HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-26, Page 4. Il
T.UYDAT, D.caniew :41913
District News
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 35th.
Thos. Ratcliffe and Chas. Asquith
have gone to the "Soo," Mich., to
spend the bolideys.
Albert Wilkins and Alex. ()•baides-
t.on, of Goderich, with their wives and
families, are visiting at the home of
Geo. Dawson.
A Christmas tree and entertainulent
will be held in Knox church on Mon-
day, December 3011, for the children
of the Sabbath school. •
A. Shackleton is spending his holi-
days at his hotne near Dungannon.
At the close of school the scholars pre -
seated him with a pair of gold cuff-
Y.LseED AWAY. - On Christmas
morning, after three mouths' illness.
the spirit of Mrs. John Graven, ein
took its flight. leaving to mourn the.
loss of a mot,;er's care three sons and
four daughters. All are now at home
excepting John. of Lethbridge. Alta.
The funeral will take place Friday at
2 p. in. to Ball's cemetery.
Oesareact ELECTED. - Court Duf-
ferio, No. 46, slimed officers as fol -1
lows for. 1913 at the last regular meet-
ing : C. R., J. C. Clark : V. C. R.. R.
Rutledge: recording secretary. J.
W i I so n; financial secretary, J.
Arthur ; treasurer, G. L Sturdy
chaplain. 0. E Erratt ; S. W., J.
Medd ; J. W., W. Farrow ; S. B., G.
Howett; J. B., S. Sarlea ; auditor, A
C. Jackson.
BUDGE OPENED. -The bridge was
opened for traffic Saturday forenoon.
The steel Was hnished Saturday morn-
ing and the farmers and eitizeoe
turned out and laid the floor, all
anxious to see the bridge complete
and traffic opened. The year's sub-
scription to The Signal for the first
teats over the bridge from the west
side was won by Robt. Medd. jr , of
West Wawanoab.
Hume POR CHRISTMAS. --The follow-
ing are home for Christmas : John
and Raymond Ferguson. from Mon-
treal; Msggie Jackson, Annie Jack-
son. Jno. H..iackson, Mary Fingland,
IJemima Fingland and Win. Fingiand,
from Toronto: Mts. Robert Jones,
from Regina. Sask. ; Edna Hicking-
bottom, from Stratford; Mabel Hick-
inghottour, from Detroit.: Elms
Mutch, from Clinton ; Ed. Mole, from
Seaforth ; Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and
Charlotte Lawlor, from Ohattiam;
Norman !Hutch, from town ; Jti`epb
Lawlor. from Rudyard, Mich.: Geo.
Lawlor, from Gull Lake, Sask.: Mrs.
David Coats and her two sons. from
Be sure to get t ickets for the hockey
club •ntertainwent on New Year
For New Year get the be.. oysters
at Blackstone's. 'Phone 240.
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe ....$1.6o
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe -
The Sign:11 and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)
'The Signal and Toronto Daily Star.......
The Signal and Toronto Daily World
The Signal and Toronto Daily News
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire 1.6o
Tice Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35
The Signal and Canadian Farm 1.85
The Signal Ind Farm and Dairy 1.85
The Signal, and Winnipeg Weekly Free
Press 1.60
The Signal anti Lc. -.don Daily Advertiser2.90
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser i .6o
The Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition 3.5o
Evening Edition 2.90
The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness3.5o
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. 1.85
The Signal and World Wide 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian
The Signal and Westminster 2.25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
The Signal and Catholic Register
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)..
The Signal and McLean's Magazine
The Signal and Farmer's Magazine.......
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)
The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50
These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great. Britain
The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine .3.25
Including postage to Canadian eubecribers.
"The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston) 2.90
Including postage to Canadian subscribers.
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York) 2.15
including postage to Canadian snb.cribers.
The above publications may he obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers ir any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $l.00
representing the price of The SignalFor instance :
The Signal and The Weekly Globe $t.bo
The Farmer's Advocate ($a.35 legs ;t.ao)...... r.M
Ss os
-making the price of the three papers $2.95.
The Signal sed The Weekly Sun $I.n
The TetouanDesty Star ($225 lees $s.00) Las
The Weekly Globe t $1.66 sees $t.001.. .6o
$3 60
-the four papers for $;.6o.
If the publication you want is not in ab° • e list, let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local ager t or by
postoffice or expeess order (not by bank c rque) to
The Signal Printing Co.
Goderich Ontario
TvanIDAY, Dec. 46.
Loi LOCALS. -Ur. John Mc
Lean, of Chicago, is spending his
vacation under the parental roof.
James Gilmore, of Weyburn. Sask.,
is spending a few weeks at his old
borne here. Jim is looking bele and
hearty .. Mrs. McPhee, of Ripley,
is visiting at the home of her brother,
Jas. McDonald P. R. McNay was
in Toronto for a couple of days haat
week .. Miss Jean Johnston Is
spending her vacation at her home
near Kintail ... George Swan, of
Georgetown, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan Alex.
Barnby, of Carlow. is spending the
holidays at his home here.
WED.N $DAY, Iles. 25th.
NEws Ntrrtts.-Miss Vera Johnston
is visiting with her runt, Mrs. Snell,
of Paris. Ont. The Mosses Edna
and Laura Pentland are .peoding
Christmas with their deter. Mrs. Geo.
Salter, of Bseex. .... Miss Maggie
Barkley is home !tom Toronto is a
short visit Mr. and Mr.. L
Church have returned hawse to Siotie-
t icb Among the teachers Who are
vacationing at horse are the Misses
Mary Barkley. of t4benpatMw.
Amelia. of ('rewe. and 14...1 Oariom;
Edna Pentland. from 16.11..t. sad
Lama. from Taylor •Covsev. lbs
Chi wines tree , ntertaw,e
tn.t was •
derided assessi1M
amounted to sr W.
see die.
bells are tinging Cu. ratul.tao•a.
Bob .
Is rich in food- value and
easy to digtgt. It is jva't
Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground
from the choicest Cocoa
Nursesand Doctors recommend its
use in sickness orrin health. 1-1
Do You
le , nee
Cocos 1
T u mea v. Dec. Jit .
CH term a. Iirrastanr urn. -The
to ' idiot ahristm•e tree aete tele- I .Tt-KD? N , Dec. 21st.
. •tt wee a great ssiaresenas es enter. Lama. lax sta.,-The sleighing from
1 n; sot sad in the way of f ....... Mev vewward las heen splendid the
iy the tine Rev. A. W. Meows week het few days We b, pe it may con -
tate chair at ;An the ebureb was issue ' ?est .day lest was a busy
day for Luca now with sight-seeine.
The s* slows were beautifully decor -
d. f)un.ntr rhe ries. t ItttatsT
aa.r unable to ;i..d rases every
number on the programa was gnud. ! Mad Weigh heti.. Christass hells
The little ones in t beer recitations aid , staid wedding hells chime beautifully
singing did remarkably well. 'rhe ted l te/.4 rr. If pee. ear -is fine euuugh
drill by pretty girls rohed and .d..t+sad 1 'yew may bear the list -sauced Mir.
in white and red wuperhaps the finest end Mr. Char/es Anderson and son
feature of the entertainmen•. The Res. ttf S• uth Af• i.•s. ',pent Is -t week
star drill by the !eager girl* .nd hovs atnont r-Ltives in tVeet Vawannsh.
was petfoiwed admirably. A roupie ....Jobe O. Baldwin is spendirg
of pantomimes caused much interest some few weeks among his daughters
and awusemenr. Two dialogues 'even! as Detroit and Essex ( entre Mrs. I
by the younger folks deserve .pevial+ W. H. Reed has been ender the doc-
mentiou. Thee sketch "Aunt Susan I tor's care for the past week. We hope
J. nes' was much enjoyed, Mrs. Jas.' sono to report an improvement in her
Ismer being "Aunt Susan." Her part 1 health Mr. and Mrs. Richard
tie cleverly done caused muchlaughter. .Reed and f►milyl of Langheni. N. W.
Mrs. John Long was the organist. IT., visited the former's mother part of
Sbe and Mrs. Jackson are to he con- blot week.
gratulated on the way they trained
the children for their various parte. For New Year's Night.
Others geve valuable assistance. A. '.
Mugford made a go -A Santa Claus. The hockey club (rode iteielf at the
The Christmas tree was large, lovely I beginning of the season without funds
and loaded. The children went home and an opportunity has presented it -
with armfuls. Mise Jackson was pre -1 self of raising a fund and at the same
sented with le lovely toilet set. H. 1 Uwe giving the people of Goderich :a
Mew was the recipient of an armchair pleasant.New Year's night.' The club
from the Bible class, and the minister has engaged Miss Lucy tVebling, the
got a goose. All agreed it was one of English comedienne. and Mr. Walter
the best Christmas trees that ever . MoRaye, the well-known Canadian en -
were. tertainer, who will give one of their
Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Brown and programs which have delighted audi-,
family have gone to Eddy'a'Mills, a tees throughout the venule country.
former circuit, to spend Christmas and
New Year's.
Rey. 0. G. Hellman and family spent
Christmas in Berlin.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 2.5.
BREE/E.+.-Miss Mary Cunningham.
of Toronto, is visiting her father.
Francis Cunningham Mrs. Mack
McDonald, of Goderich, with her
little daughter, was the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Swale. Miss Celia
!Cunningham is home from Toronto
for a visit Thos. Wilson, jr., and
IMiss Della are spending the holiday
with relatives in Sarnia Hector
McKenzie arrived home from Queen's
University. Kingston, for the holidays.
Ed. Schoenhals is visiting at his
home in Clinton for a few days
Mies Minnie Cunningham is home
from her school at Port Elgin, and
also Miss Winnie from Brown Hill.
Wm. Matheson, who had been
out Nest for some time, is visitine
relatives about here Mr. and
'.Mir«. Hugh McGuire. ojGrderich, were
visitors at Tbns. Wilson's last Sunday.
.Albert Nesbitt, of Blyth. visited
his cousin, Victor Green, for a few
says last week .. ..Mrs.'3. A. Green
is at Sheppardton attending her
mother. Mr... Campbell, who ie very
ill Mr. and Mrs. Nein. Pearson and
Master Gordon spent Christmas Day
with friends near Blyth .Alex.
McKenzie arrived from Edmonton on
Monday for a visit at his home here.
7t Clarke. of (Goderich, visited •t
Wm. ('arey's last week . Mrs. T.
I(Green arrived home from Detroit Int
Saturday after a month's visit with
friend. in that city Miss C. F.
Hawkins, of Rt. Thomas, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Grey. for the
holidays .... Ed. Giver arrived home
from Toronto last week to spend the
winter with his parentsehere. Frank
reached here the week before from
Fort William .. Miss Orace McKen-
zie. Wallace Cunningham sod Otwa
Hayden are home from the G. C. L
ant are holidaying at their respective
homes here Robt. Hoy was the
first man in these parts to get a fox
this session. He captured a fine speci-
men last week Master (+allow
Smith visited relatives in Goderich
last week . Albert McGee was
borne from Goderich over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohe. Durnin anti
children, of Dungannon. spent Christ-
mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craw-
ford . Thos. Green is in Blyth for
the holiday A. Jones, of Toronto,
was a visitor at Wm. Brindley's over
the holiday Both the Anglican
and Presbyterian Sunday schools closed
last Sunday for the nest three
months. Hooks were pre.aoted to all
the children.. ..The entertainment
and (Arians/is tree held in the Porta
ten' Hall Leat Friday night was a
rent eumwee. MI.. 1L Chart, wlboo poend
Vend fNike ebony foor berMeetM.g t.
le the rowelling !sir the event rod
tar the easier tleenta . Quito •
.weber of penny Mks from hone at -
tie sentrMi.m.nt at c.d.,
memoir might and all rennet
gai Mr. and Mn. inn.
�/ ars visitors at J...
fear urs May jaws Nary
ren pddord. 1..pereehh the
fey with her g»edp.1NM Illn1 Uoderlch ;
ire. ver McMf
from Halifax to Vancouver. Mise
Webling is noted as "the original
Little Lord Fauntleroy" and is well
known in the theatres of Old London
as a clever actress. Mr. McRaye has
won distinction by his polished and
brilliantinterpretation of Dr. Drutn-
mond's verse. There should be a full
house to greet these eminent enter-
tainers and to give the hockey club a
good start for the season.
Tickets may be secured flow mem-
bers of the club or at Edwards' res-
taurant, E. R. Wigle's drug store. .1.
S. Davey's jewellery store, or the
Signal office.
The men whom I have seen succeed
hest in life have alys been cheerful
and hcpeful men, who went shout
their business with a smile on their
faces, and took the changes and
chances of the mortal life like men;
facing rough and smooth alike ss it
Our stock for Holiday Buying is in good condition still to
get your New Year's Gifts from.
Handkerchiefs ?
Yes. huudreds still left, all the way from 2
for 5c to 76 Dents, for all taster and all classes.
Over 200 men's initial puts Irish Linen. Regu
lar 25c. Come and get some of them L e]OC
while they last, et
Silk Initial
Men'- one-iuch hem, hemstitched, 5Uc
large size and pure silk, only
The mistress of the house would like a pun
linen table cloth and napkins. Get them
bete at holiday pricee.
Fancy Linens
, Japan handmade, on pure linen,
son • . 1 than some machine -mads. Bat-
ten w.g Centres !WC 90zy0, SUSS. Dreamer
Scarfs, Mise. 5 o'clock Tea Cloth.. Embroid-
ered TrayCloths. Round Table Covers.
Square Tabis ('overs. Table Hata. Stand
Mata. Doilies and dozens of linen articles not
named here. One only Crocheted Bed Spread
and Shauns work all dope on linen.
Lace t oilers. Silk Scarfs. Veil., Misses' Motor
Hoods, Motor Scarfs, Aviation Caps Gloves,
V itts end Collage in profusion to select from.
Tuesday, 31st, will be Dress Goods Bargain Day here- All at 6oc and 11
65c will go at 49c. All 75c and 85c will be offered at 6oc and 69c.
Stock & Poultry Specifics
We will send absolutely free, for
the• asking, postpaid. one of our
large 64 -page books (with in-
serO. on the common diaessea of stock and
poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy
and light horses, colts and mares, mach cows,
calves and fattening steers. also bow to keen
and fbed poultry to that ,they will lay ae well
in winter . in summer: It contains 3N
recommends from all over Canada. from people
who nave used our goods. No farmer should be
without it.
You can fatten cattle and lap in a month's
less time by using our Royal Purple Stock
Specific than you could possibly do without it,
thereby, saving a month's feed and labor and
the cost to you will not be more than 61.60 for
six pip or 11.00 for one steer. It will keep
your horses in show condition with ordinary
feed.' If you have a poor. miserable -look-
ing animal on your place try it on this one
Ent and see the marvellous result which will
be obtained Our Stock Specific a:l' increase
the milk flow three to Ave Its ser cow per
day. while being fed in the stable. A 50e
package will last a cols or none 70 days.
will make your hens lay just as well in the
winter as In the summer. and will keep them
tree from diseaseThee goods arepure and
unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler
to sale • lazes seeksga, entirely different
from any on the market at the present time.
Royal Purple Stock Specific. 50c pckgs.; four
SOe pckgs., is an air -tight tin. for 61.60.
Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 26e and 60e
pekp.. and 61.50 air -tight tins that hold
four 50. peke.
Royal Purple Lice Killer, 26c and 50e tins ;
70, by mail.
Royal Purple Gall Cure, 26e and 50e tins ; 30e
by mail.
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle ; 60c
by mail.
Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin; 60c by
Royal Purple Disinfectant, 26e and 50c tins.
Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25. tins: 30e by
Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25e tins ; 30e by
Manufactured only by
TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co.
London. Canada
'•IZoyal Purple Supplies and hook
ets may he obtained from"
A. J. Cooper. Flour and
Feed. Goderich.
Tew.s• kMra. sedans tes canna
Kuasio lsaee. Vas Tab .
graph and Railroad Srboet. and /WS
('ity Brand Hwdnaa• &Ansa. All 11110►
vide excellent nouniss laadtteg to Med
salaried p,..11ine.-. Pres r,.tilof•e ata
rrqueuttil its for it, W b. ibaw,
l're.ideut. Head 'MCC Yonne and Ger-
errard 7,ta. Tomato_
Brophey Bros.
.4 HUH.:kI( H
The Leading
I uuenl Directors
and Embalmers
The Leading
I uneral Directors
and Embalmers
at all
...wit attended
hours. night J...
carefully attended 1
night or dal.
We are now prepared to
supply contractors with
all kinds of Mouldings,
Inside Finish, Flooring
and Sidings, and Genet al
Building Material.
We make a specialty of
Veneer Flooring in Oak
and Birch.
The Paget Grain Door Co.
and Sleighs
Now is the ti.ne to
look up your Cutter
and Sleigh for the
tvinter. We have
them -ail kinds and
all prices.
Kitchen Stoves
awl Ranges
We have a nice line
of Stoves and Ranges.
Sor}lethtng nice and
not too expensive.
Call in and see them.
Massey-Harri. Agent
Hamilton Street, Goderich, 001
subscription to THE SiGNAL.
for 1913.
Happiness for that
boy means finding
waiting for his first snapshot.
Come in and we will show you all the Brownie family.
They work like the Kodaks.
Corner Montreal street and Square.
New Year Greening
To Our Customers of 1912 :
1 thank you for your patron-
age during the year, and trust
that by selling the right kind of
goods and by giving you the best
possible service during the com-
ing year i may continue to merit
your esteemed custom.
Best wishes to one and all for
a bright and prosperous New
Agent for the Nnrtibsiteer Piave.