The Signal, 1912-10-24, Page 5THE SIGNAL GoDER1 i►NTARI't)
INVad OAt, tJmelet& iii, lull! •
faes- Ellice• » .Riker at
q', Ellis, of Ob%latt!e`
ad Alexandra �a
wads a res en and
ls th. hospital t___ - - some
More coming to tiFOMtiOa • few
ago The rernalea ate being
reloodon for ietembeet.
• Arebulante Fund.
hidey, November lat. Maple
chapter. D. O. E.. will awake
effort in behalf of the ambit -
Nod, by opening a tea room on
street, in tbe store lately crocu-
s' the offices of kite Goderich
Co. b. There will be a "boune-
pibie and s candy table and
tea will be served Crow 4 to
aEverybody .hoald alt and
long it good cause.
On Monday afternoon Mr.
travelling eseeetary for the
fan Colleges' Wieder. was in
and addressed the reorients of tbe
to Institute. He also met the
Society executive and otbers
ted in the subject and presented
for mission study groups mod
bods of utilizing missionary in-
tron in school work. It is
bee that some of these will be
ed by the students.
Percy Tye Wedded.
es extremely pretty weddiag,
quiet on account of recent
vement in the groom's family.
place on Tuesday, October 15th.
the residence of the bride's parents,
and Mrs. John Beckett, East Sixth
Owen Sound. wben the wir-
d their daughter, Edo& Olive.
y L Tee, M. D. of Milverton,
son of lire. W. D. Tye, of Gode-
was celebrated. Bev. Mr. Rod -
of Knox church, performed the
te which took platy at high
in the drawing -room. Dr. and
Tye will reside at Milverton.
(poem's Goderich friends will join
good w isbes to the young couple.
T. R. Notes.
The Kensington Furniture Co.
several care of ftruiture lately
Celg.ary and W
deity a number ori p i are heimt
principally to Montreal for
and *me to Nen York for ex -
to Holland.
The new greie dnors manufactured
tie l'eiet brain Door 0o. rare being
hearers -ice here and are proving
Dries at the elevator for greit cars
heavy. but the supply as usual at
time of tbe year ts far abort of the
supply of hard coal still comes
veal slowly, only a few car. • week
hying received.
elirester Pansy -growers.
Several children in town are to re -
cave prizes born the Goderich Hor
tieuftural Society in tecognitien of
their wort in the cultivation of pansy
Oda during the oast summer. The
award we dreidedupon at a meeting
(d the executive of the Society on
Tbur*day last, and the prizes are to be
vett as follows : James Malin, B3;
Bordon Tehbutt, gW : May Brownlee.
>}'; Lawrence Currell. S1: Maudie
Howell. *1; Leola Hero. *1. Ur.
Ballow. president of the Society, will
present the prizes. Meese& ()allow,
liteningstet and Coats will represent
Society at the annual meeting of
Ib. Provincial Horticultural Society at
?wont° next month. Tee question of
ideating and planting shrubs and per-
ennial plants around the court house
was diacuated and Mergers. Oallow end
far w ere appointed to attend to this
at on;,. the cost of the shrubs. etc., to
'ne paid out •.f the county grant.
S eeetrepers' Annual Meeting.
The annual Meeting of the Huron
Couity Beekeeping Aasoctetiou will
be at the Clin-
ton. ea October Slat. at 11 a. m. Out-
Bidsers will be in attendance*
aid a� beekeepers ere requested to at-
tend. J. HAlleaxn, Secy. Zuricb.
1. M. C. A. Boy Scouts Doings.
The first regular uteetiog of the
Junior Y. M. C. A. for the fall was
bold on Tuesday of ibis week. Cheater
McDonald announced that arrange-
ments are being made for an outing
on Thanksgiving Day. All the boys
are to be at the rooms at 8 a. m. on
Monday with staff and lunch, prepared
for a trampp
On neat Tbeaday evening prizes will
iso+ given fur the best collection of outs
that grow in this neighborhood, with
specimens of the leaves of the tree% on
which they glow.
The collections for wbicb prizes were
awarded this rummer (colo., stamps,
picture postcards, insects, pressed
flowers, etc.) are to be handed in bt•
November 7th and will be on exhibi-
tion at the bazaar given by the ladies'
auxiliary oe that date.
Harbor Notes.
The *teenier Scottish Hero was in
tort last Friday with a cargo of 13.2,-
000 bushels of wheat and barley which
she unloaded at the Goderich Elevator
& Transit Co.'s elevator. While com-
ing down the lake the boat had the
misfortune to break $ high-pressure
cylinder and had to run at slow speed
for the remainder of the trip. The
break was repaired by the Doty En-
gine Works on Sunday afternoon and
the Hao cleared light 'itmday even-
The steamer Atikokan. formerly the
J. B. Trevor, arrived in port un tuft -
day from Pert Arthur and unloaded
her cargo of 107,000 bushels of wheat
at the Western Canada Flour Mills
Co.'s elesator. This boat is of the
wbalrback species and is said to he the
only Cahediao-owned whaJeback on
the Isere This is her first trip for
three or four years, es she has just
come off the drydock at Port Arthur.
She ran aground three or four years
ago on an island in Lake Superior and
cis -waged her bottom to ouch an ex-
tent that she" was not used until the
Thomas Marquette Steamship Co.
bought her and repaired her. She
cleared Wednesday night for Port
The *tee suer Wexford was in port on
Wednesday and unloaded a cargo of
110,01* busbele of wbe'tt and oats at
the Goderich Elevator & Transit Co.'s
The pee.enger boat Bon Awl, of the
Soo. which bad a new engiue installed
by the Doty Marine Engineand Boiler
Works Co.. left on Monday afternoon
for the Soo.
The inclement weather of late has
delayed the work on the commercial
Phe ste user Thomas l•rumniood
arrived in p tri on Thursday at noon
with a cargo of 108,000 bushels of
wheat for the Godericb elevator.
The steamer Kaministiques came
into port on Thursday with a cargo of
121,($X0 bushels of wheat for the Gude-
rich elevator. She reports that sev-
eral boats were holding back at Fort
%William for the weather conditions
to change.
Last Wednesday one of the rugines
at the Big Mill elevator broke down.
It is being repaired by the Doty En-
gine Works.
Cane --Acheson.
Mr. and Me.. William Lane were re
Toronto this, week attending the wed-
d'ng,i1 their secood son, Dr. Charles
lane. of Detroit. to Miss Irene Ache-
son. eoengest daughter of Mrs. John
Acheson, formerly of Goderich. The
aredding tock piece quietly on Tues-
day morning st the home of the
bride'. mother. In tat. George street,
Torous... The ceremony w.ts con-
ducted by 1Z v. J. W. Hnlllnrake. of
Winds„. I. other -in-law of the bride.
Not. .1 L. Ellsworth, • friend of the
bride, reared the wedding music.
j the bride was unattended, and wore •
staple gown of white meteor crepe.
trimmed with rose point bee. aodcer-
J tied a to".yuet of roses and lily -of -the -
.liter the wedding luncheon.
Di. ' id .Mrs. Lane left for a short trip.
Ube bride travelling in a navy blue
sent, nitb richt bat and sable furs.
They will reside se 144 West Philedel-
phia avenue, Detroit, Mick. The
beide before her removal to Tnronto
I was one of Ondetich's meet hlgble
esteemed young ladies and the groom
silo was vel popular in Goderich due -
fag hie residence here. Their Goder•irh
Mends wish Dr. and Mev.. Lane the
' hest of everything in their life's jour -
017 together,
Th. Late Mn. Thos. Beaty.
The death of Mrs, Thos. Batty ce-
ntered and unexpectedly
morning Last at bee on
tit Andr.vr's street. Mrs. Beaty lied
lees ill for a few days, but • fatal "l-
eek was not expected. Sb. and her
kaband bad just moistly .eetareed
ftp a trip of several months is
Neaten ('aneda, wbelte raw, vletted
their son. located there. MTh. Beaty
true rep sixty-three 1. the
Beiereh with bet s Md I�tw
year MI After reseaserhams
t C j TMthey west Min* two years
sod Newew
het. Mt. so it steeesasloe
hetowashipt where awl
"~braid le reside will test whiter.
tome they served here hems. Mrs
wr.ived by bee imbed,Nee. Jame lisCliseliOy. et
f anse_lietsey41•1...vre wed, siMea sly.
Zayre.. wed Areble. 111=Z
mew The
t base s. tinstee -s•tw fatMlb
a Thaer mu w ry _
Nadal eradbatted Ike 01108.1^
ear tile
every denier's worth of damaged Roods
le to nevoid before the tires moves bash
to Its owe building. Tuesday mo mien,
215th inert., is the date of the opening
of the temporary premises.
One Million More bulbs.
The floral department et the C. P.
R. is rending out this fall one million
more bulbs, besides flower seeds of all
kinds. eu that, with the bulbs already
rent out, there will be millions of
flowers blooming next spring in the
'Inner gardens at the stations and sec-
tion foremen's houses throughout the
whole C. P. R. system. The Signal
acknowledges the courtesy of the
department in presenting the editor
with • large assortment of bulbs.
Dominion Alliance Day.
The •Heid day" program of the
Dominion Alliance was carried out
in Goderich on Sunday. Rev. W. 5.
M.scTasisb, Ph. D.. field secretary of
the Alliance, and Mrs. Owen Hitch -
cox, of Toronto, were the speaker•s of
tbe day, and H. ltuthven Macdonald,
of Toronto, assisted by rendering
solos: Addresses were given in the
two Methodist churches and the
Presbyterian and Baptist churches.
A mum meeting was held in the after-
noon at 4:15 in Knox church. Rev.
Geo. E. Ross acted as chairman and
the meeting was addraesed by both
Rev. Pr, MacTavish and Mrs. Hitcher -1x.
I)r. e1acTaviab took up the moral side
of the temperance emotion and spoke
of the delusions of alcohol. Mts.
Hitchcoz dealt with the legal aspect
of the subject and presented, illustra-
tions of the benefits of local option as
seen in places where it has been in
force in Ontario. 'Mr. Macdonald gave
three ezeellent vocal selections, en-
thusing the audience with the render-
ing of his last nuniber, "We'll Bury
Him Deeply Down."
A lneric Pirrone Ftro m Jos. -Motors tram
ins it the backbone of our burins..., No frame
too targe or ton delicate for ns r" h.nAle. Over
res different pat terns of mouldings in crock to
.elect froe..-•epresentina the very daintiest to
thetuo.telaborate moulding, made. nee our
wtndoe.then enesult to about your pictures.
Semis AIT wrosL
The power gae41on is now no for di:cu+rtoe,
The clothe. Question .ran settled lona ago. in
taro. of Ptidhom the Tailor as the er,.aror or
men/garments that are up to the minute in
style and tit.
Before gning home, be suer and
visit Lyric Theatre.
A. Snazel sbowed us the other day
some well -formed raspberries of this
y'ear's second growth.
Keep in mind the "needle festival"
to be held by the ladies of the Baptist
church Tuesday, December 3rd.
11'bere can you hear the hest music
in town? Why, at Lyric Theatre.
W. C. Pridbam and W. H. Harrison
were present at the Sunday srhonl
convention at Hamilton this week.
The next attra^tion at Victor::.
Opera House will be Guy Brothers
Ministrel", who are coming November
Monday next !Thanksgiving Dry-)
the wicket.' of the pnstoffce will be
open from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m. and
from 3 to 4 p. m.,
The G. C. 1. "Lit."
On Friday evening last, the Literary
Society of the 0. C. I. gathered in
tbe assembly hall for the tint meeting
of this term. Owing to the fact that
• email class -froom has been partitioned
oft from one end, the capacity of the
hall was greatly et xed to accommodate
the audience, but this inconvenience
was soon forgotten in the excellent
program that was presented. In the
upeniug address o: the president, Miss
Grace Warnock, she spoke briefly of
the plans of the executive for the
ensuing term, and explained tbe terms
by which members could attain unto
toe "Hpoor Roll." The toll of meru-
beis was next called by the
Perri -Lowy, Meas Mary Tom. t'yril
Dalton then opened the program with
a well -rendered selection on the pisco
and this was followed by a recitation
from Miss Beatrice Pridbam, which.
as usual, was greatly appreciated by
the audience, who proved this by
loudly demanding an encore. A five
number sow presented by the Glee
Club with Miss Colina Clark as
.nloist. Great interest wasevioced in
the presentation by Mier Hodge and
Micas ('liffotd of the piles, (the results
of the recent field day) and especially
in the drawing for six booby prizes.
Tbe students paid great attention to
the reading of the school Journal by
Harvey Hallman. after which another
good selection by the Glee Clete was
given. Tbe honorary president. Dr.
Strang, then gave • short address and
this was followed by the evert of
the evening. • "mock trial." presented
by Lhr fourteen members of form IV.
The actors had each adopted well-
known school names and from Judge
••Hays" down to the versatile witness
"Sareuel Finglaod Feegan" ell per-
formed their pugs very creditably.
The trop blas of I. ecce Porter
Chweehill." victim et sveiollent rot?•%•
bib La drgse MW •gai the
primmer. screed ease. rny of
tbe their own
(MPegl. The elegibig of the National
Anthem tee hirseelLthis moat enjoy -
able evening to a
O. II =lierkillree.1614'
few John Naer
o A Ors h pdeeieli tt�k tell he eenend he e f
°ih`p1 M pneuma* and k bassioseed
arty R
The People who Intend to Stay in Business
and you canservice depend on us for sice al the time.
is this CONTiNCOCS SERVICE more to you than intermittent
attention:' if 1t Is. let us number you among air customers.
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.
GUDERII'H. ONT. 'Pnora Steri
R. H. Scott, G. T. R. Firemen, Killed at
Parkhill, Oct. 17.-A head-on colli-
sion here between a through freigbt
and a mixed train at 7 o'clock tonight
resulted in the death of R. 13. `ioott.
a fireman on the Grand Trunk. Tbe
young man was running out of Strat-
ford, but bis relatives live at Goderich.
The accident occurred almost directly
in front of the statism here. The mix-
ed train was running as a double-
header with engines Nos. 2,145 aid
2,217. and was backiug up to allow the
coming freight to take the siding. It
is said that the freight was due at 7.15
reelect. and that it was • few minutes
ahead of time. However. the mixed
was foul of the switcb, and the freight,
with engine No. 672, going at ten or
tw'elye miles an hoer, struck the east-
bound train, piling up the two engines
and sending the tender of one down an
embankment. Scott was in engine
2..r.{7. which was behind the one struck.
He Was killed instently, but the others
of the crew eenapeJ.
Engineer Jame. Far.. of Stratford,
formerly of Goderiehe was driving No.
2145. He jumps!) end escaped serious
injury. A. E. le train, of Lucknow,
was among tho-e injured. receiving
some bruises about the face.
The, remains ot Fireman Scott were
brought to Goderich and the funeral
took place on Sunday afternoon from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carey.
Wolfe street. who are Mrs Scott's
Parents. The interment was rade in
Maitland cemeterv. Rev. Geo. E.
Roes officiated arid the pallbearers
were Charles Carey, jr., and William
Carey (e rs. Scott's brothers). Thomas
Clark. Max Claremont, Alex. McNeviii
and Henry Kemp.
Besides the widow. Mr. Scott is sur-
vived by one child. A brother,
William Scott, lives at Berlin.
The annual meeting of the (:ode
rich Horticultural Society will he held
in the office of W. Lane un Monday
evening. November 4tb.
Remember the bazaar aodtra under
tbe *vertices of the ladies' auxiliary of
the Y. M. C. A., in Oddfellows' Hell,
Thursday, November 7th.
The Rebekah Lodge are holding a
Hallowe'en social in the Oddfeltowe'
hall on Thursday evening. October
31st. There will he euehrn and danc-
ing. Everybody is invited. -
Alex. Saunders met with an accident
on Saturday, getting, a fall from but
bicytle which gave nim a sprained
leg. The injury is painful and will
curb his activities for • few days.
•G. L. Parsons and A. U. Nisbet
have been meking a whirlwind can-
vass for Board of Trade members,
with very satisfactory results. Now,
if the members will only etteod the
meetings -
Do not forget the splendid dinner to
be served in Victoria street church on
the evening of Tbaokegiviog Dry.
After for dinner a rol•odjd program
will he vireo Rev. J. E. liiunter will
deliver an address.
The Royal English Haodbell Ringers
Faye z very enjoyable entertainment
in Victoria Opera House on Tuesday
evening. In addition to the bell ring-
ing there were vocal .elections by
members of the company. and the
program was interesting and varied.
As a result of the annual vest and
address of Mr. Troyer on tbe Canad-
ian Colleges Missionary movement.
thirty-six girls of the Gederich enlle-
giate Institute have organized three
mission study elasese. Four officer.
hare hero elected in each class, end
great interest is displayed by all the
member.. One clues intends studying
tere conditions in China. another Japan
and the third Canada.
Arthur Some'. the (.nderieh bill-
poster. has been snaking greet im-
provements in his bill hoards. by
"Nanking" between the different ad-
vtertieewentsand at the hottnue put-
ting an iron face no him hoards. paint-
ing the raps and pntting his name
neatly no each hoard. If a thing is
worth doing itis worth doing well.
and Mr. Brussel is trying to beat the
.weU city bill eased* in Ace arpeat-
sseine. He now bee 430 feet ret hoards.
tee feet high. with iron face.
A Tewiporas7 Rated&.
Hedgers Be... aaeounes that oe
Tuesday mortis( asst. A:tober Sikh.
they will epos bosses tespereetly is
N. 0. (meso', fares stand. and
the big Are tell war be eestiweod
Uwe a til repaint arts eo.splstai et
their owe store. is soder ee give for
•neurate e • hoe bead is
est estes.ave twain add
*bleb till Hieb, ifs ■otysae Mew as
oleo better sliewaps pees Was boo
dew. Mit slue hs seder to suis i.-
oloeM �tess�rawge� fI
b We .seri at Mr. sgalaa0ga•'
floss, It bootees detlld.d to toe
est ter a few ttroas The art
Thanksgiving Day -O. T. It
Raeder -B s*rases .. .
Header -The Weekly Bea .,,, .. .
loiraaatise flet Pay,- W. lis wow. Toronto, 3
Books for Cbrhttas-T. Y. C. A.
For the Buses or ?ravening- W. C. Prettiest 3
New Blankets-- W. Acheson & ego 2
Tbaakwrivtag flay Baler-- t P. Y .. 5
It's aboaem7 to Teade at Tete U.
Colborne ............ . .
Sp.d•IM for Theakseteksg- 13 Mutat t Sm.
Tars to Heat -Kea Ges. Feeler 1
The Pandora Romeo -hawse Hardware Cie.. i
amities Sale -Jar. W. Meta'
Aeeessesaest- Itetlskeb Ledge. . .. S
The Posen Wbe Iataed to Stay in Belem
Try Met Staeot Ori ege .......... 3
Anneal Yeettgr-Oedertch Heefssaltesellla
defy .. 1
Apprentioa Wast0-- flims Haley .. 1
Caretaker Wasted --Victoria dtreet Cassel1
Du 11 Now -Marto Bros
Your Appruwat-J. 8. Davey
Houses for Bak -- W. T. Fellow
Brooch Lo.t
Thanksgiving Hall and Supper W. .
Kr Swards .. .
Readers -Lyric Theatre. . . . ..... 3
Moeday We Move-Hodaseoe Bros .. N
Beds, Wanted- Collingswood ,hiensillen
Co., Collingswood . .......... I
1912 Tree.- Wm. Campbell . .... .. 1
Heater for 9•ls-B. G. Mason. 1
Girl Wanted -Yrs. (?.esar .. .. . t
Farm for Sale- Mea Halliday • 1
Mir Eva Buggies is spending Thanksgiving
holidays with friends in Bledsoe.
ltev. A. Brown and tunny win -send the
Tbankrolving tern. at Owen ^loured.
Mcd. Jordan and Yin Beta Jordan are here
from Maltreat for a two week:
Mira Louisa McMath left on Wedneolay tor
Detroit. where she will make her home ie
Mr. and Mer. C. W, _Jones. of Phi ado_kokip,
am gumcu of Mr. and
en A. Rongrle at Herne
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon have taken up their
reel/Immo to Mr. Tweediebrick house on St.
TheBrnpbey studio w111 he opera all
Tba.kagivtug Day. 2(
For Tha.kegIvieg get ye.e ins
erases is bulk er leery brisk. at
Ek - --r--'.. hsadosutese for fresh
srretegtl pore barase•.ssae early.
Mr. and airs Charles Rioee, forlornly of Savage in bringing the original New
tistoweL tate taken up their reel/len°,on
Gibbons stead. Yotk production andease tutheGrand
A. G. Gamble. of the .Sterling ltank was up Opera House, hoodoo, for three
from Toronto this week. looking as it city ltte nights, beginning Monday, November
"Everywoman" at London.
Much discussion hes been ,iioused
during the last two year+ by the
produeticn of a play in New York
hearing the strange title, 'Everyy.-
woman." Tby: uewspipet•s and the
niseezines have devoted columns of
aiscusaion to this dramatic novelty
which is labeled ' "a dramatic spec-
tacle." "Added prosuinence wise give.
to "Everywoman" hen] the fact that
its author, Walter Browne, a New
York newspaperman. who bed lab;r•rd
upon it for years. died .upon the
morning of the day of the drat per -
tut seance of his play which would
have realized for him the ambition of
u lifetime. "Everywoman" wade an
instantaneous success. It tan con-
tinuously in New York for nearly ton
year., bus since been crenelated -into
other languages, and only recently
has evade a success in London, Eng-
land, at tbe historic Dtury Lane
Theatre. Browne's, widow and her
three children, who wetc lett penniless,
bave been wide affluent by the success
of "" Over three
millions of people have already wit-
nessed the •performance. Henry W.
agreed with him.
Matthew Bates it ended on the apple crop
at Oakville rod Mr•. Bator hrs gone to Coa-
toeth for a fess weeks.
Mr. Nickerson. •of Vancouver. has been in
town the pest w e.k- interesting (%odetich people '
in Vancouver real e,tate.
Mrs. and Mtn Carrick. o• Newgate street,
are spending � two weeks lu A.hdeld. reset. at
Duncan McKay's. Lake shore.
J. A. McLelland, late M the Goderich branch
of the Hank of Commerce, now s f dault Bte.
Marie. is rowdier a few days In town.
Jas. McCracken.r. or Berlin has moved his
family to Oederteb and is living with his
Cather, Jas. McCracken. Trafalgar street.
iL S. Barber. laid of BtzaUooeedd e Dome to
Mynas s•dstaot agent for the Prudential In
*unmet Cosapany unoosedina Mr. Pe ed1.
Mir Oke, of moaner, near Tomato. is
-pending the semen at the Baptist parsonage.
Kirin avenue. with her cousin. Mrs. (tay.1 Pol-
Mrs. Alexander Wright and timer children.
of Ktacsrdine, were the iraest- Wt week of
their reediest. Mr. and Mrs. (littered Aoder-
sop lead
�. wed• leaves tomorrow for Cleval end,
whistNmyogspeonad athea.'w.t inbtseerksl•Rielasm'
dining .easss.
W - ares...- llrsawe�lr wBa;v T
teraai1F M Owlett *l.
MAel _I,_ 1� leap. mwas ,s$w. ea failm, Ovaatwr
tostMR >
Me.err W. 1.'itnam Joho•ten retuned
tens beeves ea Monday evening. Yea Jetta-
.torl had sseagsaled her drier. Yrv. Andrew
Reid. to her MOM la that town.
Mr•. Sesser led Yin t4reoe Seager returned
on Satu d*y Nom an extended visit in the
West. At ♦eeeeiner tMy were thegeosta el on New Year's Eve, with all the
Mn. Seager. frolic and fanfare is Ms which t be
Yew . ?stns ![Ys iasRi sdeton sect mein: lin celebrates 1 be slug of
e ndradeeal 1114 week see stts.ray.r. !• )chaste. a Du pias
wort es a wow the old year dud the welcoming of the
• relt bee da.leMer• Wm new, it i.' a triumph of stagecraft.
ishent trees The cast is headed by H. Cooper Cliffe.
• week •a dletinguiehed English actor, wbo
visited America twice as leading
support for Bir Henry Irving. The
company plays at the Alexandra
Theatre, Toronto. the week preceding
the engagement in London.
4th, with s special matinee on Wed-
neadsy for the benefit of out-of-town
patrons who are thus enabled to see
the performance gni returo to
their homes at night. Tbe company
is undoubtedly the largest organiza-
tion in tbe dramatic and musical
field,' which has ever been toured. It
consists of over one buntared and fifty
people. There are really three
separate organizations, viz.: grand
opera, musical comedy, and drama.
The work is of such • character that
it tequiress artists of the very highest
rank to give a creditable performance,
and there ate in the company fully •
score of names known to the regular
patrons of the theatre. It is said that
"Everywoman" represents an expo nd-
iture of upward of sixty thousand
dollars. There are thirty -.even sp.•k-
iog characters in the spectacle, and to
properly interpret the mussel ••yore
a symphony orcbestre is carried by
the organisation. There are many
scenic splendors. one of the wort
startling of which is a representation
of Broadway, New York. at midnight
Is to rho
i .4 vs t Atewarilla isowed. its EUt W. kMs. of tear. teem -id
as Mass.
Is ors ieBag seat tens
to liadaw..
alisera to A1e>osaMr
.en se tae late
et isi .. The *miser
thelatter part of Sorember.
Sacramental eerie* will be bold on
t4ahhath forenoon neat in Victoria
street church. In the evening there
will be • service of thanksgiving.
Rev. Dr. Medd will conduct both
Rev. Geo. E. Runs will occupy the
pulpit of Knox church morning and
evening on Sunday. The evosil g
;revive will 1. • a bank mei i i ng aerates.
with a offering to aid of the
poor food. 'rite choir will render
movie appropriate to tike occeoloe.
At North street Methodist &burg►
the a.rvlee. next will be is
charge of Rev. R. A. Muter, of
Arbors, who will prearb ssamilag and
erasing sed .004.014, the adult Bible
cases. A oosdld wtlesses 4o alt.
The peeler will wearer the serviess
n.*t Lewd'* Day at the lirptiit.btwf.
r«deg settee' : "Thee * hears
Lwthwil o..sestios.` Wanda, mss
wheel sad mess I p. s. Tl►
fleas win he wsieeagd. .
As tit dwell and Swwday
barren titioilvolut s e+fsw wid be
bald. S s. M,, osis ia� 11
.lell.�ey�/s : 7 a 05 -
eaitlead by Atdr leen►
lea be .oialsd by llev. Nohow
Q�r�r.vs, ll. A., A. D.. M ?risky
OsMegr. Towesos TqM wilt a 1. n 5..
the Ae•t snai ree w,J .1 Rio . J. R.
Potsh•e4wtthwsn'. , .mfhg t n Pts U... s '.
M .tswee.-
The Trick of the Evening.
"1 attended • couturi.g entertain-
meot last night. Never enjoyed my-
self ro much in my life."
"Oh, how was thet ? i thought you
didn't care for conjuring ?"
••Asa rule I don L It wee like thie,
you sea. For oats of hie tricks 1 lent
thwnooiurer • bad sovereign and he
ret erne d tn. a good one."
TRW bob ( ) - SAMA S
Save Systeytically
Haphazard, occasional
saving seldom accom-
plishes much. It's the
steady, persistent, regular depositing of sc many
dollars a week, or month or season, in the Union
Bank of Canada, which makes one financially in: -
dependent. The money accumulates all the more,
rapidly, too, because of the Interest whist is
added every six months. Try it.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch,'
LONDON. ENC., BLA11K.11, J r - W. Ash - -
u TA--.Lc.e ne, g•'. 1 is. c. 11.1111 Slttg.1. \ Aesdsae.s Mansighcs.
"Ready for Him."
He was a cyclist and rall.i et a
term house for a of water : hist
the farmer's pretty daughter °Herrd
him • glare of milk iastewd. "Won't
you Isere another glees r she asked. es
he drained the tumbler. "You are
be vl/. •'hot 1 an* &fretd
1 rob you." "Oh. an. We have
s week diose thea we rats as. our-
selves that ere Mways give it to the
where there ate no diadren
-only more *0.
coamplete Outfits from 820
to $200; end terser we
saw. Come is sad ash.
alpWallis 11. IlarriMI
heetkr red Optklse
A Gutfiwg Tole.
"Poor Harry bee hose east to the
hna•tie.myl.s." sesrarked the barbs
t, bee cretniwar.
• tiltbo's Marry ? " %abed the rasee is
the .their.
•arty's h twin brother, ei..
nes btesw lessallost seer bed three ti11,
he wept Hesse M hie bead."
"Thee's bid.
"Tee. Mae era toe worked side by
ids We yeses We both brooded a
Ids, teed we weeder. Throe', ea
esive•N7 tw one hew -in•-•. eau. t'n'u-a &
ens-tt••wwt le. . .1 . «rpM► et dwelt t
for et eh ay. mewl Lair erg .eby, 1
caeght Ilse t.Yjyk t0 "t' .t fur.,
is dust the kind you get reader the were
bed conditions of any or8haw's School.,
Toronto- The Central Busl.ew collars
The Central Tet.graph Kelinek and
four Cali enough Beduer etched.. Our
new eurriculuds'esplains the p,fet4col
nour..aeyivua Write for Wpy tV 11.
,thaw, President. Yew and iler..srd
For the Street
or Travelling
Agood example of the ex-
ceptional style found in
every 2oth Century
Brand overcoat. This is a
particularly smart and service-
able i a r m e n t, buttoned
through with patch pockets
and welt breast pocket. Per-
fect shouiders, snug collar,
smart lapels. Look at it
We are exclusive agents.
Walter C. Pridaam
L.R. Tape
. ;kir
Singer Store
Offers at gond prices .end terns
ali-style. of ut;oKer tSesing Ma-
Some good re, and -hand nia-
ehines for ail*.
Oil, attech'tient a, r* pains and
needles for every make of ma-
chine. 111
A small otook of fancy tro.eli
on rale, such as handkerchiefs fur
a prose. ups, huge, et r. „111 L
Eiderdown yarn for caps And
instructions given tot u1akirre
Irish rrcrh.t jabot., late and
ineert.on on hand and no iide;Ito
order al.0.
Satin for bat -trimming.
Stamped centrepieces, doitiet,
etc„ and embroidery thread.
$tamping lose at moderate
throat became he retired to have •
shampoo. It .rakes me right doves
esidemebnly. i dies weeder 1 Masi
let bio* daub all be wasted to. Tee
.►e i know what a towpteties it tws.
Sb•w*pop, .Ir r.
Y+e. please,"
Her husband steal, h.4.g in • re-
•atiawsey reseed. •'Fd (i11. to leers.'
be saY, "slut lenses Imre over deep
lee the r ''•
ase .sorry them. e. an
ss" replied a
Pond Father -"Tse. ioMwi., oboe
sae Goalie' 1••we M &.o* the t•s•i. r..w
. e re ". h • iso 14•.w or p -r tees. *wet y."
Li t . J. hind* ..l.-,rbsi.w'0
1 J railer I • ll •
Wit iota IL, ease- -
The Boy Scouts are agents .for
the following Books, which are
esritehle for birthday or Cbri•tt- presents, awl for the hone..
God and Home and
Native Land *1.50
Oontains over 500 pages, 48
full - page plates, trwny illus-
trations and a handsome cover.
The Mary Frances
First Cook Book $1.00
The story of & girl who wailed
se learn to help her mother- a
f.iscineting book for girls.
Outdoor Life and
Indian Stories $LOO
Over 250 rigs., profusely iltoa
t.r&ted, about woodcraft, icainp
ing, fishing, etc.
The Story ot Our Country 5;2. bO
.4 history of Canada for 400
years, a large volume of nearly
700 pease, 414 full-page illustra-
tions, 50 pore -wits. •4 snow.
Orders teem] by Boy ncc,ut,
or Y.M C. A.
Wt n..e Dow proper mil to
*apply contractors with
•11 kiwis of Mouldings.
lends i+'ioi.h, Fioorisg
s.d 4idiwg•, wad Heves al
Building MatertiaL
We sarin a .peci•lty of
Veneer Plus lag is Disk
and Birch.
(Messiest and Matching
by the thou, tad.
- DoorC^.