HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-11-14, Page 9!lased Early.
ikea tort -Wby doesn't baby talk;
P lber-- 1. raw'' t stk ve. titer.
Tows/ 16.1,4►. Prosy .1...
Glen OA. yea. they do J
read to me out rd
Miler esrsdayed the dhs was
Fitwell Hais
you would really like to
Come here and select
from our large and varied stock the trinkets you'd like,
and there ask our prices. You'll be surprised how
many a little money will buy.
Jeweller and Optician Corner Colborne St. and &Juane
The growing demand
for Fitwell Hats is due to
their superior style and
quality. No other make
embodies the same degree
of distinction and value
at a popular price. Once
you get to wearing them
you will be a regular cus-
These hats combine the
Fitwell and Union labels
aa a double guarantee of
style and workmanship.
You can be _sure of abso-
lute satisfaction by wear-
ing a " Fitwell."
McLean Bros.
The Square, (ioderich
The borne of Semi -Ready Tailor-
ing. Agents for the Famous
t)at-hartt Overalls and Smocks,
Fitwell Hats. Stanfield's Pure
Wool Underwear.
The weekly market reports and do-
ings of farm conventions are two
things that every farmer should, in his
own interest, real carefully. The
Weekly Sun, Toronto, the farmer's
busiwesu paper, is away in the lead of
all others wbeu it comes to looking
after the fatrner's interests. To the
farmer it is worth many times the
subeariptiuo price.
We live not fur ourselves alone; all
the world is kin.—Andrew Carnegie.
The News of the District
ki+46+.4644.445466354645+ +46*+ ' 4+64+64+ 6+ ++++++a+.4•+ot
MormaT, Nov. 11th. WgnizsDAY. Nov. Mb. TVIONDAY. Nov. lath.
g ePearl lluttotownship. vi.itdttgtrknds To Hoerr At a/rttlata S PPitit AND of the executive toff the BloauIN o. who ion oneofthegmenw&elected.
iplivray .foe
L. J. L. Na lOfib. celebrated t3mteh'. Hill Wowse'r Co-operatlre by the county council to look atteethe
with as oyster lllesioaary y' Huron count yy exhibit of apples at the
std of November Y of hire Ferguson Monday y I t it R
Aedeath of John Cowan, of t,
ship,. occurred oil TboredsiY
1 Wt., in the sey.uty-elnistb year of
MoxDAY, Nov. 11th.
Jobs Quigley has returned to De-
is .her spending a few weeks in
ds locality.
▪ yengblut, of Loadesb'r , has
hared butne after emending
mina in Siaakatcbewaa.
Ttioa Scott and family, of Londes-
Ip', have removed to Brantford,
ease they will make their home.
yr. and Mrs. B. Allen. A. El'iott
✓ B Herriogtoo left a week ago
garday fur Parry Sound district.
Cyt it. Me:lrrxo.--Council met at
le essvilte Novr her 4th, pursuant
• ad uinment. 311 memters pros=
H. K. Revell was present and
Missed the council In regard to a
antsy at the 4th concession railway
p g. He suggested that tbe
smell should bring the matter before
he Railway Board, as the croseiog is
dangerous one and should have
rine protection. The council took no
Nine bit left the manes over for
Other consideration. The following
Wants were passed ; Municipal
W orld, supplier'. > : Sioderioh Star,
oiesieg, $35.1111; selection jurors. 117 ;
Jervis. fencing Colborne bridge,
imam cedar and hanging lantern
S.tciet held at the home
on oo a last,
was decided to hold • supper and cou-
cart oo the evening of Friday. Decem-
ber 27tb. Further announcement
Seed Grain and Potatoes frau tbe Do-
minion Experimental Farms.
By instructions of the Hoo. Minister
of Agriculture a distribution of super-
ior aorta of grain and potatoes will be
made duriug the comic winter and
springto Uanadi•a farmers. The
sampis for general diatributiod will
consist of spring wheat (5 lbs.). white
oats (4 lbs.). barley (5 lbs.), and field
peas (6 Itis These will be sent out
from Ottawa. A distribution of pota-
toes (in 8 Ib. samples) will be carried
on from several of the experimental
Ontario fru t-rowersexhibiteoo at
Toronto this week left for the city on
Monday. Re bas also an exhibit of
his own and by the appearance of the
selections they ought to be good
rnougb for some of the prizes.
Ts.T11ro TH& FIR& Boors E. --The
Are oompany got a sudden call on Fri-
day &bout 1 o'clock. When the alarm
was rung the company turned out
qutckly and were at the G. T. R. sta-
tion and bad a strewn going in seven
minutes. There was no fire. however
it was just • plan of Reeve llilne's to:
try the company, and if they do aa
well at a fire tbere is no doubt they
will do good work and save the town
• great de.l of loss.
SST. ANDREW'S ANNIvgtulAlat.—Tbe
anniversary- cervices of St. Andrew's
church took place on Sunday last
under most favorable condition,. par -
farms, the Central Farm at Ottawa ticularlpp in that the weather' was
supplying only- the Provinces of On -Rev. Mr. Abraham, of Guelph.
tario and Quebec. All sample► will be officiated and preached two splendid
sent,freeby mail. sermons. The choir also did well, be -
Applicants must give particulars in ing assisted by Mrs. (Rev.) J. L.
regard to the soil on their farms, and Small, of Heepeler, and Mire Pridham, at a price that Snakes tt the cheapest
account count of their experience of Goderich. Tbere were large con- land in Canada, 'of course. taking its
with such kinds of gram (or pots- gregations at both services. especially quality into consideration.
tore) as they have Shown, so that a in the evening, when there was no The value of advertising is conceded
promising sort for their conditions -Methodist ' - —'
may be selected.
Farb application must be separate
and must be signed by the applicant.
Only one sample, of grain and one
of potatoes can be sent to each farm.
Application. on any kind of pted
form cannot be accepted•two
more samples are nuked for in tbe
some letter only one will be sent.
II; Geo. Middleton, lumber. $16.23; As the aupply of meed is Ilona.,
boat. Brown, tile, $18. Tbe rnuncil farmers are advised to apply early ;
�mtrned to meet the first Monday but the applicalinns will not neces-
bjHceu,ner at 10 a. in. Y. W. TRX- warily 'e filled in the exact order in
CUM .. Clerk. which they are received. Preference
.will always be given to the moot
1'Dula&DAh, Novara/out 13, tVlj 11
being able to possess all
the artistically designed
ornaments and the at-
tractively fashioned utili-
Zties in
President Raosford Gives Some Facts
and Figures.
Tbe following call bas keen sent out
by the president of the Clinton Board
of 'Trade for the county publicity
meeting to be held in that town on the
21st Inst. :
It 161 a well-known fact that the
population in the rounty of Huron is
decreasing. In 1901 Lbe population
was 61,83), in 1911 52.9Ri, or a loss
equal to 15 per oent. This is a se: ions
condition of strafes. it affects the
well-being of the whole county. It
tends to depreciate tbe values a faro-
ing land and town property. In the
opioion of experts, the land in the
county of Huron today is purcbasable
MONDAY, Nov. 11.
RAS. Button' has returned borne
how the West.
Mrs. Fergu'on and Miss Freda are
lame after an extended visit in the
is fortunate for 'many Lecknow
people that the weather remains mild,
as it is difficult to get coal
TheLucknow curling club hags re-
crganised for the coming season with
Me following officers : President, J.
G. Murdoch : vice-president., Alex. Mc-
Pherson sectetaty treasurer, G. H.
Smith. .
BCu\tois CHARDS. —F. W. Ford bas
t&Idhis hardware business to John Bell
sed Roward Doose, two young men of
Culrost. Fdt a time the store will he
in charge of Mr. Duffy, an eaperient'ed
hiidware man from fibolburne. Mr.
Ford and family will remove to Kings-
viile. their former borne.
thoughtful and explicit requests. Ap-
plications received after the end of
January Will probably be too late.
All applications for grain (and appli-
cations from the Provioces of Oottr'io
and Quebec for potatoes) should be
addressed to the Dominion, Cerealist,
Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.
Such applications require no postage.
If otherwise addressed delay and dis-
appointment may occur.
Applications for potatoes from
fernier: in any other Province should
be addressed moisten/4e prepaid) to the
superintendent of the nearest branch
Experimental FAT it) in that Province.
Director, Do,uit.ion Experimental
Gxrrtsu A Mo•E Ott.—As noted in
these columns last week, a Board of
Trade bas been organised in Lucknow,
and The Sentinel jubilate* in this
faabi n : "It is almost worth a about
of Laos Deo to see the people of
Lueknot,• at last making a move
towards the betterment of industrial
readitior.s. Even though, by any mis-
chance. no tangible results should
follow. the movement will Kill have
hero worth while as showing that
we bate among ua a few people wbo
are thinking along right lines and are
walling to work to elevate Lucknuw-
non the fruitless. stick-in-the-rnud
policy that bas prevailed here Wo long.
Bat we expect results of no doubtful
Lind to follow : the time is ripe and
the need i6. :t crying one ; those who
were wide enough awake to see the
need will not tot until some remedy
has been applied. Godspeed to tbeui :
and may no citizen of the village be
disloyal enough to cast one difficulty
in their wad.'
Clubbing Arrangements. _
The Toronto Mail and Empire offer.
its daily edition from now to April 1st
next tor 41. Subscribers to 'L'he Sig-
nal may obtain it for this period at 83
sou if orders are loft with or mailed
le The Signal. This special offeri
collections amounted to about S'G30.
Potter, one of the oldest residents of
this district, passed away on Sunday
at the advanced age of eighty-four honey into our county.
years. He had not' beep i11 very to order t•r stir up public interest. 1.0
long. He resided on his farm on the folly discuss the subject and to arrive
outskirts of the village, where he had wt the best way of carryiog it into ef-
fect, a meeting of representatives
hum all over the county bas been
called to be held in the town ball,
Clinton, on Thursday. November 21.1,
at 1 p. en. sharp. to which your honor-
able body is hereby requested to send
be and an opp•Irtune time toadver-
tpabe the county of 11 iron. and in that
way endeavor to direct a part of the
stream of immigr*i ion. and consequent
wealth, that is p nnring into Canada
one of tbe best farms in this locality.
His wife predeceased him quite a few
years ago. Thoee left to mourn aim
are five sons and two daughters all
living here with the exception of Mrs.
Johnston. of British Columbia, .tnd
Dr. Will, of Iowa. Tbe deceased
• Unanimous Verdict.
Newsp'per publishers and citizens
generally throughout the Dominion
are unanimous in their opinion that
the picture entitled "Mother's Treas-
ures; given w`thtTb t Family
Heraldl. th
and Weekly
season. is a most delightful and beau-
tiful subject. Here is the opinion uL
one publisher : '• •Motber'a Treasurer'
1. a [Harvel of beauty. The subject is
one that will have it tendency to Wingham Saturday Mrs. Gar -
always took an active part in further- one or more delegates. W UI you
fog the welfare of the coniw�nity and kiudly Intimate as soon as possible
had been councillor and reeve of Wa- ' what attendance we may expect from
waucab. The funeral took place ou you' Joule K.axdeoRD.
Tuesday and was very largely at-
tended. The Masonic Order, of which Clinton,ePOresident
Cl ntoo Boa
deceased was one of the oldest mem-
ben io thio locality. had charge of the
service. The remains were interred J. C. Rockwell's Sunny South Co.
in Trinity church cemetery : it was it
gift from the deceased to the church J. C. Rockwell's Sunny South Cam -
some years ago. i pany w hich is announced to appear
PXRtONAL AND ONSINRAL.—Mr. Mc- in the Opera House, Uoderich. Wed -
Donald, who as one of the nest agents nesday evening, November 20th, is
of the Frost Fence Co. has for a num.(the colored nigania ition that appeared
ber of yeah been presented with a here about two years ago. At that
free trip, had the same offer this year, I time it gave uonouuded wati,faction ;
but beiog unable to go presented the in 'fact. it was generally conceded to
opportunity to Neil Taylor, who be one of the newt pleasing perform -
jumped at the cbaoce and left last ances ever presented on the local
wee for Hamilton, whence the ex- stage. Mr. Rockwell does net believe
cursiou starts. Among the places to in putting the greater part of his
he visited are Niagara Falls. Buffalo, salary allotment Into one or two Geta
Hamilton, Albany, New York acs and allowing the balance of the per -
Washington Mrs. Thompson, forwance to suffer through the t or -
who had been visitiog with her ployruent of cheaper onee, which al -
daughters here for some time, re- ways disgust the experienced patron,
turned to her home at Clinton on Fri- but he has found that the expenditure
day Myles. Morgan visited with of money for the purpose of making
ft lends at Brussels the past week each act and detail complete pays
Robt. Sloan spent a few hours in twice over in the box oMoe 'ocelots.
This etplaine wby the perforwancee
given by this company are always up-
to-the-mimite and send the audience
home feeling satisfied tbst they have
had full value tor their money. Quite
often the speed limit in fun is exceeded
and the salience throws into con
vulsions of laughter. 1t is a sus iftly
moving panorama of mirth. music and
melody, never loud, never vulgar.
There is every ingredient of gayety
and melody. The Olio is composed of
a strong array of vaudeville talent.
equalled by few and surpassed by
none. Tbe comedy, wbich abounds
throughout, is said to be of an un-
usually diverting character and tree
from the horseplay usually sero io
performances of this kind. The
organization is accompanied by a solo
concert band and a superb orct,estra.
Tbe band will head the Koontowu
parade, taking place at noon. The
prices of admission have been pieced
at i t, 35 and 50 cents. Seats are now
to selling at Edwards'.
strengthen borne ties, We. in the
samebusiness, wonder bow you can
afford to give such value in picture.
besides the vast amount of good tbiogs
in The Fatuity Herald and Weekly
Star." Signed.E. W. Richards, The
Mirror. Millbrook No home in Can•
ads should be without this beautiful
picture. One dollar pays • full years
subscription to Tbe Family Herald
and Weekly Star, including the pic-
ture, which is ready for framing. size
21 by 29 ioches. It u a big dollar's
worth. indeed.
Beekeepers Meeting.
Tbe annual meeting of the Huron
county Beekeepers' Association was
held at Clinton October 31.1. The at-
tendanre was not large, but matters of
great interest were discussed and
bee men who missed thie me ti o%
missed one of the best g Rs
the kind ever held in the county.
The Provincial apiarist, Mr. Morley
Pettit. was unable to attend, but
s s a s 1 Mr. provided
Miller, of ofntheble Guelphtitute College
intended 1 to [rover lbs approachingj
stenion of Parliament. New su1scrib• (The speaker handled his subject.
en to The Signal may secure the twos Spiiog Management of Bees ande-
Aspen, from now until April let next queening; very ably. He
for folio, out tbe unportance of having
queens in ea.:b hive, ready to raise a
Printeri EITOrs. , good supply of young bees in August
and September and this have strong
Rohan W. Chambers, the novelist,,cotoniem in spring. The necessity
was correcting pioofsat a desk in bis of requeeniog was strongly
ngly im rd
d best
eh. end the easiest an methods
"TOPearwphical wanes are the Nine explained. The next speaker was
M all writers," he said. •'Tbe other E. F. Br ainare, of Lambeth. of Bees." siasih-
day yet Roosevelt was advocating jest, "Outside 3Vinteriwg
tis purity of the harlot'—he'd Bennie. was a timely topic end every
-sire to bring about 'the purity of it will profit by follow -1
tie iWt
diner, of Exeter, is visiting with her
son bete at present Frank An-
derson spent a few hours on business
at Clinton on Thursday Miss
Butler visited with her sister at Luck -
now over Sunday Mr. Tisdale, of
Hamilton. G. T. R. detective, was
here Friday summonsing Miss Bainton
as a witness in a case at `Stratford. it
seen some time ago Rainton tiros.
shipped some goods to a firm in
Mitchell who never received them.
While the detective was searching in
the quarters of foreigners at Stratford
be ran across a bundle of gloves which
be was able to trace by private marks,
and Miss Baioton was called to iden-
tify the goods Fred Thompson
spent the week -ens with his brother
at Teeswater .... Miss L. Brigbam,
of Loodesboro'. and Miss Harland, of
Clinton, visited Mts. John Mills this
Through Pullman Sleeping Car
Ottawa Via Grand Trunk Railway.
The Grand Trunk Hallway operate
a through Pullman sleeping ass edity ? Powell—"1 should say 1 dad.
(electric lighted) to (Ottawa, leaving 1 married the daughter of • judge,
Toronto 10.46 p. m. daily. and she is always laying down tlaw
Bei th reservations and full par. to we."
ticulars may be secured from nearest
Grand Trunk agent. F. F. Lawrence
& Sons, town attests.
Ilowell—"Do you believe io her-
ot.' Butin my paper the
iter made it read *the purity of
awe ballet ''
"Idid once suffer myself—not in a
bout' in s speech. 1 was addressing
a Scottish literary society. and
Mpw with the words •BrItb Roots.'
But the typeestter made me begin :
With Biliousness and Sick
t algae)-, Anew July ft. 1911.
I Ira• a rate atltlRer for • lontaw g
with butoussesa siek hewdaehe
w�vertraaw [r
kiotbing seemed
s gond. 1 bad aliens,
Ohne up Is
is tri .&specs wawa i deckled
ng the methods he ablyy- outlined.
Thomas Fraser. of Brucefield. spoke
on "benefits of the Asaociatioo to the
Members." He declared that the in -
wwast adggrre tehelpnAnd many
valuable snggeetions were laid down
in a way that mo amount of book the-
ory could do. altbofigh he hnhesadvoandcated
s careful study
journals. The officers for next year
are : leaac Dodd, Clinton. president
Thomas Fraser, Brumfield. viee•OreSt-
dset t Jacob Raberer, Zurich, ware-
eer♦terry-tremors, : Alfred Uarr. Birth.
delegate to the Ontario beekeepers'
meeting at Toronto. November iA to
weasetses Isgakhalf f a Los the
r"ved. i V• jttalenY
�e1aiM tY
'�s� s sited teat as willM east. I
• e• end s Hg Mb tor
„ dd ♦t arN ver britstdm.
Mas' VIAL T ILtsrn.
M Sri sod M evert
T� Oat. The Fig PM co..
How's This
o.We nShor •••116011Mlli*• ^T!' f _eL`!TCogan% OM
mop Mr 1", ^' s Ar•grate
ib Nag`s moor PILI.. w reertir+nee.
Ohre &coeds mere minify, as a safe,
Owe a woman we la e tensa. —Oars
Duty os Big Shipment of Cattle
Amounted to $S, reg.
The Forest Fres Press of recent date
s. s:
Cattle dealers and shippers hers
state that the cattle trade is rather
unsatisfactory, owing to dull markets
and low prices. but • visit to the
butcher shop shows that the price of
meet is steadily going up.
7 here is a big difference between the
price of beef tto foot and on the block.
Costly and unneennery tariff walls
have much to do with It. Here le a
W alking demonstration. Mat Friday
J. M. O'Uosnell shipped from Forest
170 bead of eboioe heef cattle. which
be bad mid to the g. Ali. 0.., Chi-
cago. Thew cattle were seat by
. psdel tasks diesel to New 'Fork for
aoeweaspalt.a sad Mr. O'Dosaell paid
over des tbeus•nd dollars In day to
est them swam the Boa Tbie wee a
tit l w heed, sed tbat lowas
suuisIeai the farmers around
/area wises the settle. When will
rillimane last 1 both by tariffs
evhbory. sed thatt bib producers
wad semieseare ens the denim t
�,il!r '
�d lid 1
not only keeps cold out, bat
cooaerves body -Mantis; body'
fat serves the same purpose.
it enables us to resist uraetl sd
elements and serves as the
great source of our body -best
Greater body-wanntk means
richer blood. more fat, not
obesity bet fat which elle body
consumes for warm& vitality.
resistance -power- as a furnace
consumes coal For heat—
Seott's Erna/Pion does this.
A teaspoonful after each
meal makes body -warmth --
h ealthy. active blood —
trsharps& thesakewt1111 good foortite do good.
A.riass oaf sad horse woe wale
by raising endurance -power
mad creating strength.
Sksje« swistasew /b SCOTT'S.
WHO a Morse Tensaw (Marie Hrat
if you have not yet got
leave your order at.once
wart at. TM tly.todata Tatter
Transcona will be one of the greatest railway
centres of the West. Tbe Grand Trunk Pacific bad
large shops located there, the Canadian Pacific
Railway bas established immense freight yards, and
it has been persistently rumored that the Canadian
Northern Railway will move their entire .hope from
Fort Rouge to Trauscona.
Transcoois future as a manufacturing city, as
well as a railway centre, is assured, and several large
industries are already eatablieheJ, requiring a la, ge
number of inen.
many times over in the next two years. and there
are big profits for the investor who .buys today.
We have a number of lots to sell at Trana^ona-
anti offer i.bem very tdvaptageous terms to Gode
rich purchasers.
Write tor our booklet, which tells all about
Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe
agent in GCDERICH
WINNIPEG, MAN. Sural Telephone 6 r 6
•22' Canada Life Building
The Signal ,r° NEW SUBSCRIBERS $1.00
to Jan. 1st 1914, for •
.e=t=i ==== g==u%
A ri
THE HAPPY THOUGHTRANGE is still the leading range
on the Canadian market. 11 burns less oottl and gives letter
cooking result& with a small quantity of cosi than most stoves
do with a large quantity.
T. Swans'
'Bus, Livery
and Back Stables
liner ore TAF. &(&OARS
Pwa.Pni.is eoli.d for in
any pat t of ties town for
all wain. at 0. T. R. or
O. !. R. dT.4e. Prompt
.eraksand ra•erul alrres
dans •
Our Livery tied Hsieh
omen. will Iv fnwat
-Ante i.. P.P ) r, -.i e•-1
'emir pa, m . r,rs,.1 s.rlk 1' . d
me ler Montreal Yr n rt.
THE RADIANT HOME HEATER still leads the market, us
w heater. It is generally acknowledged to be the strongeet
beater on the market.
Owing to the scarcity of bard coal we have put in a line of
Oak Heaters wbicb will burn Hard ;Coal. Soft Coal, Coke or
Portland Gement 0
We have lust received another ccarload
Coke and Wood
We are reoeiviog a carload a work of Solvay Obeetnut Coke
This Croke is giving universal satisfaction and a great number Of
our ct'stomers saythe prefer it to the Hard Coal, and it •,,e
much cheaper. ou burn very little more In bulk and it weigh4
only half as much s.+ Hard Coal ; consequently you reduce.
your fuel bill by fully one-third.
We have just received another carload of slabs and can give
prompt reteution t.I any orders.
Our Shelf sad Heavy Hardware was never' more complete.
Another barrel of Uolumbia U, y ('ell Flatteries just in.
Let us figure on your plumbing.
trots/Meg. etc.
11 !'hone
heating, teem no wir,niy11
Store 22 Howie I I L