HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-31, Page 177.7.1S, af7P17,11' .7113y7 ONE DO AR i. will bring rhe the address of say new subscriber in Coned* or Great Britain from this date to January 1st, 1914. Subscribe Now. siSTr.e002T8 TEAM -se. son THE HIGHEST CLASS OF INSURANCE INSURANCE IN -:- The MUTUAL LIFE of CANADA A. G. NISBET DISTRICT : AGENT t4'F1(7E NRXT CANADiAN RANK OF COMMERCE, GODERICH 'Peoria: Orrlcu 20; Hones 160. P. 0. Box 9114 :THE STERLINGBANKOF NADA Depend on Savings In time of adversity are you derendert upon gout friends or upon your savings account? Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch-ANbREw PORTER, Manager • GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all trains. Private calla loss.pirompt and careful attention. Am. class 1 livery ontflts at all times. Reasonable prices 1 THE DAVIS LIVERY F. ' �1111 South Strsltr 'Phone No. 6I 1 GEO. WATSON PRACTICAL TAILOR has reopened . sloe le the .Id .Wed, Montreal area Isnot Swart.' M .nd will M trda.ad to ase an by .7d n.temera, at well a. .ay WOW ease. OLOTHRS CLEANED ttEPAttiD and PRESSED in Ne bait .tyle at moderai. psis... GIVI Kim A est.'. FOR SAL& tile- - AmurT G1CU THIRNXWTY �r ve taeaee W 1 AN IMPORTANT A nnouncement --f WANTED1 �y FOUR BOYS about sixteen years of age t o learn tort account- ing. Boys who have j passed the entrance pre- ferred. Apply at the office of the GODERICH ORGAN COMPANY 11100 -Reward, *100. Tee renders et this .paper will be erased to learn that there bat Meat one dreaded dune. that **knee has bees *hie to rare in all its stases. and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure H tbe only pe.ttive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- RituUooal dltear require r constitutional tre}tment. Halla Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally. act tog directly -rpon the blood sod m. - eons earfaees of ticstem, therebY the foeadetino of the Worse and gives the Patient etrengtb by banding up the eo,eitu• tiro and assisting nature in doing l4 work. The proprietors ►ave so much faith in (t cura- tive pewees that they offer we hundred dollar, tor any ease that It bile to ogre. Send tor List et teAdddroonials ress.F. J. CHEN EY E CO.. Toledo. 0. Sold by all drerraiat, 74.. Tat. Hall . Fara, I111e for constipation. 19112 -TAXES -1912 Tues for 1912 are now due and payable at Collector's office, Town Hall, 2 per cent. off payable Nov. lilt 1 per cent. off payable Nov. 16th Thereafter no discount. After December 14th a penalty is attached. WM. CAMPBELL, COLLECTOR The Winnipeg Free Press of September 21st contains an official announcement that the line now building from Winnipeg through Weyburn will be the New Southern Main Line of the C. P. R. to the Coast. This means that Weyburn will have four main lines of the Three Great Railways, with shops and yards. Weyburn now has 133 buildings under construction. This is your last chance to secure a tot in the original townsite five (3) blocks from thei heart of the city for $23o.00 on easy terms. ACT NOW We will guarantee this investment. information given on all Western investments. GODER,ICH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1912 FOR BALI OR TO PINT tkR SAL$. -A BUILDING I.OT se Newpy street- Apply to P.J. PRID l 0041 R HALE. -THE 100-AORR FARM oe the 711 n rta oo of Cotberou- pp by the u� is Wined for We. BniWlag, /Delude story s-! � brick bosun �n� mek in m sod t��tra.�e watered by .prtng ood creeeekr. faro well ed down. In every way ow of the beet farms la the township. Situation convenient to market town. end ('. P. R. given in the fail. A,ND&j114 JOBN oest ON Carlow P. O. 57-11. ` FARM b'OR RAI,., -TER BART halt of lot one in tie township berth 0 ..5. don. field, conttaaiinnl,* Division 10 acrees. The butWtang* we- ei.t of a frame boner and frame barn. Them le e .null orchard. e'er ppryyoculu•. apply Mlles undersigned. PROUDFOOT. HAYS t LORA b: Gdeei... 1 tet FIRST -CLAMS FARM FOR SALE Of to rent. lot 1, concession 7, western dirt - 'ion. Colborne township. 10U agree wnh drat ores boner, with modern coeveolen°er, good Perk bars, gond orchard and r Form has been in plenty of water. Would rent bonne rewrote!).APO/. for years.- McDONAGB, craw. Ont. 1j OR SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND 1� limits. north of the town of Se.toeth. flood clay loam, .11 under enitivation; bank baro, with cement floors: large tran,e borne.' newly permed, all in good mole, well la both horn and house. Au Weal home. amity to tMltetst ell: SIX DO"ENLOL'K, Seatorth. coo. 144-11 FOR 'MLR OR TO RENT. -THE comforiabie brick house at Corner of Har- old a 11d BritalMilli roads ; nine roonss ; modern cow sciences. P08'4814012 can be given at once. Apply to W11. WAITE, Hayfield road. Goderich P. 0.. or NELSON II ILL, Lon- ..sz house on Kea," arra - town water con. °section. she clgtera. TwO lats. with number of good fruit treat For tame or further per- ilmullars maid, to Mite. FRAHM:10N. on the premises, or HORT. YOUNU, Elgin *venue. VOR SALp.-TWO VERY DESIR- 1' ABLE houses, eonvenient to factories; and isrand 3 reek striae. Apply to CHARLEB MO, RENT. - A TWENTY -ACRE 1 farm on the layfietd road, three mile* orchard, also wait fruits. For further inform adorn awry at THE SIGNAL OFFIC,E, or to MRS. OW. FOWLER, St. Ytncent street. loos SA LE. -THREE HOUSES, e... all modern coteenienosit Two ou Vic- toria street and we oft Ansi/see. Two have stables. W. T. PiCLLow. eagisses street. littf &IOR SALE, -THE FARM OWNED by sion ot°Coihe n one, Halliday on the 3rtl eon- tencontain) g Ii21i acres Good atone house with trams kitchen and woodshed : furnace In boos.; hYdratalc met sapply : goat barn : you.. orchard ; ten scree of baorsb. Convenient to church sod echoot. Offered at • Wingate for immediate sale. Apply to MBA. Goderich Y p DAY, 01111101.04 street, or Past jvj dR SALE. -133 ACRES OF LAND or Aeheeld the bout it mifirst l es wed of i. of the township soil nearly all under eattlratlom, most of it seeded down. Hood oebsrd, Comfortable bons° with stone cellar having intmont floor. Artesian well at hours Berg Jam with stone foundation ; cattle and borne stables, also other Mil buildings. Sprg in iest-reek running across the the t&IL Por frm all portioalon�dy to JAl�11� 11tc- 14.EE, on the premfas, or OW P. O. 05.11. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON Boron road, a abort distance from town limits. Let contains two twos with good orchard and small fruits. Pronto house in good repair. Anyone wishing to tnapset same will OFesteraseCin e. Aptly at THIS IDU FOR SALE. -THAT FINE REHI- i' deatIe1 property .t the corner of (*moon sod n Raaf.streets, formerly known .s the A. eight- n property. is ;or tale. It °attain* fruits of .11 low, planted a L! t choicestbrick houses. each of two _e ° two mitt =zed the other to dr stolen repelr. Roth aoa.*r lave modern ootveeletoee, and alto amtaer tics property 1. ow rt th. moat desk ..irk in iadarlcb. Wm be sold on reasonable memo. Apply to P. .1. RYAN (endive:I. 1i ARM FOR SALE -91%TY-FIVE other.0 let l4 o. ams hoe" Atitebb..sad oboe door er poem at kit- rame burn.1Ozel1. driving keeaeroes..aafd•neer ea l good hard water pampa/ barn. All baildinge rein good eonditdes. Sem is dap etas wewt, well fenced. with • apAsg. Gaal .t, eh.rd-.ppis trate. also a 14 .�I ��Apu.bt1uuarr,n. statics 1 (t.��agshy, .TMf OVIO"'oNb JOHN eY117NO £whore P. O. Il -lm. ' ' 1WWWW SITUATIONS VACANT. I,IEAOHER WANTED. -FOR N. S. .Li.. s, Goibern. (Deities* Defies to n iAmman,nAmman,eex6 Apply, .1.t ee gosh - =retry e°" y =ad. to A, A. WIL- CHER WANTED. -HOLDING .lewd-d.a orrufa.tr, tar & R No. s. township tPerteee Hilll. Duties to he J$0°oat� nez�L Apo,. soaps_ (e R a, nseyr, lttw?are Bin pates. se iJUGHHNN TO sit 6. TO LEARN )IOTROLY- .�ny�aavetre`Y- WANTED.-A /TODD OENERALF007: «resat. MILS, w11. *IIOL'D 117AF TsFTMD.-A OAASTAKER FOR larAlreetean " 41/11 MN wart AFFAieso- a.s45itnal HALIT. M Lea P11101•1.--410lIE INTILLININVIT e est he(yTeslr were A ear THE SIGNAL P10124 f!NG CO., Ltd., Powwow PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM 1T MAY OONORRN. My wife, Isabelle tabor. having lett her beam willow doe provocation, 1 will ma be re- sponsible lot sae debt, ooatnected by her oe for Cheap Power for Goderich Cannot Be Got from 11112. .pada \1'rwenorh ,kir ' B dill, GIBSON ' Niagara -Do Not Obstruct the Maitland River Project. MORE ABOUT POWER. tIARD OF THANES. -THOS. R. / W ALLIS and tonally wish N esprw.. fair aware gratitude to neighbor, and friends ter many kisdoe.s rendered thee s,ther .en the occasion of the death mud tuners, of their Lather, the late John WalW. CARD OF THANKO.-I DESIRE hereby b to toor may beartdeL Hawks ter iM y kt, l.dsosws and courtesies received te ley recent bsm.►eaeset, and especially tor 4b klad sakes et the 0swhere of Burne tae I. O. 0. F. Mit4t. JOHN LAWeos. Hensel+, out. ANNUAL MEETING -- - oder the amended Act governing beraou!- lural societies, the attuned meeting, most be held during1 M flees week In November o ember each ear. The annual maetJofg of the CadmanHorticultural Society will t.,erotore he held on Monday events'. November iib. at o'clock 1n the secretarye o(Eo, lar the court bone, Alt member, aro requ�e.,,w,s.�. to attend. Goderich, Oct.Ord,lai!'11. LANE, secretary. ;.e•4t ANNUAL HOSPITAL. MEETING. - The annual general meeting tor the elec- tion of Board of Trustee., of the Alexandre Marine and General Hospital for the ensuing yuan *111 be held on Monday. November 18th, in tics court hoaw, at 3 o'dock p m. The re- p.rrt of last year., work will oe enbuti tied. The nubile are cordially invited to he pre..ent. JUDGE HOLT. Pros. H. 5, HODGENS, See'y. AUCTION SALES. UCTIQN :SALE DtYNLOP HOTEL PROPERTY. HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. STANDARD BRED Holten t, Mr. Wm. (Drier will WI by public auction at the premise., on TURSDAY.NOVEMBER leen, at ro'olock .harp: The Dunlop hotel property. consisting` of a frame howl building in fir-tela.e t•onditiou. heated with hot water and hot air. There is a large frame barn and one acre of land, about hall of which Is orchard Terme on prnperty- ten per cent to 12e paid at time of sale, harem .stn be arranged on day of wale. Also .11 the• household furniture. including parlor. dining - room. bedroom and ditchers furniture. bar fix - puree. tables, chairs, carpets, curtains. bunds, etc. The st.r.dnrd bred horses: H. Whiting.2 17. standard bred mare. eleven tears oW, sup- posed to be In foal to Dan Bare, Dan 8.r., standard bred pacing stallion. four years odd, by Monber. This is a green home, started at the tall (airs this season and wee let at Ripley Ise at Dungannon and tad at Goderich fair. its is a nice smooth paoer and prowl.ea to de- velop into o high-class horse. Raplin eten dant bred pacing stall®, four years Jr..,id by Kenai 2071. dam K Whiting Y 17. Thu, oat •bows low of speed and will snake a racehorse sore. Johnnie, standard bred garde* gadding, three years aid. by Mksouri thief, dam R. Whit,n` One rloretaad bike, good as new ; one rubber -tied runabouts lane covered buggy Poe new Gray it don cutter. two new black robes, three tete of single driving banter,two sew of bopplee, knee, shin and quarter oos. extra Dollars, etc.. one Guernsey oow.cse Daisy ehurn.,a numbgrmum of hen*. Everything mube os disped of. as lller. Giesler is leaving. Terme •. AU sums of 1,10 and under. cash ; over that amount, eight month.' credit will be ram oa tarnishing approved nt notes. A Mgoent of tour per Dent. straight allowed for web on credit amount. WM. GLAZIER. THOS. OUNDRY. Proprietor. Donlon. Ont. AadUoteer. AUCTION SALE [i Or FARM BTOCg. IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Mr. dames W. klatch will ten by public we tion at Int tot, concertos 3. Zest Wawenoeh, on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER ern. commending at 1 o'clock sitars: One pair of matched draft roan mares. doing five sod POS years Aid : we .grleiltaral geld- ing rising Ave year. old; one sucking colt IMP. decd by Dunoeydoer; one driving rarer. rising Ave reel. old : one cow. tour years old. supposed to be in alt; twoeewa, .even wareoid, surnamed to he in calf ; are now, ten years old, saposeed to he in calf ; one sow, tour years old. We to calve 1n December • User stens. sling two y..ra old • two eters,. rang one year fid ; tbrei spring eaves; one Dew4bg binder, nearly sew; nae hay redder. ogle home rake. ewe mower, use roller. nearly sew ; own aster box. hoes power and belt ; .M oaltivafer, neo egt w .Oe°et Wide trai e. toe bray reeb One stook reek. one morn r• 0 P15 wale. one gravel hex. two este at barrows, amu Fleury plough. one ihrwrbree Kangaroo ttloseb. one .suffice. ewe Lowden wire weaver, *wap buim, coo entree; • own owed mom aauto oo.t. hatse� wall raw of oneelle- far y.b;011 ; NW ls04 r two bbarrow,awe user Met. see lair barrow._ erne tamping mill, ssassmed seal.. (o p•alty MIS Ibs.l. one Nr Mowat organs geometer. Mw; twenty- aw wetted -•-belt bathe' tte�eegetaate daglr harness w5 sew beestre of dsobls ..d rail.r,rt...g .ge etellao robe. sow; see rug. .*w ; geiretiZth sickle gilds,, ens geed los pro�od �*e, tvreedi mad pil0i., I40 boor, ccs knu4 shorty, ups w vas, lease ass �sssee� Saye drjl fr. iPoib stove awe asoew.ewlws7 11 pfd *glee arliiii t Oal Q Trete* : AB w .1.10 ar osiers, gash ; ev.r .l. tivon b�M� ondli w91 br t7.1.,.�a�te t.1 beer t :11 for raltsen 7N'U'r�ilil,". TOOL GUNDRY, Pr+veieter. Anallessv. OODERICH MARK(TS. T i sheer. Osp, stet, tiDe east tia5. dM r.. •• M es :e..., to 20 a ild ars•... M 4 74 pee Ise s�este .......... M q room ✓ w tmen•• nr...., Msee ... •• ••«•N..M ..... / M 3 en s„ ser • MI le .iii • ..:::«.:: t rre re 0 a. 1MM 1 S F�ewr• • is M s • M . ................... iwi:::'::...:::.:1 M w 4 M 7ee t• n M a.-..___ .dIMI. -----..,-----...1111 Ube a Liar hem Verne. Hee. dot,. IllehAp, V.oeeu..r lhaitbe. weties a restive The !ei! It Is jest ! V. Campion & Company- WIYHURN 111iCURITT RAM IiQiLDUIf WEY>lUttN, SARI ATOREWAN WANTED- W TIM :WM.?* list R A 11 M Hs1.P AND DOafllPle o A lfre. UAW • sow ewe for tis Muse.-tbe pletlum st the Lyric.. Widespread interest is developi in regard to the power situation Oodericb. There are many ezpr Bions of appreciatioo of The Sign articles on the question, and there evident a desire to give the wh matter more careful and tbarou consideration than has been given the past. Y'be Signal ie welt aware that its a titude is open to iso P• misunderstand' taadt and misrepresentation. There ar still some who do not understand th in opposing the making of a contrite for Niagara power (except temporari and with stringent safeguards),T Signal is not fighting against c11e power, but is fighting for it. The Signal (,pposes Niagara pow because it is NOT cheap piwer f Goderich, and because a contract f Niagara pewee might easily be an o etacie to the securing of cheap pow by the development of the Maitlau River ng i mission should make a contract with in 'the electrical railways running es I through the various municipalities. al's iThe same principle will apply to the is l Goderich-Kincardine Railway."ole Is it not clear that the contract, and gh not offhand promises that may be 1n withdrawn in a tete day,, will decide I the tern). and conditions with t- f which the town will bind itself ? Is it v I g not, then, the part of wisdom to see e the contract and discuss it thoroughly at before committing the town to it.? t We know from the experience of IY Stratford that Mr. Beck believes in hs making tt municipality live up to its A- AP ligation.. Stratford found its con- tract with the Commission was block- er ing plane for an electric railway for o the city, and a strong deputation or went to Mr. Beck and asked that the b- city be relieved from the cbstructing er clause. Mr. Beck emphatically de - d c1ined, stating that if tltratforti's con- tract were amended other muoicipali- 1tiagan a power is all right for p ac like Hamilton, Brantford, Galt an other points within reasonable di tante of Niagara,. hut, as one of th engineer* of the Hydro -electric Com mission stated recently. this town id too far away from the source of sup. ply to make it an economical proposi- tion for Goderich. Even if it were cheaper than the power now used locally, it would not he good basin:•so W accept it in lieu of Maitland River power, which will assuredly he much cheaper still. There should, thea, be nu carelessness or laxness on tbe part ••f the civic authorities such, as might burden the town with a contract for power which it does . not want and prevent the securing of the Power that it doe. want. Our local contemporary, which is willing to take 'anything from the Hydro -electric Commission with its eyes abut, thinks such caution is un- necessary. It said last week: es tie would ask for changes in their d contracts, or 1$ nal Hydro -electric estimate, but which was cannily eliminated from will be made to develop fifty h. p. when the projected improvements/an completed. Thewer at present doer not cost the proprietor $6 per MIAOW after the first expense of placing the turbines and damming the stream bas been met. "The general impression here is that the horsepower possible from damming up the Maitland River at the Black Hole with its sixty-flve feet head has been much under -estimated and that there is really more power there than the engineers have reported. The objection baa been all along that dur- ing the dry season there might be a scarcity of water, hut we who have lived tong near the tanks of the river at Beomiller can testify that there is always a good-sized mutton passing under the bridge, and if the flow is lessened by percolation through the riverbed before it reaches the Maitland bridge L • Goderich K h t hat is no reason why the power from the high head at the Black Hole should not besufcient to supply all the power you might re juire fop the tows of Goderich." COST OF STRAY POWER. Some Highly Exaggerated Estimates Have Been Gives. • The Stratford Beacon says : One of the grossest pieces of misrepre- sentation that have marked the agita- tion fir Hydro-e'e Incipower has been in the estimating of curt of producing power by steam. it was freely stated on the Stratford platform, that steam power coats from len to $100 per horsepower, and this was contrasted with a charge of 227.301 per b. p., the • Goderich will be hound by its con- the second bylaw. We have cow the e statement of Dr. Haenel, the ro .:: tract, nut by promises .or fancied promisee,. Our contemporat y conveuientl overlooks The Signal's statement an it issue of October 17th : "Just here let us remark that our contemporary, The Signal, seems to fear a trap in the event of the Mayor signing a contract for power without an express stipulation therein that the Maitland. River scheme will go on. This is not only an unnecessary fear, but is not flattering to the intelligence of the people or Goderich or the honesty and public integrity of the Commission with whom we are deal - in;(. They have said as plain as words could make it., • When 760 horse- power is contracted for by Goderich, we will extend the line from Seatorth to supply It ; when 1500 horsepower ie signed for by Goderich _or any other combination of municipalities, we will begin the work of developing the Maitland River scheme.' That, is definite enough for anyone gamble of an ordinary business transaction, and there* ne need of seeing ghosts, as in The Signal's precautionary advice.", Where is the guarantee that "when 1600 horsepower is 'signed for by Goderich orany other combination of municipalities the Commission will begin tbe work of developing the Maitland River scheme" ? Perhaps this is what Mr. Beck said at Toronto on the 9th of October; but what Mr. Beck ie on record as stating is : "The advisability of developing power on the Maitland depends entirely upon the quantity that can be used in the Huron district." Somewhat different. isn't it ? Hoo. ler. Beck or the Power Com- mission is not to be bound, and does not expect to be bound. by an offhand statement made in convert,ation, and such statements are no guarantee to the town. On September 33rd the Commis- sion's representatives then in Gode- rich stated that the Niagara power Noe would he extended from Seafortb to Goderieh and that power from this line would be supplied to Goderich at the pries of Maitland Rivet power. On October Ilth Hoe. Arias Beck stated that the price of power from this the would be at the Niagara power pekes -fifty per neat. higher than formerly quoted. On October 9th Mr. Beck told t4 -is mueieipal eapreseetetiv.s that tae C'•oeswaYitla. would NOT freaks a taw least s- lea.t talth the O. W. 8. Railway ; pas etmts.lr wadi have to hs bet ween fly ethos* eeespesy and the agate• Meyer AMI. aeopt eg Yr. R..!'. srba. 1. tastut.ny flesh that the swam M.. stapplisd te the railway assid he iealeded ti the amount tikes by shotes., taw reaming the /rise to this muniripailty. Ow Octo- ber 14th. however. Mr. Beek wrote the teem eowwefl of 6oderieb etati.R that alt le thought adjieable that the Osee- Y e "The Signal ha* 00 intention of queelioning Mr. Beck's good faith -let that he clearly understood. The point it wishes to snake is that what Mr. Beck say', or what the Commission says. but does not put in the contract, will not lessen in the slightest degree any obligation to which the t'iwn pledges itself. Mr. Beck may be out of politics within thirty days -the contract !esti for thirty years. The personnel and the policy of the Com mission may change at any time, and any contract entered into may be interpreted at any time without reference to anything but the exact terms which it is found to contain." The Star seews to imagine there is some la"k of courtesy to the Commis- sion in asking for safeguards. What about the discourtesy of the Commis- sion toward& the town in asking that the municipality hind itself with a thirty years' contract ? If one party to the agreen►eni is to be bound, why not the other? And if the Star is to jea'ous for the honor of the Hydro-elec, trig Com mission, w b y ehoutd it attempt to cast doubt upon the honor of tbe Mayor of this town, who has given hie word that any contract will submitted to the vote of the ratepayers before be will sign it ? The Star's insistence that Mayor Reid should sign the contract as soon aa it is received implies its belief that His Worship *not a man of his word. We believe it will not be long before The Star will find out that Mayor Reid has his own standard of honor, A VOICE PROM BENMILLER. Meithwed River Power Is the Right Thing kir Gotta -Leh. The following letter in from it Hem- corresPondeot "net unrivaled little water power at the woollen mill at Beemiller is a striking it:ample of what an advantage it, is for a manufacturer to Mee cheep power, sod just now, whim you are talking of the Hydro- electric from Melons et W7 per horsepower for Goderiels. it may be worth while for your council to • ter thirty years. Os ealling at easeb. ig*IngiessAihre7: eak f6nast lb" we were by tbe mows. erverreeter esi • emir sr. Imes aistIbill, that be Cre7:ettett dosed a eseereet tor llo a at the Sart- •v November 11. Almation salt: ion Ciovernnuent expert, that even in wool unite steam pciwer from cool does not cost more than $3ti pet. b. p. for 3,000 hours -a working -day year of ten home prr day. When the fact that exhaust strain is used to heat di factory or building for six months of the Canadian year, thereby saving coal, is taken into aeconnt, the actual cost of steem power is reduced.one-half. Henee t he content ion of Mr. McLeod of the McLeod Milling Co. und Wm. Preston of tile Stratford Mill Building Co. that the cost of etearn power wee grosely exaggerated vtantis. Mr. Mc- Leod informs The Beacon that the cost of steam power ID his i11 Es is only psr h. p. for twente•four-hour service for the working year of 300 days, with $10.95 for the ten-hour working day. and these tieuree do not include any allowance for heatinig. Hence it will be seen that Hydro- electric power at $35 or even 4.T..4 per h. p. is an extravagant expenditttre, especially for factories using it only tor the ten-hour 'working day. No wonder the Stratford manufacturers do not use it. Dissatisfaction in Many Quarters. Mitchell Recorder of last week : Dissatisfaction with the rates charged for power by the Ontario Hydro -electric Commission le being expressed in many quarters. In St. Thomas the aldermen say they will defy the Coinrnission and make their own regulations with respect to the ratter to their customers. In fit. Marys the new schedule of rates re- duces the charge per horsepower from 233 to Elari, hut this does oot seem to be satiefactory. The St. Marys Argue says : "Time was when St. Marys looked forward to a rate of V29.50 per horsepower, but that prophecy ap- pears to hay e been a delusion and a snare." It was understood that when 375 horsepower wee used by the town the rate would be 1P29.60, but recently when the St. Marys officials notified the Commiesion that they were pre- pared to une the 376 horsepower at that price no refill' was received and the new snahr of rate. is flied at 1135. In Brantfcrd • campaign is being waged in which the cry is being umd. ' "Cut your electric light bill in two." Thbt cry was heard when the question was before the electors of Mitchell a couple of years ago, but although they carried the bylaw the promised redmo tion has not taken place. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --Oct. ifist. Unexcelled Train nervier -C. R Teacher Wasted -Jobe Tentwee. Purars Hill %wider. trees Tessin eery Puts Resume Why Wo Sall Cheap -J. The Highest Claes et lageranes -A. 0. Nisbet 1 Ascalon Sele-Wes. Glazier Orly Brothers- Visioris Gears Beene • • Ne Master Whig the Trawls- Pew Rust4 Sale et Work -Ladies Auxiliary et T. M. O Deese eseseess is tit C•11111•11•11101117111•114 itaiseee Chisholm ter Saie-Oge Cord et Tharske-llre. J. Lawson 1 Aimed bleaffiesp-Alesteadre marine sad AUCTION MUHL at welltutow• 'that'll at re - =rill' _Wow, at • Ilipere that he demi have eons U Ise had not Mr or. tester= wlterpower front a t dreamt galled L=I-eve b. ip. ali tie year mead Cie*, whir.h Omsk,* isnot • bid of twonty-tw• Net int ranter sostiseeer oseCa We Toseriar. Nome WWI ireArszalls