HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 51
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Pro -
re -
Cquaaa.s. Dtttol>Ntrt1A 0. 1$2 1
A ___sofa_ Ilseioant of Ooderlch
rs goods to (luny. Al
goN McLean shipped these car-
loads of cattle to the Union Stock
Ysrdr, Nest Toronto.
)iron Ivers whipped • oil b 000urr d at. Chatham on
�oeatd Sunday of Harriet Bat.two, widow of
the late WUUam Hinton. wbo fur
.ore years was a residaot of Gude-
rich and Massager of Use Keoaini[toe
Furniture Co. was sixty -
Woe years of age. son. Joseph and
, D. O. S.. a daughter, Mrs. W estlake, of Joseph,
Demon- ham, survive. Harry Downs. of
.tore build- town, wbo Is a ompliew of the deceased,
went down to attend the funeral,
which took place at London.
For the Children's Ward-
qbe soangetsha • ,.,
will bold a bazar et
ber lob, in A. will offer ce�y so
leg on %Vest strulMe Indwill
faarywork, kowtowed* will d
cakes for sale. The process
fur the children's ward of Alexandra
p,,,pital. Admission free; everybody
w Card T.
U. Meetinjg.
of A W.. Cee T.oU. under
bald atpices
Tempenince Hell as Friday evening
The chief featured themwas
su able address byids
ce lbs
4�CYottloa-p. Do
T, U.
minion or Kamer
kr. A. H. Spencer. of Collingwood,
Grand t'oun,illor of the Royal Tem-
of Temperance, also gave
and.rther contributions to the pro -
grain erre recitations by Mims Aitken
and troll solos by Mrs- King. Mies
Colborne And Miss Belcher.
County Court.
The December allting* of the County
Qourt will be held nest week, oom-
aeorin,t un Tuesday. The list ot
asses ho far entered for trial includes
the following : g
Ryder v.lTownship oflUeborrnew eeu
et al. ;
liar v. ('tawford.
:Son- v -Bank of Commerce v.
liowbrav et al.: Thomson .Med-
kind : Thomson v. Armorer
Pinder v. Doty Engine Works Co. :
eatorth Milling Co. v. C. P. R. et al. ;
Gooduuut v. Carter.
Amateur Drama.
lo ate.ther . olumh is published the
progrun for next Thursday evening's
pehforintince at Victoria Opera House
by the thaw& Club. Amateur drama
has always a charm of Its own. and
rAnse tedwith the first appearance on
(besiege of a number of (Jodericb's
brightest young ladies it will in this
raw bate moi, than ordinary interest.
'Ibe pea reeds ale to go to the ho pi al
toads. Tickets et ,c
Dow on sale at Wigle's drug store and
tbeplan will be open at Edwards'
,estautant on Monday. We trust
there will be a full house.
Death ot Mrs. McGillivray.
The death occurred et Detroit on
Fists) last Ibf ('stbmrine McLeod.
widow "1 the late Donald McGillivray.
and an old iesidentof Goderich. The
deceased wet. born seventy-four years
aso in Scotland, and after coming to
Canada )lied for many years in the
township of Colborne before coming
to reside in (Joni risk. A few mooths
ago .he went to Dutrott to stay with
ber daughter. Mrs. (Capt.) McGuire.
The holy was brought to Goderich for
burial, the funeral taking place on
',Tuesday afta-r0000 from the residence
of Alex. Davidson, Montreal street, to
Colbotne cemetery. Rev. Gen. E.
Ross officiated, end tb•• pallbearers
were Geo. Bisset. Sand. Biome, D.
McMurchy. Alex. Johnston. 1). Stod•
dart and P. A. Robertson. Besides
Yrs. Mr(;uire, another daughter.
lir.. Murdoch McLeod. lives in De
trait. Bothdaughters were here for
the funeral. also (apt. Mdiuire and
Mrs. Alex. McLeod, of Detroit.
Son Voyage !
On -Thursday evening last Ja ines
Fowler was the recipient of a compli-
mentary presentation by his fellow -
members of the choir of North street
Metbodist church. Mr. Fowler is leav-
ing in a few days on a visit to his old
bows io Ragland. Remarks in appre-
ciation of his servicer is a singer were
offered t,y Chas. H. Humber and %V.
O. t5. bwso, sad Miss Perrin oo be-
half at Abe choir presented him with
a gold watch, engraved. Mr. Fowler
replied appropriately. Refreshments
were afterwards starved and a social
Gine enjoyed. Mr. Fowler is the poe-
srtssnr of a splendid voice, and his sing-
ing has added much to the enjoyment
of many a public entertainment.
A Native of Ashfield.
Duncan Famish died on Sunday
morning at his home in town, at the
comparatively early age of thirty-six
years. He bad been in poor health
or some time although not considered
seriously ill until two weeks ago. He
.vasa native of Ashfield, his people
being among the first settlers of that
township. He was not married. His
mother and several brothers and sis-
ters survive. The interment took
place oo Wednesday at Kintall ceme-
tery, the funeral being in cbarge of
the Masons. Hey. Geo. R. Rose, pas-
tor of Knox chord), officiated at the
service at the house and Rev. .1. S.
Hardie. of Lochalsh, at the grave.
Raising Money on False Pretences.
Joseph Morgse was before Judge
Doyle on Monday on a charge of oh-
teinieg money on false pretences.
It appears that Morgan, wbo was -then
living in tioderich, raised money on
two notes of $50 eac,lp securing the en -
dot sation of W. J. Bell on the repre-
sentation that be intended purchasing
some property on Kast street. Just .s
the first note, for three months, was
about to fall due be left town sod
went to Stratford, securing employ-
ment t h e r e. He was brought
back to town for trial, and was re-
leased on suspended sentence. on the
condition that his employers in Strat-
ford should withhold 85 a week from
his pay until the amount of the notes
should be made up and restored to
Mr. Bell,
A Former Godmrioh Boy.
The Contract Record gives a per -
tonal 'sketch of the Department of
Works of the city of Totooto. with
portraits of tbe principal officers.
Among these ie Man B. Garrote, son of
Mr. .Justice (farrow of Toounto and
brother of Charles Garrow of town.
MI. (Jarrow is assistant eo 'ineer in
charge of twain drainage works and
The Contract Record gives the follow-
ing additional particulars:
"Mr. A. B. (;arrow was horn at God -
erten is mon and wes educated at God -
evicts and at Upper Oaaada College.
He entered the class of '07 science at
the University of Toronto and took so
honor degree of B. A. Sc; in 1P08. For
two years he was aniatent engineer-
in-cbarge at the harbpr works and
elevator for the C. P. R. at Port Mc -
Nicol. He entered the employ of the
city in December. 1900, se draughts -
wan in the main drainage works
branch of tbe works department and
assumed charge of the branch in 1911."
G. 0. 1. Literary Society.
The (;. l'. I. Literary Society held
its final meeting for this term in the
Collegiate assembly hall on Friday
evening list. The op'ning number on
the prograut was an instrumental duet
by the Misses Doris Hays and Norma
Wbit••{y. Declamations given by
Durnin Phillips Berl Kelly, Nikon
Pfeffer and Clifford' Williams were
very interesting and instructive.
Instrumental solo. by Min, Edith
William+ and Min Josie Saunders,
and an instrumental duet by Miss
Beth 11,yd and Mr. Hunter. were
very much appreciated. A. M.
Robertann. M. A., gave an address in
which he told of his teaching days in
the county of Glengarry. He gave a
very interesting description of that
historic .•hunt , and also related a taw
incident+ of the time which he spent
on the staff of the High &'hool at
Williamstown. A violin solo liy Mise
_Siena ('lark and selections by the
Glee Club were warmly applauded.
The 1st -est number of the G. C. 1.
Journal was read on behalf of the
editor by Ernest Porter and was s
very creditable issue. A Focal duet
by Miss Agnes Saunders and Mise
Ruth Hamilton contributed much to
the enjoyment of the evening. The
secretary, Mis. Mary Toro, read the
complete honor roll, and the meeting
was brought to a close by the singing
of God Save the King.
of Mrs. George Stewart.
With genuine sorrow tbe people of
Iindei irh learned nn Moodily of the
death of Mrs. George Stewart, follow-
ing the stroke of paralysis which she
sustained on the previous Monday
"'Poing. Mrs. Stewart had teen in
Poor health for snme tins*. aid in her
weakened state was IMAMS to rally.
She was floe only dasghter of tits late
Jtt+t'ph Morris, o: Qadlismie, an.1 was
married tweety.ltdee• to
her now bee" 'three*
teeth' re sutrvh. 3119Mos of Bat-
f*io ; lldwio, el Amit . )tan.. and
Asrltelt, of Colborn township. The
fSeeral tont on Wednesday
dtern,xen, the t befog made
M the l fol bostaa t own.bip oetw.tery.
Servicer wer•e enndumed by Rev. deo.
Rest. .arl.t*a nA tag . pally„ n
Ja�e,r Nsaailtow. 7W ib
Rohl. Hell (Seaforthi, G.
Iltc'ee H.
R. S. NaNaws, A J. Pa/triage.
Jas- F'. T1•IMar• and W. N. Robevt-
taS. Acmes IrM woe ears 1roen a
Was" to eV ambit tribute et te-
rto the
A New Industry.
The tannery properly rn Waterloo
street which was for so many years in
the hands of the Smith family bas
been purchased by M. W. Howell, and
is to be converted to a manufactory of
line toilet preparations, the products
f the Misner Manufaeturio Co.
arnee her good At.. EAST STREET GARAGE
Another good of in
today Thursday)
J Talt Passes
James 'fait, who d been 11 for some
months. -
Masonic Officers.
Maitland Lodge, A., F. A A. M..
has sleeted officers as follows for the
coming year : 1. P. M., Dr. Sale ;
master, H. C. Dunlop ; senior war-
den. Dr. Hunter ; junior warden. F.
J. Rutland ; chaplain, R. J. M.Raw ;
secretary, J. Straiton ; treasurer, R.
G. Reynolds ; tyler, John Tancott.
Being Useful and Helpful.
Being authoriaed by the Provincial
headquarters, the BoyScouts here
will distribute a quantity of literature
to the interests of the Muskoka Fres
Hospital for Consumptives. This will
be done Saturday morning. The
Scouts are provided for the oc^anion
with badger bearing tbe third Scout
law, "Scouts duty fa to be useful and
W help others.'
The Ute Joseph McDonald.
Mr*: W. F. Clark has returned from
Grand Marais, Minn.. where she was
called by the death of her brother.
Joseph McDonald. Mr. McDonald,
who was engaged with the Alger -
Smith lumber company at Grand
Marais, died very suddenly as the
result of a stroke of apoplexy , his
dead body being discovered by his
wife. The interment took place at
Grand Marais un November '21st.
The deceased was a former Colborne
township boy. the son of Mrs. Mc-
Donald, now ot Goderich. Mrs. Clark,
of town, and Mrs. Chas. Hawkins, of
Windsor, are sister*, and Robert Mc-
Donald, of Detroit., is a brother.
Getting Ready for Winter.
Arrivals of grain vessels during the
week were : Atikokan, with 106,000
bushels wheat ; Empress of Fort
Willies°, 114,000 bushels wheat. both
for the Goderich Elevator & Transit
Co. ; McKee. 110,000 bushels wheat for
the Western Canada Flour Mills Co.
The Beaverton also has arrived with
13[).000 bushels oats for the Elevator
Co. and will lie up here without dis-
charging her cargo a�. present. Other
vessel, expected within the next
few days are the McKinstry, Turret
Chief, Kaministiquia and Drummond.
The two last named will tiring cargoes
for the Big Mill and will remain here
for the winter. The Turret Chief will
bring a cargo of flax for the Goderich
elevator and will then go into winter
quarters, and the McKinstry, like the
Beaverton, will hold her cargo tor
winter lt.orage. The Empress of Fort
William and the McKee are taking
up winter quarters here, making.
seven big vessels to lie here until the
opening of navigation next spring.
Possible additions to this winter fleet
may be the Atikokan and the
The steamer Lambtom, of the Can-
adian Government , service, was in
port last Friday.
The old dredge has been hauled up
ou the island to undergo repairs.
The work of straighteningthe wharf
is proceeding as fast as the weather
will permit.
The Mock Trial.
The court room at tbe court house
could not have been more crowded
than it was on Monday night if it had
been a real breach of promise case. in-
stead of a mock one. that sees on for
tiial. The ordinary seat ing capacity
of tbetoom was taken up soon after
the doors were opened. and chairs
were brought in to 1111 all the avail-
able space. J. L Killoran occupied
the judges bench with becoming dig-
nity. Sheriff holds occupied bis ac-
customed ce o preserve order and
keep the tdge awake. and L. G. Par-
sons acted as clerk of the court.
The attention of the court wsa
taken up for a few minutes with a
number of indictments in which well-
known citizeos were charged wltb
varinua misdemeanors, the bits being
received with much merriweot. Then
Lae way was cleared for the chief fey
ture of tbe court's sitting, a charge of
breach of promise of marriage. The
plaintiff, Mrs. lerusba R. Perkins
(Mrs. Bisrdettel. charged J. G. Geddes,
„ banker. with trifling with ber *ffee-
This company. in wbich Mr. Dowell tinny. and Col. Newton. of Worcester,
has had a large interest for some Maws., acted as her counsel before the
Pn1��monaI Men k
Buying Automobiles
should know that we are always on the premises and their macbine is
accessible any time if stored with us. Lf desired we will undertake to keep
it in running order for a certain Axed amount per mile. We intend to at
tight and make good HERE, wbicb means we must have satisfied customer*
We cau give close rates for washing and storage by the seasoe, all of which
means that we will eventually number you among our customers. Wby not
start with us?
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
GODERICH, ONT. 'Peons 343
James Reynolds. proprietor of the
British Exchange hotel, was fined $10
and costs by Magistrate Reid on Tues-
day for allowing gambling on his
A very select line of photo mount-
ings for the Christmas trade lust
arrived at the Brophey studio. Call
and see them and make your appoint-
ments early.
The regular meeting of the Chil-
dren's Aid Society will be held on.
Tuesday, December 10th;, in the court
house at 4:15 p. m. A large attend-
ance is desired.
The appeal in the case r.f Robertson
et al. v. Totvnabip of Coihorne was up
before the Divisional Court at Os-
goode Hall yesterday but the argu-
ment was not concluded. -
Packard is an expert M an artist and
his jokes are new. He snug two comic
songs and was 1. rued to sing a serious
one to quiet the enthusiastic audience.
-St, Joseph (M., News.
The G. C. 1. c dent are very much
pleased with the new Roes rifles served
out to thew. W itk this new arm they
should make a very creditable show-
ing at their next inspection.
A meeting for the organization of a
town hockey team, to affiliation with
the Ontario Hockey Association, will
be held on Monday evening. at '7:30
o'clock, at the town hall. With the
right material nn tbe team there
should be a good season's hockey in
liodericb this winter. and everybody
interested is invited to attend this
The "needle festival" held on Tues-
day afternoon and evening by the
ladies of the Baptist church was a
great saccess, and the ladies' enter-
prise was rewarded with the sum of
nearly 870. Tea was served, and home-
made cooking, candy wed other goods
were on sale. The ladies of the Bap-
tist church show commendable zeal
and devotion in such undertakings
as these.
On Tuesday evening, December 10tb,
the Epworth Lague of Victoria street
church will hold a banquet, to which
all the young people of tbe church are
iovited.' An interesting program will
be given and toasts will be responded
to by several of the young men. Dur-
ing the pact month asti increasing
interest has been shown in the young
people's meetings and there bas been
a noted increase in attendance.
HP.yU i
year., has factories at Detroit and
WVindsor. and the Windsor business is
now to be transferred to Ondericb,
where it can be directly under Mr.
Howell's supervision. Mr. Misner
will remain in charge of the Detroit
factory. The work of refitting the liode-
rich premises bas already commenced
and it is expected that manufacturing
operations will commence at the be-
ginning of the new year. This will
mean a new industry for Goderich.
The company does • large business in
the States, and the Canadian business
is growing. Shiptoettta have been
made also to Japan and further ex-
pansion is exttmhea and purchases quantities
from farmers for use in manufactur-
gt. Ja'r,be: tai itis its of
BnicPllod ;
ewtn, and Lelia
(nrd Ade Anse
court, while Ohae. Darrow was counsel
for the defendant. The pLaintifTelwit-
nesses were Mary Smith (Mies
(Clifford), V. M. Roberts and Dr.
Kidder (Joseph Kidd), sod for the
defence Mise Jerueha R. Perkins (Miss
Hodge). and J. B. N. A. Doyle. Both
plaintiff and defendant were put in
the witness box also, and their
testimony evoked rounds of laughter.
Theurors were citizens who for the
time being bore the names of Rt. Hon.
R. L. Borden, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and
other national characters. The pro-
ceediugs all through were somewhat
of *caricature upon the ordinary dig-
nified procedure of a eourt of justice,
which of course added to the fan. and
there were laughter -provoking inci-
dents from start to finish.
A Familiar Figure Gone.
One of the familiar figures
f the
town has been removed by the
dof John Curry, which occurred et the
hospital on Monday. Mr. Curry was
bore in Goderich townshiptheearlyyears ago and paned
part of his lie in farming. Later. for
a number of years, he was in the hotel
badness in partnership with bis twin
brother. Maid. Selling out obis
business, be lived at Seafortb for some
lime, but eventnally returned to
()Aerial'. and for a good many yew
be had conducted the welt -knows
elAhn►pfsasiag sod dyeing beldame
on West street. Ye was a Rental.
kindly seal. end pebetly bad not an
miens in tbe world. Hs was not
• and w en be was cored fen lor int
suras weeks agooma where be primed
Almsa.dra hompltal.
away. The funeral � the
Muratori et. David's
bb scoltele Tim wiper,
street, to fiL P arr's stsera. where
Mrwren was seadested by Ern.illaRra. sod threes to tbe
Catholic) Brut-Mry' the
ew ngialTaos. (hien Jas -
111141v of M'g, o wen
1 were Job. ��r.
the daee.5>�. also rp.s Nee, p. ltrulrio, W. J. Pert sad L
sat. Mn. Ataw.ea vmam nee of M1a,plitlr[ra Olarry (�_
sled pest soeleble d lVibe
be were td
Itamii a best t bogus
' (Ttfw . �� Petrick
elf 11*t. „it ; mirk
"et !. ,h d Mee T'itn. Tighe and %V M.
Good safety moors and other she Jinx Roods
at Rick dreg store.
rlla/th'e Art Store, gag greets M war-
twe Nr smartie.. d ( rietreas geode. hat
Is ��1pess�� a Christens' gift a picture,
framed. s sad r osa w� gsa at fin Dieter*
ItLLeaepeps�w � �risees asw . passpss tor ptanr►
y noes ten fer the men of
That is why i hso the Tailor I
M�ssm s . ed of steel Mamble Mai bah sun sod
..d. vs blue a ealL
Nies sachet perfumes at Hick's.
Niee Christmas perfume packages,
all itrices, at Hick'. drug store
Don't forget that a gift for Mias-
mas that is always appreciated is a
photo of yourself. be Brophey
Studio speeializes these in the most
beautiful mountings for (he Christ-
mas trade. A new and beautiful line
of mountings just arrived. Make
your appointments early, so that we
can do justice to your work.
was great. -Bay City
Geo. H. King was in Toronto for a few days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and family vlMited
at Mitchell over Sunday.
Mrs. (urz,n and Mi+s Adeline hair re-
turned from their visit to England.
ofMM 'H' J`Morriiss for two clays tthl.week.dribletllan. Was the
R. S. Roberton and son, Meatier Fraser, of
Striettord. made a brief visit to town on Ratur.
W. R. Davis, the veteran editor of The
Mitchell Advocate. visited his sons here last
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew itonefv leave on Sat-
urday tin Sarnia, where they will spend several
MM. W. J. McClure, of Grand Coulee. soak.
le vWttng at rte home of her uncle. David
Thompson. Britannia road.
W. T. Lumen, Master Harold and MGs,
Edith were at Hamilton over Sunday. the
glees% of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rosie.
Wm. Quigley, who was working during the
a neer In the Province of Qnebe, arrived in
tetra toaay and visited his brother, The.
Qulgtsy. before going to his home to Asltfiold.
Mrs, R. Mistier and son, Maatsr Brous were
visit) at the home of Mr. and Mee, ll. W.
Ho thea week and are now. accompanied
ty Mee, Howell. vieltins Mr. and Mr.. crosier.
tea Iadtee' parent". in Ashaeld.
B. NeEvoy, late of V anon vet, wa, In town
for a taw days visiting his eon*, D. aed 11. Mc-
Evoy, herare leaving on a Irl,, to Great ItdIale.
Mr, a le a forme* newspaper man, for
many years connected with 7'M Vaaesover
Erovloee. He was ,tocomiantsd by Mr,. Mc.
)(r. ast4 sirs. t' N. Humber sold family are
• Poet as hi wsnok alai.. H u tea
I have plenty of
Gas Coke now. Can
fill all orders prompt-
ly. 'Phone 127.
Thursday, Dec. i 2 t h
-lo aid o1 Hospital. Tickets on
sale at Wigle:s NOW. Platt
open at Edwards' Monday,
December Otb.
Prices: 25c and 35c
"The Rector"
Janie the Maid...... Min 1. Warnock
Mrs. Lemmingworth..MissB. Pridbam
The Rector, Mr. Herresford
Mr. F. Sturdy
Mise Trimball....... Miss l;. Warnock
Margaret Norton .. 'dies 1. Allen
Mrs. Mousey.. Mise A: -Maunders
Victotta Knox . ... ....Mise R. Clark
Miss A. -Saunders Mise B. Pridhanl
Musics) Comedy front
,"Our Aunt fres California"
Felicia Needey Miss G. Warnock
Rosalie Needey Min B. Pridbam
Needey.... -.Mies A. Saunders
The Maid.. ..... Mies R. Clark
Mrs. Merry Muntoburn .. Miss I. Allen
Miss WillcozugibisMin 1. Warnock
Mrs. Needey, Miss J. Saunders
Revs you seen the Atte new flaw
above tltnrdy'sgrocery on tbe Square?
The purse advertised in last week's
Signal was restored to its owner on
T1s Pr.nbyt ry of Huron will meet
at D Met letb. Tuesday ttsrirnlag.
Bk'. ample
� evaporator is still
tamaiag sad enation to oosra-
tion foe two weeks ar as yet.
The rabbis seised board weld in. reg-
ular roathly mooting on Moeday
eves. g seed traaseet.d routine heed.
oeleknoM 01tthe Lfft sussLv.ussarysf he
M�. Th.lr ooder1.Is* 1,15.05 ;Chiang
teea Coepatstatdeue to the wol toy mopes es
t6le happy event.
Mr. and Hrs. Albert 1 or and daughter bare
retars.d ban Weeding the femoral of Mr.
Cee'1Mlwsebrother. Tb WW1 plane at
Taess�Sa.1saa from an attack el resseno.M. m.0 t b
'S .�11 wine ase. 1. St. 1 hooves for later-
e sa� Mr. Cos's .lather 5+ lying story 111 sa
bet Moss mit. Thomas sad loom rel paled a
Atha k. Orme left Tuesday en hle rp ern to
Cheep s r a LM tars vi.lt at tar holes at
Me UMW As4,ew Ore.. of Lova. A. R. 5..
lb; post two meet1* M the Waters
tre*Mi gM.t 5s far .s Vossastoe mu as 1e-
- slftp (a the !teem i 5f !basks.
a Os . CM s.' whit, wettish sent be hs.
ss.a-o.0 fee the past Ove.7aa. He
weaargase150 me W reeve es
Sought, rl,, elm
e�aesj.- m W 1r5f e. frmw to es
uv�s5 ta.. wa5ro 14. stam5a atter
w pa s t
sited 'sr pests fu* Ms
year "rheas o the gws'sr Mrd of s yer
is the owl .f mama war
J. stool le r, At Oerteet few *Maar. tin
J. W. Ewa. wtal+ta17 of tea A est C eta time Ms4stred. at ..sr .y
lase ROsd rbl .I flo.. W perebe.sd son 1t endives".ser. d :e mese
a brie% on Vieieroa street r*RR1at.-v.-to ..r.' s $ "•.,. t.aam
fttwws `Y. Prtlsw - b.. 1.e. la. wt, Coo+ *. e.ed 3 t res►..
A safeties free ergentain a tows, ac titr. �. 1t.4tts Iwwst5e.
heli % lstta��rt� ; t gr
.�rtu• I ?5,N/
Total � (hey) - 1IN
11 Bank Money Orders
Save Trouble and Lori
By means of the Bank
OF CANADA I Money Orders which we
issue, you can send sums up to $5o to any point in
Canada (Yukon excepted) or to any of the princi-
pal cities of the United States with minimum cost
and trouble and absolutely no risk of loss.
Orders for sums up to $5 cost 3e. -from $5
to $l°, 6c. -from $io to $3o, Doc. --from $30 to
$5o, 15c. Use them.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch. ji
Leman. ENG..; BMANC5. J r. W. ASH!. - - -
- in awreeOt 1r., ex. l 6. M. C. a..YT S)1P11. As )slam MMamaler.
Yandme �fove1ties
are shown at DAVEY'S for the
holiday trade. If you want
anything from a hat pin to a
loving cup you will fine it there.
Beautiful sterling silver piecesof
all descriptions and prices.
for the
'hristmas fable
there are all the handsome pieces
of heavy silverware. When you
have looked over tbe display you
will be at a loss to guess what
will please you most. .
Jeweller and Optician
Corner Colborne St. and Squa
He (bitterly): "If 1 were rich yoe'd
marry me fast enough !" She :
"Don't, Gussie, don't!. Such devotion
breaks my heart r' "What do you
mean i'" "Often have you praised my
beauty, but never before my common ,
front all stations in Ontario, Shalt -
bot Lake. Renfrew and west, but
not west of Azilda, account
December. 11, 115. 11. 12
Return limit December 14
Full particulars from Jos. Kidd,
U. P. R. agent.
Alton Packard)
will appear in Victoria
Opera House on
Friday, Dec. 6th
i�u the V. M. C. A. course.
I..,r:,l talent will ;assist.
Mrs. King and Mr. Fowler •,vlll
For nearly two hours Alton Packard
held the people breathless with
interest. - West Side Men, New
York City.
Packard is one of the beet
enlertainer8 on the roar). -- Mn.-
neapolis Journal.
Tickets 50c, 35c and 25c
M es lrewl7 .rad **ply al is w tookey wYl !sa in the Y
metier el, sled ties hpr•a,wwd oatw lower. of Hallett ileo. 1LrerrsRep., aTRvvA1 ,-so G.rMMs. sa Mwad ry. "1ry
ik* ay"404104.„0111 M tea wbeln snuffs Login. ; Mrs. Wm ll��..iglsy and try M. A. team o. 'Wedeeday eves aswr4re ns Amato stn ► Mmrw►. •ins'
My in cad Agatha. of AsbfNW. {di• Dresher 11, at It e'eleet. sr Memo stewarr for rmtw.
$8,000 worth
of DryGoods, Boots and Shoes
and Men's Clothing, slightly
damaged by smoke and water,
to be sold at sacrifice prices
at this great sale, now going
on, and to be continued until
everything is sold. Come
early and often.