HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 44 Thu9e19at, Dtso9ee*o 5 1912
District News
11- ordrop d pp000a r overt Thomas, Thomas, mors
T. R Lopata...taAubert
WEDNINDAY, Dec. 4th.
Esekiel Phillips arrived home from
the West on Saturday.
Wm. Taylor, of Westfield, occupied
Knox church pulpit on Sunday.
Simeon Gravenstein has arrived
home from Alberta on account of his
mother's [finest.
Joe Lawson has the contract of
thawing the steel for the bridge from
the C. P. R. station.
J. C. Clark has started butchering
and is prepared to supply customers
by the quarter or smaller pieces.
Miss Minnie Dobie arrived home
from Winnipeg on Saturday. Her
father is ezpereei about New Years.
The steel for the bridge has arrived
and the men ate busy putting it in
place and expect to have it ready by
Howson & Lawson are raising their
mill at the C. P. H. station. placing a
cement foundation under it. They
are putting a sawmill in the upper
story and will have their roller outfit
on the ground floor.
J.J Lactase ase emend risking oets 4.
pstob sad will twoodoeitt jive his WAR*
stteattoo to w bons mamabeskesw. wMro
be wW be found evert day. All modsro used'
oda i J
ofsae Do ok and tort Signal r e w ro.t-
Edu000ttp }� whom
"w.ad Jo' t'aad receipts Abe
;Imo for amounts odd fsib. mese.
THURSDAY. Dec. 3tb.
John:Johnson sod daughter, Elva.
spent Sundain Clinton. 1
Mrs. arks and ;sister, y t Ise Maud
Pierce, spent the week -end in Gode-
Mrs. Thompson visited in Ooderich
at S. J. Young's last week.
The News press broke down last
week and no paper was issued.
Mr. and Mee. David Henderson
visited at the home of Mrs. Snyder in
Goderlcb last Saturday.
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment of the Methodist Sunday sato it
will be held Christmas night.
A Christina, entertainment will be
Ladies handbags, handsome and held in the Estainge!licel church, Col-
�bought direct from the makers, at Lorne. on Christina, Eve, December
Hick's drug store. 24th. Everybody welcome.
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe.... S1.6o
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News .. 2.30
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire• .
• . 1.6o
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate •.. a.3 r
The Signal and Canadian Farm .. '1.85
The Signal and Farm and Dairy...........
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free...
Press 1.60
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser I.60
The Signal and London Daily 'Free Press :;AI
Morning Edition 3.5o
• Evening Edition2.90
The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness3.5o
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85
The Signal and World Wide 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian .. 2.25
The Signal and Westminster 2.25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster
The Signal and Catholic Register
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)..
The Signal and McLean's Magazine......
The Signal and Farmer's Magazine
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)....
The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg)
These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain
"I'he Signal and Lippincott's Magazine..... 3.25
including postage to Can "(lien subscribers.
The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston) 2.90
including postage to Canadian subscribers.
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York) 2.75
including postage to Canadian subscribers.
The above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers it any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $t.00
representing the price of The Signal. For instance :
The Signal and The Weekly Globe ..111.60
The Farmer's Advocate ($3 35 less $i.001 .. 1.as
---muting the price of the three papers $2.95.
TM Signet and The Weekly Sun 11r.n
TM Tarsale Daily Star 1$a as less 2t.00l .. r.es
The Weekly Globe (St.6o lea ;nmol.. .6o
$3 M
-the four papers for $3.6o.
If the publication you want is not in above list. let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
$end subscriptions through local agent or by
postofTice or express order (not by bank cheque) to
The Signal Printing Co.
Paola/ Presents That Cost
VIM i T1 K Money.
Any pretty trine made to contain
plus makes an acceptable gift for
Christmas. A traveling conveulence
that is as useful at home as abroad
is made after tbe manner of the old
time needlebook that rolled up. Tbs
foundation of it is a strip .of ribbon
or silk -morocco and chamois can also
be used, likewise canvas -about erg
Inches wide and twentl inches long.
Lay this flat ou the cutting board and
cover it with two thicknesses of cot-
ton batting. Put a layer of coarse
white flannel nest to this and then one
of coarse holed white net. Bind the
edges neatly together with n satin rib-
bon matching the outside of tbe con-
venience, and then turn up four or
Ave Inches of the bottom of the strip
and tack the ends to form a pocket
About Ave inches from the top put a
plump pincushion with corners reach-
ing to the strip edges. Have this an
inch and a half deep and stick it full
of varicolored pins -blue, green, red,
pink, white and the ordinary sorts.
T't.•v will look best if stuck In in some
erg• amental manner. In tbe space
r' re the cushion put black and white
,. • y pins in several irises.
A Neckwear Gift.
!r you are to a hurry to get together
a ' .ry presentable last minute gift
u:: t, a look into your laceboz and res -
els a few bib of lace and net, then
Iter JAAM'r.
set to work on a stock collar and jabot
like the one seen in the illustration. A
wide piece of fillet lace forms the high
collar, which is edged at the top with
folds of matinee and black velvet.
The "fall" Is of gathered matinee in
two layers, each one trimmed with In-
sertion matching that used for tbe col-
lar. A pump bow of black velvet fin-
ishes the pretty gift,
An Easy to Make Jacket
A combing jacket is something any
woman would appreciate, especially if
it Is as pretty as soma of those the
shops are showing. The dainty things
In the big stores aro all but absolute-
ly shapeless, two perfectly straight
breadths being used to form a sort of
jaunty kimono sack, with pointed back
and front. The two lengths have the
ends cut bias, file ebaping making the
front and rear points, and the sleeves
are made by catching the breadth edge
to edge under the arm. White flannel
combing Jackets are pretty with blue
er pink satin ribbon bindings.
Maks a Crochet Buckle.
The gim wise crochets can turn out
1a a few boon several of the crocheted
buckles like the dainty one pictured.
Cowan's seems to hit the
right spot. It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes: satisfies the appetite:
easy to digest: and delicious
c, MAR'S
/ %tr CCU?
Mrs. Harry E. Bye, Main street
north, Mount Forest, Ont-, writes :
"Your remedy for kidney, bladder
and stomach trouble hos given me
great relief. Have taken three boxes
and now feel like living and better
than 1 have felt for years and I give
all the praise, for they are the best 1
have ever tried," .4t all dealers, 25
and 50 cents, or The Fig Pin Co..
3t. Thomae. Ong.
The name of Mackenzie is written
broad acmes the maps of Western
Canada, and it is rather surprising to
find that the last days of Donald Mac-
kenzie, the explorer. were spent in an
unpretentious New York village. But
there is 'where Ernest Cawcrnft found
bis sons and grandsons. and the story
of the family is written by him in He-
cembe'r Canada Monthly, accompanied
by seine remarkable photographs.
James J. Larkin writes in the same
number about the recent experiments
of the Government in peat -production
sod shows how they succeeded to the
point of furnishing fuel to Ottawa
bouse-wives at $8.50 a ton, one• and
one-eighth tons being equal to a inn of
best quality cnaL " Frank R. Adams.
eo-author of "The Time, The Placeand
The Girl," etc.. has a snappy story of
"The Firing of Bo" from a theatrical
road -company playing the number
two towns: Elliot Flower writes
breezily of "Katy of Calgary," who
made a man that came to the Alberta
city to sell bonds remain to buy real
estate ; H. M. Clark discusses the
growth of art in Canada, and cites
some interesting examples of the in-
fluence of French artl,taa ideals on
modern Canadian arebitecture; Frank
Lee Benedict tells tbe story of is girl
with a long none and two pretty sis-
ters under the title of "No More of Me
You Knew": "Just Smith," the
Mounted Police serial, is continued, as
is "Kit's Pedlar's Pack" and "1n the
Heart of Old Mexico." 'There are also
fiction and verse by Thomas A. Daly,
Mary NVIieelwright, Hubert McBean
Johnston, Kathleen K. Bowker.
Louise Upham Brooks, Wilbur D
Nesbit and others. The cover design.
appropriate to Christmas, is by F. 1).
Schwalm, and mauy illustrations
brighten the number.
emao9. -*4.
if.e'o.r+oa vials a flora .1 a Misr
sons smeskse Is sal Vast Abbot
Issosil Sistiegtrilia bulls *III
diesaihg .MrrL J
This store will be uniquely interesting from now until the 25th with Holiday
Goods for everyone, no matter how full or slender the purse. No former year saw
us so well equipped with sensible and useful articles for Holiday gifts as we can
place before our customers this time. Allow us to suggest your not putting off
buying your Christmas presents till a day or two before you want to use them.
Those who select earliest will get the best choice. No matter how large the offer-
ing we will be sure to be short on some things nearing the end.
Are great holiday gifts and they are here in
thousands from if for io to 75c. Picture Pock-
ets, embroidered edge and corner iuitial, in
lawn, linen am: silk, plain hemstitched. Ex.
celda bordered in fancy colors and plain wide
hem silk.
Boys' Ibitla! do
Ladies' Initial 100
Ladies' initial 14io
Ladies' Initial 9lie
Ladies' Silk .... fie
Men's Silk IaitiaL .... ... 500
Men's Silk, plain. wide hem .... 75o
Men's Initial in linen 250
Men's Plain Hein, 100. like, *O0. sae,
Ladies' Linen bordered.... ......... ... ...
And hundred of others not in this list.
This is (.oderich's hosiery home, where
stockings are sold cheap, nom 2 piers for 25c
'.0 75c a pair. Ask for lig rib. The best hoes
in the trade at our price. An extra e]5c
good hose st (a
Cream lace, 150. 500. 0Oo, 050 and
51.00 each.
Collars and Cuffs in sets, 1100. foo, *1.40.
Silks Scarfs, Veils, Ili yards lona, In cream.
white, mauve, black, *1.60, *1.76, 41.90,
*2.00 and *2.60
Cream, sky, old rose *1.00
Silk Neck Scarfs, Molted *1.60
('rocket Silk Ties 35c and 50c
Silk Poplin Iles in 8 colors 26c
Indies' Binh. linen Collars 15c, 20c, 25c
These are Japan hand -made pare linen and
cheaper than other country's machine -made.
Battenburg centres, 24x24, 30130, 36x36.
Dresser scarfs, 18x54: embroidered b o'clock
Covers. Emb. 7 ray Clothes, Roued Table
Clothes, Square Table Covera, Diolies, Table
Mate, Stand Mate, and dozens of tinsel:* not
Da cued.
Child's, girl+' and ladies'. We are readyin
this line from 20c up to $1.36. Ask to 25c
Sus our Vest and Drawers. JJ
J. H. Colborne
THE CANADIAN MAUAZINE.-The and ink drawings to Illustrate Paul
Christmas number of The Caoadian Sheard's story ^The Double Doctor."
Magpzine 'is unusually strong in and Estelle Kerr has illustrated .her
artistic features, and it is gratifying own story entitled "Thu Prise Cake."
to see such excellent work by Cana-
dian illustrators. The cover design is
a beautiful piece of decorative paint-
ing by Arthur W. Parsons, and this
artist also has three drawings 10 color t
to illustrate a charming stcry entitled
'The Gray Pup," by Kathleen K.
Coleman ("Kit.") The most impor-
tant art conttibutioo, however. is aI
series of seven pastel drawings of im-
migrant types, by Andre Le ins.'
They are reproduced in colors. and are
more than ordinarily interesting.
The frontispiece is from • painting,
"A Winter Nigtt," by J. E. H. Mac-
donald. Sketches by John Russell
illustrate a spirited descriptive article
by Newton MacTavish, entitled "A
Day in the Luxembourg There are
fine drawings by J. W. Beatty to ac-
company "Mrr. Brad's Bonnet," a
touching story of Irish peasant life,
hy Ethel Hamilton -Hunter. Fergus
Kyle, who hss a wide reputation sr
the cartoonist of The Globe, has pen
\ t:Ni.. Jodi
Do You
Believe in Signs
WHENEVER yes have occasion be seed me•.y away
1,y mail. 1od fet see of obese sigma. 'ilia mark Us
pieces where EaQress Messy Oriels ars Issas<
Every railway statim its as Eapeees Office where "Orden"
may be ebeaind--ed la shoes every sews there am beam*
neew :ie ti br wardaY shako. Tt.,e w ere eaa r ter
tarter - ♦w tom .wm swam IN aaMwY'ia tit au db a two wes Ir.
am,. sr . wear Awe Asa taw its.
,Dominion eLxpress
a la Wane Ow
Nan www..,
remeeme meow
Se ildeidmie
dr a.c ow de
aided teo ob.
Me* *5 widow
aria is sat
6 Fot+eCllr s
tM ad skim
ow ow as
»eta M
a� if qtr rte
0.w IN w
Hockey Skates Free.
A pair of "Starr" hockey ekatee,
double enders, with puck stop, guar-
anteed strong and rigid, given free to
any boy or girl who will sell thirty
sets of our beautiful Christmas post-
cards at 10 cents • set. Send us your
name and we will send you the cards
to eel'. When sold send ns the money
and we will send you the skate* with
all cis prepaid. Homer -Warren
Co., Dept. 166, Toronto.
Clubbing Arrangements.
The Toronto Mail and Rmpire offers
its daily edition from now to April 1st
next for a1. Subscribers to The Sig-
nal may obtain it for this period at
cents if orders are loft with or mailed
to The Signal. This special offer is
intended to cover the approaching
session of Parliament. New subscrib-
ers to The Signal may secure the two
papers from now until April let next
for 81.10.
A little English schoolboy is alleged
to have thrown doubloon the reputed
wealth of Solomon since it is recorded
that the wise man "slept with his
fathers." The wee chap cannot under-
stand a man of such means not hav-
ing a bad to himself I
Although women love bargains.
they are not especially food of the
man who cbeapeos himself in their
!Nothing is more silly than the
pleasure some people take in "speak -
Ing their' minds. A man of this
make will. say • rude thing for the
mere pleasure of saying N. when an
opposite behavior, full as innocent,
might have preeeerved his friend.... .1.
mads his fortune. -A. Steele.
"What did papa say, George "He
saicidt was too bot to talk nonsense."
"Bat did he know that you wanted to
marry me?" "I-1 think be did."
"And didn't be encourage you to pro-
ceed ?" '•Yes, he held the door open
for me."
Motorist -"I haven't paid a cent for
repairs on my machine re all the ten
months I've had it." Friend -"So the
man who did the repairs told me."
Small Brother -"Mr. Sammy. are
you • cricket player r Sister'. Beau -
"N o, Tommy Small Brother -
"Theo why did Bis tell me you weren't
so much of a catch r
Kylmer-"What is the secret of
success to business ? Selling the
people what they want ?" Muntoburn
-"No, not exactly ; educating them
iota wanting things you have to sell."
Wife -"I had my palm read today,
and the fortune teller said my second
husband would be a very brilliant
man." Husband -"Why, i didn't
even know you had been nianied te'-
tore i"
Dream not that any of you will eve:
obtain eternal life unlet you has e
already received it in this life. -
Spur -g .
What about that ne
Chamber Suit you have be,
going to get the last c
months? Why not
do It now ?
We have some goods in
this line which we should
like to show you. Give us
a call.
Christmas J's Coming
Don't forget that we have many articles which would
make fine Christmas gifts --the kind of gifts that are appre-
ciated by tbo*e who receive them. While you are doing
your Christmas shopping call here and let us give you a
few ideas.
Geo. Hohmeier
Agency for Nordheimer Pianos The Squarer, Goderl.