HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-17, Page 8S TRUlteleAY, O Oalta 17, 191E EMINENT JURIST DEAD Sir Charism Mow Passed Away After Distinyuiehee Career 81r Cherie* Moxa, ChiefJettice of the Ontario Court of Appetit diad Friday *yentas at his hums to Toren• to, to ala seventy-third year. 81r Charles returned on l)y a few weeks alio from a trip to £o$1mid and Ireland, when be weut early in the summer 1u search of health, eta he was suffering from getters/ weakna.a. On his Lordship's. return there were measuring report v'►s to b* health, But Sir Chartef' gradually loot strength and the end came soled air Charles sae born to Cobvurg iu 1114u. IN MEMORY Of BROCK lwrpeesetve Ceremonies at Qu..neton ►4elgbte on Aanlvereary of Battle letlteeti bundred•peuple-.tatewmen, military officers, clergymen, cltlseus, gatheredand Indians ly > as iuneetuf Sir Isaac Brock at Qtteaoatah Heights un Saturday after- ncxas to celebrate -the hundredth aurlt- veroary of Lie death. Wreathe acre placed uu his grave, un the pklurerque spot overlooking the turbulent Niagara River, the story of his sacrince and heroism was re- counted, and altogether the CetemOvy was csas which w111 but soon be for gotten. and befittlug to the honor o1 the hero of Queenatun Heights. the So Perhaps utes the moat the rewreathgtin�sent by the CLanu.l Islands Society mud borne down the slope by three of Brooks fellow-oountrymeu, , by whom it was reverently laid op, the cenotaph erected by the late Klug Edward to stark the spot *hese the great General A score of Indian chiefs, repreaeut- leg the Six Nation Indlau., descend ants of the Indians who, who under the leadership of Tecumseh, fought with Brock, some of them to tribal dress, lent a picturesque touch W tLe celobratiou. The firing of a general salute by the 7th St. Catharines Artillery mark ed the oommncemeet of the celebra Coe . At every city in the Dominion when, a battery is located, salutes were fired on Saturday to the memory of General Bruck, and in hotter of the notable victory of a century may. and throughout the country refeaence WA made on of pulpits II to thehheroism ofday from therliittlle army of men who fought au nubby to Preserve Canada to the British Crewe, Nor was the outstanding heruine of those stirring Coate forgotten The Niagara Frontier Veterau'r Arrucia tion on Sunday placed wreater Lei the monument to Laura Seeord as well As On Brock's " monument, the cairn harking the location of idaeduuell'■ battery and the cenotaph marking the /pot where General Bruck fell. BRUCE NOT GUILTY Young Hamilton Man Acquitted on Charge of Murdering Girl Atter having been out tour huurs, e jury in the James Bruce murkier trial at Hamilton reetunied a vereict Of 'bot guilty" on Thur• lay night. C. W. Bell, counsel for the prieunei, spoke for two hours, and ooucluded his address with an impasaluued plea. When Mr. Bell sat down the crowd in the courtroom burst out with loud applause and stamping of feet Jur aloe Kelly had to threaten to cloak the court betore may tried of order was restored. was knBruce was a further outburst of acquitted tapplause, and when he walked from the court room hundreds of frieude crowded round and shook hand, with hem. Juatice Kelly gave Bruce some good advice, and Instructed him that It was his (hill to behave better to bis wife than he had Hts lordship also dwelt On the narrow margin between vet - dicta that existed In the lel lattice as he slaw It. Bruce was el.,' d with havtug caused the death ut Miea Ruse Lathe, a young girl who died trent etetlug chocolates, apparently loaded with poison, which were glveu to her by Mrs. Bruce, a patient at the General Hospital. The candles, Jt was said. had been taken to the hospital by Bruce OHIOAGO OFFIOEile "FIRED„ Sequel of Failure to Catch New West minister Sank Robbers Pollee Captain John J. Mabony and .Lieut. Bernard Burne were discharged from the Chicago Polio. Department h' the Civil Service CummLsluu on Wedne.day because of the escape Crum Chicago oe September 16 of two of e members of the gang who robbed ,Ito Bank of Montreal at Now' West. Minster. The Civ11 Sem toe Commie iners decided that both ufficere wOrli! ty of Incompetency and neglect of ty. Dynamite Sew up An exp.esiun of dyurmRe uu th. strict tum work of the Algoma tarn Railway near Sudbury on tWednesday afternoon eel t.cal ly In Ricroa>rS IN ARMY rod six Italian laborers COLROOSEYUJ � S1f 8Y A CRANK Yeound Th..e Likened Ossp- Danger of litoodpoiwnin Went on With Speech - t- ;:el Th0odure Ituorevelt way shot and wotyrd.d by a +auk ul U11%44.,►te w lieuday nlEL1 sa be war Leaving the t;ilpaut�a Hotel in au sutura. file fur the Audno'1um to melte . speech. The euuud •as not tLoLeLt to he wreuw, tied tee t'uluuel west a:. to the Lali sad L:gau Ile *patch attar Le h.J •oto tee are,..laul arrested eL1 u.Leo to the pulite r tatio1. The i.le:, a.,{r&icocl and he d �.. 7ro11t:eWtu teaefeiip. A rnub.i around tett �r,-oust, w'hu aypar W.. meals„y upset uu tar aot.3 Ruu. •alt r.aimme tut ar.utbe: a► Ple61.i.p.. T'! e L witbttteJ nrti.s tt and bald Dust "ally duan auuLl,.s . tLird tdrnt uusht to Le *Li iu lwtae luund In the ins.. r at the suet..* station mere ',totem that he hal Lech ttsitt-d Ina u, by the splitt of Without 1 w May be g - 'PHLS Sum a ire : GODE ' IOH. ONTARIO FIRST BATTLE Of WAR ' THE 111KETti, Llv.,poel Ind Chicago Wheat Futures Balkans Now Abt�e•c. and e11.r. Clow Hi via Haven i` -Live attack- [ ler at Turkel Latest Quotations. ear Th Moutenogrtn WILY opettod adaY winning by attacking neg • atroagy on a'1e Lb position opposite Podgort Priucs Peter, the loungwt son Klug Nicholas, fired the first shot This woe the sigusl tor tiring +lung the line, and an artillery d ensued. Within twenty-one minute fire Turkish guns were allowed, the Turks retreated from their firs po*tUou un Mount Pjantn1tga B woo the Turks bad evacuated the mountain. Kens Nkholas, with Primo Mikis Ida ascoLd sun, and staff. rode early tions. Poe hi> Dor n °ally at sumer adook' the Asst shut was directed iK the ttirklah dui.. J � =toe ion udt the bilis u <ate yrtaoe Peter, who Is a ptpusae by et. u1I Ait177ar7. At the eytain of ar Le. ru the band in the Montenegrtuot t .d oYartan Kruc k up the Royal Hytau. .. That the lduuta sgrtn Amo was et - testi'e was proved by the vutok re- tyaacestaeamat of the Turks After tbry • eeask11ated the veretatatu a lissom Meow' af Moaresegr• idaatry was wisest Cvvowed by a emu ceatrated aaallar7 ate. the lalsetry mewed to .- weakg the e4asp,.tortiase Tltrkt.i- • . Maltlrs 1a Fears tlwtatala. _ sew* ca.maeaa4a tae rind tv *gusset, .. LaLotwoill Olt I t=tegart •anisg artier. Wore • I ball-lhWat.� T urkir;f, weer tai wwratrC its wattle• ties CIHICAOQ. Oct. 14. -War e sant wheat upward today, *1' teme,'t And tett prlc.. untamed. 2 1-sc to 2* above a`rt• day shat. Corn finished 1-4 to 1•lo tea down, oats varying from 1-te off to a ut ; like amount up, and provisions rtruag out from 211-1c dsoMae to a rias ut 14c. all The Liverpool market olo.W 1%d to tied du higher on wheat. and P44 to 2%d higher un Dora Paris wheat closed Sac to Nie hlgher thltn Prided, aatwerq 11'4c high.,' �d and Buda Peet, tee Waver. Winnipeg Options. li Prey. wamat- Op. MOM. Low. Close. Clog& Oct. toil r1 YO%b 9ttbs ..^-• Doc. *SO b May. 94�'" ret 9etob W'ao >7Z ' Nov are• W $ 0'%b 91% Oats- Tester. Art. Uctolst.r . 401sb November....... ..-......., a44b 34% 34 Decatuber . ie7*b � Toronto QM* Market. Wheat. near. troika .198 to {..,. tt'heet, sea«, belay. e f Hye. Deatral 4 b .... cut,. Weisel Rorie, bushed 0 to 0 IIN Peas, busked 0 BuoYwn.•t, I p nwbet • r Ila Toronto Dairy Market. Hurter. creamery. Ib ostia... 0' g ON Butter, creamery. solids., • 27 a! Nutter. separator, deiry. 1 0 21 119 Butter. store Iota Lem. Mw -teed a as ea Messes ertriacted. Ib 0 Ite f flail Maim °°arts. tows • ti i M ' Montreal Grain Land Produce. MQHTKaI&L pct It -There rows as ONNO danaase Nora ' icsasers buyers d o r >rMMa �g Isar and all the of- . eases over ta. cable raturday wept whet* aasesatad to 401,aw bushels eases• Vida per Quarter advance, owing Ma tr smtaanat over ells "Mika& war wiles bw•eor. we* not °outlawed as d tmvr Pricer OM afternoon w`ne°.:> tio is to •tk Der bushel under cost The de- merit' for barley was also good and ..las of aeveral loads wore fiord* t° (2isagow fair at firs °ate Dour •� In new crop spring wheat good busineu was dune over the tab/., Including sales of sloes sacks at as advance of L per ',amyl. Tho focal trade fairly active sod steady. H111f,ed U ctive and firm for butter 1s air at advanced prises tors 1s mor, ctly, with a •t.rumj r undortoae. Ex- ports fur wok NAM beams, ^e against 0t, - 'f1 a year ago Demand for te4s good, Provisions steady Corn-Amerfotn No. 1 y.itow, 7io to fab Oats-CanadLan we�terh..No 2, Rigs M sac: extra No, 1 feed, Ito to OWL T:,ley-Manituba feed, Q. to {ac: lama" 1Dg. Inc to Ks, i7oekwheat-No. 1 740 to Tec Flour-Malutoba s wheat patent'. I uta, eller: *mond., s,0; strong Aug;tr .70: winter patents, .toe, 16.16; etralgbt Here ten to m: do., as to tiro. w'hu had Bald. tudlcattt.4 C., Ruueevelt, "This le u y wartm. vehge It death." He row t doutincd tie John kekrat,k. ut . urk. Cul- Hourevelt was nee. begot Coir /shut wall he *as Ott ta. the Auditorium. Ht. anemdw, then called to s Lyle 1L hie evert,' and he tw.ud that her sheet aa- s, ed with blood. lit tustetted tea Wiwi out hurt badly. A supc.te exaniihatluu of the wound *a.> t.... when he reached the Auditurtute three physicians thea ad,d Lha: was 111 Immediate danger. colonel kuurevrlt'e the *a. p; ably reved by ,the ntauurcnpt of speech. The bullet .truck the ma script. which retarded its lune t.a passed through tutu the nerh Hid aaateliant- wee preventru tau dried a ecoud shut by Albert H 111- t1u, one of Culuel Rouseyelt s 1 w secretaries, Coluu,l Rouse:el. ' h Nat stepped tutu lett sutumuL.L- who the would-be a•rtwriu peeLrd ken NY through the cruwd lis the street an fired. Martin, who tea. etaudtue I the car w lth' the Colour), !raped u is ass rW� m � Moissua� at. gibe after + �W 1y -. at S hanises ___ Sallee hatthe � � ow the d. !sows Yu. Z1uka w.n tu.a rhos wigwam L. iwvaa said (reams /say be Yid to hs aibmd with 1lessauagrt, ►n ea et the saw ur warssre itkiaet Ttttkoy Y a recut! o! A t111a1s/ar • dweelmpwarsts ,,t Yaminroad the fora laveded ler itIntention of eriytx,g a wedse betwey, the Iain y oa 'nth and bervL,u armlet to prevent a their 0u -ratio& f „ Un Munda: also, some Greek 1run • au ter 'Mardis raptured the Turk , b poste at the elation* of Msluna Pas•. ugh •Lice the Turks poured dur- u tag the ear beteeeu Uretce and 7 ur- n fir• at *1 advanrr. of ?a ver Qu•rt.r .� local trade 000tfa+w to b. done to to the mala ehuuldern and bole Lim -�� tU the ground. NEW HYDRO RA1 ES After apeekiug at the Auditorium for over art hour, the Colonel tea taken to the Emergency Hurplta where he was plated un the uperatfu table. The bullet war found to hat catered the right breast half way 1,e ,twee° the cullarbuue and the tile-. Ott Tue.dey morning the w'uuude.! as-Prraldent tea* taken lis. Chi,yttlu Lr spade! train, •leeplt,g practically al, the was'. He wee hurried away In au *nibs lance, arrlvlug 1t. the Mercy ho-p,t.l at 6.3u a.m., and Lr. J. H. Murphy 'au• Duurtced that an immediate uperatlen was ne'uei.eary. Culuurl Huu.ecelt's wood 1s described car being lust after.: the truth rib, three inc•bee deep end above the diaphragm. "There 1s pueitively nu indication al ut tLat-the lung hay Leen ed," said Dr- Terrell. "Thr d 1s a simple one but dangerous se of the pueylblllty of blood ting. Col. Roosevelt has a melee st largely dduel tum the fact of hthae t ehe helical marvel that he was nut Ile wuuuded. He is one Of the powtrtul men I have ever Seen ut on an operating table. Auld not wish to lav at this het he Is not dangerusiY *'otknd h.; gun was a foul uue and thpeesed e tuo many s eforetitcatered hie bodyforr of blood poisoning not to be eat." , a Many iM unicrpal iLe. e., r__. Lower ft 112,E lied °�'^aa+'r•Za hasty N ilea, tlifeed-Bran, RI; �t ahort. ILA* , d HAY -No. ZS t� W' coal oarrlota tW to Schedule of Prices • Hun, Adam Heck on Wednesday an- e Bounced a new schedule of rates,.to be charged the municipalities using Hydreeeleytric pu*er 1n the Niagara district at the beglnuing of he next fiscal Year, Nov. 1. The reductions s which rase• fru $1,U0 to $2 uu per Lurse.puwer apply pretty geueraliy to the niunicipaljUes 'beteg provided ' q�r with energy • trona generation* at leo Niagara. The places affected are: Tortlutu, London, Guelph, K'uud- mtuuk, Iugersull, Beachv111e, Berllu. Waterloo, New Hamburg, Galt, Hes- peter, Bt. Mary's, Dundas, Hamilton, Raterdown, Port Credit. and Mimic°, IDENTIFIED MUBDERERB prate Were wouu becau pulite pheno It is is a p Inures must laid u "1 w time t ed. T bullet stance the tea Immin BATEMAN TO HANG 60. Cheese --Finset westerns- 121io to 11%o, tlas•t +*stern , Ltyio to 11%c. Button_11%c to creamap pc to *POI seomds,_S7%c to Clic Eggs -seism,* iso to 11114 Pte 1 me* ss to itc. I F'otatoea.Per pair. car lots, rbc to f0ased kQP,.,DNIDh btYlad, int.t%8 re -Heavy Canada •heft mese bbl* I N to 46 plecee, 62S; ghost eat bwk, bi'h 16 to 55 pieces, M. Lard -Compound tierces271 lbs. M71; wood 20 lea, Dat 21 �; p dares 1173 lbs, iii; puts, wood Delia, I no& Saw Ir CALTLE, MARKETS- Mentr.ae Live Steck. ONTR4AL, Oct. 24 -At the Montreal k Yards, west and market, the re, is of live stock for the week ending 12 were 1610 ensue, N00 sheep and to, :300 hogs and elk mays. The of - ng■ on the market this morning for • war* 1110 txtU., tts*5 sheep and be, 1124 hog. and 210 calves. firmerfeeling prevailed In the mar- tins morning for cattle and prices some grades ruled 1k to ibe per ewe; er, owing to the lighter rue A fee. - of the trade since thea day week as the arrival of over , oar loads of hweatern ranch satin, of which the ty was generally good, but owing e co.dttto0 of the market the prices sed for them were below expecta- Tho gathering of buyers was large and the demand was fairly good on ac - tot the cooter weather. Piles of sheep and lambs were fair, wing to the recent advance In prices • Toronto market' and thruout the re townships • Stronger doling d. - ped In per cwt market and prices ruled oThe d.maadtwber than a week as good from butch - and packers and trade was active tales of Ontario lambs at P16 to K Qu•b.c at tb.fe to is 3, whit* ewes tAPto14nor cwt. es were scarce and in good 4* - at b to 7e per lb for rank -fad stock, wans gra..-red goad at from M to $I(esch, as to also Sod Quality. Owing to the recant advance to priest og. in the Tomato market and Lha r offerings hews Mks morning a feeling prey1jw0 In the nnarket Noes advano*Q %C to No per cwt •. Sold 1s !ow 14 Ws fn tom. to Des at th. Iattsr and of last w•.3* was good from packers Selected lit at Iasi to SIX per met., weighed e ^ars hers' pan* abase. NZ t° Nto per medium, N.ja to 11 S, oommon, NM canners, IAN to tor, choice sows, Ib , medium. PA to N.711, bulls, leis milkers, tholes, mach. 6111 to n and mW1agu, mm, NO to PR; spring* N11 to 1161 p -twee, 111115 to M. buck. and NM to 26,20 1albs, *S.se to N f e. b., 611(0 to 11,76 per Cwt -btop0 Sensational Evidence In the Rosen- o thal Murder Cams at New York Moe cele Oct. The trial of Charles Becker, former rt em Police Lieutenant, of New York, tor sal the murder of Herman Rosenthal, the last gambler, awm l r, began ha nest on Tuesday ket jury as completed and the for taking of testimony was begun. high Louts Krause, a Hungarian waiter, oalledbytheSGt of the Murder. identified in the eye -witness urt Quail sort noclm "Gyp the Blood," "Lefty Louie," to th and "Whitey" Lewis as the actual react aladver. of the gambler. cissa Becker told me," said "Haid ' Jack coun Rose in giving evidence on Saturday, gyp that he wanted Rosenthal murdered, ,but‘ea shot, croaked or dynamited. At his 'D th Aged Wife Murderer Sentenced to bidding I got the gunmen to kill Ro - fit 7 tire Deers Death at Whltb G entlest hid y after the murder; saw 11c t Becker that morning and cater talked es° )oho Bateman, seventy -nevem end with him over the telephone. 1 ora r.io old B teas found years the guutuen 61,000 for B paid with years Assizes at Whitby guilty at the them he stud nut to worry b but t Clay day on a chargerder gr, There levee v worry w lay sod a of murdering his wife 4cow 0 On September 5, se Codardale and - mans was sentenced by Mr. Justice Latch - *rd to be hanged on December 19. at eke old man did not realize the 111ee'buanese of his position w ap- �w�'wat whet+ his Lordshipasked d Ido be bad any statement to make bin] r the death sentence was passed *pun him a1 had no tntenUon of klllie soma+," he answer R that j have toBothwell . i "That is all rtM Ny•" Bateman did out ex t the slightest emotion Subse,uentiy Bateman was taken to e tall and plased In the death cell. old man exhibited no signs of fear be **s eeoort.d to the cell. He ked to Sheriff Paxton that he eu fault to And with the verdit t , i Iurt Imagine my position." h. Added, "after all thee, years 1 am w face to flee with death If the thieve le commuted I will b -- m7 days lc • to relallrw have deserted me friend* but1 try and do ta7 best under the both edit• blown �e man off. another lost Mises'. Mounted IMantry Scheme h 47ee and suffered severe !Were*to Likely eed Others had arms and lege key to be Abandoned Me e D • tnjur".1 were removed to god bury 'loopiest, but no i..,p• l• enter bleed fix several. Conservative [lotted re* bitterly !might out federal by election In MWa/osald, Manitoba, r. Waited to a decisive verdict on later w for the Oooaenstive candidate. 1 AJa=wer ato•Ttson. a farmer 11e Richardson 'be reef , wad_ Wine. who was nn4mrwed worsts. b 71►g votes Mr beide/ras the !1M11Na to to rest ?ha mounted tufa/soy to rbc Hrltleb r*y will be abolished very shurey 1 all probeblllty ender the reform sews introduced by the mew War anrotary colonel John Seely. mood Itaatry Imitations have boob CHppJod supply indlfereat cavalry. The asest mamayUvres eonoluelvely proved and the day of the horse. ever) the rapid eonvyanoe of Infantry. Mat. for this work was dose better tactor Ionles *1e cavalry unite ase fro. kr the walslLrk of th. tnoaatad infantry will Mod ?Or Lha awesees ne another try brigade, wbteh W tont bees by he testy shit[. BARRY BEAT DURHAM ---- Canadian &culler Unsuccessful After for h Trip to England 1 at?au• Ernest Barry of En 1 and easily defeatedg and on Monday 1tan Dau of Toronto, In Edward Harlan Dur Darras. Thames for the race on the Jou so championship of the world. acBarr oat th the world. Barry Bute wish by two lengths. HI. time wet• cwt.; '-= Wooten 31 seconds. TDIs w to N. c nan's second raoe w Dur. to *Kelt 4 champlon1hl for the world's to m Towne the former chi mplonng en Au by sprno trails. a Rhes L c�:1• Hoer. Calves tad Buffalo Osttle Market. OCFFALv, Oct 14 -Are ttie-R,- 6A* head stases and heifers slow lady cows mad bulb. active and higher, petiole stews. M to M�,a/1k . IIII M M; butts, M se to KM.~eera•si heifers. II c�. Ma stamen, and Seeder% ei 60 to 16.71; w all aDrtrgsg sely eand aria. Gave up Nomination Rlcberd Reid, who had been tender AR 1d the Conservative nomination In ET North Waterloo for the bye -election else i t'Ithdrew his name at the convention lac to *c 'ollowirtg which Alderman C. H. Mills 'flitch*" ,f Berlin was unanimously chosen to stock h 'onteat the *eat recently held by Dr to Ase L$«kner In the Ontario Howe, The !r*.a cow tght w111 be betwe•o Aid. a'*»- Coo R to 1'Ja tiers r • a Ive, M. W*ytttsn. Soolallst sad nw•- ng. 3tayor Huber, ladopendeat. 40 Pc 1 11 to Nobel Pelee Awarded to V. da Receipts, 111.10 trod. slow and Me owed'; bMvy, to 0.11,taigas• Is i; pork .7111 a 0111. NSW 17 to h i. rough*, k111 3* stags, M bees and roam& M 111 to 0. 3. . Sitio Ker weedy. baths k lower; The .Nobel i'rlae for Medicine this Rhewp year ehasi /war the awarded to Dr Alexi, twang' N w Vete Rockefeller Instituto 116 ra. wen, York Th. award, ft ink an 'heel'. tat 'louneed st Stockholm, w ag recognition of hl. *cblev.mntton tar esticAi you're of blood vowel.' and the trans Kies. ma elantatioe of organs The Nebel 11(' " r Mite 1e valued at 61190/00. western t adera, Giant Horse Dealer Drowned Al..., D. McWilftam, a bone Wale, �f iruttnn. Ont., was drowned •a for slip at the foot of Cherr.h scree( Toronto, last Teeaday night Meq saes fortunate .nun alb The en water in to g firs walh^A Into for s dart Re was • Orient -r etatt,. hieing 4 feet 4 laches is height and wolablal 176 mama Lambe-tt4.wtpts ,*1 bead to R H; i i 1» era. to test Ma. t1 •a M: xed,NtoM �' Chicago Uwe Steck, Jv OCL. LL--Cato•-Roeoya ricer steady t. 14. lower Rogow e.NN. Tutu steers. s so se a .teen, s, s to 15 steea.re nag N III to h Ise e0tra and betters. NM to M: w e& M Nle. le barber I X b Te. market / to : tesq M*IL M t.t �.m abs. is h M. Mak 'Mr= Leas► 1Uaes6pta, s ws: oar heintseligriillei Tee top tta1111vte MP* 1. tic=wt... ttaa11 a. R Toasted Corn Flakes $ A good, wholesome, sensible food that CCRf'tins as much nutritive valuer as meat or eggs. No tax on the digestion --- hence brain is clear and alert for the day's work. Look for W. K. Kellogg's signature on the package - sold everywhere at lo cents. 74 GOAL neHa tin; prrrcheend the F. 8srbw42AI conducted �' pose (hyaline nolmey` we Pu� Coal, Wood Lime, Cemelst Fire Hick, Eke. We will handle end Lehigh Valley metal ttwo itnen which the beet, W recognised the ve to ive the peo le f Ood.rtcb i aod vicinity and ..r.-i.,to pos- sible, hear from ap 4 Mr Holmes' customers and abs others who Bow, w' anything oar our All orders left with Jas, Yates, West etr'eyt attended to. ptomlyy9 !K<` 7)!4.1 - . /t fit lc 1t. Moat . CNT. `Ysal Vireiroassai fat cellimegisear ~w* education. 7y a itieise to seam memos Imillaligfair r e a p Tao e Pp ssab..l 1± nese College 5a.1 Boase ares* Nasti1 am644. loepirias Mires.etwdas4. *rte 111•1111* health •t weeds aa t ssele+at*, aver, do sheet* sat oa atwli*ath a yiPrt are. ielpal. 42 Awes A The handy paste in the big 'ran, Ready for instant use. A few rubs bring the shine. sem.a.•.... New and Brillion! Era Dazt'ns for Madame 7aprtilf. Black 10e. -STOVE POLISH -10G Cheapest sad best polish for Stoves, Grates and Ironwork as the market. ='!111111110111111' !111:111111111111111'1: 11111111111`I i111111111 UN1111111111111111NN �i ► ► I i + + I UI iHll II i N INIII� ►II ilq►Ifillllllllllliilpl lllllllill!IINIIiiIIIINN Ila _L Here is a Specimen Page From Our New Fur Book W. Hat• a Copp Ready To Mail You Just mall us a card and say you want a copy of our Catalog. 1t's a book you will enjoy looking through, as it shows every- thing that is fashionable in Purs. It quotes very low prices for every piece shown and explains fully our system of selling furs by mail. There is NO RISK TO YOU because if the Rin do not Neese you. you may send them beck at will refund your money Otis expense and Ctrs 71°jf,13PILVErg.e. G44 Y°HoQ frRsgot