HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 2to TUvaawAT, Dscs>toin $ 1912
M)Datlua. ONT Atu
sr UUU
Telephone Call No. si.
Terme •f . mboor t1M :
riper annum la admea
term ae s,
To Uettted Orates sabsOws,
81.10 a year
Weedy la dva+.oetesbeerilsons who to .
resatleg mail will winter favor by Bissetac-
quainting as of tie tact at ea early • dale &a
Wows a Mansesi sadism r dadrsd. both otd
and the sew nitre= e1o.Ybe given.
AfivortleYK Rates :
arar dvsetuemeat.. 11A
to g•v It byf°•
sea Beate, twelve Ilaas t• ss look.
Business ward• of el x hast sod under. 15 per
Adv ellswesata al Lost, Found. Strayed.
watypae+iaec gl=ee
Wanted. r 1.o R for
dV iMtM•Mflbesa ter este d W Rer,4
fmsti IS Ar o ont .
sear' :. tit. Lamer advertL.s-
I Mr
Asesesommellu is Gotham? reading type tan
teats pse Vas. No wades Mss than 260.
fns Wen of whlek is the
pecuniay ry ssd
nay Individual or an -
loo. to be eomidersd as dvertlwment and
ckaraed aaoordiogly.
RM.. for dfrplsy and contract advertise -
manta will be gfvsa sa &palioation.
Address au opm.aaatesttw•e to
ioderieb. Ont.
been le
hbe Canadian
Sen . die late 8
Richard Oat'tllrrtg t. if Sir (ieur•ge is
DO more succumbs' au a ststesmso in
the Senate than he was.. Freesia. of
()uteric, it will be a body blow to Li-
besalism in this Province. At a tame
when there is a greater demand than
ever for freedom of trade, we find Sir
George coming out as the exponent of
restrictionist*. and wbere there is a
danger that Canada is to be drawn In -
George Roes the arch -Imp
to the vortex of wtlitariam a Plod Sir
alias is
made Liberal leader to t Senate.
This does not augur well for Liberal-
ism in Canada. When Premier of
Ontario, Sir George Row clung to
by tuesns tbat became a public
scandal and tbe liberals ot Ontario
will be out of power much longer than
they otherwise would be owing to the
methods employed by Sir George in
endeavoring to retain power by very
questionable metbods."
The Weekly Sun, an independent
paper which strongly advocates reci-
procity and tariff reduction, believes
that a eitustioo of great difficulty has
been created foi Sir Wilfrid Laurier
by the action of the Senate majority.
"The conclusion is inevitable," Lt says,
"that he ;Sir Iieorge Rues) was elected
to the Senate leadership to embarrass
the Liberal party led by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier and to prevent the success of
he principles of Canadian Liberalism
to which it i pledged. Who these
Senators are will, no doubt, be shortly
exposed in the indignant protest
wbich will ensue. In the meantime.
it may be safely assumed that among
those who bave thus flouted the pop-
ular leader are the representatives of
the protected and financial interests,
and especially of the railway interests.
whose names will spring to the lips of
every angry Liberal."
The Weekly Sun describes Sir
George Ross as "the ablest exponent
of the principles of the Conservative
patty," and states that for years his
service has been rendered not to the
Liberal party but to the Conservative
party in Canada and to the Chamber-
lain party in Britain. "For years Mr.
Ross bas been openly and aggressively
hostile to the policy of the {Tarty to
which he indecently clings. He is s
protectionist, a militarist. and an Im-
pen ialist."
The Signal is pleased to learn that a
movement is on foot to bring out s
number of young business men for
positions at the town council board
for the comiog year. This is in line
with the suggestion made in these col-
umns last week. 'and while The Signal
does not associate itself with the pro-
posed -slate" it is heartily glad to ob-
serve the disposition to give to 'muni-
cipal affair* a timely consideration
which bee beer. wanting in the past.
A. was ::,Atetd last week, there will be
some vacancies to he filled at the com-
ing election rend. some thought and at-
tention should be given by the rate-
payers to the tilling of these vacan-
cies in such a way that the council
may be strengthened by the infusion
of fresh and vigoror s blood.
Let there be not it' one, but two
or three or has :. dozen different
"slates." in is town like Godericb,
there ought to he a -goo Ily number of
capable men willing to give some part
of their time and talent to municipal
service. Let us discover them and
place them where they can do the
work for which they are fitted.
The selection of Sir George W. Rose
by the majority- of the Liberal
Senators as the leader of the Op-
position in the second chamber is
evidently nut to the liking of many
Liberals throughout ' the country.
Anything the Senate as' a body may
do is a matter 'of comparatively little
moment ; but the action of the
majority of the Liberal Senators in
this case might under certain circum-
stances be deemed eignifIcant as giving
Sir George Ross • position of some
importance in the eoancils of the
Liberal party. It is not only the
memory of his disastrous failure all
lesderof the Liberal party of Ontario
that, in the opinion of many Mende,
should debar him from any such
position ; there is the undeniable fact
that in the arena of Federal polities
i he has shown himself to be entirely
,out of touch with Liberal opinion
on some of the most important issues
before the country. A vigorous
'protest from the rank and file should
4o much good in demonstrating that.
wbatever the majority- of Liberal
Senators may do. it is m tt the intention
of tbe Liberal party to follow any-
body or endorse anything like Sir
'George Ross and his views.
Such a protest Liberal journals ars
making. The Seaforth Expositor,
tegiaters its objections in the follow
Inalanguage :
"it is not surprising that the Con-
servative party should gloat over the
-Action of the Liberal Senators. The
nate has done some queer things in
e past. But that ancient relic has
ver done • stranger thing than was
done by the Liberal members of the
Senate when they selected Sir George
W. Ross as their leader and chief
spokesman. it was Mir Ciecxge Ross
Vad Sir John Gibson who wrecked the
liberal party in Ontario and gave Sir
%James Whitney hie opportunity. Aa
'The Mail says. it was the speeches and
'writings of Sir George Ross as much
ass an 1, other nee thing that defeated
the Liberal party in Septemner. 1911
aid unless be is gs .d and manacle
'he will keep hair Laurier and
d1• follow i the sell shades of
Are we ahead of The Toronto Star
in remarking that Turkey is having
the stufflog knocked out Of it?
sent will be watched with interest
throughout Canada.
The GrainGrowers' Guide says : " We
would like to se• the question of abol-
ishing the Senate put to a referendum
in Canada. and we are willing to
wager that, it It were. this anaebron- The Association Has Had Another
ism would disappear." In other Successful Yasr and Looks For -
words, The Guide believes that • ref- I w to Further Activity-Sacre-
erendum would end 'em. tart' Floedyi s Chronicle of the Ex-
it is reported that some of the na- July.
tive princes of India are considering a
gift of Dreadnoughts to the British
navy. Here is a hint for some of the
commercial princes of Canada. It
would be a HM teed also a rare) ex-
ample of patriotism for them to sign
their cheques for a auAlcieot. sura to
build three or tour big Dreatlnougbts
to sail the North Sea under the Brit,
WI flag and scare away the German
A correspondent of The Toronto
Globe su,tgeeta the prohibition of the
export of fish. for the reason that, as
be says, :he Great Lakes are being de-
pleted to feed the people of the
United States. The conditions require
• remedy, but the remedy proposed,
nitnely, prohibition of export, would
be rather rough on the fishermen.
riThe fish go to the States because
ces are hetter there, and even at
tt. - «-e do not observe that the fLher-
n. .re getting ;rich too quickly.
A Child's Thought of God.
'1 y that God lives very high :
I: ,u look above the pines
not se. our Clod ; and why i
on dig down In the mines
1 ou uever roe Him in tae cold:
Tbougb tram Him all that glory shines.
Gad le no good. He wean a fold
Of heaven and earth aurora His face.
Like secrets kept. for love. untold.
But still I feel that His embrace
Slides down by thrills through all things made
Through eight and sound of every piece.
As if my tender mother laid
Ou my shut lips her kiwis preerore.
Half -waking me at night, and 'old.
"Who kissed you through the dark. dear
staasw "
-K B. H.
Found at Last.
wauaee Sentinel.
A Louisiana farmer killed a cow
last week and found a darning needle
in its stomach. Evidently, the cow
Later returns of the voting in Mich- found the needle in the haystack.
igen indicate that the woman suffrage
A a'orit
measure did not carry. major y
of :he ylichiganders were opposed to
the proposal, it seems.
Lord Roberts takes the professional
soldier's view of military policy. If
the military expenditure of Britain
were doubled tomorrow, he would
want it doubled again the next day.
It's a good bet that Sir George
Ross' majority in the Senate will
dwindle as quickly as did the Liberal
majority in the Ontario House when
he was trying to boss the job there.
Good Old Asquith.
Brantford Courter.
Wbstever anyone may think of
Home Rule. all must admire the
pluck with which Premier Asquith is
sticking to his guns in the matter. A
good fighter is worthy o.f admiration
no matter what his politics.
Toronto. Dec. 2. --The annual meeting
of the Huron Old Boys' Aatooiation of
Toronto was held in the Queen's hotel
on Friday evening last.
The fallowing Is the secretary's an-
nual report :
iS Clo-e Avet.sa
Toronto. Nov. 95th. 1911
To tie Members of the Huron Old Hoye' Asso-
ciation.'I omat°.
Gentlemen. -In presenting any an-
nual report let we congratub.te the
members on the continued prosperity
of the Association during the year
just closed. Our membership list tuns
over the five hundred mark, amongst
whom are Bowe of our most influential
citizens and men it, alwoat every walk
An Error Too Commoa.
Hamilton Times.
The Ottawa Citizen complains of the
custom many people have of seyirjg
"England," when they mean "Brit-
ain." We have more than once drawn
attention to the same thing, but those
who mete the mistake do not seem
willing to correct it.
of 'ea..
Our banquet. in Wilbauia restau-
rant, in November lest, was a great
excess. r he we.nhe, s enjoying them-
selve, to limit heart. couteut. The
entertainment wa, of a very intere•t-
iog character.
Our annual "at home" in the Temple
building. in February last, wag, i aw
mute, the most successful in the his-
tory of the Association. it was' cer-
tainly representative of every rection
of the old county. The committee of
lady patronesses was of great assist-
ance to the executive in this respect.
Our arnual ex:ursion iu July, to
Kincardine and Godericb, was fairly'
well patronize.l and everybody en-
joyed the outing. The feature of tte
excursion was the auto ride by the
executive around the county. The ex.
ecutive were met at the (ioderich sta-
tion by Meeers. E. N. Lewis, M. P.,
W. Pruudfoot, M. P. P., the Mayor
and others and atter a short rest were
entertained at Mr. Lewis' credence.
The start was made to Bey -Held early
iu the afternoon, led by Messrs. Lewis
and Kelly, and to the music of Piper
Ross. Arriving at Bayfield we were
met by Mr. J. J. Merner, M. P., and •
'big deputation of South ,Hurun rept e-
sentstivea in eight automobiles.
After an hour's stay in Bayfield,
where we were entertained by the
Reeve, we took the Lake Shore road
W the embryo city of Si. Joeeph, cel-
ebrated all over the Dowinioie where
a abort stop was made. We then
beaded for Zurich, art iving there at 6
p. m. Here supper was served and
the people treated us with every hos-
We then proceeded to Exeter, where
we were received by a vast concourse
of people, headed by t wo bands. Dur-
ing the evening the Mayor and coun-
cil Mailed us at dur hotel and gave a
special welcome. Messrs. Carling,
Stsnbury, Senior, Hurdon and others
made every effort to make our stay a
pleasant one.
We I+ft Exeter on Sunday morning
at 9 and drove up tc Herman, where
Mr. Merner left us, We next pro-
ceeded to Seaforth. via Kippen. Ar-
riviog at Seafortb we were pleasantly
entertained for an hour by that old
veteran, Mr. Jas. McMichael. After a
pleasant drive along the north gravel
load through Winthrop, Leadbury
and Walton we arrived at Brussel.. et
1 o'clock, wbere we had dinner. In
the afternoon we left for Gorrie, pass-
ing through Jamestown end Wrox-
eter on the way. We made a short
stay at. Gorrie. We next headed for
Wait/tam and a short distance out of
Gorrie we were met by a Wingbarn
deputation, with four autos, beaded by
Mr. Dudley Holmes and Reeve Mc-
Donald. The party arrived at Wing-
bam et 3 p. w., where supper was
served at the g'reen's hotel. After
supper the party- attended divine ser-
vice et Trinity church in company
with the Orangemen ot the teen.
After service the leading citizens vis-
ited us at our hotel and spent a pleas-
ant evening in reminiscences of the
On Monday morning the mettaber•s
of the town council took us for a trip
arouod the town amongst the private
residences, and to the stove foundry,
Wingham'sbig industry, atter which
we started for the south, stopping for
a short time at Belgrase and reaching
Blyth at 11 a. m., where we spent a
pleasant hour with the leading busi-
ness men of the village.
We reached (Clinton at 1 p.
wbere we entertained at dinner at
the Rattenbury House Mayor Gib-
bing*.Reeve Cantelon, Town Clerk
McPherson and Messrs. Jackson and
John Ransford, all of whom made
very complimentary addresses. After
dinner the whole party paid a visit to
the county house of refuge, wbere for
a shot' time Piper Ross entertained
the intra ,tis with Scottish airs.
At 5 p. in. the party left for Toron-
to, after vending a moat enjoyable
outing. The trip was one never to be
forgotten ; t ravelling, as we did,
through the finest agricultural district
in Canada.
After some deliberation it was de-
rided by the executive tc dispense
with the usual tent at the Exhibition
grounds during the fair for the pres-
ent year. Alter the experi•nse of the
other societies, we can well oaogratie
1.5o ourselves on saving_both the
trouble and the expense. It is to be
• hoped that next year the Exhibition
amine firs will ere their way clear to
placing Society Row in a pmper iota.
Owda'en. i thank you for the as-
aetane. you have given me. during the
pest year and especially hope that the
Aaaoetiatios will grow and flourish
during the future. I am.
Your* dtseerwly.
IL *toms.
Nscrstat y.
The treasurer. Real. ' 0..-, re-
port d ps le the tram-
ll metiMIda paid. The
auditors. Mmes. and
Crocker, reported the hoots as being
list esaiuidar grerQ:.
The Price of War.
The president of the Toronto Hoard Edmonton Xew,.-PWndeeler.
of Trade wants to know who is run- The masses pay the price 01 war.
ning this country, the Government or pay it with bard -wrung taxes end
the C. P. R. The Government, of with their lifeblood nn occasion.
When the laborer refuses to slaughter
course --but the C. P. R. is the Gov- i or be slaughtered by his brother
ernment. 1 workman across 'tome international
border, then will the powers let fall
,'l.'bose playful kittens, the sttHm-' the game of Wse glori&*tion and
rtes of Great Britain, have tried al, reveal war in all itamurdereus aspects,
fie i horrible and unnecessary as it really
new ttick, that of destroying the con-
tents of mail -boxes. They are probably it's Coming, Sore.
the kind of women who never get a ; Christian Guardian.
letter themselves. Unless all signs fail tax reform is
i coming soon in Ontario. It is true
If tbe member for West Huron that Sir James Whitney is supposed
wishes to immortalize himself, let him still to look askance at it, and Mr.
introduce a bill in Parliament to Rowell favors It, and if it were an or-
dinary political issue this would perces•
abolish the Senate, lock,: stock and' eerily mean that tax reform would
have to wait. But the movement re-
fuse* to he governed by party bonds,
and the feeling in its favor seem, very
The Minister of Justice states that l
there will be no general election for
Local Option Wanes•
three or four years, as it will take; Woodstock Sentinel•ttevlew.
this time W develop a permanent I What a good many people are look -
this ie $ law which would permit
navy policy. Borden A Co. are not In lie,
ch municipality to use iia nano
any hurry to meet the electors. judgment in exempting improve-
ments, wholly or partially, from tax-
Tbe people of Toronto will have an , at -inn : bat rucb a pmposal bee not
opportunity of votingat New Year's been received with favor by the Pre-
ppo y mien, who baa denounced it as qsv-
on the question of taxation reform. oring of a '•checker -board" system.
They will bre asked to say whether Just why there should be anything
they art Ln favor of applying for legis- so dreadful ins checker -board system
be has not undertaken to explain.
lation to assess buildings, business tax To many people it may appear that
and income tax nn a lower basis than the strength nt the proposal lies in
land the fact that it allows each munici.
pality to consult its own conditions and
needs. 1be taxpayer. of s mtrnicipsl-
William Jennings Bryan believes in sty ought to be eery good judges 1n
barrel, wholly, completely, entirely
and without delay.
democracy 'with a big D or a email, arch a matter. However. fag:I:-
own. The people may not always he sl option, the country will wait with
H" s opp- rigtrt, but Mr. Bryan eeys, .'TM Interest for what the Onvernmeat and
floe so wee
r be
esaepiss hi•
5seat pneition. it le se awfully
Rash -
t1•rtAmp dw wt. ts
hetVINs i
lender in the Heaate, to Me Geesps
'jttee., the _... _1 leader. Elle Mortised
lloss ams• woes. a patriot and a Mem is giftedM
the seamy .f his b Aa
veewtlis pukae splutter he hes few
impesl/.. amid he M poseem d of ea en-
viable sham of patent ftaeeb',eetq.
bgaMlally in his owe iateteste. Het
Sr 1e as oppoetnaiet more than a
Matsseaaa. 11 is en weeder, thete.'
Mew, that the actin of the Ifblegsl
Illenatoes re picas l0e heart cf [very
Veils Ommilben, every Tory Jlegss
'sad every Trade Reserirtlooist le ties.
' Atetathsr stalwart Liberal paper.
try Uetarprise, edited by
Whs. MSOSSSId. 11. r. P.. eaye :
612, A•mb. Waehhgfbw Rete Yas
people have the right
owe mistakes." Aal
takes is the way to wi
to make tbeir
the majority at iia back will allow
Meantime the work of education will
wakfsag mie- I go on. The Anal say. after all. is with
dam the people.
IM you remember
west. before Chef
Muscat an eternity. a
wee Charged wits
happy mystery t D
when the two
thea ssstsse.l The following story gives $ good
idea of theArtsin congeetloe at mem
point. moose
Western Canada. 1t se
from e. fast.. nu the Outlook
brsseh the C. P. R : '1 buy wheat
bar (ho•• day, you gr„ani-epi f And at this point and manage an rlevetor,
beset -
what woerlde't you p w b M `et and i wish you rook, bear the beset-
th at again t rending stories that the farmers tell
me about havieg eco coal, no grub,'
id low the machine companies ase
i< r eistwessaed that Government n atter them as the time. There ars
tame bar, which haus brim In for
Trouble .n the West.
d the vary air
a wonderful.
• you MIN=.
Na le b be IMndesed t . the Naskat. owe god see not pet unloaded, lit
Iehewttaa Less latae a pros cling for di-elegetor is fan and as been for some
were *tooted :
Honorary 0. 1'. Bloch
Ws atoeb. H.0. N,'M:. est 4 M. P.
rest legislation. say. not ane fns. 1 have shipped slri t aim P., J• et WMMe.s sed W. . Sean
ttiMl tell to the t IC
tttneew, ww.rsOhmsR N. Ca , t.
any stat.astwrt es te jest what hem bh g the b
to embed kir it them " it fi i r} r /'eet'
the saeenaew Is to tabs The espeff- egrilligaud that glitters rMeer.r. R s. 1 fiW
A 1.187 OF
Dress Silks
Black Pailette Silk, 38 inches wide. good
weight and free from filling or dressing, of
beautiful htstre and recommeoded for wear
in waists or dresses. Special price per Qty.
yard._... ...• J
Black Duchess Messaline Silk
Thirty-aix inches wide, very heavy, soft -and
wear warranted : deepest black and of beau-
tiful lustre sod purest silk. Special $1 r]g
at.. .
Ladies' Seal Plush Coats
Made of (tweet French seal plush in latest full
New York Styles, with sable collar and revers,
fastened with two large silk medallion clasps
of black, lined with Skinners'
guaranteed satin. Special pricy, •W00
Muskrat Coats
Fifty inches long, of No. 1 select and matched
stens, full shawl or coat collar and with double
cuffs, lined with guaranteed &stip-the most
stylish Fur Cost of the season. $7
Special ireicr ..... .............
Two hundred dozen embroidered, scalloped
and hemstitched fancy Irish and Swiss ladies',
Handkerchiefs --equal to any we ever before
sold or saw at 'Me and 30c each. Our Christmas
price, two far 28o, or, per $1
dozen ...
Hand embroidered or sheer linen Hand-
kerchiefs, of dainty patterns. of most
delicate work. At each, 25c, Sic, 50c and 75e
!'fen's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
Different widths of hem and quality tine, of
purest Irish linen. Specially boxed and extra ..
value at six for 75c ; six for $1.00: $1 X
six for. a JV50
Men's Fur Coats
Black Galloway Calf Coate, select skins and
well matched, collar of Nn. 1 Astrachan lamb.
Sold with our guarantee for $27 00
service. Special rice. ` •
Black Dog Coats
No. 1 skins, Bulgarian Iamb collar -a very
handsome Coat and quality guar-
anteed for weal. Special price.. 22.00
Ladies' Furs
Finest American Sable Muffs. 1 e tllow and
bolster shape. some with head and
tail trimming. At each.$7 00. $10.00,1 2.00
Blur t' - Ian Wolf
Muff - . t -- • Stoles
For y •, . ladles or mlws•-..1e h nlieeesa t
set eau have ever shown at twice the pelea,
and service positively warranted.
priced for December. The SiSpecially
Perslan Voiles
The newest dress or waist material, al inches
wide, of exquisite designs, quality shear and
very serviceable, all shades and suitable fur
evening wear. Special, pee yard, ^
35c and sJRJ(
Ladies' and Men's Mufflers
The Knitted Mufflers ere to manufactured silk,
tubular style with Leavy knotted and fringed
edges. Some knit in two-color effecta--pearl
greys, blacks, blues, ivory -and eacb boxed
singly if desired. Selection is very large.
Prices range from floc, 75,:, $1.00, $2
Ladies' Furs at Reduced Prices
Ladies Persian Limb Muffs, large bolster
shape, select large skins and guaranteed in
detail. Christmas sale $JOeW
rice...... J )
Persian Neckpieces and Throws of full length
and select skins and of finest lining and
manufacture. At each, $25.00
............ $20.00 and eV
Silk and wool gioria covered Umbrellas, tight
rolline and new, stylish. neat wood handles.
rnany inlaid, $1.25 and $1.50, men's $1
and seamen's. Christmas sale, each,
Ladies Pen Angle Cashmere Hose. seamless.
and fit like a glove, winter and medium
weight, soft cissbmere - the stocki g 10*1.
wears well. All sizes 84 to 10. Spec-
ial.:i5c : three pairs ................
lien's Cashmere Hose
S .unles-.. perfect•flttine Hose, , in heavy or
medium weighty. Hneet English make. Sizes :
9}. Ut 104. IL Our three Specials- Win
26e, 35c, JUL
i pec p t
3 !
3 pard.
3 hes Tweets,. pi g p/ nd'd
3 20c Regular 30c f std
1 IF
1W. TW
Eider Flannels
Fifty -two-inch Eiderdown Flaanele, floest
quality, in cardinals, greys. white, 90cpinks- blues. At per Jt,German reversible Flannels for owns or bath
r'o ween . eoes, new, in e e 1heavy and handsome quality. or, per y .
cial secretary. F. T. W. Hodgson ; ex-
ecutive committee, John Robertson, I
Major Joseph Beck, Dr. B. J. Stan -
bury, R. S. Crocker, B. Sheppard, N.
B. Uobbledick, T. G. Soole, K. Mc-
Leod, 8. L. Scott, R. A. Ratan, Dr.
Belden, 0. McGillicuddy, H. 0. Hor-
ton. F. 8. Hick and J. Tanrhl n ; audi-
tors, W.O. McTaggart. John Freed and
H. L Stewart.
The Association will hold i'a annual
"at home" in the Temple building on
February 21et1
While J. 8. Willison was giving
some reminiscencee of former days in
Huron county, one of the members of
the Association, A. Whitely, was
called' to the telephone and immedi-
ately made the shocking announce
ment : "You will excuse me, gentle-
men, for I must leave. My two'
uncles, Captain Alfred Nicholson and
John Precious, have been drowned at
Port Huron," Mr. Clucas, the presi-
dent-elect, expressed the deep regret
of the Association and its sympathy
with the bereaved member.
A letter of condolence was also or-
dered to be pent to the widow and
family of the late Dr. J. T. Duncan.
A motion was unanimously passed
expressing appreciation of the action
of John Joynt of West Wawanoeb in
sending a carload of apples to the
Metbodist Deaconess Home for distri-
bution amongst the charitable institu-
tions of Toronto.
W. D. McPherson, M. P. B., ad-
dressed the Association on Canadian
national affairs.
Persona coming to Toronto from
Huron will greatly oblige the Associa-
tion if they will drop a card to the
secretary, at 56 Close avenue, and if
possible give their Toronto address.
Heart, Head, Hand.
Educate the heart to feel, train the
head to think, accustom tt.e hand to
act. Tens of thousands of young
people holding foremost positions in
Canada and United States at salaria
ranging from $1,000 to 910,000 and
more per year received their training
and their Arlt position from the
Spottoe Chain of Seven Colleges.
Hundreds of colleges in Canada and
United States have engaged our
graduates as teachers. Ambitions
yeast" people can learn of the sueeses
of farmer students in their locality
for the asking. The Home fttsdy
D.pertesent sepias those wbo o.amot
eater for s time. It ppa ye to attend
the Megest oruaalstafioa m Canada
with thirty years' frapeei.raee. A way
Baa lea foe yes se mentor what
yawsod vicinity
Mr t his
town the Chafers lloleaM Ogreje or to
t wa banes, Spoons DbsE Colbegq
Wiebler :-“fiesatly weather. leal
fir iltickler :-**Why wm _yea tees
those bilolis saeseaions 1 Hew east
the wetdher he beastly r Wieltbse :
'ABM, se's reintegrate amt dope
You Must Act Quickly!
Our workshop is humming and
orders for Christmas delivery must
be booked next week. Don't
delay ordering and be disappointed.
Martin Bros.
Tailors for Men
Who Care
The Square Ooderich
Pandora Range
Do you need a range ? is your stove giving satisfac-
tion ? Do you know the pleasure of owning a
PANDORA? It has many exclusive features. Ask
your neighbor about them. Call and see them here.
We will be pleased to show them to you.
BASK BURNERS.-Mol'lary's Baan Bunter is • hones heater. with
semiaW+i B,e-box. tv1gch sae be removed and se l gi rgtsegh the
front doors : large patented feeder : tHple r=
t ht I1 v
ee Md before
yen are needles a beater. do mot fail to ere the
ErmIt you buy.
COAL OIL HBATIBRA.-.fust the thing W take the eW1 off ant
roots. Very much appreciated for the slob rest -they throw •
healthful haat.
SILVEaWARM, RIC.-Agood seleetbe of (Alverwere. Otsry lot
Seta and Mayo Lamps are Motet's& is ear window.
Howell Hardware Coe
1 f1e belt /face to lisp iharde»ary
-s. . .