The Signal, 1912-10-24, Page 44 Tatia.AT, O}-totsaii brae IOU[ District News PORT ALBERT. tVgnuaaDAr, tact. 23sd. A. 1 . P. A.—The memliere of the A. Y. P. A. have commetgced their meetings atter the summer vacation and bold the peening meetintt oo Oc- tober 15. The seat meeting; will .be held oa Tuesday. November 6th, end will be of a social nature. The pro- gram will consist mainly of essays on tbe life of St. Paul. All those in• wrested are cordially invited to be LUOKNOW. Moamar, Oot. 21d. Ei Aro$Aroa BvaXU R, -Molle Joynt's apple evaporator was burned to the ground this ltiven.ng between and 7 o'clock. The tire originated in one of the dry kilns. It spread up the walls to the root and along the dry pine partitions with a rapidity which ootbing cuald check. Only a slight wand was blowing which was all that saved the woollen mills and THE 81GNAL : GODERICH ONTARR, eErr}x �eE suss RY lCOW,�4N'S THAN SOR. ICeattaasd trans twee to PERFECTION COCOA years. After all the years it is 5 hardly good business to net into such • hung all et once as to entangle the town in • thirty years' cootract which would paralyze it industrially. If the j town can get a supply of Niagara i power in the meantime on • contract which wW without any doubt or ques- tion 111 ensure the development of the M&itlattd River and a release from Niagara power prices within a reason- able time, well and good ; but PHOMISEs WILL NOT COUNT. Better for the town to contract for double the amount of Mait- land River power than can be used at present than to make auy con- tract for Niagara power alone. lo one case there would be a prospect of getting consumer, in tiine for the low- priced power ; in the other case the town would be loaded down with a contract for power that would nevet be used and. furthermore, a contract that for thirty rears at Neat would prevent the development ot the Mait- land River. FOR IT I8 THE OPIN- ION,OF 8011R WHO HAVE BERN OBSERVING EVENTS HERR THAT :' A CONTRACT FOR NIAGARA 1 • • vCKR I88IGNED THE PRESENT VIBRATION WILL NEVER SSSS 1e.: CONSTRUCTION OF A WER PLANT ON THE MAIT- L,VD. present. Perhaps many residences to the want. As it was, dry stumps along the river fide were set afire as far as twenty rods away. To Mr. Juynt the boas is about $3.000, with no insurance. To the town the lose is very great also, as the evaporator was ooe of the largest of the kind In the Province and employed nearly forty hands. But to the farmers around the loss is even greater. as there were thousands of bushels cf fruit ready to be brought in, and high prices were being paid. fair Thls ft•uit will now go to waste or en have to be drawn verylong distances 11. to other factories. Considerable in- aced dignation is expressed because of the Bre service rendered. For nearly an I hour atter the fire started there was scarcely enough water thrown to ertinguieh a bonfire. The town has one of the most expensive fire protec- tion systems Inc its size in the Province and employs a salaried engineer, but persists iii keeping the latter wot•king on the streets, with the inevitable re- in 1 sult that wben a tire breaks out and be, i he is needed he is not at his post and the pressure is very low. CARLOW. TUianAY, Oct. rood. SALB of SToce.--The sale of Aber. Boon Angus stock at Col. Varcoes on Thursday last was fairly well attended, though undoubtedly more would have been present bad it not been for the backward state of farm work in the country, requiring tbe presence of farmers in their own fields. Twrnty- two bead of cattle were sold at prices. The buyers moody were m from this and neighboring toeushi Mr. Todd of St. Helen.. pureb several animals. SHEPPAROTON. tVEDNRADAY, Oct. '23rd. WYUDED AT W1sNiPga.—We re- port this week the marriage of one rat Sbeppatdtoo's popular young ladies, in tbe person of Alias Jeanie Young, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young, at the Presbyterian manse Winnipeg, on Wednesday, (lcto lath, to Francis J. Martin. of Keoors, Ont. The bride was tastefully dressed in cream satin. trimmed with lace. She was unattended. After a abort honeymoon the happy young couple will reside at Senora. wbete Mr. Mar- tin bolds a position of trust. The bride's ti es riling suit was of navy blue i•er•g -, "iib hat to thatch. 8AYFiELD. WEDNESDAY, Uct 23rd. What are all the people laughing at % Why, the funny pictures at Lytic Theatre. MARINE NOTES. A Busy Time on the Lakes sarnis,. Oct. 18.—The enormous volume of traffic being transported up and down the lakes Chir fall has called v, into commission all tbe old-time wooden boat!, many of which were of discarded years ago as obsolete. Old- e time bargee are paw appearing each g day oo the river, and it is safe to say • that they have not been in commission i for at least fifteen years. Barges that were ret ten long ago are being placed d, in drydocks and repaired to fit them h fora few wore trips on the lakes. s, Sailing boats that baye not used canvas for a long time are being rigged out with a new outfit and will soon be carrying freight again to the head o the lakes. Never before. the lek (captains report, was there eo muc fr•eigbt to be handled in so [bort setion•. Nowhere, they state, can yo e a decent boat lying idle unless i is for want of s crew, which are also becoming very scarce. The lack of coal at different ports is being relieved by the use of the email home and steam banger. It is familiar sight nosh to see on the river bete eight or nine tog freighters upbound, with revere( coming down. ell at the saute time. The shippers are already feelicg the result of some of the unsate boats tying up before the bad weather lief; in. in the past month the de- mand for sailors of all ranks has been growing stronger and many who know naught of the aatrey November gales are taking positions. The list of vacan- cies extends from the captain and en- gioeer down to oilers end deck hands. This scarcity is caused by many "sum- mer sailors" leaving the lakes as soon as the fall gales begin to blow. This de- mand for we is the same every year. but the demand this year is greater, as • here ate many mote boats in com- mission, TEMPERANCE FIELD UA Y.—He John Muir, of Grimsby, was in the vi lace on.Sabluth last in the interests local option, as a representative of th Dowinioe Alliance, In the inotnin be spoke in the Presbyterian church and in the Methodist church at th evening service. Mr. Muir presented strong arguments in n very fair an ea hoot manner and was heard wit great interest by In Et ooegregation PttaiRVTRR1ANs.\t ILLCKLERKATE. The Presbyter lens intend having a con g-egatinnsl gathering in the basemen of their church on Thanksgiving even lug. at which they propose to perform the ceremony- of "burning the mot t gage." tbe last payment forth' etarcb debt having been made during the summer. This will lee a very_ happy occasion and it, was thought fit to hold it on Thanksgiving Day. When the engineers of the Hydro- electric t'ommission submitted their I report here last month, they stated I that. although the Niagara line would be extended from 8eafortb to °ode- ricb, in order to give Clinton and , tsode.-*•h an immediate supply of power. the prices to be charged wogjd be tb;,se of Maitland River power Mairlend—Nisgeta combined). .1.n arrangemeut of this kind would protect the towns, and would be perhaps the t best method of doing so that could be d suggested. Later on. however, when h la good fair Glrm►iair Ging and Bon --sad they lies i. 1t Dotrridres the: itt a bodies and makes thein hereby and strong. Cowaa'n Coosa, • you go it wean yew `row, is akssytely pout Its idlest Asses is eksain d Ire oke an of the highest pads d Cow bases, .tidy blinded Noting is addd r impair tka isaki. kddag P4sr d eke Coosa. 1» Do Too Utica Cowan'/ Cocoa ? to pay $2,( O per year, while the same power in the city of Toronto wnoil% only Dost 6825, or a difference of $1.255 per year. and so on all the way through. Surely this is not a just and equitable distribution of the burden. But beside, the injustice, it is a dau- ger. Tbe great danger to this Prcv- Ince at the present time is centraliza- tion. The people and the moeev- are leaving the country and concentrating io the large cities. The complaint is, and it is a well-founded complaint, Char the farms and the country towns are being deserted and depopulated by the rush to the large cities. net the value of fartu and country peepersy is depreciating, las tbe ,ncnev in heing concentrated in tbe big cities. Now what could possible have a greater tendency- to encourage and perpetuate his undesirable condition than tte incriminatory charges for power which we publish ahnve end which as been authorized hr the Hydro - f + the municipal rept•eaentetives went e to Toronto to interview Hon. Mr. Beck. e b this condition was withdrawn, or • G a ignored. and g prices were quoted on the kr t basis of Niagara power. Tbe teen i council woul9 be quite within its rt rights in insisting that "the former "y t Electric Cotnmisstor, and the Commis ion is but a creature of the Ontario overnmen. The source 01 the power at Niagar alts is the property ,.f theeProviace, t belongs to the whole people ; the ek and expense of the development Turned by the Pt )since. Had be eche OUNt&ANNON. TM:DUD D ti Y, Oct. 24. Mrs. Hugh Glenn, who has been ill. is recovering. Mrs. Mallnugh and daughter. Mina Della, ere in Godericb today. Miss Hunter, of Kincardine, is visit- ing her brother, Rev. J. E. Hunter. Misses Margaret Ryan and Edith Roberts spent Tuesday in t3odericb. Rev. J. E Hunter is attending the 8uoday school convention et Hemil- toc. Mrs. Robert Monte is visiting her parents, M. and Mrs. Edwards, at Westfield. A load of young people drove to Ooderich on 'lyuesday evening to hear the Bell Ringers.. Mr. Beattie. manager of the Sterling Bank, has returned from, his holidays agent at Bayfield and Varna. AUBURN. THURSDAY, Oct. 24th. One of R.:t. Rotrerton's horses took a run from the station minus a driver and arrived home with r. pair 01 broken shafts. While nicking apple. S aturday- after- noon Hen rr•�y Lawlor had the mistfor- tune to fafl and break his shoulder - blade and receive is severe shaking up. The ladder be was using broke. .las. Biyle. of St. Aogu.tioe.°has some fine apples this year. He sprays his orchat .l and the result isasplendid sawple of frtdt. W. T. Riddell had ew0 specimens of - Baldwins and Northern Spies from Mr. Boyle's orchard at bis store last week. Ltnngstoce Channel Opened. Detroit. Mich., Oct. d0. --Proudly plowing the waters of the Detroit Kiier, with flags and pennants flutter- ing in tbe tweezes, and bearing men representative of station* branches of commerce and industry, a flotilla of twenty vessels, giants of the great lakes merchant, marine, excursion and Government craft, passed through the new Livingstone channel yesterday aftent000, thus marking the formal opening of one of Uncle Sam's proud - rat engineering feats and an epoch in American marine history-. tt'illiam Livingstone. president of the Lake Carriers' Association, and the man whole- efforts made the new channel a reality, stood in the pilot house of the big freighter which hears is name and directed the course ot he vessel, which led the majestic pro- essiou down the river from Detroit Id througb the chemist into Iwke 1+rie. At the channel entrance the United State* tug Hancock met the freighter end acted as fleet escort dur- ing the remainder of the trip. Two thousand members of the De- troit Board of Commerce sew the of- ficial opening of the channel from the ptoaaure steamer Britannia. The sew channel is on the west side of Buis Blanc Island, start ing near the heed of the Leland and extending out toward Lake Erie. The topper end of the cut was constructed by means of a cofferdam which held the water back while men dug and blasted in lbs channel bottom as though on dry land. The greater part of the work, however, was dose in the wet. The dummied re- mitted four years and a half to build11 , separate painieges for up and down bound boats, t reliev- ing the narrow Lime Kiln crossing. with its rocky banks, tortuous turns and swift current, of half the traffic, Your Thanksgiving Day Trip, Buy Tout ticket for your Thanks- giving Day trip from F. F. Lawrence, at the dew■ -town G. T. R. ticket ageatty.. s tremble and ooslua- at tl resole/ as thatat set aced. O. T. R. stsgle tare tare the Thanks he messes --peed gotta any dalaiseella1 yK thOat, rdt awiK up cn L'MiR arid ;Mort of 11. Mr. A.—Pm certain yew tibetr gives yes shoe weigh) Ike year y dear. Arch. Robinson, of West Wawa- a nosh, has bought the James Mulch farm on the 3rd concession of East _item end [Akre poveessiort this fall. Mr. ?dutch is having a oak no Novetuber 8th. It is likely he and his family will move to the village to reside. A SAD C.aek.—This community was shocked to hear on Wednesday �evert- ing of the death of WVm..1. McBrieo, a farmer of the Maitland block of Hui lett. He hid been in poor health for some time and Buttered from spells of melanrhnly. Yesterday efteroornt about 4 o'clock. after belted leen out of the house a short time, his daugh- ter went to look for him and was hor- rified to find him hanging by a rope to a beamin the barn. Life w�s already extinct. Mr. McBrien was sixty years of age and is enrvired by his wife and a grown-np family. One sow lives (sear bio is Huliett and another is Oolbaeoe, and two daughters lire at unit The sympathy bereaved he eom- •unity is eZ to /easily in their sprit � takes plane oa their_ at 194 p, sa frateesb M vele en Lead Option. Brwseefs, Oet. ffi Tbe local time lea rowseil, in aewrdasee wltb ibe redrlpt as decided bbaill $ Iooal option b M law to the ratepayers la Jeswwr•y,._ rl"••wK temPlans pwhsyd p"rl l to etre tett- - wt dell& is taw sty, sayMR: sramiler eilMris those denim are `w brother rsa•ssgted : ,tamthey see Bdo. t. thendsr." --'-1 Mein dewed hate/ tats yew w esseess eez R is know." rias ata me proved a failure, the bur - en would have fallen equally on the bole people. But it having proved cress, its benefits should be open to the whole people oe eten terms. :�o ne rection or snnnicipality in the rovince should he discriminated gainet to the advantage of another. o one municipality should be ruined hat a neighboring one be. built up. he weak should not be bled for the rtichment of the strong. All this ie hat will result from tbe discrimina- on perpetrated by the above scale of tee We -do not Fay that distance from s source of power and the amount power consumed should not be con. dered in fixing the scale of cost to ewbeseral !annicie:slitiee. But we do y that under the circumstances ese should not be the determining considerations. In the development of a public resource for the benefit of the public, largely et tbe expense of the whole people and by the servants of the people, the interests of all should be fairly and equally consid- ered. A scheme that will rein some and enrich others is not one that will meet with public approval and it should not do so. The sooner, there- fore, that Mr. Beck revises his sebed- nf power charges for the public I You Hity presently under his control the tter it will Ice for all concerned, ex- cept, perhaps, the few who are heir.g specially favored st the cost of the Ma V% a raogemeut be adhered to in the d making of s contract. w There must he no surrender of tbe su town's claim for the cheapest power o that ii available. P N tit T rb w ra th of si -�1... sa v th The Sex forth Expoettor of last week, after giving the schedule of power rates published elects trete in this issue' rays : It will be seen from the &hove list that a wide discrepancy existe between the prices charged the different users. For in,tanc.. Toronto is to he charged hereafter $10.50 per horsepower. wheteas Seaforth is to be charged $41 per horsepowrt•, and so on through out the entire list, although perhaps not to so greet an extent. Toronto i the lowest on the list but one, and it re, ceives the largest reduction. It is n wonder that the Toronto papers unite iq plastering Mr. Beck and the Com eltission with praise. The lesser muni cipelities, however, will not be so bib arious over the matter It looks like a rase of bleeding the little fellow white to tattoo the big fellow. Now, we do not wish to detract nee word from the praise and credit due Ron Adam Beck, the Government of which be is a member nr tbe Courmis- sion of wL.icb be is the head. They have undertaken a work of immense importance Aod value to the country. This work wan tweet by many difficul- ties. and they have carried it out with diligence, deterwioatioo and fair suc- cess. Some of the tnean■ adopted we do not approve of and some of the Powers which have been granted to Mr. Beck and his Cnrnmission are sn autocratic that they abould not with safeoompenvv o,- corbe net esionto on,tddirectly responsible to the people. But we must also say the( thus far at any rate the Commission have not often 1110 ut tliiiiiiiliiiii' iliiligsilidill;iliiriliii r*iloiliii � 4kiliiiiiI ikriiil.ill THt COLBORNE STOREF F It's Economyto Trade atThis1 Store ,F In buying our stock of new Fall Goods w, '' the tried in everyF '3 to make it profitable for our patrons. Every' yar.' of Fabric, eveway possible tand F ever%• article that is offered here is thoroughly g;'od and every avant and Il` where for the price we ask. Shrewd b els will :l the best any- j coming here for their fall and winter supplies, quick to see the advantage of I S FOR MONEY SAVING READ EVER ti ')FFER 33 �R�=FULL.Y F Ladies' Vests _ W�PPe�ttes – C. A very large aaortment to select from, from We are is ammo' F 25c to $1.85. We have the best Bre Vest made, lite to ► c. 1(tDod thane 11 drawers W match, extra sixes. Ask W see 'them. a free A small lot, just about enough to last a week,ree+ch bow f FOste •Vales e and n closed trout, full sines. A goo t. isCdium light colors„ tegaissa l' �' odd F can buy for... ... vent that Low at•• Po salt E ifo Boys' Shirts and Drawers Eiderdown Yarn One inners boys' W For waking scarfs,a F. Y ' ool Shirts, 9y and 3y, regu- ounce pound a one -o Ps and hoods, a full if, F. C At lar price 50c, sale price on dozen 35c. An odd lot, stock, and our price is only skein, eight colon in w one dozen No: 3 size child's drawees, only ISc. We 1 tart • into stock a very smart lot of girls' vests and y ion ft 3 drawers, from 80c and Ric, in sines 4, 6, 8 i, 8 and Rain Coats ii 0. A nice fine, veal, warm article. TIL.[ are rain Dtoof. colors dra grey and [cavy, direct from the makers, lifts value, ft. 3 Children's Bear Coats two prices in the lo•, jAll new ebla fit[. �•7d and $7.130, All 1I: White, cardinal, brown and "grey. W s are t 7 making sale prices en these coats so low that soyC. - one wanting a Bear Coat will be sure to take one. corsets �' 3 A leve pain still left No. 227, rP. 1 Ladies' Dress Skirts only $1.08. Medium low agorae model, per t„r fitting, one-rustable steels andmenheooka.�rfrct r Only 10 left now. Come and get one at half • rewutar prix. Hosie j Linoleums Remember that this i, ('odRem a All kinds the Hosiery house of IF Come here for Linoleuras and get the lest in wool Hose can be found hreunion. orn 15eto and ail the market at the price we ask. 50c a square yard. made. Our values can't tae rem la to the beet 1 - beaten. W. 3 3 Our dressmaking rooms are in charge of Mrs. Carter, who is ready o o F all kinds of dress, suit and coat making. :litany years of ex Mrs. Carter one of the best dressmakers to be found anywhereena have made t foto iIV.01!V.W.I OPrf! PftWf Prftglib!i.Prli lul�TTlk�!1‘,W11^114111 ! rfeE. t ---you can save $10 a month. I00 Girls Wanted, immediately for Biscuit and randy Departments. Light, pleasant work ; steady employment : good wastes, Apply, —buy a lot at D. S. Perrin & Company Lair reu WHOM. CANADA New Hazelton the most important City ea tate Grand 1 Trunk Pacific in interior British Columbia. NEW HAZELTON is the Commercial and distributing centre foe —the rich Silver and Copper 11[ibea —itamease Agricultural District —the famous anthracite Coal Misses. the mansfactnring of Central British Columbia You mea who are tired working your bead and bands off, with nothing to show tor it at the end of the year, TEN DOLLARS will start you as owner of "close -in' property that will make you big profits. THE POWER QUESTION. Conference Laat Evenrag with Mr. lea - cock of the "Hydro" Stat. The local manufacturers were in - ted to meet Mr. Chas. Leacock, of Ontario Hydro -electric Power mwissioo s engineering star at the n hall last evening%ra coolerencr power matters. Those present uded C. L Moore, of tete American Machine Co.; J. G. Reinhart, of Doty !Engine Works; W. Wallace. nager of the Oodsrieh Knitting D. F. Hamlink. anil ssembsre of town council and the water and 1 c.rmmiseion. Mayor Reid pre- sided. \ Mr. Leacock stated that be under- stood work was to be undertaken simultaneously on the tk•lins from 8eaforth and tbe Mattaaed River &- ipawed, but as them mutual with t be 11 was not in his deperttiest be Id not say jam what tone it would t He thought that with the vi the Co tow Oil abused these extraordinary powers. eel But this is not what we want to dip- Road cues just now. We also desire to the state that the lighting service in so ma far as Seetorth is concerned is eatis- Co. factory. The service is good rind Nie charges are reasonable. We are sor- ry we cannot say ss much for the above scale oI charges for power. The discrepapcy between the different places and in favor of tbe larger cities Ls so great aa to be sereasonable. un- fair, and eves dssgernoa for the Prov- ince tow We do n of know on what principle , coo the ligh time, charges are hosed. It nae t oak Mews power to start with and the scarcely he oo distant,* freta the seat of power, because we noires that ame- icipslities nearer Mtwara thane= to or Hamilton are higher ably than these Macs*. We aloe No- tice' that Mr. Beck bas promised Bede - rich ppoow•er at the rate d SFLIS per charging Meafortb year.er per 41 nd 0sderhite ieb le twenty-one males farther [rose Niag- ara than eyeteeth. It eao easterly on the amount of power weed, ether, t%rs Iowa At Dundee is to tae gfrew ' for $Ie wbil Tomato is bW4$$lgt charged $18.Br. t whatever be eyehole is the soak adopted le no- wt tied dangerous. As as at the rase Sr. Beet is ehaeg-6ng • "• Eapositer, for inseam*, Hs w'� bate W pay aM a ear tor the he sMtibMshosot in the take a Private wmpaay tam "kb A --Bat. jaM thinka way yell Rho bite ter bis I imam* : Pot Was teens =far f ar Kt Wm i1a 111'erk, fa ta�ttsfa. at sl.Maitland power in vr'se'rm the Weepp per h. pow evs.yser ewsteser,�Thka tar twantrasoo. pworld be for nes-betty' uastatslete,t =power earleasy est at MB soil for teoiaar esetdissell Mr. lossetlt fie/ e: the soot 1 ^ �• parr= aisirwisr resenwrent pltast, �sw IC doshe teshy he W est wish to peshayh them *at , bombed env surf . . can't lose by following the Union Back, the Bank of Vancouver and other large mercantile and financial institutions. Price of Lots, ;woo etp. FREE MAPS - wed islfermatioe will be gladly Best tea. Standard Securities Ltd. lad Paabc Balding Vancouver, Canada Bankers, Impertal Bank B T. Swans' 'Bas, Livery and Back Stables MONTREAL STREET Juter OPP THE Stit•Akx 2) CS - a i 'BUSES !WHET ALL TRAINS AND ; PA88RNOER : BOATS Paseentrers called Inc in any part of the town for all trains at (4. T. R. or C. P. R. depot.. Prompt service and cat efelatten- Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- tt*date in every respect. Your patronage solicit ed. T. SWARTS 'Phone 107 Montreal Street taw ewe ear cwt ova ssaer m pea. Mr set Hs present. that 0oderisb eos4 . tate ablest 11111 wr OW the tiastata sal aF that t �'s t�titst�ggg wed have is soma is. �e.r !ts ,gt thio► I.,.. °'�tgitt te daakty Ibat [Lis -iss�t 3$sb-1 .that bs rlttld at tM a darn. .� flan sb.rp bare w,.de a d i boar. bet be + smarsr gtrantty ahs imighe� f Wooer iR Widal ootibadalniaft, bttt y,�wa he ash preps& ,.0$ a expel xp q. • mai to have we • / aslatr to ft. what t 417 ~od to an het ssee I Molt late i ask Nide from, i try to wou '' �I->wttrttatattstlbt, and to mast p'"'t'' i oat itiig thalintu.aad_Rlr otia.'ry ma I to tl`i wM w ft rpal^'s and slarl se svolliad mousey new nb loam =6 ter NM par . This 1mM ��i/ verses eesn Mr. Heat's ealeelal{iaw Moe 111111011117. try, �gil�y-� 11riMtailest ' O. t ttiaL~ Illtaist aha,. /ask y tai , 01s'•h.eate w -bare at 1 i THANKSGIVING DAY Slagle Fare for Round Trip BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN CANADA 0040 GOIP1ti October 25, Z6, 27, 28 Return Limit October 30th Minimum Charge •doe Full particulars, tickets', etc . 11.111 any (}rand Trunk Agent. F. F. LAWRENCIf, Agent, (.ode - rich. Phone No. 8. Office hours 6:15:a. in. to 810 p. d, CANADIAN 1 L Ctr-ac GOING AWAY THANKSGIVING ? RETURN TICKETS aetwwn all stations in L.a.- Poet Arthur sed last. at SINGLE FARE Going Friday, Sat.., .,, Sender. Nowise. OCT. 26, 26, 27, 28 Return Limit, Wednesday, Oct. 30. aMniwwrw Eats 25c Full Particular*, Rues, etc., ft. Joe. Kidd, C. P, R. agent. P.F ra FALL BUYING OF FURNITURE WE HAVE our stock in splendid condition for the fall trade. New goods are to be found in all departments. We cater to the smallest purse as well as to the most expensive taste. Some of the choice goods in Cir- cassian Walnut, Kyonyx, Ma- hogany. Quarter - cut Oak and other woods are worthy of your inspection. Call and see goods— it will be a pleasure at all times to show them. Gto. UOiiMElER Agency for N ordheifnet Ehnen