HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-11-14, Page 6r TavaeeAT. lldlhlava - 14. MS MS BLADDER TERRIBLY IMAM NIpitu smal Ili AS Larder Lake. Oat., )!lane% adds. "I had hems auQe rias lot ales /tear with my Kidneys sad Ovine. I teal 000staatly lamming water, which w/ very scanty, sometimes as assay ea Eddy tomes a day. Each time the pain wm s something re ing awful, and no t et ats I Yc+rd of your GIN PI1j..S and decided to give than a trial at osee. I seat my cbwa 6o miles to get them sad I am pleased to inform you that in tea: tbasaie hours, I felt rebel. In two days, the pain had left me entirely. I took about half a box and today I Seel as well &s ever and my kidneys ase acting quite 'Natural again." SW CASTLE MAN. G 1 N PILLS soothe the irritated bladder—beat the sick, weak, painful kidueyr--reed drengtben both these vital organs. Money back if , Sqx. • hos.,6 for Sas sigmasfree if you write Nationald'.�aa111or aaltl cal to , of Canada. Limitedisa Winter Tours t0 Calitornia, Colorado, Mexico and Pacific Coast Points The GrandTrunk Railway is the mord direct toute from all points ltavt'ihrougb -Canada via Chiesgo. FEATURES Double Track, Fast $erviee, Fie - est Raadbed, Modern Equipment. Unexcelled Dining Car Mei vice. All elements of safety end earn - fort. TO THE SUNNY SOUTH No more lrsituhle relate (hart vie Gir.and Trunk to Detroit, tisence via fhncinnati to. Jacksonville. Petro Beech. Nassau, etc. Round trip tickets. giving choice of ail the best routes, together with full information and reser vas ion*, mw be obtained from ueere.t Grind Trdnk- Agent. or write A. K 4)aff, D: P. A., Toronto, Oat: F. F.LA1ti RRNi'ki At Soma Agents, Uoddrieh.' 'Phone No. S. Office hours 8:.10 a. tu. to 89() p. or. TWO i ►ifiltjt • TO CH:6. A G!_)10 When you begin t.) sued and leer a bun.. n,• x,�, ionaa:in the nasal liestetees, or when a ttckhng irritation its your throat starts you co,sg;ting, the first important thing is to act at once. it's the neglected color that t.erruie, trouble- some and dangerous. be second itoportant thing to do is to t;,ke Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Lic..ricr and Chlorodyne, and keep it up till the Load disappears entirely. Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne is sh;ol;;teiy free from harmful drugs, and can safely be given even to moderately young children. It is pleasant tasting and quick acting. promptly relieving the: irritation of the throat and nostrils, loosening the mucus, promoting ezpeetoration, and checking the cold. Your druggist has Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice and Chlorodyne In 25c and Sac bottles, ocean quickly get it for you. Compounded by the National =and Chemical Co. of Canada, j��d 315 Q�ma &At.< c'ii t Vt ST. TaOriA$. OMl. Owreawd far esai•eatial etemeatioa. The `!deet C.Bae►Baaee` fa wake to memo a training for roar tie's work. Thorough reruns h Jlfrie Painting. Orators. Hier aaltaL Demises Cedes, ass Deestie *Masa. targe sasam laselrtsg seliron- mon. *selene nose imam health of atedesta. Sates ineda .&. B.er1 girl sorb aa ALA Malabo. Ramsar pm- aaesst., amt as rapaestion to Preheated. 42 MIT THS Bt3ST : IT PAYS el, err Pr AO' irt•frb• lessear as W r.4u Dion we' aha m tedwe *tom d tsv :Vette gum were rerenur It's a good plan to Make Comparisons Before Buying Your SUiT OR OVERCOAT Atter you hare inspected the suite offered at differ rot atoees, take the two you like beet home •o• se- ems -AL" There before your own mirror and away all outside iafiuosees, you and your family can cart - full compare the style. quit ,worLsWah;p and value of the pand make your chaise. W wsrsuggest this phis he- rmit* ' that Toe nttk al e�i the wit or t.ve.e•ewat frees tate stere. Whether yen want to =SW $I . WS or some doubtlessesless Sad justHiost wwhha& reel west hart•. M. ROBINS (►pica oreai(ap to y p, m THE SIGNAL GODERIOH ONTA RIO WILSON'S 616 VICTORY RS veli W Talt Left Per Minted be Ms Democratic Can/mime ♦lthetttgr Use complete minims of MN vote east la the Caned States last week will [sot be available for some tame. ole victory of Woodrow Wilma the Democratic candidate was so de- cisive that the actual figures will be a matter of entail moment. • Coternur Wilson was elected Presi- dent by tete overwbehalag electoral majority traumata -di of 299 votes. HN plurality over Roosevelt, who. It was pt • .. i•.ted would sive him snob a 'WOODROW WILSON President-elect of the United States close race, is placed at 311 elector.: totes, and over Taft 399 electoral votes. the standing so far as a„cer• tallied being. WJlsou 415; Rootevea 104; Taft 12; necessary for a choice) 266. Wilson's estimated plurality trot? Is 1,321.550. In 190s fait won by 1.336.352 Rooaetel: carried but sic star... Hiram Johnson failed to carry (;a1, torula dor him, and the suffragette bestowed their favor elsewhere. De spite his Mason and Dixie line pto- climatlon, the Colonel failed to carry a single. southern State. Michigan the birthplitee of the Republican and Progremalve parties, deserted the par V of Lincoln to follow the Colons! POWERS iN HARMONY So Declares Eritiah Premier;' Navy Stronn anu Efficient Say. Churchill Seldom, .•t ell at a Mansion Hous banquet, have more. momentous speeches' been delivered by Ministers of the Crown than on Saturday. Ex- pr'ration was a. f-•cr . teat concern- ing Mr. Asgwt!r s pronouncement re - 'Reeding the Bailouts "it is a validate - don," declared th- Premier, amid cheers. "to he able W LGsure you and the Bursts that so fa', as this coteery is concerned. its relations" with the other powers have, without a single exception, never been more friendly or Cordlal. The great powers of Europe, while each maintaining Its own special alliances and friendship unimpaired, are working together with a closeness and frankness. freedom of communi- cation and disrusslon, which is re- markable. and which, Indeed. may seem almost uutnte111gfble to those who believe that because for certain purposes +•the powers have been and are rauged in different group&, they must therefore in time of a European crisis be arrange -1 1n op;,oslte camps. Nothing is further from tact." Mr. Winston Churchill. First Lord of the Admiralty-. responding to the toast "The Naval Forces." said: "This year has witnessed Important naval developments. The fleet has been re- organized upon. a romplete symmetri- cal plan. An entire new squadron of very powerful ships has been placed In full commission, and we have re- cruited the largest number of sailors and stokers of any year in • modern times. Nearly three times as many teen have been !recruited In each month, upon an average, of the pre- sent year than was the case to the year which preceded ft" TAX REPOEIII COMMA TEE November teth Named as Day When It Will $tart Hearing Evidence The special committee of the On - Milo Legislature to oonalder proposed ,asseadmeats to the Assessment Aet lirfll oomasoace Its labors on Tuesday. November 1itb. It flu the tateation of Hon. W. J. Hanna, who will k MI probability net as Makatea. to lavtte Mea varies* tam tledmilt their ' e asked meyMeasetis 'dna They sat together and have elle representative dad with each phase of the qutattes. in this way M avast deal of valueless repetition mill be avoided, and the informatics =ed will be sneered la concise Casada Te. Attractive `As organisation. the prime object tt trt$eb win be to asosaraga bumf ne to I Ialnaaat toad diaeoerege essestally to Casella a hides when was as bastaess masa et 8L w formed esioa AMsoclaties et nemeses at ta. E" A statement seat oat by L*eb. .1 the Oras[ Northers declared dens, tee last eve ammillse —. lave ~Mad Naafis Ile United Obsess. taineg with pm i1111.SN.MS worth household mai sad seaddasrt. Lend Perwees Deese Long /mares, bed et lhosess Desi nay, the great dipballdlas said I amisisaag Imes. asig tM Pease, LM. pt aresaaafa, Sod at Landes eta Saler bpp at this age et dirty. sats Paw Bestowed lbs. *bar lt� the � dans Wagertearer enigma eases *ma fl * _ ha germ as baa taw* slew Slut Spanish PutAwr1W Wei The aysaaiM Premier dere Castors* was ansasSaatod ee Tvaby. The seawall,' was eapared by the pedes. He gave the name of Mersmsi Pardiwas Serrate Martin. and said lie was r years aid. Martin fired four shote at Predator Caaaaelas u M was entering the Ministry of the ta- torler to attend a oahtwet meating. Two of the [Mets struck the statesman behind the right ear and hs fell dead On the spot. The murderer is bellev,d to be ■n anarchist LINER HARD AGROUND Royal George Turned Over to insur- ance Companies—Loss Heavy Just as her 014 passengers. aper their week's Atlantic trip. were get- ting their trunks and grips together, preparatory W landing at Quebec, the splendid C R steamer, Royal George ran on the rocks of the island of Or Imam about ten miles below Quebec. late last Wednesday afternoon. A thin fog prevailed at the time, but the channel at this !mint Is well known to navigators. It 1a stated that the ves- sel. which was making her last trip of the season, was travelling at full speed ao that the passengers mlgbt be landed at Quebec in time to pass the Immigration officiate. The acci- dent occurred at high tide. The sud- denness of the mishap, In a location where my man on board the ship sus- t petted there lurked the least menace of danger. caused corratderable coir fuston among the passengers, but there was r.pthing in the nature of a panic. The news of the accident was Hash- ed by the shlp'e wireless apparatus to Quebec a short time after the yes- it eel struck and several tugs( were sent ( to the aseistence of the helpless yes- d eel which lay with her bow high in the air. About Ave hundred of the ge passengers were taken off during the night and sent from Quebec to Mon- treal by special train. A fierce gale which blew up early Tttureday morning made it impoesible to rearove the remaining Ave hundred ' k odd passengers, who alt day Thursday were thought to be In a position of n considerable peril, owing to the Po.- Re sniffler of the boat toppling over at tea any momeri. During; Friday the remainder of the passengers were transferred to tugs i /end taken to Quebec, and the personal beagage of all the paasengere was safely taken off. The stranded vessel , vas Wok In a great deal of water on Fri- • 10 day as she swung about badly in the wind, being held by the' centre as we on a sort of pivot. !RR The.:. Canadian ehrthern Railway tin Co. decided on Sunday to abandon the vessel to the underwriters. The' mo insurance on the Royal George amounts wi W $1,2!5.000 but the total loss would reach a figure nearer two millions of ye dollars. In the meantime it is un- tie likely that (urtbee efforts will be made to release the boat until the the next high tides which occur on Nov. tet toe 1 --7 Rinds Tex Priests, Ottawa (.itlaan. M f t is ao slander to my Lim the TIE I prienhood has as a rule been append to new tbosRbt and tslfe•1 asthma It is eosistitutioually eaasery title, as I might he expected, wbI,k Same better than tee opposite , At the present tete, wbsa the ad Iof reforms frequently dad strongest opposition floss tete cbu.cb, It is gratifying to find a goodly euwber of he Es. Priest* wbo have declared themselves Paster Ituesdl Presumes Astounding Views. Ne Otalrus That the Tins Fer t tablislsrient of Messiah's Kin le Hee* — Net Recognizing Truth, Papacy, Pretest ant Nun Hs Civil Powers et Earth Abut 1. Unite In Cornmen C got>rda openly to favor of single tax. The Mirror, of St. Louts, published This last week an excellent article on the and matter, quoting at length the vim. Ars of certain p+iesIa who bad ad+orated &use. single tax, Rev. Thomas McLoughlin, of New Rochelle, N. Y. said : have Men en ardent propagandist of he economic theories, on account of the wonderful temporal blessings I believe its prsetical realisation would secure to mankind, and still more o• account of the great sp ritual bleseiogs to follow the adoption of its principle. With Cardinal Manning. as well as many other bishops, priests and laymen of the Catholic cbuteb, 1 bold that the single tax would practically abolish involuntary poverty, and with it the temptations and sins poverty too often brings." The Very Rev. Richard Burtaell, a famous Catholic scholar and linguist, aid: of Hoodoo►, N. T., said : "The pelnci- the pie underlying the single tax, if once Ds understood. appeals everywhere to sympathy and co-operation for its ams spread. This principle is the im- trov- portant difference between the control ring of the natural bounties and the control of the results of labor, whether bodily or mental " Father Thomas K. Cox, of Chicago,*hose t letbulla Lemke are universallknown, and Bisbcp Nulty were also strongly in favor of single tax. There citations are made to •bow the land reforta uiovetoeot inaugur- ated by Renee George is capturiyg even '.try` tuoet consetvativo stronR- one holds. This fact should at least war bat rant all in investigating for them— selves the validity of a principle rented which more and more id appealing to tog thinkers ,tts the root aulution of wan fis- hus eye oh - Brooklyn. N. Y., Nov. 3—The Brook- lyn Academy of Music was Crowded to the limit to -day to hear Pastor Rua- sel!'s discourse on the 'Battle of Ar- mageddon." His tett was: 'He gathered them to- gether tmto • place called in the He- brew tongue Ar- mageddon." (Rev. zvi, 16.) He s Hebrew signifies the Mounton f attraction. The Lord hike associated the o Armageddon with the great con ersl between Truth and Error, du which tete New Age of Messiah's glary will be ushered in. He has used urea of speech in Revelation to hide oerteain important tratha until due Lme for thou revealment, "Unclean Spirits Like Frees." Three unclean spirits, according to the contest, will proceed from the mouth of the Beast, the Dragon and the False Prophet. and will assemble a the kings[ and their armies on aide for the great Armageddon ba In this highly symbolical langn doctrines or teachings are represen "frogs." The Pastor discussed t aracteristir — pompousness, in ion of dignity, and croaking. T read, the symbol-ignifies that th systems will send forth similar tea ng a. They will book "wise" and see little respecting the differences between them. They will prate on Apostolic • ar'ity; the Divine res p ogativee of he clergy and the civil power. They will croak alarmingly, respecting the ire results of personal and press lib- erties. They will thus alarm intelli- nt people fend suttee the wheels of ps ress to turn bsckward toward use- dieval oonditiop=. Dragon, Beast and"Fats, Prophet. The -Dragon of Revelation represents the Civil power; the Leopard of Rave - tion xiii, 1, 2. ,repreeenta Papacy; the "False Prophet" is but another ame for the Image of the Beast of velation ziii, 14, 15—Federated Pro- tantiam. Good people in these the three great stems erre being led into Anmagedeen battle without realiz- ng that the fight against God.,' The foretelling of evil to the pro - eased people of God, is not ► pleasant k. Nevertheless the time has come "cry aloud and 'pare not," to show God's people the errors in which have become involved and warn ainst enlisting on tbe wrong side of e Armageddon battle. The Lord Is not a000s na.ble for the rat character of all the people who 11 fight on His side. The Scripture, declare, "His servants ye are to whotn render service." In the coming bat- sem* very good intelligent and moral people will be loured fighting on side of lfammoo; contrariwise. some veer le:meant people will be red fighting with the Lord. The Enron Which Ensnare. The Bible declares twit God has committed to the Gentile Governments the privilege of ruling the earth dur- a period oil SAO yogis — "The Times d the Gentiles." Meantime, God has been electing a saintly few ktatm all nations, to be associated with hfeasiah in Hu Riagdem BEATEN ON SNAP VOTE But Asquith Government Regard Tem- tag peaty Unionist Victory Unimportant While the British House of Corn - moss was debating the tautest Pr's sn Yblioas of the home rule b111 In com- mittee on Monday afternoon- an en- ezyected vote on an amendment was be sewed by Sir Frederick Banbury, a Utslonlst member for the City of Gen Ron. resulted in an opposition victe^y b a majority of 22. The Conaereattves were jubilant and loudly demanded that the Liberal gov- ernment resign, which. according to precedent. it should do. It the vote. which was 239 to 2a6, was a genuine test of the strength of the government ea the measure. The temporary defeat of the govern - meat caused a great political sensa- te'''. but did not result In Its retlre- grssat. Th cabinet held a meeting illoe- day night in the House wt tet will be particularly a demand ter a vote of seeedenre, and after some PWtMmeat- are red tape, will eedeavor to bare str Irredsrtck Raabury's amendment resubmitted and expunged An official sdaetatent. which was 1s mad, declared fiat the adoption of rhe amendment wag rle.arty dee to a soap division on • motion wills* was sot ewes put on the order paper, sad which arse destructive of • omelettes passed Want Gentile rale. Neglecting the isaohings ofDaubs 01 1948.1.. Chnstaodom tis* sad His Church we been feigning ower the kings .t r earth for the past thousand years. They delude thease)*es into thinking Debt the Christian warfare. re that their armies ars prepa°�,, t. i� y. 'Thy Kingdom race," while re die ting and His Kingdom. ly, "in one boar," (Ravels - Doe zvili, 10) the most terrible Revo- lution will ocoin. (Revelation zyi, la.) itis mamas will hope for victory through the ballot. When this final asooutse eha11 have failed, the Social saptsab$ will bring anardty: "There abed be a riam at trouble molt as as'vsr was seine there was a nation." (Daniel ztl, l.) Our Lard added, "And thane days tae shortened then aro deah bo saved." (Mau. flaw, 21, 12.) But those days will be aberiesed; the Elect. with (huh thir- teen Heed. will establish the Men stank Kingdom Areseamldees Net Yet Rest Scow. For � byears ean She Armageddon *woes or cow diet Sttrike., locbeM* and riots here been inertejy Inetdaatal skltmiahes. Overt sad Army aa•Bdal• in DaroW. I ream, Treat send Court scandals Amebas, have sbs�ss paithe eon- . Dynamite per. c��� by ea employes and es employers, atade mob oth- The ['nee of ba l dot aily be- teg more dutinotil/ market Nee - Armageddon cannot yet be ht, warding to ysop�r utile Times have still ao years n The '.Image el the Beast" et context meat yet waive life— The ila-- won safes limo NMI b transfers Protestant j l to a realism Ms oceanislwsa ttniil mils unless 4 v1I . Mem its atom au ea~ the /a'► ill maw free Ohs .rigtad. balasayNsiseroprousszt sosesiti3Md*�a Nib, ~ el WI await by a majority of 121. Taos The younger Coi rvat4 e* Prvpsred ' in 3M trap for the hems mesa sad sae- . tare sewed In getthag a vete wdes many have measbere were la the county, and • et. member of they le tows yore absent ago trees the bone, net exposeleg that i_ orlrel000 portaat There bastas* weal/ bum mu Mme,ilibmi ea fel[ mud Ge t the etless essepolltss wag tasoratim . ether 1 po re Mime le the seaport et Ireland untieva ' polo" ow est •s voles is tea exps..Ut.s at the I sore* winevey Mr. McIsyes Appatsapy Map_y M►Deuald 2LC_ esty dMfcttore-IL�Maa fwd NM peat Man reel. - lana y.1 *seey �a +: ih eti'p: rifle sesa sadt was nolo Idir Amor Ma., npassatesses Mew Bees Isla shat the u Vf problems. The rrfuaal t. consider s new principle, however isdical it may he, is a p,,licy which, universally adopted, w..uld result in stagnation and ruin. And the piie*tho..d, of all ethers best aIle to ter and study. the justice and probable sequence of re - tot tet, stay Had in t his regent the social test: must worth dates MR. C: A. FLEMING, F. C. A. of Owen Bound, Ont., who is just entering his thirtv-,.ec..nd year a. Pr'neips! of the Northern Burins. Collette, Owen Souod. It has grown hum r-ccupying tg,o rooms toad entire fbt*e-story block, fifteen monis, under bis management. Toru Loan rividends. Divideod threw.. sent out by the liquidators or the Yolk Loan and Say - loge Company to the shareholders on November 1, 19iU8, just three years ago, are still being embed. Twenty- five cbeyuee of these belated Met div- idend chewier. amounting in all to rattan, were cashed lest September. Rome of tale ..gond dividend ebeques sent out on December 1st, 1911. ate still being ca -bed, though theme have been wandering 'mound for slope nu s year. Until thea. chequrs are embed, the atooey n presented by them lies in the bank, together with the funds that are accumulating frau, the rale of real estate, cowasds the next and final dividend. The interest that ha. been added to three accumulations in the mama of the set en years' liquidation is $61.P4l.80. This is diettibuted among the shareholders. T'be next dividend *eel not he expected for a couple of years yet. The sale of the remaining real estate must be com- pleted and all p&ym•nta must he in, so that it will not be necrwery to make two bites at this dividend. swum u Yield to Vinnie The s aural pstesslas de [set b► Limo that osammption is taberitad. bat a panes tap Inherit a washes* or tesMary to that Creme. A proselaaat titian of lesaselllu lad, written "I was In Aar awe swaths ells palmeasey treebln and bad tit* boa et *esters: 1 bail bsatrarr- /ages eat viala • very bat wry. ?Wan" ells advise eta entad I trine him* ass I tad that N awed p Pias, It is all yee r wsre ant IN ba ha I lam It fb lbs gresint meal dale ea sal> & I fees ertwtyg eburs ort Vial alae they laws W the f �*� wee (Name farat tier ea Plait feaster sad mala the flet—ell serbaaa sad maga Ebe eata>k Ty "MO selmals. sumftillimi Ohs dIdIallup ammo and shia en Mir 'btu Ir Snow a tai sme Bar sort dissent _Tr, a Wel at TV attI the 111* aissasosos reserest W 11111 M bob nu. H G. Dua:ap. Drabtbtt, UUsdsat.L Thomas A. Edison announces his New Cylinder Phonograph Record The Blue Amberol The Blue Amberol is a musical and mecllanical triumph. Its volume is greater, and its tone is decidedly finer than anrother phonograph record you can buy. And it is practically unbreak- able and unwearing. Careless handling will not injure it, and no amount of pliying will cause it to reproduce less perfectly than when new. Ask your Edison dealer to play a Blue Amberol Record for you on an Fdison Phonograph today, or write us for particulars. Thement A. gra 1•s.. 1N labial. Ave. tori... N. J. U.S. A. A complete line ef Eases Pleme geopia and Remelts saY be /amid at JAMES F. THOMSON A LIVE CHANCI! WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER THE SIGNAL • -mm6 ANI) THE DAILY EDITION OF THEJMAIL AND EMPIRE wrza<- :sr` --frills TWO TOGETHER? C -st FROM NOW TILL APRIL 1, 1913," FOR Maio This'Is a Rare Opportunity to Get the GreatiCity Daily and the Best Leal Newspaper. ' SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET THE MOST VALUE SEND OR BRING ALL ORDERS 1'O OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. EHE most approved designs and trimmings in Millinery Goods are W be seen in .. MISS CAMERON'S stock. She will be pleased to have the ladies call and Hamilton Street tioderich, Ont. SCHOOL: SHOES The time has come again to get your boys and girls prepared for the tall term -it school. They will need good st r o n g serviceable Shoes—the kind that will stand a severe test in any weather. At our store you will find the most complete stock of the class of Footwear that will give satisfaction, at the lowest prices possible. Don't fail to call and see what good Shoes should be. Repairing bowning MacVicar NORTH OMB OF RQ33ARA, E MMERICH. ■