HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-17, Page 9THEew +SIGNAL : UODRRICH. ONTARIO
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it The News of the District 1
4,464446464646 446 4646 446.4.464641444646 4
WeDxtasDaY.Oct. ltfth Btllwtaays, (hc 7th. WNW
Her. Dr. Medd. Ol fl>>oderich, will Tuwlxarttr VoCstttt_ —The nounci1 vl�d►i r�siitafda
pyrrch in the Methodist church. Shap oast togx7 �ret►a�t ed to
wD, next Sabbath, October M. Measbeee alt peeaest. Itfattiae lrtat dv meta
.vice at 3 p ti. The Btanday schail meeting read end oonAemetd Mr.
will bold its service as usual. Anderson, a representative of the ��$ —TIL LOpAL A(iBNCY
Hueter Bridtce Co waited uu tire e1.1441= aMy*SMsl tr at tis Port-
GODERICH TOWNSHIP. couecU regard as the 8nishinjM their will be segs wet d
WIeDNMDSY. Oct. llkb. contract on the Marnoch River bridge. sed irk be
CLUB. -The (3odeaich Town. Owiop to the lateness of the season yea ar'w°r°°' c=4•2:14,'ewe.
game iistion wiU bald a ibe council were not in favor of re ' TL'rctDSY, Oct, 15th.
P Hifi • Assoc o klal iff s [sew analog operation. et this time of the Mre. Hugh Glenn is et resent on
.Moot 00 1h* _Ew h fhbtWtegly- Year and the Reeve was Instructed to the sick flet p
ee holiday, Oa00� interview the township solicitor to see Miss Mettle Pentland s
tog Day). weather 1 Buil*. T. K' if k, coedd not he taken to restrain with Mrs. J. Hyatt. Prot tiuoday
RUNDLE, Seoretarr, flan• ibO, s•epeptlunrd Caw from
- going ahead and finishingheir coo- Mrs. David Henderson was lo (lode-
- tick for r tete drys last week.
tract this year. The clerk was in- John A
,trusted to write CVe.ton Bros„ of ni u is at present work -
Bayfield, contractors for the concrete Mg ins the malt %\arks at Wiogoam.
work on the lath line river bridge, re- Mrs• William Pierce grid roto left
iog tome di.p,uted order between today to join her husband at Camt•oee
them and the Hirt Bridge Co.. of Mit- f8"11-,
cbell. The folluwiog account. were Miss Franc Mcl.esu, who teaches at
ordered to be paid : J. McBurney, re- Lucknuw, spent Sunuey et her home
pairing culvert and cleaning out ditch. here.
sideline Sri and 34, cuneession ID, 114.50: Mr. and Mrs. '1'. r'ar•ks sed Miss
S. Peddle, removing .tones off road on Maud Pierce visited in (ioderich on
northern toeodary, Sl: McKinnon Sunday.
Bros., gra% oiling end grading at Mc -
LAMES. l.ean's bridge. concession 8, 857.3',x; Miss Stella Kirke, who is teething
Wm. Johnston, commutation statute school at Beet.»ller, spent Sunda et
MONDAY, th t. 14the labor tax to 1911, iib: The Municipal her home here. y
visited his World, supplies.1
J,�,rph Kose, of Guelph, l2.7t1: A. Porterfir d, ' 'Harry Holding • left on Friday for
sick brother over Sunday, returning services rendered under D. S W. set. Hefei, Ie, T. Hicks.
to commence
home on Monday morning.
ence his studies
i d : J. Gillespie, attendance on drain under -
If it rains much more we will bate We niat'ters and telephone charge., Mrs. Harold Turner, of Goderich,
to petition the weatherman to try dB: The Corrugated Pipe Co., s1rat- visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
freezing it for a change. Anything lord, corrugated culverts, 8440: D. James \\'bysrd, last week.
fora change.Chameey, shovelling gravel, AIL*: Mrs. R. E. Willis and her ruother,
The Kitts Club intend holdings (sans C. Naylor, .booelling gravel, Mrs. B. J. Crawford. spent $ few days
shooting match on Tbanksirivin i1.2' T. Leaver, 'hovelling gravel. last week with friends in Godericb.
lx R SOc J.f Ken-. Rbt. SFitzpatrick.'
utt. $i 50
Arc. The supper follows later. Visit- gravel—Wm.Ernest Segues and family hare
,•re %ill he made welcome. D. Cook, ; M. Lockhart. $0.90: J. moved fruit File slid have taken up
Jas hose, vi -e are sorry to report, luuney, 81.80: D., Beecroft. 8e to: their residence above Dr. Bice'. Haug
ie o„t improving very much as ret. .W. F. Vanet.00r, $l.tlu : K. shiest, store.
we hoped to be ahle to report a $4.2); Arch. (Row, $3: R. J. Melina, William McClure took a load of
mauled improvemeot this week. *2itt1; Vert Jackson, 81.7)1: H. Cade, young pt'ople1nthraoniver•sarventer-
w t'. tired, who has spent the is. $1.311: Joo. Wright. *5. T. Bradnock. tainmrot at Ebenezer on Monday
'eolith in the Wert. returned horneoo $1.90: W. Salter. an. ite: J. Ansley. evening. .
Thur -day evening last: He reports 86: Wits. Pardon, $4 W; D. ('hew- Mts. Balleutyne. of Brandon. hag
fair crop, in some ee)tinns and good itsnay• 81180: A. Porter field, $4.:,0: C. returned hotnerfter visiting friends in
other-. Cawpleil, $7.20. The council will Dungannon sud vicinity for several
meet again on Monday, November months.
AUBURN. 11th, at 10 o'clock A. Puttrsxvtaul.
Clerk. Owing to the staling winds of the
•WBDNIINDAY.Oct. Id.'past few days the apples are beirg
�Louutel Scute i, pu the sick list this 3T. AUGUSTINE, brought in in large quantities to the
wn t'
evaporator, and the employees are be -
TUESDAY, slot. lath. ing kept busy.
W WNieDaT, Oct. 16th.
der next, Url)tb inst., eanivereery see-
v1ees will be held at Nile. Rev. E.
Redd Ph.D., pastor of Victoria street
ahem. Boder h, willilpreach at 103)
m. and 7 p. nge
be received and special music provtded
st both services. A cordial invitation
t� attend these set vices is exteodtd w
John Wagner is visiting his mother Mi.. Ahgelia Brophy is on tbs .ick •
this creel. lira this meek.
Silo tilling is the order with the . Mr. McGee, of Toronto, is rieitit. WENT WAWANOSbl.
femme,.•at present. fo sends in this vicinity 4 •'foWNBHIP COUNCIL.—Council 'net
John E. Vungblut gave a party to \Vhile ibrr,bing in this vicinity last October -1st as ori adjnurniii,nt.
his ftiends on Friday night. mese Reeve Bailie in the chair,
week Nr It lir ked th f
Ralph \loon, has taken a position e P e 'his
C.ouneillorsr Aitcheson, Medd and
in the SterlingBas. a o. to break the rvlindtr •haft Of hie sep- Murray. Minutes. of last meeting
armor, compelling hint to stop tbteyb- reed and on motion of Councillors
A. F. Collis called to inspect the ing fur a few days. Medd and Aitcheson confirmed. Reeve
work dune on bismill property last MrALLtsrra AND LeDDT Na' IN.— Bailie retail engineers report On
week. • Consideriug the cold and the wind Woods drain, west; houndary, which
Br... k,.eph Stitt went to the house there wee a fair atteudrgct' et the sari filed on 100110n of Councillor,
of rrfuge Lief week to hoard and he rifle practice last Saturday-. C.Dsid- Medd and Murray. Councillor Aitche-
takea cat.. of for the remainder of her enable interest was taken in the shoot- on reported on drain at Belfast,
days. ' ing. ae it was the cloning shoot for the which was left to Reeves Bailie and
Our newspaper esu has changed his sup*David McAllister gets the first, 4tnthers on motion of Council -
.•mind and moved his t,e)ongq
io. away. win- (sus teddy gets the erpeond, be' lot+ Aitrbeeon and Murray. Reeve
So Auburn for a while et will have to ing four point, behind. Following Bailie retorted on . water course near
do without its own newspaper. ao' the eight highest score.—Iroseihle .1. Medd s. Dungannon. Councillors
210 points, 1(15 at each range: Medd. Watson and \(array were
2r00yds. 5tNtvds,. 7'utal autnotized to axe ' the difficulty,
David SleAllis;er 97 IU 131 with power to act. Treasurer's 3twte.
Gus Leddy- 91 91 182 went for ninnt'h read. showing bal.
Tom Foran . 87 $$ 175 ante or $13.04. which was tiled on
Gus Kinahan 86 tit 109 motion of ('muncillore Murray and
Rev. Mi. Lane, of Ottawa, 'will oc- Tout Leddr 78 14? 168 Aitebeson. Accounts amounting 1n
rutty the Presbylerien church pulpit Ambrose Brophy fig tel; 160 $N01.48. which includes $4011.00 paid
toe ,.at two 8abhathy. Rev.' Jas. Ww. Thompson 87 79 Ida early in month for cement culverts,
Hamilton. of U,alerich, conducted the Jo-eph Brophy- 87 79 108 were paid on motion of Councillors)
cervine bore last Sunday 5tornipg. Medd and Aitebesnn. Council ad-
jnurned to meet Noveuiber 1st at 11
o'clock. on enation of Councillors Medd
and Murray. tV. A. WItAON, Clerk.
Joseph Gorier passed to the Great
Beyond on Thinsday, October 10, at
the home of his eon, John Joseph, on
the lath con-ession of Hullett. He
was in his fifty-niutb year.
MONDAY, Oct, stet,, j 1\'tcDaellDev, Oct. I1Ah.
The ,„,.uthly meeting the Hari yMew -.ayethat the( /rangemeu
\koni.o i ln,Utate will bit held at the . intend having a good time on the 5th
tomtit( Jt n. Gen Collinson, Liintail, ; of Novewher. They ere pl.nning, not
m. a gunpowder plot, but an rester
:ucewhr, ;, al i::lll p.
.nppr+ ems nu entertainu.eht at the
A Demoverlshrtotr IN BAktou. te 1 Urange :ori 1eniperanee Halls.
1111.1 Jr.n JlarPhee, honor granulate, ries. A. �' Brown eote.t:,ined fuer.
qqtt bgruseh •id re. sauce at McDonald Io• W. H. Di ahem, B. A . of Strsthro
Aiuu.-, Guelph, and expert denims -
for the w•rrk-end. He era-, missionary
pa,•r.-msl:inq to the iwoes of Kintail preacher .on sturdily at the Methodist
to Mr L).niaid' hail on Sdtnrday. No- nbut•che, it, this circuit. .Mr..Brown
trndYrsl, at'�::5) Hollick. ,how hot how 'took Mr tirtne:ree'•' work at Strithroy.
easy it ii W make the nict'.r slid fight. Tier iii it oar•: offering promises to be
est Mead in tour hours, alsoshowing
easy method* of p:istry,naking. Miss The new Goodwill a.lult olgan'zetl
iaePbre roues here highly rrcom- Bible ` class of Rennuiller Sunday
mended f, nu All phut, of (' %nada and school had twentysix in attendance on
is pleasing demonstrator of the high. *ruder The trig boy- end al.!. crone
and their parents_ are promising to
conte, tow.
ret o,d,'u The ladies sbniild take
sdvsetsge of thin demonstration and
beatsome of the latest and most tp- Mr. Brown wishes lie to say there
Pawed methods of cookery. Tbe, ham been some delay in getting out the
sating Mill be held under the hills adverti.iog the Zion church
auspice+ oi the Women's institute, l(:oltaorne) foal supper end entertain-
Yrmt.n .,lid non-members heartily went un Thanksgiving Day. But the
' eelWnie ldtnie.inn 19e. politic need not fear that the event is
"no go.” Capital arrangements are
being made for a great treat.
The frost iso the pumpkin, the corn
is tieing hastened in. potatoes are he-
( A Winning Pair.
Ry tperial arrangement we gra able
ito(diet. to new eutecrihwrs our own ,
Pape- alnve w iib The Weekly Mail tog rutted. pit, ed and centered, apples
sou F;i,q,:t.., the i ten together. front aro being pi -ked, roots are being
+owlistJsnit try 1st, 1913, for r rushed into Ibe barn. Everybody
fix rt ..
rom now till January 1st, 1914, for seems s.r booty atout I here. If ancone
SIM. get., out of a job let hint go and put a
This is 1111 opportunity f.x getting day on the church shed
h ran 1nos( valuable papers for the
houses end firesides of this district. FOR FALLING HAIR.
sod we are hopeful that the full value
lit this unprecedented offer will appeal You Run No Risk When Yoa Use
is tbemolst ptaeslcal wa ttqq all with- This Remedy.
as •bs lignite of our elects tea on.
The Weekly Mail and Eninire is
0enaedM to be one of the bent town
NMPew rr papers pabliehed in Ceti
Me. aril Its special department de.
setas to satieult terve horticulture,
R. lx`okrv-taisle” and stock-
renders 1t he valuable to the
I t _eed farnina intevesta.
r k. sgss(M Pectin% 4ibtai,a ihe Tea microbe,, stimulate. Food
current literature *11.4.y , circulation around 1 he hair roots,
•Itsrseti0r nsd woo eolomns supply bate now ishnleter. 1emovea
MMMtion on peset$eed subjects and draft and aids to meanie hair
1 : while the news eretiun per -
health. It is pleasant to nae as
PIM happssinge of Canada pure water, sol is delicately pver-
rwld.�_ famed. it is a real toilet necessity
We west you to try Resell "tri -
Moir Toeie with our promise that it
will octet you ontbing un)ewe you are
ply eatle.ad with uta use. i'
won than cows two a15 . prices ilt)r. and 81.
y Mk obtain Retail
Mien ter rsttaeactnity only lit.
bawls Stores 14- 0.
We promise yon that. if your hail is
falling out and you have not let. it go
too far. you ren repair the damage
already dons' by using final) All'
Hair Toole witbpr:'istency and Ieg-
nlarity, for a reasonable length of
tiro*. it is a Pt -booth,. an•
titrepf ..-germicidal pieparltion , that
!NNs�ott People of this rnmmonity the
fur own are weil
dot►., an surety the (oval paper
W for great • ly
1 td Stir. „f e
'iso walswribsew gum
the aSry ,f this paper.
As sin; in lite le tie poly fortune
1.11Z6461111"1601. sail tt 1s sot to he Tat* away itla sad gondwfN
kaM t� kiwis lasiq bet in the and ell Nue p1Mrt�a fe taken twat
Ma1aDU. he u' life I'ir*ra
wanted every Wednesday and Thursday
morning. Fowl mart h, in good order and
properlt. Ht'� est .ice,. (rid.
.aATE R. R. iILLBR.tit. Helens.
MONDAY. Sept. 14th.
Mise Annie
Rutherford. of Wine -
ham. spent the week -end at home.
Mr. 'Phillips. sr., is at prevent i11.
We .hope to hear of his speedy recov-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor. of Toron-
to, calledou St. Helens friends during
the week .
John Weh.t.r and 1). B. Mut ray
left on `t%terday,for Cochrane. They
expect to be away a month.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be dispensed in Calvin church on
Sunday next, at 10.31a. in.
Will True. who has worked during
the summer months with David Tndd,
has been eng.gwl to work with John
McLeod, of Kinloss.
WPDNIIwn.aY, Oct. ltkb.
The W. F. M. S. of tit. Andrew's
church held their thankoffering ser-
vice on Meb)ath morning, wtwit Rev.
A. Macfarlane preached an appropri-
ate pension.
Rev. John 1f:rk. t reprer.entative of
the Dominion .Ulisnor, will. be in the
village on Sabbath next in the intc+r-
este of temperance sod will .leak in
the Pres.•yterrian church at the morn.
iog service and In the Methodist
church in the evening.
Mrs. Geo. Park, of Ranks. it the
{neat of bar brother. ttev. .4. Mailer -
Forgot Something.
11 • is said that. io .111114 1M slim*
MiYuy officers Luse ton h over little
men. Colonel Guilford Hurn, cont,
misery of the National Gums of New
York, tells this stun • "A ferment ed'
tor," be said. -wretched ed an t,fllo•rr no.
night during the las' enca.rpmeet
be showed the boys how in edri
clothe•.. how to *erred their Ie
how to wrap themselves in
blankets, (tow to duspe their in,
netting and wo forth
when the officer took leave.
called after .biro : •Hey, y,u re fc,
gotten something*What ►fr44146
gotten `' ' 'Sou baven'1 i►,r.td 'Otes tinJ)
Hick prayere end kissed 'am alt Ned- 1
ilesseutilatt that Thaakegivit,4 A r
t,• be given in \'irtrriatutemt • Meth
din Mareb on October nth
TtttvaaaaY. Oc71 0Na 17, 11M21 •
You'll know its quality
some da).
Why not nest Monday.
Did Not "Hite."
John ltausford, of Clinton, has been
offered an opporwoity of exereisibg the
huwanilarien qualities for which he is
noted, but he waives the opportunity
aside. It oame ins the forte of one of the
':Spanish prisoner" lettere--a fake that
has been exposed overand over alai n
but which somehow or other still sur-
vives. The letter received was as fol-
Drat Sir, -- Although 1 know you
only from good reference of your
honesty. my sad situation compels me
to reveal you an iwpottant afisir in
which you can procure it modest fot -
tune, at the same tie that of my dar-
ling dm
Before being imprisoned here was
established as a haulier in Ruseta, as
you will see by the enclosed article
about we of many English nev'apapers
which have published rimy arrest iu
1 beseech you to help ter to obtain a
sum of $4811,009 f have in America and
to come hest -ter. raise the seizure mf toy
baggage by saying to the registrar
of the court the expenses of my trial
end recover ter portmanteaus contain-
ing a secret p • teL whet-. 1 have bid-
deu the docn ueDt indispensable to
recover the said sum. As reward i give
up to ynu the third part, viz , 81(10,000.
i eannnt receive your answer in the
prison. but ynu must send a cablegram
to a person of my confidence who will
deliver it to me.
Awaiting your cable to instruct you
in all my secret, f am, sir, Your4 truly
A postscript to the letter gives in-
structions in regard Lo answering by
Mrs. Norman L. Dow Tells What
Dodd's Kidney Pills Have Done for Her.
Port Daniel West, Bon aventure Co.,
floe., Ort. 14th—(Special(. - Dodd's
Kidney Pill. cure rheumatism ani
Palpitation of the heart, because they
both cone front the same cause—im-
pure blond. Dodd's Kidney Pills
make the kidneys right, and when
the kidneys are right they strain .11
the poirtnn and impuriti•.s not of the
blood. Cure the kidneys with Dodd's
Kidney Pill+ end you can't have such
diseases as rheumatisut or palpitation
if the heart. Among the many who -
have come forward with statements
is Mre. Norman L Dow. of this place.
"1 can rec'mniend Dodd's Kidney
Pill. as an ex•'ellent remedy for rheu-
matism an 1 ptlpitxtion of the hear.,"
said Mis. Dow. "After using one box
1 was greatly benefited."
How She Parsed It.
This is bow a high school girl re-
cently parsed the sentence, "He
kissed me" : "He." she began, with a
fond lingering raver the word that
hrnught the crimson to her cheeks, "is
a pronnnr. third person, singular
number, ma aline gender. a gentle-
man. and pretty well oft, universally
considered a good catch. 'Kissed' is a
Fitwell Hats
that when you'buy a stylish Shoe you
do not buy discomfort ; and also let us
emphasize the tact that in buying the
you get both styleland comfort.
THUNKN. ETC.—When you travel you will need a ,loud strung
Trunk, or perhaps a cowtswdioue Suit_earor Bag will meet your
requirements. We can furnish an your want. in either lin..
All Repairutg Orders receive oar prompt atemtion.
The growing demand
for Fitwell Hats is due to
their superior style and
quality. No other make
embodies the same degree
of distinction and value
at a popular price. Once
you get to wearing therm
you will be a regular cus-
These hats combine the
Fitwell and Union labels
as a double guarantee of
' style and workmanship. -.
You can be sure of abso-
lute satisfaction by wear-
ing a " Fitwell."
McLean Bros.
The, Square, (ioderich
The home of Senii-Rt' dy'1'ailor-
iog. Agents for the Fatuous
(Jarhartt Overalls and Smock'',
Fitwell Hate. Stair ielde Purr
Wool Underwear.
verb, transitive, too much so, regular
every evening, ind:crtive mood, indi-
cating affection. first and third per
sons. pitiral number. and governed by
ciirunistancee. •Me'—oh, well, every-
body knows me.'" And she sat down.
Hay Telephone System.
Zurich, Oct. 10.—At a meeting r.f the
Hay township ccnrnril, held en S'tur-
day, a bylaw was passed giving the
township permission to issue deben-
tures for 818,000 to cover the cost of
installing a rural telephone system.
The head ofli^e will be in Zurich.
Nearly 20t1'phones have been installed
and the system is giving good setts -
Important to ladies.
Prof. l)orenwend, of Toronto, begs
to announce 'het be will b. at the
Hotel Bedford mi Tmr.day, October
20th, with a complete display of the
newest London, Paris and New York
creations in hair goods. You are in-
vited to call and inspert his goods.
In the Treatment
• of •
M_ __. - ------ — •
Scott 's Emulsion is
nature's nourishing,
curative -food: prompt,
sure and permanent.
Rnly an SCOTT'S and
inial un S 9TT'S.,
rfrifrilm .,.....
(it VC' ..,%* lc
1ra.4 t.
a, alae srji_,
■mr emtn.,. .. M4a_,
aware ✓Vr11111 tea
5 ��der�D r .. •S�a�.e
"Afon(rent fo Brintof "
You Enjoy Your Trip
Pram Jr tarot you err w. Word .l
Monwr,l Until you reach Ragland. }Os
ler/ a dch,tefut,rn.< of urryynlon unit.
ihe a,.ommoda.son. [Dartos .p -
n,'. •ndo•' rmraawesonlirwhes
.lurgrtrnre the R ai. 8. Royal re...es
and R M.3 Royal gnome.
And then there', the way l
T be naral roraamr and
itnAntk rim Dour th the
world. Addrn.,.
H. C. eoather
General Agent T...,mw
wttorsla�e matte o�am�mle
For Fall and Winter ,eonih,a ,rn •o rt.
reliable arr.on to sell mm writ known
fruit 111041ornam, ntal tier. in ltneerlch
and put ronnd. lir country.
^r rho tnr-t nrtoery stork gmwn
'trek said one delivered tot rade. Marty
and g rod delivery gn• .inieed.
five year. of boa rie. e r is rime re enable.
WI to other the best •weary in our line
Write for terns..
,Pelham Nursery Co..
ICE ' .
Th. inner delksous Itagtm'e,witti
lb* brat "rid r ureal 1'n oars, eta v-
est se. he le ',nose ('Ars. Or-
dera by it lept one f,d 1,e Creels
in hulk or in be attended to
fermi pts y. T.' leph'►M t 4.
flauscon'. will be our of the greatest railway
"entree of the West. The Grand Trunk Pacific has
large shops located' there, the Canadian Pacific
Railway has entihiisbed immense freight yards, end
it has been pereiatently rumored that the Canadian
Northern Railway will move their entire tamps frotu
Fort Rouge to Transcona.
Tranocoua'e future as a wanufaetul•iug city. se
well as a railway centre, is assured, and several large
industries are already established, requiring a large
number of WIRD.
many tuneus over ins the next two years, and. Lhe1A
ere big protlte for the investor who hugs today.
We have it number of lots to sell at Trans;:ona
and offer them on very idvantageousterm. toGode-
ick pwchasers.
Write tor our booklet, which tells all about
Tz anaemia.
Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe
Rural Telephone 0 r 0
22 Canada Life Building
THE HAPPY 'THOUGHT 1LANI1E is still the leading range
on the Canadian market. it burns less coal :tnd gives better
cooking results with a smell quantity of coal than moat stoves
do with a large quantity,
THh RADIANT I10MK HRATN It still leads the market as
a heater. it is geuerafly acknowledged to be the etrongeet
heater on the market.
Owing to the scarcity of hand coal wi- have put in a line "1
O.k Heaters which will burn Hard Coat. Molt Coal, (;oke or
Portland Cement
W.• haus Soat received another carload of NATION,Ai,
Coke and Wood
VI'e ate teteivbig ':Drinan a week of Solvay Chestnut
This Coke it giving s.'reel satisfaction and a great number of
our crstow,rrs sav they prefer it to the (lard tloa), and it come..
much cite -ewer. You burn very little more in bulk arid it weigh.
unix half ns in .•h A. 114111 1'o.1 : roneequeetly yon endure.
yaw fuel bill by fully one-third.
N'e ).,aye Supt rereivcd another '_aulu.td of slabs and can R.,"
mouttik aJ.tention tm soy order,.
Our Shelf and heavy Hardware. was desert Inure complete.
Anutber hart el of COr&toabia Dry Cell Batteries 'tut in
Let u fig,.te nn your pbt /Mine. heating, electro wiling,
troraghiej etc.
Phone, !in't: 12
t' ' 0 11
%c===a===i CZal