HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-12-5, Page 1Christmas Advertising Mr. Merchant. do you Is - tend is get yew share of the Vbrietro_ __ way to The best 101111111111,101111111111,_UNA f Ju. to males e the col her woo1 DK that is read AI AL. C?NE DOLLAR will bring rhe Siesta to the address of any sew I subscriber in Canada or „Great Beita<a twmjibii date to January 1st, 1914. Subscribe Now. BIXTY.fr0UETH TSAR -No. rift GOUKRICH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1912 ThE STERLINGBANK 01? CANADA i A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT The Goverorc.ent report '•n the business of the Stelling Bask f„r the lest five months denotes for Heady growth of the Insti- tution --dos to conservative management. Month Binding Deposits. Assets. June Strips• $6.173,790.72 $1.$ 648 46 .July Stet.... $5,440.060:27 $7,110B.84-1214 August Mat S6.016,870.14Sepi 72 ember p$8,142 d10.07 " Oetohet th ... .. •. M1.PR7.8)80.146,B 57 Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager MR. RICHARD RADCLIFFE'S In! urance business i s being attended to by A. G. NISBET who -will take care of any enquiries regarding the same. OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, OODERiCH 'PuoNss : Orrice 110 ; HorsE 150. P. 0. Box 361 THE CHRISTMAS SIGNAL. The special Christmas number of The Signal will be published next week. Advertlsers are requested to hand In their "Dopy" earlier than usual. as the publishing of the big issue will man a good deal of extra work for the staff to handle. Application for special advertising space sbould be made early. The Christmas Signal is the great Holiday Shopping Guide of Hu, -on county. SITUATIONS VACANT. TANTBD.-AT THE ALEXAN- DRA Marine and General Hospital. ! three IK FFITH& Sr uperirintendent. Apply toll MISS 21. i G10DERICH 'BUS LINE � Two 'buses meet' all trains. Privets calls have prompt and careful attention. First - class livery ornate at all times. Reasonable prig. THE DAVIS LIVERY F. a T. 11 DAVIS Proprietors south Street 'Pbone No. 61 Tu S. E. H. is u bash to medic. sad lamps ye are Axa' Min wlar sbsuld yes green t There are folk. in Mi, wurrld thtt never are An'. ware. 1 think yea must be was. For sure. wbta ye bad the electric bought Tsai mitre -rent Rave ye a pain. Bet Cow dont it wawa a mere thrills faded* To oft back your Weight loight once .gale t WANTE D. - PROFESSIONAL teacher for P. 8. No. 4. Colborne. Duties to .Damen. at New Year's. A b. ,tatter qQuall8eations end eatery espeot,ed. to PAUL MAEDiLL. Secy. Besmiller rear 3041. 'IlECHEB WANTED. -FOR U. S. S lAi. Na 1. As'OsN. Coarsest and Weet (1 Wawasseb. Duties te eossmenee atter New Y..ar t Apgiy..t•I4ngys.Jttle t4aem aged sal- ary expected. tq KOFi-I'. StdL WA1 ' eoee- tary.. fi1EAOHER WANTED. -FUR S. S. 1 No. t, Colborne 1Denlopl. Dotty to meaty�epoym��_- mese* be Jaseary next Apply stating gaall taatiens and meaty eapecteedd to A. A. W tt, 1 11A$4, Secretary, Dunp.lo 1 Wit. GEO. WATSON PRACTICAL TAILOR has renewal a slurs is W .Y stood. Montreal wase[ Wog, lteneesl and will be eiesesd to nes all ILvaTI mater es well as soy new miss CLOTHES CLEANED KEPAI*ED and PRMsI= in the bent etyls sR modarsie prions. OIYR HIM A CALL CARD OF THANKS. There's many a was 14 this email town of van That's keen es the bat that'. gigolo : They eau revel is all the gad of the gods. But acb! whin it comes 1i ton Darin' ! -Nonan tYNatt.t. Goderich (LARD OF THANKS. -MRS. AL - FRAM �IrH.e�bseisos sad gra Juba Precious preentatps b this way their ttfar•oe and �a�bres aE the eapressbes and Abates sMisat est'..', s l eir those id bureave- 6sis r W Wed 018. seaben 11i• Lost Judge. A. 0. U W . and Coert Oed.e4 . C. 0. r. LARD OF THANKS. -THE LADIBB sf the baptist 'Web wish 10 mask asthe hoeiae sea of sass eel all .treses �r Wale sasz [driswss sad sifts Sr lbs 'asMM deer WANTED OODERICH MARKETS. TraMeDAT. {tea 5cb. THE !ZONAL PRINSVNO CO.. Ltd-. Pusuaemas SCOTLANDi'y ' Spp4sman. °13 Lb. boon of Pan"-' A DOUBLE FATALITY most in ever • quarter of the globe PATRON SAINT. I =f h vo eloquence of the ST. ANDREW'S DAY COMMEMIJR- ATED AT KNOX CHURCH. Eloquent Address by Rev. Geo. E. Ross to Members of Inverness Camp. Sons of Scotland -Brother` hoses as a lticettish Charactsriedo gall wheat. Pet baa! is 01 te , 004 Bock sheet, per bush 048 to 0 S • Oats. per bash. 030 to ON Peasper t..'..b 0148 to 0 80 Barley per bush 0p 00 to w . ) Sceeenl�Pcr toe 2 68 to 1 75 Flour, testi t, per cwt 3 18 10 2 10 Flom. patent, per cwt . 27 00 t 27 00 8bBeen. per ton n p 18 00 to ED 00 Short per ton Hap. per too, new 11 10 to 13 .A Straw .i. 8 00 te 800 Wood. per lead 5 m te 55o Batter. per lb 0 M to 0 SI Old Cheese, per ib 0 18 to a 25 New f;beere. 018 to 018 g .. fre.bt per dos - i a2 to 033 A only*. per bbl 1 s'O to 1 0000 Cattle, orilin'yMess. per est. i le to 525 Cattle. export, par rost.t'• 6 d0 to 610 7 85 to 785 Hop. ref. eget ... t 3t1 to 4 WI ba. per berg f 00 to 5 00 Tallow. per Ib 06 to 36 Hfds., par cwt 7 m to 7 5/ etheep-•kine . 30 to w FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC LAST OR 1+bQMD. n 1INTa- n9T.- ON lt)kDAY LAST AYRE-LIN st liaises. tens Dries t' D. Li DALE _blot& ani tee. VFOODI tit Hebrew Ont, will receive Prompt -wuebesiate 6� (, V y �enties ^easy E. DOY ales Ess&. Weyburn S'isktchew '11 LO " The fast growing city of the Lest Great West. - offers you tbs. same golden opportunities for Good Sound Real Estate Investment that Regius, Hams Jaw. Saskatoon. Calgary sad Bdvostos cased ave or sir years aim HamsTar O. Y. R and O. T. IL are NOW making esteetehe tle•vaMwM /esin Weybers, Moak. Our lots in "Oily Besilese._ in the ob4 original be1Eaibe. right et the jeer of the big ll O. P. R. desiopoente. fit NOM seen. requiem sub a email emit payment ethe Weals in A nand a seed.. These may teras are Rood only until Jaseary 1st. 1911. You ars honed 80 proem mighty big proein the very bear future. Trade Write ss for the Based of pamphlet os' the 0. P. A. Developments. E V. Campion & Company Heed diet* WoyMrs. Ss . Rosatderd. OM.. oaks : ■ Market Bt. arbors ea+esposStese feta be addressed to err lrtllattost settee PUBLIC NOTICE _ - - - a, at. Andrew's Day Greeting. A message Row there. ..d a mews*, tome+ be re •'Guid a ea to the kis o Ove Beet. !peed well. let us Mer, Wt. nlgbt of the pear. To renew what can seer be forget. Auld Scotia ' yea. Is fetal array Trp td.11dreo foregoi her tole, To !Mer • in My same the threads'sf • taste That binds ea all ander tine sew! Hall. lead of the heather' The burl et our one From glebe unto brae.lde and vale; The echo of all mor beat taco *tin ta•pinur Thy .on. with ita.acet.0ed (whet From yonder sod seer My ssam[r Wire cheer : From yonder and sear the new and the old Aocept the prised gift with seal all uplift To learn what Mise annals unfold ! H.. the world bees better or worse for thy lore t HH.+ It ever ramrod to give place To the deeds of top suns. on sea or on shore. 1s war or the pathway• of peace? Yea, toy place 1 bola bast teen. with brawn and with brabu. TOmake of .he worlds better ; And now on the day when mirth boldeth sway Our pride in mese deeds we unfetter. - .-J. M. Harper in Sootueb-AmsricLl. ANTED. -AT ONCE, MEN TO (earn barber trade. Expert Inrrseotlsn o eostant suet ice : t .eh free ; gaiety"; gen em Mest for barber. Write for estalsgse. R C..LLLOIC, Termite. stow. WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN •E. .tock broking business' 1 1 waut a live. ..mbhloos representative in every city and town to handle stocks, bonds and inort- gipplicents must furnish references and =frost to 0g3�tt�I0u prew'.sl capital. Write or call. ATHOL GEORGE ROBERTSON, 58 Colborne street Toronto. a -fm ,'10LBORNE BRICKYARDS. - A ',redly quantity orf 24 Inch tile for ine 1sale. Thaw t will sopa go. .1 PITBL� dt SOONS. FOR BALE OE TO KEN' �OR SALB.-A BUILDING LOT AIlestreet Newgstsstreet. APO, to F. J. P ID PON. BALE.-SSOONDHAND RAD- IANT Home beater, self -Mede? No.6, Is deed ae.dttion. Box V. SIGNAL OFFICE. L'IOKSALE.-THE FARM OWNED £ by the late John Halliday on the 3rd 'mo- d Colborne. ceetaloing 1421 acres. None beast with frame k and turnaee In hosss: uhc water su.dsbarn : roust seabirdbydra; ten acres &et rhea, OOveuteat to ier0b sod sews WM at a bars der hoossailate .ala. to Le bedsit* PO RS.teon HAZLID Y. Ostrent. Is R SAUL -THE 100 -ACRE FARM es tie its esosadsg O sCoollbeo ns'. � call! rslek gaw'Mt M �igsktf o� iY down��ig, wtp ase st reset l ` tthe gt es Is r sod Q P. >�ssb, VC Carbo P w gall.M•tf. SRM E. FOR SAL -THE BAST fait er bt me In the fourth spew festa. birdlimed .f Ash whetofa V MO.s4s eos- as 'es'%' a a 7 �'s TULE:i 1 'T: vs; w_ • FARM FOR BALD or is sem lot L coo s.iss 7, western dlvl- ,i.s. Oelbnsa ssweeYe, i6O asses with Int - dos os .aslt less -er sto rs.o �Beel��e bar a fes .r. lWeald weLt}sss seesww4: Aptly to ■. w. McD0'IAA011Carlow. OM. Bet sowhere has Scotland's gl.ry bees more apparent than ou the li -ids u( mimionery enter prise. She has produced bee patriots and her .cbol- b h PUBLICITY GRANT. $x,goo Voted for This Purpose by County Council. TWO FORMER OODERICH MEN The county council met on Tung - DROWNED IN ST. CLAIR RIVER. day afternoon. All the members are present. Warden Stothers occupied - -- the chair and addressed the council ass wed b r d. But a whom she is respecting several tatters which justly proud. {tut greater tbau her pt Alfred Nicholson Herolully had come up since the last meeting, high w btrv• meats on the battlefield. ' Neglects to Save His Own Life in referring particularly to the difficulty order to Warn Others of Their Danger -Tragic Result of Collision near Port Huron. in .cholsesbii..oid government is the "rout her gifted sons have accom- ptiohed and are .• ill achieving. in the high places of the field -giving the Gospel to ♦ needy world. And is not this the very genius of tic .ttisb great - swam? To the church no lees than to the borne, the school iod the state is Two former Ooderich uteu, Captain m the London Health Ass From t.ciat fun. every true Scot loyal. The splendid Alfred Nicholson and John Precious, Fro to Awns Col :u, ciao t nii+-t .nary service the sons of Scot- came to their death shortly atter mid- relating land are tendering in every laud is night test Friday morning, on the St. patient in the Queen .1lexandt but the becoming expression of grafi- Clair River. Messrs. Nncbolt0u and sanatorium, who it it claimed furtnet I resided at Clinton and ahuul3 l..• supported by this county. From H. E. Ruwald, of Stratford, claiming damages for an accident on the boundary between Hullett and McKillop in June last. Froth %V. Brydone, barrister. Cain - ton, salting that the county recom- pense John Sterling for damage to his land by a washout caused by a diversion of the Bayfield River. in getting bridge work completed on account of the high water. Among the communications were the following : From Sheriff Reynolds. asking tbat he be supplied with is typewriter f n his office. toile that St. Andrew, became the apostle of the Nest iosteel of the East: and in true Scottish spirit, like Andrew the brotherly, we desire to win the East to Chri.t and share our Precious, with two other men, com- poeed the crew of the Hustler, a sand and gravel cattier working on the river. That night as they were ort (rand Point. in tow of the tug Annie (loop I privileges witb the pagan Moylrs, they were run down by the world. For regardless of clime and tug Annie L. Smith, the Hustler turn - place we look beyond the clau and the fog right over to a result of the iw- hometand and realize that houianity pact. is a brotherhood. That sengie of Captain Nicholson was on watch at In remembrance of St. Andrew's Day, Inverne.w tamp, Sons of Scot - lend, paraded to Knox church on Sunday morning, headed by piper Robert Craytie. Rev. Geo. E. toss occupied his pulpit and gave an able address appropr mated to the oocasion. The words frow Jubn 1:40, "Andrew, Simon Peters brother," formed the text of his discourse. He said (in part) : In commemorating St. Andrew's Day it is tittiog that we direct atten- tion to Scotland's patron saint end note some characterisuo of Scottish great- ness. Fur there r something about the Scottish character 4bat is unique, and a greatness acknowledged not only by the dem himself but also by those whom he considers lees favored, through whose veins courses no Scottish blood. Of Andrew's early bistory we know but little. Like his father before him he plied his honorable catling as a fisherman un tbe lake. Responsive to religious thought and emotion he was one of the msoy who, having heard of the preaching of Jobe the Baptist couceruing the Kingdom, went out to hear and profit by the message. There he met Jesus e was the first of the twelve called to discipleship. Concerning his life as au apostle we are told little. Only twice does be come into promineuce dur- ing our Lord's ministry, viz.: At the feeding of the five thous- and, when he was the one who dis- covered the lad with the loaves and fishes, and later at. one of the feasts in Jerusalem when he introduced certain Greeks Ito the Saviour. In the re- oonds of the early Christian church his name is merely mentioned, but we Mil well believe that a man of Andrew's spirit must have been a tower of strength to the church and in his more quiet way of working semdrred no has effective service than Peter sod John. Tradition tells us that when per- secution scattered the disciples in over direction Andrew travelled far to Southern Europe, became the great miesionery to the Scythian', and later suffered martyrdom by being bound to a decussate cross, which still beats his name. In acknowledgment of his services to that country Roods, adopted him as her patron saint. In the year 740 he be -Eve the patron stint ot Scotland. oowwihllIj� to o�bs belief that his arm had beimiOosgbL by Bt. Regulus to SCOda led, the p bearing the relic being WreokMsit the eastern seat near the site sed tilt p.eeent St. Ar.drew's. By whatever other�yymMl�flW�e Andrew may be known. he*11Meemembersd for all time for his L.. -..i_-.. No sooner had he fossil the Ill e/sh tbaa be sought out his brother Simon and brougbt hien to Jesse. And brotherliness is one of the stress characteristics of the Scot - deb raw. No people are more eltssish. Love of boats and satire Arad is strong in the heart of Seat The neve of tleetaaad will eI trays be aesoci sed with the serest patriotism And rave so the Osl- hisself so less ellealee le to ►lo boosehathesdetry 45ss s .dile. 1 sodthebiass ime el his We promotes leatyevery ie ever added Metre to her slue by the empiaide she bus pieced epee edwrstise. Her estruse se weS as her swim* se to be famed everywhere. Aad the seems that attends the Met r the varied mom - Limp orf Nis is Wyly dee to the ter ,lease that hes ever hes .000.814 to the sheet me wall.. es the hems. Et that lobes the sum el M0tiondsstt mittlr psrrtthry t ars 1 ilse~se sof rlMgsdioe largely whim largely .11 `the Whim orf .retie also throegb- the sada Sentleattb ars creeds Ler Allstiagelebeit stets are to reef le the aero. of W ..'-ease is 'Ameba eat art . The AIM el Ms A eve wispetolle le a GqR SALE. -100 tAORES OF LAND r 1} sI'p ""Vaet fliestottit ine t eeMlv�,ae tem «,tl�w. bask bsOsebvtrwottdb Ism Esew = trot bath' /Vass rM FOR W .-BIZTT-VIVB .w, ist�L Dt CsMrsa ;bos��.-*td: wan 1E. .. - SAL&.-THAT s�Ir/o11 sof WI- sla st gee. A. es .4 -. wewals l . I dna,* AC1ti11, ..cess 1st t1 . �tbew % rs l sr vest tttl s� sept. scut SI MIN Sir -th«ahood will receive world-wide the time, the others having gone to ri cognition. ware will crane and peace bed. He could easily have stepped be universal only who' the gospel of across to the other boat and saved Jesus Christ 111'1 his made Scotland himself, but instead he went back to great becomes the dominant factor in Dail the other men. The men were all international life. thrown into the water. Two of them The address was ouch appreciated could swim, but Captain ,Nicholson by the meml.•-rs of Inverness Camp. .and Mr. Precious could not, and were and on their Ietuul to their hall after drowned Their bodies were found the service they adopted a reedution thirty-six hours hoer about ten feet the council. it war decided that the heartily 3 banking R- v. Mr. Ross. apart and fifteen feet from the deputation be heard in the afternoon.Hustler, and within a stere's throw of A . request from Crohn Attorney Contributors to Canada's Wealth. the sbore.• Seeger for a typewriter was sent to It is always tit intereet to compare The bodies were taken to the home the county property committee. the values of I h« n. °ducts of each 'of of Captain Nicholson at Pori Huron, A letter frosts the secretary of the. the leading industries of a country. where both families were present, the Ontario Municipal Association, asking WEDNESDAY. A communication: from the secretary of the Huron Publicity and itoprove- ment Association set forth the work of the Association so far arid requested that a deputation representing the Association be permitted to address Everyone will t. II v•.0 that Canada is men being brotiters-ill-law. On Sun - immensely rn•h, h .t when you demand day evening after church service. a particular v they are not so readily union funeral service was held, Rev. forthcoming a, ai e general state- Mr. Diamond of the First Methodist menta. C..n.ula h -.s not, as yet, made church conducting the service for Mr. such statistical pc ogress .r to permit a Nicholson and Rev. Mr. Cox. of the close comparison of this Lind to be United Presbyterianchurchfor Mr. made for a particular year. The Precious. following figures. however, are quoted On Mondry the bodies were brought by Conservation thublished at Ottawa) to Goderich for burial in Maitland as approximations ..f the values cemetery, the funeral being held on produced annually by our greatest ,Tuesday afternoon from the home of naturist resources, and by tnannfa.• 'Ir- ; Benjamin Hoggarth. their brother-in- ing : law. The service was conducted by Rev. Field crops and dairy pro- Dr. Medd, pastor of Victoria street duce 7804.8ot1.004) Methodist church, at the house, as- Freset products 161,093,0011 sisted by so. E. Ross, pastor of liiner4a .... ..... .., ltY3,300,Ot10 Knox c u e rave. Members Fisheries .... 29•�•� of the A. U. U. W., of which Mr Value added to raw productsNicholson Vas a member, and of Lite by manufacturing 56.3,830,000 C.O. F., to which Sr. Precious be- longed. were present io • body to pay A PFtOHLEM IN COWS. i the last tribute to their fellow-rnem- ' hers. A favorite hymn of Captain On every farm there are practically ! Nicholson's. "Only vw reebered by three classes of cows. First, those 1 what i have done, was song by Mr. tbat do not • pay for their feed j Belcher, and a male quartette sang ant the labx of {.king care of them "•Lord, I'm Coming H,me," a favorite second, three that just pay their way, 'of Mr. Precious, and "Throw Out the and, lest, those that are profitable I Life Line." The pall -bearers for Cap - cows. and pay more than their et- - tain Nicholson were members of the pensee, thus hiving you some en- Workmen : Wm. Blake. Wm. Blair, couriutement for keeping them. From Thou, Hswkine, Peter MacEwan, the farmer's point of view there should Wal r Pinder and Isaac Salkeld, and be only one class ot cows, the ones six ft_low-Foresters performed a like that pay a dividend over expenses. office for Mr. Precious : A. W. Had - Take the crow that produces three den, David Sproul, W. T. Pellow, Joe - hundred pounds .,f butter per year. eph Wilson, Thos. Burrows, W. Mc - At twenty cents per pound this would Cabe. There were a great number of bring S00. Let this $60 be interest beautiful floral tributes, filling a citr- on your outlay at six per cent. The riage. outlay would be one thousand dollars., Captain Nicholson was fifty-three Then take the cow _producingsiz ears of age and lived in Godericb be - hundred pounds of butter per year. Dore going to Port Huron two year. The outlay should he double that of .g„ Inst spring. He is survived by his the first cow, as tbe production is wile, two sons -Charles, of Port double or two thousand dollars per Huron, and Percy, of Watford, Ont. - year. Now aoswel• a tew questions and two daughters -Mrs. John Given honestly. We will say the first is a and Miss Jean, both of Port Huron. They were all here for the funeral, and others present were Wm. Nicholson, 'of Detroit., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholson, of Port Huron, the gentle- men being brothers of the deceased, and a sister, Mrs. Dears, with her two sons, of London. poor cow and the latter a good cow. Does it take {wire as much to feed the Eood cow as it does the poor one ? verything goes to prove that the opposite is moreoften the case. Again, doom it take twice aa much time to attend to the gond cow as the poor one? Everything and everybodysays, "NO." What is the result ? Ony that the difference in the production is clear profit. How are you going to know whether your cows ego pprrixo.r Wbo Mr. Precious leaven a widow and one son, Norval. His mother also sur- vives, residing at Port Huron, and there are five sisters: Mrs. Annie or good ? Get them tested Waters and Mrs. Ben. Horgan'', of will test them ? The Win ham Goderich ; Mrs. Thomas Whitely, of Cresme will do it for you tt you Toronto; lira- Frank Nicholson and Mrs. Alfred Nichol -eon, of Port Huron. will send us a sample of milk from each of your Dow.. Number them so that we ran send a report to you. Remember. it is a sample of the MILK, not .ream. We are going to run our creamery all winter and need all the .ream we tee�sget . Send us your". Give os a ittitl. and see if we do not do as well if tot better than you are now doing. Weare now paying tbirty-ons cents =sound bnttsr• fat or a trifle bettertits twenty-aiz nests per pound • attar. 1f our wagon is not in your district write or telephone um and we will make arrangements to collect your eesev. TMs WM. atrium COMPANY. LTD., Wattisham, Ont.. A brother. William Precious, lives in town. Others present at the funeral were Miss Young and Chas. Young, of Seafortb; Mrs. Thos. Williams, of Munro, and Mr. and Mrs. McWhinney and daughter, of Nile. The late Mr. Precious was thirty-nine years of age. and lived in Oodsrich until a little over It year ago. An inquest le being held at Port Huron to determine the cause of the collision which cost the two men their lives. Don't fail to hear Alton Packard. the great cartoonist, humorist, enter- tainer and. singer, on Prada Mrs. King and Mr. Fowler will amidst In the program. Ree ad. on page 2. CHRISMAS BUYERS. Oodsrish me ebants were never in better shape to meet the de- moiselle of the Christmas trade. The steels are large and well as sorted, and to every lime there is endless variety. All the latest .entities will be footed ememg the Rends which are ready Acer ia- spsctioe is the Ooderisa arses Intending aerohsasse hem the town and country cannot do better than study eardbUy the anooeneeaneote made in our adver- tising columns. The merchants using them desire your patronage and we have no hesitation en our part le Aeommending them to you. They will Tse found reliable sad will meet your demands In a way that will be highly setl.fsetory. To thorn in Ooderich we say ••Bey at borne," and to those in the sonseedlog eoavtry, 'Voss to Ooderieb.' 1 for the usual giant. was sent to the executive committee. G. M. Elliott, county agent of the Children's Aid Society, addressed the copncil in reference to the Work of the Society and distributed printed re- ports of the county work. A discussion ot the new Public Health Act was started by Reeve Powell and the council spent some time on the subject. After the noon recess the deputation from the P•.,blicity Association was heard, Messrs. Greig, of Seafortb, Spotton, of Wingham, and Mitchell, oC Goderich, addressing the council. Messrs. Leckie and Cantelon moved that the council grant the sum of 91,- 500 to aid in starting a publicity cram- paign for the county of H uron, as out- lined by the committee appointed for that purpose, and that the Paid arnount shall remain in the treasury and shall berVel reit by the treasurer only on the certificate of the meal - dent, vice-president or treasurer of the Association ; the accounts for the swine to be placed betore the council at each session. Messrs. Bailie and Winter moved to refer this motion to the executive committee, hut this was lost and the motion of Metiers. Leckie and Cantelon was carried on the following division : Yea-Ament, Cantelon. Clark, Gov- enlock, Gillespie, Glen, Heitman, Hun - kin, Leckie, Lindsay, Livingston, Milne, Munnings, McEay, Petty -15. Nay -Brown, Bailie, Hunter, Ker- nigban, Kalbfleiecb, Leiper, McClure, Powell, Sbortreed, Underwood, Win- ter, Yearley -12. Principal Hume and Dr. Strang, of the Ooderich Collegiate Institute, ap- peared before the council and asked for the use of the council chamber tor four lectur,.. to be given by prominent University .nen. The use of the hall was granted for title purpose on provision that the lectures do not conflict with any court work and that Principal Hume meet any expense ill connection. Both Quick and Permanent Strength, If you are run down or {'red out, if you take cold easily, have no appetite. are losing flesb or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's System Renovator under oui guaran- tee to refund the price paid if Ow remedy fails to give entire satisfaction. it aids digestion, tones up the nervous system and gives both quick ard per- manent results. One dollar a ?Kittle. Manufactured by MacLeod Me••licine Co., Goderich. OnL For male by E. R. Wigle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Dec. 6th. Pars Bbaw'e lebesls 7 Resler -dhows Bebosie 3 Yes Met AS Midday -MOS Mess . 2 Btaek-lhektor-A. 0. Rabwtll. Tomato 1 Teacher Wonted --E. M.Dwais, IIEs 1 Ksader-whigtas-rashes. Ueiys ... ..• t arta Loess Mr Idervtsg Plass P10. -LS - 04.08 A.thw.' letttate, New lest i Tsars to Oudpb-A- T. R.. i why Not Huy Ts.r Christmas Poesmts Weft - er. C. Priuos e ChrMssss rat/sel - - W. Aehsns a Eta It Rendre--17. 111. C. A .... e New .thug t' O the DeeoMer Casaiii 1. D. Caboose R.adaw-Mesa Wanes Ca. ilesoods. e Reader -ruse, Emma moor ear e mew warm obs diets. -r. reft liens► see-. t meow Nwebhs-4. e. Deas/ s Tlsebsr Feel _see. e hdsrsiess• Mss-Msblabooss asear s.... . • cralswae has aft 140265 -Ma PssisaM pwaleb aur rtes! -4:t P. It • LA14 w ThoodH bliot Marsh 1041.. , a camber ss► -Ms. -semi eve s we Mom nese easy 1t -Mathias you .M Poser... -Thous. tAs► . .. . . s ism- D. r. MssNak. ..... Tar -J. Plthtds it Seer t Dee Inst -,1. D. Doyle i E,eadre -b. R MMk i Pars Mr Eel► -tile. 8.ONsy. .... ..... 1 Ohristsss Otte. -w. M Morrison N taw sf TbRaba-Ste. ireebehow sad Nita Pr.e111e1 .. 1