The Signal, 1912-10-24, Page 9THE BIG'NAt, Gt►DERICH oNTARNI) Fsvaanns, Orroats 1a, We • 1 r 146.tlF0'1M 1►..40+49.91..st°tb Cig 9it +9194k 1 'efRA d1P'� CHARM News of t e Dish*ct N.w . M .n.c.rt.,»TheClalwe .. Nlotl�sn _ pife.,r tNs seYsiloa blows tNr 46+4464464646616464461$6 464646. 4645+4 a64=444445 46464* "WE.. I the pa will give ate a pension Yr ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. tat. lead. pom.• McMillaw of Saaloeth. on friends in this Tkisfty this , and errs. Jobs Boyle visited .dge friends en Sseday. R'illisu► a.saSIi.er V Hefting s friends tbN Meek. Megth Flynn, of Toronto, is visit - at big home here. 11r. Davide to of Wrexham, is drill. 4 a well tot Robert McAllister CARLOW. MONDAY, Oct. 2114. MaIMMOWASY Bray tt o. -Ths aunual thstake/srisit _e�er.lo. of the W. Y. M. S. d HIB church was held at tib iagtdar hour of service on Sunday. Ootobsr Ultb. Rev. Jas. Hamilton. of Useless a n d Polon churches, preached, taking for his text, "Freely ye have received, freely. give." The eon cation tespooded by a generous thank° BELFAST. MONDAY, Oct. 2111t. PORTER'S HILL TcIc. At, Oct. Ind. Mrs. Richards, of London, is visit- 1 bag at Mrs. Buske's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy French and sou ' spent Sunday in Ssaforth. Mr. and Mrs. George ()liddoo and I daughter, of Dunlop. 'peat Sunday in the neighborhood. Mies Sara Cox. of Stratford, re- turned home on Thursday, having spent a week here with her sister, Yrs. C. Newton. LOTHIAN f•• ktUlag that crook RosentML" Ties'e are the words attributed to Polios U•uteaant Charles Becker by James D. Hansa, hie fellow -prisoner la Una Toaha at Wednesday's session of Seeker's trial at New York on the charge of instigating the murder el Herman Rosenthal, the gambler. who "take" raid witch, the p rosecuton Mra Herman Rosenthal, widow of the gambler, the tint witness of the day. testified that Lieut. Becker, her husband's alleged parser In bda gam- 8aru�O DtxOltg?*Atyplt. > . Wngaeuse. had said W her on the ess HacPhee. besot graduate of ah improved health. TI z9Dwv, Oct. .2nd. hold ideas at Melbaadd Inati- Mrs. Ellen Ritchie left on Friday to occasion of a raid be bed made on Guelph, and eiOMt ra- visitfriendsat Detroit. the establtahment: "It's either Her - We 6etrr/ Miss Leon Henderson i' in Luck- man or me •' This b the so-called are glad that William Crosby is very mu in t . Horace H, Mullin and his wife, of Milwaukee, have returned home. *Ming todemonstratethedies of SC Asgmetine p y *Ming the ladles on Neireastew lilt, showing how easy it is to make g nicest and lightest brand in tone tears. also ebowiDJ ea'1 methods oC wiry making. Miss MacPbee here highly r.easemeedad fears Es of Cant . It -' the cotww6the ltT tretor o lady in take advan Lege of this aed bear some of the lab'[ and most ,proved methods of o.eksry. under gp open at 2:311 p. M. sharp suripieee of the Wor'm's Institute. and non-megtbers beartUy welcome. Admission IOeenta. ST. HELENS. ILL KINDS OF LIVE FOWL wanted every w �gtpg. [Owl mltat w- _-• Arra preyed). Mare R K di 11 TUtesDAT, Oct. lied. Quite a number attended the tea - meeting held at Calvin shared. Helen Kelly, of Saatorth, vis- ited het aunt, Miss T. Murray. over Sunda y. A. leper in at pressen very so, Iy. We hops to bear' soon of his resole y. Rev. W. Mackintosh preached in the PresbyteriatV,chnreh at Lucknow as fiat utility. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fix, of White - rhumb. isited Mrs. Fox's father, E. Phillip:. on Monday. Mr. Philips is at present very ill. David and Frank Todd attended the big sale of stock at Col. Vatcoe's on Thursday .last: They both purchased sone good animals. Rev. R. Crew, of Fergus. conducted the auniwersary services at Celvi's cherish on Sunday sod on Monday vis- ited St. Helens friends. The October meeting of the Wameo's Institute will he held et the beme of Mrs. Welter Webb on Thurs- day, the 31st inat , at 280 o'clock. lbeauhjeet will be ••Work and Recre- ation " All the ladies are invited to be present. mulles. Mt. and Mrs. Robt. Agarspent a few days with Lcndon friends re- cently. Miss. Herb Alton, who had been vis- iting her sister at Kippen, has re- turned home. Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Vancouver, ris- ked with his sister. Mn. John J. Hackett, last week. Miss Sadie Campbell, of Corwhin, sptbt a fortnight with her cousins, Mr. and Mr.. Neil Calhpbell. Miss Ella and Tho.. Townley, ac- companied by Miss Pentland. at- tendad the anniversary service§ at Nile church on Sunday. A BwLPAar FAMILY Bt itzsrtO.- Mrs. Mullin received the sad news on Monday of the deatb of her beloved eon, John Hylve.ter Mullin. after an illness of pneumooils of a few days' duration. Mr. Mullin passed his boy- hood days in this section. He at- tended the Collegiate Institute and Model School et Goderich and afterwards taught school at Cooke- ville. near Toronto, before gohog to North Bettleford a few years ago. We feel that the sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Mullin and family. REID'S CORNERS. MONDAY, Oct. 21st. 11"e ate aorta- that our acco:.:modat- ing grocer. Clayton Bell, has ceased running hi- delivery Wagon. it was a case of .••it's enough to make ;t preacher ,wear' when a herd of caws broke into the minister's lawn. The prayer -meeting held at Robert Irwin'was well attended. Stephen Lionel, the youngest, boy, was bap- tized. The farwere of tide vicinity are pleased with the yield attar threshing. Russel Reid reports tbe beet yield he ever had. The choir had an enjoyable time with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Restyle and Master Elmer on Thursday- evening. Who's woe's We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Frier. who has heen tot the past year in Dakota witb her daughter. is to re- turn. Her host of friends will be glad to meet her ekain. , Cue aye Narza. -The annivereary nervier of Pins River Methodist church was held on Sunday. when Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Bervie, Dteanrhed ezeellent sermons. The elmrrh was more than filled in tbii evening. The preacher of the day gives promise of future recognition. The Bethel choir furnished appropri- ate music. well rendered. At the eommunlnn services of the Presbyter- ian chug b. held on the 19th, eixtesn were added to the church, eleven by profession and five by certificate....... The second in the series of prates ser- -vices will he held on guildty' evening. the 27th. when the life of the byme- writer Charlotte !Mott will be ooneid- rred and her hymn. wog The iundsv school has decided to bold its entertainment on Christmas Eve. BLY nH. rUEener. t)ct. 'lad. DEATH Itr AN OLD RESIDENT. -Jas. Stewart, who had been a resident of Blyth for a great many years. living with his daughter, Mrs. C. Fraser, passed away on Saturday morning at the advanced age of eighty nine years. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to the Union cemetery. AGooD ENTERTAINMENT. -The Royal English Bell Ringer, were greeted with a packed house here on "1 edam', day evening haat, and they certainly entertained every pet run who beard them. They not only play the bells but they also have some good sole singers. it is not often that so excellent a company comes herr, as the hall is so small it will not hold many. The entertainment was under the aospices of the Metbodi.ts, who de serve praise for baring trought such a good company here. AXNG.tL MEETING. -The W. F. M. Society held iia annual meeting in the school room of the Presbyterian chtuch last Friday afternoon for the election of officers and other' business. Mrs. N. Curring gait* a Bible read- ing and Mrs. (Rev.) Turner gave a splendid address on the work:ot the So- ciety. Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. John McMillan furnished the music. The election of officers then took place. with tbe following r•esulte : Presi- dent, Mrs. A. McKellar : 1st vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Curtis : 2nd vice-president. Mrs. Turner; secretary, Muss Hnod awistant .eeretary, Mrs. (Dr.) Milne : treasurer, Mrs..J. Soothers. The col- lections for the past term amounted to 186.00. ()Hueco NOTES -The anniversary of the Methodist church took place on Sundry, when Rev. W. Holmes. a former pastor hen. occupied the pul- pit, preaching two good sermons. The church looked beautiful with the decorations of flowers end flage also a picture of the King. The choir was ably waisted- by a mixed quartette from Wingham, who sang vet v well, one of the ladies being a good soloist. At the evening service the church was packed. s• great many Preabytetians being present on account of the dos- ing of their chnrcb for the evening. Rev. Mr. Turner. the Presbyterian pastor, ass;sted at this service There will be a union .ereice in the Methodist church on Thanksgiving morning at 1(hfiO, when it is expected there will be a large turnout. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Mach Sickness Due to Bowel Disorders. A doctor's first question when oon- sulted 6y- a perigee le, "Are roar bowels tegular?" R. knows that ninety-eight per cent. of Mans is at, tended with inactive bowels as* tor - Did liter, and that tkie ismet hetes Istam-etlitrotly and .tad t bbe- fore health ran he t'setes it. Rexall orderlies airs av'. asset and safe small t�a- We are sotion and bs rtale ofwel dise L 'dial value that vs ppssbk . teeter the purchaser'sbe seem aim when they failto txmiaea 0061 ra daft► Reiail Orderlies ere seam Rho may'st and haw a Imes' one tt wisiA itsy- do net purge aWMa. Mem r}r hnoi eft other Weal ape sre female er o� ;Etiose, T11!ie Itexall Mere. tod 10e. Sold 0� at stare— "*" That s the mem, rte -Billy dear, I sti osis h your taeygse awn idler MI I ail a t youhim thekszteat. ttdb,.d ap the telt - rot l w5as r• ode dr try now. where she is learning telegraphy. "fake" raid which, the prosecution Alex. Barnby, teacher of S. 13. No. claims. was forced on Becker by his .lave traffic, wblcb in the past. list" 3, Colborne. spent the week end at his °Moors. been more or lewpf a myth 1a Canada.' home b • State rested Its can. on Than OMFORST e --SOAP .tr. THE LARGEST SALE iN CANADA in ALL RIGHT POSITIVE LY !11 It's as pleasing as its name COMFORT SOAP ALLEGED WHITE SLAVERS Existence of Truffle In Weems' hal► close et Quebec The existence .1 the so -paled wh/M ere. !s now being closely probed b lbs Rev. Farber John Hogan, of Sr, day rind on Friday Jacob Reich. known Thomas. is visiting his parents, Mr. se "Jack Sulllrap, King of the News- , Dominion. Provincial and Mantas/0 and Mrs. Win. Hogan. boys," indicted with the tour gunmen police, and their investigation bee w for the murder of Rosenthal, tried to veaied a traffic in women for 111.5.1 of an alleged conaplraoy b samhb.as to kill Rosenthal and frame rap" Becker for the murder. 'Bridgls" Webber and Sam Schnapps told Sullivan, according to ttestimony, that they "would frame colter, 'Waldo or the Mayor," 1f necessary, to save their own tires.They told ham, he swore, that the elec- tric chair was staring them to the face and that their only chance to es - it lay in envier:ng Becker. nrd oth r wttaese. los Plitt. bro- ther of Becker's .-called press agent, swore on S;aturC:. that Rose had gone - down on ii. kne, ; In the Tombs and said: "On the grave and on the mem- ory of my dead mother, 1 say that Becker had nothing to do with this affair." COLBORN g, W ELNFADA Y. Oct..3rd. It is young people's service at Ben - miller church Sunday evening. Rev. A. W. Brown is in charge. Zion (Colborne) church, choir is to lead the 'dieting. The centre seats are being reserved for the young men and women of the cir uit. The subject to he treated will be interesting and in- structive to _youthful winds end hearts. • TR.tNbti(avtNn DAT EN•rERTAIN- MaNT.-The fowl supper acid enter- tainment at Zion Methodist church pr.enines to he a big thing on Mooday, the 28th tThankegiring Day,. For the program Madam Daisy Gifting, a charming soprano singer, has been en- gaged. Mr. Gissing. baritone soloist of Centennial Methodist church, Tor- onto, is coming, too. Miss Anay Pearl Hiles, of Kincardine, is the elocution- ist ; she is an honor graduate in elocu- tion of Alma College. Other features will make a floe program. The chat ge _ is 35c for adults. 25c for children. No one should 'miss the treat who can possibly come. untold on the witness stand his reyslon Both Quick and Permanent Strength. If you are run down or tired out. if you take cold !wily. have no appetite. are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's Scstem Renovator tinder our guars. - tee to refund the price paid if the remedy fails to give entire satisfaction. t aids digestion, tones up the nervcus _stem and gives hotb quick and per- m anent results. One dollar a bottle wnufactured by Macleod Medicine 'o., Goderich, Ont. For sale by E. H. Wigle. sy M The Trick' of the Evening. 'i attended a ennjuring entertwio- ROBERT BARE DEAD day Nem Mercy Hospital, Chicago, to ment last night. Never enjoyed my- hie home at Oyster Bay, 1.. I. He was self so much in my life." Canadian Novelist Died Suddenly In eery weak. "Ob. how was that? i thought you England Atter Notable Career t care "r cooiuring? PRISON AND LASH Heavy Sentences on Hamilton Boys Who Misused a Girl The eight youths who pleaded guilty at Hatnllton to Indecent assault on Leah Holmes on the mountain were sentenced on Friday by Mr. Justice Kelly to fifteen months in Central Prison and fifteen lashes, nine of which will be administered during the first month and six during the tenth months, They are: Raymond Cart. aged 16; Clarence Moore, 18; Frank O'Brien. 16; Alex. Tonquay. 16; John Todd. 15; William Fltzatmmons, 16; Edward Ballantine, 15; James White, 18 There was a pitiable scene when sentence waa pronounced, when the parents and friends and the prteonere broke into tears. purposes. - Sergeant Giroux of the Donbass Police -stated on Wednesday night that the recent clean-up of the dubious quarter of Quebec resulted la the w- rest of three men, wbo 1t Is alleged have been acting as agents for an old country Frenchman who travels un- der many aliases. Three women al- leged to have been brought from France—"Frou Troia" Schelseer and Byaoae sad Andre - ha*e itgto ondlsM to be deported. THINKS SCHRANK SANE Made Good Choice. of State Where There le no Capital Punishment state Attorney W. C. Zabel of ein- e aukee County, definitely announced last Wednesday morning that John Schrank, the man who shot Col. Roose- velt would not be brought to trial un- til after the election, November 4. He said the trial would be opened some time between November 11 and 16. Discussing the cane as viewed by hint, the county prosecutor said that as far as surface indications went. Schrank was sane. "If Schrank b lanais," said Mr. 'It seems that there Is method ffi bis madness when he selects for the scene of his crime a State where there 1s no capital ptanlahment Mete messagesI am informed in messages from New York there has been no insanity in Schrank• family as far as can be hayed in addition.dition, the man pre- sents none of the surface Indications of inasutty." ; Col. Roosevelt was removed Men. didn't " "As a ride i don't. i1 was like this, Robert Barr. the novelist died sud- you see. For one of his trieka i lent the conjurer a had sovereign and he denly on Tuesday at Woldlsgham, returned me a Rpod one." ! Burry. England. He was born in Glasgow 62 years ago and casae to Canada at the age of five with his parents, who settled In Wellacetown, Ontario, For several years he taught school at Windsor. Ont., marrying Maw Eva Bennett of Raleigh. He af- terwards joined the staff of oke Detroit Free Press and established the weekly edition of the Free Press to London, where hie writings under the pseu- donym of "Luke Sharp" attracted much attention. Besides writing many books. Mr. Barr was joint editor with Jerome K. Jerome of the Idler Maga, sine which soon attained an enormous circulation. Said Men Should call and inspect the famous 'emirate patent toupees. as shown by Prof. Dorenwend, of Tornno, at the Rotel Redford on Tuesday, October 88th. These toupees are not only per- fect in construction. but are the only sanitary and Itatented substitutes for ones own hair. PZIISONAL AND GENERAL -Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter, who have leen visit- ing here for some time. Deft but week toe Gorrie, where they were to spend a week with the latter'. broths:, Dr. Whitley, and from there they leave for Aminiboi., 'cask.. where Mr Carter has spend a drug more Miss Martha Moore gent Sunday at Ripley. Her fat her. wbo resided there, pnamed away rte ttaturdar night. . . R. R Sloan. of fioderich town- ship, spent Sunday a• his borne herr. His mother M very low. with slight hopes of her i soverv. bot on aceouat ort Wing .o busy with hie apple" he could not stay any large. H. hue nicked 'NO barrels of bb anise. bat be Vers thee. are NWM US hiaan && to bsd wthat be Imposts QM be will ... bbee Iter Ve........ft. H. Robinson wee is LAsiow last week oa a bedew t/it/....osd Mrs A. =hefather. IMO la �Maa hoot week _ MO a had attaet of Aeease. Male . • .IDflsr. 114 flNt .who bee bots ristibeim fltf) b bore danAhter. Mrs. A. tar sees titre. To- Swami etwra.d to her bo.. at Bssenetb ta.1 week...... Jas leek*, .setae fere- EMS es the O. T. B. here. greet to =41.8$day eight to attesd a d the hrsneo. wan arts alibiing the advisability sf whim es 1 r el woos .... 4 Theme west bsaw wee Is Leedom S staei sad Seeds is .tteedwie• at the O. R. T. w•M1ig there deter. day *'Mitt ,qirks My .s" said the w hithhither.ti. "new► stilt attar a trtegret sass, a WILlimalk. air ism fasmsemea agent -therm W M be eneelia aloeg 1w a tor mon• tw "Ready for Him." He was a cyclist and called at a Ginn houee for s glass of water: but the farmer's pretty daughter offered him a glass of milk instead. "Won't you have another glass ?' she asked, as be drained the tumbler. "You are eery good," he said...hut I am afraid I shall rob yon." "Oh, no. We have so much more than we can use our- selves that we always give it to the calces." 6100 Reward, *100. The reader. of lbw near w111 be nle.•..1 to learn that there 1. at Isast enc dreederl 61... . th.t .. 1en.e nee been able to reit. in all It. •rase.. and that 1• catarrh. Rall'. Catarrh rum 1e 'be only po.itive sere new known to the medical frau.rnit T. Catarrh being a ron- eitnt'teaal Aiwa.e require. r rnn.ritntimiel treatment. Han'. retort% Cut 1a taken ipt.r- nally. seeingdkwtly 'aeon the bleed and me - o. aartaces of the .Seises thereby da.treiIn r the Mnodation et tbo Steels and Burne the Indent atieneth by building up the ooaetlrn- tt,at and meeting nater* In defog it. work. T1e proprietor. bare so tench faith t. ,1. men- tis sower■ that thew utter cera hundred dello.. for saw time that It falls to cure. Soot for sat 01 t.atlmw,fe'. Mdrws F. J. CtfltNIfy Sr CO.. Toledo. 0 fWd y an deas'tt'. -ta. Take Nall'. Fampr PIlia for non.ttpatinn. The Sporting Instinct. "Ps," said a lazy- little isay. as the old roan came int" the wood shed. "helmet i sawed enough for to day P I'm settln' tired " shred P Why. 1 bet your mother tee cents Host you would have got. thatwholewood pile sawed before " "Tr.did r shouted the boy. es he e6[>4Bi the saw rind esperorared on beta "You het tee ren is nn ler P Ittbe"aaw bolds nut, ytw1l win tar tllttaeey." Some sen ire too meso to have A ham paper whoop editor is as active farmer most of ttsesserlty he sew tbiwes►r and know his needs. This Is ogre of the reasons for the y of Tie Wattle flan. Tor- o. which ll"r over twenty-two years the Ontario farmer has esesddersd hie hsusinaw paper. Theo. swalw. Tho Bus's etlarket reports aro of smelt value t. these wbo take advantage rat the Ydaresagon dives that Hwy will set Is without It. lien anb.cnbera ore main farmers. who tares for treat it yon dire not a Hobert -lbw to The Sun yes da as te. Ns Sue oaa help yen imus tM hum pay all It awn nay. W0.e seeewlae your .nteserIption for Tbe Signal ardor The Bio. iIS SONS bs..asodee. to he meretfel. to he libreal : bet it Is h ot.r to Ire lad. rouR d - YOUR CANADIANS DROWNED Two Barges Sunk In Lake Ontario During a Storm Four persons lost - their lives when two barges went to the bottom of Lake Ontario Thursday morning near Gal- lop Islands, twenty miles from Sac- kett's Harbor, N. Y. Those drowned were all Canadians and were J: D. Schamp, Stephen Le - bits, Fred Labance and Alice Derusha, the sixteen-yearold daughter of Capt. REBELLION IN MEXICO Vera Cruz Captured by Nephew of Former Pre.tdeet Diaz Gametal Felix Diaz, nephew of Gemmel Porfirio Dias. , the deposed President of Mexico, rained the ban- ner of rebellion at Vers Crus on the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday. He entered the nit, whit 600 men and seised the arsenal end garrison• which comprised 640 of the 21st lntaptry and one six -gnu battery. The saw of the rising created great exottea•st :1 Mexico City. Ac- cording to the reports, General Diaz found maty adherents when he en- tered this atty. Despatches from Mexico City on Monday indicate that the capital is rmady to Bide with D a, the very amnesia be shows signs of Increased strength. B?. T10MAL WIT. Unsurpassed ter r.aldstW education. The "Simi Gasae-asses' in whisk to smart • tubing for your Itto's work. Tboroagb 001111710 i. Shote. Pai.tlae, Oratory, High Sebsol, nusi.es College sad Domestic Science. Larne campus, inspiring environ- ment. RMide.t puns Moores health of students. Rates moderate. Every girl needs an ALMA training. Haadssme pro - erectus seat os application to Principal. 42 Termite's New Mayor Controller R. C. Hocken nag un- animously eisiitee to sueoseri Mayor Geary as oda Magistrate of Toron- to tor the balance of the year by the City Council es Monday after Con- troller 011111rok aad Aid. Dunn. who had been aogstaated for the position, wltkdrew frogs the nontr-.t I A1d. Maguire was ekrtrei to 1111 the vaaafsoy el the Board .,f control by g✓a vele K 16 te $ over A'd Row and. Dersaha- the only e_lominee. The boats encountered a beery wind I _ and storm about midnight and the tow + - line between the barges H. B. and Menominee and the Butler parted, per- , mating the first two to drift and later they sank. (rpt. Derusha and his son John, wpo floated on a hatchway all sight were rescued. trlde Goes to Balkans Married only two weeke ago and now accompanying her huubend to the seat of war in the Balkans is the ro mantic story of a cat—ladles girl, Mrs. Peter Leaded, formerly Miss Violet Tjola Oltron, of Winnipeg.., This young woman will offer Mr servitor ' to the Red Cross In Greece to go to the frost. She le an IcdMMr by birth, and her mother readies la Win- nipeg. Tete New aen.t.em The sppolataent of Harry Colby. e x-M.P., of •elleville, and George Ger des. eallf-P" of Sturgeon nub to tbe S enate worm deelded upon by the Calle feet os Theirednj. These •ppslBlilaw5s dismiss of tie tee vacant 8eamterealps la Ontario. A tided oast la * Upper Msaes, that of SimiMer fiel•wm. d K elgeesa, 1sa comes .setlat with the spumes et Parliament. (food positions await the ttraduatee of the NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Owen Sound, Ont. Thorough courses, large staff, ex- celleut equipment, our own build- ing ; and we guarantee to place every graduate in a position. Catalogue tree. Enter any time. (' ...1''ttt1Nu, li,D, FLEMINO, Principal. Secretary. Mar.eM'. Mrs Raced s WUllags Mareoel. Imo 'U ..L. 1a• we i5.t bad hN right b$* Ngsaved oa 'I'hefsdy by Dr. Bayard. a awed Tests seryson. Mr 'Mavait i wee seasilf taloned o8 SgMOP Ile f# t+ w elatslmebi. aeeNeetj*.feawr !>srgbt>N M sY Ikea 'pai'n's performed M order that Mr MarksN's MA ape sited be saved To Dofeat Winter Ills START NOW Susceptibility to colds, sore throats, tonsilitis and such, indi- cate impoverished vitality—lack of reserve strength to weather &seen seasons. A spoon/Ili of SCOTT' EMU, SIQIII after each meal stars *Archy body -action like a met match bindles a peat fire --s i aloft: le a..ke. rieA, sibs , o ldie bleed--/iartdRms tA' aims anal eabeal tea N. .pp•eiee---1 sparkss a.ss./ beefy -s eesgeA. SCO7T'S SMULSION is the Vt cod liver oil, made (reait nd palatable without oleo - bol or drug—the quiMessesee d parity. alfreaf dattl.dlww Ara are we - fee prent mese a sear Tewet., oat. ,- , r x ICE CREAM The moat delicious ttavors,with the best and purest Cream, serv- ed at the BALMOttAL CAFE. Or- den by telephone for ice Cream is bulk or in bricks attended to promptly. Telephone et, F. E. BURDETTE et-MseeteWeastatemillesseeseweseases. 4.1 WANTED For Fell and Winter month■ a ,.mart. retable per,on to All our well-known 1rult and °reamn ntal trete in Goderich and surrounding country. OVER 600 ACRES d tae Snortn unwire.tock grow. 1 Stock told and delivered to trade. EarlyI B aad good delivery guaranteed. Thirty Are years of budee.s experience enable. w to offer the boa tweets In our line. write for tartare. Fitwell Hats The growing demand for Fitwell Hats is due to their superior style and quality. No other male embodies the same degree of distinction and value at a popular price. Ontc you get to wearing them you will be a regular cos tomer. These hats combine the Fitwell and Union labels as a double guarantee of style and workmanship You can be sure of abso lute satisfaction by weal ing a 1. Fitwell.' McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich The home of Semi -Ready Trilnr- ing. Agents for the Famous Carhartt Overalle and &nor'ke. Fitwell Hato, Stanfeld's - Prue Wool Underwear. GET THE BEST : IT PAYS I.IOTT Toronto, Ont., la well known ale the riht pias Pelham Nurser' Co. for superior busies.. and ehnrthand e�na(Mb. Position■ worth Wand 61.100 were leeway ORONTO ami Alk.[ by u. Write for catalogue. sToyEs 11 0 A q p 0 0 u 11 THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE is still the leading range on the Canadian market. it burns less coal and gives better cooking results with a email quantity of coal than most stoves do with a large quantity. THE RADIANT HOMY. HEATER still leads the market es a heater. It is generally ackuowledged to be the etrosgeet heater on the market. Owing to the scarcityof hard coal we have put in a line of Oak Heaters which wilburn Hard Coal, Soft Coal, (ioke or Wood. , Portland Gement WP have just received soother carload PORTLAND OISMENT. of NATIONAL. Coke and Wood We are receiving a carload a week of Solvay Chestnut C, lar This Coke is giving universal matisfaetion and • great number of our customers soy tbey prefer it to the Hard Coal, and it comes much cheaper. You burn very little more in hulk and it weighs only half se much an Hard Coal ; tonsegeently you .'educe. your fuel bill by fully one-third. We have just received another . arluad of slabs and Clio gpve precept attention to any orders. Our Shelf and Heavy Hardware was neverf more complete. Another barrel of Columbia Dry Cell Batteries just in. let us figure on your plashing. heating, diethyl wlreme. trougbieg, etc. F CHAS. C. LEE Plio nes Store ?2 Howe 112 IC=11===.S