The Signal, 1912-11-14, Page 5•
N Demurrage Mien. the largest of such shows for
ater and Ilii I masa gamer They toy it is even
deal • wwish a dnoIlIIPS rMwt tag it•haUet now, teary teawre beteg new,
setfeswted by the rod doling the entire
gore Outsold non and g. whisk will b. b��
Agit .erg urs of oral Rico iM webs . that will r t=
mete stet io n bat swath The Mahn t S fastidious lad la t&.
kitten, w the tows solid- le)Lind. Thee is plenty of fun. In fact
It was built for btrtsbing purposes
only. and It la geeetsLy cosoeded to
be one of the funniest shows since
time began It is a musical perform -
sacs. wedded to the most tuneful
music one would cure to listen to, full
of gluier and life. with not a dull
moment from the rias of the (:ertein
until the Anal drop. Tbe ornaolaatios
M accompanied by a solo imamate bead
and • superb urabestra. The band
wiU bead tbe Koontown parade, tat-
ieg place at noon. The prices of ad-
mission hate been placed at L'i 35
aqd 50 cents. Seats are now selling at
Biwa! ds%
d the °rlgirj.&ad up -to -the -flints. It is
Igoe orders reesstly issued oon-
gis following le
Witty -third Htuws ( -
medical be cap -
Lieutenant litrt . �i-
b oonfl goo akar — f�. appointment
Thirty-third Regiee5L
following dooatloss to Alex-
)cspitat ars gratefully acknowl-
Mre Rundle, fruit ; Yrs.
fruit : Mb. Eliot. fruit; Yrs
len).and vegetable' ; MIM
L *Lein. vegetables; Mrs.
eacetio vegetables ; A Prised. In-
valid chair : A Fr ieod. baodase roller
Gee, gap tBisset Chapter
worth got
silk ; A Friend, fruit and homemade
pn,siacial Winter Fair.
The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair
vu71 be held at Guelph December 9th
to tBuiidinggsWestervelt.
, Toronto, is the secre-
tary. In connection with tbe Fair
tae special prizes are offered for
Hera count v exhibitors, as follows :
For the best loaf animal. shown by an
y'etsur exhibitor resident in the
of Huron, $15 ; for the second
Its. The money for these prism
M donated by the Huron county
gasket ball.
At a meeting held in tbeY. M . C. A.
rooms last wrek a series of be het
ball games was arranged for. The
competing teams represent the
correlate inetieute, the bask clerks
And thr Y. M. C. A. The gamey will
teplayed in theCollegiate gymnasium.
Oa time being agreed upon by the
tesms,pliying. The Y. M. C. A.
.derail a reorient as trophy Tbe
following is the schedule of games
a C. t•oJ Banken, week be la.i•g Nov. 15.
11.111.C.A. an4 (;. l' I.. week beelaaina Nov. L5.
tars 1.. M. e. a., a Deni
and .: U. L. week w
a. C 1. alio Y. M.1'. A.. week 16
f.ktt'.A. and ttniikees.wesk
Pebk Library Board.
At the regular meeting of the public
bleary board held November 9th the
w eei ars of the board present were
Rms. Galt. Fowler, Tom. Strang.
!LWOW d Elliott. A comeauuication
Iran the se•retary of the school board
aesounred the appointment of Princi-
pal Long to till the term of Yr. Tigert.
lately iemoyed to Hamiltow. Meas
Galt and Fowler wenrated to
represent the b>ardai tb.aapprosohing
tenting of the Stratford Library
Isaituie in that city. The librarian
reported an issue of 1,6117 hooks and
periodicals during October and re-
ceipts of Oleo from cards and fines.
Ile list „f magazines and newspapers
be was gone overs and it was de -
mi change ebrdd be made
•itthat let for 1913.
A D:stieguished Visitor.
Rea. J. B. Cropper arrived its town
os Wednesday from Demerara
Booth America. and is the guest of
Rev. Geo. E. Ross at the manse. Mr.
Cropper is one of the most dis-
tiagttished missionaries d the leresby-
terian chinch in Canada soil bee bees
laboring in British O 11604
sixteen years. Retort oR for
the minion be held i hhlb position
in St. Lucia as private sse'tary to the
Govetnoi of the Bridle West Indies.
He completed his edseation in Dal-
housie University' and Presbyterian
College, Halifax. In tine, Immediately
upon giaduatipn he was called to be
missinoary to the Brat Indices in
British Guiana and be has rendered
distinguished service in that field. It
is pow tern yowl tai nee hie last f uriough.
He will spend several weeks in Ontario
before going to' tbe Maritime
Provinces. Mt. Hom was a classmate
rod also o fellow missiasa y with Mr.
Cooper in hemerera and this visit is
ode of great mutual enjoyment.
Everyone will have an opp ,s t unity
of hearing Nr. Cropper it Knox church
at at emit date.
Wedded at Clinton.
The marriage of Mist Winoitred
Evelyn, daughter of Alfred H. Good-
win, of Clinton, to Samuel Ritchie
MacMatb, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. MacMatb, of the 1st concession
of Goderich township. was solemnised
at tbe reeideuee of the bride's tether,
on, November lath. at 3
o'clock p. m. The ceremony was con•
ducted by Rev. J. E. Ford. pastor of
Wesley Methodist church, Clinton. in
the preeenos of the immediate rela-
tives of lbs contracting parties. The
bride, who wee unattended, was gives
away ty her father, and wore a dainty
gown of ermine silt voile. and carried
an exquisite bouquet of ba-idal roses
and Iiiyof-1be-valley. Tbe wedding
marches from Loheu¢rin had Mendeb-
sohn were played in duet form by.
Mr. and Mrs. %V. .Olean Oawpbell.
After the signing of the register a
dainty buffet lunch was served by the
bride e sister. Mrs. Campbell. the
rooms being °tartttly decorated with
ferns and carnations. On a side table
were to be men many beautiful gifts
from friends and relatives, the bride's
Clinton friends having "showered" her
with Limoges china and linen. MP.
and Mi.. MacMath left on the 5:15
train, ecoid showers of confetti and
good wishes, on a honeymoon trip
to Torooto and Niagara Falls. the
bride travelling in a suit of brown
whipcord and large black hat. On
tbeir return Mr. and Mrs. MacMath
will reside on the 4th concession of
Goderich township, where tbe groom
has furnished • home for his aids
sod they will be at home to their
many friends after December 1st. The
Signal joins with other friends in good
wishes to the happy couple.
Death of Coats* Irons:des.
Captain Michael Ironsides, of Sar-
, s well known mariner of the
free lakes. died at Alexandra hos-
pitel en Nat today aftera short illness.
Capt. Ire asides wee in command this
engem of a stestder sailing out of
Montreal. and after the passenger sea-
nc,t w A. over end be had laid up his
vessel he transferred to the sterner
%taxi,nd :is mooed mate. When
mooring at the Soo, on bis Lost trip,
Ws leg became caught in a winch
gable. Nothing serious was suspected
at the time. but w hes the boat ar-
rived herr on Friday. about a week
Mier the a,-eident, he wealaken tnthe
asapital And it was found that blood -
Ph oning had set in, with fatal
rot, captain Ironsides was a vet-
oes sailor and had pd practically
411kis I ' f,• on the Great Lakes. Re
htdbeen with the Northern Navies
the Cu. since 1902 teMlt tib year. iiie
bg in command of the losic for sev-
eral seasons. Tree r'ttlllsIM were taken
.Sarnia for int.ernnest. A write and
lieeghter survive. Peptide irotseide*
who o enemher of the A., F. ,lir A. 91..
lbs R. A. M. end the A. O. U. W.
d. C. Rockwell', flea g 9410"th Ota
*Yo pe resew
the theatre atwl who wont to
Those of oaf
eras a greed colored .Mkwit
be MMy
khat that the J. Q
11"tk ('.,mr..y. thwe entedshe• that
W. such an essphiitte lit on its but
sphearartce two .Otos ellen is an -
out of the ordiw7 had very p+Os' E A S T STREET G A R A E
1b Mr. Hunter and his choir meat ! - e -
*edit M dote flee chair l attrisg efforts.
Muustesl trot& which provided for
those wbo were tertu ate enough to
be presses.
to order that all may have en op-
portunity of bearing it, a repetition of
the program is being given this even-
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at Knox church manse on Tues-
day evening, 1211* last., when
Jessie Johnston, daughter of
Johnston, because the happy bride of
Richard H. Lenxon, assistant man-
ager in the Jackson factory. They
were attended by Edward Cox and
Miss Bella Johnston. Mr. and Mrs.
Lama will make their bones in
Ouderich, on St. David's surest.
Their many friends unite in every
Anel wish for a long and happy life.
For the Boy tacouts.
L'nder the auspices of the Y. M. C.
A. ladies' auxiliary, a successful social
event taking the of a bazaar was
held on Thursday afternoon and even-
ing last at Oddfellowr' Hall. Sapper
was served to a large number. and
boor -crude bread and candy, fancy
work and sample goods of various
kinds were sold at prettily decorated
booths. 'lbs proceeds awounted to
over, and the result will be a
handsome addition to the funds of
the Boy Scouts. The members ot the
auxiliary wish to extend their thanks
to all who gave their montane.
towards mating the affair so .uooess-
ful as it was.
Don't Forget the Hospital Meeting.
The annual meeting for the election
of trustees of Alexandra bospital and
for the r•eceiviug of reports of the hos-
plod work for the past year will be
held at the court house next Monday
evening. Nth Inst., et 8 o'clock p. ut.
This is ooe of the important, public
meetings of tbe year and there should
be a much larger attendance than has
usually beeh the case in the pant. The
hospital is an institution in which
every citizen should take an interest,
and it will encourage those who are
conducting its affairs if a large num-
ber of the townspeople, ladies and
gentlemen, will turn out at this meet-
ing and learn what has been done dur-
ing the past year and take part in dis-
cussing plans for the coming year.
The Old-time Concert.
''Ye olden tyme cooeerte given last
Thursday eveniog by the choir of
Knox chureb proved an unqualified
sdccess. so large an audience gather-
ing to bear the •'musicke" that the
ushers were otliged to eluse the doors
of the Sunday school room while
many still sought admittance.
Quaintly -worded programs were dis-
tributed at the door. their contents
giving rise to much merriment and
pleasant anticipation. Familiar iden-
tities were completely disguised under
such names as Simeon Tbalmer and
Belinda Herrick. Piper Craigie played
several spirited airs on the bagpipes
while the audience was assembling.
Tbe platform at the east end of the
basement was curtained off for a
stage, and before the program com-
menced the choir passed thro igh the
audience from the vestry, two by two,
and disappeared bebiod tbe eurtatua.
The entertainment opened with an
unusuat and very sweet. res deriog of
"Home, Sweet Home," whicb was
hummed very sottiv by the choir to
the alesost inaudible accompaniment
of the violin. As the last notes died
away. the hush that followed was
broken by a cuckoo clock on the! pho-
tons] striking eight, and immediately
the curtains were drawn. A very ar-
tistic some lay revealed. the whole
stage settiog being in beauyony with
the olden tymes. Tbe numbers of the
choir were all chid in the attire of by-
gone day*. and while all the costumes
were not, strictly speaking. those of
one hundred years ago, yet they
blended into a most picturesque whole.
Tbe ladies wore for the most part
ancient Patine and brocades, wilb
fascinatingly -arranged coiffures and
becoming poke -bonnets, While the
sten had knee -breeches, ruffled shirt,
fronts and buckled shoes.
Don't Forget This, Either.
It is hoped that a good number of
the business men of Goderich will
show their interest iu the county
publicity ecberue by attending the
meeting to he held at Clinton next
Tbursday, 21st inst. As the toeeting
is to commence at 1 o'clock, it will b.-
wnecessary to make special arrange-
ments for the Goderich people to get
there, and in order that these ar-
rangements may be properly attended
eo it is requested that any who are go-
ing notify either Mi. Mitchell, of
Tbe Star. or Mr. Horbertson, oI The
Signal. The publicity scheme is a pro-
ject that should interest every- tusi-
nes. man and every property -owner in
the county. and it should not be left
to two or tbree only to represewt this
town at a meeting of such isspor.
Evening Classes at the Y. M. C. A.
Mime Laura %Vatter. as Aunt Jer-
usha, introduced the evening's pro-
gram in a comieal speech, and later is
the evening gave a recitation relating
the acme Aunt derusba's experiencee
wheo visiting in the city. very
cleverly. Tbe various cboruses and
anthems given by the choir. led by
ltlr. Hunter and accompanied by bias
on the ancient square piano, were
especially good; they showed most
careful (raining. and elicited hearty
applause. The solo. and quartettes,
beautiful nld-time favorites such as
"Ben Bolt,' .tad "Rock Me to Sleep,
Mother," end the once -familiar piano
'election. "The Maiden's Prayer,"
were very much appreciated, stirring
half-forgotten memories cud causing
many of the older people, at least, to
conelnde that "there ere no songs like
tbe old songs." Several character
aosgs were given 'n costume, includ
ioi "Pbiladelpbia." "('oreee Undrr My
Plaidie," "KlWerra nkie." 'Crooked
Bawbee" and "Caller Herrin'," and all
were exceedingly well rendered sod
were heartily esseered. Special men-
ton should be ge& of the violin solos
by Miss Grace fico■ e, who.. exquis-
1bs rendering of ijblts'pseo s -Tree-
sewer pawed bar a most talented
meeisiser end MillWee her a warty
odorous wisedircer eh* easy faro' a
Oodeetei sadienet "gale.
bait mush
this elmeer sees thed it is recd etd'A by t.
`esgonel "It gins pmj.0 d at twisty. haw It wee
d this
see MS% MA aevery ► tame this
de ,'p x c b. aeselelty week, who bees g4 Ss Ci d
w c'''urse �.,,,, .tats 6 ��� �71�► t+iwstM* erre
it has been arranged to begin work
in the evening classes at the Y. M. C.
A. on Monday next. November 18th.
at 8 p. m. Arithmetic will be the sub-
ject to start with and other mathe-
matical subjects will be taken up
later. soder the direction of A. M
Rolwrtsoo. The textbook will be the
Ontario High School Arithmetic.
whicb may be procured at the local
Any wishing to take up mechanical
drawing or commercial work are also
invited to route and snake errange-
menu with Mr. Tebbutt for work in
these subjects. Young men who are
taking up a Scranton correspondence
course sod who wish some assistance
in their Studies are also invited. to
come tot individual help.
At the Harbor.
Antral, of vessels for the Goderieb
Elevator & Transit Co. during the
week Wave been : Wexford, on Fri-
day, with 113,000 bushels bf flax. oats
and wheat ; Empress of Fort William.
on Monday. with 121,000 bushels of
oats and wheat : Turret Crown, on
Tuesday. with 123,000 bushels oats
and wheat. The Scottish Hero ,is ex-
pected tonight with • cargo.
About 225 cars of grain have been
shipped from the Goderich elevator so
fat this week. and only the ebnrtage
of cars prevents much larger ship-
ments, as orders are piling un.
The steamer Kantinietiquia arrived
on Friday with 125,1100 bushels of
wbeat for the Western Cooed*, Flour
Mills Co. The whaleback Atikokan is
expected shortly with a cargo.
It would be bettor to have your engine and i generally looked over
yy repairs donth
e sow, so at it will be r�es4y for the first fine day
dicer ting. It an] new parts are required, it i` easier to get tbent ISO
than at any other time of the year.
THE TIRE QUESTION is going to be ea important one with mob of
you and we would like to giveou our propoeitiou. Give us a ca1L Itwin
put you under no obligation whatever.
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
GODERICH. ONT. 'Poems 1114$
intents. Evidence was taken Monday
after•000n and wben court resumed
morning the counsel had
arrived at • settlement.
The plaintiffs, Wesley Pattison and
Joseph J. Kerr. of list Wawstseeb.
are the executors of the last will of the
late Mrs. Jane Ademees, of the MEN
township, who died Febeary 19 of this
year. the will beip* dated December
13, 1911. The defeodaota are rel•tivss
of the deceased and others who chained
to be entitled so certain legacies Hader
a previous will, dated June d. 1910. It
was claimed that when the later will
was made the deeeaasd was "not ot
sound 'Plod. memory and uuderataod-
isq" and was unduly influenced by one
Wm. M. Anderson, brother of deceased.
sod others. Wm. M. Andereos is the
residuary legatee by the later will.
In accordance with the settlement
reached, the will of December 13, 1911,
stands, but certain of the defendants
are to be paid .a portion of
claims. The total assets of the estate
are valued at $3•5't 1.
Anotber case -110 settler vs. Beech -
ler et al.—was on , be docket but was
poetlwned to the next High Court sit-
tings for Huron. The action is to re-
cover the amount of a legacy of $1,000.
What Is home 'mahout pictures' if rod
Yavea't any, got them : if roe have them uta
framed. het them framed. si�.h'e Art :More
sareeis• both Mauves had framing. A great
selection to choose treat.
Goderich t. going ahead utdelty but cutely.
without any 'boom.' The number ot 'eft
dressed men to be sena oo the et leets tearoom
rear by year. Fridham fie Tailor Yee , a good
deal to do with this, 01 attars.
A good place for cold nights—Lyric
Theatre. Always warm and comfort-
The Collegiate Institute trustee
board bas given the caretaker of the
school building en increase of $.'S in
The regular meeting of Atuneek
Chapter. L. O. E.. will be held at the
Court house on Monday next, at 4
o'clock p. m.
Guy Brothers Minstrels appeared in
Victoria Opera Houseoo Friday even-
ing. They seem to retain their place
as "the old favorites."
The best sample of fall raspberries
we have seen in this remarkabis sea-
son was frow the garden of Mise Mont-
gomery, Keays street. The berries
were large and fully ripe.
The INA number on the program
was played, by N °rebwtea flaydrs's Toy Scomposed 7d
ee•eral seelabses d the Mich n dm
the Ager
Io rale ewer
sent el
Goderich figures in the prize list in
connection with the floral department
of the C. P. 11 , W. Shipman. the
locomotive foreman at the station 1i In Knox church on Sunda m e
here, having wou the second prize, 25. I
in the locomotive firemen's depart- Ing lest Rev. Geo.
went preached a vigorous sermon on "The
One of the candidates for Congress Abolition of the Bar." Tint Km. on
was given in observance of "World's
Mev. J. B. Cropper will tell of his
work is Demerara in Knox church on
Sunday morning.
R. J. H. Osterbout, B. D. of Lon-
dssheao', will preach next Sundry is
Vittoria. street cht:rcb. Rev. Dr.
Medd will be at Kiuburn for the day.
Rev. Oso E. Roes will preach at
both services in Knox church on Suo-
dayl taking as his mornio theme,
Three -fold Evidence," and in the
evening, "Philip, the Laymen."
The 000gregation of Ht. (ieorge's
church will have a visit next Sunday
eveniog from His i.ordsbip Bishop
Williams. who will conduct coafirm-
aboe. Tbe service will commence at
7 o'clock.
On Tuesday evening Rev. J. 1i.
Fotberiygham addressed the A. Y. P.
A. of St. George's church on ''Phe
'Church and the Reformation. The
address was very interesting and
The members of the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of North street Meth-
odist church will entertain the ladies
of the congregation at a social ter on
Thursday, November '2let, from 5 t 7
o'clock. in the lecture room of the
The pastor will otriciete in the Ba
tist church at both services next Lord's
Day, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m,w Bible
school and Bible class at 3 p. w.
Young people's meeting every Monday
evening *p. m. Visitors will be wel-
comed at ail these services.
At North street Methodist church
next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred
'Brown. will preach at both services
and conduct the adult Bible class.
Morning subject : "Tbe Day of Pros-
perity": evening, "Tbe Day of Adver-
atty.' A cordial welcome to all.
Mr. Sauvage, of Seaforth• occupied
the pulpit of Victoria street Metbo-
dist church itt both set vices on Sun-
day, and preached two admirable ser-
mons. Mr. Sauvage to a layman, but
hi* sermonic ability is of a very high
order. He will be beard with pleasure
again in Goderich.
On Sunday evening the pulpit of
Knox church was occupied very ac-
ceptably by Rev. Gilbert Gomm, of
Dungannon. This was Mr. Gomds's
first appearance in the pulpit in dode-
rich, as it. is not long since be was in-
ducted at Dungannon, and be was
beard with much interest and pleas -
io the State of California at last
week's elections was J. Stitt Wilson,
formerly of Auburn, in flats county,
and a cousin of Its. John L. Aitken,
of Goderich. Mr. Wilton ran on the
Socialist ticket. but was not elected.
11 B. McLeod A Son are opening
the old Dominion Carriage Works no
Newgate street and will do repairinngg
painting and general carpenter work.
Mr. McLeod has had a long experience
in carriage wore: and contract
A number of properties have been
chaugiogg hands recently. Dr. Sale has
bought Mrs. James Clark's handsome
residence at the Cresoerat, and Mrs.
Jones Bateman has purchased tbe resi-
dence of Captain Trethewey on Bri-
tannia road.
E. N. Lewis, M. P., informs The
Signal that he is giving attention to
Before County Judge and Magistrate.
Dnnean McLeod wee before Judge
Doyle on Monday on a charge of big-
amy. He pleaded guilty' and in view
of the circumstances at the cage he
was allowed to aro on euepetded sen
tenor, atter paying 'nets of over g10e.
J. M. Beat (Seaforth i appeared for
McLeod : frown Attorney !Seager
An extradition caw was before
Judge Doyle this week, the case being
that of a man tom Michigan who was
wanted in that Site on sunset of hie
relations with a girl, who cater herr
to•push rte charge against him. An
amicable settlement was arrived at,
however, by the man's agreeing to
marry the girl.
A• moult case hoes AsbMeid, le
whir& Thos. Dream* wseetllb 1eNsd•
ant sad Mama O'ilerl► the wres-
wes Woe 1Mtas Ilea 00
y. Grown Lti'Awy See-
ger preseseted and Ohms. fles,sw sp-
e wed Ise the AsABee. Broome had
gwi sf igy sane
of ate hope the total
• fltgh newt.
Temperance Sunday." to the after-
noon a mass meeting of the Presby-
terian and Methodist Sabbath schools
was held at North street Methodist
church and was addressed by Rev.
Mr. Roes and A. Y. Robertson.
Entire change of pictures every
Tuesday.Thursday and Saturday at
Lyric Theatre.
L.ANXUN-JOHNSTUN.—At Kao: church
same. Uo.erica, November 12th. by Rev.
Jamie Jobe . beta of Modred'
tlple. At .tan es
Mr 13, b Eev. J. F.
A = of
win. of Clintons taw bi Mme
Itltotde hIseltat . of Godorieb toweNlp.
HUP uhba-. NW}A�a-- At Its sept t►�e.gMarie
amide. b Rev. lee Se ith. Wei Mar
tbe matter of rural mail delivery in hawse•, oI AeehtYae Dewar d
tbis section of Huron. Heston" that .1b. Archer Hamtltoffo
in some parte where he hos committed j DIDIED
the people in the'matter they do not
want mail deliver y. but prefer the
existing arrangements.
R. C. King has taken a less of the
Moults House opposite the G. T. R.
station and will take postbewlon Dec-
ember 1st. B. J. Sanita, who hes coo -
ducted the botel fora number of years.
is retiring and will occupy his hoose
on Britannia rnai.
t ss rattles. heaa',
"eel cwt Nate co re self- and seeker•
tn. suer a aweell Amor.
mot fewer • Weeded Mee a perfect ben s sly
Lb. tte•.t enatirali�l�ms!iMt a plasm, wiellste end bsus Ask colt'
• brief seasien d Ib* High Court of
Justice for stow legs .i
the mart hones MIS weak. Ecr. Imam
YTh 1y mei tried Wee tine frost
flat Wawwsesla—Patwnn .t al. vs.
1111bfa et .i.. as settee to rotes, the
will of the late Ana Jaws Atrdersoe.
woe $ tmruldabk essay et legal
with the fur►—it.
). wooed for tbe
The hest value ip town for a nickel.
Where? At Lyric Theatre.
Miss Oox, who has %inducted a
dressmaking business on West street.
aonesnces that after November 80th
else will be pleased to meet both old
and new patrons at her tSw rooms in
the Huron Apartments.
Mico Evelyn Hayden he moved her
'Audio to room 5 in the DeMford I3lpek
I entrepee Niotrst'1n a1 rest), where �e
will continue her claestais oil, water-
color meld china painting. The studio
is opts fiom Tuesday nee instil Sat-
urday at i p. ie. each amt.
The' 'i edle festival' vie M brill by
the .�pptt church ladies on 'Torah .
Deoewesber�3rd. AU bawds a is
work sad fancy artlriM win be fee
sale. Hetstsmede bekig( and hone -
made "toady" &leo. 'lase to ales be
sensed. Watob for foes aswoesew
rumen tsaa t week.
Meth 0: W11rrTa Crier* A feu
sue r1Wt et cost the
IMAM IM of ear Ovist coats and
tleesese. floe grwed essleste Cert. r�Rs
125 (91 .eau .,e.e. iia. -
f ftj t �►iwtet ►sew'
t11.110 op. P. T. Dees. corner horst
Mem' and Ogsats. -
Dne't forget that a gift for Cbt ist-
mee that is always at.VioseMtri M a
�ee ei1 If. 'l'b.t
fftosMt► s p cis' -' thew ie the wpm
n1 ttr 10. r hr t'ttr�ae-
besetN seeini gs f
raunene ,, Novg]Wgk 14, 1912 •
aa/ lo". . "'Toth ys I 5,»o
Total Unto lent) • POW
You Caa Always Get
Your Mosey Promptly
if it is deposited in the
Union Bank'ofCanada.
When that unforeseen need arises,or an opportunity
comes to make an exceptionally profitable cash
deal, it is worth much to be able to get your cash
without delay.
Meanwhile it is absolutely safe and is earl g
interest all the time.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch.
LSISSM. TIC.. MRANe7.) r. w. vara. - - - ara_ages:
q 7lesarsere. ft. ti.C. 1 Ce. 5t. C. �7 iltitils, Aasiesa ee Yaaeresr.
Legal Notes.
At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Mon-
day, before Mr. Justice Kelly:
Re McKay, Cameron v. McKay. —
Motion by executors of will of Angus
McKay for aur order construing his
will under C. R. 988, in respect of
what amount the testator it. ended by
the seoond p•�grapb of his will
abould be paid to the missions of tbe
Free Presbyterian church of Ashfleld,
in the county of Huron, con. 14. L oeb-
alsh, Canada, in connection with the
Free church of Scotland." Judg-
meut : I am of opinion that the test-
ator intended that $Jlrir should be paid
at the end of the tenth year after his
death, and a further sum ot $900 at the
end:oftbe eleventh year after his death.
At Osgoode Hall, Toronto. on Toes -
day, before Mr. Justice Riddell :
Re Robertson rod Township of Col-
borne.—An application by C. A.
Robertson et al to quash a bylaw
passed by respondent township on
April 27 last, to raise $4,840 to pay for
the cost of construction and installa-
tion of a municipal telephone system, ,
also to quash a resolution palmed on
same day that a bylaw be passed pro -1
viding for payment of law costa and
expenses c o n n e c t e d therewith.
Judgment : The attack fails on all
grounds taken and the motion must
be dismissed with costa.
V IDE/IN.-in (ioderl•:b. on Tao oday. Novem-
ber 17th. Julia A. Jw.eoy. wife of Tltootas
J. Videos.
M.:BRIDE-la Victoria hospital. L.osdm. no
=kw November lick. 5, Arch. Me-
ouYf Mrs. Mies Wyaa.
temewlyN. ogee 41 yearn.
L. W Tlerne.y soli Dndlr y rna• • rode. A w• w an.f le ant fedi 0.,.
the IN'seigha.wl e•r• sUssr Marc . f 'ern .wv.•big • f wt
app t 1a.. Pn•wIfrent. K. T• , Detre rms.arp as•tsrsrg •'aria..' N a. .. r
asea. ad ('bee Olesiaw for saw do /•,a• re h• y. nr sawe. pe,0 le by N .w 111 Ica•« w ave (o.
this splendid
range places you
under no obliga-
tion to buy. We
guarantee the
"Pandora' • Just se
people because the
know its perfec-
tions just as
C r.
M rn. H. Hale left on Wednesday for Toro:..o
where she will speed the winter.
Mrs. W. Lee left on Wednesday to •is nd
the winter with friends at Newcastle.
Mrs MgRim returned last Friday after
spending • month with relatives at Simooe.
Mr-,. Leckie and Ma..ter Monteith .pent •
day or two with friend- at Bruceftetd this
Evening Classes
Gymnasium Work
Boys' Work
by the Y. M. C. A.
Men who want to make a life as
well as a living.
Strangers are welcome at the
The Basket- ball League ie now
starting. Get into the game
Y. M. C. A. Fees
Full membership $2.00 a year
Athletic membership 2i.00 a year
A. M. Kobert..on. President
1 E Doherty, Secretary
\V. Millar, Treasurer
Fast Time to
Winnipeg Saskatoon Elmonton
Regina Blandon C dgary
Nelson Howland $ nkane
Vancouver Victoria actio
Tacoma Portia I
Standard geld Towne. sleeping,
also Compartment U 'ovation
Cars. Via Canada's Gre• •st High-
General Change of Tone Oct.
Full Particular's, Roe., etc., from
Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. agent.
Talk About
good plumbing. It is just the
time of the year when you
should inspect and make such
changes as are necessary to bet-
ter the sanitary condition of
your plumbing. We are
and do our work quickly and
o,ost satisfactorily. There i+
• n0 job too Targe or too small
for us to estimate upon, and if
we do estimate we are bound
to save you money.
Hamilton Street. Goderich
if so, don't fail to see our stock. We have piles of
them from the best makers in the business. We
have all the styles, including the new and popular
RAGLAN SHOULDER, and also the easiest adjusted
two-way collar made. Our stock includes all that is
new in Overcoats.
Prices for Men's Overcoats $IO to $25
Prices for Boys' Overcoats $ 4 to $ 8
Our Special Order Business
has been very large. You :All have your clothing
made to special measure by the famous loth Century
Brand Clothing Company. Hundreds of samples
to choose from.
A y•4l 14111e 21/ Oe tw• 4' 4 %II l.) g es on! = ‘le Posher