HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-26, Page 1Clubbing Rats or our clue abouttt to get it rate. If you du not *soothe (aper magazine you want in ng rates, ask us We may ire able r you at a iodated The Signal SIXTY-FOURTH YIAK- 'a 34t\ 1116 STERLINGBANK OF CANADA INHead Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW' PORTER, Manager BEGETS CONFIDENCE A reputation fur thrift Legets confidence in employers. A ravings account will help you. OFFICE RiY:ht Now is the best time to place your Insur- ance with A. 0. NIS re, .1i ET NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF oOMMERCE, GODERICH 'P1loesis : OFFICE 2+) ; Hodes 150. P. O. Box 364 --,.--- FARM FOR SALE ? , HAVE: YOU A The Bublidty Association for Huron county Intend to publish a list of farm • 't1Yet+Kw,Ma properties for sale In this county. and eek any peneena having a farm for este to seed at epos to any member of the GODERICH.momire . med below. particuwrw lof Me* tarn•describing it and statim[ ' . 1 gates at which they will ell. When 'BUS LINE i Two 'buses meet all trains. Private calls have prompt and careful attention. First - Clams livery outfits At all time.. Reasonable pricer. THE DAVIS LIVERY F. Sr T. M. DAVis Proprietors tSouth Street 'Phone No. 51 A.r PUBLIC AOTICE 1(188 URACE SEAGER, VIOLIN- '''. IST. will be prepared to receive pup;ls for Inntrnotsse is riots wee° immediately Atter 91e Christmas Waage. I VN8HIP OF COLBORNE. Nominations for Reeve add Councillor s for 1' reborn* Township{ will be held on Monday. Deeem bar 30th, lineal the hour of one n clock p. m., in the Township Hall Carlow. Hell, McILty AIN, advertisements of sufficient farms have bar n received. tbe exeeetiTe will pub I] liab the list la circular form for the (fi distribution 1n the d Land and in United Stater. without charge to the advection,. Further particulars may be obtained `rem any of the executive. -. J. 0. GREW. Pres.. Sesfortn. JOHN LECKIE. Vice -Pres., Brarela. BL C. MUNNINUS, Trees. Goderich. S JAR MITCHELL Secy. Gooericb. `l Exeoutlre committee -"-J. M. OCOEN ,ACK. Reeve er McKeOp . Winthrop 1'. 1). ; IMAroe 81'OTroN. WIngham : IA M• Max. Reeve of Stanley. Clinton 1'. O.: Max. President Clinton 110 o htA xarotA res Jolla Reeve ' W. J. H AN. f Trade. ItoMA.N Ard q • of hxeur: TAos. t3rcmilRe. Dungan- non Ng VIx ester Reeve of owe W R. W. 1.I tt ({l( Moncn e . P. U. Grey. GODERICH, 'i HURsDAY. DECEMBER '26, 1912 �1 41eth car to the caberz of hc ignat • ELECTION CARDS- /j1O THE ELEcrORK OF UODE 1 RI('H. Liv AND 0g!rrtsiscs.-I intend to -'and for re-election as Deputy •Reeve. ann I trust Butt my Course during the past year Iia- been such as to entitle me to your confidence fur fiber 'easeNew Ycar. 1 am. WI -hint Ton all a happy L Your felt hfull7 W. F. CLARK. SITUATIONS VACANT. `WANTED . -AT THE ALEX AN- \\ DRA Marion and General Hospitl.aal. three nr boar pupil nerve.. Apply to NM GRIFFITHS. Superintendent. 31 .it OULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN the .tock braking ba in every city Itve. ambitious representative and town to handle stocks. bonds Lod mort- gage„ ; applicants mush furnish references and bare from 1111 to $g30000 parr ,nal capital. Write or call. ATHOL GEORGE ROBERTSON. 11 Colboree street. Toronto. el -3m TEACHEK WA'N'ED FOR �t. S. Na 3. Ashfield : second erase certificate : duties beginning January 3rd. Apply. stating experience and salary. JOHN MCKENell4 Kited!. Ont. u '4 WANTED. - A MIDDLE - AGED woman to do light homework. Refer- ences required. Call at A. NICHOL'S. Nelson street. Goderich. (CARETAKER WANTED FOR Central wheel. ADplieation` will be te- ceived by the undersigned up to F etd:ay. Jen - eery 10th. Salary Pen. Duties mil be made to on applying to..the scare - ' 4 T knownAto tippTF[A RAIl ITIir go'ratary-Lrepsmcr. say' • tK 1elUT OF EMi'L11YMENT:�-- 1 v Serves you right : Learn bruiser trades Always sure em ploy went for barber. Our red nnD ., constant practise i,x and ic- improved neth,rd constantt *traction f,you ter po. (tion in shorton time. tfor •.txt0 fie.�iuLERCOLI.kGE. ( Toronto. cow FOR SALE OR TO RENT OR SALE. -A BUILDING LOT L WANTED i` on Newgate street. Apply to F. J. PR11) AM (11.141 141 A R M HELP AND DOME.5TiC 1 SERVANT'S. -Person. uiring farm help should apply at once to WILLIAM McgUIL LIN. Dominion Government Employment Agent, SI. Helens, Out. Orders left with H. D. WOOD• est Helene. Ont., will receive prompt attention. Siete LOST OR FmJND. hNUAL:fEE1iNG. LOST. --ON FRIDAY. DECEMBER A - L re a small change puree. Finder kindly leave at The Signal Omoe. The annual meeting of the member- of Mo- Kt11op Mutual Fire benzenes Company will be J108T.-ON FRiDAY, DECEMBER held in the town hall. Seaforth. on F, (day. V. a puree contatnlug a item of money. Jaonary 17, ipLt, at 1 o'elatk p. m. Buainem : indee will be rewarded on leaving same at To receive the financial statwmrnt and midi - THE SIGNAL OFFICE. tore report, the electing of three directors and - other business. for the good and Welfare of the company. The retiring directors are John G SWARD. -A SUITABLF. KE` Grieve, N inthrop; James Evan, Beechwood. R WARD will be paid to so who can and John Beoneweie. Hroadhagsn, who are furnish Information teedtg to the teoovery of ,l bee for re-election. a pet coos which atra ed from my studio on J. B. McLLAN. THOS. E. HAYS. Montreal street last Monday. R. R. SAL President. Secretary. LOWS. Wceybuairn Siskitchen "The fast growing city of the Last Great West.•• shows the following growth in figures by the Board of Trade. Population 19(13.... 200 1912. L L ...... 5(100 Customs Revenue 1010, $21.500.1A) 1912....$142.710.00 Postal Revenue 1907. ..$4,188E(N) 1912.... $14.89'.00 Building construction for first seven months of 1912 $960,465.00. And will continue to grow faster and faster for the next few years. - investors connected with big Canadian financial inetitutioae are investing in Weyburn property. (Naar. oo request) Why Don't You? Invest to our ,''City Gardens" property. only Ave blocks from the heart of the city. at 1{150.00 per lot. Small cash payment and balance in 6, 12. i5 months. E. V. Campion & Company Head (Ales : W.ybters. Seek. R +torn oMn.: 52 Market St.. i,reet/wd. Ont. Al Esetsra correspondence 1r10UMd be addressed to our Restrain cake. Renew Your Subscrip tion to The Signal and secure one of tbe handsome Calendars for 1913. THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. I.W., Postinms- I The Power Proposition, sold ata competitive rate must be reached somewhere. and there is It is proposed that tbe ratepayers of Goderich authorize the issue of !debenture* to the amount of *35.000 in connect with the Niagara power proposition. renter ot this °yew •0 erected, p doe or ma e a. "_ the:,..en, fie the purpoeee of the sad busies)... 1n1 w aeries It is deemed expedient to grant !_. 'hesaidaidtothesaid Misner Manufacturing r � ► , mummy on the terms and renditions herein- firs set 0111. �YTltw oF0t30�UEOFH912 OF THE i acted C endrbey th maniere,ao neit of-tee'eorpora- ten. of the town of Goderich To AUTHORIZE THE R0R11OWINO or Vetere ter 1. -The ,mid Misner Man nfacturiog Coxae THE I.SUE AND BULK Or DERENTURES, Tu tiny, as a condition precedent to the granting PROVIDE $j,fral rote rag COST OF A PLANT h7-- Vel • DISTRIBUTE DISTRIRTE ELECTRIC POWER TO BK SUPPLIED HT THE K HYDRO-LRCTRI(- t'owER 1'OM M18a10E Or ()\TLRIO. AND $3. ton roe rite tx19T )t• AM ELECTRIC -DRIVEN PI: HP TO BE 1.910 IN CONNWTION WITHT112Tg TOWN WATERWORK' SYSTEM. - 14'OR SALE OR TO RENT. -A SiX- ".' ROOMEe) home. on Wolfe etreet. in good condition. Alen one parlor 000k store :andµ ante cowl or wood Kumpire stove for sale. KILPATRiCK. Bruce street. M-tf To meet there dttoentulea the town will have to raise the *um of $2.276.141 each year for thirty veers. This will mean another addition to the already large tax bills of Ooderich ratepayers, and. as we shall show further on, the auw named by no means represents the full amount of extra taxation' which the propo.ition involve'. On the other .ride of the a�count, what does the town get out of the scheme? It gets a plant to provide electric lighting at about the name rate as Goderich consumers now pay, and electric power at a price which puts Goderich absolutely out of the race as a manufacturing centre. And to secure these rather doubtful benefits the tcwn will have LO sign a contract which for thirty years will stand in the way of any cheap power develop- ment in this district. t s $ of the aid hereinafter mrnoon . s s- li-h and eounue.,oe and continue to operate There is one excuse -and that a very upon the said land:. namely, lot uunnTwrt due oo pr one -for the submitting of such the sold town of Goderibh. the proposed try for the ni inufacture and sale of toilet se- a proposition to the ratepayers of evidence that the limit is wnuewhere east of Goderich. and :a good distance east. At Stratford. where the rate is considerably lower than it will be here. the manufacturers are not taking hold of Niagara power to any extent. The large manufacturers there still use coal -generated power, and the G. 'I'. R. car works -the biggest establishment in the place --generates its own electric power from coal The city- is better lighted than it was before. but it is paying for it -$1$000 instead of p8,(str before. Whereas it is necessary le raise by way of loan on the credit of the town of Goderich the sum of tpp,l%JO to provide for the coot of works plant. machinery vied hole( slew necessary for the distribution of electric (power n thesaid town to besupplied byHydro-electric Power Well 3. dote provide for be cof ann. t fan el�r tum of ve trAni von eS i tst And whereas the sum of �'SS.Usr is the debt intended to be 'treated by this bylaw. And whereas it 1s de.trable to bustle the sad debentures at one time, and to make the Prin- cipal of the laid debt repayable in yearly sums during the period oftbirly years, being the cur- rency of said debentuWin' yearly hw[the stensbe- Mlle) of such respective gate amount payahle each year for principal and interest in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as partible equal the amount payab In each of the other twenty-nine years of the said period. And whereas the total amount required ea be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and int, rest as heieldafter provided 1e 52.1681. And wherees 11a• amount of the whole rate ac able property of t he .wM town of Goderich cording to the Inst reeled as„es went roll thereof is 1L241t,4xt. ' And whereas Ibis anitiont of the exiaang de- benture debt ot the mid municipality. exclu- sive of local Improvement debt:. 1s $31119.991.74 and no part of treehe principal or Interpol is in arrca•s. he a•ousreil of the rorpore- tion of the town of l:oder ich enacts as follows : L -That for the purpwee aforesaid it shall be lawful tor the Mayor and tresrurer of the said e -am of ' OOQa nd to issue detentown t0 borrow dy. to r ration to the r said oo Do . of th aneei ll c stn^nut of glee n. etch bf whiC-h debentures shall be dated on the dere of the issue thereof, and shell be payable within thirty years the1e- LVOKSALE. -THE FARM OWNED shall have attw(lied thereto coupon.. fele the 1' by 1teColJohn Halliday on the 3rd two- payment of same. which coupons shall be cession n house thfr containing 1tci seers. signed by the Mayorand treasurrt of the said Good stone house with tnmc kitchen and town after at the oftl(eof the tresaurer of the said corporation. 2. The said debenture. shall be payable in thirty- annual installments during the thirty oerories 2. -For the purpose of aiding the said Misner Goderich. That excuse is that t ne Maddfectunng temtwuy in eetabli-hing and present municipal power Plant 19 in carrying on the said business it i- hereby d reared that the a„ses.mint of so much n the said lands as mit hereafter be occu- pied and made use of by the said Miner ManufactUriug Cumpwny, or their aeeems. In connection with the said businee..l to- gether with all buildings. machinery. p and improvenieIls now .on said lands no oc- cupied and made use of as aforesaid. o r here- ppicr during t he oed or made i hereoo for the of tpDuros bylaw of tto he said business, .-hell be assessed Miring (he pet- id of ten years ooutmencit,g with 1 be year 1913 at the sum of Ione Thoueand Dollars. 3. The privileges hereby granted to the said Misner Manufacturing Cumpauy sh:.11 forth- with cease if at any time during the said period of ten years the said business ao to be estab. listed +ball masa ire operations. 4. -This bylaw shall takeeffcct on tltc day of the final passing thereof. S. -The vote of the electors of the said to n of Goderich shall be taken un this bylaw at I se, same times and places and before the m-nc deputy returning officer. as the vote of tee said detest- for n iril-•(pal councillor- for the ensteee year of 1413. ar 1913. theuh da Of January. \ . -I a y t un -il d R o y. atthe,wun•�il chambers. in the said weer. of (lolerich, at tho hour of ten o clock in the L notate the Mayer of the said corperetlou shill appoint in writing, signed by himself, two peer- develop [ba. Maitland River. Every eons to attend et the final summing up of the P attend at s to re re eat o snot t or its - Atte ,fie O Commission e clerk.De the C m P byth;ime h votes each polling pla,e lr bah .1t of the prr•ons in- tere+ted rn :.nd desirou- of promoting thi. by- ,►fives are heard from the prospect of law. and a like number on behalf of the ser the Maitland development becomes sons interested in road desirous of op0osirg the P bad shape and requires overhauling, and sowe•considerable expenditure on the plant, is inevitable in the sear future. The conditions. however. ate not such as to warrant the town's crippling itself for thirty years with a contract for power at an extravagant figure. There is no necessity f• r jumping from the frying -pan into thy tire. • • • "But in a few years perhaps the Hydro -Electric Commission will de- velop Maitland River power and give if' to us at much lower, price than is to be charged for Niagara power." There is no guarantee that the Hydro -Electric Commission will ever This opens up another question in connection with tie Goderich scheme. An elaborate plan of street lighting ie presented, but, nothing 1- -.rd ss to what 1t will cost the tuwt,. in course we can have as many lights as we like if we are willing to pay for them. It is safe to say that,the town will have to pay a good round sum to the Commission for the additional street 'labia on the proposed system. This will be another burden for the already weary taxpayer•. If the man who uses electric light in his residence imagines that' under the new system his Tight will he cheaper he is probably in Zine for a disap- poiotwent. Coder the "Hydro(' plan the consumer has to pay an initial charge based upon the floor space of his house, and in at least one case x Goderich man bee figured out that be- fore he gets any light at all he will b• paying More than bin hills amount to at pteeent. This is probably an ex- ceptional case ; hut as a mat ter of fact the rate for private lighting. so far as it can be figured out beforehand. offers no inducement to make a change from the present system. except to some cases where the floor-epace charge will he comparatively light. In this con- nection it must be reicemb.-red that Gude,'ch. with its own electric plant. has always had a rate that compared favorably with those of other Ontario towns and cities and that was consid- erably- lower than the rates Rhee the electric light plant was under pi ivate ownership. The metre refit charged in ,;(xierich hue tweh a cause of com- plaint ; but it has already been de- cided to do away with this charge, which will make the rates ut,der-the present system More favorable still. noosing of this bylaw- .1 l lees and less distinct. One thing we b t cot u0'1 o the said manic {oa - ec clerk of t. act for s officesureof : The conte x hibe 'ch shall at tend [ can r G,sten the town f in the town hall at ten try. 1.0 .0 forenoon the Niagara power, if accepted, will bind on the 7th dry of Jnnuwry. 1913, W sum up the g P pumberof vete. for and against the bylaw. the town hard and fast for thirty Dated at the council chamber at the town of 2. - The 11th d•y of December. A. D. 1912. years. Promises of a kind have been. C. A. RF:IU. L L. KNOX. t leek. made, it is true ; hut any claim that years next atter the one thereof. 1layor. 3. -Fetch of the said debentures .hall be - - the town of Goderich has upon the signed by, the aother Mayor of the said town of (lode- TAKE NOTICE that the abuve is a true rich or by some other per on authorised by by - copy of a proposed bylaw which ha- been taken (lommiesion for the development oof law to sign same, one by the treasurer thereof• into consideration. •and which wd1 be finally !the Maitland Rivet will be wiped out and the clerk shall reel the tante with the corn. Passed by t he oo11ncil of the 1 i mon seal of the said corporation. 4. -The said debentures. shall bear interest at the rate of five per rent. per annum. payable Yearly . at theotttce of the mid treasurer. and woodshed : furnace in house : hydraulic wester supply : good barn : young orchard : ten ncree of bush. Convenient to church and school. Offered at' a bargain for Immediate Airily e- Airily to MRS. HA I.IDA'I . Cameron street, or Goderich P ti LjOR SALE --THE 1011 -ACRE FARM 1 on the 7th ro, ew.-ton of Colborne, oocu- pled by the undersigned. is offered for sale. Buildings inclade stnry-and-a-halt brick hour. good bank barn and silo. and large shed. Everethinrt In good order; farm well fenced watered by spring creek. land all .ceded down. In every way one of the best fauns in the township. Situation convenient to market towns and ( . PL 11. elation. Possession can be given in the fall. ANDREW JiiHNor O l'arlow P.O. FAR![ FOR SALM-THE EAST half of lot one In the fonrth 0000et- eon. Eastern Division of the township of Asb Aeld, containing 100 acres. The buildings con- sist of atrame house and frame barn. There 1. a small orchard. For ppaart�tt,iiccular, apply to the undersign PRUUDFOQT. HAYS & KM - LORAN. Ooderfeb. 13-u FIRST -CLANS FARM FOR SALE or to rent. lot 1. western divi- sion. Colborne towierW 128 with first - clams house. with modern eonveoienoes. gond Dank barn, orchard and plenty- of water. Farm ha. been In psalm" for ten years. Would rent hone eeparatel) . -a pply to F. W. McDONAOH. Carlow. not. L'OR SALE. --100 ACRES OF LAND 1 13 miles north of the town of Seaborn. (food cls loam, rill under cultivation: bink barn, with cement Aeons: large femme house; newly painted, all In good repair: well at both taro and haver. An ideal home. Apply to IM1881 SUSIE GOVENIO('K. Seatorth, Ont. an )1 ARM FOR SALE.-8iXTY-PI�•E aures. lot ls, osasassl)a- S. E. D. col br n e. sad a tall beam. kitchen and straw ear at k11 Allbiani raverr m. saw mail li Idles from ill typ�� et�ealf s uad 1 mile .A Ail 8TMINOTON~ or JOHN NOTI) Auburn PL 0L 11-11. �DORR SALM-THAT FiNE RiNI-, r11d/ A]les1 mho Itrasasalns trees • Issi ms t�- ww. wise tie Mama ewe WO =end MMe ``a eetber n▪ i , . NT serer. M ARM FOR RAL$. -MO ACREi4. 1st sNrds,,ea part. ai et west e1�..w 1Mw s.etsresas 1 two hes ( .. .MM M sable ehkri► 3wi" wow brisk fleas watt tar epee sod The ewes brter`o • e. -During the,-nrreney of the said deben- ture. there shall be r Beed annually by special rate on all the rateable property 1n the sold town ost for the ourpoa f paying Goderich the the slmon"ft �dttc'\in each et the:aid pay nR tteasid)-ean.for DrmciP.l rad interest In re- spect of the said debt. R. -This bylaw -hall take effect And come in- to operation trona and after the final passing thereof. 7. -The vote 'of the electors of the maid town of t;cderich shall be taken on this bylaw at the same times And place• and before the same i AUCTION SALES. deputy returning ntticers as the vole of the said elector, pa ing year of 1911 8. On Saturday. the lth day of Januar.. 1913. at the conncil chambers 1n theG, said town of Ooderich. at the hour of 10 o clodk In the fore- noon. the Mayor of the Axid corporation shall appoint in writer , e ed by himself, t en per- Inlrllici al ity ( n the event of the assent of :he electors being obtained thereto, after one month fron. the first publle at'on in The Signal newspaper, the date of which publication was the leth day of by its own voluntary act if it authorizes the signing of the thirty December- 1!1r5, and that the votes of the oleo" years' contract for Niagara power. tors of the said municipality will be taken The way fur the town and district to thereon on the day and the hour- andeletters thetein fixed. - get what. they want, and what they are And further (eke notice that. all lea-ehnlderw entitled W, is to press for it until they qualified under the p,ovislon- of a Edward `it. chapter 19. section 3.14. S.S. 1. are regcired wet it, and not to accept anything else. ten days before the day of voting to file with g mea statutory declaration of qualification. even if labelled "just as good." To otherwise their names will nut appear on voter' list for such voting. ' L 1. KNOX. Clerk. for mnnici 1 councillors for the ensu- ' -- -- �ILEARiNG AUCTION SALE J Or - PETS AND ALL O1'Hkn FURNISHINGS. oUSEHO'.0 FURNITURE. STOV IIS. ('AR- I am Instructed by Mr. John Sargent to sell sone to attend at the Anal aumming up ••r t by public auction at the King ti.^^••• ••mow votes by the clerk. and one person to mired at wpqe Yaturda)-. December Lech. .ommeocing at each pallblgplare on behalf of the per.ots in- 1:suo'clock sharp- all his household furniture lereeted In and diinese . of promoting this by- and effect-. Everything will be sold. ma Mr. law. and a like number on behalf of the per- `nnrent 1- leaving for Vencodver. Roes interested In and desirous of oppo.+ing the Term. ca -h. T. GCX DRY, panting ot the bylaw.Auctioneer. 11 -The clerk of the said municipal council of the torn of Goderich shall attend at hie office _ - - e in the town halt at ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of January. 1913. to *nm up the number of votes for and against the bylaw. Provisionally peeed at the awuncil chamber at the town of (loderich the 11th day of Demon - ber. A. I). 1012. 1. 1.. RNOX. C. A. REID. Mayor. Clerk. TAKE NOT,: F. that the above ie .true copy of a proposed bylaw which ham been taken into ooe.ideration, and which will be filially ammed by the council of the municipalit dn tSr event. of the assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto) after one month from the first pebliestton to The Star newspaper, the date WR. 3t do of le w the 1 of whish publication cautan t h y (errttrer, 1911. and that the votes of the elector+ of the ,std mnnteipality will be taken thereon en the day and the boor. and place* therein fixed. And further take notice that all leaseholder. 2�211111Aed under the provisions of 3 Edward WU_ ebapter 14. sect304. S. 8. 1. are p. attired ten day, before the day M voting to RN with me a .tat every declaration of qualifica- tion. e&ltfk a -tion. otherwise their names will not appear 41a the voters' Ilat for moeh vllting. L KNU1C. see MsMIRss��y19yW1�tss sUeltrbiidmise the 'thew _.. rasadtareesttbs •• taw. w woe Irk Mkt BYLAW :10. 34 OF 1912, OF THK TOWN OF' 000ERiCH. 4 .T,aw SRART1Ne TO NNW MANVIA(-- TCerlro 0011Awr a MAD Arrrgwv P.O. • /7Jlrce011 '19w TRAM g wpeeOw Ube Dsta and et t►t ries aDetroit, an tarMa eel sion lte�ty _ .the >. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDI- TOR$. iN THE MAT1LR or T111: E.r.TM or JOHN I, to SON, LATE Or THE TowN or GODm*1 11, I S Tug Cot -NTT 0e Ht' su1N. (4ENTLRMAN. n2l'EA.EDL Notice Is hereby Elven. pursuant to the Stat- ute In that behalf. that an persons having realm. amens; the estate of the said John law• ion. who died ,at West Summer:and. In the Province of Hritish Columbia. on or about the ata dm, of I etober, A. 11. 1912. are required to Mad by moil, prepaid, or deliver to the under shelled. elinitorr for 1 lent Hlanobe Lawson. of the said est Ate. on or before the telemetry. .t. 1) 1911 their names rosette. and a !nil eatement of their rid the nature of the -securities 111 anyl bt Mew. Asa farther take notice that after said last ants the mid executrix will proceed se4 1"Ilests the meats et the estate amore[ the tbsl'v1e. vlsg regard only to .os W3 �p have se fee. sea that she w Mt is as tithe a M7 w r .1 warmnWm• miss shad set t _ nisb. th 'era day of teres set. r MY MR heee km D. to , HAYS & KI1.LORA OeaerMa p. 0.. Hswlt.r• fer the eats matrix. accept the contract for Niagara power is to give away the whole claim for Mai; land power. When the town wanted harbor im- provements it went after them until it got them. the town council, the Board of Trade and the citizens irrespective of party politics worked together to secure the desired im- provement", and made out such a case and presented the case with such force and persistency :hat the Government ,was constrained to "deliver the goods." And at the expense of the Government, too ; while in this power matter the town is not getting what it wants and what it has a right to have, but is being put off with a sub- stitute for which the ratepayers them- selves will have to pay in increased tax hills. Even if Niagara power were in itselt a good !imposition for Gode- rich. it would be parr policy of the town to accept it in lieu of a h stetter one -and it it not necessary to argue that the Maitland power scheme (as presented by the engineers of the Hydro -Electric Comtuission itself, and hy every other engineer who bas reported upon it) offers ad- vantages incomparably- superior to anything in the proposal now before the town. rM A16 At Ildned. Mae.. se M,kIL• saka*a'' 7�i assn. • ♦ • To sum it up, the results of the adoption of Niagara power for Gode- rich would be to Tadd largely to the io burdens, town'a financial lr n- t0 increase the annual tax hills; to throne away the prospect of cheap power, and to cripple the town industrially fur the thirty years. next t y THE MISNER BYLAW. With a fixed assessment the M1 -nor Mfg. Co. will be encouraged to go on with any impr•ovemmer.ts to its prop- erty or enlargement of its factory. and it will be a good thing for the town if the industry should grow- to large proportions: The concession asked is a very reasonable one, and 1 he Signal hopes that it will be granted. We believe it is the rule that the best industries a town has are those that grow up from small beginning'. f�eAe. CNILD. R Maim {J lar. Rmeear en jF~ieyFowl mut srastia /iRM f�_ Ili -pas rNat Myers GODERICH SHOULD NEVER FORA MOMENT LOSE ITS HOLD ON MAITLANi) POWER. • ••• But. euppraing there were prospect of securing w cbesper water- power development. it would not be wise to accept the Niagara power proposition without closer premie - n*. than has yet been given it. The pM that bemuse other towns sew frstisAed with 0 (iaderieh ought to by N awe tommyrot.. Of entree other plaosa are satisfied when they flet power at nee -hall or even nee -third of the price which it ie proposed to 0bergs here. The limit for the tesnsmission of K1wRe►. pogrom to M 110 SUICIDE AT WESTFIELD. Mrs. Samuel Welsh Takes Her Life ma C hnstinas Day. A sad affair occurred on Christmas morning in East Wawanosh. Mrs. Samuel Welsh, who , lived with her husband on the 5th concession, Ileal' Westfield, had been in poor health for some time, and evidently her mind he - come effected by the trouble. On Christmas morning. atter doing bee usual work, she went to the wood- shed, where she was found later hy her husband hanging horn n beam. When the body was taken down life wAa extinct. Mrs. Welsh was over sixty years , 1 age. 'There are five coni and tine daughter, who were all away from home. THE SOLUTION OF THE LABOR PROBLEM. This is a question that has troubled a good nl&ny people. especially the farmers. For years different prom- inent men have studied the lineation with varying remake. Some give one reason and some another. but so far nine has succeeded inovercoming the difficult y. - HOW many times have you heard the farmer say he cannot get his meriting done till 0 is almost (Ot late. because he could not get a man. He has it ratan one summer and lets hint go in the fall because he hada not enough work to keep him busy all winter ; then bee the same trouble the next spring. This is to a great extent the farmer's own fault. You ask, why The *newer i., because he rose get enough work t.o keep his man busy all winter, hot dove not do it. Now, you want to know how. The answer is. by keeping cows. The next trouble to face ie the churning. Well. you do not need to churn. Send your ereaen to the Wtngham Creamerv. it is running all winter and needs your help. We are not fretting eno tigb tide winter and did not expect a great deal. but we expect more next. Do not disappoint u. ! Now is the UM to pet rows for next winter. Rut do not wait until then : give us what you have now and beep along the good work of helping the farmer. Write nr telephone us if roe tStoltlU rare to mod and we will make arrangements to collect your cream Toe W>.D 1,i*i . r