HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-26, Page 2Td'a.Jaf Decosetta 25. 12
proved by the Lieutenant -Governor of
1912, was read. as follows;
"Upon the recommendation f the
30DDAICH ONTARIO. Hooarable the Attoroey-Geoera , the
PUBLISHED KV RY THURSDAY Walter IL of Council - aduiode-
Writer B. Kelly, of the town ot �ode-
•e rich, be appointed police magistrate in
THE SIONAL PRINTING CU., Lslt•d. and for the said town, at a salary of
Telephone Oen No. sf. eight hundred dollars ($8U0) per
Terme of euescr,paioe : annum, to be paid by the municipality,
/Los per /sawn in advance. in the room and stead of John Butler,
Mx months. sue : three month. Me. who is hereby removed from office. in
the public interest."
With very little diwcussion the fol-
lowing motion was proposed and
unanimously adopted :
"Moved by W. T. Fellow, seconded
by Jno. W. Vanatter: That whereas
a copy has been received of an order-
in•Council appointing a salaried police
magistrate in and for the town of
ammo the 17th day of December,
To United States yobs:gibers. $1.30 • year
(strictly in advanced.
Subscribers who tall to receive Tem HteYAI.
regularly by mall wW motor • favor by so -
outdating us Of the tact at aa early • data Y
poseib e.
When a ohargpsof addrees is desired. both old
and the new address sod be given.
Advertising Mates :
Legal and other similar adveruiewente, leo
pet tine for filet insertion and ac per Line for t3ocierich at a Salary of eight hundred
each subsequent insertion. Measured by • dollars per annum, to be paid by this
nonpareil scale. twelve liner to an Inch. ..;unicipality; be it resolved, that the
embers cares of six Hoer and under. Si per Government be notified that the popu.
year' lation of the town of Goderich as per
edvertlsessahe et Lost Found, Strayed, 8th- last revised aseessmeet roll is only
sauces Vacate. tittoatioor Waned. Housssfse (�( and that this council do not
Serto Pie
b or to Beat, Fanta• for Bak or s
Artistica for Sale, et.., nots�sssdts� deem it expedient toappoint a salaried
blot. 210 eadh tn..iOoo :11 far Jret 000th, police magistrate for the town of
tea e.o6.absequmt month. 14ger adveetl.► Goderich."
Irieol. Itew.00rlson It was pointed out during the dis-
cussion that, according to the statute,
a salaried police ruagistrate should riot
be appointed for s town with a popu-
stioa tobs osnstderad .0 advertlasmeet and bit ioo of Ire. then 5,000.
charted a000rdinRtr. The finance committee reooni-
Rau. for dups.,and contr.ct advertise mended the payment of a number of
meow win be given on application.
Address W nom-nanloattons to
THE SI(iNA.L t'RINTINU CO.. Limited,
tiodsrtek, oat
Announcement.. in ordinary reading type tau
cents Der line. No notice ler than tic.
Any special Doctor. the object of which is the
benefit of any individual or emend -
accounts and that the treasurer's
bond in the London and Lancasbire
Guar -souse and Accident Co. be ap-
proved ; that the amount of C. 12. Lee
for $100.31 for supplies for public
works end sewers be paid when prop-,
• THUIiSi(AY. DDC. to• "12 account
certified, and that V. M. Roberts'
account for $105 be paid, this amount
- - --- - - ---- . to include settlement for a'l informa-
THE TOWN COUNCIL. tion and cervicus required of Mr. Rob-
erta thesin closing up the sewer contract.
The report carried.
The public works committee recom-
mended that a resolution respecting
sid to the good toads movement be
prepared ar.d sent to the local member
of the Provincial Legislature, as re-
queeted in a letter from the Aylmer
Board of Trade. The report was
Councillor Elliott called the cour-
cil's attention to its negligence, as be
thought. in not having a telephone in-
stsfled at the cemetery, but the other'
members claimed that Mr. Elliott se
chairman of the committee should
have attended to it himself.
All the members with the exception were reappointed op nted tnwn uditore, berbiod A. G.Ntatet •
of Councillor Humber were present at salary of 210.
the regular meeting of the town noun- A bylaw authorising the council to
oil last Fnna
Report on West Shore Railway Not
Ready for Two Weeks Yet -Over
$55,000 Taxes Paio This Year -C,
P. R. Bylaw Held Over Until Rail-
way Does its Part.
y evening. borrow funds to meet the cost of
The clerk reported that the petition sewer extensions under the local
for a sewer on Wilson street from provement system was introduced and
Beitannia rued to Thomas street was ( given ice three readings. " The cost of
not signed by two-thirds of the num-' the .ewers is estimated at $8,91n.90.
bee or property -owners on that street, I The bylaw giving the C. 1'. R. the
On a motion by Councillor's Elliott and ptivilege of laying tracks on harbor
Graham It was referred back to the quay was left on the table, the couo-
petitioners. cil deciding that it 'should not be On -
Wm. Campbell, the town's tax col- ally, psssed until the railway company
lector, asked that 'his tiwe for the col- had done more towards fulfilling its
lection of taxes be extended to Febru- part of the agreement.
ary let, 1913. He reported that dur- The next meeting of the counciii will
iqg tbe whole of 1911 there was paid in be held on Friday,,,27th inst., when tbe
$itl,llll6. During 1912 to December final business of the year will be die
10th, there hid been collected and paid posed of.
over to the treasurer over $55,000. It The,,,council then adjourned to
was estimated that there would be cols Edwards' restaurant and partook of
lected this year from $10,000 to $12,100 light refreehwents before dispersing.
more than in 1911. The Mayor and It was Deputy Reeve (;lark's and
Reeve Munnings made favorable com- Councillor Pellow's "treat."
moot on the showing, taking into con-
sideration the fact that all the taxes Deafness Cannot Be Cured
for this year were collected except
about. $'I.1100. The necessary reeolu- by local applications. us they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
tion was passed extending the time for way to care deafoete, and that is by con -
collection. etitutional remedied. [leatoeso ia caused by an
Mayor Reid reported havingre- init.mod condition of the mucous tinted ot the
Nustachian Vibe. When this tube is inflamed
ceived a detailed etatement from the you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bear-
H)dro-electric Poser Comerlesion as ing• sed when It OUUMIY closed deafness is
to bow the $35,1100 :would be expended ttSler Hai a adti s tube no ldmtootItt. or be
in the reconstruction of the town's medium. hearing will be destroyed forever:
ligbtinglplant, in the event of "Hydro" nine case•. out of ten are caused by catarrh,
power being contracted for. Snitch 1. nothing but an Inflamed condition of
H. W. Middleutitt, civil engineer of tbsee with ghee cue hundred dollars for any
Toronto, wbu was engaged to make a ca' of deatne.w )caused by catarrh) that can -
report nn the Ontario West Shore circaies. by Hall's Catarrh Core. [fend for
Railway, sent a letter to Mayor Reid free.
F. J. CHRNIY & CO., Toledo, 0.
stating that he bad been dela ed in Ytld by di rieU, ;ser
Take Ha11', F'tunny Pills foroon.ttpatton.
JO work by other duties and alw be-
cause of the great difficulty in getting
the neceMary information. He would
he finable to complete his report for at TWENTY-IWO DROWNED
least two weeks, be said. His report
would be based e,ttp'ely upon the sup-
position that Mr. Moyes could make itemiser Florence of Furness Line
Rood his arrangement with the C. P. Wrecked ore Newbendland Coast
it. for running rights over a part of
their line, as it was impossible to make
any estimate on any other entrance °►pt. Barr and Il of the 27 members
where no plans existed. of the crew of the Plumes. Ila.
A request had been made at a pre. steamer Florance, from Halifax, NB..
vious meeting for information as to ter 8t. John's, Nswfoundland, lest
how the $500 grant to Alexandre boa- their Yves In the wreak of the vessel
pitel was expended. His Honor Judge on the ledges west of 8t. Stotts, alar
Holt, of the hospital trust, handed Cape Race, during • northwest galelast
Mayor Reid a statement which showed Friday. rive exhausted survivors, who
that thirteen indigent patients had reached land In a boat. brought the
he -n cared for during the year at A sews to Trepaseey 81odrtr n1Skt
cost to the hospital of $700.08. This The steamer, carried so passengers
estimate was based nn the rate of $1.16 Copt Barr and all hes men reached
per day which the Government report shore atter the vessel struck, but tis
ga}-a it costs to keep a patient in Alex- bofty. inaccessible culls of St Shona
amiss hospital.
A ix•'ition for a cement sidewalk on preveated their escape. The big tide,
the south side of Britannia road, be- hacked up by the •atthwst gale,
tween Wielder street and Warren
street, was referred to the public
works committee.
At this }uncture Councillor Elliott
called attention to the condition of the
sidewalk on West street in front of
the Masonic Temple. He thought
that something should be dans to re-
pair it.
Reeve Munnings- •'You're one of the
public worke committee."
Councillor Elliott -"Yes, and you're
the head push."
made It impossible to restate there,
sad all hands were obliged to put
beet to the ship, which was pounding
Capt. Harr telt eoafdent that the
wind would go down. but Second Mate
W. Hedley volunteered to take iter
000 to one of tb• ship's boats sad
Desk a more favorable landing picas
tanfker along the coast.
With great dtfaeaft,y Hadley phase'
hiss small boat Moog the os.et amen
Councillor Laitbwaite followed with be saw • break Is the [Hsps' Una
a teniark that the walk in its present °d °rb and landed sotto ?be this'
ate• w In the seastets, hall
condition was • disgrace to the town. moo
Mayor Reid intimated that it was •reseed. The ootab•rw beamass
the intention of the contractors to re- Homily over the deco of the vessel
Methe whole Klock of concrete in
t of the new twilling. In the
meantime he promised to attend to
the matt...
W. M. McLean applied for a license
to ronduct a moving picture show in
Vittoria Opera House. it was under-
stood that the show would hr for only Mid lbs tale of the , saga Irile
The Iken•e was granted
two eight. the are survivors t.4 •-
Councillor Elliott ohjeeting against was the bleak sand mi tea
Mr. Melwan's being eharged a fee at nor mato alga of Miff
all. tirade their
The elm* was Instructed to seknow- r R'
ledge the receipt of a notice of applies seatret 1nhaelted p4
hes te Pasii•esaet for an set to !nonemom. °• to Trepaaar
perste a railway ...mammy under the
mass of "Herne Usk* Shore Railway
teComee ' h, ty�nt at err near the
e°'Z ss e ca. oy.
01 Huerwws, Sreas'dGrey.
which was gttindtag beavel' es S.
lagged rocks
The Florence could be ••ma hp He4-
lay and his r•ospaslees os i iia,
sylitt bat on ardwrds• slag
appeared, and oniy • a
ber which W timer 4 "111111V10111
our OF DA T IL
Tram (u1 • tree► --.TI t..ggist
The r-r-vearnp-Walku
A �' It's n In t t•y it's o wee--
sstp art ars w'rr.bp,sunMt long eine* to
Pers been ern •n, lot r
ate. lave rorgrrt haw ran flttr•
Liberals Stand for Canadian Units,
While Conservatives Support the
So-called "Emergency" Contribu-
tion and the Nationalists "Stand
Pat"- Hugh Guthrie's Challenge
Not Accepted.
Ottawa, Dec. 31 -That there is no
justiticatloo or foundation for the
"emergency" idea so far as British
naval matters are Concerned ie clearly
shown by the official pronouncements
ot the British authorities. Neither in
the speeches of Ministers nor in ofi1-
ciel documenta connected with the
Defence Conference can any reference,
direst or indirect, to any immediate
emergency be found. The following
paragraphs from important speeches
and documents mete it clear that tbe
emergency idea did not originate in
Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill: "1t
the train development of the past ten
years has been the concentration of
the British fleet in decisive theatres' it
seems to me -and I dare say to you
--nut uolikely that the main naval
development of the next ten years
will be the growth of the effective
naval forces to the great Domin-
nione overseas. Tien we shall ne able
to snake what I think will be found to
be 'b.. true division of labor between
tb.- tlotber Country and her daughter
St t.. that we should maintain the
sett - p emacy againat all comers at
tb- ,I,-, isiye point, and that they
sh, n'. 1 yard and patrol all the rest
of ltritirh Empire."
I •- it( -Wall Government mernoran-
dt, a terse and emphatic para-
grapu says : She (Great Britain) baa
before now successfully made head
alone and utraided sgainst the most
formidable combinations, and she has
not lost her capacity by a wise policy
and etrenucue exertions to watch over
and preserve the vital interests of the
The First Lord of the Admiralty
quietly discusses the probable devel-
opment of the next too years in
naval prestress. The British Gov-
ernment memorandum eahnly lays
down a dictum that the British fleet
is as capable as ever to defend the
whole Empire. Not the alig'hteet bus-
piciou of haste or emergency there.
Then comes in Premier Borden, and
the British memorandum continues:
"The Prime Minister of the Dominu.n
baying enquired in what form any
immediate yid that Canada might give
would ire most effective, etc.."
It is therefore evident that it is the
leader of the Canadian Nationalist -
nary Government who has discovered
this "emergency," and not the British
Government, whom it mostly con,
What Liberal Loyalty Means.
For a long time past the Conserva-
tives (not their Nationalist allies) have
been fond of attempting to convey the
itnpreseion that tbey monopolise the
true loyalty of Canada, and that if the
Liberals venture to disagree from
then they are guilty of some sort of
lege majeste. This idea Should be dis-
pelled by the thunderous cheers whirls
greeted the close of Dr. Michael
Clark's speech in Parliament last Mon-
day, while the ultra -loyal Tories sat
And these were the words of I)r.
Clark :
"We stand for Canada as a nation,
a nation beneath a common flag; a
nation within the Empire, but a
nation still; with a nation's right., a
nation's aspirations, a nation's respon-
sibilities, yes, and a nation's courage
and spirit to discharge those responsi-
bilities. We stand for Canada, a
nation not less in herself than Great
dritain or any other nation composing
this great Empire. Great Britain
trades where she will. and defends her-
self. We stand for Canada with the
right to trade where she will without
any man daring to tell us we are dis-
loyal. We stand for Canada with the
power and the ability to begin now
the naval defence of her own coasts
in co-operation with the various por-
tione of the most glorious Empire the
world has ever seen. We stand on
that policy and we believe that we
base the majority of the people of
Canada with us, because it is the only
policy that wakes for the dignity
of the nation, for the harmony and
progress of the Empire, and for the
peace of the civilized world."
Such sentiment* as these apparently
did not appeal to Premier Borden and
his followers any more t hen they to
Nantel. Pelletier and their sup sorters.
Partisan to the Last.
After nearly three weeke' debate on
the naval defence "emergency" hill
Parliament adjourned yesterday even-
ing for the Christmas holidays with
tbe two parties eafar apart es ever on
this great issue. The Liberals'
throughout based their arguments for
Canadian units of the imperial navy
on the statements and document,
issued by responsible British Minis-
ters. The Conservative* as solidly
euppor ted the emergency contribution
idea invented by Mr. Borden when he
asked the tarnish Government what
Canada had hest do for "immediate
effective aid" ; and where their argu-
ments differed from the (Acta as pre-
sented by the Imperial authorities
they sedulously avoided them. relying
an rhetoric and sophistry to answer
the Liberal argument•. As to the
Natinnalista, they simply stood
They had forced the esergesoy and
wit t�teit. willing to let the Oovern-
Por tie anal .•sins yealterday the
()os..restiv., prodoeed their ersok
orate*, Hos. (len. IL Poster, bat the
Seal weed es the Na o dams
from a Liberal. Ire. IwOtgyg{*.
.�AI d flims a be h es a
•p.s be ewe ewes (its U a
U ~b steawl p e weans their � t..
the MSM• epee lb. 004 to remit of
sthie the 1 w ' _ M w..,msassifte gibs prim se t e
rerlstslbotiao MIL Tip ooeetylsos
Is ase
is • symptom of KlA. y
Disease. A well -knows
doctor has said, I .aver
yet made a peat-morteraes
amination in acan•of delatk
from Heart Disease with-
out Boding the kidneys
were at fault' The IGIesy
medicine white was Hirst o.
the market. •dost swoons -
fill for Heart Disease sad
ail Kidney Troubles, and
most widely imitated is
�It+ kshtaat Upon Retention el
ireletrspte-Little Progress Made
The slow and devious processes of
Opleenear are advancing 1»werd a
solution of the Nisar Eastern puzzle
at a ■Halt's pace. The only definite
achievement thus tar at London has
been en agreement be the Ambassa-
dors of the sic great European powers
that their Governments would accept
in principle autonomy for Albania sad
a guarantee to Servia of a port on
the Adriatic Sea. Having passed this
milestone in their deliberatteas the
Ambassadorial conferenoe adJoeen•d
{ over the Christman holidays.
Turkey has empowered its eaters
to include the Greek delegates in Less
negotiations for peace. The Turkish
delegates have been instructed, ace
cording to one report, to raise the
quettlon" of the status of Adrianople,
end if Bulgaria persists In demanding
lie surrender to break off the peace
People Blame
Blame King for the ..rrety's
Lack of Success
Vienna despatches state that there
Is serious anti -dynastic agitation In
Monteneg'to, arising out of the lack of
tasoce•s of the Montenegrin army be-
Osglnd Scutari. In addition to the
low of six tboesand men, Including
meaty olfloers belonging to the best
famfltes of the kingdom, the results
of the war are proving very serious
and famine Ls threatened.
"The King htmself took command of
the troops at the last moment," one
iespatch says. " hoping to assooiat:e
hid name with the tall of Scutari sad
!bus strengthen the dynasty, but the
Siege has failed and the position of
the besiegers is worse than that of
the besieged."
Inconceivable That United Staters
Should Refuse Arbitration
That the United States abottid sub -
nit to arbitration the Paestum• Canal
ontrowerzy with Great Britain was
the declaration fond• at Wiebtagtos
Friday evening by 2eureet Whnlet 01
New York at the operdtg anteloo
'he American Society for Ae IN Bel
Clement of International
"It is Incoaoefvablie," be1& a,
"that after the Untted States has esti
tied bra arbitration far more tmportest
between itself and (creat
Men any that can possibly
Mit reference to the Panama
Amid refuse to refer to an
tribunal, formed in pursu-
it tseaky which the United
pawned. this pure que°-
lim err to what the Hay -
Meats rneana."
The Mald: Would you love me If
papa lost all his money to -day?
The Lad: Heavens! Does he carry
it around as carelessly as that?
Holiday goods are in,
and our assortment was
never better or more
complete. The ntmo•t
care baa been exercised
in making selections, no
that none but the most
desirable furnishing s
should find their way to
our etork. There is no
reason why you should
not be one of the early
birds. We have many
novelties that make beau-
tiful peeseota.
Here area few sugges-
tions for you
feweater Shirts.
Garters iAres Hawk
to natal : Besets. Ti•
Pins, Ties. HOOP. Hate
cCa demos , dena of
M. Robins
South Side Square
- btiWWb�W�w�r�r�fvfWWWWWWWirWww�ri�vfWWi�iwrirlir�r��
A valuable list for buyers -ca: et.f v selected,
and values surpassing anyLrme
i A Flutter In Handkerchiefs
3 Three hundred dozen Swiss and Irish em-
broidered, hemstitched and scalloped, very
3 tine and of beautiful quality for ladles.
3 Regularly retailed at '25e and 20c each. Every
3 Handkerchiefperfect Special 2 for 25c
Ladies' hand -embroidered Handkerchiefs of
sheer Irish purest linen in • buodred 75e
patterns. at ch, lac, 25e, 45c, 50c
Men's Meisilda or mercerized hemstitched
white Handkerchiefs with silk embroid- en
ered, every initial, at special, 2 for en
Men's linen initial Handkerchiefs and
plain. Boxed in threes or sixes, at 15c. ,LSC
Mena silk -lined Gloves $1.25 and $1.50
Ladies' silk -lined Gloves 91.50
3 Ladies' Fur -trimmed Coats
Fine black beaver or kersey cloth, with West -
3 ern sable collar and revere. Semi -fitting, in
- two styles, beautifully made and lined with
7 quilted farmers' satin. Latest styles and new
in every detail. Regular value $25.00. Our
Christmas special price, each• $20,00
Ladies' Marmot -lined Coats with Isabella opp-ll
nesum collar and revers, guaranteed in eery
3 detail. Special price e a c h
.... $35.00"
3 Men's No. 1 guaranteed:Black China Dog.
Coate with hest Astrachan lamb collar$20500
3 Mena Black Calf Costs, No. 1 and $27.00
3 with Astrachan lamb collar .
3 Men's Bulgarian Lamb Coate, No. $2C7•W
3 1 quality C7 (00
3 Men's finest Swamp Walloby Fur $39.00
LADIES' FURS -Continued
t'barfs and Stoles, full size, and made with and
without tails or bead trimmisgs in • variety
of 'tykes. Since our purebmeas furriers have
written us prices of the eking have
vanced 40%. Our close prime wW remain the
same for ('bristm•s sale. Each, $1 �. A
.01.1x►, $9.W, $12.00 W
Large pillow shape• of finest skins
..... at each $6.00, 0800 and $1060
Knitted Silk Neck Scarfs
Men's and ladies', in • magnificent range of
patterns and styles, soft and beautifully made
yet t pcspning warmth and firmness for com-
fort and wear. Each boxed singly
• to OOc, 7:.c, $1.(0, $1.50 and $2.00
Table Linens
Luncheon or Tea Napklii, plain linen scal-
loped and with initial hand embroidered in
corner. The newest and daintiest Napkin for
Christmas presents we over imparted.
per dozen, 94.00, or half $2
Embroidered Centrepieces
A11 sizes in the hand -embroidered end eye-
ieted, plain linen, at each. tOc,..50c, 75c $1e00 •
• 6-
.00 r
E -
.00 00
Rugs or Wraps
Scottish tartan. reversible and Cringed Rugs
for a dozen user all the year round, for com-
forters for carriage, tor couch or chair or fc r
hed comforters. Purest Australian wool at .
each, $5.60, W.110{ , $8.110 and $10
I1en's Caps
Men's. Persian Lamb wedge shape
Cape. Special
e Aleu'e Jockey Caps Electric Seal�/��(� 2
Men's Coon Coats, heavy, dkrk, $4.50
warranted skins �.
No. I ...,
3 Bath Mats
3 Those beautiful tile'pattern wash ifats,eery
Floor Rugs
Or hearth Rugs. Best Wilton velvet. size
:INS( inches, in 10 patterns. Reg. $2.2�
ill Reg-
ular, Zvi 59. Special ...............
heavy and servtceat?►e. Never were daintier
3(nate for the bath -room ever made, in variety English Wilton Rugs, seamless and of extraes
3 Spacial each • `` W.
of patterns and colors. Size 21x54. $v] 75 heavy quality. an new patterns. Size 41x4
• yards. Christmas sale price, each
3 Ladies' Furs $25.00
3 Mink Marmot Stoles, Throws and Mugs The
Persian Lamb iF
3 richest and most fashionable fur in Canada to- The extreme of fashionable fur this $30 nit E
3 day in moderate -priced tuts -next to Canadian you• Bolster Muffs, 025.0) and. •
miuk in beauty and equal to it for service. Scarfs and Throws.. $20.00 and 125.00
3 --
Kidneys Wrong?
It they are you are in danger. Whets
eaknese or disease the
kidneys vrfan to filter the impurities
from the blood, troubleconresatcace.
Backache, Rheumatism,
Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones aad �
deadly Bright's Disease are moue e/
the results of neglected kidneys, De.
Morse's Indian Root Pills coeds
a most effective diuretic which
1sttr��ennngthens anddhe�stimulates the
thoeosigbfyys so that and well. Try do east#
Dr. M orae's
Indian Root Pills
For Fall and Winter months a "mart.
reliable per.00 to sell our well known
trait and *roam* nW tree• in (ioderich
sad snrroandtng country.
of the ffneat nursery ,Cott
s:Lock sold and delivered to tradeFarly
aid good delivery tciarenteed. TblfKy-
us to offer lee best agency In our line.
flue years of Mau doerexperbn.-e et allies
Write for terms.
Pelham Nursery Co.
played am es
Edison Phonograph
Ira give yew more pkaesre thea say retools co any
iatem.Sot have ever bees ettiehle et 'mai yon before. Taft is 11100/a/
`mow �� lag al o/ go heels= slat
bontang e► Owed by she great anise, sad
because the FAisos homograph brings out al that k is
the Moe Assierd. AM the Tea tabs is pew
TAisse sad des Alae` sever skein sb because
the ice Aalbnd Ira sever bier sails practically
sr boeok h . Mir
Tbeeer rr.thou
e. , Ise your Tisor ides a
anons%a S.I fin -
A ess$IMs is at lis !'bosgrf+ia std f>laas.L ea b Itmgfstl ns
The Goderich
Grain & Feed C o
handles Cal dwell's M°lamesMe ).
Use it to fatten your horses and
A car of Manitoba feel
wheat just arrived.
Sole Agent for Royal Piirpl.
Stock Sped/ice.
Goods delivered to any pat t
of the town.
Special attention given to
farmers wants.
Warehouse - Hamilton tit.
Elevator-G,T,R. Track. 'Phone
No. 307.
R. J. Rutledge has charge of
the retail department.
A. J. COOPER, Mgr.
T. Swans
'Bus, Livery
ami lack Stables
2o/ ream. Amgen
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AND : PAIIIR11113111 : BOATS
Ptas.eogeds eaibd for is
say pea ei ate two far
all Orsi.. at A. T. a. or
O. P. R depots. Pr.oaipt
wireless/al •stere Mien-
thar Livaff mad Meet
tervM wW be buff R
to.daep la everyoe19oK
Your vel ratow esf�lil ed
'Phone' inn Montreal Ntreet