The Signal, 1912-10-24, Page 60 ttllaare.Oath »n
Whether it will he wiser
and cheaper to have us
overhaul that furnace, re-
pair or renew your roof of
do any other tinning work
1..w than to wait until
A Little Tinwork Now
still gave you Iota of dis-
comfort and ei-rose later
on. Re wife and have us
de it. e
deed MOO IMP
Iiamilton Street. ()odetictt
•,-tiontMal/o Orufor'
See the Bt. l/ems.
Yes air bees dee at tom,
cote fres tu,ray at gimes
book*. terrains -err at -Id-
ly toot. it veil yea ace it from the dee
d as -eau !north. 1kf116. to. a. ao&F
thew!at.e It 11. t'Roral Gteeta air'
Yeo the tar *ane is caudat .N Met.
i toroost est Ow pleura al a trip
1 ,R'.gtast heraldic. m"1 6/.41 04 tiler
w the sort& Wrier for Darns. a tee alt.
11 C. a..anr., General Arras. Taa..a
1 ti
Wtime, rw=Atleg 5t h.mee. eel
eat .mama the t.....
*Woad walk lading up to it,
A deer whet epos wltk .ase.
*thew .aired semis Jest kaald.,
Te gram year willies Aril.
A emery welcome freta large
Aad ever growth( breed.
illbs door sad asthma serves, led
Sy teethes termed ag vette,
AM ►yess whish syr tidied sad make
The weary heart t-Jeta.
The festal bawd mead wince we meet
T>bh stories et the rest peek
�a Met sail leash eel .seg,
The glorious old *replace, tilled
With erectile(. glewtag Same,
The roasted applra, cider, a ate --
De ethers taeta the same -
The geld seek apes tbo stairs.
oat rosin for two.
The dow•eaet eyes, t►e sweet. soft gate
That opeed beer's to ye. -
DM ever modem Tha•kagtvt.s
ti..t•I. sash Jay and baler
Cam theater or football game
brie( hsg'sses Ilke Oast
The Widow Wllw's farm had men
leder and mere prosperous data sad
w ow was traveling backward. It began
at the top of Brindle Hill, where it was
bounded by this oounty read, and .crag
glad dowa to the lake .hon, its hundred
alma � so Walittarlat over hills and di
Flag tab hollows, until they terminated
N 1M bay, with its rim of whits
(Beaming seed.
One of the most pictureryue sputa
earth. and right In the owner of 1
erowning a roudded knoll, surrounded
w1th stalwart maks and butternuts,squst
fed the hoose cf tp owner
It was always . difficult spot to mash
la winter. when the drifting snows piled
high their white billow. against the low
raved structure and hid the window
from the outer World. Bnt ID summer 1
was a delight, Thu Incas -brown dwellin
beneath the oaks. and M one tune ba.
been • home around whose heartla'o.e
had gathered sons and daughters. low
it was desolate. The paining stranger
would have but .dried it to the 'category
of deserted farms. No sign M lite was
•Isib!r this bright Thanksgiving morn
init. from Its wide, paneled eltmeey no
curl of smote Invaded the crisp sed
trout• air; the light fall of snow that had
cover.d the ground ,the n' •'.t Maws
showed no trees M trimmer, :ng from
the weather-beaten door. Aud yet than
was + stir of life in the farm Tard, In
the hollow among the trees. where the
old tarn tottered, reedy for ito tall.
There a flock of fnwl abd turkey. wan-
dered disconsolately about. In the adja-
',ant stall no old horse stamped imps-
eint ly for hie breakfat,and a forlorn ono
haled restlessly at her stanobtona $z- for these, the old farm was asedie.b
se wben its first fwnerasrred It from the
virgin wildtrnese. A rustling of tee
shrubbery that fringed the tell. stiff -
ranked pines on the hill beyond the bairn
told that . visitor was coming to Lonely
arm A bnman head swifter= in sight,
t was crowned by a woolen cap from
beneath which peered a pair of black,
blight eyes. Their owner took off the
cap and mopped his brow. He sea a
rugged country 1ad et 19, well kelt and
sturdy, with a pair of ruddy obeeka.
white teeth and lips rosy. but with e
drop of sadness.
New England, always hard tabor ohil-
rem, had taken from tithe hoy the home
red mother that make Tltankasivibe.
a u it had taken from the widow all
t the wretched framework of what bad
onal been hnma
"Home looks like mother's used to
r she go* so she couldn't get about,"
iloquI.ed the boy, .taring at aha
tele.. chimney. I 11 bet there ale't
nes nobody near the widder to a week,
ant I'll het, while I'm • battle', 1bat
M needs somebody, Game I'll find out
what's the matter."
He strode down s the hoses and
kmodrd. Ther, we eo response. Daly
Me lever in the oak tree was disturbed
it w =swooned noise and flew ewer,
with . sew of alarm. A mooed teeth
srr4 the fowl in the barnyard, who
greeted Min with a suppressed .bookie;
bet then wa no answer from wish's,
memo. I =leers well go to " He ptaahe&
epos the cosy door and eat.nd the
✓ oma width served as kitchen and sit -
dog room, all In one. A table stood r
the r.. of 1t, mored with a anewy
*lath sad seta 1f foe sapper A tall
sick ticked in the ttornar ander the
Metra. bet its rhythmic beats esy seam -
ad to m.kathe dhseeeaudible. "It mea*
Mader weepy, that'. • feel Rem sham
Ila'* softie' happen ed b Per. Weeder
where she lei P'rsp •h.'. aebip, "
He rapped lout' and Men pet Me sr
doom to the by -holt. II.ts*tag tales!".
As err there we ee repass. Thee 5a
thought be Merl a lath, gmaeapgsg
"Its me -Jos H•stiaga I've seas le
see it rim mod •.7bely."
Come hs." 'rbe feeble votes struggled
with s song&, timer Tent, I'm se gbh
7m've some. I wee litres toilet yesterday
had �s •e& ssmts� to trawl
be bet •
me les ant bad nee51.' es
▪ "If*" with • feeble well..
"MN. V print lel me ttry. P11 mer
a me at ha."
Jen dolled the dopy na Me gm In •
dame Mrd lend an�f far al. pales
It Which the WNW Ase massa The
Memos teeth was. M e well waw
ig.. Mosesloth a el tea.
dm A
bhp frepMee 5er ?mime oobese melds, lds off I
membems Milk • bleat baa mom bow
wMN w+*rdei m tea hst*s. The wed
FOe wsm esbAb, sur Me hast deer, sed
batebeag ale abs awsw. Jem ease had
dim dry wood wise wYab be made a
WOAst s soilaateeMane ne t Of moles ls,was set Meg �talwr
sane fr_b a ueg*mal de Mmes. and • M
ad.elie Mer be limped at the btk am
date with •lamas, ss to s ba_Ihgemp*f
TM breed W bass rbedd der W
lm eebmss, the Oh ef tee gmmaYs wife
who petal Me Ms sarvfisne r "kap "-
esamill imps
ea a* vet el Creme Lille.
She *f* missidemother
5.5. mos wed treat &dem theie-
aaa Me weft. mak balk rho her aha►
r0.Me ersdsM ten* a deep alga O
!week. red dared her mem Man Noma
1 weak..., wade Mee itsSef stove M•
mem "..stag %gap r ,lgatai•.
We be wwa5er• was IMI*
aseaseMas Maeda fattWS ha hal .as je
r d+.7.~.t .thas.mhave : "seed p/ rofiletrr ''
wt�•w •mit res et �s e �
•sabea•s• sane sae if
Mewl Reaming the may Maar at sr
wa.Aaa web • silvery tele J. tMssM
he bad never etre • wales wee ars
Maw as " trti7Ibe"sa�/ bow prase she
raked. He pealed • tsaiiaese be mord
Nr ane she seemed bee rpm ae meriw
he o.l•terae • step ear Owe, the M
Maine .td•tmg Ms beams apse tree
" Yea've made tar very b.ppy Aim.
way tsaakfet"
•e1. eam'am, I'm glad of It 15.
"Wham Rrdb Tbeakbeglvieg Dalt
It's the drat Onto I've rgefb• It -Ones
I .p �..
grew Maim
"then'. • Iylep oat l• w bersyerel.
He are* very ted, bel If Fos ray se 1'U
heir yogi Ira tmr4 !blase. "
The widow urged se eireetaars, and
{imam at the M •
i'►aekadtvi.g dialer VIN themselves as
w hers.
mamas, IM M7 tra i d out to
fame enek. (it hard wood wee ease
'Wed on the fir's, and by the time Mfr
Turkey war ready for bbl sire. the widow
had gaoled Me vegetables sad dripped
Mesa tato the mysteries, depths of the
stamina kettles, Jen looking oa wteh
glowing bet bashful appreoiatfse.
A swwy sloth over a rowed tahle, wit&
two seta opposite ase& other, is alwere
.s Imaplrtting sight, and when topped
by a steaming brows turkey, with all
• the "fl=ings" of a turkey Manor, Ibe
feast Is one b melt hearts harder Nen
P I that d the lone? widow • ed the hosme-
.1.k New Baglan! 5d.
sea J "It Is the happiest Theakegtvl*g dtn-
ad 1 net I have bed t* many • year, m,
j boy." .be veld to him, as be 'lowed away
the dishes sod brought out the demer0
of fragrant quince preerve.
"May trod Mae you' And to think
bow the dreadful, gloomy morning has
been turned to snob bright sunshine by
your coming"'
Jim turned to the window to bide
• seine tears that would peri.- in ammo
Ing tbemselree out of his eyes. "I whit
M eke wouldn't tet- so sentimental," amid
he to himself, quits wrathfully. But 10
ties widow be said • "Why, ma'am. 1
1 •n;rh 4170 feet $re.dta. 88 4 teat F
Teon&, 14.300
Viceless had Se bmertee Saguia
>';ms.rees of Britain ch t 15
Empress of Ireland .... Nov t i
Leto Champlain 1-ev7y
Isle Manitoba. Nof: 9
Renpres. of Brttaia Nov. 15
Moores. of Ireland teleiv. a
Tickets sod all information frees sir
st.ntnicliip agent, or J. K1dd, Atme4 C.
1'. 1{., t;odertcn, (Int.
ertKaa fes the large qe* es�g,,p
WMem,..b�eet sod Tee wed lemur hOw Tho
eco If peel ram willANO will rw
We are�,a ane a edeale 5
mew sari
ankh we seam'
Ole 10411:1=se
Oeeratias sad Station AReml e
Se erthar , ids l tet* r est
end Railroad Sebnea.
(set owe honk 'psyod by the
'FTI t •ap4IM oa eft,:
rwwY/// .,4W. H.
i sod tieerer'1
Orn awl We 5.- l .Yams M ime&
arras '1' tele. nes • pe•pugtye ad i
•e01I'LtFINK err WRAT'l Toa awash .
alai done snide' great; no mors'n
7011'4 hors dose for me. I'll bet. I ata
eajoyed • !mese ma my .lt, aenoe I can
remember. I wish 1 -weld jest stay herr
all the tiros."
A new light .. • into the woman'*
t.d.4 goy .sea bora of • thought that
had been struggling for expre.sioo for
' ea hoar or or "And why can't you
stay, Jun?"
"1 *said, ma'am, if I meld come e- .
ee pmrrer
II woe out at leek, the boy's yearning
for Demean* as bed own and tb..bane
he mw upon the wNow's [arm. "I aonld
la tblage np," ha mall on .a(rt)y "and
make the .&inks= 1q Km and the tow
give milk . tee
Jus 7ip
,itsL Klee ted e.
widow', r
7 Ita1' nt L 1•s eel Ida os.
"1 g s my beard to saves
Meese Mars min' be wan. Wbem . am
.tYmrl Ude laetrile
Nideo it deed Imes
!sane le be est aa' malls fireweed
M. Ala' •e he timber, I5.,'pa •
watt lb
bemired !!leve waw 1.5'11 ail 1.
mediae U It Mal M ee' led pees*
mut. •
The b bebesd, sawed int bed a. -
Meg; M Ne widow needed her bad'
sad mailed enema'. "That le brae Jun
The gar M eearn) dews for hook
et elms ere
S. emote* * *wt at doorrss e4
Mem, a le a beteg la."
♦Nee Ws Waage partnership hsps
The MO whine Am smelt is abl_rrg
out Ir sareallases wood r the se l.Oed
rt*. 'Iskrs .p loner Me Mess
we*gb feel to seeleepr eves 1&e eewr age
it Ohat yweenrs 01.45*e far meso vet
es � � r M
re saw mill ea s
NIM MM. er be N the miner
As the egetag epeeist ke tree Isar
timet, emwwing the geed went •t 5 -
the Mai e, sad ."Masasad inert 05.
Meisem*d Ohms It W ever before ea-
perrnerd. I. ease eat w western deer
be Nem ase • players, protested by •
leeltee week whew pond Nemo neem nese . and hem b
amid wee* hem bot Miner Melva Ie
W sinner somsnod to nay es* Wore
1hs1 seem werkmlMs be made seeee.sYve.
Tb widow W re► raked spm N*
besreter 1 her gest seemed bee lbees(l
OM Meshes w
w well ser Ow s ass Tha
The lath
sed perish wee • vera .*.& b ler, owl
• 5.s of pest where oho ase std =weed
*!!tag Me reg «►18, .t w=mer,
I mower OMu,e I Mosel take mob
_gerll tow" she add. ,S.1w yrs
aims l ores awe Ohm wgtlrg a g ws
alp Jon~ away. awn
i west b Mtam aad w here Me reel of mar
IMS i strr.Id sol We le ger the wash "
!bet's as atm' •
Mt, MA wait, 5.ytook=
aft ran se*d17 le see permeant, walk •
Trthefaltsaid seas• vamoose seismal dad
itszt d by le t'etr at OTs sod
load *Ma T he esi fly emir mew
M escapee', had trlek7 calve
shoat Me la ahs asaaor
TAIs was ne Mede• any daubs as
b the avuO.billss et any d UM ate ran
b 1, Twk�Nrs !hone.
watt ted venoms eseemiled one •metkat
wan Omer -arises of esseesa black
treed tar widow mere sad mere depesM.t
sere bear tealwars Wpm Abe elmest to
alai as ab m1sa l hare Maas to the
at wham the Md haw hepato! In the
cplaglime fit am wifehood. As bee so
eador Itpe were savoured *ewe Melo ef *ewe tvillage abate► os • Bead*M 1 IM m
agagstlaa knew that tbe
Medellin louse ream Who wase/4 ever
bar a ..egsonaty wee see le tet oar
elm s. Those wasp t e gelmas
Ns O
ametr b.i knowtmsb, eying le Mem-
selves ane le seem mew Lasky, hey,
Maes re= right tab the teem just u
5. ell we Nest to lea.. is He
Imam IN Ode of led beaml thee baa tae
b tt•w m le'
Dat b M doubtful if Jam had ever
WOE Mat • thought Ls happy .ad eon
teas was he that the merely material
emadaham of his lib hal never troubled
Mm aesmbeneaea Daly one thing
Matthaei bee thoughts of lata He was
deeply stnsd by the soft brown eyes of
ptves7 year Jones, • chorister 1n the
thumb; 85/s, wee lived es be had done.
with Meade for board •aid keep, another
of New tegland'. orphans.
Iia never mentient d hie daring immo-
lation, not even to the widow; but bet
eyes, thous! growing 'Min were aerie
emettsh b ph.etrats has beam sot. His
whole tib 1q eMtatsl la the fern
wbleh had become as .muNaa to it al-
most as the .1e he breathed, But now
there meet be young lite there. A pals
of brown ayes persisted la d•aeter before
Mt trot, in woodpile, in field, in garden
And so 15 came to peas that there wag
a wedding next Thanksgiving in the lit
tle ()theme now pretty with vInre and
Meer" within. Susi. was (led of se
pitheent • plate for the troth which MN
wed be plight with Jem, while he, lanky
4H•w though he wa , could not take
ORM to travel to Snsie's horse, far away
over the rough, hilly reads. "A wife'e
s good thing," be soliloquised to the
Widow the having bets,s hie manta"
but there's vow., to be looked after and
bean to be ted-more'n you .meld 'and
Ile alma "
"That's so, Jem," std the widow.
smiling brightly, "and thanks to you for
b all."
Dander branches of autumn leaves
front the List nodding tress, .rem and
Asda promised all abbess of the simple
s.rviee. Tien dime the o da -
ti ng supper.
Whoa the lot guest had (ane, driven
away in the farm wagons that hat else -
heed around the door all afternoon, the
widow turned to Jam .-tet Sods, dating
Wailfully to the 8reUsht
You're my children now, both of
too," she mid. "Call me mother, just
ease, les end Susie.,'
"Meeker!" cried Jam. bating the feeble
heeds lameher sod ahem ten -
r4. ' nag dartta( mother, dared
tread I ewer bad
Sb ntlsrsgd 131. loving glans Huger
Maly, gtreseally, ea they led her to she
door of her room.
Next morning Jem knocked again at
the Widow Wilson's doer, jester h• had
deo' on that lonely SA1ak.rtvtng Day
tone year. ago. This atlm nos even a
treble voice aa.wee.d him repealed .alis
Thee days, as the nelehbws
ela1(led back from the little oratory
m aim 5111. Squire Letbrop drew Jam
I .'pose yea knew the widget,* left
W farm to yogi Ne! ahs' It's mlgb*y
strange she didn't tet you. 8M made her
will mew's a year ago, and you're her
only her. 8N essnmd to set • lea d
you, Me wldder did, amid (leokIag homed
approvingly over the enewe .seed IOW
I lrao'. I blame her, 7.e last fear yore
MT been for pe*ednlem of her Iftet am/
sloe's loft her posse will yea ler ova!"
Luny Tbamtusril•t Use.
The lest .,,aided lb*steghris was
5.1.lame feed et the bhms•dm.
Than have bow but toe ahrher
Thanksgivings la Ur mmamrr. pas we
m Feb, 97, 1679, lee ars rower, et ahs
Mss et Wales beta Moses; N. masa
Joni 1l, 1517, ter M Qum', /ladle ,
The New Eashmd
hem leak wham Ma Mam Mesa
Ths�Ilret mamadeer'slaw est apart • ler
wast? e. Bev! wwets appelaNda Dom~
!be lost gresi•switsen Thanbegtriag
Day was la 17*4 ter 'be amnesties ei
,neo Throe war has mew sneered
Mug la ITN, sad sin Mbar till
when Pru {dent Lla*er towed • ter • der Of
Mee thee thee WM
hem 1mslld mintnet
IoM Peen
Oast Teen J tote* a slime.
p11(rlm endmsga5 abed the Ord
vfea lsM wglt IleserOs tad
e0 Lamm. sem Amid bevels M .sea
.lily New tar eel due tai math bed
et -Nees elbow who wow .m M
mateeb It we IN earl rararbet
7. masa aedab alb tar seem r
aa1..ti�mfb tai tilos asI the aid.
eft or_ tams* pep, Ifs Of�
allfte maw
�. Z'it Mltiem t alb trUl err
whit a r b be Our Im tb
own ktm0m0 es wine
• Mea •le she Ore
seem le be
W �
bean% would see Om
d I .pissenie Nee M_IlMtst•awblmse, slat dewda
I Ile vimg
.mere.... s* fes. Peewees. l 5m Nee ted day
of O mad a we mend -yen le
per No a w.�wa ss me
ate 11680. Ater er us Worm d sine
Fe sammO •S if NW er
bee time sem • M-
seprwil Ns yearly te•
at a if
lime a L • seam* mai
Ma▪ ggie at 4.101$_ 5. Odra*** teueit eg
a�-UmW mamas -ChM •L Ober Ormerua*
• w'enmq es r tamemo ,
0laly lam Illatallor 'Wok
Por eMad -
See We Nose sew be ~el web -
Ike am sae rem ire mei'
lass • gram aalel-Ya le rhe dem .y • r•
Why, Oise Nal • premtir stew eb Ams
dews � It he lima NM frees yew 01_ M -
Nate, deme le MN `e a Nee It Wim 5. MMMM
dy s sett hair( at sea old ata lam
messed Mor deear'deww to Ne pad.
t osier aroveled say yak bee y
treat tm; -gale owns ♦•i MIMISMId
eh Me welt with • sheer* LAMAS red
amt • N,tli ef mdkillemalsa I5.,. , Or
wWw'n Mem ♦ wssgs*gtlg Amosbent
bed Mees tes,ay Me alme seeder rem
aells•der. Tr veal le Me age Nue
Itlimbseteleg r..
Twenty Thousand Prisoners ,deported
Taken by eeevtas. •ad s.t•
,anon. et KMtrlttesue
According to despeteaes oa Me-
da) from the eapltale of the allied
Hallam statestheir armies have
been vhtorious over the Turks 5
aeteral (lift Acta. Tree the fetid
heads ter' of the BWg$Ti5Y COONS
the word that the Tithe are Wilma'
bait to Adrianople in patodos, tear-
ing 'magas and maamacring peasants
as they flee.
The Greek loot, salt an Atheist re-
port, has blockaded the !Mead of
Lemnos, and that Turkish island 1s
beteg occupied by Greek troops.
The Bulgartan• are said to have cap
Lured Kirk -Knees, atter days of se-
vere fighting argttsd that town. The
Serbo-Hulgsriau truly claims to have
taken 20,poo prisoners there. three
montka' food supplies, and ammo
aitbon for a w hole arid) corps. Kirk
)(Blease t• but 32 miles Iron Adrian-
ople, and a report u)* that the vic-
torious Invaders pressed un, stormed
the northern forts of Adrianople, sed
out he communication between that
city had the outld* world. None Of
these reports has official gerlfcetlon.
The are said to hag. cap -
tared Hoversroe In the Aaaj.k of Novi -
Baser, where there was the hottest
sort of *ghUng.
P7ghtine occurred last Tuesday be-
tween the Turks and and the
Turks and Montenegrins, the latter
capturing the- lmportaut town of He-
nna. They then pushed on towards
Scutari, where the Turks are expected
to make a sirons resists/ow.
The surrender of Verona was lo -e•‘
Ceded by the severest lighting. Seven
thousand Turks and Albanians made
their escape, but 1.200 troops, [oar
teween guns, and two months' supplies
re captured.
The Bulgarians .re invading Tur-
key across a line nearly 300 mulles at
length, and the Turks are falling back
without offering effective opposition,
the objective apparently being Adrian-
ople, towards which at least three Bul-
garian columns are moving.
Turkey's formal declaration of war
against Berrie and Bulgaria was trade
Let Ti7ursday. Greece having fore-
stalled the Sublime Porte and declared
war against Turkey a few hours pre-
Yjously. Turkey, in her declaration,
blamed Bulgaria and Berrie for the
border fighting which occurred pre-
vious to the formal declaration of
hostilities and accused the little Staten
of attempine to Interfere with the in-
ternal affairs of Turkey. The Tur-
kish War Department made a list of
the recent skirmishes on_ the Bulge -tau
frontier, acr• the in of
being the .ggrea.ory 1n every in-
The Balkan States, on the other
band. accuse Turkey of baring failed
to keep her promise of rrtorta. Io
provincea made original'y thirty yearsher
ago. Tb,y nay the 111 tie Stated can
no longer bear the sufferings of their
klnafok in Turkey and that they are
determined to alleviate the h.rdsbtps
of the Christians there. Greece toys
that her aim "coincides wltb the in-
terests of all civilized people.."
Men. F. D. Monk Quite Cabinet -t#
verso* Wont po to Balkans
Tie ofecfal announcement of the
ort am eat of Hoa. F. D. Monk as
Minister of Pubite Works is expected
within a day or two. lie lm usable
to agree with the remainder of the
Oabla•t on the naval question sad dee
allied to retire Thar* tea great deal
of speealation as to wbo w111 emceed
1[r. Moak. The names of Mr. 4... T.
Marschal, K.C. and of Mr. T. Chase
Olealltralu. K -C., both of Montreal are
moot prominently mentioned. Pemd-
ot the portfolios.
hewerer, i rearrangement
velood that Bore
S Psef*7 oft] tate meets of the
of Public Works•
As soon as be learned of lir. Moak's
[tttaationto radii'. {lir. Areamd la-
whe a� tet, tNatfosal et leader et the
oeCol.f Quote's. wrote a tetter to
application to be mots 57tharata. n.
pietmeat of 101156 as a 011 y so-
ter to tie war In the Balkans.
III kb lifter bet says that be staid§
Mi. Meet, amt be Wage le Cen-
= 5. Ort` kis aerobia to floe latter
mike Os atoesa a•
wenn kmo salwasertes a l.a.pts..
allaiist7 dWtid that
wIll qua aa may. !I
Plivataoto Ikerip red (stoop.
Off' *ray Aar sl
!serf. ovary die bed Oa am
at *a Millami lbaffer,
was sago. arrest
at sad stir
grad=a damp lartial
"see w at Aa/baa
111gmaim aid ahem
> '. , Wow tee
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'eiirtt'e :...itThe aalhoilMao era _
IIIMmal NNW Ohba out
alasam.dsg •dpla. �m11rMPa
Trey 4U• IMIL
'be deer arayy tiN~as to
ear tam K a..sYl.e gg1vsms.
era t hie tilt
'MB 'mot be leaking fres bars
looked ,leer our
beautiful designs ie
There's value in the a
designing as well as the quality
of floe oRpaeental novelties es
You should cell Ire,lue•tly
and see our
whether you buy
things,s or bot.
Jeweller .sd Optician
Coe. Oolborne St. and yvuare
■ •sir. mwttNwla
will be at •
Motet Bedford
IVORY, OCT. 19th
witb a large nod
varied stock of tb
newest Parisian.
Landon and Net%
Yetk Creations i,
Hair Hoods.
Ladies with thin hair .fill be
interested ie our improved
Tr.eeformations. The nrw des
signs in Omit are vel} dainty
acid attractive. We invite Your
iespeetios of these goods.
Dorenwend's Sanitary Patent Toupees,
for mss who are bald, are so eotlutrseted that only the tt;f;irtr. will
know that it is 001 hie own hair. They give e protection necessary
to physical health. Adi•i,t
tbeenerlinse ea readily 1s
own hair w,.uld. Light,
strops, made in ,rr.y style,
shade or shape
The eel' Sanitary and Pat
tinted Toupees Manufactured.
too net fail to call ar.n , . Lemo
Doreswcnd Co. of Toi 5.o, Ltd.
(Tae Nowa et Quality Nair-Qeod*) MUM reams 0th
r"= Toilet Preparations
Na Dru Co
The Ns-f)ru-Co Toilet Necessaries
are winners -every one of them.
Tooth Paste
gums Sweetens
Preserve floe
Hardens the tete
the breath. teeth.
Good teeth improve your ap-
penance. Two Savors --stint
and wintergreen, Mr tubes.
Toilet Cream
A sweetly perfumed, emolli-
ent skin -food. it renders the
akin soft, smooth sad white: un-
sorpasaed for tan and sunburn,
rc sed bIc jars.
Na=Dru=Co Talcum Powder NereN betkr, finest,
Bast powder for me •otitis t, ,J Rothe
Violet ?w , and coal.( ase. Two shoat -Royal Fto.r
Oeotor.�wbeta, flesh.
Dispensing Druggist m tioderich
"The Store That Pleases,"
The time has come again to get
your boys and girls prepared for the
tall term at school.
They will need good ,strong
serviceable Shoes -the kited that will
stand a severe test in any weather.
At our store you will find the most
complete stock of the class of Footwear
that will Rive attisfaetion, at the lowest
prices possible.
Don't fail to cal) and see what
good Shoes should be.
Reps hero(
Downing 6' MacVicar
?SORTS 8307; OP AQUA** 000$ 1i0ilL