The Signal, 1912-10-24, Page 7this splendid range places you under no oblige - tion to buy. We gu.,rantee the -Pandora'. just ap illing( y asMcClary people because we knua its perfec- tions jest as thentaughle. IW MCCIa rryt s For Sale by Howell Hardware 5turdy's Is THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK IS A •TRIAL Sturd) Co. Thr !.I br•Pa Oa abs brain I'IIONB 01 MASSEY- HARRIS SHOP I lie place to buy all kinds of FARM MACHINERY Binder_, Muwers, ',Hay - loaders, Side Rakes, Manure Spreader's. Bain Wagons and Cream Sep- arators ; also i.ouden's Hay Cart, Forks and Slings, Molet.teCrean' Separators, Homestead Fertil- ktsrs, Pumps for head - po.ver •ad Eogines; Gasoline Engine. sad Windmills. dud. 0 day 1 you must see our Buggies. We have .t full line, alt sty[.' , and some of the hest and most stylish figs [bat ever came to town. I have a few Horses to eel and .ome Driving Harmer.. I also have a Hats! to rent • lovely place for summer Call in and see what we have and rest a while, anyway. ROBERT WILSON H'imiiton Street, Goderich etistieseesesewoweeioweeweeeee District News Harry Tyndall, of Traekersmith. re- ceat1y pkbd from his field • turnip which wdih•d twenty-three pounds. Dolma Park. a highly esteemed resident of Crocuart died ob the llkb Inst:. at tbs'yfe oI eighty-three peer.. Jahn Jenson bas sold his farm on thrilled n0110110 111013 of Morrie to l'oun dllor Wm. Elston, of the sante town- ship. Joseph Grieve, of Tuckersmith, has accepted aposition as manager of a large arae on the outs►irte of Detroit. Will Harrison has bought J•,uo Osborne'. farm at Muncrieff. Mr. precipitated into the rapidly -running O.borne will "Ill.!fruit farming and streatu. George Thomson was near may locate at Ethel. by and rushed to her rescue and caught her before she was taken very far by the current. Mrs. Brown re- ceived a severe shock from tbe fall, in addition to suffering a number of bruise.. and had Mr. 'Thomson not been at band the areident might have had an even more serious result. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTA RIO be made at once to the Board ut Hall- way Commissioners for sanction for the lease among others of the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway to the C. P. R. This dune it ie very probable that immediate action will be taken towards putting through the read. A Close Call. On Sunday afternoon, 13th Inst.. as Mr.. Oeoree Brown was crossing the fnotbridge over the Maitland River at Brussels, she felt a movement in the bridge and as she grasped the wire running along the structure to steady herself the wire gave way and .he was Mrs. Robert Laidlaw, formerly of Grey and Brussels, died September 90th at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Win. Henry, at St. Joseph, Missouri. Mir Isabel Richardson. daughter of Mrs. M. O. Richardson, Satoh Ste. Marie, was wedded on the end inst. tr George Levi, of Steelton. The bride was fns merle a resident mf Rruasels. PLUMBING Let W. It. Nadir know when Som have abytbbng to to done in Ravers* roughing Merl Work or Restyle tt><*4g. istiMetas f.rsisherl aid meat gsssswMd. q r keep a MI Mas of illttollia and .ups,lleo as banal sad ail meth wort will rsssive oar Prompt asci .stefal anew Ws. We Pave a sbslltth...f kat- eias. eoak{aR (iw.ak Oho Sam* ( oleee sell the rmpM- ste.i Napa. OA and •sa thsar. Repair work el all Mob dews tk emeassele sat W. R. PINDEK AtassMtrt. $ferret fisad.rleh %% w. Rainey, of the loth eonceseem of Howiek, is .uttering trorn a f ract ut'e of the small bone in his leg. He w;ut picking apples from A tree when be fell w tbe ground. with the result as endorse Rexall "lei" Hair Tobic and above. continue to sell it es we do, if it did Henry grown aid Miss Rose titelck not do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry it. away. and Rexall 'RV Hair Tonic not.gi -e entire satisfaction to the users. they would lase faith in its and our statements, and in consequence nor business pres- tige would suffer. We aat,ure you that if your hair is son, 5th vonce»sion of Morrie, wee beginning to unnaturally fall out or if married at Seven Person., Alta., on you have any scalp trouble, Rexall Oetober end to t ewellye Sylvester 'its- Hair Tonic is without question Jones, of Meaicine Hat. W. J. Carling. Exeter. bas .old hie store and residence to B. Bedford, of Brighten. 1n the deal Mr. (darling Rem afarm of lair -acres r.eir Brighten. Mr. Bedford takes poseemsion of the business at Exeter at the twgiuning of the year. I it does not do as we slain. Two sizes. A pretty wedding tea\ platy nn Sl k•arid*1. Sold only at ons store-- • October 1t;6. et the home nod The riexall Store. H. C. Dunlop. y • D«1er•icb. of Henry Wheeler. Wingbam. bis sec - ond deugbter. Mettba, brimming the bride of William M. Reid, aI•n of Wing- SENSATIONAL STORY ham. Rey. H. E. Crnly conducted the FROM WALKERTON. ceremony. HAIR HEALTH. If You Hale Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. We could not afford to sen strongly were quietly married Wednesday ev.oic( of last week at the Evangeli- cal personage at % irwh, the ceremony being performed by the grsem's uncle. Rev. G. F. Brown. Miall Edna Earle Watson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Nis. %V. H. Wst- the best remedy we know of to predi- cate dandruff. stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness. Our faith in Recall '-us' Bair Tunic is so string that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will lie cheerfully refunded if Leo Bristow. of Seafortb. hail the Murderer Alleged by Sexton to Have et the tint Herter f Made His Escape. misfortune to g his t igbt haul rut off and the thumb ( Walkerton, Oct. Iii. --This little town badly cut and bruised a few days ago is about to ere the solving of en old by coming In contact with a saw at which he was working in the furni- ture factory. On Wednesday afternoon. October 8th, Miss Mary H'II. third daughter 01 Mr. and Mn. Frank Petersen re Whitecburrh, w ea united in metrias,. to George Leslie B tschten, of Tor- onto. The welding took place quietly in Toronto, Rev. fl. A. Mc- Pherson obviating. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hawke, who are testing Clinton, were tendered a sur- prise party bythe ladies of the Ontario street Methoist church of that town. An address was presented to Mrs. Hawke, accompanied by a handsome ret of table linen and • token of re- membrance for Mr. Hawke. The death of Maxine Masse, eldest son of the late August Masse, of Ht. Joseph, oxured on the lieb inst. at Detroit, following an attack of ty- phoid fever. Deceased. who was twenty-seven years of age, leaves a widow and three children. The re- mains were brought to St. Joseph for interment. George Kelly. all old and highly re- spected resident of tbe Sth line of Mor- ris, passed away on Sunday, 13th inst., at the sire of eibty-one years. He was a native of Ire nd and came to America in the fall oYYYYY lege locating in Morris township in 1554. He is sur- vived by Iia wife. four sons and three daughter. Jas. Nicholson. brother of Garner Nicboleoo, of B.•Igreve, died in the hospital at Toronto on the lith inst. He went to British Oolumbia twenty- two year- ago and a few weeks ago was tm,ught back to Toronto for medi- cal treatment. The remains were brought to the uld home at Belgrave for intrtuirnt. After an eines. nt ten days John Mowbray. of Walton. was called to his reals..( on Cie Itith inst., in the e gbty set .'id v, :m• of his age 'i)e- s•d w na ive of l un•rkshire mystery wticb concerns the burial of John Haag, the only murderer ever hanged in Bruce. The tale is as sensational as the escape from the Perim tomb. of Jean Valjean. Fn Pehruery. 1RtN. it seems, a .seen named Stihoheu Seetht:ker, while rte - turning from Seafoteh with the pro- ceeds from' a load f grain h" had sold, was robbed and murdered near Formosa. hy & man w•h , jutiped,on to his sleigh and hater- t bay brad with a club. John Haag was cenvicte 1 of tbe crime and hanged of Det eu,h •1 15. After being taken from the gal- lows. the body was place 1 in a co flo and given to Doreen, caretaker of the cemetery, for burial. Several years after.. eels the sex- ton told that the rope Itis n •ver done its work and that the b .!y had sonar into his hands elite.. H•• stoutly maintained that an empty casket way lowered foto the grave, and that the supposed -orpse walked out et the cemetery. The murderer is aIle-ged to have been seen afterwards tending bar in a Detroit saloon. The pro- posed sale of the old Mittel ground to A. E. Sherrington• whoa• farm it abuts, and the consequent order that has gone forth for tbe removal of tee bodies interred there, will afford an opportunity to discover what credence can be placed in the old aextnn's story. MAY B : i I MERANG MACRON Al SERI ECTION MAY HAVE RESULTS. Courts Win" ked to Investigate Election .ds of the Borden - Roblin r e Workers for Richardson: Kidnapped and Jailed Protected Interests Asking for Further Favors. Ottawa. Oct. 17. --It is altogether likely that the recent bye -election in Macdonald, Man.. will prove a boom- erang little to the tate of either the Borden Administratioo or the Roblin Government of the Province, both of which worked hand is glove to secure the election of Alexander Morrison, the Con.crvative candidate. There is scarcely any doubt that the election will be protested, and that r•hen it comes before the courts there will be such a flood if testimony as to the ruanner in which the campaign was fought as will not merely upset the election, but reveal the Roblin end Borden Administrations in a decidedly odious light. Not merely this, but the ver(- weight of for majority rolled up fir Morriso by all eerte of method. b is proved emberteesiig to the Borden Govern- ment. The manufacturers, andevery- bodywho has an axe to grind in the way of increased protection or resist- ing any reduction in the tariff, have rie used the sLlt in Macdonald as an argument witb"wbich to try to club •the Government into granting - all sorts of tariff favors. They declare that the contest was fought purely on the tariff gtteetion-tbe wider mar- kets polio of the Liberals against the restrictive bigb tariff ideas cif the Conservatives—and ever .leer the re- sult has been announced their repre- sentatives have been active looking tor further favors at the expense of the producer and consumers. in its anxiety to cinch the election the Governmentiierleapt the mark, and put a rod in pickle for its own back. There was steins. slight idea tbrdugh- out the country that extre me methods were being adopted to secure the de- feat of the independent candidate wbeo it became known that a number of his workers were being arrested and held on various quibbles w -i, bout bail until after the election. The method was se drastic, and the excuses for holding the sten seemed sea die - proportionate to their deprival of liberty, that people wondered what was going on. HAD BAD SORE FOUR YEARS. Zam-Buk Has Healed It I Mrs. \Vilson, 110 Nickson Ate., Toronto, says: "About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my face. This spot increased in size until it became eh out half an incb in diameter and very p.tinfel. i went to a doctor', hut the ointment he give me did not have any goo t effect. The sore continued to discharge freely, and was mos' painful. 1 heel it mart iz••d, tried poneie-ee, end all kinds of selves, but. it wits ne good, and i continued to a a. mntfer (root it for four years! S. oila' outing to Canada in IS "A sample of tam -Bok was one day Ror m •• v veers le-' farmed in McKil- given to area, and i used it. Ahhougb lop bt,t "-bio hefor • retiring and minc- ing 10 %Val:on two year's ago. He trains a widow, three sons and a daughtet. On Thtuselay moa tone. loth Inst.. 10 the Teivitt Meilen-al church, Rueter. Mims Nettie. daughter of Mr. and Mee. James Walters, of Eteter, became the bride of A. R. Gresbam, manager of the Bank of Commerce at Edem, !task.. formerly of Exeter. The rete• mooy waa performed by the reetor. Rev. le. W. Collins, and afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Graham left for their West- ern home. The wedding took place on Wednes- day.October 16th, at the home of the brde's parents, of Mite Mary E. Tay- lor. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wal- liam Teylir, l' eater, to Charles H. Ker,l.ke, run eit John Kerslake, of the Landes toed south of Exeter. The ess+asny wee pet formed by Rev. W. O. R. McAlister. Mr and Mr.. Kers- lake will reside on the groom'. fine farm near Exeter. Thaom died at No.pawi. Man . nn the Rh last., • termer we'll-kn ern readout of Wingltent, la the person of Jadeite Sake. The des-ta d was horn IM its. England. seventy fibres years ago. and rime to Caned, rty swift years ago. met :Hag In eo county. Tweet) x years in the gttartity was see small. it aerated le do me ..,me good, so i purchased a further ripply. "Etch L..x did me more and more good. and, to my delight. before 1 had t*s-ii using Z.,n-Bok three weeks, i saw that it was going to heal the sore. to less than a month it. was healed I "i know a lady in the east of the rity, whose husband suffered for year's witb an open wire on his leg. On my tecnntmendation, Ism -Bek was tried in that ease. The other day when i raw her. 'she told me that it had bested the *vire completely. "My daughter, who lives in t.eth- tridge, Alta., hes also need 7,m -Fink with the sante satisfactory revolt. 1 think 11 is. beyond all doubt, the finest heeling halm known." Such is the np•ni..n of •II pei'nne who bave really tried Zara -Birk. It is a sure cure for et zema. pile., abepee- see, ulnas. scalp sores. ringworm, cute, borne. scalds, breisies. sed all akin injuries. and diseases. ritk', bee. all drnggist and storey. nr pest free from Zan• Buk Co . Toronto, for price. In ease of skin disease nee slits am - But deep. lie. tablet. Thera Wes • Danger . Liberal Workers Shadowed. Then the facts started to leek out - and it became known that. the Borten, Roblin colleen ition had a big force of ell east. of ••detectives" and special r ,nstables of all da!f;rees of rascality sheers' ittg tbe Richardson workers, end under v,.rious flimsy pretexts at -resting t%a 1. of them as seemed to be doing the twist effective work. In feet, ('.d. Ouateve Boyer. M. P., • French -peaket from Mnotreal, stated that he rad heen constantly shadowed by detectives tilt-4,00out and hat narr.rwly .' i -*ped arrest himself. He decl u, ti t hat the Westin methods bad rrdu,-ed the codntry to • state of anal cby, and that to his knowledge a certain justice of the peare had filled out a number of wart ant s in blank, so that the mime of any active Richard - sen worker could be inserted ani an arrest made. Mr. 14-tyer stated that ons of these Wank warrants hail heen filled in with his owe name, nut not executed. A cage in paint, a fair sample of many similar ones. was the arrest of young Walkinshaw. Re was a bright young titan who had secured a good position at Winnipeg. and moved there from Ontario with bis wife and children. Having a little thee to Spare he offered his services to the Richardson campaign for nothing, and did 'web excellent organization work that he seat honored with arrest at the behest mf the Harden -Roblin horde. Reporting this a lazing affair The Winnipeg Free Pre4s says : "A warrant im fiefs retly secured rherg- ing him --well, what is he charged with? embody knows. Immediately before the daily exp ass reaches the town he is arrested. rushed on hoard the train sod carried elf in the night to Win- nipeg. He is torn away' from the locality wht•re the circumstances attending his operations are known. where tbe witnesses. for hint or against him. live. In a WO! If. he is kidnapped. '-Ile arrives in Winnipeg late at. night in t:harge of a constable. A lawyer whn meets hint at. the station is forbidden to [peak to him. He is hustled to the Prov.iciil jail. The fol- lowing morning his law yer calls at the jail and ie permitted to see him ; hut before he 'las parsed the time of day with him the young Man is rushed from the room, thrown into a taxicab, hurried to the station and shipped off to Portage I• Prairie jail. Kidnapped again ! "At Portage la Prairie jail, defen'e- leas, unknown. he is arraigned im- mediately upon hie , arrival and 'emended to jail until Satur- day without bail. So far as known the only incriminating evidence adduced against him to date is the discovery in his pocket of a list of voters I' -This sluggishness of public senti- ment end &e petty malnels which makes men morally color' -blind In poli- tical matters have made possible the steady degradation of lour political esetbods in this Provinee until tbey have reached a page which is uospeak- able. Manitoba is no looser a country in which there is i free and statural ez,oreseion of public opinion ; and to. the extent that it u restricted by arbitrary methods, hy perversions of the law and byhcorrupting agencies this Province has ceased to he a free democracy. ' But at beet the Roblin -Borden 'ow- hination has overstepped the merle Not only will the matmer in which Macdonald voter* were eoreipted and bulldozed he shown in the election oourts, hut it will inevitably be en quired, into at next session of Parlia- ment, and Alexander Morrison will in all probability have some unpleasant times in his seat trying to avoid am explanatiot, as to how he contrived to usurp it. The Lumber Duties Case. Another sample of the Conservative Government's facility for trying to withdraw from uncomfortable posi- tions it has created for itself was shown this week in the final stage of the famous Western lumber duties case. Finding that no matter bow this went it would come to burl - either from the manufacturers or the consumers of the lumber, the Govern - ment threw up its bands sod dropped out of the test ease it had started. leaving the United States and Cana- dian lumbermen to light it out for. themselves. This was i0 what i. known as the Foss luutrer ca.,e. and,its story is in- teresting. Coder the Leerier rifle a liberal ruling was always given to "Article 5,04" of the tariff, which prn- vidrd terse the free admission of rough lumber. The Liberals held that a free interpleeation of tbis clause was in the interests of the settlers, as the free emelt 'mutter was of great value. en- abling them to get material for their shacks mei barns as cheaply as pos- sible. • Not so the ('onservatives. As start) is the Burden Government came to power a demand was made to have a closer interpretation .placed on this clause. The Btitish Columbia lumber interests claimed that the American lumbermen were evading the law and that they were .ending in as tbe rot,gb article cumber sawn un three bides and sized for use. The .Liherat Government had refused to listen to such repreeentatirns, holding tbat without such treatment the lumber would have been id little use to the settlers in whose interests tnis clause was enacted into the tat iff. Hut the Borden Government saw an o(lpor- tunity to apply higher tariff, and de- clared that such lumber was dutiable. whether the settler suffered or not. The United Stater lumbermen met this by changing their methods so that there was no possibility of claim- ing evasion of the tariff provisions. Just previous to the Saskatchewan election the lumbermen of Britisb Columbia came hack at. the Govern- ment, and •1 seized the opportunity to try to gsther in a few Saskatche- wan voted by declaring that they would not collect duty on such lumber and suggested a test case. This was made by the seizure of a roneignuteot of "rough" lumber brought in without duty by the Fur. Company, whn et once took action in the F.xcbequer Court for its recovery. Although the evidence of many experts at the hear- ing was that such lumber Was not dutiable the Conserve tivetiovernm ant counsel, Travers Lewis, strongly urged that it was manufactured Iwyond :a point intended by clause 5(}4. and tbis was sustained by Judge Caesild, who held tbe lumber to be dutiable. Tbis probably both surprised and disappointed the Government. Now the appeal has been heard with the obvious intention of upsetting the Ex- chequer Couri s decision the Govern• ment bag dropped out. Just at the time when they should have oaken Some interest in alleviating the hated• ships of the Western settlers they have washed their hands of the whale affair, and retired, leaving the fight to the rival lumber interests. IN NEW BRUNSWICK You Find People Wbo Have Been Cured by Dodds Kidney Pills of Rbeuma- A seeing Irish lad n• • market day an 11101. intra was tntndin 0 •tnelas v.d up sero a donkey attached to • cert. Aid ha his Miredtbay.d up to b u' home wber. ( arm raatnd the neck of time aotsal. Its. Bvnd by a abort t lyse tsefntr „ow,.ago whw two recruiting secgesata passed. s we WeM. Atrotrtsixyrarw•got�a of them., in an endeavor tat be amealva.'1 cony sad ' fesny. •id. "Whoa aro yon bugging woe sad aha°fewer-i s were I veer brother on tightly for? " bes.•sltrrSOON elahs Baby. -- t�-st+ - — Ra way L tmtiisa Balt fah. world is ore the wrong sheet lbs tram £dvoeata says : Then M la this psriult of happbwese. H. that .ow .very tsdiesties that the pen- Men be happy lot bin remember nowt saw hese* .r tbs C. P. R. trout that there M het tere way --it is Mors it Mary. vis limiter to �s wilt biassed. r( 1. woe. apDrp�mmowto gilee the. ppm psi ammo Avow/ km "'Cast•.." wu ready rejoieder. took F� b t the residency of ••1 sea. afraid he'd 'list." A System of Teironsm. And this was not an isolated case. There were • number more, and probably others tinny wted, where even were arrested with no crime het tbat of working• against the FII wden. Roblin nom hi net ion, and then illegally held os es to prevent their working until the elert.nn was over. Having found that their .honey rntsld ewe en. mile tuxes the Horden-Rnhiin error• Ain et ion resorted t0 • neatens of tesroriers which would have done seat so Mus.ia, and *bleb evidently assails lash Mt amongst the kite** restyles(( of rho riding, motor nt whom in IbMlr his. Meda had been too well aceuoM red M snob domination. this oats of affairs ,dF� Wintripeg Fee Promb. I�tpublie for 11, stating that it allt IMM[ rias fair Rode sed hese tlf allow d it ~' efts Nee hes the rash thieve sold set 114'1 In a $,ItJd, .rntntry. IN says: TertenabeT. 00 111111* 84. 1912 7 Visitors to Stratford Made Welcome at Duggan's This Large Department Store is One of Stratford's Chief Attractions lis generous display ' of "All that is new and distinctive" in wearing apparel tor Ladies and Gents has made it the centre of attraction to the buying public within a radius of sixty miles. 01 our 40,000 sq. ft. floor space 13,000 sq. ft. are devoted exclusively to House Furnishings and High-class Draperies. Our Ready-to-wear and Dress Goods Departments are special fea- tures. ea- tures. Everything is now ready for the Fall Conquest. An early trip to Stratford now to see the exclusive Fall Models in Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Suits would well be worth your consideration. Give us an opportunity to convince you that it is not necessary to go farther than Stratford to supply all your wants. J. A. Duggan STRATFORU'S BIG STORE To New Subscribers, The Signal to Jan. 1, 1914, for $1-.00 tram and Kidney Disease. ('amen fn's Mills. Kent. CO.. N. 14.. October elst (aipecisll•—The one thing that strikes 's visitor to New Hems. wick ill the confidence its people hay, in Dodd's Kidney Pills as a cure for any and all forms of kidney dispense. They hive need them and they know b thele own experience that ilodd'a • Kidney Pills are .411 that is claimed for i them. Everywhere you go you find this confidence. It is exprrseed in this village by Mrs. Joseph P. Daigle. "i have great ronfldrnce io D.,dd's Kidney Pills." she says. "Six 'tuxes cured me of my kidney disease." A Cutting Tale. "Poor Harry has leen sent to the lunatic asylum." remarked the berber te his customer. "Who's Harry S " asked the utast in the chair. 'Harry's iiy twin brother, sit. He's heen brooding over bad times till he went queer in his head.' "Thefts had." "Yes. Hine :unit me w•"rknt .ole by side for years. We both brooded a hie, and no wonder. There's net money in the business now. b'ole's a cnstomet ban a shampoo, it doesn't, pay to shave and hair eta only. 1 , caught him trying to rut a man's throat beee ie..he refused to have le shampoo, it makes' n.. erste dawn melancbrey. I reten wonder t didn't Ite him stash all br w»nte:t to. Toga re f know wnat a t..nptatton it is. Shampoo, sir r '"f oat, SALLOW COMPL*LVON 1►.dicele.. iwdigeeetios, ettastiiwtlou ar. liver trouble. Fig Pals will replete ear .y.tem sad WM up the serve forces ea that yes Ma .1a11d *bloc 111. At all dea/sn ti sed tents nr The Fig Pill oa, eL Theass. Ont. Da.ght.r—••1 love bin. He i. ab. light of my lit. -- FWtev—"W.11. that's .Is tight, het 1 object t0 hayloft my hone. lit Trp Iy kern after mid Matt. The Gurney -Oxford lEnthusiast The housewife who owns a Gurney-OzIoi —wbi has daily experience with it—who knows the way it works—the economy and efficiency of iris a Gurney -Oxford Enthusiast. The Gurney -Oxford Range is the sue total of 70 years experience is stove construction. It is a big, up -standing, handsome stove, that works constantly and unfailingly for its owner's satisfaction. It stands guard over her interests, conserving her time and energy, effecting a daily saving in coal, adding to the household economy and increasing the pleasure which comes from a salMth running and well -ordered household. That's why shillsiastieally recewsds the Gurney -Oxford whenever the question conies up. She wants her friends to learn, what she knows to be a fact, that a Gurney -Oxford Range is a good isseevnfe's most valuable and cherished possession. C. J. IIARPER ' GODERICII ONTARIO