HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-31, Page 3- ties! 404 10 C.0 TIDE ONIMAL ONLY RENDRE BEWARE OF IMITA- TiONS. 'OLD ON T118 MERITS OF OTTAWA LETTER. ARBITRATION COURT UECIDES AQAINSTSHOJI MACHINERY CO. Investigation Succeestuer Conducted under Act Passed by Laurier Gov- ernment - Spoils System Robs Montreal of the Services of Three Good Men. Ottawa, °Webber i1. -One u( the most striking tribute.. to the construc- tive work or the Laurier Government se 000tLaet.d with the lack of initia- tive shown by tbe present Aduuoi*. tration was given ibis week with t.* announcrweut of the llediog in the now famous United Shoe Machinery cave. The Canadian law reepr,:ting comhinse. trusts and mergers has, on its first epplieauion, proved effecove p fC t f1Nathe Kainatworld nue obf ar the t igbt est coon r )tier tUtD S even seen, esti! no. NIIENT sin, United States and Australia had against which the laws ret Greet Bri:- proved ineffective. There are many features which Tend Bo KB! N -DIN G AGAZINES, PERIODICALS and i-IBRARIES bound or repaired. Gi11.1 l . F:'rrERING on LEATHER GOODS promppttlyy atteeded to on leaving them f I I r. ilONAL, oeder►ob. A. E. TAYLOR, eTRATPORD MEDICAL HR. ALEX. TAYLOR, M. B. JJ Pbrsidaa and euraeon. Office :out Residence csladoafa Termor. ratepnon"'a rt DR. W. P. (*ALLOW, M. B. Moe and residence. North street, Oodericlr, awtb of t:uuoty Registry cornea Telephone to R. F'. .1. R. FWRSTER -EY E. EAR, nose And tthhrust only. Amiss atuaeon. w York Upbrhalmio sad Aural Institute, l Vok&t l- i•t , liar. Nose and 'throat Hospital, (helm ti.Juere. and Moorefield lest* Hospital. LOadon.R neland.' omlow b3 B. Waterton Street. lkwuorn. oppnslte Lenox Church. Hours 9 telt a. n, .: to a p. m.. 7 to $ u. m. Telephone LEGAL DROI:DFOOT, HAYS & KILLOR- A\; barristers. adtaften, tatarles pabao. in rtte Medusas Oman. etc. Private rMa o I -red ;u lowest tate, of lutereet. b.a-t aide Ngao,-leare, Oricle W. 'r'iarr. le. C., it. C. HAYS, J. L. IILWk.t h. LG. CAMERON, K. C., 13ARRIS- TFH, cult iter, notnr7 public. Officer - too Street. Oodedeb. third door from Islam HARLEt (3ARROW, LLB., 13AR- RlnTls:t, attorney, solicitor, etc.. code- . Money t.; lend at tower* r*... LO. J*.HNSTON. BARRISTER, o8ri•ar, commissioner, peters Public- . Ilamtlton street God.,1.L tilt. AUCTIONEER, 4 THOMAS OUNDRY 11 AUCr1UN$ICR mix 1F, (ioderich, All instruction. by mall R IsR at Itgoat 0111,e will be ptvmpttl et - Naiad to. Reside oat. telephone 119 IRSURANCE LOAN& ETC. - .000 PRIVATE FUNAb To vvV keen. Apoty to M. q. (A]i- h. Barrister. Hamilton sines, Ood.rlcb- W• R. ROBERTSON, INSURANCK AUENT. Nut.cr. I.ioHTanaa: British. Csnediao and Ammer, keess AND BAIPLOrwY' 1Jt1111.- err : The mesatoe .,orpored�� Fasten! .ten on, (los fidelity and 0 mice at esteems, corner mice..eof V ic- torte and St. David's esteela, Phone 13. IOHN W. ORAI(i1N„ LIFE, F1RE nod accident tnserslaee, 1sr lsadtnm mutual and stook tied line encrust on bear:mod at lowest num. (;W at omoe corner f�aatt, Snwst sad Square or addrew J. 'W. CR.Aip(]js tiodertoh. Ont. Telephone A. MCKILIAP MUTUAL FIRII 1N_ UL e C H A N C Ic CO. -Farm .ed lrolated awe Property tatarsd- Om,en. J. 8, Moises Pia.„ gsaforth P.O.: J Thomas ht'. VyFPfhsseaa e.a P. n O.Oriieevvee, Win' I DrOho Jake het Homewood ; elm mi. l t MaN01 ra lletwet ,. it 247ock Rµ M1=0144,411311.11. eere•arrkky"ea ..Pelarshr.p@y 1,san. ML J. Morelhe O8• (ea. eroesteMMsk arm. w- It1A@� i1d WALTER R. NAM J. P.. oon313Ut , arr. -Mt ER oar MARRiAQ= LIClNt3>vH, W, SANE. Iam,$K us hIAR.RI- enwsss. bleat... bet sumo IAN Loa J3EDF9'kORDta HUM BARBER MOP. oho ft. w '' fa amebas t�tie iter YUG all. significance and importance 1.t th case, not the least of which we. t determined opposition made lee th enormously wealthy tenet. It ,e t tint investigation held under tb Combines Investigation Act, wbic WAS introduced by the Hon. W. Mackenzie King and enacted by tb Laurier Government in 111» Th Act provides for a full investigatiu 01 Ie.ge combiner wherever there prints facie grooml for believing the such cotubiner esost fit to"triclioo trade or for undue euhanceruen' prices. The United Sboe Meehiuery True has been before the cur:rte ot tires Britain. United States and Austral) for wine years witbout much instil In fact, the Governments of tb countries have passed legtalattioo t the people's relief from the meth adopted by this great coo,binee tet a have proved unsuccessful. it has remained for this nieae�ire the Laurier Administration to demon aerate theta means can be found t., dealing with such coinhines tltruug government investigation tinder •`ir cumstence+ which cannot be leis.. by the ordinary courts. The methods of the United +i Machinery Company were thurougbl sifted during the investigation an have become faiily familiar. Thee eyetem was to acquire the moot valu able patents on the essential utacbin ery used in tusking shoes and thea. nu to sell this machinery but to leave i to boot and shoe maaufactur et s uede stringen"t conditions. restncting tyao tifscturers from using any machinery manufactured outside of their "hops. Any shoe manufacturer breaking three conditions was ptactically driven out of businere by the (exterior. which in this way controlled ail the best and most economical machinery and used this to monopolize the boar nese. Hon. Mackenzie Wing Fights the Treat. Naturally a determined light woe made by the combine to defewt inve.. ligation of their methods. It wan tee first rase under the Combines (nee -miti- gation Act, and they adopted every expedient which toe most clever counsel could devise to prevent the in- vestigation, even going .o far as to at- tack the constitutionality of tbe haw itself. and trying to prevent the then Minister of Labor from appointing A I,oetd of investigation. Hoo. Macken- zie King fought the trust at every stage on behalf of the people. and eventually the test care as to the con- stitutionality of the Act sod its appli- cability to the truer heel( was carried to the Privy Council, .vith tbe result that the British law lords held teat the Canadian Minister of Labor bad full power to order an eivestigetioe. and that the law be had fathered was perfectly constitutional, and he was empowered to see that any such in- vestigation was satisfactorily con- ducted, when the requirement of the Act es to the prima facie existence of an illegal combine had been met. The Privy Council having given its decision, the investigating committee, composed of Judge Laurendeau ants J. O. Walsh, with W. J. White, K. ('.. all of Montreal, got down to the hues- ness of Investigation and carried on their work at. all Ib, Mtge centres of the shoe trade. Now atter a most careful enquiry two reports have been brought in. The majority re- port, signed by the chairman of the board, Judge Leureodeau, and J. C. Walsh, appointed as the representa- tive of the complainants, is against the Company, and finds that it tosses within the remedial clause prescribed by the Ate; while a minority report a signed b7 W. J. White. K. C., the rep- re.entative of the Company. There as little doubt that es a result of the in- vestigation the trust will be compelled to alter iu methods for tbe benefit of the public. In tact. it is already in- timated In the press that the f)om- paoy has ezpreened its willingness to do tbls forthwith. (n prea.ntieg the measure to Parlia- ment in 1910, the then Minister d Labor, Hon. W. I. Mackenzie King. mentioned that there were certain evils which might be more easily rec- tified throughjudieious publicity thea by legal penalty,and that the Act bad been formed wtthis thing in view. Thee exposure' of the Company's teeth - ods under investAgatkos miaow bow well the Act is devised toward this end. The greatest probies of the pressot dayis the immunised cost of living, and it t:ae...b Warred that one of the owes ofeat 4o ie theeightethe R Wee as* mse.Fslis.. is 3. .vdeby ceit Oil the d iedible Ooeab nee Ievetsti- Ast le sheet the fleet may leimB these esethl_se how lo Y-- - p.s1 &Md se un1M ilio lashu. Met the Leelee (feraeleaseet . Nmtaei the pipit d algia teas of the male for tleeemleatit to It give la t be fek ha p ,.cif. stately here ape. . Videos. Phe em et of alta ir o.ttt W. is he le ire b L. e is e ate t ( ,t t t A 1. see or ods 11 •1 r b lard hoe y d r c t r rwmmt et the etre abnt rhe: a THE SIGNAL : GOD RiICR, U expert on this 000tdeawt. Mr. 'aleph w basfollowing the 'watt Sabin of ►G two colleagues. Meier*. C. C. Ballantyne and 1-. G. (Mabee Daring the years they tale, beee i trf ice they base done tree..' for th port than was ever done PP, an hove transformed it font a dirty mediaeval harbor to a rpPleddklly equipped modern port. But the were Liberals, and no matt -r ho good tbe►r work they must go Tb Government apparently was alt aid dt.ssles them openly. ICven Mr. Moo withheld his trusty axe. But frost the day the Ooeeer native Governmeu amensed office a determined effort has been made to oust the three commie wether@ and replace them with Tories This for two mimeos : the commission ere aro paid good salaries. ao that Weir diswi.eal meant three fat jot* for party friends. Hut it meant mac more than this. The Montreal Har bar Commission has control ove thousands of employees, of ell kinds from dock wallopers to highly -paid er, ugineerand expends hundreds o thousands of dollars annually. Th harbor oomniirtionere, with the an tique ides that they were paid to ru the harbor and pay their employee, do reel work, clashed with the rood ern idea of the Borden Governmen that jobs were trade for pu17 friend and not fur any other useless purpos such as wink. A determined effort hegan among the Tories of Quebec PrIrlDre for lire heads of Messrs. htrphrno, Ge•iffrion and Ballantyne. ar All titres are we*ltby se with ve y ►urge buaine.e interests. Not one of them had any psrtieular need of the salary attached to the ofllie, and they modes intik the arduous work of re- modelling tete while Milliners of the harbor 1001r (non a sense of .patriotic duty than ;or i arsenal prone. They divined yeas . f incessant !shot( to this work. while in at least one in- stance more w'�ney of h s °teen srea- been spent by tbe.ctapant r,f the of- fice than his salary amounted to,. is, its work. TURKS LOSIN6 6itOUND Allies Meet's, With hreee *aee pally e in Advan.e Towards Ceaseenstempleil Front asides came deepateMes td{. ta ille of e see leeens edvaaoe of w the Y allied Balboa aeteldisastrouse aid o< disastrous e defeats d the Teats wise sees un- to able to melte a IIsi.. stead in the path k of the invaders, whose eyes art earned 1 towards Adria ople, with Oodasaatt.nople as their meatus] goal. OW• thus to speak of tke readiness of theTurkish itruty to take the offensive t and as late as Monday there was no- b b g definite known about the ober. - abouts of the main Tnrbbb army' urn• der the War Minister, Nasi= Pasha. The news that lfbkl Baba has been Mien tiff by the Bulgarian eavalr7. p wanly ly. without ..statinth *, shows at hasim Pasha's army is not who .n - 1s @apposed to have bee -on the between Knlelt Burgas sad Lulaed >ATita tlrb-Xllisseb fell et 11 o'olo Tb. iday morning after two dare' 1bthtt. The Ttutlah positions were finally carried at the point of e bye set. The Bulgarians captured eap- tared 1,200 prisoners, several Knipe** and mid -fire guns and wagons dam• munition. The Turks retreated to Visa, 74 miles nortb-west of Constan- tinople. thatpatch on Saturday stated at the Bulgarians wets rapidly aiming upon Adrianople and had seready taken the Adrianople railway station, which ilea to the south of the Maritsa River, and were bombardipe the city from Karagaeh, three and a halt miles t f e n W L r e Ae .00n es the agitation against them was c-rmreenced by the Tory ep,)ileuten, the harbor commissioners ✓ ealised that they roust snake room) her party friends, ao that the Tory Government would once Agan mak,- the Harbor Commission a political snacbtne, The agitation grew, bit the business interests of elontrcel'� fought it end representations were trade 4.4 tl:e Government by the Roan! .•f Trade. the Shipping Federa- tion ane La Chambre de C.pnlnlerce that It would he destructive to the lima ell of the port of efootreal to dismiss the three men who were do- ing sorb splendid work for it. In the lace of such influential representations the effort... ,if the job -hunters failed for( a time and the Tory axe was withheld but the pressure-ont.inutd. Finding • it irnpossitole to hove the commission ` era drstoiesed at once the Conoei vative interests kept busy interfering wilt the work of the cumwiasiouers with the idea of making things so disagree- able Live they would resigu. The COuuuisaiooers announced thea- inten- tion of reaigning as coon as their main program of harbor improvement ,,was neished, which would he in less than a year from now. This did not satiety the voracious appetites of those who wiebed to feed at the party trough. The pin -prick policy was kept rep, and now. in disgust., the three commission- ers have sent in their resignations. Thill rho have hut one effect -the in- terfereoee with the splendid work of harbor improveruent carried on by the late sou,. iseioners, political bosses in- stead of business management and a return to the original state of affairs under which as a frank party organi- zation the Harbor Board neglected the harbor and ran things for political ad vantage. ft may lie a vnte-producing change, but Montreal and the business of Can- ada's greateet port will be the suffer - erg. SUFFERERS FROM PILES 1 Zam-Buk Hea Cured These ! Friction on the hemorrhoid veins that are swollen. inflamed and gorged with blood, is what causes the terrible pain and stinging and smarting of piles. 7.am-Huk applied et night will be found to give ease before morning. Thousands of persons have proved this. Why not be guided by tbe ez- perieoce of others? Mr. Tbomas Pearson, of Prince Albert, Sark., writes: "1 must thank you for the benefit I have received from Za -Buk. Last summer I suf- fered great) from piles. 1 started to use Zas-Bnk and found it gave ,..e re- lief, so 1 continued it, and after using three or four boxes I am.. pleased to say it haw effected it complete cure." Mr. U. A. Dufresne, 188186 St. Jos- eph street. Se Rocb, Quebec. P. writes : "1 can highly recommend Zam-Buk to everyone who suffers from piles.-' Mafistrate Sanford, of Weston, Kings (7o.. N. 8., segs • "I suffered long from itching piles, but Zam-Huk has now cured me." Mr. William Kenty, of Upper Nine Mile Hiver, Harte Co., N. S., sari : "1 suffered terribly from piles, the pain at Umes Nein almt unbearable, 1 tried various os ous oint- ments. but everything I tried tailed to do me the slightest good i was tired of trying various remedies), when i beard of Zam-Buk, anti thought es a last resource 1 would give chis balm • trial. After a very short time Zam•Buk effected a com- plete ruse." Zane -Bak is also a sure cure for skin injuries sad diseases, eczema, ulcers, variasra veleJm, cuts, burn*, braises, map, ecu sores, ate. 60e box from all teed stores, or poet hese from OttRe- hm herusitel,imitatiooa for price. Rs - Try Zam-Bek Soap, ffic tablet. The =tree never asks the epee, bow bre hall grow ; nor the Hoe the Irsmihewthe shall tabs Ills prey.- Leot upon .very day as the whole all* mot Inserts as a section t and elajoy the present without wishing to parse au ie fpNber Callen that lies befe*w-,Jess Peel Lubtar. Ogren sand Oldham sewer burl an7568 U wall per emeeot ort tedNllmR eflaty tearer - VIM ieN a teal him d �e Ida against away. It was otllclally reportod trotn •Belgrade on Sundae. that the eervtan army bad captured 1Jskub without op- position, the Turks withdnwtng troth the, place. This is the most Important ;ttrrategic point on the road to Salon - Even in the Montenegrin campaign the Turks seem to be going from tad to worse. A Vienna telegram on Mon- day Stated that their prospective line of retreat from Scutari to Ban Gio- vanni had been cut by a Montenegrin flying column. Seml•ofliclal advices to Belgrade reported that the Turkish army, which retired from Uskub to- wards Vales, surrendered on Monday to the Bervlan cavalry and delivered op their arms. The Serviana later eulzed 123 guns. • BECKER (AGES CHAIR Murder Verdict Returned Arent New York Polite Lieutenant Pollee Lieut. Charles Becker was feared petty at New York on Thurs- day night of murder In the first degree for instigating the death of Herman Rosenthal, the gambler. Ile was re- manded for sentence to the Tombs by Justice Goff, until Oct. 30. Becker did not Much when he heard the verdict pronounced by Harold B. Be:inner. foreman of the jury. Mrs. Becker, sitting outalde the door of the court room►. tell in a swoon when the verdict was announced. John 1'. McIntyre, Becker's ebfef counsel, announced that he would take en immediate appeal, but added be- yond this he bad nothing to say. The judge's charge was, in efect, a ruling that the guilt or innocence of the prisoner rested almost solely upon the debateable point as to wheth- er Sate Schepps was an m:oomettes to the crime. Schepps at the time of his arrest at Hot Springs, styled him- self the "keystone of the aroh." The ludo himself NSA doubtha sat lip Scbeppf statue and declined to gelds the jury In a decision. What he did instruct them to do was to return a verdict of blot degree mar der or to acquit the defendant. By der the greater part of the court's lhatrwctioas dealt with harder in the het decree. tbe penalty for which 11 the electric chair. Jack Sullivan, the Mar witness for defence had, a day or so before trial closed, sworn that Rose, , Vattern and Scbepps, inform - and State wlteseses, bad conspired Mil to send Beaker to the electric by their own perjury. Seeker himself was sot called to the Itittel to give evidence In his own br- mam and he professed to be retch ed that his counsel. Mr. Mo- did not allow bins to tall bis Murder at Guelph JLtsbeei Fstaaarl an Italian, died at els Sunday trues the effects of wound received twentrdour previously in What is supposed have been ea at taatOted came of robbery. Joe V.mml, wilco In the dee at the same Mae, t to have been one Of the attacked roamers, although )tansy@ are held es wittier sorisainitpleion of being Ill aomat tea is the eritnw Tyre Mlled by ata.. M. std Mis. W1111am >� fManwsrtnj, ooeplleewho were marAei saly found dead la their aat��tlw�� eawpopr'ltt�Avenue. Nemoe- fl* es Of taw potmostbg .s gas- re - were fennel nee& The was la bed std hair tiwatryd11 ares freed in a teethes menet. whish be .estnN to have *tam la los efforts to rimaes the dem little dog Wes tesad Mad la the Lady Mucosa Dead Yalook, the wile et Chose lees W1Htata Kilo & peeled are* y »»g at welieetey Res Toronto, whore she had best treatment Nor ems watts She bed sellslsd fes mese frees a sleeks bleats! Whieh ewN 11d Mt spans - duos ARID TarlsaDAy, OtTou>sh 31, 1912 S � SPECIALS r FOR :: THANKSGIVING Women's:Cosy Winter Coats New Coate to band tbie week -lust in time fur Thanksgiving. They come in the new reversible tweeds, in the latest styles, from 510 to sop. Children's Coats Special showing this week of children'b Coats. lnfaants' Bearwkia Cogswell made from best quality bearskin cloth. will give thorough sstiedaetion, from '.1.66 to :66. in white, black, castor. brow TIP and red. Children's Clods Coats to fit all ages from two years, nifty vtylea. Srecial values from 52 tech Infants' Bonnets lnfaua,.' Bonnets. in eilk, velvet, cashmere and bearskin, in v gteat variety of styles, including all the new shapes, f►otn BOo each. Children-- School Hats &specialty. Millar's New Gloves for the Holiday Perrin's guaranteed French Kid Gloves in black, tan, white and all c•olore. Per pair, 51. Perrin's Eglantine Gloves, super (virility, every pair guaranteed, black, tan and colors, *1.28 per pair. Misses' Kid Gloves iu tan, ah :oz...., 76o per pair, Perrin's Lynton ('ape (cloves, a splendid winter Glove, will give thorough eatiefaction, in black, tan and grey, 1111 per pair. Boyo' Cape Gloves, all sizes, 75o per pair. New Belts New Neckwear New Veilings New Linens We have just received from the Old Country a new stock of the celebrated Old Bleach Linens in Table Cloths and Napkins, Towela and Fancy Towelling,. Our special !'able Linen flet -one cloth and one dozen Napkins to match, the famed "Old Bleach," The set, 1118.50. Old Bleach Huck Towels. %'e`ry special icer pair, tSOc. Per dozen, t $.SO, McCa11•s Patterns and Publications. Scotch Store Phone 54 • Have . ""Nerves ? " This is the reason why women hnve "seres." When thoughts begin to grow cloudy and uncertain, impulses lag nod the warnings of pain and distress are seat like eying messages throughout limbs and frame, straightway, nine times in ten, . womanwill lay the canoe of the trout.'_ to some defect at the point where she first felt it. Is it a headache, a backecht , a sensation of irritability or twitching sad uncontrollable nervousness, something must be wrong with the bead or back,* woman naturally says, but all the time the real trouble very often centers in the womanly organs. In nine oases taut of ten the seat of the difficulty is here, and ■ woman should take rational treatment for its cure. The local disorder and inflam- mation of the delicate special organa of the sex should be treated steadily and systematically. Dr. Pierce, during a long period of practice, found that a prescription made front medicinal extracts of native roots,without the use of alcohol, relieved over CO per Deaf. of such cases. After using this remedy for many years in his private prac- tioe he put it up in form of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that would make it easily procurable, and it as be bad at any store where medicines are baadled. for twos years -most of thea' time woo ant able f to attend to nniiy hotot-hold (N nth th- Female weakness was my trouble and I was getting very bad but, thanks to Ies•t• r Pierce's medicines, I am well and strong again. I took only three bottles of 'Favor- ite Prescription,' and used the 'Lotion Tablets.' I have nothing but praise for Doctor Pierce's wonderful medlefnett." TAKE DR. PiERCE'S PLEASANT PRI VETS FOR LIVER ILLS. INVESTIGATE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE -the merits of our school, whore students attend from every Prov- ince in Canada and as far south in United States as Nevaula and Wyoming. Catalogue free. Positions Guaranteed, C. A. FL aetr tt:, F C. A, Principal. G. D. FL.YMING Secretary, OWEN e0UND, ONTARIO eineereseenestereftWeitameareatereireme SeetheNewSuitings if you have not yet got your FALL SUIT leave your order ret once with HUGH DUNLOP west et. The Up.to date 'railer HIS ADDER WAS TERRIBLY INFLAMED NN PILLS MIM III" Lanier take, Ont., March @6th. "I bed been sullieriag for some time with toy Kidneys sed Urine. I watt earateat)y passing water, which wee very meaty, eaattetisea as toy me thirty there* • day. Erreb there the pills aswas� eethisg awful. sad se rent et I heard el your 0131 /ILLS mod decided to give than a trill at S. I Mat ley craw io .dies esgot Amu /see siI so x ban* I f res -. to Worm yee diet is la tre days, the pain . 1 i whys nM lett se hammy I feet *s well se ever and tatty Whitey, en acting qui. nacos! *vie. SID CAt3TLKIWI. O I A PILLS sositi. Inthot.d b1eNer-heal the ebb, }MUM kiderrye-eadatreytK..bath will aspen. proal bah* Y. Hy odes hero' ler pm, hot , of Omoih. Lab* Sup r Brophey Bros. 3ODERICH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders . arefully attended to at all hours, night or day - It's a good plan to Make Comparisons Before Buying Your SUIT OR OVERCOAT After you have inspected (he suits offered at differ- ent stores, take the two you like best home "on ap- proval." There before your own mirror and away from all outside influences, you and your family can care- fully compare the style, quality, workmanship and value of the garments and crake your choice. \Ve suggest this plan be- cause we are quite positive that you will choose the suit or overcoat from this store. Whether you want to pay $10, $16, Ws or some price in between, you'll doubtless tind just what you want here, M. ROBINS Open evenings to f) p. m. IF YOU ARE NOT already enjoying the pleasure and distinction of wearing Martin -tailored clothes, then do it now. hvery day they are meeting the requirements and approval of men who know. MARTIN BROS. /CHF moat appreve l,lesigna ao.l trimming. in Miilinery Goode are to he seen in MiSS CAMERON'S stock. Che will t* pleased to have the ladies call awl inspect. Hamilton Street Goderich, Ont.