HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 3THE SIGNAL : t ODE iI CH ONTARIO r ,
T I District News
bound or repaired.
All ordeis attended to on leaving
them at TH 8I0. Ooderich.
A. R. TAYLOR, $rnAzmRn
R. W. F. °ALLOW. M. B.
Vre - NNorte street. Ood.rieb,
office Oaaaar Megarar etre. Tdeptwoe 121
Imes and thrust only. Hoar cur coo.
er York 1Jpbthalmle e.od Aural Institute.
Cllaital tadvt.. Ear. Nees and 1 broat Hospital.
Golden emote. and Mooredeld kyee Hospital
tondo°. kaaland• (IMOe. S3 S. Waterloo Street
etralfore. oppe•lte Knox Churn. Hour
to l: a. m.. t to i p. ea. 7 to 8 o. n.. Tet.pkon
James street Methodist church, Ex- forth. Mn. Leslie was born eighty'
ster, will celebrate its golden aqui. I two yeah ago iu the country of Peel
vetr.ry on December 8th and fNb. with her o the
hatband :bout lneKyeu
The trtreteee of 8. S. No. 4, Mortis, 1868. Mr. Leslie died in 1874, nod of
late years Mrs. Leslie had lived with
her youngest daughter, Mr... E. Mc-
Gregor, re North Dakota. She was
the mother of eleven children, of
whom ten survive, and there are
sizty-one grandchildren and twenty-
seven greet grandchildren.
Safe Blown Open.
have re-engaged MI.. McNabb as
teacher for 1913 at an increased salary.
Mrs. Wingfield RUer a daughter of
Hens Tru.tna•, of Mullett. died at
Dublin on Tuesday of Irma week, aged
fifty -lour years.
On Sunday, November 24th, W. H.
Konz. of Morris township, died at the
age of sixty -Eve years. He was born
near Jttawa. but had lived in Morris
since his boyhood.
Alex. Bryan', of Jamestown, has
sold his term of one hundred act es to
Mrs. 1. King, of Morrie, for $6.800.
Mr. Bryans wi l retire.
Thos. Smith has sold one of hie
term.. east of Jaweetown, to David
Railings,. for $:{0110 The place curs•
tains one handy d
. Alex. Munioek, of Hensall. bas
received the npooiutment of C. P. R.
ticket agent at Brantford and bas
entered upon his duties.
1 AS, berrtwtis, solicitors, notaries public.
ivrtor, le the Maritime Const. cm. Private
tfllt r. t ka.4 .ids Iowan Square. 0oderiak.teW.
I'S n;•iEUIIT. K. 12.. K C. HwY8, J. L
GIt.L .ttAN.
TBK. sobdWr. notary puWM• Omoan-
t...nitttem rarest, Odd.Ttcb, third door from
nJ wire.
g ,
r . westrr. etc.. Rode-
nt*. y
£1J earner. eemmYimer. sewn public.
Immo, Hermes street. Wttarfral.OaL
Aller ONELit
Hoz T.Oade!'e W Instruccioos by opal
0, left at HOW srMee will be pr, wp ly t.
tended to. Isstr.mss televises'
Mr. McDonald has resigned hit. posi-
tion on the staff of Clinton Collegiate
Institute and has been succeeded by five in good works, and held a high
Miss Keygolde, B. A., of London. '3Iace in the retard of the community.
Charles W. Long, of Winnipeg, son
of the late William Long, of Exeter, Fiftieth Anniversary.
was married in Winnipeg on Novem- Turner's church (Methodist), Tucker -
smith, celebrated its jubilee on Sun-
day and Monday, November 24 and
25. Rev. J. E. Fon}, the pre.ideot of
London Conference. preached on Sun -
ted in marriage to William Musser. day. Ou Monday evening a supper
and concert was held, with a very
large attendance. Thepreeeut church
building at Turner's sppointweiit
dates from the year 1811'2. Previous lb
that time a log building had been in
title as a place of worship for some
year-. The appointment is now con-
nected with Ontario street church,
Clinton, and Kev. S. J. Alliu •is the
Exeter Loses an Old Resident T
Exeter lost another of its ora resi-
dents by the death of John Esarr•y,
which occurred on the 'r5ed ult. M.
Essery was in his eighty-foulth year.
He was born in Devonshire, England,
coming to Canada with his parents
when a young lad and settling with
then[ on a tarot on the London road.
in Uetxorne township. For the last
twenty-eight year he had been a reel -
dent of Exeter. In religion Mr. Es-
sery was a Methodist and in p llitics a
Liberal. He is survived by hie wife.
two sons --William, of Centralia, end
Rubes,. of Crediton -and one Baugh
ter -Mrs. 1.. Braund. of Brantford.
The door of the safe at the John Mc-
Donald store at Ethel was blown off
early Tuesday morning of last week,
and $41 was taken.
Death 01 Fordwich Editor.
The late William Watters, editor of
The Fordwich Record. whose death
took place on the 25th ult., was a
native of the township of Howick,
where he was born rorty -six yearn
ago. He taught school tor fifteen
Tears and nine years ago purchased
The Record. He leaves bis wife sod
a son and daughter. His aged mother
and four brothers and four sisters also
survive. Mr. Watters was a member
of the Anglican church and was ac-
1pLl . V V V bap. APMs W M. 0. CAM-
I.hu'. barrister. pamttee street. Ooderice.
ber 20th to Mies Victoria E. Flanders.
of that city.
At Grand Bend on the 12th tilt. Mies
Clara Musser. of Dashwood, was
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Mr. Carriere.
Ilenry Bateman, formue,ly of Grey
township, died at Heepeler Wednes-
day ulotolio( of last week. He was in
his fiftieth year and was a brother of
John Bateman. of Brussels.
I 1Mr. and Mr. R. A. Gooier have sold
ttleit husinees atSuutmerbill to 7'. E.
Mayon. who also becomes po.ttnaeter
and mail -carrier. The change will
take effeci shout tbe middle of Janu-
James Lorne McTagglu•t, [orwerly
of Heneatl. now iu the employ of the
C. P. K. as operator at Oak Lake, was
worried at Wape'la to Maud Marion.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
At the home of Robert Bonthron,
Exeter, on Wednesday of last week,
his daughter Margaret was united iu
marriage to Stephen J. Vair, of the
firm of Voir k Son. Barrie. Rev. E.
MeL. Smith officiated.
The death of Blanche. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Holmes, of White-
church, is the cause of much sorrow in
the community. She was only four-
teen, years of age. her death being the
result of an attack of appendicitis.
The bonus of $200 required toy the
Jackson Manufacturing Co. for the
location of a,branch factory at 'Lunch
may be raised by private subscription.
The village is not incorporated and
cannot vote money fur the purpose.
1 axe LCD IJOHT'al:(O • MUM. Canadian and
fr.J [
1DNT, ams uses, AND ataT oTd _ te* LUSH,
ITT : •1 be Mesa AseN.n
. °rporatlos Lotted. of 1.oado°. A.aa.
' IIuxuTT LND dVAaarlraet Dorms : The 11.4.
e identy and O.aea47es Company.
uaroe at resldmos. Northeast corner of Vic-
' one and bL David's *U*ote. Pbeoe 176.
and soatd.nt im.rame. Agenntiss »N in ne
mutual and .sen best aass►4 at lowest rates.
line, effected en best
•'all a omos, wort street cad avear'a
or address J. W. CILAIOtt, tlodertob. Otic
[elephant SI.
LU a UK A N e Y C O.-lrar et sad Isolated
woo property Woeed.- Pres. tieafortti P.O.;
umcers-J. 8.
en. ,;onnoily. Y os-Ptss.. odrfei P. o.:
t homes 1L Treas., esatertk P.
inreotof.-U. '.Yn
eiirseor. melo'
Li. urteve, W W Undid RIflfl. $ase«
John lieunewela an Jssm isva,Nma.
Heechwood ; Jens ata. partook : MNsMm
Aoente : J. ser
H am obisyk • carne sus gawps :
sseo.meaa M their sire eastertsses K
B. J. Beguile Ci ,. lelp ete m Batu , 8
H. Cul,es Odl a mem. meeaaiOs
H. oter.
Death Due to Scarlet Fever.
In coonec.lion with the death of
Alonzo Jicksou, formerly of Blyth
and Brussels, The Moose Jaw Evening
Times puoli.hes a detailed statement
by Coroner Brown to the effect t bat
death was due to s malignant attack
of scarlet fever. It had been reported
that he had died as the result of an as -
Mule, but it appears that, although
Rev. E. G. Powell. of Brussels. has the young man did buffer from an as -
been suffering severely from blood- aaults this Was not the cause of his
poisoning. Some time ago he was death. Mr. Jackson was secretary of
struck in the leg just below the knee the Trades and Labor Council at
with a pitchfork, and for s,ver.il Mo. i oawhand vwas held in high
weeks -the injury hies given him much
Miss Mabel McTaggart, who had
been with the Gray Carriage Co., of
Chatham, for five years, is spending a
tew holidays at her home at Exeter
prior to leaving for Regina, where she
takes* good position as bookkeeper
and stenographer.
On Wednesday afternoon of last
week the wedding of Lynn C. Evans,
.on of Mr. and Mn. Wilson Evans,
Grey township and Amelia H.. daugh1
as s.11a ( s mr fd
ees r Aortae.
rd -ft. sea
ell tsls ifieWiaeer• 11""" -
A woman's rerrodettin
organs are in the mast it
tense and cootineses ern.
pettily with her kidneys.
The slightest disorderistse
kidneys brings about a
corresponding Aiaaas i•
the reproductive
Dodd's KidneyPi1Ls
storing the kineys to their
perfect condition, 5rweet
and cure those fesrfl d}►
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young giros, wannest
mothers, suffering wive
and women entering epos
the Change of life, your
teat friend is
North Huron Telephone Co.
The ennui' meeting of the share-
holder/ of the North }turns Telephone
Co. seas held in the council chamber,
Wingham, on Wednesday afternoon
of last week. The report of the
auditor and secretary -treasurer
showed that the company had a very
successful year. The total assets of
the company are *22,6132.12, and the
liabilities to the public are $10.031.14.
The company bad tifiy-three suhacrih-
ere at the close of S-ptemher 1909, and
now there are upwards of 400 subscrib-
ers. The company is operating :oe62 mils
of wire circuit. Next summer promises
to be a gond savors and there should
be a large number of new subscribers
added to the system. A by-law was
passed by the shareholders authorizing
the increasing the capital of the com-
pany from $10.000 to *20,000 and a divi-
dend of 5 per cent. was theist -ed. The
tollbwing gentlemen were elected as
directors : W. J. Greer. Wingham
Wm. Maxwell. Wingham : Geo.
Thom'on. Goderich : John _Webster,
Fordyce : H. T. 'Thomson, Belmore.
A. H. 'Musgrove, M. P. P., was elected
as auditor. At a meeting of the
dir•-store after the shareholders' meet-
ing. W. J. Greer was electel 4s
presidet:t. H. T. Thomson as vice-
president and H. B. Elliott was re-
•-ogaged 'as secretary.•treasurer.-
Winghsm Times
Shaw's Schools.
The Central Business College and
Shorthand School of Toronto has now
four citybranches in successful opera-
tion. hese with the Central Tele-
graph and Railroad School and the
well-known Shaw Correspondence
School constitute a group of reliable
institutions known as "Shaw's
Schools." Thousands of young people
have proved the merits of these
ter of D. Mclnnis, of Cranbrook. took schools and now occupy good positions
place at the Cranbrook manse, Rev. and enjoy good salaries as the result
D. B. McRae officiating. of the practical training thus pro-
vided. The new catalogue is interest-
ing and should be carefully read by
every young person who desires to
train for a good business appointment.
See card in our advertising columns.
Mr. and Mrs. John 1Vbite, prior to
their removal from Jamestown tc
Listowel. wore waited upon by a
number of friends and oeighbon, who
presented Mr. White with a handsome
chair and Mn. White with silver
knives and forks. spoons and butter -
Forty years in use, 20
years the standard. pre-
scribed and recommended
by physicians. For Wo-
man's Ailments. Dr. Mar-
tel's Pills, tat your druggist.
On Wednesday evening. November
Ai, Thos. Friendship, of Teeewater,
and Miss Kathleen Scbiestel, of
Wiogbam, were united in marriage
b, Rev. Dr. Rutledge at the Metho-
dist parsonage in Wingham. The
young couple will make their home at
Mrs. Day, widow of the late I.Zlwin
O. Day, died very suddenly at Gortie
on Friday last. She was dressing in
the morning when she was beard to
fall. and when the doctor was sum-
moned he found her dead. She was
eighty four years of age and is survived
by two sons and a daughter.
Edwin Sperling. a well-known
farmer and dairyman of °orris dis-
trict, died on Saturday after a brief
Illness following a paralytic et•,,ke.
Deceased was seventy-two year. of
age and had lived in Howiok township,
near Gorrie, for about forty years.
He leaves a widow, four sons and two
The Jackson Manufacturing Co. will
enlarge the branch factory at Exeter.
A new gaeoline engine has been pur-
chased and about fifteen more me -
chines will be lent in. The Exeter fac-
tory now employs forty-three hands,
mostly young ladies, and the payroll
amounts to about $1,901 a month.
On Wednesday, 90th ult.. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Orr, Rt.
TMaeas. Mrs. Orr s sister. MIM Helen
V. Cbarltoo, was united in marriage
to Raman C. Lowry. of Detroit. Rev.
Dr. 111110wlea. pastor d Grace (Metho-
dist) sitereh. ee ttb+rparee~etsof
Mr end Mrs. A. Lowry.
Filmset $toward gammons died at
90:use the 76th alt. after a few
10. He wee In hie tweaty-
&ejects taagM expert instructors
at the
i2 °bli.8 T.
parideas. Cohere
Rater tiros.
is smsisa BIM Sept. gr4 r
LW. Weeds ld J. W. Wsalw.Mt fr.
pIr14M a
Free to Girls -Gold Locket and Chain.
A rolled gold locket and chain. four-
teen inches Iona, given free to any girl
who will sell thirty sets of Christmas
cards at 10 cents a set. Send us your
scene and we will send you the cards
to sell. When wild send ue the money
and we will send you the geld locket
and chain with all chs, ge prepaid.
Mob e, - Warrt)n CV., Dept. 108, Toron-
t ,.
The Late Mrs. Alex. Porter.
Wingham Advance : This week we
have too report the death of another of
our esteemed citizens, Mn. Alex.
Pottter, who had passed tbe seventy-
sitth milestone of life's journey. She
passed away very suddenly early on
Sunday morning, apparently from a
stroke of paralysis, from which she
never rallied. Mrs. Porter was born
in Ooderich township, January 5, 1836,
her maiden name being Mary Jane
McKee. United to her now bereft
husb►nd, they moved to Turnbeery in
1858, and fourteen years ago came to
live on the B line adjacent to the
town. To them were born twelve
children. three of whom are desd,
George, William and John. Throe
who remain are Atex., Bert and Miss
Ella, of Wingham ; Mrs. Robt. Hogg
and Mrs. Win. Rlliott, of Turnberry
Mrs. D. Johnston, of Donee/mon •
Samuel, of Owen Sound ; Jas.. of
Glenoraa, Man., and Thos., of San
Diego, Cal. Three brothers remein-
Wm., of Texas : John, of Nevada, and
George, of Michigan. Also three sla-
ters -Mrs. Johnston, of Sank. • Mrs.
Ooz, of Ooder'ch township. and Mrs.
Rich. Porter, of Wingham. For the
bereaved huab•nd and family sincere
sympathy i. felt. Mn. Porter was a
kind neighbor. sffection•te wife and
mother. of a loving character, and
a lifelongmember of the Angliean
chute's. The funeral took plate Tues-
day, Rev. E. H. Oroly eondoettng the
services. The foliowina from • die -
tassel were present at the fnrteral : Mr.
and Mn. David Jobaston sed sun
Bertram. of Dungesesoo ; Mr. cad
Mrs. Samuel Porter, of Owe. Sowed t
Mn. David Niebol, of Raskatoua
Mrs. T. Harrteon, of Cnntoe : Mn. W.
Oliddoe. Mew. T. McKee. John Porter.
Mn. T. Johnston, Mrs. J. Rom, Mev.
John Blair. Ales. Coe and Herbert
Ong. Me. and Mrs. leis Ooz. of Bode -
Breakfast la Paradise.
A saatalouP5 for breakfast f's! e'tls
Two boas boiled seas, toast.
large pot -
And thou to clary. mem be an Ors aaa••
A7>. paradise were e D. a
Ele-I forgot something.
His Wife (pouting -Yon forgot M
Idea me.
He -Yes, but I cams hack for fa]
umbrella. -New York World.
Weil Named.
B1ghWer-Why do you call WAN
Itnfne-T ought r se. the
around hers in summer.-Ifevr ?
TM deeaa.M was ben
11:1451= and bad lived there all
W p to
,,..... LT. was HfM survy ived by
Ilk wile sad Per 'Widnes. Mr. Sim -
mom wee • mese moddsn and was
an naive worker in the %•fvabees
News omxim from Ma=rigarth
Dakota. of Ilia death ea
of Mrs. James Leslie, seetiw .t
ami MrsJ
MAsrt'5. Oases. sett- Warm Our.. Tfspi 11$1.7yweM.
Uses of Adversity.
BOesem I• sweat and noothtne,
A drowsy draft to sap
lastakes are the alarm dean
Qkteb .*mpM Waal natca Br.
The Reel Thine.
ware you much affected by the ii
e11o, Indeed, madam. No aff
d twa I feel about IL"- Balttmeed
A 10111M Plass.
Tau never see a girl hike Inc tie
Mt,ben when she wants to kill timers•
Maw News.
Tb. Al Ines. Bather.
The two *be to the water tom
Owe veto shoe* keep en bI. sward.
lam b es tan to fkm oasis olottles
Ma hew to anti home la a harlot.
First Pries Oleo.
A bearttitnl Press* dreamed doll, fif-
teen itches, tea. bleb real .yeisabes
and eyes that spea and shot, given
free featly gill who will sell tMrty sets
eQ astifee«e cards at 10 mote -• art.
seed es veer mem end wo will mod
y ltes Mee bade Wow. Wiwi soli mea
worwejr owe Ire will tau the
ell Met( WId astadswssali
'S. Is a successful eomposer.°
wladeed: What bas he composed?
An Opportunity.
?o get a crowd toroth**
Some candidate should name
I1pm81•s on til. weather.
Tim bow applause would bend
rIcCaI I's
TMUaaDAY, Dst-ttntran 4 19171 $
Special Values in
Knitted Goods
Now that the winter weather has come
it brings a big demand for Knitted
Goods. We are prepared with the
best stock of Knitted Goods we have
ever shown.
Ladie+' Sweater Coate. all etylee. all colors, all pricer, ft our $1.511
to $10.0t1 each.
Misses' Knitted Coate at popular pricer.
Children's Knitted Coats. all talkies, from 50c each.
Bays' extra heavy Sweatere, mane: and navy. Special value -:5k.
(x)c and 75c each.
Honeycomb Shawls and Wraps
What is more conifortable than a nice Shawl for the winter
All -wool Honeycomb Shawl, large size. cardinal, grey, black and
white, $1.00 each. -
Other styles at 75t•. $1.25 to $3.00 each.
Ladies' hand-knit Wool Fascinators. black and white, 50c ea( -b.
Special Values in Underwear
Ladies' winter weight Vests and Drawers. Turnbull's make.. Intra
special. 50c per garment.
Ladies' nett ut:.l Wool Vests and Drawers, Turnbull's make, unskrink-
ab1e. • Special. per garment, *1.00.
iipe_cial velure iu ladies' combination Suits, in all weights. Pers.
$i.:Also $3.5o.;
Each season we have a 'larger demand for one-piece suits.
Children's Knitted Umlert4ear in all weights, to suit all tastes.
Mt- .'s Tiger Brand Underwear in all weights.
McCall .'-,.a.: ,
4991, Waist 4:' -
Price, 15 c•:iti •
Blankets and Comforters
Our stock of Blankets is exceptionally well selected and never ave we given better values.
Our special Drumt.ocht y Blanket.' all wool. full
1'e size. a dandy blanket. Pei pail. $4.511.
Other numbers and equally good values, at $3.25.
$3.75. $1.50. $5.00 and, $6.50 per pair.
We have a special line in cotton -filled Comforter..
covering of a nice quality sateen. in neat, light
designs. Very special each. $2.95.
Other lines in Comforters. from $1.510 to 87..51 t -a• h
See our pure down -filled Comforters.
CRIB BLANKETS -just the tbiNg to please the
little ones.
Teddy Bear Saxony Blankete. size 311 x 54. Per
pair. *1.50.
Millar's Scotch Store
IS UMW too late to wow* M$
Mum paegfs thlak that it is tee fatty.
Qua el' fate needs d Bamerdt7 • as
`omoe• ea bow•
we mots to de all that le geed for
ID era be Me Way to haw all Tea.
Ws ells" worry seer it aeaapeetr
M as bet as me haa
me w agetaseatfat!essr.
We mei al sits - U gear M ha►
Met loesswif/w. egad t1Aor we oven 1Me '
Meg IMMO a tra- wl Y oe hwdoBM
ty km M dee leo tib. gable.
Mb terse tale tree m a pore
malt am ems • brad Ogg.
Having purchased the busi-
ness formerly conducted by
F. Barlow H, Imes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley Coal, two
lines which are recognized as
the best. We wish to giv:'
the people of Ooderich and
vicinity the best service pos-
sible, and shall be glad to
hear from all of Mr. Holmes'
customers and any others
who wish anything in our
All orders left with Jas.
Yates, W est street, promptly
attended to.
'Phone No. 75
Yard. at G. T. R., Nelson Street
the many advantage.
offered by this store until
7011 try 115.
We might tell you
a lot of reasore wby,you
would like to trade ben.
bot you can harm more
.boat this •dvent.gee
bare offered by an in•pe
tion of our goods than
we eoeld tell yon is •
whole -paws .d.
We sell everything
toes and terra wear.
•Big M values -low prices
• ennet.nt. earne.t
endeavor to please. you
try us.
Routh Ride of Square
I eprn •vwnings until 9 p. m.
The Signal r0 to NEan. W .SUB
Iso SCRIBERS $1.00
b J 1914, for
The time has come again to get
your boys and girls prepared for the
fall term at school.
They will need good st rong
seirviceable Shoes -the kind that will
stand a severe test in any weather.
At our store you will find the most
complete stock of the class of Footwear
that ' .vill give satisfaction, at the lowest
prices possible.
Don't fail to call and see what
good Shoes should be.
Downing 8 MacVicar
`h= Toilet Preparations
The Na-Dru-Co Toilet `eeo..aries
are winners -every one of them
Tooth Paste
Hardens the gums. Sweetens
lbs breath. Pre eros tbe teeth.
Good teeth improve your ap-
pearanoe. Two flavors --mint
and wintergreen. 'tic totem.
Toilet Cream
A sweetly perfumed. emolli-
ent skin -food. it renders the
akin *oft, smooth and white: un-
surpassed for tan and sunburn,
Ibe and 10,- fan.
Na-Do Talcum Powder ,;
i8..' powderer winery and toilet use. Two odors Royal ROMs.
Violet Tworolon---white. flesh.
Dispensing Druggist - Ooderich
'The Store That Phew.