HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-31, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERLCH ONTARIO) CaussaDot, ilk raw Sl, Ink to LOCAL TOPICS At Castle Griffin. The last prisoner immuolited tiodertch - mond. giving his place of resident es Clinton, and committed on a theme of seven P isoderly mers it. n the ere sl at In the t+ettc.Court. AB owe from Ashhold w before !bi oil Haid Wednesday atter noon. Ai adjournment_ was made for a week to allow the parties in the car to comet( an amicable settlement of their differences. D. Brown was tined one dollar and twits ($1150 In all) Wednesday even - bet for allowing his horse to run at lege in the town. Chief Footle- , awaits was the complainant. Building Operations. Work on Dr. Caesar's bengalow on Nelson street has been progressing rapidly the pest couple of weeks. The roof has been all rbingled and the in- side pea titiona hale been erected, Ltiteit is desired that all be present st the lib. next 4w1141100. From the Waterfront. Moat of the pleasure yachts have been stored high and dry for the win- ter season. Some of the Meoesetung Canoe Club members have toru down their boat bowies and stored their Ianschea or canoes in the town freight sheds. The coal trarge H. S. Pickard, of Cleveland, merit) putt the past week and unloaded her cargo of coal at the electric light plant. Sbe lett Thurs. day morning with the barge C. 0. Kiog in tow. The dart pontoon for the northwest breakwater has beeu floated and the .stood one has been having the frame- work put together. The steamer Wexford arrived in port Wednesdaynight with a cargo of 121,000 busheof wheat and oats for the Goderich Elevator & Transit Co. The steamer Scottish Hero arrived hoeing the interior ready for lathing. in port on Sunday evening with a The brickwork on Mrs. Cuffs house on cargo of 145,000 bushels of oats. barley Bruce street is completed. Melvin and fiaz for the Ooderich Elevator Howell has moved into his new house Transit Co. She cleared on Tuesday. ol W. Chis tn's house 00 Bruce street. 6 on Trafalgar street is ready for beick- iog. The North street Methodist per- sonage building is bricked up weer half way. Marchant—Fowler. A pretty wedding took place at St. George's ebur: h on Wednesday after- noon. when the peed r,i Rev. J. B. Fotheringbam, marriage Mian Gladys Isabel, daughter of Mn. Edward fowler, and Etnest Walter Mai chant, in the piesence of a few of the fi iends and relatives of the bride and groom. The bride wore a travel- ling suit of.grey tweed with white hat sol call led a bouquet of bridal noses. Mise May Fowler, sister of the elide, was maid ot honor. Sev- rb tug W. L. Forrest has been re• ceiving some finishing couches in the way of paint. Death of Dr. William Hamlen. Dr. William Harulen, former vice- president of the Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery. died et his home, 3401 Woodward aventte, De- troit, on Saturday, after an illness of four months. Ahuut the middle of June Dr. Hamlen suffered a paralytic stroke, the second in the last few years, and he bad been confined to bis feel since that time. A few days ago he contracted ♦ cold which developed into pneumonia and caused death. Dr. Hamlet) seas a eon of John Ham - tem. of Goderich. He was, born in Rest Wawanosh fifty-seven yew -0 ersl 1.-I itiful presents were received. ago. He first studied medicine in the Beet wnbeh front a host of friends are Detroit College of Medicine and after extended se. the happy young couple. graduating from that institution took co. Clark's Appointment advanced work its McGill University, Dr. W. P. ('lark, V. 5 • ms. notifletl Montreal. Atter leaving McGill, Dr. last week from the Provincial Depart- Hamlettreturned to Detroit to prwc- meut of AK. iculture of his appoint- [tM). He specialized along chemical lines and. besides holding the choir o f tmsreioettisatat)eniinAspcec t.toTr uendPerorvitnhcee O -l OfthewMied+tltCylDieD,thseeaolldClMefitedciga°yice( -eplrelegrir tktee inspectors fog each diatricLseno divided woo eight dietsrets, with dent. lie wasa member of the Michi- The n State Medical S aciety and the esti tgniet to whichDr. Clark has%na nil Count Medial Societ and hero 'mutilated, along with Dr. JAS.. 7 y y 8isdair. of l'snnington, and 5 -m. is bis early day: wawa Mason. He it Mot/eip, of St. Marys, includes the Buret iveJ by bis wife and a daughter, cuunnee of Elgin. Essen. Kent Lamb Kathleen, who recently graduated ton and Middlesex. The appointment I from the Genual high school, Detroit : of nut townsman to this position, en- tirely unsolicited and indeed unex- pected. is an evidence of bis high standing and reputation as a veterin- arian. , He left on Monday to emu - memo his duties and the scbedule lent to hint by the Department, with two inspections a day, will keep him engager for a month. In his absence bis practice here will be attended to by A. E. Matheson. Thanksgiving Entertainment. There Nat a good attendance on Monday evening at Aict.oria street Metholiht eburch, wbete the annual Thanksgiving supper and entertain- he, of t.be Hayfield road, .vas called to meat ma, given under the auspices of hitt reward on Saturday last. Mr. the ladies of the congregation. After Wallis had reached his righty-eizth the bountiful spread served in the bhtetrent bad been Leojoyed, en ex- cellent program was rendered in the main arelitoriuna, the pastor, Rev. I) Medi, presiding. Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Dungannon, we. the speaker of the evening and his address was au inspir- ing one. ((theta who took part in the program were Miss Carr, of Blyth. Mita l' deter. Mrs. Cummins, 1). Wells and Sid. Belcher, vocalists ; 1(ias Mali.. of Blyth, and Miss Lila Mitch -11. elocutionists ; Mr. Hunter and M,s. McClinton, aecoanppat)ista. A song by William Swaftleld. veteran member of the congregation and )till a good singer, was hugely enjoyred. The proceeds of the even- ing's el.et will net over $100, which Will he used for a new furnace for the church. C. A. Society Annual Meeting. - Mich.; Mrs. Beller tyne, Brandon, Mao.; Mrs. John Willis and Mrs. Arthur McRae, of Detroit; three broth••te, Thomas Hatnlen, of Hems - ford, Mee ; Dr. John Iiamlen, ot De- troit, and Dr. Frederick Hamlen, of Rochester. Mich., besides his aged father. The funeral was held Tuesday morning and interment was in Elm- wood cemetery, Detroit. A Good Man Gone. One of the beat-knonn a and utast highly respected residents of Goderich township. in the person of John Wal - The ;innual meeting of the Chit- dren's Aid Society for the county of Huron will he held in the County (our( room on Tuesday evening, tiovetniter 12. The committee in charge of the program met no Tues• ds! last and made arrangements for what promises to be a most interest - 1(4( and inspiring gathering. Invita- tions, with a completel statement of the y'P*I n financed, are being sent out to all the branch societies throughout the county, with a request that they seed delegates to the annual meeting. and n promise of their entertainment while here. county Agent Elliott will give * full report of the week he bee carried on doting the tear, and some of its de- tails will surprise nine -tenths of those who will attend the meeting. The local cl,.rgytnen and civic and rounty dilcia!s will he Invited to lend en- eoursgement by their presence atthemeeting. and announcement will be asked from the pulpits of all the churches in town. Mr'• G. Bogue Smart, Dominion in- spector of children, will be present awl )teak on the work as be knows year. having been born in the veer' 1827 in Lincolnshire, England. When he was *tout four years of age he sailed with hie parents from Liver- pool for New York. The •hip was out of sight of land for eight weeks and two days. After arriving at New Yolk the party took stage and cban- nel boats to Ooderich. At this time there were only a few shanties at the wharf here, where the town now stands being all in hash. The fdmily settled on the Bayfield road in God ericu township, where Mr. Wallis spent the rest of his life .with the exception of biz years in Ooderich after retiring from the active work of the farm. It was during his residence in Goderich be lost his beloved partner in life, eight year. ago last April, and for the last five year. he lived with his son. Thomas K., of the Bayfield road. Tbe deceased was married in his twenty- eighth year to Mere Booting, of Cookstown, Ont., their family being five sons and one daughter, of whose three are now deceased. The surviv- ing members are Charles and Thos. R., of the Bayfield road, and Mille Susan, of Toronto. Two sisters and a brother also survive him : Mrs. Mc- Kenzie, of Goderich township ; Mrs. Burke, of Michigan, and James Wal- lis, of B*yheld. Early in lite the late departed was led to the Saviour and he was always a faithful member of the Methodist church and a class leader for over forty years. In the absence of his own pastor, Rev. 11 .1. McCorinick, the funeral services on Monday afternoon were conducted by Rev. Dr. Medd. of Godericb, a sieted by Rev. J. Young, of Bayfield. The interment was in Maitland cemetery, the pallbearers being Charles and Welter Wallis, Milton Woods, Alex. McKenzie, Herbert Cox and Harvey Jenkins. Stout Items. The Boy Scouts were out for a ti-emp on Thenktgiwit)g Day, about twenty - ire of the kips taking part in • signal and sign hunt. The Scouts were under the leadership of John Storm, and wore divided into three patrols. Tbe day before Mr. Storms and Chester bad the neighboring country vied notes i ed b note rave to explicit description of where the next mote was bidden. The first Petrel hada kw& el evemit)utee oolb. awls and thea similar lend on lis thitd,fi o give time a sill"" to dam in .uoosielon ase hide then Web toe palmi shouyas., lyp Cdr ,ventage Rlof aide wow (` Ism,. W. `A eanortbest five "1" won tire lima. Ai sum lblo nat Mr. Raman home the Bourn road wad b S AMs d Math . Pd dames. Mbar Amer they rebs•• 1 ismiet Isge{y ' wt'tard for beam tell mgees erbium t a7 b eejnyed timay+ s oat f1. bugle band y bad; is aiallw at Tiber' wee es e01 a rot ettertdssee c/ the bead en 5 LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The regular meeting of the (lode - rich brannh of the Wormee's Institute will be held at the hone of Mrs. J. 8. Bedford Bedford block (by request of Mn. Bedford, et. I. on Thursday, Nov- ember lth, at B o'clock. A full attend- ance is desired. News has been received of the death at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., of WUllaw Hillier, which took place on Sunday last, at the age et eighty years. The deceased was at one time x r -*idem of Colborne township. He wails brother of John Hillier, of Goderich. Veteran J. J. Wright was greatly pleased with a cartoon in a recent number of "Jack l'anuck," at Toronto publication. Col. Sam Hughes, Min- ister of Militia, was shown riding a dilapidated old nag in front of s squad 1 of scarred and crippled army veterans, one of whom was addreesinie him W. H. M. S. PRESBYTERIAL. Sammy, time ; "Say, Say, the Govern- -- vent's treatment of us old fellows is about as puuky as that 'ere 'ohs you're riuin'." E k,ST STREET IGARAP,E The People who Intend to Stay in Business wL WILL qL \ OPEN ALL WINTER and you can depend on us for service *ll the time. 1e this CONTINUOUS SERVICE more to you than intermittent attention? if it is, let us number you among our custowere. Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co. RI GODECH, NT. 'Peewee 243 John Stiles was in town the other day on his way to Chicago atter a visit to friends in Ashfield. Speaking of tate Presidential election to be de- cided next week, heput in a wood word for President Taft, dectariog that Canadians should not forget the Pres- ident's efforts in behalf of. improved trade relations between Canada and First Annual Meeting Held in Knox Church Last Week. A large and much interested audi- ence assembled in Kuoz church on Thursday afternoon of last week to attend the first annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of the Woman's Home Missionary Society. The president, Mrs. W. E. Kelly, ot Goderich, gave an address of welcome to the delegates and the business of the United States. Unfortunately the afternoon was immediately begun. Canada failed to tale advantage of 1 Moet encouraging repot is were re - the opportunity offered het, but Pres- ident Taft, he believed, was actuated by goodwill towards tbls country. Guy Brothers (heater Miustrels will silve a high-class entertainment at the House on Friday, November 8. Aside fro.n their fine band and or- cbestra, which alone is well worth the price of adwiesiou to hear, they have President, a beautiful fleet part enhanced with 1101 t e y rK19 41913: ls+ vice jokeselectrical device's, ch tunny end men, president, Mrs. 0. E. Ross, Godericb ; juges with the chestnut flavor elimi- , t nated, sweet singers tendering the 2nd vice-presides•r, Mr =. Ewing Bay - latest ballads, special scenery and tine field; 3rd vice-peesid.:tt, Mrs, firkin, costume.... making it in all one of the i Sea1°1th ; 4th vice-president, Mrs. R. finest winetrtrl productions on the' M. Young, Cary'" : treasurer, Mrs. Iii. eaforth ; recording road today . This organization did a I Y. McLean, very big business here last season and secretary. Mies et. McPhail, Porter's we welcome them again. Come out l Hill ; cort•espoudieg and supply secre- and hear their celebrated silver con- . tary, Miss E. Buchanan. Goderich ; cert hand give their concert in front , Pioneer secretary, Mrs. Taylor, Godes- of the Opera House at 7:311 and you rich : Mission Bind secretary. Mts. will certainly enjoy the grand music. D''Lacy• Seaforth ; Houle Helpers Prices 36c and 50c. secretary, Miss Ferguson, Carlow; Straoger secretary, Mol. Jas. Wilson, j Gnderich.• CHURCH NOTES, 11 ceived from each auziliary. A Round Table talk wee conducted by Mr.. R. M. Young, of Carlow, at which difficulties were freely discussed. Miss Dunlop gave a splendid paper on "Personal Responsibility" and Mrs. Hume gave one on home mission work in general. The following nfflcets were elected Serviette in Victoria street Methodist church will be held nest Sunday as usual. Mr. Irwin, of Clinton, will preach both sermons. At the Baptist church divine woribip will be held on Sunday nett, 11 S. m. and 7 p.: in, the pastor ofP.ciating.' Bible school and Bible class 3 p. in. The Lords Table will be spread at the talose of the morning service. Yout.e people's meeting every Monday eve cl- ing, P p. tn. Visitors will be cordially welcomed to all of these servicer. At North street Methodist chuicb next Sunday the quarterly services will be held. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of new members at the closeof 110—public service in the morning. Special offerings. The pastor will preach morning and even- ing and conduct, the adult Bible close. A cordial welcome to all. Special Thanksgiving services. were held in St. George's on Sunday. The church was beautifully decorated with the fruits of the season. The singing was quite in keepiog with the past standards of St. George's choir. and the services were attended by large congregations. The preacher in the morning was Rev. Prof. Cosgrave, of Trinity ('ollege, who preached a very insti active sernion. The rector, Rev. 1. B. Fotheringhaiu, preached in the evening. In opening, he referred to ; the fact that it was exactly one year since he tock charge of the parish of St. George's. and mentioned with some feeling the happy relations between priest and people after the year's labor together. Streaking from the text, " L'n'ebr a gin n of wheat fall into the ground and die it 'cannot abide," he preached an eloquent sermon. In the evening there was a short musical program, after which Rev. G. 1E. Ross introduced the speaker of the Ievening, Mrs. Needham, who gave a most inspiring address en the work i'eing done in our great West. fancy work for sale. Tea served from 5 to 7 o'clock. Admission to hall tree, tea 15 cents. Mrs. Grime has had the 81. Lawr- ence thoroughly renovated and is pre- pared to take a limited number of toowers. She can also give hosed without room. The St. Lawrence has Leen recognized in the past as a high -claret private boarding house and under Mrs. Griffin's management the best of acxomwodation and hervi.e I will be given, Both Quick and Permanent Strength. I If you are run down or tired out, if you take cold easily, have no appetite, are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeode, System Renovator under our guaran- tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fails to give Afire satisfaction. It aids digestion, tones up the nervous system and givee,botb quick and per- manent results. One dollar a bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Co., Goder,ch , Ont. For sale by K. K. Wigle, ANNOUNCEMENTS. None but the highest -class pictures shown at the Lyric Theatre. The "needle festival" of the Baptist church ladies wilt• be held on Tues- day, December 3rd. Be on the look- out for further notices. Remember the date. Remember the bazaar in the Odd- fellowr' Hall. next Thursday after- noop, November 7tb, at 4 p. m. Horne -made bread, candy, samples and if you have a nice picture which you think is worth preeervina. rake It W Smith's Art Ston and have it properly framed. Over 2d0 different patterns of mouldings In stock to waled from. They're making It hot for the Turks in Europe which has nothing to do with the fact that Prldham the Tailor tsps busy turning net eoat ordered garments for meealae him a trial with your vest auris or overcoat. Why is the Lyric popular:' Because i is *(ways on the Square. F. E. Burdette is now driving • motor oar. baying purchased J. B. Kelly's Ford. Several good window displays ware made by i merchants in honor of the Thanksgiving season. Dr. Caesar is having rooms fitted up over the Sterling Hank („river and will owes dental omen. there. The r monthly meeting of the Ladies' knelliary of the Y. M. U. A. will be amid *Wortley afternoon, at 4 *Week to the Y. M. C. A. rename Mn. Ellen Mallows, Rene. street, le smoag times who have hum gather/ - keg In (letabor. Ube breagbt 1be Signal • sample on Tues- day. ussClay. Mr. Taylor Mt•tten. Provincial see - rotary for bo work, will be is Oe s- r4ob en Monday. November 111h. sad will adenine • pohlic meeting for awes In tb• evening Is the Y. M o' A , weans. HORN. RATHWELL.—In Goderich township, on Uo- tober Zird, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Rathwell, a +ln. HOOPER.—At Grace hospital. Toronto. Mon- day, October ffi, to Irr. and Mrs. F. Ralph Hooper, a son. MARRIED. PEERS —LAWRENCE. At Norwich. ore Thursdayy. October Pith, by Rev. ,Mr. Doo- little. Miss Ruby H. Lawrence, of New Dur- ham, to Alex. Peers, of Dunaanoo•. MARCHANT — FOWLER—On Wad.e.iday, Goober 901.5 at tar. George's chntch, by Rey. J. 8. Fiotherlogbarn (clads Isabel Fowler, dangbter of Mn, kdward Fowler, to Ernest Walter Merobant, both of Oode- rbb. BARR-POWEI.I.. At London, on Friday October 23. by Its, ..1. Ifs Mlllyard pastor of Hyatt avenue Methodist church, Iverea E. Powell, eider daughter of E. J. Powell. its iekerman street. London, to R. James M, Barr. of Myth, Ont. DIED, WAI.LiS.—in Ooderlch township. on Satur- dy. October 90. John Wallin. in his 8855 rear. MAGIC BAKING POWDER BOOTH. At 0iklfeilow - 1411 Ondesiib. Thursday. Nnr-r asber fu b W110op1:4 Cough srAssosec csoIR AMU COMM mascanis CATAiitfM COLDS SIMAatt.N.. limy . A Merle, sats and 01110*,.. treatment fed saes. Mini troubles, ovoidl,y drugs. Vaporised Crewman'sSLUM 1he panne sr s of WboopisiffComa andseamen Spasmodic Crump at osc.. It lea BOON to sufferers hem AM►oa, Thenar carry in/ the ant sae in ie. vapor, inspired with every Meath, niatree b.tatbing ease ; s. .area the son; throat and Mope the blurb.. &.d..g nights. It is invaluable to nrvhers with t. troy.hadreo. h„d pUs1.110r dv,a-1pta.r tootte1. ALI. DRUGGISTS. T ORKIO1.P.NP. ANTISEPTIC THROAT TABLETS for the .rrttars.i throat. Ther are simple. itetras* nod Satteeptk. x pooro. Irma us . in Vapo Crsdffas Co. n Oedema st., N.T. 1.1110.1104 Nile Bondi ./ Moetreat Can. e Sale of Work The Ladish' Auxiliary of the V. M. 1'. A. will hold a BAZAAR 011 Thursday, November 7 from 4 p. qtr till evening, in the Oddfellows' Hall Samples ar.d Books, Home-made Bread and Candies, and Fancy Work will be on sale. Tea will be served froom 5 to 7 o'clock Admission to the Hall free. Supper 25 cents. Proceeds in ;fid of the Boy Scouts. PLUMBING Let W. R. Pinder know when you have anything to be done in Eavestroughing Metal Work or Electric R icing. Estimated furnished and work guaranteed. W e keep a full line of fixtures and supplies OD band and all such work will receive our prompt and careful attention. We tave a number of flrst- clase cooking Stoves, the Garnet Oocd Cheer and the Empire Steel Range. Call and see them. Repair work of all kinds dope at moderate cost. W. R. PiNDEK Hamilton Street. Goderich Sturdy's iS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries ALL WE 'ASK iS A TRiAL Sttlyd3 &c Co. lbw (roses On ties Square PHON h •1 OF CANADA 1 t -ua.t=47 tt $e,175,68. Total ANIN (*ser) - $ &MO Save Systematically I aphazard, occasional saving seldom accom- plishes ututh. It's the steady, persistent, regular depositing itt ,c many dollars a week, or month or season, in the Union Bank of Canada, which makes one financially in- dependent. The money accumulates all the more rapidly, too, because of the Interest which is added every six months. Try it. W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch. i >r RadedeNr II11G.. BRANCU, a t. w. Asn . . - ymessem 11* 'fifteen nate. fs,.. Fc,, l G. M. C. HART Ism : AaaMam1 1MBau- . DERBY SHOE QUALITY SHOES FOR MEN. LATEST STYLES ALWAYS IN STOCK AT Wile SHARrIAN'.`S Corner East St. and Square Visitors to Stratford , Made Welcome at Duggan's This Large Department Store is One of Stratford's Chief Attractions Its generous displays of "All that is new and distinctive" in wearing apparel for Ladies and Gents has' made it the centre of attraction to the buying public within a radius of sixty miles. Of our 40,000 sq. ft. floor space 1 3,000 sq. ft. are devoted exclusively to House Furnishings .Clad High -clasp Draperies. Our Ready-to-wear and ' Drees Goods Departments are special fea- tures. Everything is now ready for the Fall Conquest. An early trip to Stratford now to see the exclusive Fall Models in Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Suits would veielt be worth your consideration. Give us an opportunity to convince you that it is not necessary to go farther than Stratford to supply all your wants. J. A. Duggan STRATFORD'S BIG STORE U as rnn>' p Remember that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the tact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and Comfort. TRUNKS, ETC. - When you tassel !ou will nwed • good st.r• ng Trunk, or perhaps a commodious holt *nil .rr Bag will meet veto requirement,. We can furnish *11 your want. In wither lis. All Repairing Orders receive ear preempt emenbe- JOHN H. McCLINTON C le ' %R1