HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-17, Page 10• Titvm.at, 00,11111111 IT, Ml DON'T NEGLEC YOUR WATCH AWATCH is a delicate piece of machinery. It calfs for less attention than most anacLinery, but ntust be cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep g+erfeet time. We do expert watch and jewellery repair- ing. We guarantee our work. rIflitliCr Ie 8smisea Jeweller and Optician. OPERA HOUSE GODERiCle 11•11111.11. IMP Return Rngsgnment in Entirely New Program of the ROYAL ENGLISH BELL RINGERS SUPERB BAND One of the finest quartettes in vor'.al music on the continent today. HEAR THEM Tuesday, Oct. 22nd ego w11,i 25c, 35c and 50c el in open at Edwards' liaturday. THE NEXT CONCERT in the Y. M. C. A. COURSE will be given by AI TON PACKARD Cartoonist, Entertainer, and Singer e,..inte) 1,y the hest local talent on Friday, Dec. 6th What otherness. of him n'ackanl was made for the plat- form and the platform woe male for Packard. -E. V. Cooke. 1 know of Ho entertainment more pleasing or more profltahie then hes.--A. A. Willits. Beat entertainment of the kind 1 have ever seen. --Y. M. C. A.. Arley. Boston. TURN THE BASKET OVER and you will fled the contents we good at the bottom as on t eelto . We give you a mese, d Fruits and Vegetables Dome andwreteyes Oto It tell!l do your o me IL Seer •ens 1, yeef reak from eine &ern. The fruits $.dude both the home grown end the pro_ducta of the t regi,.. Bot h Sake wflswt hied o('.'..,*, dim Our owe make thein It cheap SAJ.YOUNG GROOM - *assiiten Btawtit 'Phone 1 OUR HAOO AF FF M TINE OOUNTRY BORN PREDOMIN- ATE IN DN. MORGAN'$ BOOK. TAea. From Small Towne and Fartns Make sit Per Cent. of Canada's CNobriti.s-T a System e1 Clause Itcati.n Admits Only x Families in a Total et ti f>M PKMns-Sema e1 the Characteristics of the Great. ...It has long been 41411atrded •!most ,as agieesatic that a oenatry's greatest relater, thh.j fome rom the the cities. In ral the Popular ektimaies the farm sod ttisr country village have been the .our -- eh. of a stronger race of beings,•both mentally and physically. than the 1 confined areas of cities. Tu what ex- Itent this is actually the case ie fact is another question, which if it were 1! Modred out as an iadependeot. piece of research work would involve the in- ''mitigator in a labyrinth of difficul- ties. . Thanks, however, to the tireless labors of Dr. Henry J. Morgan of Ottawa. it is possible to arrive at s fairly accurate estimate of the rela- tive situation In Canada. Dr. Moreau has just completed the compilation of a new edition of "Canadian Men and Women of the Time," in which he has gathered together information l about some 6,900 persons who may be regarded as the leading people of the Dominion in all walks of life. From this mass of biographical data it is no very arduous teak to work eut some interesting percentages, which will throw light on the proportionate standing of city and oountry in tee production of Canada's foremost cite sena. earl W. A. Craick in a clever analysis which appeared recently in The Toronto Globe. Combining the figures for the nine Carnelian Provinces, the standing is this Per City -born ... 1 968 Town and country -born 3,272 Cent, 37.8 62.2 The remainder of the 6,900 people listed in the volume are made rip of those who were born in the British Idles, Newfoundland, the United States, Europe, etc. It may be inter- esting to note that 667 came from England, 331 from Scotland, 184 from Ireland• 210 from the United States, and 35 from France. Almost every country in Europe, besides Australia, India, South Africa, South America, the East and West Indies, and New Zealand, is represented in the list. The distribution of the 6,900 lead- ing Canadians is likewise a matter of interest Possibly the moat significant feature in tracing out where all the Jpeople have migrated and where they now dwell is the way in which so many have drifted to the western pro- vinces It has already been noted that only a paltry 44 are native-born west= ernera. Today 768 leading Canadians reside west of the great lakes. The erect of this movement is most no- ticeable in Ontario and the Maritime Provinoee. The list allows 2.800 horn in Ontario; 1,016 born in the Maritime Provinces, but only 606 resident there. The exodus to the Ugited States is also atgnifieant. The number of peo- ple of tote living in Canada who were born in the United States is 210 where- asthe number of Curadian-born n abilities who have taken up their,r den a south of the line is 907. it may be asked stow: Who ar 6,900 feeding Canadians, an what do they do!- The largest ind vidiral class in Dr. Morgan's list em braces clergymen and ministers of the goapel, who total 1,137. Next to them in importance are the men of buil nese, a comprehensive class, including a great many commercial and finan Bial callings; these number 1,106. Of lawyers there are 901; d educationists, 7M; doctors come to 660, and civil servants of one sort or another to 446; there are 377 journalists, and no less than 290 people who call themselves authors; civil and mining engineers are 444 in number, and railroad men 2M; of judges in the list there are to be found 236. Besides these. there are 104 musicians, 133 hankers, 46 archi- tects, 41 actors, Ili artists and 19 dentists, while it is significant that only M farmers have been able to break into this gaiter of fame. There are many other directions i which an investigator might proseou entertaining journeys of ditovery The regiment of 4.900 people of ism portance lined up thus in dress parad in the pages of the big red book a fords many amusing disclosures human interest. To pick out the od Sloes, to make sport of the eooentri. cities, would be one way of whiling away an hour or two. Or one might traverse the pagee and read the 'rad- on, pithy press memento which have been appended to certain of the hta er•phi.v, taking what amusement ane world trop these stray erpreestons of opinion. Of Laurier, that ultra -Tory news - pager, The Montreal Oasetba. i• quot- ed In ways he has pre erhral a polities '; while The 1tae�anti<, 'Hslagram. Mbswies s Comer - ?alive allot Ada* that be fa a eMeer-headsd, able men " The Hoo. W. $. Fielding Is pronounced "es heciest ss the summer day is leers,.. sad again as being "motile, bestiing, abirpy and without any airs." The Bon. Gee. E. Foster is Quoted u tow- ering 'above all others as the fore- most Coeoervetive crams, but nobody loves him when he sits down." The Hon. J. J. Foy is pentameter, by an admirer to he "one of the whitest of public men," whits essator Fret is crib d by The Toronto Telegram, opponent, to he "one of (this sgsutbat amen in Parliament " The Hon. W. .1 Hanna is presented OA a man with • beg heart end a brainy heel", sod of the R. Adams Sorel: it lit said a .an who can ride M Palls deeerveo • la? on the Irma b this a Xing .. Cel. Ren. .spear fro. Pre eider gb,tas•: "Her pranks is in Ill Ib. etbereh'. Bre Themes e... u dike � info MORK DANDRUFF OR FALL 0�� LL IWO HAIL loseisinr !Mtge la Yams Friss---Uat It sad S111 Nokia/ a Treaties Quid* Ges 4410 peisestass sager of Nad-ne sal Idlalt-aled7W la !Parisian Div. ' !theEwer* dalatbse, Oastiste sad hair kale r asp. Veeid ��1M yen de est Iles it lou ata a gloaiallts treat. 11 Vy women and ehi ren. It die aaoIl at drys sad toilet goods counters for qtly $t1 emus* large bottle. Ask tor Parisian Sege losour own protection. 3is girl Mitt lb. auburn hair is as *eery tartoo and battle. Psri4n Sage drives out all dandruff jard Steps hair from falling in two '.e* . It elope itching scalp in rehears. irioltmisbeeand life. and twat into intopelf, ill -looking hair. Hugh D. McKinnon, of Brantford, Oat„ writes :-••1 consider Parisian Bev the bet preparation toe the pure .1dasdruff. falling Bair and itching scalp that I have ever used. It 1s an excellent hair tonic and I shall always b- pleased to highly reoom.eod Paras $age." E. R. Wigle guar- antees it. .1 UI JLBORN E. Councillor Andrew Halliday intends to ye up fanning and remove to Uoderich and is having an auction sale on Monday, October 21st. ooijaCIL MELTINo.-Connell met in township hall October 8th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Bylaw No. 14 of 1912. accepting the Pedgnation of F. W. McDaaagb as township clerk and appointing R Mcllwain to the office, was read three times and passed. By- law 15 of 1912, appointing V. M. Roberts as township engineer, was read three einem and passed. The fol- lowing accounts were presented and crdered to be paid : 'Wm. Bill, plank and work, Benuniller bridge, *91.26 ; Robert Wilson, 40 rods fence, SS; Am- brose Vanetone, fencing at Harte and culvert at Vasstone's, $12.10 ; M. Mugford, drawing tile, $4.25; H. Morris, cleaning ditch and gravelling, $10.25; R. Scott, draw- ing tile, $3 ; R. Johnston fixing three culverts, 7bc. ; Horace Horton, fixing bridge at Varcoe'a, $2; John Barker, gravelling at Law.on'e, $40; Isaac Hetherington, plank. Sec. ; M. Mugford, light on bridge and fixing bridge, $3.60; Horace Horton and Oliver Cook, gravel at Tobin's and Cook's, $3030; Municipal World. collec- tor's. roll, $1.54 : R. Huston, road work 0o concearions 9 and 10, $6.00 • G. Hebei balance on cement hridgea, L. R., $20.- 45. Moved by Samuel Bisset, sec- onded by James Chisholm, that a hy- law be drawn up authorizing the treasurer to tgrrow one thousand dol - errs from the Sterling Hank for the purpose of paying the curren t expenses of the township. Bylaw was drawn up read first, second and third time and passed. Coo wit - adjourned to meet Tuesday, November 12th. R. Mel LWAIN, Clerk. Blackstone's, henequarters for fresh oysters. 'Phone `240. Both Quick and Permanent Strength, If you are run down of tired out, if you take cold easily, have no appetite, are toeing flesh or have other evidence of Iowered vitality, try our MacLeod'$ System Renovator under our guaran- ot- I tee to refund the price paid if the moi• remedy fails to give entire satisfaction. it aids digestion, tones up the nervous re system and gives both quick and pee- d manent results. One dollar a bottle, i- Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderich, Ont.. For sale by E. R. Wigle. GOOD HEALTH Vim and Vitality Are dessred if you will cleanse your stomach dt undigested food and fool gases: the excess bile from tb• liver and the waste matter from the in- testines and bowels by the use of ' PIG p1LLs the greet fruit, kidney, liver, stomach and howei remedy. At alt stealers 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., 8t, Thoma«, Ont. A men's purpose of life shouter be wan born of n thousand little which ris uthe mountains; t• land when at last it has reached hie manhood in the plane, all its mighty current Rows changeleaa to the sea. - e H. W. Beecher. of NEW Copyright Books "Mirabel's Island," by Loris Tracy. $1,96: 'I'b,s Harvester," by Gene Rtrwtdon Port's, *1.36; A Romance of frilly Dost Hill," by ANee Began Ries $1.96; "The roan Portage," by !Loki Bled - lees, >f1 15 ; l'he Streets of by Robert Cbaswbersr Ile; 'The Net " try Her Bead, S0; ''Tb, Hollow of Her Moos," by $l. ;'hetM%e G limo." ff. R. ester, $1.96 ; ' Ch she Postern (!lore," by on 4. Barclay. *rORhtd y'„. Harold H e. . byi "Vbrostiol.. of "Their •d oea,"by I. K. Moatsaasery. $1. M.$4: ligt Mea Is the OQen,- Ere Passel'. $l.l6t "Henries b David Graham . *1.96 ; retie Mouatah " by Payne Nom, *1.9i� Heinen aa. David Befaares, Pelee 11; "Mar- ." by H. 0. Walls, SEX: Mosier Nat," by Rest, Q lead. *LW:Prier Hebert Abe. Miaow Miaow p.e[ Weald Iasi Stan eimn. � f«+ Neisrieh. 1 1 r 0 RIO TH1S" \BJG ---� FIRS SAj,jIS AGREAT M MONEY SAVER money in for shortest time potivsirbk. with bur one object --t it could not be otherwise, for the whole stock has been re -marked o tarn it into Damaged or undamaged, everything in the store hasyou have the chance to at been reduced -in price. It is pot an ordinary buy Fire Sale Prices, but admittedly one of the best DryG ' stock Ontario. In justice to yourself you should.not buy a dollar's worth of DryG fors seeing to Western. chances that are offered here. We want to get the sale over in short order, and there isi' cods before seeing the saving to cut prices. This is what we are doing and the Sale prices tell the story of the biggest only nye way to do ices that have been offered the people of this section for many and manya can cave money on each and every article.gat money -saving chances day. Just read this list over. You Kid Glove prices are reduced Corset prices are reduced Underwear prices are reduced Hosiery and Glove prices are reduced Parasol and Umbrella prices are reduced Sateen prices are reduced Cretonne prices are reduced Blanket prices are reduced Lines; prices are reduced Cotton prices are reduced Embroidery prices are reduced Lace prices are reduced Coat prices are reduced Suit prices are reduced So on all over the store ycu will find Cut Prices the rule. On Silks and Dress Goods, the Ito: were damaged the worst downstairs, the prices are cut without any regard to regular prices or actual vv, every yard of Silk and every yard of Dress Goods that is damaged simply;h,tt alai, for must be sold. A CHANCE TO SAVE ON A WINTER COAT IS YOURS TODAY You never had a better chance to save money on your Coat than this Fire Sale offers you. We had big contracts placed for Coats, many of which have come to hand since the fire. We have put them in stock and every garment has been marked at either $3.00 or $5.00 less than usual prices, as we must clear them out inside the next couple of weeks to make room for the builders. We have to give them a free hand in the upstairs and upstairs stocks simply must be sold. These Coats are new garments and are selling at prices than mean you save money on all you buy. Coats with Fur Collars 515.50 • Ladies' Winter Coate made 'from good quality black beaver, quilted lining, large collar and revere of sable. A splendid warm and comfortable garment. Special y (� Fire Bale price. each $ 15.511 1 FUR AND FUR=LINED COATS ARE BACK PROM THE FURRIERS We have received the' Fur and Fur -knee! Coats back from the furrier to vthorn we sent thein. . Each garment has been carefully gone over and thoroughly examined inside and out. These we offer for sale now are pronounced hy an experienced and expert furrier to be as good as ever. Wherever'there was a defect we have had it repaired. We,.had some extra good Fur and Fur -lined Coats. These we wish to clear out at once and put them on sale now at prices away below their actual worth. If you have any thought of buying a Fur -lined Coat this winter come and see them and buy it now. Short Fur Coats $5.00 Seven only Ladies' Fur ('outs, Astrachan or Electric seal. 24 in. long. Them were in the basement and nntouche,l by tire. Just the thing for driving. On sale Saturday. Your choice of the seven for. .. , . , , , . $5 6 1 .00 Your Choice of the Suits for $11.50 We have never sold as many Suits in as short a time as we have since last Saturday. The maker, I certainly sent us beautiful garments to sell at this price. These Suits are made from all -wool serge,, u, black, navy, grey or brown, also in fancy tweeds. Most of them are silk or satin lined. The e regular values are up to $2o.00. While this lot lasts, and for that time only, we offer these high- grade man -tailored Suits at your choice, only We cannot dupl"►cate this offering once these garments are sold out. They are all perfect. !Ten's heavy Socks 23c - liMeo'e heavy wool Rocks. Guaranteed every thread re wool, sesmlms feel Per peir C Damaged Curtain Nets 5c Per Yard Some of the Curtain Neta came through the fire better than we expected. We have bad them ail gone over and dried o%t. Saturday morning we pot than on sale at your Somep e yard only. or them are is very good oosdition, others more or lees damaged, but all very cheap. Persian Lamb !Tuffs $10.00 Ladies' Persian Lamb Muffs, good quality skins, well roads. These have beets Rose over by an expert and pro- nounced in as good shape as they ever were. Clearing at each only Waisting$ 15c Per Yard These Waistinga are regular 20c to toe a yard. The y are � the 111ftb. WO ne4 In places but in most oases jolt eeriest one end them on sale Saturday �� all and Dot y moroiDR at per yard Great Bargains in Wool Blankets We have sun 10 or i5 pairs of Wool Blankete to sell. The 'regular prices run from $11,50 to 16.00ar r and eseh and FIRE very pair is marked at E PRICES Shaker Blankets $1.00 and $1.25 We ars selling the heavy weight Flannelette Blanket, with pink or biw border*, medium else, per $1.00 Largest alae made, per pair. 41.S$ $10.00 e Ladles' Home Journl I Patterns Sc Saturday morning we pot the patterns on male for th.- first time. You can take your choice of everything that. was in stock at the time of the fire. and they are pr'aetl- ca11y undamaged, for only 5C Flannelette 10c Hundreds of yards of heavy striped Irlannel.tte, all fee colo,',, St" wide. The kind you pay 18; for everywhere. Clearing out at Fire Sale at per yard only , 0C All Hosiery Reduced All Hosiery reduced for this Fire Sale. Cotton, Lisle Thread or Cashmere. If you loot ahead a little and hay our net on', supply of Hoes -you east save * goodly er by Lalling advantage of them Fire Sale Prieea. Cash- mere Hose is being cleaved out the setae way, as we bad en extra heavy stock in the basement which was damaged hy- the daaspnesa only, some of it Dot even bei h and every pair going at FIRE SALE PRICES 15 Hearth Rugs ata Bargain We have about fifteen or twisty Hearth Rugs. Mess are 27 moles by 84 !noises red $j loess. Ly R! inches These aero besotiftd Rage, extra high _ through the M untouched. If yet reat etimerhing ,fy at Aida le tHAW see hem while we are elthou a. out Bargains in Flannelette Oow►ns Rites sWels1 toe !tabards, well be ladies' Flane.t tto Semis In NNW Phe and fastripes. We will fear Ate oniy ad them rr Ash prises. geeentarm. ed� qualities. eHties, all at Fir. Do not forget that this Sale is a genuine one. The reason for the Sale is the fire of Friday, September t,;th, which destroyed the upper portion of our build! ng. heaviest. The goods are here and we simply have to themet fi letettthhe builders ook nplace wnour sk h to make c eWnece.cart repairs to the building. HODGENS BROS.OI ha immiwmionronnimonmemismsmanimiminrmaimiammim acct Importers - �r�ch �