The Signal, 1912-11-14, Page 1will bring Th. BfiRsal to the address of day sew subscriber in Crusade or Great Britain from this date to January 1st, 1914. Subscribe Now. • 3t\T1 FrrURTH YIAi-$S tlw0 GOD 'K.WH, THLTBSDAY. NOV EMBBB 14, 1912 THE SIGNAL PRINT /NO CO., Ltd., Pu t,ts>vs TH6 STERLING BANK OF CANADA. i YOUR OPPORTUNITY How often bas lack of funds witb held you from grasping an opportunity for profitable invest- ment P A savings account provides the remedy. Head Office, King and Hay Streets, Toronto I.ioderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager YOU DO NOT HAVE TO .DIE to win when you have an endowment policy in The MUTUAL LIFE of CANADA A. G. NISBET DISTRICT : AGENT tiF'FII E NEXT CANADIAN IRONIC OF COMMERCE. 6ODERI('H 'YHowss : thrle le F. 21: Hncax 150. P. O. Box 381 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED. - A LAUNDRESS. Apply to MISS GRIFFITH. Alexandra Romital. lis. WANTED. -AT ONCE. A BOY To dice wagon and learn bgqtebe> bed- . ase. O'BRIEN a LEGG. Sot strict U ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'hour/ meet all trains. Private Cale have prompt and areful attention. Flet - class livery rotate M all limen. Rear„nable pease. THF: DAVIS LIVERY .1EACHaER WANTEaninpt. D.-FURDative.t. N. S, 4/ Ne. , Cdborne (Dtorr memo in Janonry next. Apply. stating oran- gewood sod salary expected, to A. A. WIL- LIA33 secretary. Dunlop. F. t T. M. DATItt Proprietors South Street 'Phone No. 51 i G EO. WATSOti PRACTICAL TAILOR h.• rer,pet* • deme 1. the old stead. Montreal street *sit Swart.' fiver) i sed win m memo! to see an bl old rneromer., as well as any sew omen. ('LOTH* CLEANED Hi:renew and PRESSSD beet style at moderate prime OiR SIM A CALL WANTID TEACHER WANTED. -HOLDING seeeedctase certificate for R. P. No. 5. Qe/se township :Porters Hall. Dirties to bMia tis tannery next. Apply. dating eaalt �ami salary expected. to JOHN 'COR- RANCL Seel. Porter's Hal P. U. 17 It APPRENTICES WANTED AT Dara. Apply to MISB HALEY. 72 ti:a•yr wisest. PECIAL.-SOME iNTEI.LIGFNT tabes,• wanted for all -year wore in oar �e/af{mests. Men that may grow l7 LMbultar than eomtmon lahorrn ray. �alinsw000.Ont�U SHIPBUILDING OODERICH MARKETS. Tnnaoar, Nov. lith. 111103to0 0n. OS.to OH Offito a 3 001W Dai 0 0 '2 72 1 lA 10 Itt to OM • IS be 0 I 0 IS to 010 0 11 to a 31 176 to 1!o. le to 1 M 1 II to 690 rev 7 M to 400 te 5m bete 711 70a 790 a to 00 ran Per husk Rote Pm Val& Peso, est bee 6 N a 6aell, per row hen el le to eart 2 III la : w�v eat a, pater tail g tri too 11 Its: =grow pe. sew t as:e:e ,varrlea Old ieste. Pm Ib New (losen arm fresh. we eel Palm tor MI ear Lembel dla seg•• j pet cwt e> Per Mot POE SALE Olt TO KENT rR SALE -A BUILDING LOT M. Mt Newrate Asset. Apply th F. J�p11aID j O RENT. -cvk PIUelk it dW. 0aa ERTP street ; dire NNW Apply W R 0IRiat1 NNW IIOUSE TO RENT. - SIGH T 11 tareWtt or seta:Mahe& Apply at lI NAL Grow. >G ARM HILP seRV ANT'S. Woad aapppplIy� .t G\. at AAe�e..,t, St Helens, e. WOO tk. Yetwr� Mastics. with H. A ,. per cwt m��ytdilanre�s�we.,r.yp��eter hese cwt nM J AN IMPORTANT Annowwement oche Winnipeg Free Press of September 21st contains an official announcement that the line now building from Winnipeg through Weyburn will be the New Southern Main Line of the C. P. R. to the Coast. This means that Weyburn will have four main lines of the Three Great Railways, with shops and yards. Weyburn now has 133 buildings udder construction. This is your last chance to secure a lot in the original townsite five (s) blocks from the heart of the city for $25o,00 on easy terms. ACT NOW We will guarantee this investment. information given on all Western Investments. E. V. Campion & Compares wrrnvnrf $ (VRITY 13&1.11C BITiLDiNG WI INUNN. MAALAT0MRWAN f 1 R BALK -THS 100 -ACRE FARM a tee 7th ewes ewe .1 cocio se, mem- by the .MeeeeW. 1. eller* for We. hs10 . rearsawileelialt brick head, bebeak bars sal silo. and lade shed. 1tyfr geed seise: laso Ira Mose* walMM of torte meek. Land alt esedsd Aeon. is wry sea se the her tarty 1e the ammeeleet town vai tree fes riow .411 12-11. FARM FOR BALI --THE RAST ballot IK me le the lsaetk enema toe. Nesters DivWii et the Leta of A.b dell, coetaleigt MO scree. Tbe bedtd dee• alit oM f • hams brew . frame ors.• i. r�wige �bdaldg DPOO� HATO st 11 184 •tndeLf4 L1)RAN.OPoder.eb. l:nran/r 111-* FIRST -('LASS FARM FOR SALE or to rent. lot 1. coeeaden 7. weetera diet- -ion. Colborne township, too acres with Arat- dase house. with modern eonvenleoom good tank barn, prod orebaed and plenty of water. Farm M+ been in pasture for ten years. Would rent hou.e rep.-atel1. Apply to F. W. Mein*: AO FL I'aria w, Out. L'OR SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND II mild north of the town of, Seafo tb. fiaxl slay loam .dt'seder eul,tvatbo; bank bars. with cement !!Deno; large frame newly painted. all In good repair; well at, 0486 born and hosed An Ideal borne. Apply to t!t10019USIL GOV ENLOCK. Seafoetb flet. 9044 (.WR SALE. -TWO VERY I/MIR- 1' ABI.'' houses. convenient to factorise and Grand 1 nk station. Apply to (MARLIN ARROWT1° RENT. - A TWENTY -ACRE whore Two cors of orchard. also small fruiter. For further Inform atktn emir at THIO SIOXA L OFFICE, or to MRS. (' o. FOWLER. et. Vincent street. 2i1.0 farm on the Byfield road. three miles from , oder, -h. Good hn POR SALE. -THREE HOUSES. 1' +n swarm convenien.»a Two on Vic- toria stermone ie:toria.tewIand ars on Angoroea Two have dashed W. T. P1CLLOW. Angte+en street. 10.11 HOUSE ANi) LOT FOR SALE ON Huron meli a short distance from town Hmi•s. Lot contains -two acres with good orchard and snail trait,. Pram. hosed in good repair. Anyone wishing to breast %satewill be we'neme at any toe- Apply at THIS OFFICE tee *formation. UDR SALK-THAT FiNE RESi. deutMl wooer* at the osrn•r of Cameron and Rtt�lae formerly known u the A. Icon Anse is Ar rale. It 000tains et�bt. tows W with the cboiee-t ff71te elfall • ,lis dee two brick Proem sari iM�hue atm40. toe befit on= =e7 sed We Meer la lrwi.eY. repair ased Uwe aapseh.'.rw l ewe Mf the mit led ad r &II Is Aee1 Ysse P t/r4c w ARM FOR SALK-150 ACRES. rpt YI and part lit sa4.ceaeeseion of West awanosb. three ranee hem Auburn, ix miles from Ilanspases as two in Ina frost Prosperity •Convenient to mho* and chosen. Hood new brick hoose with far - naw and telephone eeeneddon ; good barer. TM farm is well reseed see well watered and ie in a good state of eelttvatios. Ten acted hardwood bash. roar acres at manned. mossy winter fruit. Po-a.wt le eau be given any time- Terns to suit purchaser. ALEJC. RUSE. Auburn. ffi 11. ARM FOR SALE. -SIXTY -Fl VE ase.. 1st 14 rias- 0. !. L D. Cslb•r.e. aid • ban frame Mw. Umbria and Iw.pe=e� "rater aiso. sow 2 t kit - w. atikgi�tidinee ~oat thriving Au Sunrises skiA-a ewen bst.lellorm ie eseenises is imoan or - Mew aim a'v sbeetla Il hem Aunts t at>�I tells fret _uta i I�@TON eta JOHN ST MN. A P. 0. 14-1m. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE COTTAGE AND LOPS. Thomas O i4,y 31.s reoeivved ,.Atsoctio.a .dol oe et c smbs Wm1.m area. m Dennis Neville to • _. fee was torAM rIeli' SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 23. atlo'cbeip.ea.the ��Al iota s.10 3110 lwter dami bora. �Mehsieeri� 1GA.. ale. Atm eto DRffNfB THOn1M GUMMY, lti.pet,t.r Asetieseer. A UCTION BALE /V 'at ruiRseINOIL OA 4 WAOOONCHLIIsn: 41l sell the Ashore idi `iti.tpp.t:. theIp 1 Galls 1 me+trtsipw sled i i owe doi. dON bet.sb.a 1 4 I I - eases pieta, t 1 masa tea with Oise rbterse. 1 seep .6 tat a•�t14te haler. Fti�eieN est setmt MIK G A6.twr. Aease 1sm� arirs 41Ma targe .3:sayt f ! butt -~Aim usA. 1 FOIL THE CHID net worth tie Wiese of CHILD. real and plat�ia homes where they were treated with kindness, supplied _ with good food and clothing, and v nt to stslrool, not only being wade happy themselves but bringing happioe..e to CHLO)RIN'S Aso SQCIETY. the bomes in which they were placed -inetsocee like thew were given over - - and over by M. Eli of. in many Annual Meeting of the Huron County ceeea he haat been able by speaking to parents who were neglecting their Oreanizatien-Andreas ley Domin- ion inspector Smart -Need of a Children's Shelter tor the County- THE ounty WHAT 18 HEINO DOME BY TME children to hove conditions improved wlthoet removing the children. At the request of the Provincial wpm int endent, J. J. Kelso, Mr. EIIiolt visited about sixty children in Huron county who were wards of the There war a fah ly rood attendance Cbildren's Aid Societ y, rending in to at the anneal .s.,Nov of the Chil- the Department is separate report of deep's. Aid Society fur the county of ewwh cbild. "It is encoucegingr said Mr. Elliott. "that we were able to report that in nearly ell cines the children were doing well and the m . jntity of them were treated as numbers of the family." There were teeny kind-hearted people ready to take these children. not alone for what they could get out of tbein in the way. of service but for the good they could do thew ;mud there were hundreds of homes inthi. county teat world be, d !1 Williams (late manager of touch happier if they would take some Huron. held hi the coml. house on Tuday evening. James Mitr•hell, president of the Sot'iety, occupied the chair. Secretary's Report. The secretary, ties. J. Pollock, in presenting his report stated that the Child,erer Aid eloteety. as it now ex- irts, was organised in July. 1811. Previous to that lime Yr. Mitchell an r. the Bank of Commerce) rendered homeless child tort the gond they could splendid service in the cause of neglected children. Branch orgauiza- tione were established in the early months of this year at Sottottb, VOinghan,, Blyth, Bruasebs and Clin- ton. and these Societies are in a live and thrifty condition. The 'secretary voiced the thanks of the Society to throe oho bad coutrib- tar Mae, 457 ; children taken As wards used to *Ards its financial 'rapport, of the thoiety, 17 ; other county wards mentioning particulea ly the grants of taken. ri : placed in footer -homes. 22 $200 from tbe county council and $,0 given to parents on probation, 3; lions the town unwell of Godericb. replaced, 18; tr Wil rrtrnber placed or Some of the brooch Societies had re- replaced. p1 ed. 41 ; taken l,) lndustt ial School, , p.nded nobly. Further pot thins (0 the secretor y'sa r. Elliottnee d aa knr w fedgMed the assist t. rapers were as follow,: "1 feel ! would 11e 1. mise in my president of the �i.)ciety, County duty were i to fail to c. -!I particul.r (Torso Attorney Seagei, Sud the attention to the fact that to all the Provincial euperintendent..1. J. Kelso. cases of neglect and *tote, of practical Impactor Smart's Ammar. homeleaanese and (hetiiutian that here come to the not ice of the Society the county bar been put to very little ezpen.e. Ttie Society has handled almost every case by itself and .at its own expense, and or it was found necessary to put chit ren on the rotes this was done only w en the children were in ouch • condition that the So- ciety could not conscientiously est any private person to take and cue ter tont' So they were sent to insti- tutions the are Main tattled for ouch do. 1 he following figures were prettented by Mr. Elliott AV giving some idea of the work done during the year Coinplaints received and investi- gated, l tt; personal interviews, 326 : telephone inter view'', 1119 ; visits made. 32.5 ; letters received. 3?M ; letter.. The nett and concluding address was by G. Bogue Smart, the Dominion In- .peetor. Mr. Stuart, in commencing his, ad- dret.ar complimented the Society unon the work it had done during its first year, and suggested that theestahl, -h- Ing of a children's shelter should be the nett step in advance. Of the thousands of children dealt with by the various Children's Aid Societies of Ontario, oinetreight per purposes. As far as the knowledge of cont., said Mr. (Smart, turn out well. the Children's Aid i' e my Roes, then This was especially remarkable when is not one single child in the (Monty of it wad borne in mind that these chil- Huron on the rates At the present time -a record of which we ought to pia he proud. homes. 'Still another fact : Our Crown ab In spite of all the efforte made, tte torney, Mr. Se..ger, informs me that ohildr'en's Ai•i would always have fewer cares of juvenile otiose have cases to de J with. The work must be come to his official notice during the a perm.' enc fixture in every town, past year than in any former years. etly and t'wn.hip. Ind testified to the fact tbat the work Mr. Kelps and his department were the Children'+ Aid Society has doue doing a..bly, hut were hampered for was pr3bably one of the reasons for workers and funds to carry on their this decrease. 'One thing is becoming more and loose opponent, Mr. President, ant that is the need of a home orosbelter to which ehildren can be sent to be cleaned and otherwise attended to un- til foster-bomee are found for them. I would bring this to the attention of the good people of the county of Huron at this time, for perhaps the day is not very far distant when the n eed must be met. - The financial statement by the treasurer, R. O. Reynolds, from Janu- ary 8 to October 31, 1918, as follows, 'aa promoted : Financial Sfgtsment- agestrOs. Jafrare; tJur tsmemrer.... • Ila • Bran w S ZlLists. 700 War tr. ia.............'in illnindt mer ..... 100 dren came from hopeless homes, or vee unworthy of being called INNT COUNT OF MITI - TOWN 001111LICIL EVI4 1414.• .71 Ohara grime tab 1111013Cdriskeeom Ch▪ ileHeh 71 Tina luaus. SIAM ASA Carty Agates newt. 0. 111. Elliott, the county agent of tbe Society. upon whom devolves the aetinal carrying out. of the Work of the Society in oaring for elaildren gave a toast interesting 'report. Though amount of Ms diameter of muds of the work he could hoe report it in dated& sod be did eel wish to draw as deck pietures of the meditioe of that had Mom trader hie melba yet he warn able to MU =omit to satie how greet ellisegaia MN% of umlauted Maim hed been mama in many talltimese Om: laierveetion of the flaeloo, begs and glelle takes MIN boom sense - PUBLIC NMI It WHOM IT MAT seem ress=1.1Mipriora apsoille• ear rests emesisad be key wryer tbe branding of a child with the ear - beneficent work. the town ; secretary, Rev. J. Pollock ; treaeurer, Sheriff Reynolds. The used of a shelter, in which to care for children during the interim be- fore they can be pieced in foster -homes. was referred to several tiusee during the meeting. Any person who is desirous of doing • really meritorious dead would find the opportunity in providing, or helping to provide, such an ituititudoe in Huron c/ounty. Any contributions for this purpose, or for the general work of tbe Society. wil: be gratefully received by the tre•surer, Stretiff Reynolds, or the oounty agent, BODY IDENTIFIED. °mule* M. FeR7, Second Cook of the Steamer Fleetwood. 'rhe body le ported last week as hav- ing been found on tbe lake shore a few miles above has been identified as that of Clarence M. Foley, who wits second coek of the from (fade, ich priuted in the news- papers caught the attention of the rehetives of the enfortunate young Man, who reside ist, Buffalo and Utica. N. Y., and Joseph Foley. of Buffalo. arrived here Monday ni,ght and next morning went up to Port Albeit. where the body was disinterred, end recognized it as that of hie brother. The remaine were token the mime afternoon to Utica for interment. after Coroner 1114 01 03ra had bemired a &aeration of identification from the brother. It seems that the young man. dur- ing severe weather eneountered off Pointe aux Barques. went up on the main dock to get .1 life preserver, evidently believing the ves•el was in danger. A big tete just then struck the veseel broadside and swept Foley off into the lake. J. T. Kenny. captain ef the steamer, telegritpht:d the news to Port Huron, hut neglected to mention the man's name. The body must have drifted sixty miles or more 'cram the lake to reach Cie point where it was fouod. The Pleetwtexl /8 the teat which sank the steamer Pine Lake in L ike St. Clair on October 21st. 00N0 !RIC LIMO voluntory wartime. Geer ,L_..rhildren are enrolled as the list nearly NAM vines iireopve hien bemelltied by temps - airy sere or by wands' to parents • Aileron. It hes been esitilmacei, are the His Moser J111161146 Dhyle yam elected Jones MINIMM A farmer in southwestern Ontario recently sent betweeu fourteen and fiftern hundred pounds of creanu to a crea,mery in one week. This would yield him better than otie hundred end thirty do`lars. He says that cows pay him better than anything else, especially- in 16-i winter, as the price is then at its biotin st. If this' cen be done in one dint rice why not in every one ? it r 4n. if the farmer is en- couraged to keep first-class cows. Up to the present the fanners of thie dis- trict hey e bad no encouragement, but that i• a thing oft he past. lhe Wingheur Creamery will be running all winter: Get cows that will be milking all *Muer sthen you have plenty ot time to care for them properly. Keep your test above twenty-five and patronize the Wing - hens Creamery -the one that encour- ages the farmer. We are now paying 31 cents per pound butter fat. If our wagon is not in your district write us aod we will make arrangements to collect your cream. Rip Appointment Cancelled. Demonism et um secretary and Registrar, Toronto, November , I have the honour to inform you that by the terms of an Order in Council approved by His Honour the Lieuten- ant -Governor on the 5th instant, your appointment as an Issuer of Marriage Unmoor; has been cancelled. Will you therefore be good enough to re- turn to the Department the Marriege Licenisee now in your poseession, when refund will be made to you of their value. I have the honour ot be, sir. Youi obedient servant, Act ing Assistant Pr ovincial Secretary Williams Lane, Esq., Goderich, Ontario. Following the receipt of the above crommunication, Mr. Lane withdraws 1118 card in this pester as issuer of marriage licenses. PUBLIC MARKET WANTED. To the Eat ior of The Noma thro-One reason so ossury good apples are going to waste this yew is tbat there is no convening Way io which tbe growers sod the eonsuasers can get together. Wts ought to have a market in Goderich at which the citizens could boy f Ili t and other prod- uce direct from the produiters. it ir not necessary to put up an expensive building ;start the market on a small scale oad let it grow naturally. Who of our public men hae the nerve and ability to put this much needed public utility in operation ? License Fines at Centon. (Antos. Nov. & -These are busy Bays foe the trate and license in - IT egeator bees no to have the hotel- seey license law. J. J. of the Commercial hotel. les Sees and costa for selling BOUM OR Sunday. l. Henna, who ibis Neese, o4 the Hotel Norman - wee op os a similar 'shame, but WM Bet premed. Relabels (holism. a dee 1Prelmel Hotter, fame a third of knee few selling on esedey, and the 4nee will le. tried Pa Um llith intr. immune wee the prosecutor iss came. Aeolhee ease wee Zea.if flosaila. tar as Illatilay. aimpaeur sad It Sakai tbe assand strobe Androure impend a ON at the malaise ollalsaare of 11114 elmill MAYOR AND ARENS AT TORONTO. New Scheme for System of Electric Rail - Mayor Reid sod Reeve Munuings went to Toronto this morning to at- tend tbe meeting of the Ontario Muni- cipal Electric Ansociation. At this meeting will he discuoied a project for the building of a eystrip of public - owned electric railway' throughout the Province. on much the stone lines as the distribution pf power by the rich is greatly interested in any po, ject that promisto the completion end operation of the electric railway along the lake shot e, it was censidered im- portant thet the town thoold be rep - tempted at this meeting, and tle Mayor and Reeve were appointed dele- gates for the purpose at a special meeting of the tewn council on Tuet- day evening. The London Free Press says : electric Cormuirsion, has prepared a map showing the expected route of the combined radial railstay and` hydro- electric transmiesion line. north end west of London. The map is the first to be prepored by the departmeot since -the announcement of the scheme of the chainnab of the Hydro -electric This scheme proposes to use one right-of-way for elect rice' railways ard the carrying of Sieger.' power trans - suasion lines., The map shows a radial from London to Windbor, another from London to Ss: nia and a third to St. Marys and Stratford and on to These transtniseion radial lines, to Window and Sarnia leave London by • way of the Port Stanley Railway right-of-way. The purpor.e of this. in part, at that the Port Sganley Railway gives rigist-of-way oleo the heart of tract ion lines. The transmission line right-of-way to Stratford is elready secured, and 'engineers ate engaged in surveying the proposed line to Windsor. Tbe plen to supply Windsor with Niagara power rippears to he definitely decided upon, and it is probable that %%Indoor wheel, will be turning in response to Siegal*. eureent within the next_yeso The same it true of Sarnia. Work will beein rot soon as poseible on the surveying of line to Sarnia. lt has not been determined whether the new line go by wny of .Strathroy. or continue direct from London to Petrolea through a stretch or terri- tory lying between the Caned& Smith - ern and the Grand Trunk Railroad. Mayor Gibbinge, of Clinton. 'lent a letter which WAS read et Tuesday night's meeting of the town council. stating thet there was geod prospect of Clinton's taking 300 horsepewer from the Hydro -electric Commission if the priee were right. He believed there should be an agt cement that the Maitland River plant. should be built within a reascnable time. He thought it wag no use waiting for the smaller towns north and south before making a contract : they could come in later. A REQUEST OF THE LADIES. To the Editor of The Shrnal. DEAR SIR, -The board of the publii library desire the ladies of the town, their reticles -to to give all expression of opinioni as to the class of reading they prefer, by sending to me lista of such books as they may wish to see on our shelves. There is a peculiar difficulty confronting our book cow- mittee in choosing the literature de- sirable for the ladies. and with a wish to get the best character-eteengthen- ing and improving botake, such as would be of real advantage ta the minds of their readers, they aek the kindly assistance of the ladies of all ages. to cover tall tastes, who will write out lists of one, two or any number of books they consider dealt able, and do it so once, so that h committee may have the advante,,, • of their co oper&tion in proctoring ustsal winter's supply. Thanking for the use or your coluymczsrs, trtflarniy.. J. Arms Fou Special Train to Portland. Maine, for Sailing S. S. "Teutonic," December Frit the accommodation of pewee, gers on the White Star -Dominion Line steamship 'Teutonic" from Pert - land, Maine. December i it h, thp 13rand Trunk Railway will t un a ripe_ cial train consistino of vestibuled coaches. touriet and fIrsochuet Stan. third PUil Wan aleeping CAT' A. leaving Toronto at 1:18 p. "re Friday, Decem- ber 18th. mooing direct to the dock at Portlanti, arriving there at 9 a. m. eember 14th. Berth reeervations, tickets And full particulars ean he °b- rained from nearest Grand Trusk Union Station. Toroeto. Ostarke F. Lawreace Mons. tows ageism. 'phone R. Office hours. 6:80 m. to AUCTION SALLti.