HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 1011111 tet, TIM SIGNAL GODERICH' ONTARIO TURN THE BASKET OVER ' and you will find the contents es good at the bottom as on [helot). We give you a square deal in Fruits and Vegetables Come and see our display. It will do your eyes gond to use it, Every •eai:onahlt• vegetable is here flesh from the farm. The fruits incltele both the home grown and the products of the tropics. Both make the tlnest kind of Summer diet. Our prices make them a cheap one. S.J.YO UNG l.l(lWEIf Hemilton Street Phone ref AUCTION SALES. iii sums dr. Ds•ro1 ri$sMset rr.. •r thieweiber 17. Senora a let 1.. WI • T. vomit r. ertUssur. 11.-Cleaci see. Christmas Gifts THAT PLEASE Now is the time to pur- chase Christmas 0 i f t s. Something always new, pleasing, and exclusive. Genuine English Ham- mered and Pierced Brass. Bronze and Copper Goode. Pierced Sterling Silver and Moto Piste, imported Cut Glass, English and other highg-rade China, Imported .Papeteries, anti many other lines too numerous to men tion. Fountain Pens The well advertised Retiree Fountain Pen, solid gold point. Special price $1.00. large size $1.60. The celebrat=d Water titan Ideal Fountain Pen. $280. $3.50. $4.00. $5.00 and 06.00 The Colonial IMMMStere GEO. PORTER. Prop. Phone 101i Goderich. T. Swarts 'Bas, Livery and pact Stables MUNTRICAL &MAST JUwT OFF THE,. SQUARE 0 'BUSES MEET ALL TRAINS AND : PASBR,NGER : BOATS Passengers called for in any part of the town for all trains at G. T. R.. or C. P. R. depot*. Prompt service and careful atten- Uur Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in ever) respect. Your patronage solicited T. SWARTS 'Phone Utz Montreal Street Ebony toilet brushes, all kinds. ebony utirrore, manicures. etc. Spe- cial pries, at Hick's drug store. Oon't Miss This. The Epworth League of Victoria street church will give an entertain-, went in that church on Friday even- ing. December 18th. This entertain- ment is entitled "An Old-time Ladie: Aid Meeting et Mohawk Crossroads." Admission 26 cents. "It seemed like an evening with Dickens." -Leamington Poet. "The audience was delighted with the entertainment.;' -Ottawa Oitisen. 41111111111111111111 GB. 1 I CHRISTMAS GIFTS i AT HARRISON'S` SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL LINES We are much alive to the fact that the buying public is looking for a place of reliability and wor#h in which to supply their jewellery needs. If it is only a [natter of a few cents' expenditure, the wise person wants to know where it is being spent. Our marked success has made uk keener to serve our customers with the best of every- thing, together with ithe promptness and courtesy which have always characterized our business. you to give us a call. prices in Watches. Jewellery and Silverware We are showing an unus- ually large stock of Jewellery and Silverware, any one piece being most acceptable as a Christmas gift, both from its utility and its artistic design. If you intend buying a Watch for Christmas, it will pay We have some remarkably „ Solid Gold Pendants and Necklaces Our stock was never so varied as it is this Christmas. Each Necklace and Pendant neatly cased. All are marked specially kw for Christmas. L.. 1111:177.7.: Diamonds Don't forget our special values in Diamonds, all marked in plain figures in our window. Tie Pins Special values in solid gold Tie Pins, set with real pearls 52.25. Rings and Brooches Be sure to sec cur Cameo Rings and Brooches latest designs. I847 ilosers Bros.' Silverware We carry a com- plete stock of 1847 Rogers Bros.' Silver- ware, all of the latest designs. Umbrellas We have just received a new stock of Umbrellas, both ladies' and gents'. You will be surprised at the values we have to offer in this line. Bracelets Our stock of Bracelets was never so large and varied as it is now. We have some exceptional values in Bracelets -plain signet and stone - :,et, and Bracelet Watches in latest designs. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHAS- ING - iT WILL PAY YOU Walter H. Jeweller and Harrison i i i i i Optician, on the Square Open Evenings Jolly St.Nicholastown, Where Old Santa Clans Lives 1404I a r w tt-,C� � 1 1 Awi1 snit/ NOIR BOB." said Nan as she and Ned took their places, one On each arm of the big rocking chair, In which, as usual, during the children's hour, he was seated before the bias- ing log ere, "lou promised you would take us to St. Nlcholaatown Boase time." "That's sol" exclaimed Ned. "And we're all aboard now. Let's start. Toot. toot! Clang -a -long -a -tang! Next station" - "Hold on," said their uocle. 'I'm the conductor of tills excursion myself. The dna station L Maybetown. Then we come to Perhaps. H • r o we follow the banks of Goose creek, which, as you know, wan- ders everywbere to get to Noplace, and the first thing you know - why, here we are at the gates of the city which Is named after good old St. Nick himself. "Abd This to the office of the Wish. master. Ile takes the place of a post- master wltb us. and a busy man he 1. too. This Is about bow he talks to himself an he records the wlahes as they come over the wiabopbooe: "A sled fbr stilly. skates for Joe; A wish that Christmas will bring us snow; A poor woman wishes 1t won't be cold; Dick wants a suit for a •oldler bold. Dolls for • million or mon of girls With go -to -deep eyes and aaxen curls: Billions of boxes of candles and such; Books In French. angll.h. Bpanlsh and Dutch And every known language under the sun; Wagons and" plat ol a. watches that run. "But bore's old St. Nick himself. Listen to him. Bat i forgot that wbile be understands all languages be speaks only 11'antasmla, so 1'11 have to trans- late. He sour- "'Hello, chicks: 8o you've come to see your dear old Mend, have you? Glad of Its Make yourself at home. Yea. we're buoy. very busy, indeed. but never too busy to be polite. We have every kind of factory In the world here, and all rushed with wishes. i tell you it keeps us busy sorrels them. Why, It we filled every ordt r just as It came the world would be a funny place. Just think of It: Here's a little pieta - ninny wishes to be painted white. an- other boy wishes he was a man. and a man wishes he was a boy. and a girl wtsbes she vas a boy, and so on, but we got a funny wish during the dull season last Bummer. A little boy whose mamma would not let bim go in swimming every day wished be would be turned Into a fisb so he could go swimming all the time. ea. ha, hal That reminds me of the saying til Mother Goose: --it wishes were horses, beggars would Ade."And a charming lady Mother Goose is. The dear seal writes me every now acid then, and I'm glad to bear from her. I'll read you her last letter. It says: • 'Dear old Basta Claus. I hope you're weft As for me. I'm feeling wellleh. With only food and drink enough To give to life a relish. rm somewhat Whored. though, at Mora. And more than 1 canto tell, For Uttl. Boy Biu. and Little Bop..p Doa't do their duty watt. And tittt. Johany Oresn and bra Jobs Stout Will Quarrel about the eat, While the Threes Blind M1cs est up the food, Reined by :leek's big ret T. Little Roast Fig le greet/ esn. And Jack and Jill are better. I eannot write about all the folks; 'Twould make too long • letter. And now i must atop and pot on the pet Of porridge for the Mae in the Moon. Otte my love to all good children Wherever they may he found. Aad tell them I always think of them When Ckrtatmae comes amend. esti best wishes, - 'MOTHER 0000*' "Good, dear old Mother Goose! She certainty has ber hands full, but 1 was telklng about present factories and such thltage. Loeb around roe. Take that candy factory, for La - steam ire bunt et the tta•.t blacks of candy in the world. ear - wended by e grove of choee late eclair trees. le [bat hill over yonder is a One plum podding mina That stream Is a lent entree river its banks and bed ere ringer That cracking termed you hear 1• trees the fir*,•ker fectory. Na. ha, bal W eruct clockefa see lefts here tate - "Bet." 1•1..ropt d Nan. -sew tel es truly. Owl* Reil, M theca • 'Rased Case fir St. Nickolas. sad der be real- ty roue dowa tate Morey r 'New, whoa It renew 1s that," er e wefee til• wet% 'there ere seer three N dowel de to est toe meq tmelto 4 t.Mr Thine. or tags I d• ham thrigh, sal that le teat e- e ry dbrIetakes either Same er rm► body deo rob ate a Int et them f'tD e ighty OM to get sig r1 eery *NO all to reedive." "W5'Rx ALL AIWA -RD NOW." '-se Tam a •ales% Clans r COLLEGIA rE EXAMINATION RESULTS. In order that perste mad others In- tere.trd may liars mors t'rogsseotly the standing of the •tsdestS, and also for the sake of keepingt students themselves sttentls►e to r work, adapt are gaet to publish by weak DM the Dof those not ' ing good," 1. e., not snaking 60 per oent. W. will give honorable menti.in of the one who heads the list in each subject, but space forbids our giving the standing of the others : Wane iv. French authors and mineralogy - none below 50%. Geometry, Nov. IS -James McClin- ton, 83; C. Clark. 48; V. B. Durnin, 44: H. Jones, 40, RORk In. A. French prose, Noy. 24--F. Smith, 96: F. Fingland, 48; A. Wark, 44 ; J. McKenzie, 80. Algebra, Dec. 3-R. Wise, 98; 1L. A. Moes, 49; R. Jackson, 48; F. Smith, 47; D. Phillips, 46; J. McKenzie, 43; E. Boyle, 36 ; P. Drennan, 34 ; 8. Wilkes, 32; U. Jones, 31 ; G. McEwan, 30: M. Johnston, Ail; H. Hallman, 28; N. G. Griffin, 19. FORM 111. B. Geometry. Nov118-W. Daooe 82; A. Clark, 48; C. Hays. 40; M. Roger- son. 38; T. Kidd. 36; R. Bisset. ffi; T. Million, 26; O. Ticbborne, 22; E. Porter, 10. FORM 11. Literature, Nov. 5--M. Galt and J. Garvey, equal, 87. None below 50"'. Algebra, Nov. 19-M. Davidson, 88• E. on, 49; H. Hartwell, 48; L Wagner, 48; 11. Nairn, 48: W. Cun- ningham, 45; M. Yon!. 44 ; B. Boyd, 13 : R. Hamilton, :f7 ; ti, Brimicombe 31 : U. Kidd, 28 ; K. Habkirk, 27 ; C. Stoddart LO. COMMERCIAL FORA. Arithmetic, Nov. N. Matheson, 48; A. qui*, '32. Stenography, Dec. E. Long, equal, 80. Bookkeeping. Nov lib : L. Austin, 30. 19-1:. Long. 97; Cox, 40; J. Mar - 3 -F. Pfeffer and None below 50%. . ''B --F. Baechler, FORM 1. B. •• Geography, Nov. 'L8 -Alice McLean, f€. None below 50%. Dictation, Dec. 3 -Edith and Ilblly McManus, equal, 100; L. Wart. 41 ; A. Mculuskey, 41 ; A. Sinclair, 30: R. Bell. 2S; T. Jones, Dt; G Kernaghan. .'ail: H. Montgomery, 15; R. Hunt, 8 ; IL I . Glow0 ; 1111.Ohs% 01 Ir. MsAetbur, Retry,r'OW 1. A. 4 . ow Nov. 118 - L io: DeHistory, Nov. 15-J. Bowler, 4Y ; S. war lilt Oarey, 44 M. Plow, ; W. 1 sP. lfhlemset, +u l w, eie.- gan 44; 8. Outt, 18. Aigsbev. Dec. 3-J. Howler, 90; P. 86;OaL IN afoot H81 ; V. M. p(p3ria ht., 80; H. Weston, so ; B. Outs, 30 t W. Feagao, 90. J. P. Hulls, smasiosery 1►r114pi, a whichesa in has revitalised bund r hundred' sea - with foe eloquence cwas e number orlaymenI enq a church last of d ovies4,g' Tbe ,00asion wee the tUMrlt et Ib. 1 the Genial 411 stow, tsoveuseottirt laymen.*sii► '•aMsQanlad by Mr.M 1) y foior 0a�1 apperintenoeut ffoot, tea z1E visit of throe Limen wfor the st curly p� he remembered. Their pt„aetser Principal. it *mage were an inspiration, pew teen booty how to talk to CHURCH NOTES of mss as dor Mr seniora CO• iap5 r • __ their attention at the ver�'niomo Rev. Dr. Medd will presah [n of hi. adder• he held all sbell►o Victoria street (rhumb next Sunday.. by the maetarlY way be Divine worship will be held at the man's duty in bis relationship1114 W s Baptbt tthuteb next Lord's Day at 11 Resat, work of redemption. Wilk pB esu. and 7 r m., the pastor ofileisb foto. he deehued that k I Bible bot I ought to be "the htyasa p. m. Young pec, Ir a meeting Motsba God ore the evening at 8 p. ro. Visitor* will be ed to ire thnt the meci of cordially welcome, .1 to all these ser- greater et. cue dal were waking up to ibis g►rY vices - tact. r. Senior hiui•elf i. oro i. g, 4 In Knox church the sacrament of Baptist layman who pravtires what the Laytd'a Suppet will ppbsa dispensed a pprea hes and who i. devoting the vice will be rnidg hisPreirr• evening sone! onive paressf sacrifice. his t� a aligi o 1pe a.p. n e ac , and Bible ci.. 3 o as vitally iuterest� in oke g• HIs om. y bs wan tratlfl mioirter,"sed v le at So clock. The subject of discourse ympathy of the ern of ibe by Rev. Geo. 13 Rose Buisday etentug eburoh n missionary endeavor. Mt will be "Phe Maros of a Christian." Senior and Mr. I)ayloot %vete success, haat Sunday was aontveraar da fol la inaugurating the wi chunk �s at Victoria street Mrthodirt church ons eboot.h pt In (a mach Baptist and Rey. J. ]g Fm d, rreeideut of the Pastor and peoplrconfide Lqndon Contereoce, Sae the preacher highly that ha inauguration will 4 at both services. Hie sermons were place i i+oneficial. The . *01 Mr took thoughtful and earnest presentations pares on, home of lift. end Jin, D. of truth and were listened to with Q their res , who very kindly pined close attention h the largo conRtowa their residence at the disposal of this tions present. I�r. Medd, pastorolthe church. About Thirty wit down to Thew church, assisted in the services. The luncheon, which was kindly prwithe pleas - finance committee asked for $960. and by the ladieseadded of the ,•Iltcreb. more than this amount wan secured. two features touch to the This result was most gratifying to all torr of the evening concerned. --Another very pleasing The New Organ at St. George's, feature of the day was the reception, The new organ t Vit. Lcur{es church is Nniehed and the de Iic t' by the pastor, of twenty-one member into the cburob. The choir under the leadership of Mr. Belcher gave splen- did service •at both meetings. The Arthur Circle, a band of young girl+ under the superintendence of Mrs. W. E. Kelly, in connection with the Home Mission Society of Knox church, scored a splendid success this afternoon in their first public under- taking. This was a tea and sale of work, held in the lecture room of Knox church, which presented is very pretty appearance with a number of decorated booths at which articles of vsrioue kinds were offered for sale. A substantial sunt was realized as the result of the effort. Sltptist Laymen's Missionary Movement The work and worth of the layman's will take place next Snide♦ morning.1 a dam. 8th in,t. The orP++tti+!. Mr. Adams has selected for the day's services fp lowing sic which will include the 11 . -Daybreak" . .... .. '1. es Offertory Anthem . . A. Ray Ad.,, March In z b• aldose Andante ('antabile Thom 4th Organ sympp,e "The Mad twit Morn" . qem na After each evening ..service the ass ganist will give a short organ recital On Sunday next the selection+ well*: 1. Overture to Lohengrin.. Woes 1. Andantino in D b . . • 3. (Me to e b . �' Lefebate. On Wednesday evening next at p. m. a special musical service will be given by the organist and choir, is which all are invited. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11th WE MOVE THURSDAY, DEC. 12th WE OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN OUR REMODELLED STORE We will not be open for business on Wednesday next, De- cember zith, but take the day to open up the new stocks and get everything properly arranged in our own store. We will re -open Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, with every depart- ment at your service. Come and see the remodeled store and the big array of holiday goods we have gathered together for this holiday selling. Most of them should have been on sale two or three weeks ago, but we had no room to show them here and had to hold them back until our own store was ready for us. That means we will have to crowd a whole holiday season's business into the eleven days before Christmas. We will be in splendid shape to do it and serve you well and quickly. Every provision for shopping easily and in comfort has been provided. Never have we had such an array of the useful, the practical, the sensible, as well as the beautiful, for holiday giving as you will find waiting for you on Thursday morning. Come and see this big holiday array. Come and see the re- modeled store. Make it your holiday headquarters -it will pay. JUST A FEW DAYS TO SELL THE BALANCE OF THE DAMAGED STOCK They will be days big with bargain giving. Tuesday night must see the last of the fire -damaged goods sold. That means we have but three or four days to clear them out. It is impos- sible to give a list here, the quantities in many cases are too small, but come Saturday, Monday or Tuesday. There will be many and many a money -saving chance big enough to make it pay you well to come here. Watch the bargain tables. They will tell the story of the biggest savings. We want to dear everything out and have cut the prices of what is left still lower for the last three days of the sale in order to do it. intesemehlest De. MilfIlson glipartrwsiv ElNNW 1e