The Signal, 1912-12-26, Page 5RE 1912 .4444.awisne Pars linen, Bets Dresser Embeoid- e lover.. its. Stand alleles not led Spread sees Mott[ pa, (!loves, Sect from. it 6oc and 11 J y Bros. Hit H ling Directors balmers ly attended 1 • night or dad t eakeiststWeSetoesal ters sleighs to time to our Cutter Ib for the We have kinds and n Stoves ranges a nice line ind Ranges. ig nice anti expensive. d see them. WILSON arri. Agent et, Goderich, Ont. CHE SiGN.al. ing - 1st of 11t sit 'or eW ER LOCAL TOPICS 'Poultry Show. Prise lista for t. ibkt n of • to be held Huron Poultry and b:, are in Godericb Jan being issued. y be bad on application to th rotary, Walter H. Harrison, God Nominations on M As already inn • , the muni- cipal uominatiom be held at the town hall nest . y evnioK, com• teeming at 7:30 o Very little it h it of any new• • !dates, but the ictal proceed! , •' ay bring out tae fresh m eight Train Off Track. Two engines an attached to a t rack as it ente last Tuesday m ngioee was dam The mishap fort point where it passenger trains reach the station forst. Wno Will Get the t Ride aple Leaf (hep - ow look with no upon the fruits new ambulance, 7. eir cowl tendete t train left the (3. T. R. yards g. One of the to some extent. were interred to the family plot in ly occurred at 1, line Baptist cemetery at Thedford. possible for all Clive the hockey club a good start the wreck and I by turning out in full force at the New Year's night entertainment. The regular meeting of the Gode- rich branch of the Women's Institute will 1* held at the home of Mn. Swan - eon, Bruce street, on Friday,Janary, 3rd at 3 o'clock. A good attendance vendor -the collector of water and light rates -was decidedon. As tbe an adds• handling of there lamps i Goo*" respou■ihitltyfor him iS alten 25 to it was decidedt.o grant in salary. THE SIGNAL : ONTARIO NO TAX REFORM Oa1y . Proper interpretation eft Pr. sent Act Necessary, Says Prew,ler The two bills introduced by Ii. W. Rowell. lea4er of the opposition, and J. A EMs. Conservative M.L.A. for Ottawa, were rejected last Thursday by the special tate committee of the Legislature which heard the views of LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. I many associations on the subject, including the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. The Grange and Labor Burt the new year rlpbt by ordertne a m w representatives. These bills aimed at .alt of clothes from Prtdham the Tutor. Ma- a radical revison of the present As- tetial, .tyle, cut and tit guaranteed. Durtns the coming year Smash'. Art Store seesment Act The committee, by a will be headquarters tor art watetiiak. fancy vote of 20 to 7. decided that the pro - work ruppliee, picture...picture tramline. etc. legislation was unsuitable, or, A. J. Paltridge Was at Thedford on posed noother words, the present act was Wednesday attending the funeral of entirely satisfactory -if properly ad- hir mother. Mn. Margaret Paltridge, ministered. Sir James Whitney, who who passed away last Monday after a attended only the last session of the in her eighty-first yoar. The musses manta aa entirely unnecessary. He brief tllnas's. The deceased ady was committee characterized the amend - The members ter• I. O. D. E.. rtnall degree of of their labors. for which the Leon working arrived in muffle' .erne as a Chr Chapter to Alex ambulance is to -date and best its kind. It w ,of London. It where it is Nein number who ng ladies have is requested. Members will please several months, time this week to gift from the a hospital. The of the moot 4p• inted vehicles of it by A. J. Greer, at Swells' livery, mired by a Targe see it. Death ot Mrs. t • ) Willoughby. at Windsor on this week of Mrs. Willoughby. The name was Lillian The death t( Tuesday evenin , shoal William deceased's ma May Graham. Mn.. Edward Her demise foil days' from Pn her forty-uecno and one son, G Willoughby w .n All Tuts the funeral w Thursday oft r'arlisle condor. interment wax ,-t•nnel cry. San suddeuly be pathy'of the Honor Roll Ban The t'oliegia who won their a Place on the roll" reoeivel t day eveaiog. students who h to the iutatatio entry executiv aeinbly ball oft a social-evenin tion room was .[ted and the mittee were no to make the ev joyable one for eoo:ests and ot were the chief taintnent. Ref and after the g of the temptin of thanks was and the zealous Mise Grace Wa social eveniog carried to surh . After the sin Anthem the Santa Claus at On Friday e tree entertain separate sob prettily deco traction being. mart tree, lllum presents for th is the well ren and reciteriou ingadaughter o sm. East street an illness of four nia. She was in ar. Her husband en. survive. Mre. prominent worker ch, Windsor. and Id from there on n. Rev. Arthur the services. The de in St. John'. b. The relatives ed haze the sym- of Goderich. note the change of date. The Webling McRaye engagement on New Year's night will introduce two delightful entertainers to ,.the people of Goderich. Ice cream -toe hest at'Blackstone's. New • Year's special, regular 40c chocolates, assorted flavors, Ale, at Blackstone'''. Miss Webling and Welter McRaye are entertainers of the highest order. Hear them at Victoria Opera House` New Year's night. ones : Welcome Chorea. The Claes Speech by Jame* .. James Dean. Jo+epb Webb end Jack d. (, hrtstmas Hymn. ,rM .. ... Clean Recitation -. "Tw4Qocking*"' �t,ry Webb Cbarus..... "Hurra$r Good old Santa plena' Recitation .... ....Thelma Hargltt Recitation "M joUie- - ... Laura Jeffrey Recitntioa"TbeFad Bird' .. Gerard Davis (cots ........ wllLjDlteen" Margaret . Kelly and lack Kidd RedtaUew. .."Gram's Crusts _ .Genevllevv T SpahRecitation :A e".... Davi.Dorothy •vi. song ," Wee- W." Twelve little ton, Institute students entitling tbetn to ,.ry Society "honor' 'ewers' last Thure- ut fifty of the ualified rroponded rat out by the Lit - meet 1n the as- 'ollegiate and enjoy ether. The recep- y tastefully decor - bent of the som- ring in t heir efforts g a thoroughly en - guests. Guessing interesting games urea of the enter- ments were served ring had partaken nds a hearty vote eyed the executive Iden t of the Society. k, for the splendid had plsuned and ccessful conclusion of the National ring dispersed. Separate School. g last a Christmas t Was held at the The rooms were the centre of ',s- courers the Christ - and laden with ys and girls. Below program of songs leen by the little was positively opposed to the prin- ciple of the bills. They suggested a harum-scarum remedy for a disease which did not exist In the province. "Until we netd a change let us stay as we are," said he. "There is no necessity for such mangle tax legls- lation." The committee recommended. how- ever, that the chairman cause to be pent out to the assessment commis - 'loners and assessors of every muni- cipality in Ontario a circular point- ing out by means of general instruc- tions and concrete examples set out In the circular, how buildings should be assessed in keeping with the Assess- ment ssessment Act. • It was also recommended that tbe income tax exemption be raised $1200 `0 $1600. and from $900 to 11200 in the case of a _iouseholder; also that sec- tion 39 of the act providing for the 'special assessment of farm lands in towns and villages, should be repealed. CHURCH NOTES. Knox 4httrch Sunday school will have its sonnet Christmas entertain- ment on Thursday. Jenuary'2nd. Rev. Geo. E. Ross. will preach .n Knox church at both services on Sunday. Subject of discourse in the mooting "Busy Here and There" • and in the evening, "The Closed and Open Door." PERSONAL MEN r1ON. The Mi,.eee Jean and Anna iawson. 'et Detroitte . `e speedingtthe holiday, -a t the home f MINISTERS OVERWORKED Chistmas Visitors in Town. Mr. and Mr.. Harry Worsell. of Toronto. Grant and Kenneth Hoyd. of Toronto. Clarence Young. of \Valkerville. Chester Macdonald. of Detroit. Mr. and Mre. Jo... Henle. of Toronto. H. Eari E' non. of Molesworth. Gordon McXevin. of Toronto Dental 1 oliege. C. K. Mact'henon,+'J. Archie Tom ant Herb Smith. all of the School of l't...ana1 Sccience Toronto.a tor1 Frank Fe -ice. T. IL Iplii. Miss Jean Tom and Howard Waltee all of Univcrv:ty 'biles.. Tor 'eta. Norman Newell, of Mitchell. Donald McLachlan. of St. Helene. Roy Walter. of Toronto. Mr. and Mr.. B. H. McCreath and Mr. 'oott. of 'reroute. 'Cyril Carrie of W ditlet oliege. 1.r onto ter Mr. and M. -tarry Cott and `Q Marion, of I3 antford. - -� Miss Pearl lb adford. of Toronto. Misr Jessie Strang. of New Liskeard. Mir•. Grace a rang. of t arangeeil lc Mier Helen stenos. of New York. B• t , Mini Strang. of Arnprior. Angu.• McLeod and Arthur Bet re. of Toron- to Cniverdty. Reg. Platt. of intorno a'altar, of Pharmacy. T�eaorm n and t'a,ssell Kimball of Toronto. e:ernld Kidd. civil engineer. of Montreal Louis Carey. of Hank of Cornmeroe. Barrie. Miss Grace Johnston. of Toront o. Woo AUUe Johm.tun, of Karrie. The Misses Tom. of r'xeter. Keg. Pridham. of Winnipeg Mr. and Mrs. P. Crew., of Winnipeg Miss Jail' Thorn.'. of Berlin. Mk- Mabel Thnrlow. of Toronto.' Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell. of *ort Colborne. J Page. of Toronto. Harry Washington. of Dayton. Ohio. 1• ham. Washinetoo. of Regina. Rea. 'lye. of Toronto Unfvsrdty. Mr. aed Mre Walter Buchanan n•ad family, olgdward� Demo. of •bleagO. Harm Wiggles. of Toronto. Mr. /togttles. of 11• r..dale. 1'Litre Tw„edie. of Edmonton. Mr. and Mr-, .'rthur Sutbcrland. of Toronto. O. 1 H.mUtoe. of the Starling Bank. Auburu. .tit - .l Alto and F.oyd Mcl looakl. of St. Mary... Roy Moot. of St. Thomas. Miss Annie Campbell. of Toronto. Den Wiggin- rind Jack Proudfoot. of Saska- toon. Sask. Hilton Heinle.. of Port McNichol. Miss Augn.ta McLeod. of Wroxeter contin- uation *.hoot. Ilan Nicholson. of the :h; I_of �actcal Science. Kingston. • Norman Lewfr. of in taw*. F. B. Holme.. of Port Mr • idtui. IJ. ^:L` Mie. Mamie Foster. of Vecbell. Delsemms Mlllyerd, of Victoria 1'nivety. Toronto. Campbell Grimn. Of rafaato, Mis. Agnes Hamilton and Miss Irene Prid- baen. of the Faculty of Ratsention. Toronto. Edgar Weida, nl Bt- Uathartns.. Mins Hanel McDonald. et Detroit. Miss Rose MnNoris. of Aurora 0 .•; Mite Gladys McNevin, of Enrich 1 oetito[e. Donald ('lark. of the Collegiate Perth. Will Prondfoot. of Toronto. Bert and Mier Miss. )targaretMDaRn t Wo Woodstock. ss Miss Maggie Mere, of (onto° Dustier. Cot Me. tn. O. ( :atronic of Waahingum. D. C. Prank Edward, of Chatham. Warnes Rotel Detroit. sous Carrell. of osenta Reoltadon.....'•Mttai Birthday . Helen K�d d S -it frim en m yy n DtecttsUon .--N shoo Dan"....Murie) Snail) Chia to Santa Hy this time inti had arrived and was greeted bynumber of little girls who formed a tele around him and sang his welcot+. The presents were then distribute's (he boys and girls and Banta deified amidst the hur- rahs of the vi pleaaed and happy little ones. Water and Lig .mmission. After a dine for nearly on water and li meeting last the advent of tice of ehar•gt light bile' sbo annoeoeemen about 450 of are customers commission. the yearly ligbt const in previous y ing reckoned ciente per discussed by that of the 1 summer bed number of u for Lawes obj the regular will insist paid tor. Re gstaliatlon over owl 1 fry. Th. antis.. awe weirs Ifweesabse from t for tie. id aa�YM' with Aeth at tin inahborr .erg ht w ilk ion which continued nd s -half hours the commission at its k decided that with year 1913 the prac- etre rent on electric be abolished. This is he of interest to Mies Mabel Jones. of Detroit NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-Dec.rPath. Pare A Happy New Year -J. S. Davey.. 3 TM'$.tuners/ of the lAbat Probes. t awe wt.. vies Co.. LI leibam . A wiaht sod Peeepw.aa New Yesr-r''aur . Woak's .Ba "gi.•4— Our Smarty Good Wrebes-Miers Sapid s Mere sanest igesess-$i&f iii l+tn leserasse Ce 1 A name Yew TTrCtr• Ail- e r Name to Cr tn io-Preed �. D date us whim► omit- II". .... ............... Many Recommendations Made in Re- gard to Civil Service Department A report on the organization of the public service of Canada, made by Sir George Murray at the request• of the Dominion Government, was laid on the table of the house on Wednesday by the prime minister. The repot contained some thirty printer page - Sir George stated that he was mo Impressed by the enormous amount of work the ministers have to do under Me present system -in force In Canada. They both have too much to do and do too much. He recommended a greater devolu- tion of authority, that is much that is now done by order -in -council should be done by the individual ministers. That Is further, that the ministers should be given greater authority without be, to the cabinet. Legislation would be necessary to ef- fect such changes. A committee of ministers should be appointed to deal with tht matter and to recommend such duties en may be left to the individual ministers. Sir George also recommended that the provisions of the Civil Service Act be extended to the outside service of the government, thus taking it from the political arena. It was undesir- able, however, that the commission should interfere to the matter of pro- motions to the service to the past He made the recommendaton that promotion should be left to deputy beads. only on the understanding that merit alone should count. A pension system Of retirements was suggested. TSOR/DA•, DeratsIaa .21, 101.8 EAST STREET GARAGE We wish everybody it Happy and Prosperous New Year. ARTHUR M. GLOVER Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. OODER1t'H. ONT. 'Pitons S48 OBITUARY. Byers. The death is chronicled at South- ampton of William Byers. tor many years a well-known resident of Gode- ricb• The deceased was it native of Stratford. being born there sixty- three years ago. Whet he was a young man be pante to Goderich, about tbe year 1$75, and for twenty ears he was engaged with E. Down- icb, at J. Whyard's : Misr Biidie Durgin. from Chippewa, and Miss L E. Durnin, from Goderich, at the home of their father. T. E. Durnin : Wm. Baiter. o f (.ode - rich, at his father's : Mr. and Mrs. B. Roach. of Goderich. with friends ; Misr. Gladys Wilsou, of Napanee. with her sister. Mrs. Norman Treleaven. ing and Wm. Sharman in their shoe stores. Seventeen years ago be re- moved from Goderich to �thampton and sing had been engaged in nese tor himself in the northern town. While living bere Mr. Byers was united in marriage to Mies Jane Don- aldson. daughter off Mrs. Jane Donald- son. Elgin aver os. Their union was blessed with a fat ill V ,tf seven children - Mrs. Dearonr, Pearl and Hattie Byers, all of Pit t, hum ; Mn. Nickel,, of Los Angeles. ' . ; Miss Hazel, of Wheatley ; Wilt. of Milwaukee. and Miss Elleo, at home. Ali. of the' family were bonze frit. the funeral with • the exception of Mrs. Nickel. Mre. Byer* is still living. Capt. Byers, a I brother of deceased, well known on the great Lakes, died at Detroit about two months ago. • DUNGANNON. DR. NEWTON, DENTIST OF Lucknow. has c.visiting outside t s_+ed potnta and will henceforth give his entire�j tfodvyd i where he tbe y..+iodrnnthr �lM11b�WaiAMIKEOF CANADA res wW' .a Frit& 175 NI Ands tom as/ Usdivtded Profit* �O.wt r , Total ) • MINA LEAEN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSIN ESS Mew the snows mode mrd be prepared for tic epporimenr. of tie a ip spies. TAKE A COURSE N THE dG TO0tO1TO T. M. C. A. AUTOMODILL SCHOOL Det. 10 DS BROADViEW AVENUE kr Fee Beside' s, - ods wn's ratepayer.' who the water and light eons that henceforth rat of each electric ill be $2.40 lees than the metre rent be- th. rate of twenty m th. Another atter e commissioners was he 'services. Tpast a very wet season, w meekest • the water meekestto the payment of but the oommissius 1 'scrims for 1912 be applications for the ter services were lett • 'atom . of tbe e- h•n..k L AN IMPERIAL HOUSE NOTICE. --THE LOCAL AGENCY 1 in Dungannon forThe Signal is at the Po*t- omce Book and Stationery Storree, where orders will be received for rnbecriptione. ad- vertidng and job work. and receipts will be given for amount.. taid for the *rime 'THURSDAY, Dee. ''Ait h. Everett Mallough bas returned home TIE COIMPLIiENS OF THE SEASON to one and ail. .•:1 dont forret that HUGH DUNLOP The Tailor. N e -t -tree[. will 1111 yodour order for Oiercoat or Suit n the best at vk with p to ate rood, H Sive Systematically Haphazard, occasional saving seldom accorn- plishes much. It's the steady, persistent, regular depositing of so many dollars a week, or month, or season, in the Union Bank of Canada, which makes one financially independent. The honey accumulates all the more rapidly, too, because pf the Interest which is added every 6 months. Try it. 1W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Rranrh� fj LONDON, E1UG^, II1RAltIC7.) F. w. ASHE. - - - Ms sgetr. it nioaoseedle. SL rx. t a. 1N. c- BART SIMI!. Aebiarl llMgagtr• Charming New Jewellery • in odd and origins) designs is in- terestingly displayed here at our store. You will ahraye he .er- rain of securing the highest dual, !ties and of paying • F:-_ looest possible toricos !Wynn ShoptiereDuring 1913 1:. a h.way, .+ :{• ..f. ;.,-rlt•Ct from nttr ,ht•wiug of new awldaintily designed Jewellery. 1.e_ cause ter •a.1)60113'4: • best. from Paisley. Dr. Bice and fancily ate visitinI eewareAireiremiseeteesstmeteautowaftai friends at London. Fred Ross is epending the l'hri,tmas season at his home at Amberley. David Glenn and family ate on a visit to friends in Huron townabip. • Thos. Stewart is spending the boh OCKEY UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE day season in Toronto with his dough ter. Jack Rohetts, of the Sterling Bank. Goderich. spent Christmas at bis home here. Misses Annie and Mary Polley, of Uoderich, spent Christmas with friends here. . Mr. and Ire. le. G. Henderson spent the holiday in Goderich at Mrs. J. Snyder's. o Miss E. Cote. of C. Elliott's mil- linery establishment. left on Monday for her hame at Milverton. Mr. and Mts. George Woods, of Goderich. and son Edgar, of Niagara Falls, are visitors at J. M. Roberts this week. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hunter and daughter• left this morning to visit Mrs. Hunter's father, Rev. J. W. Rob- inson. ot London. Question Put up to Premier Asquith- Prsmatu=, He Says In the British House of Commons on Tbursday Mr. Norton Griffiths. M.P.. asked Premier Asquith if when Introducing the bill of reform of the House of Lords he would tntroduce a measure for the creation of a Housen of . Imperial character, whose mem- bers should be selected from amongt those In the British isles and Domin- ions overseas who had a practical knowledge of Imperial needs. such House to deliberate upon matters of. Imperial concern with a view to legis- lation in the British isles and the Dominions overseas. Premier Asquith replied that it 'was premature as yet to make say statement on this subject Perhaps the hon. member will put down the. Question for next session." in midgemidgew lel- j 1004110. Creed -W. 7. t 1 V -�„sase Tsar 14 , Tepees* Y. M. C. A. £1901119999kMS�ks js ��/v talwT 1, amountsStomas Weasel --A. fMsi.. 1 Qtr��y,�.puaatt. ose being I New Ter Osestaw •�snsM It Ce. . . of Detroit. • New Yew Greedier -MMI Ra14. 1. C 'Moat two ftemaths wao t ,0& . 449110411194 la ,so- or the OW rho ses Wes 111117.9 11. teem Iso wow Eng ostler Malan whit* , New Tele Gwstlap- S. J. Times Wei .Amts% be , Puna fast Now Wise at 1,00140•141 •fwae . • we• • . Meh•en•ont.i, t . RIOT AT BRANTFORD Mob Stormed Pollee Station and Officers Used Revolvers A mob attacked the police and smashed up the police station at Brantford on Saturday night In a riot which lasted two hours and flashy' ruiminated to the release on bail of Charles Walftng. an ex-bar•teoder, alleged to have been one of the ring- leader of the riot The trouble was precipttated when Sanford Marw- als a' lodlaa. was arrested for drunk- enness. Constables Stewart and Stas- i.y were nearly wrestled foto tie nasal by the Indian and the lawless element wbicb surrounded the Akers. Daring the trouble the police fired several shots over the heads of the crowd. The police department has recently been subjected to attacks by a pam- phlet issued weekly. and this seeming- ly bad the *feet of arousing the pas- sim of the lawless element against the fere.. Mre. James Wilson, of Elora. and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reid, of Langdon. Sask.. are visiting the ladies. mother. Mrs. R. Davidson. Mrs Wm. Elliott and Mies Ella Ryan. of New Liskeard. and Miss Daisy Ryan. of Port Credit. are on a visit to their mother. Mrs. J. Ryan. Milton Stothers. of ('algary, son of Warden Stothera, is renewing old acquaintances bete for a few days. His tensateplea friends red to see him and GODERICM•HOCKEY O}.UB, AT Victoria Opera Clouse New Year's Night iAN. l -t) Miss Lucy Webling The English Comedienne AND Mr. Walter McRaye Actor. Trabeller and Raconteur In a repertoire of th latest New York and London Comedy and Dramatic Play; Ietst Prices = = 25c and 35c J. S. DAVEY Jeweller and Optician t'orndr r, Shorn*.. Vitt. anti S.tol:.• A GOOD RESOLUT10N FOR THE NEW YEAR 't, H1'\ VASSAR SHOES FOR WOI'fEN HARTT SHOES FOR MEN These are goods that will . give the wearer satisfaction every time. They are sold in Goderich by J. H. McClinton East Side Square. Phone MI----- - - - toknowtbat be is [Waking splendid progress in the Western city. Ed. Durnin, who has been teaching at Niagara Falls, has been appointed mathematical master of the Cornwall high sebool, ata substantial increase in salary. The change take, place at New Year's. Mr. Durnin is spending FIRE'!. F1REIil the Christmas vacation at the hooie I� of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. FIRE! FIRE Unreal Mese .f 7•t.•' oeste-illedssas bee H A Stem New T.- .sues et.. r Ihoirw.-H. a. 1tWwe. . A Geri Reesl.tiss-J. R. MaCessse.. ... , ... s Waw Year meting - (Sea Nelsmise .• 1 S a • The /.seise. Owe tbI M Of -Weller A. llb,vtws.. Durnin. Among the Christmas 'natters are Miss lona Stewart, of Wingham, at. her father's": Mr. and Mrs. Biekle, of Godericb, at B. J. Crawford's ; Mr. and Mr.. John McKay, of Goderich. at Mrs. Pierce's : Mr. and Mr. RobI. Wilson. of Goderich. at D. Sptoul's; Mies F. McLenn, cf l.u'know, at her home ; Mrs. H. Turner, Miss C. W by- ard and Miss Gladys McLean. of Gode- tNi. WMM Not Haws J.IA& Saadi • sight word reached Laad'say that Salton A. 10111' seeuoee bad bees eentamated to life Imprison- twat. mpri.ou-t eat. 11ua. who wee seete e.d is bear on Jeseary S. was awake sd tram Itis aiow to boat the ped seewe. sail 111MItested no wain eat et. jar. P211. shot Atm •-.1 1111.4 Ib ,rsitb.r-in-taw. Lots J'.•.• at. Sea. early lost sen r.rr The Y. M. C. A. and Boy Scouts wish their friends and pat- rons a Bright and Prosperous New Year 1 $8,000 worth of DryGoods, Boots and Shoes and Men's Clothing, slightly damaged by smoke and water, to be sold at sacrifice prices at this great sale, now going on, and to be continued until everything is sold. Come early and often. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE BARGAINS BROWN 8' PATHENICK THE SOUARt OODRICH steetWaFeetearleletwalleoreaellialrelAW 111