HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 7A Masterly Romance of a Man and a Maid Alone in the Mountains of Colorado 111. bore -am, Ns post Mrs sea va oshilk It is ifalti mb • u4hters ena s�� ns Now is the time to look up your Cutter and Sleigh for the winter. 'Ws have them—a11 kinds and all prices. Kit4Wtp Stoves and anges R We have line of Stoves and hanger. Sometbing ogee and not too expensive. as t all in and e them. ROBERT WILSON Mla•scy-Harris Agent : t .unitun Street. Ooderiob, Ont. CANADIAN WINTER TOURS CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA tvn THE SUNNY SOU sen I i iiit.rl trains 1. ave• Toronto daily. making direct connection at D trait *tnl Ruff •1n for Florid* and at Chi(' .g . f .r 1'slaf .rnis etc." 611114 Trip Tide* at Low Isles Full 1' ieulars, R .tee,.4c.. (Min 1..•. K•.1.f, C. P. R. agent. THE SIG AL GODERICH ON'FARIt) CHRISTMAS GIFTS r- RIFTS FOR THE KIDDIES. FOR HER LADYSHIP Homemade OffeflapThetAlmost Aly Won would Appnpate. lena4y wul like the useful little vas ate Mee seen In the illustration which le mode of ribbon. Just the proper dm to slip In ber puree or band bag Poe this, wide satin ribbon U select d and two pieces of tt. with a flat bit f8 Oebys Mother Will B• leased Witt These Present The doll is un longer usidered 1 mere plaything and .s generally oak Ins herself useful there day's. They are deeora_ting workbag , •ou emitting spools of silk or bolts of Oh bon In their full skirts. they are made into tea cosies. to place over IIteufiots that they may retulu their heat The good natured Blllikeus are used for pincushions, and, although they suffer front the pin pricks, their mulles grow all the broader. Some of the novelty shops are dis- playing dainty dolls attired in quaint costumes of 1840. These dolls attend milady when she dresses. The soft puff of the poke- 1'RUMDatt • Dwattasa 5. 1912 7 HOW,WHEN AND WHY A SECOND ADVENT Denver Divine on Right Track, Says Pastor Russell. Ns World-Burning—ratan to 8. Deund —Sin, Sickness and Death to Be Conquered—Man to Be D•livered— Th• Power Vested In Messiah—His Kingdom Near --How 1t Will Ar, tear. Denver, Dec. 1— This city is stirred! Seventeen pastor* of all denim -limn tions have been discussing The Seo orad Advent for • month. Now Domes Pastor Russell tell- ing us all that ''The Earth abid- eth forever"—that t it will never be { 1 destroyed by literal fire. AeooTding to his the great event of Jliriet's Coin- ing will bring blessings such as we ail desire. He seems to tisve die Bi- ble and logic on his side tool Pastor Russell declared that faith concepts of the Second Coming et Christ had done great tnjury The view set forth in all orthodox ase a& T. Swans' 'Bas, Livery and flack Stables MONTREAL NTRRET .1 ['NT OPP THN ER/UA itt•. •Rr�f?S tISBT AL�a ANI) : P,t $RNG ER : BOATS Passengers called for in my patt`of the town for all ursine at O. T. R. or C. P. R. depot.. Prompt ei vi, a and careful atten- Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in every respect. `. our patronage solicited. T. SWARTS .� 'wart than of cotton wadding laid between, are stltcbed together on the edge. On one side, extending almost half- way across, another piece et ribbon is stitcbed to form a small pocket into which 1s slipped a small envelope ot rice powder and a soft piece of cham- ois with which to apply it A small oblong mirror has Its edges bound with ribbon and 1s then sewed fast to the other rade of the case. Very narrow ribbon encircles the case and serves to fasten it together when folded over like a little book. Illustrated 1s a vaulty case of still an- other variety. The inside ot the case is shown. with a pocket and powder puff on one flap and a mirror on the other. Write Ideas fob Moving Picture Plays! YOU WRITE5 Oo PHOTO PLAYS > WEEKLY We Will Show You How ! If you have ideas—It you can THINK—we will show you the secrete of ibis fascinating new toe sear No '•Nowery lrngnage' is wanted. Ion. Positively no experience "moving heaven The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big t .......... increasing demand. They are and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plot* to supply offering fllW.CA, and mole, for single scenarios, or written ideas. We have received many letters from the film manufacturers. s•tch ee VITAGRAPH, EDISON. us to sed pho oplay SOLAX1to . IMP. We want moreLwrritees RELIANCE, CHAMPION, we'llgladly teach void helsecreETC., success. We are selling photoplays written by people who ' `fiber before wrote a line publication. inn. Perhaps we can do the same for t you. If for only an $25.00—a low k of only u one good idea every week and will rYOU WILL EARN $100.00 FIONTMLY FOR SPARE TIME WORK SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE FOR FREE COPY OF FREE Okt7R ILLUSTRATED BOOK. "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING" Doe't hesitate. Don't argue. Write NOW and learn just What this new profession may mean for jou and your future. 1 ience or literary excellence necessary. few I uutf,Wture n are for bl' t write it out as directed by us, an National Authors' Institute, 1543 Broadway, New York City is that Christ will come agawilltiM� p le flesh The resurrecLon 1Z�OfIde1'ft1l Curets RteGermany. plane within tw -:a7 -four hours. '1 iosarod d the scow eaiaesassded sed noses. pn[cusgio`i saintly will rise in the air to most the M Teeew d nwpls herb as rew•dis• nee nom n. bonnet bolds pins of all colors and Lord Then fire will (some downaway re d••Mf mafioso t c s wow school of phyeinises ��ow wit ysid ne • sizes, ber reticule contains !lugs and brooches, and her parasol holds reign to Ae•hly glory a �e as floe �•t� pins ears to hL•aa the living The Iasis► .P h wee Dr. tt V. Pismo, chief oo•adera phl�eYeOn d me d enwa Sometimes the small daughter's fa- ity o' Chr:atians disown this Id !_rowel lestitnre of Dellelo, N. Y. who ,,,,id ed oleos trey ^•t . Si with accident ridiculous ilorAwnse because they lo a •er sob we roots inch C;14,,, �• —die chid i wipe roans M Diem stomach more dye •sanee hes ps ided. heaven and mnsuine the w th0000� • •.d roam os sa siesta. d ds ...ken. d laid p}emillennialis:s rlaim that �Ir �atrsown ad sno N Y World. Hoed •eft votive !toll meets t an winch leaves nothing intact but the lieve Belle .d creed or Bible. •.d news., Gift Per the House. It U Upcoming quite popular to give what 1s known u a Christmas present to the house—that is, something that hat - head. root. Diseover7 weigh r ham se writ sod 1•vesdeby Immo Iwai Make one of these attractive J. 1)on.i.0 Mafioso" of � EL Y. met: • I set heed fur over five years with what dossers fait e ~ dilated eestdlaita• of the eta.rr. •••d•� orb o esaar- °Othrees, Mire. bad tried enough me, bbl ma g � Aabeeti. etc.. to lathe a•b and naturally thought there was wawa far ma, )� i�� read what eminent doctors said of tis 1 of the Ingredients of 'Golden Radical Dimmer a sh tsar trial. Took the Discovery ' and also the PeIMY, and can truthfully say I aro (ening beiese saw than I have in yeses. I dseerfull, Riw'iw�mao.-i••owoasa la WM this testimonial, and If any 'do•Wuo 1 will ' put him wise' to the best elt•esvuad �it� h� minority perceive its inenticateore Pi•rss's Golden Mediad north .� • e•ossre. A harmless dseasss aid with the Bible Higher entice are dollies in the following manner: disbelievers in the Bible and never Cut a cone shaped framework of preach the Second Coming of Christ. buckram or cardboard. This is form - What Bible Students New See. ed of a •emlcircle, with an opening in The "fire of that day" is symbolical.whlcy to fit [bo doll's head already kindling in society. the els- Make a paper pattern first. so that menta of which. Capital and Labor, the site may be exact Fasten the are getting hotter Boon they will sides together and sew the doll into melt. th.• symM,.ical "earth" will be I her stiff skirt consumed with the "heavens" air, Sew leaden weights at the bottom the ecclesiastical powers. Theo plass of the frame, so that she may stand ing away will usher in a "new earth firmly or social order, and "new heavens," the Church in glory. To attractively dresi dolly, use scraps of silk, ribbon, lace orThe Second Conning of Christ is as - abolish tale curse and bring to won- $� snouted with blessings Messiah will Phone 107 Montreal Street 5twdY' s iS THE PLACE FOR One lovely doll wore a frock ofderf bodice short waisted. Over this mate manicy will be blessed. including the d bleeaings. The Day of Christ cream silk dotted with Plok roses. will be "the last Day,"—the greati The Signal The skirt should be very full and the Seventh Thousand -Year Day. All hu- tl I g. D. ara•siit •. alt` oonaie7 today a tiny kerchief of white mull dead who will then be awakened.' t should be pink stile and Resurrection means the entire pro- cess of Restitution. The world will not really live again until the thous- and years *re finiehed. The Church only will experience an instantaneous resurrection, at the beginning of the great Day of Christ.—Rev. xx, 5. Christ Comes t• Reign. the reticule of the same material, opening and closing with a drawstring of ribbon. The parasol, also pink. should be platted silk attached to a crooked han- dle of wire wound with ribbon. A large muff may be substituted for the parasol 1f desired. This fascinating little mald is a de- lightful addition to the dresser and at the same time performs a mission in life. The attractive little cushion seen in the illustration is deslgned for use beside the baby's dressing table or basket To make the cushion two bisque dolls about Ove inches long are necessary The arms are removed from the dolls and the bodies stuffed around with cotton wadding, then at- tired in sults of pale blue satin. About the necks are collars of lace, and pret- ty blue satin caps adorn the curly blond heads. Pens are stuck into the cushions in an artistic design. and when loops of ribbon are applled at the back of each doll to act as a sup- port the attractive trifle 1s ready to be packed in the Christmas box. Dainty Wicker Washstand. Very convenient for the baby's moth- er to own will be the stork basket. which is a graceful tall handled affair fitted with requisites for baby's toilet As the. redemption was necessary for mans salvation so Messiah's King. dom is necessary to accomplish re- atitution. The delay of more than eighteen centuries is Scripturally ex- plained: (1) God designed Six Great One Thousand Year Days to teach mankind the exceeding sinfulness of tin. He purposed that on the Seventh Day the blessing of Messiah should come. (2) An important work has been done since Calvary. An Elect Churoh has been gathered out of all nations—Saints made rfect through ' suffering, a Little Flocpek. the "Church of the first-born." These are to be- come the Bride of Christ at His Sec- ond eo-and Advent. The Second Gvning of Jesus is 10 claim His Brid, class, and to exalt them. As regards the world, He comes to bind Satan, to overthrow sin, and to uplift fallen humanity. Christ's Kingdoin t• Bs Spiritual. Otre great mi,take we have all made • is in not noticing that Jesus was bu- man for only thirty-three and a hall years. He was a glorious spirit being before He was made flesh; and He was resurrected to a epirit oondityon— ' higther than His original one. How foolish we were to think of Jesus ss a man (a little lower than the angels) in the midst of the Heavenly host! He is now partaker of the Divine na- ture; His Church is to be "changed" and made "like Him." As His descent was from s higher to • lower. so His ascent was from a lower nature 10 • higher, "far above angels." His is Mee exceeding glory which "no man hath seen nor can see"—"which Ise man can approach unto." I14 is this glorious Being whcee Kingdom is about to be established. 8e and His Churoh will be as in - 1 visible to men as are Batas and the fallen angels. The appearanoee of Jesus in the flesh after His resurrec- tion were materialisation•, 1e prove: (1) that Jesus was no longer dead: (1) that He was changed. horn of the Spirit. able to go sad oome like tits wind. Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL • mem snows. is fitly contributed to and enjoyed by all the members of the household. The charming screen pictured would make a delightful gift of this kind. It 1s of gold leaf finish and has a top of gess in which are set oval mirrors 10 reflect the beauty, of the apartment in which It 1s placed. Pretty Gift Fee Invalids. When planning the holiday gifts do not forget the invalid. flow°red a11k Make a bag et We Of cretonne. running wide satinag draw shag sad ribbon in the top for a IWsi It with deltcstsly scented slit. Have the drawstring very long se It can be bung on the bedpost In easy teach of the invalid s band without the sa•.arey et her raising herself h bed le the bag 1. • sawn paper pad. ew yttdng site di, handkerchief and would have may need tbat otherwise to be handed to yes by an •tteedast. Sturd) &c Co. dem Groans f)n the Square 'PHONE 111 Shaw's Schools Novelties Per the D,e•elee T•Ne. A .banning gin can be early muds from u ptetnea triton Buy u frame any size you cheese, bet teethed of 1.- •.rting • picture pot t• • piece of Might chlnts or tremors&b* iH•� buy toe small brass handles see am to each sad et floe Triune.on. the le Halsbed tack a place of due e gress the beck 'Ills asakta = r,ti,.itlas .grr PAST'S wailtaMrarrD. To NEW to Jan. SUBSCRIBERS .00 1st 1914, $1 for $1 The dainty wicker washstand Mustn't. I Panous Ia, Epiphanla. Ap•ksIuPeis. ad is a novelty that ie findinmuch g This Messiahs itingdnm win have °arta" favor for tmu present*. ty nprosentatives-81e faithful sande stand is fitteded with decorated china of previous ages. raised to human and embroidered linen towels and is perfectinn instantly. Through these jest the right height for mother's coin the invisible Mes•i•nie Kingdom will MOtence as abs gives baby Na coots- operate. Jesus amid. "Ye shall see lei bath. Abrahams. Tease. Jacob and all the prophee•iri the Kingdon " Gilt tree •Child , The paronsia of Jesus will Prime first ppr�e. rat but invisible. Th. world A eats little Cbristamas gift fora will liens be with tion ordinary affairs child may be made from h small padre of cif° (while Be is gathering 'tis Rif bright stik--some such tiny dace of -.,,-•N.M. r fa the days of Noah. silk es almost say mother will Sad After the gathersng d the ('burdk, • b [ ribbass there will be an a jp phania and as MOO( e Fill this with new pirates. Tie •its the ap.AsjeppH°•is o1 Jpsus. HP wig shine at e hag, of ether**, depends or forth a will be t°v°sled--cwt is the number of ',males ens edema to flesh. but ' in .ami5f sec. file of that Day, j+i which the present give. order will ha eonattlsil.d in anarchy. The cb1N'a name may also iort* giving piece to the Lingdom 010. bo no the ling with pencil mtistn ponsation twotdered 1n. • color contrasting with the silt of the bag. though it will give Ts. starfish hes es eye on the Up of last es meat el•mere without this Ptd- emit its IMP Nelle draws sloes lee dlttoa issoossweedgivsle GRAND T iUNK RAILWAY _SYSTEM 'TORONTO AND RETURN 83.90 From Goderich Tickets good going P. M. trains Dec. 9, all trains Dec.10and 11. Return limit Dec. 12 Account "Fat Stock Show" Dec. 10.11 Proportionate rates from other Pointe. GUELPH AND RETURN 82.46 From Goderich Tickets good going Dec. 9, 10, 11, 12 Return limit Dec. 14 Ontario Provincial Fier, Dec. 9 to 18 Proportloust; rates � other Polon o Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent. F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Agents. Godericb. 'Phone No. 8. Office hours 8:90 a. n1 to 820 p. m. The Chalice of Courage By CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY . '.. -' "tic' ,1.,.jy►,a,r• QA Westem story of love and adventure, but one unlike any other ever before written. Virile, powerful, and with a fascination that will hold you a willing and pleased reader to the end. Don't Miss the Opening Chapters