HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-26, Page 7THE BGNAL : UODERICII. ONTARIO
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News of th District
THURSDAY, DlwitieSSIII N, 114113 7
MONDAY. Dec. 213rd.
Hoary Deacon slipped seWhich venfinefine
iambs the other the
scales at 970 lbs. d Iie received $50 fee
the bunch.
J. A. Brandon has been a sufferer
pwith oful felonwhen
end trouble
p,„ - wing set in Lt wa+ found ueces-
sa, to amputate the thumb. The
. id u now doing nicely.
%lies Isabella Scott, a young lady of
this township, is recovering from an
illness extending over thirteen years.
She had spent the greater part of tbat
time in bed, but she is now able to be
up and to take short drives. Her
friends join in the wish for her com-
plete r-eeltoratioa.
S&'HieJL REFORT.-Report of B. S.
No. 10. Ashfield, for December :
Names in order of merit : V. -Rae
Alton, Mary Downey. 8r. IV. -Torn
Little, Samuel Alton, Elinor Farrisb.
Promotion from III. to IV. -Jew
Scott Jlti, Marjory Johnstou 444,
Sidney Ferguson 413. Amanda Scott
131, Lorne Ferrish 4om, Joe Bowler 117,
Bert Johnston 387, Jim little 248.
8r. 11. --Frank Reinhardt, Cecil Mallin.
Jgrttsoln, Till a ieSherwi000d end Fer-
Johnston (equal), EddieJobnston. First
clans -Albert Alton, Stepben Rein-
herdt. Primer -Della Parrish. Pres-
ent every Say --R. Alton, J. Bowler,
B. Johnston. S. Ferguson, M. Jonn-
iton, C. Mullin, A. Alton. Number
on roll, '2S. Average attendance. 19.6.
M. F Aiu.EY, Teacher.
Imitations of This Great Hair Invigorator
Are Abroad in the Land, Look tor the
GUI with the Auburn Hau on
Every Package.
Parisian Sage -ask for it by name
wben you want the real heir grower
and dandruff cure.
This is a picture of
the carton in which
e•ich bottle of Par-
isian.Sege is packed.
Parisian Sage will
ha nigh dandruff.
stop falling hair and
itching soalp. and
promote a new
growth of hair if the
hair root is not dead:
it is a clean tonic
and contains no poi-
sonous lead or other
dangerous sub-
stance. it will put
radiant beauty into
dull, faded, lifeless
hair. and as a dainty
Bair dressing fair
women it cannot be
Get s50 cent bottle of Persian Sage
today. If it doesn't give complete
satisfa3tioreour money will be re
turned. Sold by E. R. Wigle and
dealers everywhere.
TuaenaY, Dec. 24.
Scrums ENTgRT-LINMg!T AT No. 7. -
The Christmas tree and entertainment
held in oonoectioa with 8. 8. No. 7,
Maitland concession, ,n Friday,
December 211, was a decided success.
The people of the section turned out
en maple, it being a long time sioce
anything of that kind had been held
in connection with the school. The
people gathered at 2 o'clock. Levi
Snyder ably filled' the chair, the other
trustees also being present and giving
brief addresses. An excellent program
of thirty-six numbers, coosistlne of
dialogues, choruses and recitations.
was well rendered by the children.
Then the welt -loaded Christmas tree
was stripped and the promote were
distributed among the waiting chil-
dren, who atm presented their teacher,
Misr Stella Kirke with a toilet set
euclosed in a baoddewe leetherbound
cane and •• nicely worded address.
After all was over, there being a
quantity of candy, oranges and pop-
corn remaining, young and oldjoined
in a scramble for it. It wan a day to
be remembered.
MONDAY, Dec. 2.'3.
The marriage of Miss Jeer. Lawson,
1 Lucknow, to John H. King, of
Neepawa, Mao., was solemnized at the
borne of the hridP a sister. Mrs. A.
V. Murdoch. of Winnipeg, on Decem-
ber'2od. Rev. David Christie officiated.
W. E. Anderton, a wholesale liquor
dealer of Palmerston, was fined $25
and costs by the police macistrate of
that town. on the charge • 1 shipping
liquor to Lucknow, a local option
municipality. In connection with this
case another charge has been laid by
the License Department against •
Lucknow man.
A PoPVLAR Ev eT.-4t. Peter's
church, Lucknuw, was theseene of a
pretty event on Wednesday, i ltb ineL,
when Miss Gladys Mary, youngest
daughter of W. 8. Holmes was united
in marriage to Charles Weiland Coul-
ter. of Sault Ste. Marie. Rev. A. Rich-
ardson performed the ceremony. The
church was tastefully decerated for the
occasion. The bride wore a blue velvet
travelling suit and a set of mink furs,
the gift of the groom. Sb. was
attended by irisandMaley Armstrong
as flower girls. They were dressed in
white Swiss mull and wore quaint
pokebonnets of white' chiffon. The
wedding march was played by Mrs.
(apo. Smith. After the ceremeny
wedding party partook of a dainty
breakfast at the bride's home. The
happy couple left on the afteroain
train on a trip to Toronto, Port Huron
and other places. and afterwards they
will commence boueeteepiog at the
"Boo." The bride's friends in Luck -
now and vicinity join in wishing ber
much happiness in her new sphere.
MONDAY, Dec. 3rd.
!L HOOL REPORT. -The following is
the result of the examinations in Si. S.
No. 7. Ashfield, during the month of
December : 8r. IV. - Clarence Hen-
derson tib, Kelso McNay 71. Jr. IV.-
Leca England fI'L, Evelyn Wellington
81, Graham MeNay 73. May Stein 58.
Elsie Barge 56, Jennie Johnston 52,
Eva Hogan 49, Earl Swann 36. Sr.
111. - Rob Helm lift. Jr. III. -Laura
Stein 58, Alex. McNay 54, Welliogton
Henderson 52. Sr. 11. - Henry Gil-
more 70, Thomas Helm 64, Beatrice
Stein 54, John Gilmore 40. Jr. 11. -
Dorothy Barge 66. Nellie England 64.
Basil Hogan 50PL I1. -Edward Gil-
more :118, Wilfrid Hogan 176, Louis
Barge 149. Pt. L --:John Gilmore 276.
JEAN E. JOHVerroS, Teacher.
Dr. Ounu. of Clinton, has been
elected president of the Huron Medi-
cal Association.
Wm. Duncan, a resident of Belgrave
twenty-five years ago, is dead at Ker-
robert, flask.
Sam. MoQuarrie, of Howard, Sask.,
is visiting relatives and old friend• in
Brussels and vicinity. This is his first
visit in fifteen years.
The student* of Clinton Model
School presented their principal, C. D.
Boucle at the close of the term with a
handsome leather chair.
Philip Ament & Son, of Brussels,
have leased the sawmill and cooperage
business of Wm. Amens, in Seaforth.
The proprietor will visit the West,
where he bas business interests.
Word has been received at Exeter
of the death at Colorado Springs of
Thomas Hamlin, a former well-known
resident of that town. He bad, been
ill for enteral months.
The residence and its contents of
James McNamara, of Harpurhey, was
entirely destroyed by fire on Thursday
evening, 12th inst. A defective chim-
ney is believed to be the cause of the
n'1'he home of Rev.;!Dr. Gilray, of
Toronto, was the scene of an interest-
ing event on Wednesday, December
11th, when Dr. H. H. Roes and Miss
Jean Schaefer, both of Seaforth, were
made husband and wife. Dr. and
Mrs. Ruda will reeide in Seaforth.
V. R. Van Norman, chief of the
Wingbam fire brigade, was removed
from his position at the last meeting
of the 1912 council. The reason is re-
ported to be the unsatietactory condi-
tions reported by the inspector for the
Fire Underwriters.
The Gaelic Bible that belonged to
the Presbyterian church at Walton
since the year 1865 was presented to
Rev. D. 13. McRae, of Oranhrook,
prior to bis departure for his new
charge at Atenow. Bruce county. Mr.
McRae used to preach in Gaelic in the
early days.
A pleasant event took place at the
residence of Mr, and Mrs'. W. Willem.
Tuckersmith, on Wednesday of last
tveek, when their daughter. Mies
Estella, was united in marriage with
Russell Sterling, of Tuxford, Sask.
Rev. Mr. Hicks was the officiating
The marriage was solemnized in the
Had Urinary Trouble and Diabetes, But
Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Him.
Wellesley, Ont., Dec. Gard.-(Spe-
ci.il.)-Mr. George Strebel, a harness.
maker, of this piece, states positively
that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him of
urinary trouble and diabetes. Mi.
Strebel says :
! was troubled with kidney disease
and diabetes all my life till t was thir-
teen years of age. No one knows who
has not suffered it. what it is like.
Our doctor could not even give me re-
lief. and all other so-called special rem-
edies were useless.
"It was in January, 11.15, when 1
read in your almanac the rules for
self-examination. and determined to
try Dodd's Kidney Pills. After tieing
nine boxes I was completely cured. I
am now eighteen years old, and have
not been troubled with these diseases
since. Dodd's Kidney Pills, with the
help of God, cured me."
Tote Sall COCNCIL.-The last meet-
ing of the council for 1912 was held on
December pith. Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting read and con-
firmed. Communication from Joseph
Johnston received asking permission
to cut some trees opposite his property
Ict 3i, concession 5. Filed. An ex-
tension of time was given the con-
tractor on the Toll drain, it having
been impossible to complete this con-
tract this past season. The auto of
$185.53 was ordered to be refunded to
tbe East Wawanoeh ratepayers of
U. S. S. No. 5Auburn, a misunder-
standing having occurred between the
clerk and trustees over the requisition
for amount required by said school
section. The collector was given time
till February let next to return his
roll for the balance of taxes remaining
s• yet unpaid. A large number of
accounts were paid, which will appear
in the fluancial statement. The coun-
cil then adjourned. A. PORTERFIELD,
TOtaneT, Dec. 24th.
Pgnn)NAL MtNTION.-William Mc-
Millan arrived home Saturday hat
after a summate! seaeon'e sailing on
the Great Lkse Ars. Christopher
lietbewey and little son, Thomas
Stanley, of Cobalt, have Dome to spend
Christmas with Col. end Mrs. Varcoe.
Miss Barkley is spending the
vacation with her parents at Dun-
gannon....... Mies Reta Wise, of the
O. C. 1., to spending the vacation at
her home here.
S9caoot (101IOtwT.-The , oncert
given oe Friday afternoon by the
teacher and pupils of 8. S. No. 1
was a Brest etsec a. Many of the
parents ase fliwflg waver/Mont- and
Were mash ptadled with the manner
is whish She /sSs teedered their
Oar vfel6ld�etd, William Mc-
wee pmennk ably furnished
for the marcbee and death.
wee a Ohrtlsmas tree also on
*IAA weer a passim and caddy and
ONO for ..eh of the /opals
Titers wadi he tar fewer sorrows
Mtvas tootthead it teen -- Ond knows
was May are on fo.niwl -- ara.le IM
M.4 iasis Iniegleetic•n in metalling
tae 41f Jain .,o-rews than in
Warble eaa their rte- % lot. -
re. .fie
)T'S All
A Wall of Soap
One year's rales of Comfort Soap
means enough soap to build a wall 15
feet bleb and eta miles long. Think of
it ! Enough to ocienpleWy surround
the City of Tomato.
Mr. Rowell's Address.
Copies of an address given by Mr.
N. W. Rowell, K. C.. leader of the
Liberal party in Ontario, on .'Wbat'
Liberalism Has Done for Oaned ." to
fore the Montreal Reform Club on
November 10th last. will be ready
for free distribution in a short
time from the Central Liberal
Information Office, tri Sports street, I
Ottawa. Any person desiring a copy
of this addrees will receive it at once
on writiog to the Information Office.
In this address Mr. Rowell gave a
careful outline of the work done by
the Liberal party in shaping the
destines of Canada, not only in her
domestic affairs, but also in ber
relations with the Mother Country
ani the rest of the Empire, especially
with regard to ; :,e d• velopmeot ot
political and trade relai ions and Can-
ada's share in the : ' Alews of defence.
He particularly •'•. ,wed the effect of
the Liberal pi .,,les on the mar o
events in Caned idr. history -the early
struggles for responsible gdvernwent :
Canadian confederation : t'amide s
evolution from a colon7 to the status
of a self-governing nation, and finally
her entry into lwpetial affairs wit
the creation of the Imperial Con-
Mr. Rowell lays stress upon tbe
noble work done by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier as bead of the Liberal party
in this national and Imperial develop-
ment,l'and shows that •',r wa. the
triumphs of the Federal principle --
-the Liberal principle -giving local
autonomy to the Provinces, that has
made poesible tbe development ,,of our
Canadian Confedbre.ioo as it is today :
and it is the extension of that
principle to the other self governing
dominions of the Empire that baa
made possible the growth and ex-
pansion under the British system of
government of harmonious co-oper-
ation with the Mother Land that we
witness toJay."
Mr. Rowell's address throughout is
Church of St. John tbe Evangelist, one of keen interest. end should he
Loudon, on Wednesday of last week. read by all Liberals as an illuwin-
of Mise Madelon Edoa Craig, daugh� stave justification of their p�ulitical
ter ot Canon and Mrs. Craig, to faith.
George S. Cotter, of Regina, Sask.
Rev. H. Robinson, rector et the FORAGED PEOPLE.
Anglican church at Strathroy oAs-
A Grey township home suffered a
double bereavement by the death of
the head of the family, George Hodge,
and of Mr. Kitchen, father of Mrs.
Hodge. Mr. Hodge was sixty-two
years of age and had suffered several
months from cancer. Mr. Kitchen
was a veteran of ninety-three years.
Robert Ross. marine engineer, son
of Mrs. Wm. Ross. of Brussels, 'has
sailed from Portland, Oregon, with
rhe steamship "Lonsdale," for Yoko-
hama, Japan, the vessel having been
sold to a Japanese company. The
voyage will take twenty-three days.
Mr. Ross expects to return to Canada
after the steamer is delivered.
William McEwen is dead at his
home near Heneall, at the age of sev-
enty years. The deceased was a
native of Lanark county. In the
winter of 1857 hie father moved the
family to Huron county and took up
600 acres of land. He is survived by
his widow, to whom he was married in
1874, and a family of two sons and five
Mrs. Broderick, a former resident of
the Babylon line, Hay township. died
at the home of her son at Jamestown,
North Dakota, and the remains were
brought to Hensel! for burial. The
deceased was horn hi Enland eight
Clerk. 7
four years ago end at the age of seven
emigrated to Canada with her par•
ents. They settled in Oxford county,
-- where the subject of this notice grew
With Biliousness and Sick Headache.= np and was married. Her husband
Calgary. Alberta, July 8, 1911. wised away sixteen years ago. After
his death Mrs. Broderick continued to
I was a great sufferer for along time reside at Hensall until • few years
with biliousness, sick headache and ago, wben she sold her property and
liver trouble. Nothing seemed to do went to live with one of her daugh-
me any good. i had almost given up
in despair when 1 decided to try
After taking about half • box the
headaches stoppers and my appetite
improved. 1 have just finished the
fifth hoz and feel as well as ever. I
can heartily recommend Fig Pills for
stomach and liver troubles.
Sold at all dealers in aS and 50 cent
poxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co..
SL Thomas, Ont. Sold in Goderich
by E. R. Wigle, druggist.
tars. A family of seven survive.
Has Taught over a Quarter of a Cewtery.
After twenty-six year? continuous
service as teacher in :be school oa the
Mill road, Tuckersmith, Andrew Scott
has decided to retire from the teach-
ing profession at the close of the pres-
ent school term. He will now devote
his time to his fine farm near Sea -
forth. Mr. Scott bag taught for
thirty years and in that time he has
been in just three scbo,.ls. Before his
engagemeot In the Mill road school be
was employed In a neighboring sec-
tion and for one year In Turnberry.
`.15%i"'EMAP"'1 F'^ary
Always Wanting Something.
yc� ees
jrs.t_,ttl. i
Take me to see jest m
icturne, uvver. will yet r
-Now. sign yens end hid yneer .Or c•.'' H'-w'rr 1r .....te't atw s.
. .-ref• rA •. rn,,..rea ,, 9 • ,
Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their
Selection of Regulative Medicine.
We have a safe, dependable and
altogether ideal reined that is pat tit-
ularly adapted to the requirement* of
aged people and persons of weak con-
stitutions who suffer from constipa-
tion or other bowel dtwrdeta 'W'e
are so certain that it will relieve there
complaints and give absolute satisfac-
tion in every particular that we offer
it with our personal guarantee that it
shall [east the user uutbing if it tails to
substantiate our claims. This rem-
edy is called Retell Orderlies
Rexall Orderlies have a soothing.
healing. strengthening. tonic and reg-
ulative action upon the bowels. lies
remove all irritation. dryness. wore -
nem and wt sheet*. They reatot t• t rte
bowels and associate organs to more
vigortitls and healthy activity. They
are eaten like candy, may be taken at
fay time without inconvenience. do
not cause griping. nausea, .liarrh..aa,
excessive looseness. flatulence or other
disagteesble effects Price ''Mc and inc.
Sold only at our store - The Hexell
Store. H. C. [tunics!), Godericb.
Both Quick and Permanent Strength.
1f you are run down or t red out, if
you take cold easily. have no appetite,
are losing flesh or have other evideore
of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's
System Renovator under ou. guaran-
tee to retuod the price paid if the
remedy fails to give eeittee satisfaction.
it aids digestion. tome up the per yew;
system and gives both quick ard per-
maneat results. Om dollar • bottle.
Mentrtactured by MacLeod Me -Heine
Oct., Guderieh, OnL For sale by E. H.
We are Exposed to
T,bercular Cerins
every day. Post-mortem
examinations often show
that tuberculosis had been
arrested by strengthening
the lungs before the gams
gained mastery.
You can strengthen your
re�si�stance - power by taking:
Scott 's . It con-
tains available energy in con-
centrated form. whist[ quickly
nourishes all the organs d the
body. h raw wee _wise
.4eA, •clic• &lee/ Mid edea
clear._, e• the seersiar sad. A's
aim& me •noble* the hob to
Mehl to mereisis.
For stubborn colds and
bronc!titis nothing compares
with Scott 's E•AMI%uipn.
Rah.• eeidSdee- Rases ea
mem remme. mere ,r
r -.."Y
Havrngpu. the busi-
ness formerk c.,nducted by
P. Barlow H :w. -e, we 1•ur
pose dealing .t.
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cie meat
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines whish are recognized as
the best We wish to giv3
the people of (.uderich and
vicinity the beat service poet-
sibie, and shall he glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
who wish .anything in our
All order left with Jas.
Yates, West -:1.2.t, promptly
attended t.o
Tone No. 76
Yards at (4. T. R.. Nelson Street
Leena'. 370 ter, Breadth. 63' feet
T..a.se. 14,5O0
Wireless sed S•bearr.e Salamis
e:mprr-- of I, e..u.i inc. . 7
Eiwprta. of Hrit.,in... Jas 1i•
t'un,d..n o i.rtetedi "Seo. 24
Kani,rew of beL.a:. Feb. 7
11 'te:N and all 1ntOrnlat:ou ft om any
-:nam+IIi 'ager,[, or .1. Kidd. Agent, -'.
P. R.. tioasnn:. • sc.
Between all stations in Canada,
Fort William and East. and to Sault
Ste. Marie, Detroit. Mich., Buffalo
and Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Minimum Fare, 26c.
Good Going
Dec. 24, 25
Return Limit
Dec. 2a, 1912.
Also eoing
Dee. 31, Jan. 1.
Return Limit
Jan. 2, 1913.
Go t
Dec. 21, 1912,
to Jan. 1, 1913.
Return Limit
Jan. 3, 1913.
Full particulars from Jos. Kidd.
C. P. R. agent.
A 8aadsome Caraic,e
adds bath to the appearance
and value of your house. You
would pay more for a honer
with than without one. So
would others if your house
weeds the market.
done by us ran always tsr told
by its fine appearance and long
wear. If pros cornice is be-
ginning to show signs of age
and weakness let ne estimate
en a now one far von. Trio
w ill tw .nrp.iwl it what a Mw
rar••e we will .1., it fol.
AHappy and Prosperous
New Year to All is
the wish of
Agents for Stanfield s Uushrinkable Underwear and Carbartt Overalls
Can be picked up in it Shoe Store. If you get amovi,
the proper shoes, it's one of the easiest" things in the,world
to get something suitable -for. anybody.
It'll be useful, too. And serviceable. And appreciated..
you may be .ure.
Slippers make an excellent present. Nothing steed be
wort appropriate. say for' your husband or brother. We
have a lot of Slippers at different prie es that would do. Yes.
Slippers are all right. So is $ dr•"- % neat. stylish pair of ,
Shoes -for ladies or gentlemen. Na r, -.able to please any
taste here -and do it, too, without , .. -• ,ing more than you
think you ought to pay.
Corner East St. and , Square
Poe Qom
� HolidayGiftsdRE
We have a great number of useful, as
well as ornamental goods from which you can
make a choice.
What would be a nicer and 'more useful,,
present for mother than an up-to-date Happy
Thought Range or a Radiant'.Home Heater,
two of the best stoves on the market ?
A number of other Christmas suggestions :
Silyer Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons 0_
Pearl -handled Knives and Forks
Electric Light Fixtures
Silver Knives and Forks
Carving Sets in cases
Shot Guns and Rifles
Coal Oil Heaters
Scissors in cases
Hockey Skates
Brass Goods
and many others
too numerous to
mention, which
we invite you to
call and see.
Phones : Store 22 1 I.,u K 1 12
1 , m, t • It'll , AaJrrieh