HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-31, Page 8TIM$ AT, 0011010a lel, 1112
One df the mast rages.
ens aed repot•im !seas .f
Rada., Disease le
for which DoMs
Pias are the eety
erre. In lin Kid-
neys aread•••aret
weexpelled is
torte of urine, bows heck
sed lodges in the can of
the assn wad pule out the
skis. Remove the Blur
which pings op the drain.
Restore the Ki to
health. there is y owe
Kidney Medicine
We have just received a ship -
silent of over 300 books, regu-
larly published at RI 2.; and
$1.50, special 50c each. Some of
the titles are es follows: "The
itirl of the Liwberlost," by
author of "Freckles" : "The
Trait of the Lonesome Pine." by
John Fos Ir.: The Master's
Violin," by Myrtle Reid ; "Cyn-
thia's Chat•Qet r." by Louie
Tracy: "The: Shepherd of the
Hills," by Wright: "Cv Whit -
taker's Place." by Lincoln: "The
Silver . Horde," by Rex Beach :
"The Man From iilexlneys," by
Oen. Harr McCutcheon : "The
Men in Lower Ten. "by Rine-
-The Circular Staircase."
by Rinehart ; "Half a Chance,"
by (sham; Trurton,King," by
Geo. Barr McOutcheoni ; "The
Man Of the Hour.-• by Octave
The Colonial Book Store
'Phone 100 Uoderich.
Friday, November 8
Greater Minstrels
CI with GROROE R. GUY, the
King of Minstrels. and
35 - - PEOPLE 35
The Augmented Orchestra
The Famous Silver Band
The Funny Comedians
The Sweet Soloists
The Latest Jokes
The Greatest of Dancers
The wonderful Acrobats
The Elegant First Part
The Beautiful Customer
The Grand Scenery
12 — BIO ACTS — I
Watch for tbe Gras/ Street Parak
And hear the Celebrfted Silver Con-
cert Band in front of Victoria Opera
Prices 35c and 50c
VbiH is the only Minstrel Show to
play here this Heaaon. SEE iT.
Plan opens Wednesday at H. T.
We are now prepared to
airpply coetraetere with
all kinds of Mouldings.
Inside Finish, Flooring
and Ridings. sad (Ferrera!
Ienilding Material.
We wake s specialty of
Veneer Flooring is Oak
end Rirch.
I>heesiaft and Matching
by the ehossaed
The ht rain Dar G.
Gonontani inter coon
ST. I5ILU 18,
Ito ore Oot. IiB,
LITKIAAuu Soclz'r'T. --The Literary
Society held its first easetiug on Fri-
day night. The following officers
were elected : President. Jay. Ram -
age ; vice-president. Wallace Miller ;
treasurer. Roes Murry ; secretary.
Jea. Cassells. There will be a debate
every two weeks. Subject for first
debate : Which has bocn Kau is the
must beneficial to tie world, the
stateessan, the warn icor, or the poet ?
Alaimo AND Uotrro.—Mn. D.
F'er-rior acd daughter Luella visited
friesda at Ripley over Thanksgiving.
.Mr. and Mob. Will McDonald. of
Jamestown, visited H. McDonald over
Sunday Mr. Hamilton and Mise
Ramage, of Toronto. were at lire. Jae.
Ramage'= for the week -end Mrs.
Finlay, of Wingbarn, visited her
*lister, Mrs. W. J. Todd, over Sunday.
Mies Grace. Reed, of l.angside,
spent a few days with Alias E. Miller.
Mies Minnie Woods. of Toronto.
spent Thanksgiving at home Mr.
and Mee. M. McUoatelt. ot Westfield,
weal here tor nunday W. 1.
Miller and St lie rt Rutherford
were in Goder', h on Tuesday.
.B'erman Phillipe, of Godes-
rich, was home for Thanksgiving.
. The teachers—Jas. Joynt, of
Palmerston ; Mies May Cameron. of
Dun?yhrook ; Miss itiistbeth Ruther-
ford, of Cursie's school were home
for the holidays. Mi. McLachlan
went to Goderieh toil Miss Edna
'Taylor to t; mate nes.... The students
were all bootie to eat theThinksgiviog
Nearly Anyone -May Secure a Splssiid
Growth of Hair.
We have a remedy that Mall a record
of retarding haldoen and promoting
hair growth in it; nut of every 1(I
cases where ii etl air rrdittg to oire(•-
tione fur a reasons hie length of time.
That may seem like a strong statement
—it is, and we mean it to b', and no
one shaold doubt it until they have
put our shims to an nctuel test.
We ate so tartan!. Hexall "VT' Hair
Toni,• will e•adicate dandruff. set to
prevent baldness. stinurlate•; the scalp
and hair r.wL", arrest pr, mature IMA
of hair and pt-..ur.te hair groveto. that
we per#un.11y, give our IH..itlee
.tu+rants,. to t' -fund eve.y penny paid
its for it iR every in.(antw where it
dors not give ••noire• satisfaction to
the user.
Rerall "93 H .ie Tonic i' we pleasant
to use as clear' anring- water. it is
delightfully perfuna-d, and does not
grease or vtun the heir. Two Maes.
50'. and $11.i0.' .With our. guirtantee
Mask of it. . on Neo tarnly take no tisk.
Sold ' only at our .tote—The Rexall
Sun•'.' 11. C. Dunlop. Goderieh.
In Every Home
where there are children,
there ought to be a
And also in every home
where there are Do children
more so.
C. .Lies Own. Dim $20
to $2001 and terms are
sago. Cama i and asks
OttWalla. IL Ilarr'lsos
J teener ad Oetklas
sad you will find 1 he c-.ntente
as good at the holion. as nn
thetop.We give you a vaquero
Fruits and
(:rare and s-ei our display.
1t will do your •res good to
ane it. Seery sea.o.ah.le
vetiMdie hi hers f.ssb from
dm tarot The fruit.. leclude
bleb the bees grows and the
peMM..i..1 tits teeples. !loth
walla lies Own hied at onsaaser
Me. Oar prism meta Shoos
}tar astaki
October 96. Mise Irina R. Powell, to be fa crew reeevered and oat of
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B .1. Pow- the •
e11, wait wedded to James M. Barr, X, IL Omit el w we. se
teller of the Beek of Hamilton bete.
Rev. J. B. J. Milliard woe �tthe olflctat-
leasrd Mie Tnsedsy mint,, a:e : W. R Dais as* i*. D. Davi _et
pram* are beard! at Jas. oast- and esasasee• p.•/setv.ty7t'�etr� 1,:d
mi ca. krlM� Wia less boon the %. of kks 151. !casted hetet M.
The "Panniers
Range is doubly
guaranteed — it
is guaranteed by
the makers old
just as fearlessly
guaranteed by every
McClary agent. You.
should know "Pandora"
in perfections before
you buy a range.
For Sale by Howell Hardware Co.
WEDN=RDAY, Oct. 30.
Another- of the pioneer residents of
this sect ion has been removed, in the
person of Mlbbael Courtney, whose
death took piece on Sunday night at
the age set eighty years. Mr. Courtney,
who lived with his eon John on the
lUth concession. has been ailing for
some tintr, but on Sunday list seemed
rather Letter than usual. He passed
away quietly during the night, being
found dead the neat morning. He
leaves four daugbtei a and three sons.
Jamas J) bis hoes la Dsetel eves
/te_Om • Rsggartb smut Use Wilda, in
si rely went to her beam at tAlithoo for
Cyril Ca,rrt.. of Toronto, was hose fur
are !wham was bene fleelTers.to for
MosteMlle M. elpab • Wted frleads 1. Lorleen over
Thaokegl v lug.
Walter of St- Themes, wan in town
for the holiday.
Iteg. Sainte, of Toroutu, apewt Theakegtviug
at hi* bows hese.
YY, n level hal) wa. home tram Lon
don for the
Grant and Keeneth Hui were up from Tor-
eato for the inelday.
Mru.1.CUAerdis visiting trtendr is Brant
ford fora few week.
Mrs. Drew Relating het daughter, Mrs. N-
Warrencr, at Milosell.
Harvey Lin/atter, of Wingt.am, visited la
town over the bollday.
Mrs. Cat beton spoof the Thanksgiving term
with her eon at i liutou.
Earl 1Lllott war.pome from Molesworth over
Thanksgiving ys.
Mr. Deo. Stewart recut the Thanksgiving
beliday terse to Buffalo.
Miss McPherson was at her home near St.
Thomas fur the holiday.
Misses Terra Murray and Isabella MacLeod
holidayed at Klnaruine.
Miss May Tburlow, of Brantford, or... a
Tbaoksgtvtng stator hero.
Mlss Kate Parke. of Clinton, is visiting at
tbe bolus of J. T. Goldthorpe.
Fred Johnston, of Goderieh. visited his home
In Wingbam over the holiday.
Mr. end hire. Harry Hunt spout tbe holiday
to Ripley with Mns. ('. Poulton.
Mrs. 11. W. Mckenzie visited Holmes, ille
Mends over Thank -giving Day.
Mrs. Leenb was et Walkerton and Palmer-
ston for the Thanksgiving term.
le L Frost of the Colon Bank. (:alt, was In
town for the holiday on Monday.
Mr*. Fibber, of Lensing. Mich. is visiting hat
daughter. Mrs. (Dr.. J. B. Whitely.
Mtn Freeman, of Stanley street ie visiting
friends In Toronto and North Bay.
Fred Marne, has returned from Outlook.
Bask.. where he spent the summer.
Mise Prudence Corbit, of Toronto. is the
avert of Mr. and Mrs. (Thar. W. Doty.
Miss Florone DeLori g visited her sister.
Mrs. D. L Bell. at Stratford, this week.
Mies Minnie MacLennan left this week for
Toronto, where she will make her borne.
Chas Jaoobe, of Blyth. was the avert of Mr,
end Mrs. H. J. Morris cue day last week,
Fred Cox and Henry Kemp spent Thanks-
giving at the former s home iu Stratford.
Miss Ella Goldthorpe. of Elmira, spent the
Thanksgiving belidays at her home hem_
The sons 'are John, Joseph and Mrs. J. Ross. of Blyth. .pent Thanksgiving
'Michael, all of Ashfield, and the with her cousin. John Russ. Vxford street
daughters are Mrs. Owens, of Flint, - Mi=res Mamie Werrener and Iidith Blair
Mich.; Miss Mary, of Chicago ; Mrs. were -visitors in.Stratford over the holiday.
John Stiles and Miss Bridget, of Kin- Mir. Mai Stoddart and Mlle. Nellie Graham
tail. A brother, John Courtney, of spent the Thanksgiving holidays at Toronto.
Flint, !fish., also RUeV1yPa and was Mr. and lira Ind $eabrooke spent Thanks -
(riving at the tanner's old home iu Hepworth,,
present at the funeral.,The ohvequies (•ouneiiorCharles H. Humber made a trip to
were conducted on Wenesday morn- Toronto and Hamilton use 'Thanksgiving t'•ty.
ing at St; Joseph's church. Rev. ltev. Dr. Medd. �aml. tt ort and lawrenoe
Father McClorntactF officiating. The Nark are sway ro the north ou a hunting trop.
funeral was one of the largest seen in Arthur Cassidy. of Pari.., .peer Tlienk..giv-
this section for many years, the ing with hos grandmother, ]Ins, Wm. Burrows.
deceased haying been held in very Mm• F}•aser and daughter, teleses Martin
andldlian• wereat'1'orontofor lhankegivlog,
high respect throughout this common- George Lille. and Miss Violet Lille., of Tor -
it y. onto, spent Thanksgiving at their home here.
Mn.. ltd. Graham and Miss'Maud spent a few
CARLOW. ichdays leis week with :Mrs. J. J. Merner at Zru-
WBON EtlnAY..Vet. 30th. Mrs. Wm. Blake was the guest of herdeegh-
NEws NoTas.—Milton Tyndall was ter. Mr.. H. Hillier, st Toronto, for Tbanksaiy-
home from Toronto for the Tbanksgiv• fit'
in holiday... Horsce,May and Leonard Laval. M Stnt-
g y... . A large number from toed were among the Thaakegiviog visitors in
Carlow at tendw the supper at Zion ' tewn.
church on Monday evening Misses Mian Washington and Miss Corn Washing.'
Edith and Mona Walter and their ton visited Toronto and Hamiltoc Curing the
brother Aubrey have returned hone week.
from. the West. We understand Miss Rasher M..odemehl• of the Dornt..lo, Hank.
Mona will spend the winter in Toronto Toronto, was among the holiday visitors in
tosfinishing her course at the Margaret Theo. it. Elliott. of Vlotoria University. Tor -
Eaton School of Expression The onto. spent Thanksgiving at hie Memo. (`obourg
apple -buyers are very slow in coming yt"°r-
around and prices are very low, and Jamas F'erenws, of the Rank of t'ommerce.
vMlted at his home la Wingbam over Than the prospect prospect is that a great deal of edv•
fruit will be left in tbe orchards. Wby • Mr. and Mr.. Wm. TIp1a(17, of Clinton, t of
don't the county town people get a cold Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mix H. J.
storage plant and a canning factory ? I l 1[iie Rlanche I>ePeudry and Mlav Muriel
It would to be a good industry for 1)nekv►o tth were visitor.+ In Stratford over the
both town and country 8i10-fi11- holiday.
ing is almost completed. The corn Reg. Platt, who ib attending Ontario College
crop as a role is not heavy thin year. of Pharmacy. Toronto. spent 'rhanksgi ring at
Andrew Johnston had a success- , his home•
hit auction sale on Monday, good prices;and Mis l robibaId Murturay spent
Tfantatiriog wttb their son. Thoas Murray,
being realized. Mrs. Johnston and at Preston•
Was Tena are leaving shortly to spend j Mr. and Mr. R. A. Bell and family. of Clio-
tbe winter at Vancouver The ton. were the goats of Wm. Clark, Walnut
Smith's Hill Presbyterian congrega-
street. over Sunday.
lion will meet on Friday afternoon to 04 . Mn Harry and two chil-
dren• of Toronto, have been visiting their retie
dinette* the making of another call. rive, tw town this ow,. •
We are all anxiously awaiting Mrs. Kellogg, of Paris, was h
1 he Judgment of the Court in the granddaughter.
Mrs. .Harry +tows.the,neat Kingstowofer
telephone case, knitting
VerneSMrrdowe awd Wm. Ptmer retutuod
NOMINATION i'ROitI'K(-n+. - i t itt home on Wednesda after spendlog a week In
understood that Reeve Kernighan Fort wiltiam and Midland.
will retire from the township council I Mies Kitty Fog has returned from (7lnton,
at the end of his present term. Samuel where she we." toe ,asst of Mies Minnie Wil -
Bisset and Jas. Taylor are mentioned I los for the pert teres weeks
Mesdames Hodgson and Anderson, of Forest
as possible candidates for the reeveship wear gue•u at Victoria street parsonage der.
fornext year. John Farris, ot Ing theThanlueiring belldar•-
Dunlop, and John J. Robertson are Mr. Torranoe. trpreeentativs of the Western
talked of a, poesible aspirants for a Bs_,to Coueg , Laudon• wet the guest of
place at the council board. l[fa. (tea Blair over lbs holiday.
Mies Hannah t'oratah, of Btpl(iy, spent bac
'rbaakswlving holidays tbe enema of her .tater.
SLY fH. Mrs. Charlew 1'eager. Mouth street.
WEDIfanDAV. OCt 30th. Mrs. ltacrarLeneggal hee cousinM.
W teen, spent thhek.,..ggti ing holidaav+swith
James Barr, late teller of the Bank relatives et HamWisand Toronto.
of Hamilton here, has purchased the Geseme mod D.V a Montreal• were
bakery and confectionery business of week, the guest. of
N. A. Taylor and will take possession ,v14011:2=411utehison.
Mydson "4„411Xwab•oa, of ?trap
in a few days. We understand it L son(' RNkd we,,s� 3and Mur .lex Mo
Mr. Barr's intention to go more ex- Nevin. Yswx carat• over the holiday.
teesivelq into the flout and teed hued- ,War.. Morc�pa�p socompanied by Master
Bess. lltr. Te for will make a trip ot.brontog�satThankorivin
with his sister. Ms (lea walnut
through the est and may go into
fatalness out there. Mor Minnie .Walton and stay Grethen of
Cameo. and George Ringwood, of Loudon.
Sultso Till G. T. R. -Frank K. Roue- rose tote 'me. of lora J. A. Fox over Thanke-
seaenc. a oomoerciai tray eller, who Moto_,
had both legs cut off when he fell CTIwe He nw r.rPollen has trteturnnyeaintram
under a Orand Think paa*enger train Sty of Edmowton tree !steads to move West
at ills -tb oft Oe"►her 4 1911 bas, f>rsbshly is the spots,.
through his uoliuitors, Mestere- Prise,
Garvey & Co.. of Toronto, commenced
en action for unstated damages
against the company. Following the
Mr. lied Mn J, Baxter Resetaan were rp
frees ttrattura tor a twist visit last week.
Thep *Adored
Itm. M•.Pis moving o tows est.
Mr. and Asset* Kidd sed Miss Mows
aocident. Mr. Ronsaeas was for many u ' it M eek. jrses dsWckt� e.l bele
weeks to a very critical condition int ym trice l �et Agarose'
Wingham hospital.
W enniNo.--At the residence of theof v WL remsd.sw d
Htride'a parents at London, on Friday. MoldsbsLa fr��iAw7n hsitW
Ihta gestlou.Uont
ode to onstiase ie that
ase ty, •
'rte einair.g,nteotrwth` of Si. (i.org
s s
to eh woe sised by the A. Y
P. A. ea Tsssday [weekS
la the laws.
day Waal room. was loaned
Isad a t t pta�femt i wr f:F.Wa. and
S.J.YOUNG!-al FitiWhWN.aeWiW M
AdstM salad sassed seine Icy
OROf)iA ' Mr. fi bin prseddent erf
Hamilton Ast Phone a e� tlPu_ gays a abort Adavwm.
eas. hose presisoi
bed rat�moo
*slwwa&e tame
� which L iMesis cense* one of tbe lose
ie the
diatom& asses
catty la a disasldaod are
Dr. Morse's Iodise Rost P. . Tiny
go straight to the root a( the atetthhi
put the fiver right, ckanae the sttem-
ach and bowels, clear the tames sad
take away the bitter taste treat the
rsbuth. At the first sign of bilious-
ness take
Dr. M orso's
Indian Root Pills
Girls Wanted
lebasediately for Hiaouit and Candy
Dsssrtassata. I,6gbt, pissaant work ;
steady employment ; good wages,
D. S. Perris L Company
LIMO tau
Is lost the
S. .err
w'e bctow,.
cap recuts!
Mge and UerrarHd
vele wsA
We Are Doing Business in
N. C. Cameron's Old Stand
The Fire Sale Will Be Continued at Our New Address
The Fire Sale will be continued with unabated vigor. There will be no
let up until every dollar's worth of goods is sold. Our store is now in the hands
of the builders. They have promised faithfully to let us back in a few weeks and
we moved out to let them go ahead without any interruption. In the meantime
we must put up with the inconvenience and discomfort ot the new, quarters. We
are making everything as convenient for you as we can, ,and every discomfort will
be made up for by the remarkably low prices of th.s Fire Sale.
Such an opportnnity as this sale affords for the purchase of Furs of sterling quality a:
bargain prices is moat unusual. Every piece we will hack with our unqualified guarantee. 2',•.;
run no risk whatever taking advantage of the realtj. remarkable low prices we are selling our
Furs at. As we stated before, we sent the entire stock of clots, neck pieces and mune to alt
expert furrier. They were carefully examined for any defect and every piece we offer for sale
wecan gutrantee. We had an exceptkoaily heavy stock of Mink, Persian Lamb and the
cheaper Furs, also fur -lined and na•ural rat coats. Most of these Furs are ba.:k front the furrier-,
and we are making a special display of them this week upstairs in our temporary quartets. tin
any Fur buying we can certainly save you money.
No More of Those $1L50
Suits When , This
Lot Is Sold
There are just a few of those wonderful
d11.50 Suits lett and when they are gone we
can get to more to sell at this price. 'i be
value of these garments is remarkably good
and made possible only by the fire sale.
Every garment is new. They .re cut in
some of the best styles of the season. Made
from all -wool Berges and tweeds in black,
navies, browns and greys, satin lined.
Regular value up, to $20.00.
Extra special Fire Sale price $11.50
New Coats Marked Low
More new Coats received this week.
Natty, nohbygarment*. refiecting the latent
and beet stes of the season. ,-Itside from
high-class materials. Garments that have
style and splendid wearjng qualities. All
telling at specially low pHces for this Great
Fire Sale.
A Shipment of New Rugs
We have just passed into stock a small
shipment of new Rugs in Velvet. Tapestry
and ssatnless Axminster. These Rugs
were no dered some time before the lire
and we had to take delivery. Otherwise
they would not have been put in stock
until we were back in our own quarters.
We really have not room to"handlethem
properly here and will
clear them out at Fire sale Prices
Mises are 3z3,?x31 3z4 and 34z4, if
you have any Rug buying to do this is your op-
portunity to get a good Rug at a bargain price.
You teSurely
Save on Underwear
Ladies' and children's Winter Under-
wear of high-grade qualities to be cleared
out at Fire stale Prior. We had a big
stock in and are giving you a saving op-
See our Special Vesta at 19e, with
Drawers to match ; elan better and finer
grades all at- - - - .. Reduced Prices
Blankets and Comforters
Are Selling Cheap
Blankets and Comforters are certainly
being cleared nut at redaowd pines. We
have a splendid seeortrnest atoll, although
tbe qnantities are getting down a little.
While they last you can tiny Flannel-
ette Steatite at Ric, 51.00 and 5125; Wool
Blankets $aila to $5 116 per pair ; $e65
Comforter" at 51.9! to ..
Extra Quality
Down Comforters 52.95
.oiSabi *sly real lM.d
diews Ooskforters,
w1e' Only Bowe. rimiswolulit moored
misfit its oti •ombin.
Dre=w Goods and Silks *ere the stocks
most damaged by water. They were prat"-
tically unaffected by the fire. These
dameired goods simply wftst he cleared out
before we move back into our own store.
We have put them out on tables marked at
varion3 prices to take the selling as easy
as poseit.le.
A Big Special is a Table=
ful at 19c
On this table are hundreds of yards
of Deese materials suitable for ladies' and
ebildren'sdrewsse*. also some very pretty de-
signs in fancy Delainee suitabie for kimono,,
dressing aaeques, et.:. These Delaines are
very slightly damaged. On the table as
well are two or three hundreds of yards of
fancy Silks that must he sold. suitable for
trimmings. waists, etc. Choice of 1da
the whole table at per yard.... , ..
All Other Dress Goods Reduced
All other Drew Goode, Mack and color,
including many new lines of no,
elty Suitinga, are now being offered in .q
der to clear the present stock out com-
pletely if possible before we move ,gain.
Flannelette 10c
Heavy Flannelette. 44 inches wide, feua
color., standard 120 quality. Fire 1 OC
Sale, per yard
Table Damask 23c
Heavy half -bleached Table Damask.
50 inches wide. Fire Sate Special. 23C
Der yard
Toweilings 6c
Linen Crash Towelling, heavy weight.
snakes a apleodid drying towel. Fire Com.
Hale Special Vl
All other Towellings reduced in price.
Blinds 5c
Twenty-five green and yellow Window
Shades on spring rollers. Three were
damaged by water only. Saturday 5c
morning, each only ....
Silk Morette 30c
Two hundred yards Silk Morette Skirt-
ing, dark and light colorings, damaged by
water only that will not affect the wear
in any way. Moet or It ant even badly
marked. Regular e0e and 50e per 0c
yard. eleetrlug Fire fele..... .... . Je/
New Velveteens
Velveteens Tee fadrly Beare. stood*
today. We have resolved mor (sew niece of
three and are dieplapitag them estmaday and
are *bowie' tete new sob dint• M Qot•dsd
vsiUUMwq alio bamlama loisnoilano Velvet
Satflapt r elet... aloft at S1
7$s $....,....
()alas qe at Moi to 71110
Abe vials Velveteen &sMtaps in blacks
mad what et per yard ase to S!.!s
MilfaelleS 1