HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 9THE • $k CAL G4J C the News of the District to4+4,44.4.46454,4.6,4444++ +454444 4 44464o4_+1 ST. HELENS. &LLKIN DrsWOF LIVE Thariday FOWL • Font emust l NMisr 11011 O▪ PALyroWrlY• Paid. ws;,[ tt K. it MoNSAT. Dee. led. 8O,L Ksrt1RT.-Retort of 8. 8. No, y, West Wawanoeb. for N em- , ban: V. _Della FI > ick. Itrick, john«tots. Lar p+ RJ Fowh r. Gormley Thompsou, .insCrimeton, O° Csweros, •y valWebster, Able Smythe. Allan sesta. Sr. 111. -Annie Durnln, Wil - 14 Tbompeco, Mildred F(tapatrtek, lyurnto, Harvey Webster, Chester swig J (abeentl. Jr. III. -Joe Thomp- son. Barry Dureio. Sr. IL -Harris Os Jona A. Thompson, Marye -Willie Cranston. *webs Webster, W • O°Smythe. Primer el Thompson, Elmer Pardon. Oracle Robertson, Primer B - Rebecca nommen,. Primer A -Donald Rob- eson, Margaret Dentin. E. S. MtL- y,a Teacher. ASHFIELD. MONDAY, Dee. 2nd. SCHthn. l(Itrt)WT.-Report of No. 10, Ashtield, for November. Naves in order 1T Ra r Downey.V. -Tom Parrish, *Lizzie Drennan. Sr. 111. - Jean Scott. Lorne Farrish, Joe Bowler. Bert Johnston, *James Little. Jr. III. -Sidney Ferguson, Amanda Scott, Mlariory Johnston. Sr. 11. - prank Reinhardt, Oecil Mullin. Jr. 11. -Harold Ferguson. Maisie !Mullin, Rutty Johnston, Grace Sanderson, Til- ' lie Sherwood, Eddie Johnston. •Violet Drennan. Sr. 1 - •Leonard O'Lough- lin. Jr. I. --Albert Alton. Stephen lieinhar'it, Olive Sanderson. Primary _Della Farrish. Present every da} - K Fart i -h. J. Scott, A. Geoff•, ti Fet•- ten,m, 11. Ferguson. A., Alton. • Ab- : „ ore than half the month. Pres - NILE. BENMILLEH. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 4. Lorne Moore returned from the West on Monday. The Pitblados have bouglit Albert OooJ's farm on the fourth. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore have taken up their winter residence in the village. The ohildten around Benmiller are busy practising for their Christmas tree euterteinment on the evening of December 24. Rev. A. W. Brown it holding special evangelistic services at Zion 1 Colborne) church. The Evangelical minister, Rev. O. G. Hallman, is to help him next week. WaWILeDAT, t)sc.4th. ANN1Yaa*AKY 8ltivicaa.-Mission- ary anniversary services will be held on Nile circuit next Sunday, Decem- ber 8th. Sermons will be preached by Rev. J. H. Oaterhout, B. A., B. D., of Londseboro', at 11 it. al. at. Sheppard - ton, at 9 p. m. at Ebenezer, and at Nile at 7 p. at. BELFAST. TUESDAY, Dec. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn, of Toronto, spent the week -end with R. Agar. Misses Ella 'fwawley and Evelyn Sherwood have taken positions in W Ingham. Miss Edna Pentland was with her ptrente at Nile for Sunday. W. G. Mcerostie was a Winghaw visitor last week. G. M. Gilchrist, of Toronto, spent a few days with friends here. Clarence Shackleton has Winghaw to reside. gone to DUNLOP. WEDNEODA' Dec. 4th. Miss Young,too, who has been via- itiog her :mat. Mrs. Clutton, has re- turned tuber haute in Granton. Rd. Shaw. Harry Williams, Fred Oliddon and Bert Bogie have returned from a three months' stay io the West. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quaid have re- turned from their wedding trip, which included Niagara Falls, Stratford, Siwcoe and other points. They will now be at home to their friends. Miss Kith Horton, of Leehurn, who has been laid up for some time with a broken ankle, is gradually getting better and we hope to see her shout again before long. The W. F. M. auxiliary we last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. Lawson. The meeting was well attended and a pleasant and profitable Ka Hit rtes>' day and on time every time was enjoyed by all. morning- Si Frrgueoo, H. Ferguson, A. Alton. Number no roll, 27. Aver- The Dunlop "Exchange." which had attrodancr, '21. M. FAROKY, not been .vacant before for over sixty ,Lite years. now stands deserted and still. Teacher. HAIR HEALTH. It You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. t1'r u'd not afford to so strongly endorse Hexall -ay Bair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do. if it did not do all we claim it will. Shouldd our enthusiasm carry us away. an lt'oatacbias Rexell •"tl" Hair Tonic not give entire I you have • rsmblloa sound or imperfect hear- sett/faction to the users, they would >na and when n is eatitdinflammation closed deatner 1, bee faith in -,us and Our statements utero alt. and that; cubneee o canmbe al inconsequence our business prestige cosditioot hearing win be dwuoyod rerat er revellers front a distance who stop for a "warm" and a rest for their horses have to push on to Godericb, muttering anathemas on the existing state ofaffairs. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by loom applications. ss they canna reach tee dt..s.ecd portion of the ear. 'There is Only one way to cure clearings,and tnat 1s by con atltutional tewedies. eatne' ie caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the 1. be. When this tube is inflamed would slitter. We:,ssure you that it your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble, Rexal "9f3 lf*ir Tonic is without question the bed remedy we know of to eradicate dandruff. stimulate -hair growth and prevent preluat,ne baldness. Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic if so strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded if . it doe. not do ase we claim. Two sizes. Stk. and 81.110. Sold only at one store -The Rexall store. H. C. i)urlop. eioderich. sine case- out of tea are caused byntarrh. which is notht'og it but au Inflamed coudluon of the mucous anWe rfaosa. masa sell) give caused b) hundred arrhi that cadollara for n asedoantoos sot be cured by Hall'+ Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. tree. F. J. CHe.`•1 KY & C.O.. Toledo. C. ToHall's l Take Ha llib's family ..c. P(or oo•sttpation. • WESTFIELD. MOND.% Dec. 2nd. Wm. Bamford was seriously ill, but is now 'really recovered. James Craig has arrived home from the West. There it one happy person since bis home -cowing. W. A. Harrison, of l.nckuow, re- turned to that place on Friday last after spending a iew weeks. with fi'ie tide here. Our musician!, H. H. Redmond and Herb Bamford, were well received at the Presbyterian church Concert in Blyth, last week. John Craig, of West Wawanosb, we understand, is not enjoying the beat of health. We hope to bear of his complete restoratiuu to health. H. J. Wightman, formerly of this place and Godericb, spent a iew days in this neighborhood last week, hut is Low at Ithaca, N. Y.. visiting Itis sun Gordon. who is a student of Cornell. Mrs. Albe, t McKellar, of Pickford, Micb., has been called to her former house herr. owing to the serious illness of her sister, Miss Eva Wightman, who is very ill, with no expectation of recovery. The people of this viciuit y were sorry to part with Ban. Taylor and family, who bave taken their depett- ure for Long Beach, Southern Cali- f ornis, where they purpose residing in the future, if they like the climate. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor wig be mach missed in church circles, where they have long been useful members. WEST WAWANOSH. Cousc1L Merrrlrto.--The township council met on November- 19111 as per arrangement of November 5, when three members were absent. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. on motion of Messrs. Murray and Watson. The treasurer's state- ment was read, showing balance of 53)4.72, and was filed, on motion of Messrs. Wats in and Murray. A com- munication from J. Ransfo d.son Clio ton, re a publicity campaign for county. was filed, on motion of Messrs. Murray and Aitcbeson. On motion of Messrs. Watson and Medd. W. J. Thompson and Councillor Mur- ray were empowered to procure protec- tion for windows and repair doors of tbe township hall. Robs. Smith waited on tbe council in regard to the water • averse crossing the road between lots 18 and 19. coucebsion 8. Atrangements were ntade for all parties to meet and agree if possible to ditching the same as provided in the Ditches and Water- rourses Act. The question of cutting noxious weeds and the duties of the inspector were discussed at length. Councillor Medd pointed out, griev- ances that were arising and Inspector Can explained his actions in the matter. The season for that par- ticular work being over, the difficulty in the meantime was allowed to drop. J D. Smylie's communication re dfig tax was laid over for next meet- ing. Accounts amounting to $355.80 were passed. oir ,notion of Messrs. Medd and Watson. Oouncil ad- journed to meet December 16 st 10 o'clock. W. A. W ttaos, Clerk. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. T'UESD.a Y, Dec. 3rd. Miss Olive Cox ie spending a few days with friends in Goderich. HOLMESVILLE. MONDAY.. Dec. 2nd. Tows -am. ('rwnctt--Council ,net with all the members present. The eecesc,u v nomination and election by- law tta.' real end passed. Nomina- tions to be held in Holmes' hall on Monday, December 90th, at 12 o'clock noon, and the election (if any) on Mon- day. January 8th. at the to lowing places, with the following persons as deputy returning officers and poll clerks : 1. Orange Hall. Chris• John- ston, Geo. Falconer : 2, John 8Wr'dy''s, John Sturdy, Howard Sturdy ; 8. Mrs. Thos. Harrison's, John Woods. Albert Harrison ; 4, W. H. Elliott's, 'Job's Cluff, Lewis Anderson : b, Bert Murphy's, Bert Murphy.Ira Merrill :8. Bart Hicks', Hart Hic, Roht. Hieh- Mrdson. The following •ceounts were assed : Gravel, Jas. Thompson 18. John Potter $2 ft), Jas. Connell 510.- 92, D. Gliddon =98.12, T. Bettlee 822.1)5, b, Ben Pearson $13.98, ttobt. Johnson *15.07, Ben Rothwell 119.06. J. R. Holmes. hall rent. $50; Ingot Iron Co„ culvert, 168.84 ; councillors, services at boars, 1140; W. H. Lobb, *Orrice,. on base line, 54 ; J. E. Whitely. treasurer, 586: N. W. Tre- wartha, clerk, 5105; clerk's postage• and stationery, 59.96; W. Prondfoxot, 87; Stanley township, tile, $2L40' Henry Young, sheep killed. 513.90; D. 0ilddon, sheep killed, 58.85; C. W. Williams, valuator, $8. Council ad- journed to meet December 16th, at 10 a. la. N. W. TREWARTHA. Clerk. a_ fNT ABI f>otvtuflaa. DaCrostrSm 5. Wit • 0 F 0 RT SoAP..tr, sea f HE LARGEST SALE IN CANADA RIGHT cnSI IVEiY The people air for Brit Judges of Merit in the long tun. Tbat'r why COMFORT SOAP outsells its rivals. LOTHIAN. MONDAY. Dec. god. SCuoOL REPORT. -The following is the report of S. S. am. 7 for the mouth of November. Names occur in order ot merit : Hr. 1V. -Clarence Henderson, Kelso MeNay. Jr, IV. - Evelyn Wellington. Jennie Johnston, Lena England, Graham McNay, Eva Helm. Jr. ILI.-Wellington Hender- son, Alex McNay, Laura Stein. Sr. IL -Thomas Helm, Henry Gilmore, John Gilmore, Beatrice Stein. Jr. 11. -Basil Hogan, Dorotby Barge, Nellie England. Pt. 11. -Louis Barge, Edward Gilmore, Wilfrid Hogan. Pt. I. -John England. JEAN E. JoHNSToe, Teacher. Won't Runi Again. WEI W ingbam. Dec. 2 -Mayor Spotton has definitely stated that he will not be • candidate for office ,.t the com- ing elections. Amulet; the possibilities so far are Mr. Bone for mayor. and Messrs. McKibbon and Mitchell for reeve. Thr next meeting will be the last of the old council. Hogan, Ma Mein. Sr. iI .--Rob Men Idle at Wingham. Winghaw, Nov. 30. -Over 100 wen are idle hare for a few days through the blowing out yesterday morning of the end of the cylinder of the big en- gine at the Western Foundry Cnui- pany's plant. K I PPLN. Tt Estate. Dec. 3rd. Mian McGowan, of McKillop, visited her friend Miss Hayman this week. Dugald Kettleteo `s suffering from blood -poisoning. I lie friends hope for h'e speedy recovery. On Sunday night Mr. Upaball, sr , died somewhat eud(enly. The friends have the sympathy of all. Norman Jones, Thomas Butt and William Deitt; are home after spend- ing three months in Saskatchewan. in the vicinity of Tugaske. They were pleased with their experiences and ho to go again. i ■C3 /-11$ alter O1 .nfield, who has been working all summer with W. A. Rose. left last week for England. where he will spend the winter with his friende. John Harris leaves soon also for his home in England. BLY fH, TUESDAY, Dec. 3. THK Wx.LTHEK.-We are having a great variety of weather of late. For a couple of days we bad fair sleighing ; then on Friday the snow went away and was followed by a spluraw of rain. with milder weather ; and on Monday it was :again cold. The merchants would preter if thele would come n uice skiff of snow before Christtuas, as it is a great incentive to bubineas. However, those who are not in business prefer the mild weather, more especially this year on account of the excessive price of fuel. DEATH use AN OLD Rtu8IDCNT. -Elam Livingstone. who bud resided here for about twenty yeare, passed away on Friday last, after atl illness of some considerable time. The funeral will take place on Wednesday under the auspices of the Masonic Order. The interment will be in the Union cemetery. Those left to mourn the de eased are a loving wife and three daughters : Miss Mamie. of British Columbia ; Miss Lena, of Toronto, and Mia Myrtle, at home. We understand the family will move to British Columbia as soon tut possible and make their home there. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Doe to Bowel Di♦ orders- ,% doctor'* first question when ion- sultrd by a patient 1s, "Are your bow- els regular r He k°ows that offset y• eight per eent. of Maas is attended with inactive boettela and torpid liver, and that this oosdltion must be re- moved gently and thoroughly before health oan be restored. Retail Orderlies Ore a positive, pleasant said sats !Melly ter cotutipa- tann and barrel asselina la gwwer'al. r« so certain dew west rem- edial valise that *swabs to return flit purchaser'sN cam every oa when they fail to /tress& entire oath - beeline. Rexall OrlalMss rw soot4'0istitheima Al they M 1r11y time, ooe the melee setae like sad lave • Wailes In- trset. 0116110 C O«v do wee eaoss•a diarrhoea es I are w The Literary Society of the Union church are preparing tor a Christmas tree anti entertainment to be given on the evening of Tbursiday, December 19th. DEATH OF' DUNC'AN FARRISH.- Word was received bore Sunday that Duncan Farrish, who was a resident of Blyth for some ye net, bad passed away at the Unclench hospital that day. He had been troubled with diabetes for some time, but in the fall he left here tc look after his evaporator at Teeswater, and it is only recently that his friends here heard that he was laid up. He was a straightfor- ward, honorable man and while here was liked by all who knew him. At North street Methodist church next Sunday Rev. George McKinley, B.ggD.. of Luokeow. will preach morn- ing class. Acordial welcome to aand conduct the ll. The regular mo°thly meetin of the Iadie► auxiliary of the Y. W. C. A. will be hold at the hone of Mrs. Carrie, Cambria road, on Saturday afternooncf at 4 o'clock. A large ties members Is requested. Tim Godetkb Township Rile Asso- elation held a meeting •,n November Wtb, when it was decided to wove the e$050 back to tbs Maftla°d River, where it was urigtnally, on Thos. Oua- dry's fares. 411 tbe Association rifles are to be sant to the ordnance stores at L'tmdoe for inspection. All those having rifles belonging to this Associ- ation will please leave %bent with the ase nst ars se moo as possible. -T. R Ito FOUL y- PERSONAL AND GENERAL -J. Mc- Gill, who has been employed on the T. & N. O. Railway at .Cocnrane dur- ing the past summer, returned borne last week to his family Geo. Routledge took his wife and son to Listowel last Thursday to consult with a doctor there. Mrs. Routledge has been confined to her room for some considerable bine with rheu- matism, which has gradually grown worse. She expects to be cured. He also toot his boy with him. Their many friends hope that they will receive a cure.... .Jas. Barr and Wm. Johnston were at Goderich this week in attendance at. the funeral of the late Duncan Fattish Mr. Brown, of Seafortb, is in this locality at present packing hay. He has engaged )ohn Barr's gasoline engipe toruo the machine Mr. Miller, C. P. R. relieving agent at Str•eeteville, is here at preee°t relieving Mr. T'homati the C. P R. agent. as he i. laid off with a sad affliction of the eyes.. ... A. Habhick had the misfortune to cut his thumb quite severely and for a time it was thought blood -poisoning would set in, bat be is Improving nicely and spent tiro week -end at his home at Luek now . ... G . E. Mc- Taggart, who is rheirmae of this section of the G. T. R. O. R. T.. was In Toronto last weyk at meeting of the chairmen. Ws understand they have sppoigted a committee to wait on the G. T. R. ntanagsssent asking an inereme of twenty per sent. is wages, which they should certainly I have, as then they would be on • par with the C. P. R. star 3. Coombs and J. R. Oats se. oe a visit to relatives at Craabsook. MisaJR. Oidley is in London eowaniting with • specialist sad possibly may have to undergo an operatiow .. The 1. O. O. F. at their retular areata elect tMfMNer- Skinned. The husband of a woman noted ,tor her extravagance in dress had a terrible dream. He met a strange collection of animals -several Loxes, a beaver, and Bowe arra-and they Lad no cysts. He wondered, and then the heaver explained : ''We were skinned for your wife's furs." The said. ascan stniled. r.'•So was I, - he Go It Now. ., If you want to treat yourself to a genuine hargein that will please you during 1913 and for all years to some. send &dollar to The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, for a year's subscription to that great paper, and you will also receive a copy of their new picture entitled, "Either s Treas- ures'," sire •t.4 by Zit inches, all ready fo^ framing. 1t is the best dullat's w .orth to be had. The picture, -Mother's Treasures. will be a surprise to you. It JR worthy a place in the b.'st homes. The Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star Is known to everyone es the greatest newspaper on the continent. One dollar cannot be better spent. Try it and be con- vinced. - Dog Kept Robbers Away. Ethel, Nov. 30. -Provincial Con- stable Phippen. of W ingham, came here to investigate the robbery of Mc- Donald's drygnods store on Tuesday night., Land it is understood that he has made some importantdiecnvel'iee. On , the same night, an attempt was made j to get into the Grand Trunk station. Fut this was foiled by a dog in the of- f of- fice which gave the alarm. ,Entrance 1 by a window was attempted, but the dog held off the intruder until help came and the party or parties fled in the darkness. At the McDonald store entrance was inside by a door on the east side. The glass was broten by a oompling pin taken from a freight car , and it was theu possible to draw the bolt. The safe door was blown off and a quantity ot gold watchee, some money and goods in the store were taken. sews:.+ y night ek Tim ia•, looked ati pttetiy atit yeaterda W. Fl nekwee :F.0..JohnPitts1V.0.. t y Mir • R M. A. W. OoMttlasa isle td HN -- to twMely ice oyes el&sel. Statham 71 p Seem Q Lawtaop. fads harlower jaw gave • spoomodM and lost as 1 so tie of bite F• s., O. YeTeggart : treasurer, (oriel that mateeMti chills rater up art Altno Paok.rd was so inter.s• Via• ore kesare M pane in prow/m.1 down errr «pine." •'Ano d beavetrs t 105 that fume petmred on _dets MameywieR . std ea attaches leer rsfsf" ' No he sea• chewing TwoImam, mensed eland 1I1 like ira=Mf. t-Mrt nix Ira all (F _ .. B A 131 (.ARC 1S MOT /1 SCOTT'S EMULSION im- proves the quality of breast milk -it supplies the material for bone and must le - if scanty or thin, it makes it rich and abundant. For bottle babies a few drops ed emulsion with every feeding produces marvelous effects - makes new, farm flesh and ruddy health SOTS EMULSION is the cream of the purest cod liver oil delicately emulsified into tiny particles resembling maternal r• altd each pellicle is coated t plyetrine-aro alcohol or wholesome, nourish- ing. strength -snaking food. Miothers t •rwwbert ere tn- th,,eastie about Seem•. [ssehies nsistsoi pones SC017-3. corse & Mw. Twewa. elae6e0 12-44 Fitwell Hats i 'VASSAR -'• SIIOESI AVOUNG LADY may have the most beau- tiful hat and up-to- date suit, yet she is not dressed perfectly unless she wears a well - fitting Shoe. You cannot beat - the Vassar for style, fit and appearance. JOHN He McCL1NTON Agent for Goderich The growing demand for Fitwell Hats is due to their superior style and quality. No other make embodies the same degree of distinction and value at a popular price. Once you get to wearing thfm you will be a regular cus- tomer. These bats combine the Fitwell and Union labels an a doable guarantee of style and workmanship. Too can be sure of abso- lute satisfaction by wear- ing a " Fitwell." McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich The home of Semi -Ready Tailor- ing. Agents for the Famous Carhxrlt Overalls and Smocks. Fite en Hats. Stanllelo'a Paste Wool Underwear. %\'INTER TERM FROM JAN. 2nd. -1!_.IOTT TRANSCONA A GREAT CITY IN THE MAKING Transcona will be one of the greatest railway • ceutree of the %Vest. The Grand Trunk Pacific has large shops located there, the Canadian Pacific Railway has established immense fi eight yards, and it bas been persistently rumored that the Canadian Northern Railway will move their entire shops from Fort Rouge to Transcona. T,•anscona's future as a manufacturing city, as well tie arailway centie, is assured, and several large industries are already established, regatring a loge number of risen. PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE many times over in the next two years, and there are big profits for the investor who buys t.x)ay. We have a and offer them rich purchasers Write tor Transcona. number of lots to sell at Ti•anecoua very advantageous terms to Gode- 'our booklet, wht-no tells all about Scott, Hill & Co. 22 Canaria Life Building J. T. Goldthorpe Agent in.GODERICH 1VINNIPEG, MAN. Rural Telephone 8 r Tcronto, Ont. Canada's High eta", 1'onnaar sial School! Highly recommended by former student-. Graduate-, to ..iron,; dema,.d. Write for Lew cataln(ne. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Tetepbuoe Company of Cooed* M soon to paint a new issue of Its OvvICIAL TsI.KPHONE Dra is sok for the Dtrtriet. of Western Ontario, including GODERICH. Patties wlit,..tn . •'. :R•romiog Muhecr it -. 5. 01' how! who w ish rhauaes in their present entry sbouid plate their orders with the Local Manager at once 10 iueme trivet -lion inIhis issue. Connecti. g Companies Pair .IM alien report additions and ebsais's io their list of subscrthers, either to the Isocal Mawager. or direct to the Mori ie1 .%gen; 's Depot meet, Meet, rel. The Bill Telephone Company of Canada STOVES THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE is still the leading range on the Canadian market. It burnless coal and gives better cooking results with a small quantiCY of coal than most stoves do with a large quantity. THE RADIANT HOME HEATER still leads the market as a heater. It is generally ackuowledged to be the strongest heater on the market. Owing to the scarcity of hard coal we have put in a line of Oak Heaters which will burn Hard _Coal, Soft Coal, Coke or nWood. - - . - ---- - O Portland Gement We have Just received another carload of NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT. Coke and Wood We are receiving a carload a week of Solvay Chestnut Coke This Coke is giving universal satisfaction and a great number of our ct•stomers say they prefer it to the Hard Coal, and it comes muconlyhhalf ams mucr. hu atHardrn rCoci; consequently more in bulk you it weighs youreduce. your fuel bill by fully one-tbirtl. We have just received another carload of stabs and can give prompt attention to any ot dere. ° nor Shelf and Heavy Hardware was oe. ••rt more complete. An"the, tsarrel of Nolumbia Dry Cell Batteries just in. Let um gure on your plumbing. beatiug, ele:t,.te wiring, roughing. etc. CHAS. C. LEE Phones : "tette :2 1lott'e 1 1 _ 0