HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 6becalms 5, 1912
We are cow prepared to
supply contractors with
all kinds of Mouldings.
I uside Finish, Flooring
and Sidings, and General
Building Material.'
We make a specialty of
Veneer Flooring in Oak
and Birch.
lhessing and Matching
by the thousand. ,
The Paget 6rair. Door Co.
t •t tl i(It IC II LIMITED
For Fall and Winter month- a ,tiff.
-(table por.oe to well out weir known
',nit. and urnamt Biel ttent in ttoderich
•,1 rut -rounding country.
of lob Snow narar-st .flock grown,.
Stork “old a•ddelivered rotrade. }:arty
Bid geed delivery gssranteed. Thirt)
live years of bu4mte ezperienee et *me.
slip offer the beet aaenet in our tiro-.
Wr,,.- lot terms.
1 Pelham Nursery Co. 1
1 , utuNTc i '
Let W. R. Pinder know when
you have anything to he done in
E the ttroughing Metal Work or
(electric VI firing. E tin +tee
turoiehedand work guaranteed,
t• keep a full line of futures
and supplies on hand and all
such work will receive our
prompt and careful attention.
We lave a number of first-
class cooking Stoves, the Garnet -
Cioed. Cheer and the Empire
Steel Range. Call and eee them.
Repair work of all kinds done
at moderate cost.
Hsmilton Strut
When you begot to .u;n and feel a
len nuny, wiiaatiou in the nasal passages,
or whim a tickling irritation in your
throat starts you coughing. the first
itnportarit thing is to act at once. It's
the neglected cold that becomes trouble-
some and dangerous.
The second important thing to do is
to take Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed,
Licorice and Chlorodyne, and keep it up
till the cold disappears e,.tirely.
Na -Diu -Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chlorodyne is absolutely free front
'"► harmful drugs, .and can safely be given
even to moderately young children.
It is pleasant tasting and quick acting,
promptly relieving the irritation of the
throat and nostrils, loosening the
mucus, promoting expectoration, and
checking the cold.
Your druggist has Na -Dm -Co 8yrttp
of Linseed. Licotice and Chlorodyne in
lac. and soc bottles, or can quickly get
it for you. Compounded by the National
littg and Chemical Co. of Canada,
1 Amsted
L.B. Ta e
of the
Singer Store
often .t good pricer and Lerma
altstyleaof Mingle Sewing Ma-
Nome wend second hand ma-
chines' for sale.
Oil, attachments. repairs' and
needles for eve,y make of ma-
.1 email .tock of fans goods
on gni... such as handkt�iefs for
•qt t.ns. rags, hags, .tr.
F.Iderdown yam for rape and
lost r uct lona give° for ek l nn
crochet Jabots, Mee and
in eetitm en lame aped made to
New for bat-trinso
N� ..;�•
"rtas+ta .S 'Mae esedeeste
estereeting Exchange Between Mr. O.
W. Fowler and Hon. William Pugsley
There was a lively time la the How
Of Commons between Hon. Was Phg-
sley and Geo. W. Fowler. the Oonser
vative tnee.f er for Kings, N.B. Tie
latter challenged many of the state-
ments made by Mr. Pugsley 1n a long
speech which touched upon recipr(oi-
ty, the navy and the bye -elections In
Y.a.•dona:d and Richelieu.
Mr. Powder succeeded in procuring
a re-atfirmat.on of their belief in reci-
procity from prominent Liberal mem-
bers, Including Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
Hon. Wm. Pugsley and Hugh Guthrie.
Mr. Pugsley, following the lead of Mr.
Cannel, also deeared for an Increase
in the British preference, and for the
new Liberal platform, and declared
the party's mission to be "to alleviate
the burdens now Imposed on tho great
masses of the people, and reduce
the steadily increasing cost of !lying."
. 11. Carvell, the Liberal member fur
Carleton, N.G., in the debate upon the
address declared that the chief aim of
the Liberal party was to reduce the
cost of living. Cheaper clothes, cheaper
food. cheaper homes and general com-
fort for the people would be their
slogan in the next campalgn. To this
end he declared ,for as increase in the
British preference, and reaffirmed the
fealty, of the party to reciprocity and
wider markets•everywhere..
Mr. (tall, Conservative member for
South Grey, admitted that he had
at one time Inclined to the idea of
a Canadian navy, but in the disturbed
conditiop of Europe, with the over
present danger of the mother country
becoming involved therein, be believed
that a contribution should be made by
Canada to th'e dof. uce of the empire.
and hoped that such a measure would
command support from both ricks o
the House
A. A. Mondott. member for Tawas-
ka, gave notice on Thursday of an
amendment he will move to tis " ad-
dress to the effect that .Parifament is
not Justified iu imposing .upon the
people of Canada an obligation for tho
general defence of the Empire, so long
as Canadians have no voice in the
war councils of the Empire.
During the debate on the address In
reply to the speech from the throne
In the Senate, Sir George Roes, tho
new leader of the opposition In the
upper chamber, foreshadowed the line
he would take when the naval pro-
roposals of the government pates. be-
fore the senate.
The speech, he declared, after say
ing four ministers had conferred wool'
the British authorities and "conditions
had been disclosed which rendered it
Imperative," said that Canada should
give naval aid. Imperative was, a
strong word. What was the matter
with old England' Had she no more
sailors to man her ships? Had rhe
no longer the exchequer with tiblch
to build and maintain her fleet' 1f
these were the conditions which ren-
dered aid imperative, let parlament
know, and out of her abundance Car,n-
da wo01d give aid cheerfully.
"A minister said during th•s sum-
mer that England was on her knees,"
said Sir George. "It elle Is let us help
her at once. and if it takes a few
millions to get her on her feet ler
us place her there by all :ueana. 1f
she is on her knees, it 1s the flret
time in the history of Great Britain
that rhe' ever was."
A naval policy on the bards of a
contribution was no policy at all, he
said It was like throwing a penny
in a beggar's cup.
Speaking of the Navy In the Senate
on Wednesday last. the Government
leader In the upper house, Senator
Lougheed declared his belief that e
point had been reached when empire
consolidation Must take a prominent
place in the consideration of British
Canada was as much concerned as
was Great Br...aln in preserving the
tntegrlty of the empire. in his opin-
ion this could only be done by a con-
solidation which would give one fleet,
one army, one exchequer. adnfaistared
by one imperial parliament. Austral
11a, New Zealand and the Strait* Set-
tlements had already given roan] aid
and to -day We eyes of the world were
en Canada.
That the revised banking set will
contain a provialon under whir the
banks will be enabled to advenoa
inane to farmers on the secant•r
their grain and nettle was the 6elet
announoement made to the Coatmses
On Tuesday of last week by Hoa. W.
T. White, Minister of P'tnano.. it Is
generally understood that with the
*ranting of this power will be a pro
*sloe rsgnlring t,be reglstratioa rd the
Pim thereby alatlag It peon.
The Oov.rntaeat Mil amending the
North-West Moented Pollee hot
-- of the fors a to �e
(wale of pay for iia nese.
(MW tuts Mwv'aoat Wreaked by
lea Near Selleville
Ila clad era- DaNtA Symms r. e1
Iredat Arnie. five sides below Delo
*Da were drowned on Friday while
to reach Belleville by motet
ins had formed on the bay trot
had hoped to forces tisk vier
ft. The hew of their boat
owe le gsl1 they woes leered
1018. le the IgA whisk. i.wegr
tot strong easeat to bear
. As as last resort they
ashore waled wee
distant, (tet 004 wee. g�e�
hod by the ley voter, aN( gggk
mod Mrs lw..ey, who casae from
about six years Sin. ase ear
by tow attain.
Ns.dVhN et Pommies
Ten strikers were shot by Thiel do
ts8vea at Smith Percepts. es Man
I� lea free Seat waled folk:m.4 rg
t sal f)< tie sangria admen IsInien tttiM
idlest dune hotel
.ttrilo k
breakers were
la/sslrea Three detestivss terse
seed seder arrest. The timed
lire weeaded ti tie lee W IA:
11111evr. The strike breakers ..or
sees th. diispate __elled lett
tete mks sed sees red r • to
Turkey WWI be Asked I. ZeiCIF
indemnity --Prime tDewllb
The protocol for an ~Me Mato
rlgaed bY the pleolpotentieritte of Bea
garla and Turkey at the neutM1 Tbwn
of Baghto1s, near the Tohstaldje lines,
pppn Saturday, and is ted p be.
)lgned by the repreeentitites of W
Ether alike on Wednesday. The alit -
1s to last as long as the pre-
fiminary peace negotiations oontlanis.
The protocol has the approval of the
Ottoman Government.
Tboush, so far, the exact perms of
the preliminary peaces agreenpat dove
been kept secret, It 1s pretty goner
known what they are. Twiny
gas Adrianople, but low Salonfca.'
�p may also keep Dedeagatoh, on the
{atfo, and consequently the oOqq••
I of the Adrianople-Dedeagatch reli-
eved. The antes a000rding to a Sofia
tasspatch, will demand that Turkey
gt� a war indemnity.
�md as peace looms up at 'Ibis
Oso, too, there dies oat the talk
ole between Austria and
Mier an Albanian seaport, and Atbs*-4
1 h Weirs generally. It is thought
that eventually atter matters at tial
front have quieted Sea will conn
pent to giving up quieted,
u the mala'
cause of all the war talar, and will
sodept some other town to lieu of ilia
one she • ogcupled to Austria's din'
Two entire divisions of Turkish re-
serves surrendered on Friday to the'
Bulgarian troops near the village of
Narhamll, between the port of Dedeab• 1
leach and Demotica.
A very fierce tight between the
Turks and Bulgartans preceded the
tnlation of the two divisions. Two
erab; 252 Turkish oMcers and
8,879 men surrendered.
Crown Prince Dantlo of Montenegro
has been serlonaly wounded, accord-
ing to a despatch from Rieke on Mon-
c P
He re eft r
1 his wounds In an as-
Fmolt on the Turkish positions domin-
ating Scutari
The Prince was brought to Rieke
where an operation for resection of
the Intestine, which bad been perfor-
ated, was performed.
Her Stand Taken as a Warning
Against Russia
Gehnany stands firmly with Austria
Rungary In the conflict which has
arisen between that country and Ser-
vta, or for that matter, in any con-
flict which may be forced upon the
dual monarchy.
In a brtei, pointed speech in the
Reichstag on Monday, the Imperial
chancellor, lir. Von Bethmann-Holl-
weg, made this declaration, which is
taken to mean unquestionably a warn-
ing to Russia, although Russia was
not named.
Herr von Klderlen-Waecitter, secre-
tary of state for foreign affairs. also
won applause when he declared that
Germany's relations with Great Brit-
ain during the late criste were marked
by mutual trust which had brought
about a moat gratifying intimacy in
the relations of the two countries.
Head of London Force Wounded In
Three Places
Sir Edward Richard Henry, (Thfet
Commissioner of the London Metro
protan Police, was shot and seriously
wounded Wednesday night by a man
who had an alleged grievance against
MM. Sir Edward was struck by
three bullets.
It turned out that his assailant,
whose name is Bowes, had a month
ago applied at Scotland' Yard for a
taxicab license, which was refused.
Subsequently he wrote to the Com-
missioner, pleading for • reconsidera-
tion, but without avail. For this rea-
son he nursed a grudge against Sir
Seward and lay in watt for him. It
1• believed the wounded official has
it slummy to reoover.
Terente Cattle Market
The receipts of livestock at the
Western Cattle (Market, Toronto. on
Monday were 13 can. containing 278
head of cattle, 60 sheep and lambs. 82
hogs and 53 calves
Representative prices were
airport cattle, choice.... $6 00 to *6.26
do. medium 5.60 6.00
do. bulls 4.60 5 00
Butcher cattle, choice... 6.60 6.00
do. medium 4.60 6.60
4o. common 2.60 4.00
Butcher rose. choice4.76 6.60
do. medium 3.60 4.75
do. common 1.75 3.60
Butcher bulls 4.60 4.75
do. medlutn 3.50 4.60
do. light 2.60 3.60
Feeding steers 5.00 6.5o
Stockers, choice ,. 4.50 5.1.f.
do. medium 4.00 4.50
do. light 3.25 4.00
Conners and cutters1.60 3.00
lrtlksrs, choice each 40.00
do. common common 30.00 40.00
Springers, choice 60.00 80.00
do. tnedlum 40.00 60.00
Yearling sheep.... 5.00 5.10
3.50 4.65
2.00 3.60
2.00 3.00
5.00 5.90
8.00 .00
8.40 8.50
8.65 .00
. 3.50 8.50
Sheep. light ewes
do. heavy ewes
Bucks and culla
Hogs, f.o.b.
do. ted and watered
do. weighed off cars
Calves ....
Toronto Grain Prices
Wholesale grain quotations at the
Tbf'oeto Board of Trade on Monday
*ere as follows --
Ontario '«-heat-New No. 2 winter
wheatwhite, red or mixed, 95c to 96c,
outside. Partially sprouted wheat. 86c
to 90e.
Manitoba Wheat -New, No. 1, Nor..
• Flo; No. 2 Nor., 88%c; No. 3 Nor..
86yac; teed wheat, 67c to 68c.
1 Canadlaa Western Oats -New No.
2, 410; No. 3, 46e, off track, lake ports.
Ontario Oats -New, 34c to 35c, out-
side, 89c to 40c, track, Toronto.
Cots -Old, No. 2 yellow. 66c; No. 3
yellow, 64%c. New, No. 3 yellow,
(ps'ompt shipment), 55%c, all rail,
tick, Toronto.
Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 lbs..
31.40; per barrel, 36.05, wholesale.
Windsor to Montreal.
Pena -No. 2. 31.26 to 31.30, car lots,
Buckwheat --No. 2, hoc to 62c, out-
Ry.. -No. 2, 80c to 82c, outside.
Baric -No. 2 barley, 70o- No. 3.
extra, 68c; No. 3, 62e; feed barley,
660, lake porta.
Mfllfeed-Manitoba bran, 323.00, to
bags, track. Toronto; shorts, 325.00;
Ontario bran. 322 00, to bags. track,
Toronto; shorts, 324.00.
1bew Turning Thelr Attention te De-
stroying Letters In Street Boxes
An immense gtanUt3 of mail mat-
ter wee damaged or destroyed In Lon-
don on Thursday and Friday by the
action of the militant suffragettes in
inttlng acid. paint and printers' ink
the letter boxes. in several in-
stances the contents of the boxes
were set on Ire. As the outrages
were chiefly in the financial district
much minable property, each as deeds,
shares certificates. etc., who destroyed.
Farmers' Market
The following prices were paid to
farmers by retail dealers at St. Law-
'rence Market, Toronto, on Monday:
Fall wheat, bush 31.00 to 31.01
Gats .41 .42
' Goose wheat .94 .96
' Barley .68 • .73
' Buckwheat ... .56 .00
Rye .85 .00
Peas 1.00 .00
New hay I6.00 • 17.00
do. No. 2 12.00 14.00
Straw, bunched 17.00 18.00
Straw, loose 8.00 .00
Eggs, new laid doz.32 .40
Butter, dairy .26 28
do. creamery .30 .33
Fowl, dressed, lb .12 .13
Chic'tens .16 .00
Ducks .16 .00
Turkeys .19 .20
Spring Turkeys .20 .23
Black ducks, pair 1.00 .00
Guinea fowl, pair .75 1.00
Black squirrels, pair.46
Venison, carcass, lb.12%
Live Fowl .11
do. Chickens .16
do. Ducklings ,15
do. Turkeys .18
do. Hens .11
Cabbages, dos. .40
Potatoes, bags .75
Apples, basket .20
Celery, bunch ,06
Dressed hogs 11.26
Farmer's Sank Case
"There are important documents In
this cane that cannot be found, bot 1
ace Instructed that they will be avail-
able for the next oonrt."
This was the reason given he Crown
Prosecutor Meredith in the Criminal
/liaises at Toronto on Wednesday
When moving that the ease against pr.
/Mattis Nesbitt be traversed to the
N ext melees in January.
After bearing argument and the eh.
of Kr. R. H i +wart abletlee Sir William Retook a1llowsd
ow to go aver.
Petrel* is Freed
Albert T. Patrick, t,rtoe co Qa
of death la the ilestrio .es`,
life prisotaer la tag Mug prlisua
the murder of Wu. Man* MOW
was pardoned by °oversee Dix of=
Test State on Throaty. Pe
mum hu been the subject of • twehts
year fight In the everts. Re wog a
lawyer, and It was claimed the stabs
tie was ptaytaagg ter was the 6611S1,8S
estate of refinO•atre MOO.
wersge Slowest Weepiest
The biggest woman la the welly
died on Thursday I* Montreal rg
weighed 720 greeds Her name tar
Justine Mame& Her shad heeata• tee
fleeted some thises ago, sad ebe w110
elated seder resiraint Met hes lip
femme atrsagte Made liar a hard MO
poet en deal elle. A ovoidal horse
detesting lid Vily to he 1a1M Sail
East Bulfeto Cattle
Cattle receipts at (Oast Btdhtlo on
Monday were 6,000 head; market active
tld 150 to 26c higher; prime steers.
39.00 to 89.06; butchers, 38.00 to
38.65; bulls, 34.26 to 3606; stock
hatters. 34.25 to 34.15; shipping. 37.60
to 38.75; heifers, 34.76 to $6.00; cows,
36.25 to 36.60; stockers and feeders,
34.50 to $7.00; fresh cows and spring.
ere, steady at 345.00 to 376.00.
Veale --Receipts, 800; active, and
steady at 84.00 to $11.00.
Hogs-Receips, 10,000; active;
heavy, 6 to 10c lower; light, 10 to the
higher; heavy and mixed, $7.76 to
37.80; yorkers and pigs. 37.68 to 37.76;
roughs, 36.71 to 36.00; stags„ 36.60 to
36.10; dairies, 37.60 to 37.78.
Sheep and lambs---Remiprs, 14,100;
active; lambs and wetherst IISa
yearlings. Sac higher; iambi. 31.30%
38.00; yearlings, 16.80 to Ka; wide
ors, 84.16 to 84.76; ewes, 3100 to 34+1161
sheep, mixed, $1.00 to 34.18.
Chlatoe Live Stook
liteeeipta of settle at Chicago IS
Monday were 18,000 bead, wariest
steady to 10o lower; beeves, 36,60 M
111.00: Texas steers. 34.40 to 0.111
western steers, $6.10 to 39A0; 00811110.
sad feeders. $4.86 to 37.88; stews
heifers, 12 75 to 37.58; calves.
to 310.60.
Hogs ---Receipts, glees; Iesrtlrslr
WOW, ge lower; light, $7.16 to rail
sued. 37 20 to 37.70; awry, 37.1g
37.76; roach. 37 to 37.N; 01/s,
M 37.16; bulk of salsa. 37.66 to P.
lase►-IRecsbta, WON; Heaves*
steady; native, 32.71 to 34.48; wogM2.
$4.10 t. $4.66: y.arNags, 36.00 to 36.M•
lambs. satire, 36.76 to 37.76: skewers
36.76 to 37 76.
Carnegie to Die Peer
Andrew Carsegte an•Oss.oa that ail
bet 816.000,600 of tie fortune, wag&
will be disposed et seder his wtli,
will be lett te the Oarsegle C.orporatiee
of New Tort, shoe has been says
his ree4asry Mas, and which mu
tarry r
as he ogfilet.l and charitable
Restored to Health by Vtnol-
Letter to Mothers.
Anxious mothers often wonder why
tbelr children are so pale, tido aceta
aervous and have so little appetite.
Por the benefit of such mothers In
this vicinity we publish the following
J. Bund Miller, New 34*?..,
Conn., says: "My little daaghter, ever
since bar atr'tb bad been frail and
sickly, and was • constant source of
worriment Several months ago we
cominelMa le give her Vinod. I Ma -
listed an improvement tt
:zeal= pp
aged appearance, I gave.
her three bottles of Vinol, and from
the good it has done her 1 can truly
say 1t will do all you claim."
This child's recovery was doe to
the combined action of the medicinal
elements extracted from cods' livers,
--combined with the blood-makiag
and strength -creating properties of
tonic iron, which aro contained in
Vinod will build up and strengthen
delicate children, old people and the
weak, run-down and debilitated. We
return the money is every ease where
it fails
C. Cunlop, Druggist, Godetrcib.
Sir Edward Clouston, Ons of Canada's
Financiers, Died Suddenly
The death of Sir Edward Seyburn
Cloulton, Bart., one of the best-known
bankers and Meanders of Canada, oc-
curred at Montreal on Saturday. His
age was 63 years.
Sir Edward tainted during the morn-
ing while engaged in conversation
with a friend in the Royal Securities
Building. Recovering a few minutes
later he objected to being removed
to the hospital. contending that he
was all right. On the advice of his
friends, however, he allowed himself'
to be conveyed to the Royal Victoria.
Hospital. where his condition rapidly
beams worse. He passed away at
2.45 p.m.. death being due to apo-
New Eastern Senators
Six gentlemen have been called by
HIs Royal Highness to the Senate. all
to 1111 vacancies in the representation
of the Maritime Provinces. Five well
represent Nova Scotia and one Prince
Edward island. The five from Nova
Scotia are : -Hon. Nathaniel .. Curry,
Amherst; Hon. W. B. Ross, M.C., Mid-
dleton; Hon. William Dennis, Halifax;
Hon. E. L. Gtrroir, Antigonlah; Hon.
William McKay, Reserve Mines. The
ROM Senator from Prince Eduard
Island to Hon. P. C. Murphy. of Ttg-
Marge Against Former Liberal Lead-
er Dismissed at Milton
, "lh the face of the evidence f could
Dot allow a charge of this nature to
Lang over any man." Such wait the
'statement of Mr. Justice Leitch in the
Milton Assizecdi
urt on Monday in a-
pfing thea ton against Hon. A. G.
acKay, who was sued by W. H.
nes, formerly of Owen Sound, on
the ground that Mr. MacKay had
'alienated his wife's affections. The
Mctton against the former leader of
the Ontario Liberal party was launch -
`d by Haines during the reciprocity
oampsign a year ago. it had been
hanging fire since then and when It
anally came to trial Mr. MacKay
e from Edmonton to defend the
tion. Mrs. Haines has been con-
ed la the Asylum at Toronto since
1211. Three alfenlsts swore that
• woman was incurably Insane, that
gee nattered from halucinatlons, par-
t oldarly about her relations with men,
and that this would apply to man
w hom she had never met.
Canadians Weft to Front in Judging
Livestock In Chicago
The students' Judging contests at
'the International Live Stock Expos*
tion at the Union Stock Tarda, Cbi
cape, was won by Iowa State
3,886 points. Kansas
College was second with 2,655. DBL
verstty of Missouri third with 2,660
Ohio fourth with 1.660. Untverutty od
Nebraska fifth, 1,416, and the Ontario
Agricultural College sixth with 2,100
Fifteen college teams were entered.
Canada has a greater display of
blooded live stock than ever before.
There aro nearly 300 entries from the
Fight for Octogenarian's Money S.
gine Again in New Flare
Miss Catherine McCormick, whose
Jegal fight to set aside the marriage
of her late cousin, Michas! Fraser of
Midland. to Hannah M. O. Robertson
of Dundee was stopped by the death
of Mr. Fraser, has begun proceeding"
to prevent the probating of the late
Yr Pr r'. will. Miss McCorilltsll
1W bed a caveat filed in the Sarna.
gate Merl at Barrie agalnat ss7 deem-
ee -
utast 1erportlieg to be a win, and site
pee ales for letters of ad
tad + et res !tamer estate es
tie flat be died ',taunt lade
lag •
WM* Tib Demented
Reran. opal live years, gad Albert,
aged AM tee only roes,.. of
Lewis J. Timer. a Grand Trwit
way enalmegn rodding at SO Wava'ls,
street leekA thMISIM the lee
sad were rewMd la the =We Oar
Rat ur.ey JNsgsee..
atssirlse Women 501010..
Mrs rsO. M/agl y, fMet
ag*. of A
drank aeoM es /t1= saw
e iy tel.• ad lad h .s Is IS
he lth gar ems Wok Weed k M 4l•411111t
tale al>Zgglgd-J10.d.
Why Not Buy Your
Christmas Presents Early?
A Suit or an Overcoat from this store
will be greatly appreciated. We have a
large and varied stock of winter gar-
ments, full of style and quality -and
at very moderate prices -
X10.00 to $23.00
your gifts from our Furnishing;
Department. Exclusive Cravats in
fancy, plain and silk-knitted'effects, at
50, . 7Sc and $ 1.00 -boxed separately;
Kli;lted Mufflers, Linen Hand-
kerchiefs, ---Gloves, Shirts, Umbrellas,
Bath Robes, Dressing Gowns, Sweater
Coats, etc.
Store open until 8:30 evenings.
fla„:""' A Magic Healer. C 1
During ani exciting game of baseball
a player hid two'ge �fin rs of his ht
P y
hand badly bunged up. and on hie
way home from the grounds dropped
into a doctor's office to have them at-
tended to.
"Doctor," he asked anxiously,
"when this paw of mine heals will 1
be able to play the piano r
"Certainly, yon will," the doctor as-
sured him.
"Gee! You're a wonder, Doc. I
never could before." -Exchange.
Blobs -"Why don't you rogsult a
doctor about your insomnia ?"
Slobbs-"What! And run up more
bills? "Why, it's because of what l
owe him now that I can't sleep."
;f(>07 > ./ed- "i)
n� su53»(..-
111re111 10105v atac
=w .r M --sly ro. 1110.•t •e•o
wast =MD of Cl.e your Goode are and.
.t..-ee Wtrkw .re Imperials.
Seed few Free Core. Cord, Merry a•.YMt. Dad
ao.ktw •' era r wlr of Dyia ever wee. actors.
Ta. JOsswsOIe ` Co., timer&
1-P"..13 CARRIAGE ®-.
Lf__ILO S�
We have reopened the
'-'' well-known shop, corner of
Newgate and Hamilton
,atrleta, known as the
DItatnion Carriage Works.,
and are prepared to 'trent*
orders kr
Painting and
D.B. &Lend & Son.
All work done promptly
and well. We will appre-
ciate your custom.
The most delicious ftavors,with
the best and purest Cream, serv-
rl1 st the BALMORAL CAFIC. Or-
irders by telephone for lee Cream
in bulk nr in bricks attended to
promptly. Telephone it;.
The Hospital for Sick Childro
Dear Mr. Editor: -
It would take more space than you
can spare to tell of the good work
done by the Hospital for Sick Chil-
dren. Toronto, for the sick and de-
formed children of this Province. Let
me, in a few words, tell you of the
steady growth of this Hospital.
In the year 1876 there were only sit
cots and beds, one nurse, 44 In -patients
and 67 out-patients. In 1912 then
were 250 cots and beds. 64 nurses,
1.294 in-patient■ and 17,862 out-
During the 37 years of the Hos-
pital's existence, 19,370 inpatients
have been admitted, and 133,724 out-
patients have been treated, a total of
163.094, or an average of 4,138 per
year. 01tpe 19,370 In -patients, 5,495
were from "Maces outside of Toronto.
6,144 of the total In -patients were
cured, and 6,7were improved. This
Is a great record.11
Of the 1.294 In -patients last year, 341
came from 218 places outside of Tor-
a0 that the Hospital is not a
Iteal, but a Provincial Fn'tifhtion.
In the Orthopedic Department in 37
years, nearly 700 boys and girls have
been treated for clubfeet, and about
600 ware corrected. Halt of these
came from places outslde of Toronto.
so surely we have a fair claim for
help from the people of this Province.
The Corporation of Toronto grants
126,000, not only for the city children,
but towards the maintenance of all
patients In the Hospital. and rhe o,o
sons of Toronto donate an average of
116,000 aaneally to the funds of the
HospR*i. -
Will , reader, think of what
your money youwill
kind do? It straight helps 10 re-
store health and strength. and gives
sound ifmbs and feet to
erlppled boys and garb.
Remember that your packet -book
must be the Hospital's friend, If the
Hospital L to be the children's friend.
Remember that (Christmas calls you
to open the purse of your kindness to
the Nospttsl. so that the Hospital may
o the heart of its belp to the
Remember that your money ma
help the Hospital build a bridge over
which thss feet of little children may
travelon the Journey from sorrow N
Joy, t?em Meknes* to tempo- 7 '
freta dtsafb M IIH.
Mesas saes • Isllar..r. own if lea
ma spar. IRM ReagLs Doylies. Os
Beeretery-Tresiperera the 1
.r 1. less R .
se0lsi 10-18 is
l4+aMssa _BMs.
korner East St. and Square