HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-11-14, Page 10savvei.. vr.+•,...-. �r.,1'«,r ,+r1( ."7""r.-ra•!+�ac�r+
1fa '1`svyrost. NOTNIJU.R . 1d. 1516
The CM.rmkig Winter Resorts of GA.
footsie. Mtitdso. A ridsa, crus
Now is the Um* to take advantage
of a trip to • milder climate and ea -
ceps the cold winter "soothe. Round
telp tourist tickets are issued by the
Grand Trunk Railway to (:allforoia,
Mexieto, Colorado, Pacific Coast
and the sunny South a low itateleg
ung choices of all the beet route..
Features in connection with this
mute: Only doubje-track hoe to Buf-
falo and Chicago; last *orrice ; mod-
ern equipment ; unexcelled dining oar
.ervicq ; palatial electric -lighted Pull-
man Sleeping cars: all elamenta of
sa eta m
cofort. Ask F. F. Law-
for full particulate, or write R.
Duff [) P A U
nine Station, Toron-
o, .
Whooping Cough
tremelec COMP MEM MOCK
Y►aausitaa tete
daidaki soft baubles. etreidem. ialldeet...twsstwt...
wtaasem am of _ ar.aeM.sA
Goma Womb. It r , anoN ra.e/w.rs
ham terveine
Mwwa.'ape,emir ;
Maes with ww.ta►r.•.,'."I"°s es.tet tee tartMAYtad Ane
I. ton
ma- ala4Ma w to boomers erica
rotted elttlelasa
Mead pawl k. a.,ryti.k.,►,ct.
ALL n11U001STa.
Try CRRsfLplr
T•FILETS l .aAft levitated
threaMAtaL nee ee era Maleic.
Verse &molasses.
Ceemeet Mk. T.
We are now prepared to
supply contractors with
all kinds of Mouldings.
!inside Finish. iiootiog
and Siding.., and General
Hnilditng Material.
.• make rl `peciatty of.
Veneer Flooring in Oak
.. and Birch.
1►iascing end Matching
by the thou% ind.
The Paget6raist Doer Co
ntilil•:i:Il 11 LI>+ere
and you will find the contents
asegood't the bottom as on
op. We give you a square
Fruits and
Come and see our display,
it will do your eyes good G.
see it. Every s e a s o n a' h.
vegetable hi here flesh from
the farm. The fruits include
both the home grown and the
products of the tropics. Both
make the finest kind of summer
diet. Our pi ices make them
a Cheap one.
Hamilton Street
'!'hone 52
wATCNEs a - -
Nee nue emeriti values in
Irate -bee It willum i1
roe .re going to tr'1iae.
W etch
Walter H. Harrison
Jowell*. a.,.t (►Mletaa On the newt.
A Moon, G T. H. town agents.
t oat
and Bowling Alleys, all
Iigiggneme complete, for sale. Apply
Ottawa Nov. 7. -Tae M. of ilia
aots-Partiaveat campaign has beesMr. Aroaod Lavergne's challenge to
HMr. Pelletier to explain why he
has betrayed the Nationalist cause foe
of ooe, and the Poet-
tea.teroffice.'e very prudent r rfuest
tondo any such Ching. 1`hat, however,
did not prevent e Nationalist leader
from frosaying a few things at Indian
Loretto wetcb put the Nationalist
(Animawing of the (Abit iu a most in-
vidious potion, and whtcb must have
s t nt
the good Tutees of Oario
y i them em tae manner iiiwhich Premier Burden was preparedshi
to capitulate in. wholesale haddock to
the Nationalists sod was dictated to
by them in forming his coalition
Mr. Lavergne said that when Mr. appointed Monk was pointed Mioister of
Public Works be (Lavargoet bad been
invited to joie the coalition, but re-
torted ou obvious grounds which the
recent Cabinet envie with Mr. Moos
resignation has amply justified. flat
Mabeime i. es
Lissamem Leta t. Se
ea Cattiest Makin.
wben refusing once foe himself young
Mr. Lavergne, with Mr. Monk, die -
axed to the Premier who the other two
Quebec Ministers should be. even
vershadowing the influence of Sir
Rodolphe Forget 60 as to keep Mr.
1'. ('babe Caaisgrn out. Arid wben
Mr. Pelletier esu notified of his
appointment be asked Mr. Monk if
ny guarantee had been given of a
lr nitrite on the navy question.
pparently be got sufficient answer
permit him to accept the office.
What is even of greater significance
is the light Mr. Lavergne's declaration'
row on the price Mr. Borden
ai prepared to pity for power. What
one Canada think of Mr. Borden's
rats -totem in offering Mr. Armand
avergne a Cabinet portfolio because
of hi, opposition to any help for
Britain? %Vbat will the peuple of
Britain think'? A. the truth is
becoming better known the people of
the old land and the new are getting
the tree measure of Mr. Borden.
To all Hon. Mr. Pelletier replies
that be regrets the stand Mr. Lavergne
baa taken No one would doubt the
truth of ibis statement. Theo, with-
out approaching the real gravamen of
Mr. Lave:guest charge. the Postmaster-
Oeneral once more sidesteps the issue
by dee-hiring that Cat.ada is part of
the British Epnpire and that Lavergne
and /dourness, are now opposing the
Government out of pique because
they could not dictate to the Con-
servative party. He omits to mention
that Lavergne and Hourassa still stick
to the policy which gave hienaelf and
Mr. Nantel Cabinet seats and com-
pelled Hon. Mr. Monk to resign his.
The more the Postmaster -ileacs(
attempts to excuse himself the deeper
in the mite he get,.
18----"8 CARRIAGE a -^-^e
We have reopened the th
well-known shop, corner of w
(Newgate and Hamilton
'treet.. known as the
Dominion ('arriageWork..
and are prepared t o erect) to
•orders f. 1 1
tWoodwork ?.
iPainting and (1
All work done prompt -1i
and well. We will appre-
elate your Custom. `(
7 ,
D. B. McLeod e Son
NOVEMBER 20, 1912
J. C. Rockwell's New
America's Greatest of
All Colored Shows
Best in Quality
f.argest in lumber
A Show that Pleases Everyone
1t is Original
And Extremely Popular
Funny- I�
Tbe Best Singers Prices
And Dancers in America are with
this Company.
Kings of Koontown
oobtowu Parade
omedy at Noon
Band and Orchestra
Prices : 25c, 35c, and 50c
Tickets on sale Monday morning.
Playing Cards
Tally Cards
Bridge Scores
Congress Playing Cords, et
edge, very pretty designs,
oral hunting scene.,
tri ndmlII *rens., etc.,
etc. Price
Colonial Playing Cards. gilt
edge. very pretty
dealgn.. Special. .)6t
('ther linea, rec. Ise sad seer.
Tally Gird... tee, aoc and sec pr,
I fridge Tally ( surd• band eek red.
age pet d..s.n
tMYg. Seery Cards, tee per rad.
Tbe Glomal Beek Stare
of leo POR TR R Pro
Moine HIP (4ederieh
Incompetence or Worse.
As a result of the persistent refusal
of the Minister of Labor to appoint
an industrial board to •onside, the
difficulties between the C.P.R. and the
Canadian Hrotherbood of Railway Em-
ploy ee% a strike has taken place. It is
not yet known bow tar this strike will
extend, but itis claimed by President
Mosher of the Brotherhood that it
will involve from three to five thous-
and members and result in great toss
to theta, to the railway, and to the
businees interests of the country.
Just why the Minister of Labor
refused to appoint an industrial board
and undertook to carry on negotiations
single-handed does not appear on' the
surface. Possibly the control of the
interests and the close alliance be-
tween the C. P. It. and the Con-
servative party may have bad some-
thing:to do with in However that'
may be, the Minister's policy
seems to bave bens dictated M the
Company and bis action highly ar-
bitrary. The O. P. R. refused to deal
with the union : the Minister refused
to grant the board. But Hon. Mr.
(*others clains to have secured
ameliorations in working conditions
which would satisfy the employ
this in the face of an ultimatum giveei
by the Brotherhood that unless they
secured a satisfactory adjustment of
tbeir demands for a board to confider
them by 10 o'clock Moodsy morning
they would,atrike. Tbe Minister has
disclosed incapacity to realise the
gravity of s situation or has arbitrarily
refused to give to the workingmen the
benefit of the means of redress which
Parliament intended they should hare,
and the strike order was issued sharp
on time. Through his refusal Mr.
(*others has precipitated a strike
which may have serleus result.. Mr.
Crother, arbitrary action in siding
with the Company and refusing the
a board is in striking contrast to
pts tine of his predecessor in office,
. Mackenzie King, who, when
tions objected, and there were
ads for believing that a strike
Id take place, never galled to
blish a board of investigation,
to name a repreientatiye for the
Noy where the companyrefused.
ezcuee given by Hoo. Mr.
for hie inaction was that
emends of the Brotherhood is -
ed employees under some thirty-
ifferent headings and that no one
could deal with tbeee. This is
more than a confession of in -
y to deal witb &situation because
presents Nome ditfieultiee. Other
a bays dealt. with just as onm-
ted railwaydisputes suoawfnlly
past, and that without entering
the detail* of each anbdivi-
nf labor, but by establl.bing
rules which were outcome -
worked out afterward.. The
nt Government appears not
unable to enact useful legislation
cop from the applying of ti t which
Mted t� regime.
the d
six d
awe rd
in the
but in
it Inti
Tie Res.date Agmen &
Salt Rt.. Marie, One . Nov. 11 -
The (lanadlan •,earner Ras..dale2
laden with s cargo of 0,000 torts of
packane freight, tweet stormier' elf
Detour Light this tnotulngAbe le
oat three fent forward sad ars lest
aft. The boat'. poet ken 1. not re-
warded as dangero.u. as the gale M
enheiding somewhat The Reseda(s
ls owned by Ono Inland iinw. Lien
ked of Hamilton
Ilies Water at kiaatrbow
KiwearAin. Nov t. Th. heavy
Pals. n/ 'r heads, and Wriesedae
sights raised the wooer of the Pus .
testees gasoline Brad broke the ooerlaile titt m o 114.r
tt out into�haw t/R
berth wind drove it ambers s✓llwwaat
damaged south of the pint t a
quarter of a nitlt. Had it been as
eastk et likely the twat would
have and sank. A sailboat
to Jae. Htewart turned
tenth so it was being dtemaatled
Mr the winter All. Abell got a duck-
Record Cargo of Wheat.
Fort Will'am, Nov.'. -When Lbs
steamer Willis L King departed for
Buffalo yesterday the carried the
largest cargo of wheat that has
•ver been taken from any ot
the lake ports. The King went under
the elevator spout. early Saturday
morning to load capacity. ft Is ex-
pected that her cargo will be 42(1.000
bushels. The previous grain record
was 403,(J) bushels, including part
flax, taken by the steamer Jones at
Duluth, The biggest cargo previotuly
carried from Fort William wan 384,-
000 buabels.
The Willis L King is owned by the
Interstate Company of Cleveland, and
la one of the biggest American boat.,
and this is her first trip to the head of
the lakes.
Wireless Station at Sarnia.
Sarnia, Nov. fa.-Tbe powerful wire-
less station now being constructed at
the lake shore by the Dominion Gov-
ernment is expected to he in working
order before the closing of navigation.
With a tuning radios of 00U miles, the
outfit can keep in touch with anyplace
in Lake Huron, and also with Ottawa,
North "Bay and the Soo, besides
stations on Lake Superior. The
machinery ie now being installed,
and when the aerials are 'finished me-
nages can be received from ships fitted
with a wireless. The steamers of the
Northern 'avigaticn Company and
many other boatit of Canada and the
United States have the necessaryout-
At. Three operators will be in carge
of the Point Edward station, which
will be operated by the Marconi Wire-
less Company of Canada. The station
is very valuable to navigation. as help
could be secured if an accident hal✓
pened on the lake.
The Hayward Finally Abandoned
Sarnia, Nov. 3. -Foundered upon
a bidden rock ` in Lake Huron,
and being steadily pounded to
pieces by the huge waves as they -
wash over the breakwater. is the
abandofl,ed steamer A. i). Hayward.
The interior of the freighter, includ-
ing the engine. pumps and other equip-
ment, is being carried away its eal-
Tage, while the hull remains to be
dashed to pieces by the winter storms.
A year ago last October 8 the Hay-
ward went aground off Harbor Beach,
Michigan, while trying to enter the
breakwater, which she missed by a
tew feet. the seas carrying her on to
the *bore. In spite of the engines. Tbe
twat was pulled off, patched up, and
again resumed ber journey. On the
night of November 1, 1911, while
again going up the lakes for a load of
lumber trotn the Lake Superior dis-
trict she again struck the rocks at the
same place white trying to enter.
Several attempts bare been made by
wrecking companies during the past
summer nautili the (oat off, but with
no success. Only once Ins there been
any hope of rescue : that was when
the craft was raised from the rocks
and towed a short distance. when
something broke and she settled back
again. The boat was the only large
steamer bailing out of Mount Clemens,
and so wait the pride of that town.
The Hayward was built at Manitowoc
in 1888, at a cost of 082,000. She was
137 feet in length. 28 -toot beam and 10 -
foot hold. Four years ago the boat
was rebuilt at an approximate coat of
:8,000. The owner is Captain Lacroix
of Mount Clemens, Mich. The loss to
the owner is $12,(810,
W. C. T. 11. Meeting.
The regular meeting of the W. U. T.
U. was held in the Temperance , Hall
on Monday afternoon ; the president
in the chair. The devotional half-
hour was conducted by Mrs. D. Per-
guson. Tbe Sunday scbool temperance
rally held in North street Methodist
church on Sunday last. under the
management of the superintendent of
temperance id Sunday schools, was de-
clared a delightful success, and tate
Union would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank Mr. King and bis
choir for providing the musical part of
the program, also the speakers and
Master Cecil Lynn, whose recitation
was enjoyed by all. Tbe correspond-
ing secretary was authorized to writs
the town contact! in regard to the
filthy condition of come of our side-
walks from tobacco spitting. The
curfew bell was strain brought np and
again laid over. Mrs. Davidson gave
a very full report of the Provincial
convention held at Renfrew last week.
We should like to rnaatioa two iwso.
lotions that were passed at that con-
vention :
Resolved, that Ibis convention en-
dorses the appeal from the Interna-
tional Sunday school Oooventlon ask -
Ing for 1,000,000 pledgee before JUIN,.
1914, and stroogly urge our members
to voite with other frees to accom-
plish this grand object, 41.000 being
the number allotted to Ontario.
The names of both the Hon.- Dr.
Sproule. Speaker of the House of
Oommone, and Mrs. Sproule were
brought before the meeting, and • nen
elution was carried commending the
Speaker for abolishing all strong
drink at social functions over which
be has direct jurisdiction. Mrs.
lepmnles noble stand was recognised
by a life membership in the Unions.
The reecho los reads :
"That le order to *bow our appreet.
at loo of i be noble eland takers by Mrs.
)prom-, wife of the Speaker of the
House of Commons. In not allowing
the tree of inn -mimeos at functions at
wbieb she presides, we offer ber a life
tbasherahip in our W. C. T. U.. and
tMt we send • !titer of thawke to the
Hon. lir. Sproule."
it V espeet.ed that Mae. Hydiip�, Do.
esteem oeganiser, will be here tie Ian
walk in this mooch, to M moment at
rehab eetertelaswbt to to gives at
that time, 'eider tise management ef
tuvreirlearadeist of parlor meeting.,
A very sleet Uwe ni' sham mownt-
Tanpor. Premises,N.C. Cameron's ()Id Stand
This Money -saying Fire
Sale Has Still a Few
More Weeks to Run
THIS big Fire Sale must soon come to a close. The builders have promised
us our own store back in_a few weeks. Before we move again all damaged
goods must be cleared out. There must be no trace of fire on anything
once we are back in our old quarters. The dam
gedin the
Cameyon store. Every day has its money-savi g *attractions, fork is to bet every d tad
bargains arg thrown on the counters that we never get a chance to tell you about
in the papers. Take advantage of the Big Fire Sale. You are positively sat•in�;
Our Coat Prices
Will Save You Money
The fire made a clean sweep of our Cloak
Department. The ('data we show are all
new and up-to-date garment., fresh since the
;fire. Most of them were contracted for be.
ore the fire and we had to take delivery of
there, so we hare marked them all at Fire
Sale Prices, You can save from 22.0U to
116-00 a garment buying your Winter Cont
here. Soros of the most r .,fish and attrac-
tive Winter Coat* that neve ever been in the
store are here today. We wi11 save you
money. .
More Dress Goods
We are going carefully over the.
Dress Goods stock and examining'
every end yard by yard. Every piece
that is damaged or water -marked in
any way is being thrown out on some
of the bargain tables at prices one-half
and in many cases less than one-half
what they originally sold for. We are
offering unheard ,of Dress Goods
Bargains and this week there are
Specials on each of the Fire Sale
tables that have not been there before.
Hundreds of yards of Sateen, Lin-
ings and Dress Goods, per yard 1Oc
500 yards Linings, Dress Goods
and Silks at per yard 19c
40 pieces Dress Goods and Silks,
per yard 35c
50 pieces Black and Colored Dress
Goods, regular up to $1.50 per
yard, some only alightly damaged.
Very special per yard 50c
We want to make short work ot the
Silks and have gathered together most
of the water damaged Silks and
thrown them on a table at your 1 Q
choice per yard 47
This is undoubtedly the best Silk bargain
we have offered sinoe the Sale began,
Clearing Lace Curtain Ends 2 ler Sc
Three bundrec: ends of Lacs Curtain.,
slightly damaged, also 100 Sample gods
Curtain Madras imitable for stash curtains,
etc. Clearing, commencing Saturday 5c
morning. at 2 for
Save on Underwear
We bad en immense stock of Winter
Underwear io reserve wben the fire took
piece and are cleating out all garments at
Fire Rale Priers.
Ladies' Vet. and Drawer*, Fire Rale 1!e
Better quality, heavy weight, per garment age
All other lima Children's and Iadiee' Underwear
5 Suits at $8.85
Flee only ladies' Tweed Salts„ nice
abodes of grey. High "rade garaent•,
tailor nMdw Sado lining &h.olutely
perfect. Part of a 1.4. sbipmat that
arrived after the Are. The regular valves -
of these wee 110141.40. $ip•dal Q Q =
Fare Sais Pam. ,
Are You (ioing to
Buy Furs?
!f you are. we ran positively save yea
money. It is our In eotkrn to clear out i h.
I'ur stock completely. Every pteceAbe ah.,w,
we can guarantee. gather than offer „nr
we cannot sell, hemming that they will lint
give the buyer satisfaction, we decided t•,
take a total loss on anytbintt that was .it
all imperfect. The ba tines of the stork h.,. -
been put imperfect condition by en rape, :
furrier, ho exaneioed them carefully Th. -e
we are selling at nee -fourth to one.ti,i,.)
below regular prices.
Of Alaska Sable and Persian Lamb wr
have a particularly good stock and in tie --e
or any other Fur we will positively save yr•..
Save on Parasols
Money - saving thanes on Uuubrrlt t -
Parasol.. Tbe entire stork to he elenre.i.
$1.75 and
$2.7s to
$4.00 and
$2.00 Umbrellas $i.i0
$3.51 Umbrellas $1.19
$5.00 Umbrellas $3.19
Fur Cellar Coats $ 15.50
Ladies' black bearer cloth (Jwte, bMvv
quality tinier, rubber interlined. Collas
and revers of Sable. High-class
garment.. Fire Sale Price ...' X15.50
Vestings Slightly Water Soiled 15c
Three hundred garde of white Vesting or'
Waisting material, 8 or 10 neat pattern..
regular 26c to 8&•. slightly soiled by
water but once washed as good as •faC
ever. Fire Sale per rod 1
Still a Few Prints Left at 10c
About 300 yards best ;qualityEnglish
Print, 122c and 15c quality. e wan(
to clear them out before we move hark
to bar own store. Fire Rale Price, 10
per yard 111c
ainghams. Prints and tluslins 7c
Two hundred and fifty yards of Cellan
Dress Materials. Ginabe... Prints and lfn.l,nv.
reguler 1210 for 'TSe. (,7apring per 7c
$5.00 Down Comforters $2.95
Seven only real Eiderdown Comforter..
top of good geality Art Sateen. Asw,rt..i
pastern's. Regular SLOP. Fire $2.95
Rale Price
An $8.50 Comforter for $4.90
One only high-grade Eiderdown Cow
forte?, closely filled with pun eiderdown
Light shades French Sateen finished with
plain frill. Regular 118.50. Fire $4.90
M Price
Flannelette Underwear
Special in Plannelette Oriente for Sethi
day selling. Full siz., well --Dade gar
meets. in plain white, plata pink or fancy
stripes. All at Piro Sale Pr{oMt.
Fur -lined Coats $37.50
Foot Daly Lies' Pur -lined Goats. Lin-
ing of good quality Bat, abet) of bleb -grade
ail-wooAustria* Beaver *loth. =rod',
revers heavy Wasters 8ahN. Thee are
regular 500.00 garsetbts. We
Writ Sem frier to .ell at seen. �aaJ^r
t � eras positively gwaraetae these gar
~is., Nos
(tam for tate Olrri.tueaa ands just .te assn psH
.-rived at the Bropbey studio, flea
and see them and take your appoint
newts early.
Ynatsrr Deem_
J.1 r
ars stand