Ilse tuber. A. D. Ont. are m- ope -red to .tend by p+••t prepaid. or deliver to the coder-igeed, .olieltor for Jobo Jenkin and S.mue?j'bogiar Mitchell. the erecerorr of the '.1d estate. at biro/bite, Horniltor, street. (lode- neh. on or before the'LtM daj oI January A. 11. 1313. tapir name.. addre..(i• „'d de.crit. Ikea. , sada fell aatetnent r.f ,, be Damieu:w es nr ,heir ewes. and app nut cre of the .erurity + f 00)'1 held by there. duly certified to. end tiro after the odd date the ere:ntnee will proceed to di.tribate thea,..,. or the dtreased atnonR the patten entitled tberet.. lin lug r. yard only to the chime which they -hall then here no- sier. and that they will not be Iiabie for t he a -- este rio distributed. or any part I hereof, 4, any peon of .rhea claim they .1..11 not then have had notice. M (i. ('AMK• ON. Solicitor 'or the Ereentor,. Dated an. Etat day of Deoember, A. D. 1912. EXBCCTOR'8 NOTICE TO CREDI- TOR!_ • I.N TNv. M imi=a or inc ksv. re or Jolts 1. t w - son, Late or THE Tow% or Ilo!.eaten, le C- THDCONTy Or H.-Ht 1oN. .1NTI.1NaN. mu -KAPOK!). Notice la hereby .Iv n. pan --sent to the Stat- ute 111 that beset(. :hot el person. haring claims against the estate of the .aid John Law. ,on. who cited at We -t our-weer:end. in the Province of British Columbia. on or about the nth day of (October, v. D. 1142. are required to end by mail, prepaid. or delfter to the troller - tont for 1'lara /handle Lawson. ex.c•trixofthe .s14estate. on or before the Seth dray otJannary, A. IL lids, (beir Dame. and eddrew.e.,, and a fun statement of their Melina and the nature of the emeriti** litany/ held ht them. And further take notice that after said boa mentioned ,late the said exerotrix will proceed 10dIettibule the torte of the ..tate among the prreons entitled thereto. having regent only to the and that .be which llnot be shall the =Id aft est.. or any fart thereof es distributed to any Denson or yerman• of whom elnJn+. she .ball not then have notice. Dated atGnd.rich. this yard day of Decem- ber. A. D.1912. PROL'DFUOT. HY8 t KILUIRAN. Goderlch P. 0., Solicitor. for the ,aid Executrix. Mat. how Much Did Your Savin n , s Ex rn in 1912? 11 Money invested by us in inside property in Weyburn, Sask,, earned from 30 to 300 percent. the past year. We strongly advise the purchase of inside property in Weyburn now, as everything points to 1913 being the most prosperous )ear in the history of Western Canada. Weyburn will be the next big city in Saskatchewan Weyburn has been chosen as the central controlling divisional point on the new short line of the C. P. Ry. between Winnipeg and the Coast. Twenty miles at new yards will be placed in Weyburn in 1913. We have some choice property five blocks from the heart of the city at $23o per lot, $5o cash, balance 6, 12 and t8 months. This is a first-class investment sad will net you big profits within the year. Write us for full particulars. E. V. Campion & Company Head Aloe: Weyburn. Soak. Brantford. Ont. office : 62 Merkel 8t. AL Deetare correspondence should be addressed to our Brantford offleo. Retorter*. • Any Bank in Weyburn. Seek. WANTED i;OIERic'H, THURSDAY, JANUARY '2, 1913 la' SKR VANTK-Pennon.uiries taros help State of oleo. Cil l of Toledo. ald + � ntaapp►T at b WIoleo.LAR tttQUIL- LAICAL C..unty. 1 IN Dominion OovernmeutEmv1o)meot Frank J. Chewy waxes oats Out be to senior Lr. Marga. lder. th of Wlttt[ttau. wA e f THE NOMINATIONS. sunt let t. i.ud awl M. le alter H Hammes m PARR HELP AND • DOMKN t'IC .yew 4 6t M.Irna, tiny. Under. left with H. 1'. pewee* of the Arm uf l'. J. t.beney Jr. to.. do- WOODS. o- lti OUrl,{)S..1.t Helene. ant., will receive prompt tux bugle.. to the um; .t Tetsuo, aconine mod u m' elp trot, ',late Atorwaim awl llama ...d Attu wilt pay the - -rl ' bum of o.,v noodled delta r.. roe each .eo tit cry PUBLIC NOTICE ammo 010.1..0 b tint a D/L be muse by ibe use of nail. Cistern, use. a u•1Y J. criko.SY. Xi /88 BRACE SEAUEK, VIOLIN Al 1ST. will be prepared to receive pupil. for utstrnCUoo Is violin swum t1um011.tely after the t_br etas.. bo&idays, - `--ft vUBL1O NOTICE. The ut.aual meeting of to .nbscrlber, of rhe Ooderirh Township Teleobone 8 -tem will be held la Holmes Hall, Holmesvtlir, un Friday. January keb, at I ND p. m.. to receive the ,'port of the oommisioners and La trrn..et soon bbstnea- a. may be brought before them. O. W. I'trrrut e.oeet sry. WEST HI'tt0s AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1 he statutory anneal meeting o1 the tnem- beta of the Woe Rama Agrieutterat Society will be' held in tier town hall. Godertcb, on l'e edne.day, hheseth day et January. 19)3. at 1 o'clock p. w., for eleetioe of carer, and general bn.Inere. Members are earnestly regne.led to .odea+ ar to be precept ted 10 nolty any (Mends 1lkely to be lnt.ete.ted. J. ADers row LEK. Secretary. lioderich. Doc. 3••tb. 1912. 3t -°t ANNUAL 'INUAL'dEE'11NG,` Tbe aooual meeting of the member- of Mc- Klllopp Mutual Fire In.utatice 1 ompany wall De held in the town hall. i4raforth, on Friday. January 17. 1913. al 1 oclock p. m. Hwdbers : To receive the financial statement and audi- tors report, the electing of three directory and other beanie-. for the. good a, d welfare of the company. The rrtiring director. are John 0 Orley*. o inthrop; Jame. Evans. Beechwood, and John Bebnewel., Hroadhag.n, who are eleirible for rerlectlon. J. B. DIcLICAN. THOS. R. HAY8. Nest fent. Secretary. FOS SALE OK TO Bur 110R BALK. -A BUILDINO LOT AY Newgate atraee, Apply tar. J. ID Some to ton..re lea and .eb.exlbed W w)y {wtacnoe, this tees day of (,Welber. A. D. 1224 1131CA1.1 A. W. ULas1UN. Notary Puulic. Halls Catarrh care le takes tntera.liy.. ud sok Mira.•tl) lea tee blood ria /0u0016o .a.locs. of Me .y.rew. teedte.Narealar. fora V.J. Ugh:Nall a, tJ., teWd -. O. dr menote, +.i• Felo yr Melts for esautiNilos. eold b7 all Taus lint'. ELECTION CARDS. T" THE Iflakt,T(llItd OP THE 7VW uFut,U Ithd. 1.ataaa 220 bone atrttttx.-Havhy(eou.entea to mum toy mono to spear., ole CW 11...1 r, our lel.s.reaet yule coy the Wu,owyeal boxed, if. to y1at Jauaawut. you timer t am a int ria proper =ram to Wl toot 104.1011 1 wtU auu.avor to ,erre you to the Scat of wi .btu.rut tae year 1113. Yams respcctturi). 3. at. *O'Ll.\TtUN. (1110 t'n!: KLtiCt0l<Y OF tiul'E .1. KIt ll. LiDite MILL Gxe4T1 (.5 for cita•two q, t%,e....la.M. m abs WALL!. v..l ma 1 tea) t/, rood dc.i tui, nest 1 less it Int WAWA 1 . sopa are:N0n. &.t coy 1,1,11(1.• not W tea W a-. i%tshttt/ you ail a 'metope' -BOK.: 1 gurliacd \rite c ou.lae.eta ewe: tram 4rwn a 14la Wry W Wu,. 1 nimbi tae shire k tact, balker for oats New Near. til J. MUKltlil IIIU 1'Hl; ELECTORS •0F THE TOWS, GYuuututICH. LaauS anti Otsxuts,;.; AI, gk♦s inateitar tion ata twin. uur.0er of coy fArMu. I ala a cand.da;c for the unite u: 00a.rler lye the uutua+g seer. 1 este had o redderstble experi- ence to muulcyoml alfaitel and trust. if elected. W be of .Woe `04 Nice to the 00061444a. Yf the lowds ou.tuu.-, iOtn obedient servant. ALEX. YutiNli. OFFICE$ TO RENT NEXT TO 810. MU T*11 ELE(•etrit OF GuUI'- N 1L ()mop. Healed by bot water 'tied -1 RICH. malt In ronn,otioe. .ADpty 1/oJ. P. BROW$. _ _ _ _ 1e L LADrar Atm b gserthess.-I hereby .+olid: FOR HALE ()R TO RENT. -A MIX. your ee a at the pulp ram Mirada . 1 sere bneu a member mkt y1.1 bent 1 Inc Kra)Mk • house, on Wolfe street. ht good r sows,, cf ytwrs, ay. teal that l trWf be condition. Also one parlor 00.10 stove and one able to do gold service toe i aged W9. real nr wood Empire Move for sale. Y.M. v�y KILPATKi('K. Bruceateeet __ Slit •Y J l'.1.aIT rPA1TL L�OKHALE -THF, FARM OWNED mOTIiEEIEcroltNVFU07.BORNE r by the lair John Halliday on the 3rd eon- 1 1 OWNBtl! rereden ..1 l'oitr,rnr. r .ntainin( 144 acres. Geed stone boom with frame khteben aed ra.\ woodebed : fnruaa huw L&uiO.Ytsee & _____ to ' good barn : youInngoose orchard: hydra ; tenlic anew.ater for 10. ucs oe*Na of Kest..&..rgyfrtax, t.wn-f iblp fur 1917. of -bleb. t'oovenient to (March and echoed. 1 hail, do lnter...ts to 0erre bet thane of the Offered al a bargain for immediate rale. of the whoa.• towaah•11 and 11 Mooed it Aptly to MRtd. HALLIDAY, Cameron etraet. steal► be guy atm to hare the a*tre of lex teen- er GoderichPa eotdu,-..1 without favor se tnrttahty to - - 00)000, but w t.n ju-t iae 10 rIL 1 14,144.41.1 :appre- [� OR H At.: -THE 100 -At 'RE FARM elite purr-uopor. at the polish, .ilay next. a1' On the 7th c000e.41.r-Qt 1 .4b.,, -o* Dace- t'uut+ta+ tt pied by 'the uoderagned. w-d!cced for ale. -�_ _�`Ait (f� Batldtna. indude.tory-end-a4ialf Eite>1f.AQe"e. ..... " 1004 bark Ir.rn and .ltd,' and large + ` j teklaS JRNETOWNsHIP. ' Etierythine in good order; farm sell teamed art eyed by. 1 b r,r R creek. land all seeded down, 10 ever; way one of the Deet terms in ase township- $1t•attoo convenient to market townsand C. P. K. stat to... Poa,ension n.n Da given in 19 tall. ANDREW JOHNsTUN, Croke----,--- - 11. L1(RM POR RALE. -THE EAST halt of lot one in the fourth moo= Sadao iHvl.k,n of the tnwn.hip of A -h set14. Ooatatninu Iter acre., Thr buildings con- do rife frame house sad frame barn. There i. ..'. a.lerebard roe particular. apply to the L'DFOOT. HAY8 & _ ifstf FIR8T-CLAMS FARM POR SALE or to rent. lot 1, conoe.,io„ 7. western divi- sion. Colborne townrhtp. 101 ser, with (loa- ds.. house, with modern r0nrenieoe,w, gond nook been, good orchard and plenty- of water. Farm ha. been In ordure for ten Feast Would rent house.•eourately. Apply to F. W. McDONAGH.1'arlow,b t,t. L'OR SALE. -WO ACR1 S OF LAND 1 11 mites north of the town M Seafort6 Oood clay loom• ell under cultivation; bank barn. with cement floes; )arae frame house.' cewly painted, all fe' 84repair: wee at iboth itinHd)811; 816 OY OKNLOC`, aesMrihpUe4 90.1? FARM FOR 8AL0.--SIXTY-FIVE acre,.. lot 14. eonee0.lo0 8, E.. D. Colborne. Story ,.nl a half triune house. kitchen and other outbuilding ; herd water pomp at kit- eben door : telephone eonnerrion. Good frame barn. 4303, div Ing house- and other buikiing. : good bard water pump at barn. A11 beadings are in good condition. Soil It deep tinyloam. well fenced. with ei running .prim[. Good or- chard -ripple., plume cheerios and. other *malt foie.. also w vineyard. Situated lI mike been Auburn station and 1 mile trees sobool. Par- ricide's no be had from YRS. JAMES SYMiNGTON or JOHN RI-MING/30N. Auburn P. 0. 31 -If. L1OR SALE. -THAT FINE REBI- 1` dentlal property at the owner of Cameron and Raglan .trer4, formerly known an the A. Mel) Allan property, 1a for sale. it contain. elgb4 town lot... p ked with the obotcest U of .11 kinds. Tera are two brick each of two etW4'l,. one built only 1aa =wand e other in ded-oh repair. Aoth Maar Hai .w have mestereveateaess. and tate saber theproperty is ass et the meet deer able to Ood.rieh. W be sold on taensble ms tee. Apply le P.J. asRYAN Atderlti, IAMB FOR SALE -150 ACRK$. 1st it awl parse. Sod Otmoeesion of We.( le�eehr.tilrp alae•. from Auburn. .ix and two mile. from Convenient to school .adbrick house whir fur- 1� ge0ection : good barer. (beta i4 wa7 /MMI and well watered sod Y in a soot state et. cultivation. Ten aerie hardwood beak. (rear seems erebar d. otrU7 winter heat. Pwsudert ma be elven an time. r, 11 pereha,•er. ALEX. Tma to . MAK Aube/II Sett. •HAW: YOU A FARM FOR SALE ? • TO TAH Eutc•roas - B anl tyou forGeeoyear/it Use town -hip council, I trust u.[ that my ,morn may =title we [o ask for re-election for shy mining year. 11 you Inc fit to elect me again ( shoal do my best in UM intereau of the towb.lup. Faithfully your., itlA.lt HErl1 1L1NGTON. 710 TH S ELR(,TORS OF 0ODERICH Lappa tNDWIN 1/KILN,-lievhog beendnly nominated for another term al tier council boat.- 1 take thi. metope of soliciting your vote seitnnuettce 1,i guy behalf. I trust that my services at the council daring 1911 bate merited liyour cootinurd confidence. and as 1 atm a fairly t taxpayer flay Interests are for the econom- ital conduct of the towner ethics. I am. Yours 80tthtnlly. W. ft. GRAHAM. qv 1 THE ELECTORS OF GODE- RICH. Lateen AND 0/Nn.e1/11,-1 have been nom- inat.d for the po-iton of Councillor for 1913. and 1 hereby ask your support at (be polls neat Mondry. I have been a resident and taxpayer of uodertch for a number of years and before that was a resldent of CMb.rne. where I had several year's atperleeee in municipal affairs. I treat that If elected I -hall be able to give yon good service during the coming year. Yours, faithfully J. J..Ytu3E1L To THE ELECTORS OF THE 1 TOWX 09 (iODERICHL --r LADIES ANT 61.71.11/71,--i have been w eeearber of your town council for nearly- ten year., detios which period 1 hate been the ler pari of the time the chairman of the t flnabce committee. t)umide of my d• In thisreeeprct, ihsve gieel .peelat- tention to the furthering of the town'. i arr- eetw in connection ,vi+h agricultural matte: _. by promoting the Agricultural Society. the winter hone markets and other institution.. 1 treat that my service- in the (wet entitle me to Your further upport. and if elected for the o0Wing year 1 shall give the town', attains lay beet attention. Yount very truly. W. Y. CLARK. VOI K VOTE AND INFLUENCE I. respectfully req needed to elect FRANK A. ELLIOTT THK vv ORKINI:MKN'H CANDIDATE As Count:illor for 1913. To THE ELECTORS OF iJ0DE- RICIL Latime mot O*NTI.ENEN,- Hat ing been nomieoted en Moodily 'venireh tor and for Deputy Rev1*.tided resume for stern= to the letter 'Aloe, and would napeetfally trek you to •appor me at the pone on election day. 1 thank )on for the rapport whisk yob have generoably s000rded me n the mt. and tenet that my rwooed of 1t ad1 • .very time Inc the town'. Inter/eta bee W Irout s '.ata .lar. of the mosses, i am. Yours c.rey, RORLRT ELIA(tn. $ITUATIONE VACANT. t11l11� �BRAssib�e_i�sir�est �mods eHOatmeal.,E 6XA . vstlho asser•e rsirsit. a+* ILL WANTED. --A GOOD t GENERAL TT wvuat. Apply te 84149. C. E. 8AL'h- *-tt T!$.WAN�aTED.t-wA GENERAL , 11gR- el noto wax Will W. T. HaT- d r"i D .--OLIRE TO LEARN ililt aseste wessibut oaa�eraw ssnlr WARTID.-AT 01501, MRN 1145 zitsuilispresesee tenet_ tansminsa war tris- MAYOR evv. MAYOR REID AND REEVE MU NINGS HAVE NO OPPOSITION. Robt. Elliott Opposes Dr. Clark Deputy Reeve and There Will B Ballot tor Councillors -Hydro -el Inc Bylaw Discussed by Seve Speakers. Renew Your Subscription to The Signal and secure one of the bandeome Calendar. for 1913. THE SIGNAL PRIIv i 'NG co.. Ltd.. PVstJ•aa- audience tor anemia nrinulee IuntAer way. There was ample evidence that • than the allotted tune, the railway was falling; into decay and IMayor Reid was the first speaker. he urged that nne action should he wennHe referred to tate year 1912 as the taken to put it in tier condition. busiest year for the town cuuucil in Mr. Tow, in eoncluutng, said he did N- alt Six experieoor. -,The bale of the 1144 intend standing for Mayor, as he suwwer hotel was touched upon and considered Mayor Reid one of the beat then he dwelt at some length on the the town had hal in his twenty-seven West Shore Railway situation. He years' residence in Goderich. r; told what had taken place at the joint M. G. Cement,' said he cattle to the meetings uf the municipalities in- •Darling M get Home information on a • teremt041 in the guaranteed bonds of tate tlydiseelet•trie bylaw. He feared C- the railway and uf the arrtngeruent thrt,- was a danger of noting rot: al made to have an engineer make quickly. He had never known of a a ,*port on the. condition If the toad bylaw bring submitted without the He regretted that the report war not agreement accompanying it. but in teddy, but heprouliaed that it would tbi• Mae the contrset was not being be pub published as soon as available. At published. He beleeyed that erre '- the waterfront, he continued, the C. t-atepeyer should have a thoroui;tt P. R. had built new freight sheds. but knowledge of what the municipality so far they had not been put in was contrating for. This .tu.trmation. operation. For thin reason the bylaw Mr. Ceinerun said, had n taro (liven. granting the railway t•tinnieggright. on 't%. 1I. Robe. Loon, noui,urted for the commercial duek bad hot been peas- the teeveship, was the next speaker ed ftnally by the c..uncil. kteferring to He cimmenoed by paying his respects the Hydro -electric proposition he said to the ••coutbinetinn•' th-•t had at he had been associated with the tempted to ,ttuelch him a year ago scheme for nearly three years and when he acid something they did re: mew the question which faced the like. He had shown theta then thus ratepayers was se to whether they he wits absolutely right, and he war should wait and see Maitland River , X g now to tell them a few things power developed before aetir_g in the IISi apparently dict not below. Dr. present case. He told of a recent Iiia Ines thought that anything a Gov - telephone couver.ateon be bad with er..ment submitted should be adopted Hon. Adam Heck in which the Power by the municipalities, yet he bad to Minister had stated that the price of admit that l he road improvement Hydro power delivered at Goderich ricbrme of which b.• had just spoken would be cheaper than at present had not been adopted by Huron and quoted, as any power taken off the other counties. In regard to Hydro Stratford--Goderich line would lessen power the ulunicipalitiee had quite as the price. The epelker then grade much right t) exercise their own reference to a statement prepared judgment. Dr. Holmes her" staid that by Engineer Kelly In w•bich it was the price for lower to (lodericb could estimated that the cost of a duplicate not exceed $37, Mut Mr. Robertson power , plant to develop .i(ju horse- forced him to modify this atet.ement ; power would mean au expenditure of the price would depend upon the $555,270. The question then a,o.,. he amount token. He read from a report said, "Would we hr jn,tIfietl in Iyer- of the Hydro -electric Commission hauling the present giant The which .tested that the cost of power town had been given a chance last increases with the distance, and "a year to sign a contract for Hydro- point 1. eventually reached at such a electric power. but this will 01 -t 1.: d.eiancr from, .the generating station done, Mayor Reid said. ••until we etre that efectricel-can no longer compete satisfied we are gettirora good thit•g " with el,aruorother local pt)s'et," The His Worship then t )olyup the wetter question was, Was Godericb not :tut - of abolishing the metre tentt, by the bide the Nisgars power zone? The water and light commission. He had speaker contended that the city of advocated that alter the el ctric light Stratford was on the .border of the consumer had paid for the metre the zone, as the Iargemaoufacturerr there practice of charging rent for it* use with very few •exceptions were not should be discontinued. The gone taking "Hydro" power. The speaker mission had gone one step further then went into figures to show how and abolished the metre rertt al- the Lax bills in Gudericb would be ea - together, eo that "row any new creased tor the adoption of '•Hydro.' • customers have no rent whatever to (This Is I:at with in another p.•rtion p:tit. of this poser.) in regard to the pros - Th. Mayor concluded his remat ks poet for the development by the Gov - by urging on the ratepayers • tis eminent of Maitland River power, necessity of assisting the council. ; lid the speaker referred to the very un - co -operating with it in advancing ,te •ati.factory way in which the Com - beet interests of the town. He el mission and ib representatively had advocated a larger attendance of rate- handled thew matter, until the Mayor vera at the council meetings. and members of the council bad Lame was the 0,11 speaker. %dnritt.d thatthey Were utterly per - After "•sing the audience that he plexed by t cstitracticl'.'!. .state - was not a can, . s+ he m-tyoralty -t lents t had aeon man.. tir�lna he confined his remareschie' teen as •� ... what it your eller native subject of Hydro -electric power. He I�He di not admit that it was hi, bind - admitted he was not sufficiently in- cress to subntis an alternative, but their erre niunicipalitiee that ran there own water -power plants. Oril- lie had been mentioned ae`a case. and Mayor tabid had told him (the speaker/ that Mr. Leacock, of the Hydro -elec- tric Commission, bad minted that Ouil- lia was abandoning itspowerplant and„. taking "Hydro." The speaker bs� wired G0 the Mayor of Orillia ,• � had received the following reply : -Have no thought of selling power plant. Has cost us about $400.000 and we are figuring on enlarging plant. We sell power from 318.40 • per harse- power• for over ten horsepower ; higher rates for smaller quantities. VY. `J. Fro, M" The townste f avor.Wingftam .decorated power on the Maitland. a very small stream at Wtngbain, and bad day p 'veer, too. In conclusion the -peaker spoke of the challenge be had sent to the editor of The Star to discuss the ••Hydro" prop- osition in public (a challenge to which be had received no replyl, and he ex. tended the s erne invitation to any of the other m+-mbero of the combination who were advocating Niagara power. B. C. Muonings, Reeve ler 191$ confined his attention cbiefiy to the work of the public work, committee in extending the /WINO!. sr,.tern. He took sun,e credit to hime. If for im- proving the fire equipment when he wax chairman of the fire committee. and in closing he reviewed the work of the public works committee during the past peer, other than that which had been accomplished in the ex1ea- tion of sewers. Robert Elliott, the third nominee for Reeve, had three bead,nfts to his discourse, viz., the sewer question and its contractor, what had h..ppened to the West shore Railway. and the handling hr the council of the Brodie bylaw. All he wanted, he raid. wax erten. for whet be had done. As ehaii man el the parks eommittee he had endeavored t.o have improve- ment- made. but hie motions had not been supported by the rumored. He promised that a telephone would be installed at the cemetery et an early date. At this time he had not derided for which office be. would Ise a candi- date. as he slat+ had been nominated for the deputy r•eeveship. Later he announced himself as the ,•ppottent of Dr. ('lark for that position. W. F. ('lark, who bold the office of Deputy Reeve daring 1912, announced himself es a esscidate for the same Ilion for I913 During the year favored the not closed be was ehairmaa of the passing of the bylaw Hanes. committee. a position. be said. whet, provides for a fixed aal.esesseet whi; h involved Borne heavy work. tor the Meaner Manufactnriog Co. for a period of ten years. He was of the opinion that the wean who didn't ask fur a hones is the num who should trnooeed. 14. believed that the isom- nor hotel ehesla have beset Geld sooner Mut the coned* shouse be given eradit for stetting sea ei �to;td for the Jitding, Tbs Asst Railway 'es w,r{ou. pr• 83L.., 8IN eptsakrr SI. and evewM J "Jr. It leseptile f0 e e M a yor-0has. A. Heid (by acclawa- tiun 1. Keeve-B. C. klunnings (by acclama- tion). .Candidates tor Deputy Reeve -Wm. Fordyce Clark, Robt. Elliott. Candidates for councillors -Frank Elliott, W. B.' Graham, Junes C. Laitbweite, Jacob Moser, H. J. Mor- ris, J. H. McClinton. J. W. Vanstter, Alex. Young. As will be seen by his card in an other column of this issue, Mr. Morris has signified his iLteutio0 of with drawing nom the coolest. W. T. Murney was returned by ac elite...trim to his seat at the board of cower and light commissioners. The Nominations. FOR MAYOR. William Line -Proposed by W. J. R. Holmes. seconded by W. M. Clark. William J. H. Holnmes-Proposer! by J. E. Torn, seconded by H. E. l o dgens. John Elg%n Tom -Proposed by W. 1'. Marney, seconded by John W. Vapat ter. Charles Andrew Reid -Proposed by J. Elgin Tow, seconded by H. E. Hodgens. Melco)n Graeme Cameron -Pro, posed by J. laithweite, seconded by H..1. Jiors.s. '� 9031 • RE71•E. William henry Robertson -- Pro- posed by H. E. Hodgent, seconded by A.. MacBwan. Benjamin Clement Munnings -Pro- posed ny W. J. R. Holmes, seconded by W. T. Murney. Robert Elliott -Propose by Wrn. Jewell, seconded by Thos. W. bell. . - FOR DEPCTC REEVE. William Fordyce Clark -Propos •1 by H. K. Hodgens, seconded by W. Afutney. Robert. Elliott -Proposed by tum. Jewell. seconded by Thos. W. (tell. FOK WATER AND LIGHTCOMMISSIO7t7R. R'. urn nosed by B. C. Munngsse , conded tV, J., R. HolmdIes. , FOR eon seri Loss. John Wesley Vanatter - Proposed byH. E. Hodgens. seconded by alter Sharman. Jamb Joseph Moser --Proposed by H. J. A. MacEwan, seconded by Alfred Tebbutt. W illi am Bennett Graham -Proposed by H. E. Hodgene. seconded hy H. J. A. Maclwan. Alfred Hope Macklin -Proposed by B. C, Munnings, seconded hy W. F. Clark. John Henry MoCtioton -- Proposed by W. B. Graham, seconded by A. G. Nisbet. 'Jas. Croft Laithwaite-Proposed by J. Elgin .Tom, seconded by W. J. R. Holmes. Alex. James Cooper -Proposed b W. B. Graham. seconded by W. y Blake. Frank A. Elliott-Propc.sed by Jos. D. Wilson, seconded by 1'. Gledbill. Alex. Young - Proposed by H. el. Morris, seconded by H. J. A. Mac - Ewan. Henry John Mnrrie-Proposed hl- J. Holland, seconded by Thos. W. Bell. Robert McLean -Proposed by Jae. M c po Mitchell, ee ohded h `` W. R. Pinder. David Bo. ten - Proposed by W. Anderson, seconders by John McDon- ald. For School Trustees. ST. PATRICK'S WARD. Yum. Forbes Gallow-Proposed by H. J. A. MacEn,tn, seconded hy Alfred Tebbutt. ST. 0i ,io .R H WARD. Lionel Gad Parsons -Proposed hy Jae. Mitchell, seconded by C. G. New- ton. ST. Devin's Wenn. Robe. Hall Cutt-Proposal by W. J. Bell, seconded by Chas. J. Spence. ST. ANDREW'v Waren. Herbert Edward Hodgens -- Pro- posed by Walter Sharman, secooded y Andrew Porter. To fill the racaney coueed by re- moval of Dr. W. S. Turnbull : John W. Craiggie-Proposed by P. W. Currie, seconded by t Bell. John Wesley Vanatter - Proposed by J. C. Laithwaite. 'wooded by R- R. mallows. Mr. Venatter withdrew and Mr. era*, is elected by acclamation. - The ;;,etch -making. YWben the hour for the receiving of notnintstior7e had elapsed ane 'Town Clerk Rny, , bad read the Leet 01 sootinessth. carious officer.. Andrew Py' "Isa voted to the chair. For overt, sew w s�the ope'ch-mak- ing oont%M al • topic hating th. power question. 11 Riled with a el .3 'payers who follow, -Iib un- abated in it was arranged ;17"17 id bave the Waste add privilege e h e+en - shweN have top -o, ..--omega" Bede al. the privileee of as gives the 1912 • • � adheredspeeltere heights formed on the subject to go into details and for that reason he Would refer to the topic in..* general way. The position. -hr said, • was that the present towu power plant was worn out. The question simeoeted down to this -"How many of us are willing 10 expend considerable to repair the plant �' For many years, he claimed, the present plant had riot beeu of sufficient capacity to supply the wants of the town. If 7110 horsepower of Niagara power at 237 were contracted for it would not be necessary to patch up the old plant. The wisest thingto do, be bad always thought was to install Hydra -electric power. Mr. lane said further that be believed that the publicity ecbewe which had been launched by the county would be .' rengtbened if Hydro elects iv power were in use in every munici- palit y. Or. Holmes in his opening remarks endeavored to show the similarity be- tween the movement f r highway improvement inaugurate.: by the Lib- eria Government of (Intro iu and the Hydro -electric- power scheme which had „been developed by the present Conservative Government of Ontario. The county of Huron had lost money by not going in with the road improve- ment scheme. "There are many here tonight," declared the Doctor, "nho will live to see the day when Hydr electric power will be in nee in every municipality in Western Ontario." It is the aim of the Power Commission, continued the speaker, to finance and supply to the municipalities of this Province power at cost. Power will be developed wherever the munici- palities will be benefited, and hydro- electric power is cheaper tbun that which can he developed in any other way. That in itself was sufficient, in his opinion. That Windsor wag negotiating for power et $Mi mss pointed out as another remittal why Godertch should look favorably upon the Hydro proposition. The llsttland Raver would be developed sa 1000 as the10 WAS a demand t„r it. but in the meantime the Doctor's advice was -Buckle up at once with Niagara.' to clueing he deplored the fact that the town was willin1 to negotiate with then of whom little was known and yet they would doubt the Government. J. Elgin Tom said be could agree heartily with what bad `wen already said regarding the Hydro -electric power question. He could vote for it as the west thing for the town. He Planks en bis platform were the pav- ing of the Square n.sdway, an ♦to dal. tlearksrh Peen* peovteion Ise the entertainment ee emss tner 1m0010. th. development of the 1ltliisdrer springs at the harbor. the e.ierw.-.% et Meek. the pleats � • new orawass•adl at eesmreseie. Nis ellteiytt remarks were dorsi 111 Is oast, .•at - tow W. T. M• water and light trees. s' paw l