HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-17, Page 5live
tolls lo
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e Lnyai! hP► mr 11
the destetudies W tee. at his
containing t '
is ioruratwe t� ibis: but Meq
really t]rjfdg'°s
are euppoeed to have caused
H. Notes.
ah anti of apples to
R On being made this
F.. n in toe. =°►aaleaff
was in tuWD Rd y O< rale
t"odent Kies. of
town tt Tuesday and
tbi* week.
in the World of Flnnoe,
the Goderich boys who
tet ng to the [root is
H. V.lillarne, enn of
Williama, formerly- mso•ger
r (j .dericb breach of the
of Commerce. 'Me
record the rip
a the ) winger to the manager -
the !)[[minion flood tie. of
to. He has been with the
ray only six months and his
Lrutuution to his present
on is unmistakable evidence of
lidenre reposed in him by the
rate tet the Company.
THE ft
N L GoD&Rzeu
t+Evnasaa, Vortexes 17,, flg1$ .�
.r___ .mom...
Honoring a Here's Veneer!.
The h Snielvereary of the
victory of him* 'aarea k was
°bettered at Oaptral a.hadd w Nasdaq
atters000, *hen the pupil. and
of all the climes gathered in
1 eslharmaa's room and car
out an•pp'ope ale program. The
imegoipip Mdtided hi*toe'ieal readings
asst am sod patriotic choruses,
with • brief addrebs from Mr. James
Mitchell. With alight preparation
the school presented a very creditable
and keter'esting program.
nedienade ley.
Awi1Ns •teat took place hitt
Wedim"' church. when Miss Angeline E. Jeffrey,'
tad of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Jeffrey, became the bride of Fella E.
also of town. The contracting
took their places at the altar
at Sall a.m.. Herten Mere acting w
�0�asaan and Mise Laura Martin as
baidesgo 14. Rev. Father MoRae per-
formed the nuptial mass. The bride
aura a gown of wbite satin and
*anise bridal roars. in the evening
reoepttoo wee held tor the young
tempi. at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Newgate street, about thirty
gumbo being present.
1iO64on' TDesday at 8t Peters
g Ahead.
t'. tampion clamed amlono[ at -
Iaat or the purchase
1 Stews$ NNMdeooe in the
part of city. formerly the T.
liar properly. The property is
> feet in slash the consideration
foregoing para grapblrom aWey-
8.st,laappeere refer' to a former
Mown (odeefcb boy who is utak-
way in the Golden West. gr.
on t the president of Lbs real
firm of E. V. Campion & Cu.
spector's Visit.
en Wilson. of Toronto, inspee-
tbe Underwriters' Association,
in town on Monday and con -
,an inspection of the town's
ting service. The Bre alarm
g..nJ the wbple flew -fighting
including the steam engine,
ht out. Mr. Wilson stated
i sbowing made was somewhat
than Zest year's. but he will
a detailed report to [batt town
later on. Mr. Wilson re-
IseteTueday morning and ex -
the hydrants all over town,
the pressure at various parts
out Items.
went badges issued since
t last to tbe Goderich Boy
nutuher in the neighborhood of
y' -live.
hugle hand bad no practice
esday night of this week. hut
old its regular meeting next
esdev evening.
Boy Scouts contests in *wan-
ed life -eating will be held at
ter on Wednesday afternoon
t 2 o'clock, weather permitting.
M. Mabee. Rev. J. B. Fother-
and H. C. Dunlop will be the
. Korn, interesting events are
g ained
sl the
Ret Sc
will h
the ri
sett a
R. L
A Litt
tee -let
tad w
fie br'
Lb to
tea* t
took t
pail it
to he;
"rids ,r rias'
of w
lie W
Els Gad
le Child s Death.
accident happened to the two-
half-y'ew-old child of Mr. and
A. Hutufalvy, Britannia road.
y last week. when sbe fell into •
o Soiling water. The child's
r bad just finished a washing
es emptying out the contend of
iler and carryin it' out in pail-
tbe garden. There was more
he pailful the last time, to she
be holler outside and lett the
ending .,n the Boor, and while
as outside the baby backed into
it on the floor. A doctor was
oe,l and the baby did not seem
n a etitical condition until the
alt day, when pneumonia de -
and her sufferings were ended
Eh on Friday.
N oaruer McKee was in poi t on
and unloaded a cargo of 12P. -
blues „f wheat at the Goderich
for A Transit Co.'s elevator.
ste'ainl.•r Tunic was in port 00
ay and unloaded 00.000 bushels
et and nate at the Goderich
Tuner (drown unloaded at
extern 1'anade Flour Minter.
M'exfrtd Wee in port on Monday
and unloaded her cargo of
busbies of wheat and barley at
'rich .'levntir. She cleared ou
Ong pontoon for the northwest
water extension has been COM**
The forms for the coostruc-
work on the second pontoon are
made reedy. 'There will iso ten
in all for the whole Joh.
drill' scow has again .tarterd
m the hatter. Several feet of
the new dock bas yet to be
this ammo. 4,
very pretty wedding took place at
loon on W °etfaber
at the home e J. C. MII-
Ikeda ngw
tar. Bertha, being unjc.d in
to (`has. M. Robert 0n, [roe
ich's young »gas men.
effsiating cletxylwtll [rias Ileo.
it Tutie.
essrch, nioeiiged
knee, m�
Mir took their
beautit U
of Rhe wed -
by the
wo, the
W. C. T. U. Meeting.
The regular meeting of the W. L. T.
U. was held in the Temperance Hall
on Monday afternoon, the president
presiding. Mrs. Colborne conducted
the devotional half-hour. It was un-
animoubly decided to hold the meet-
ings monthly, instead of semi-wonthly
as beretofote, the meetings to be on
the secood Monday of each month.
The president. Me.. Davidson, was
appointed • delegate to the Provincial
convention to be held at Renfrew. A
meeting of the (Aiken and superin-
tendents will he held at the house of
Mrs. R. W. M^Kenzie on Monday
evening next, October 21, to plan the
work for the comiag year.
Temperance Field Day.
Neat Sunday will he a field day for
temperance workers io Goderich. The
day'* program will be carried ut.t
under the auspices of the Dominion
Alliance. At 4 o'clock p.m. a naso i
meeting will to held in Knox church,
to be addressed by Rea. W. S. Mac-
Tavish, Pb. D., field secretary of the ,
Alliance, and. Mrs. Uwen Hitchen. nf'
Toronto. H. Rutbven Macdonald, the
well-known Toronto vocalist, will sing.
Dr. MacTavish will speak in Knox
church at the morning service, and at
North street Methodist church in the ;
evening. dm Bitcbcox will speak in
Victoria *tree- Methodist church in
the morniog, and in the Baptist
church at night.
A Clever Magician.
The Y. M. C. A. entertainment•
couree opened for the season on Tues-
day night with a performance by'
Laurent the magician. There was a
good house, and the magician edified,
mystified and thoroughly enter-
tained his audience. The interest was
maintained ata high pitch from be-
ginning to end, relieved o,-casionally'
by a hunt of leughter at Jenne amus-
ing feature of the perfornwn,e, and
it was the general verdict that
Laurent was about the. cleeer•est and
most popular performer ever seen
upon the stage in Goderich. Now
that the Y. M. C. A. course has got
sway' with such a good start, there
will be much interest in tbe remaining
engagements. the next of which is
that of Alton Packard on December
et b.
Board of Trade Matters.
An invitation has been extended to
Hon. W. H. Hearst, Minister of [ands'
and Mines in the Ontario Government,
to give an address at a Board of Trade
luncheon is Goderich at some early
date. The Minister bas accepted the
invitation and the council of the Board
of Trade is making further arrange
tneut■ for the event, which it is
expected will be ooe of considerable,
interest. The date. which is not yet
fixed. will tie announced in due time.
Another matter to which the Board ;
of Trade eoun^it is giving attention
is that of the proposed publicity
campaiggn for the county of Huron.I
A meeting ,vill probably be held at
Clinton shortly to bring together ,
representative men from different
parts ot the county to discuss pineal
for furtbei4ng the project. The Gode-
rich Ho..rl of Trade will send rep-
resentstivrs to this meeting to show
its active interest in the (novemeot 10
boom the county.
G. C. I. Notes.
The Collegiate institute Literary
Society will meet on Friday evening
of this week. A feature of the pro -
gram will be a mock trial conducted
by the fourth form pupils, it pro
mime to be an event of especial inter-
est—to the prisoners at the bar, at any ,
rate. 7 he prises won in the athletic
spotts will be presented at this meet -
The attendance at the Irietitute is
now about 190. In order to provide
aernmm.dailoo for the additional class
wbich has been formed this term it
has been found neewswary to move the
commercial form to the assembly
ball, where a ooey, well -lighted roost
Mas been partitioned off for tett pur-
pose. This will do very nice) for
temporary quarters until the addition
to the mbool building is completed
next year.
Principal Hume is planning a series
of lectures in the oatnre of a t Ms -amity
extension course, which will give the
u an pupils and the people of Goderict gen
1 svis. Itl.bratei with eraily the opportunity of beerier ed-
its n11 ros.T alleriw tsrii s dramas by i [University tees tiow subJects
lUttle gvelyn o i to � �yr' are eepsefally gtsl-
asad. a 1� soler, niece of i � lairct6ee itvlees lyf
prNty lower lett M Iso time.
Interred in Cedberne Uer mery.
flrebed '° wMatt silt, Altos: thiscourse wlll gins
aft: sat dews to the wedding
ane[ .vbiebMr. and Nen. Rob -
boreal. „4 tI. T. R. Om dlwa
oth.r palms es their
Parslnw MMrYrs. t w. Jt-
Toronto : IMp, are, J. L
bloom masa b leis.w r,
a.d ill a -tat.
"bur". �aih tfr anti
EN will sed b Ita°ws
wale amt aunt, theWog
Wade in the tastily Colborne
The funeral wets[
ucted by Rev. George B.
and Rev. JAMAS Hamilton.
and at the graveside the Oddtellowe'
burial service was oogducted by
n lSerbera of Huron Lode, Ido. 02. Who
Were present in a body. The pall-
bearers were members of Huron
Lodge : Mayor Reid, Reeve gunning*,
Deputy Reeve Clark. Dr. Hunter. Jas.
Bucbaaa°. jr., and R. C. Dunlop.
Amoss those who followed the re-
main* to the cemetery were a cumber
of the employees of the Goderieh
Planing Mills. with which the deceased
wits for many -ears identified.
Mr. and Mrs. b[cQuarrie and Mrs.
Strettou, of Brussels. parents and
sister ot Mrs. Lawson : Athol Mc-
uartie, also of Brussels. and the
Jean and Aorta Iawacu. of
wes'w here fo.r the funeral of
be relative.
"Into the duik end woe
One bred oo yeeterdey
So man of us my know
By a hat mysterbue say
"He had been comrade tong :
Wt bin would hold him *WI..
3u:, though our will be strong.
There tie -trouser will -
"Beyond the woleme night
He will and moraine dream
The .umreer's laminae light
Beyond tab .now'. chill gleam.
'The clear. unfaltering eye.
The inalienable out.
The calm. high energy. -
Tbey ant not fail the goal.
"Lane v, ill be our content
It It be our. to go
One de> the pate he went
IOW the duck aid *now."
Keep up to data Let Pridhem the Tatler
make sour tall „ult and otercoat. Some nobby
new good, in .tock' Latest *tyke, perfect M.
Havet, ou ordered those window shades et
Remember that :smith'. Art Store [[sake., them
any else or color to order. Brads and wooden
"urteiu pole• also made to order.
Always something interesting and
up to date at Lyric Theatre.
Fresh salted peanuts and pure
home-made candy at Blackstone's'.
Wingbaw is•expecting to have soon
a branch of the Jackson Manufactur-
ing Co.'s business.
The regular monthly meeting of
Ahmeek Chapter, D. O. E., will be
held on Monday. October 21, at 4
o'clock, in the court house.
At a meeting of General Brough
Chapter, I). O. E., on Monday, it was
decided to contribute $5 to the funds
of Alexandra hospital. The Chapter
is planning to hold a euchre party
early in January.
P. J. Carey's new house on \Vellire-
ton street is completed, We wish !I,.
and Mrs. Cagey many years of happi-
ness in their new home, which they
have named "The Doves' Nest."
on Thursday. October 10, Mrs. Pol-
lock entertained the Ladies' Aid So-
ciety of the Baptist church. About
twenty partook of supper and the rest
of the evening was given over to
wholesome fun.
A special meeting of the ladies'
auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will be
held Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock.
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. A large at-
tendance of members is requested, as
final an angements will be made for
the bazaar to be held November 7th.
Mr. and Mn. Wm. Matheson and
daughter. of Donegal, Perth county-.
were in town last week locating a tesi-
dencm, as they intend to move to
Goderich shortly. They made a pur-
chase of J. T. Newell's house on
Hincks street. Mr. Matt•eeen is a
hrotber of A. E. Matheson.
A new agricultural weekly. The
Canadian Count'yman, has made its
bow to the public. It presents an at-
tractive appearance, and if the initial
number is an index to those which are
to follow it should soon have a large
number of readers. The price of The
Canadian Countryman is 111.00 a year.
but in cnmhinatioo with The Signal it
way be had at $1.35 for the two
The remakes of the late Jobe Low
seek whose death at West •ssmmer-
MM. S. C., was westisasd Is The
S lima1 bat Week. arrived no Friday
'yeah* by C. P, R., as.su.1106.d by
Idale as 5 . wife sad his bather.
. V. Lawson. The latter meg a
stilt tieMelyf�/.tlesethat
• sad d wee so weart� r bier
Mr'. Wm. Tighe te ti-iting her on. Edward
Tighe, at Galt.
Austin Chisholm. of Ottawa„ ie -pending two
weeks in town.
)1J. Mod Mr-. R. J. Megnw left on Tncrday un
A 1c!1:013. to N'innitrg.eod,
D. B. ilol.of Windsor. was vatting
in town this week.
bra. Black. of Toronto. G cieitine her sister.
Mrs. (Dr.I Emmerson.
Mrs. A. Henderson left on Saturday last for
Detroit it here she will 'pend the 'rioter.
George Warriner, of Clinton, wed vleiting
his son. Thomas, of Hamilton street for a few
de), F. 1. R.,rdette has returned trona a
:mint Vs vi.lt to her former home at Ravenna.
Ker.! Pollock left on Wednesday to attend
the Raptletconventlon :.t Brantford from the
16th to the 23rd.
Jack Ppaagse� of the Western Canada Flour
Mills Co.'m Tesonto °Moe. was to town for a
°snpb of darn this weak.
eiserge Porter returned home last week from
Datenllk, N. V. R'* arc .ora- to report that
he la st W in very poor health.
W. it, Mimi, of The I.nodon Free Prem.. was
in town this week for a day or two. the guest of
his parents.
Mr. and Maw fl. M. F.11iott.
Mr. and Mn. D. Mettle. who end their home
no 'Albert street to F. N'. Mellonagh. have
taken rooms n Ith Mrs. Nott. Bruce aret.
Elmer Phillips. formerly of Lucknow, and
sow ref Animas. Bandl. was the guest of ht•
ceatie, loss Lulu Phillips. for • fear days the
pia weak.
&bed Meguarrie. of Br.seels. former) of
Hie BMaal Mag, we. so tow* fora few
W psi work. He was here attesding t
twnwwl at bis wash. the lata John Looms.
1.Wio'skew, lab of the Throat* Carpet
C..'e roof at Tomato was Visiting at AO home
is tows bra few slogs this ask be fore l.svtall
to t.1.. tion web the Malta Hes Oh
TM Nowa-Raooed eoteplierrots fl S.
Cast M1 Oedoriell two the Bee alt
��oaoa����wwMor Ae Mr le lar t
Fawa,' �/o B Ne�w►Rorad. 'ow of the
Bean Rase of amen to Wiese is tens see the
wwb.N os* tsss et W plate ■lows both too.*
s'siii U=swore glad to lay°
W soot arras Is�rt
*let et .g�sos a maw
dpi lee sslsoeeeel ewee
t Oat
aRAea, ham a tea 1•0 ibm
ft ma
ws obi
the wattle f,-
may a few hears bsforw he brsatMd s011N.
1�'Ia�sl • hast d lei Irl, .pity f-1Jasal tick Pl°ee e° us:arta. - to AttsiwI nn Netwre•y Oe
� 'eiPortti ---` mammon Ratorde aIA� [Feels thud* l . Itltl. ts ter ass ver. J. 0 boo
of 1 dept. �. aal� W • Gawsen. deeeased'R a ens
F cAS $
Payable, hall with order. balance uo satisfactory
completion of job. This is a specially low price. and
we .hall bate MOW for only 10 cars. tW you should
contract early.
Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery'
The uterubere of the Young
Women's Circle of the home mission-
ary auxiliary of Keo: church are
preparing for an Afternoon tea and
sale of work on L'ecetaber :nth.
in Knox church Sunday evening
Rev. Geo. E. Roes will continue his
series of discourses on the early
Christian church. Subject : ••Anan-
ias and Sapphire." At the morning
service Rev. W. B. MasTavish, Ph.D.,
of Kingston, will deliver an address
oe temperance. representing the Do -
minims Alliance.
At North street Methodist church
next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred
Brown, will have charge of the ser-
vices, preaching in Om morning and.
conducting the adult Bible claw. In
the evening Rev. Dr. W. S. McTavish
will speak to behalf of the Dominion
Alliance. Mr. Ruthvso MacDooad
will eiog. A cordial welcome to all.
Mn. Owen Hitcbcpek. representing
the Dominion Alliance. will address
the coogrertatinn in Victoria street
church next Sunday forenoon. Rev.
Harold Willan-, of Nile, will have
charge of the service. Master Ernest
Morgan will sir_ . solo. In the even-
ing Rev. Herd ,- Willem will preach.
All are invite 1 to attend these
On Sunday- morning Rev. Gro. E.
Russ. of Knox church, will occupy the
pulpit of the Baptist churchto the
evening the speaker will on Mn.
Hitcbcox, who will represent the
Dominion Alliance and present its
claims. Bible school and Bible claw
will meet at :i p, m. Visitors- will be.
cordially welcomed to SII these ser -
The first annned meeting of the
Huron Presbyterial o[ W. H. M. S.
will be held in Knox church, Gode-
rich, on Thursnay, October 24, begiu-
ning at 2 o'clock p. w. Dutiog the
afternoon a number ot paper* will be
given on this very Interesting and im-
portant work. in the evening 111 8
o'clock there will be a short musical
Program and an address by Mrs. H. M.
Kipp, of Toronto, corresponding and
hospital ,frcretary ot W. H. M. S. A
cordial invitation is extended to all to
attend these meetings. A silver of-
fering will be taken at both meetings.
A Halifax rorteopendent writes :
"A few years ago wren Rev. Geo.
Ross, of Goderich. wee pastor of Zion
church, Charlottetowneehe conceived
the idea of forming' an ' rder of re-
cruits for the ministry to meet the
present deficiency. Sinew then the
movement bas gone steadily on and
this year five blight young men have
gone to Halifax to pursue their
studies. They are alt graduates of
Prince of Wales College and enter
Dalhousie University in the second
year. One of the aims of the move-
ment is to secure men when they are
young and so able to take the full
course. A branch has been started by
Rev. Kenneth Munro. of !overflew,
and already numbers fourteen," --The
The forty-seventh annual Provincial
convention of the Ontario Sunday.
School Association will meet in Oen-
tenary 'Methodist church, Hamilton,
on October 21-24. This is the largest
assemblage of representative religious
workers that meets in the Province.
The Ontario Sunday School Associa-
tion includes all Protectant Sunday
schools that can 1* included under the
term "evangelical''ln faith and ta••r'b-
ing. It is the Ontario branch of the
International Sunday School Associa-
tion, which is the backbone of the
Sunday school movement of the
world. The opening session on Mon-
day evening, October 21st, is for mem-
bers of the general executive only.
This is the governing body. it is
composed of three representative*
from each county and city unit in the
Province, and is an Incorporated
body. The public part of the program
continues from 10 o'clock oh Tuesday
morning until 10 p. m. oo Tbureday,
and is the °tro°gest ever presented to
the constituency. The boot city,
Hamilton, agrees to entertain 700 dile-
gates on the Harvard plan 1Ioigieg
and breakfast fres). This smatter bas
bean allotted to the variolas subdivi-
sions in are Association in IINdted
ountber's. All appiicatioaa for cream -
Dols must be made to the Ontario
Sunday School Association, Confeder-
oncederation Life Building, Toronto, and so-
coorpanied by the enrolment tee, 50c.
Bulletins, outlining particulars, may
he had on application to the above ad-
A Splendid Attraction.
Seldom have Londoners beat treated
to such • rare mueiciI program as
that given by the Royal English Hand
Bell Ringers, and the crowded house
did not toil to show theirappreciation.
Seery number received an encore,
the "Caliph of Begpiad," "Oavalbieria
Rustirana," and Handers "Hallelujah
Chorus" being exceptionally well
rendered. A feature of the evening
was the alto solo, "Love's Own !tweet
Song," by Mr. Chat leewortb, while the
conductor, Mr. Jeasop, not only
proved himself an able leader, but, also
a very pleasing bass soloist. HiE, ring-
ing of B. van's •7Le Old Soldier" was
delighUul. Mr. Wain bay a very flee
tenor voice, which was heard to ad-
vantage in his bolo, as well as in his
duet with Mr. Jeeeop. Mr. Dawson's
humorcut reading* greatly pleased the
audleoce.—London "Advertiser," Mar.
11. 1912. At Vittoria Opera House on
Tuesday., October 2nd.
The Brophey studio will be open alt
Theologising Day. 2t
Watch for the great 101 Bison fea-
ture picture at Lyric Theatre.
Blackstone. make a specialty of
fancy ice, cream hrieks for social
occasions. 'Phone 241).
Good po-itions await the graduates
of the
Owen Sound, Oat.
Thee.. ugh course, huge etaf, ex-
eelleut equipment, our own build-
ing; and we guarantee to place
every graduate in a poeitiot.
Catalogue free. Enter any time.
C. A. Fi.r uaa. G.U. 1' LEMINO,
Ptineipal. Secretary.
Toronto, Ont, le well know° ae the right place
for superior busiomen and rboethaad siuoatbn.
I'odUons worth SHOD end $ISe) were recently
filled by us. Write for catalogue.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
cure many common ailments weiei
are very different, but wbieb aerie
from the same cause—a
dogged with implsdties. The
cause the bowls to move
strengthen act/ stiendate the
and open up the para of the
These organs tarow
the accun laited
Kidney Trou H llyetttls
atism and similar aiaMMs vanish.
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills •
Savo Doctors' Bills
L7lpER TRH AVAI'tf'It9 (is THR
SUNDAY, 'OCT. 20th
WILL alt MILD ten
.ennasetsn or
M Rae. 1i W RN 11 ITCHOOX, of Toronto, and
REV. W. 8. MaeTAViSH, Pb. D.. Field neeretary.
The tgl.heatrd *panto Basso. will reader several «Mart inns.
Yee O. Hilrh4oi will spook le Victoria Street \I.-thndiet
Chen* le lbw nem nine. wad in the Repent Glusrrh et night
Dr. i llseTa.isbt will *peek la knot Cherish in t h ' morn. at.
Rad he Perak Street Netbttdkpt (Aser.-b at nigh..
Iln Llntbrrn Ma• U °..I I w .11 .Ing et the tow s_r, is + n an, +1
surram baHZD 18Eti
Just mail
you want
Ued- up CaOted. Beet wad
riled Pepate 111114.1715.1100
Total Asset* lover) $08,1100,000
Savo TI.e Wren
Yes ire Bos'
by carrying on your
banking by mail.
us your deposits, or your cheques when
to withdraw money.
We give special atttation to business handled
in this way, and will be glad to have you make
use of our service.
W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch.'
MINSK EAC.: MMANCINI,) Y. W. Ae01. - - - s+
whipas megbe. aL. fC 1 G Y. C. MART $- Atldeaat 1 __astasia►
—you can save
$ro a month.
buy a lot at
New Hazelton
the most important City on the Graud
Trunk Pacific in interior British
the commercial and distributing
centre for
—the rich Sliver and Copper
—immense Agricultural
the famous anthracite Coal
the manufacturing of
Central Bribsh Columbia
You men who are tired working your
bead and bands off, with nothing to
show for it at the end of the year,
TEN DOLLARS will start
you as owner of "close -in" property
that will make you big profits.
You can't lose l?y following
the Union Bank, the Bank of
Vancouver and other large
mercantile and financial
Price of Lots, $too up.
and information will be gladly
sent you.
Standard Securities Ltd.
qo8 Pacific Building
Vancouver, Canada
Bankers, Imperial Bank
We are now prime: d to
supply contractors with
all kinds of Mouldings,
lo.ide Finwb, Flooring
and Sidings, and Genet al
Building Material.
We wake .a specialty .,f
Veneer Flooring in Oak
and Birch.
i)ressing and Matching
by the thousgnd.
The Paget Drain Door Co.
Single Fare
for Hunters
October 7 to November 11 to all
stations Chalk River to Mctyeiber
inclusive, and to best bunting
pointe in Quebec And New Brutns-
October 17 to November 9 to all
stations Sudhury,to the Soo, Ilave-
lock to Sharbot Lake, Coldwater to
Sudbury, and on the Lindsay and
Bobcaygeon Branch.
Ret urn limit December 12tb, 101b
Ask for free copies of "eporte-
Inan's Map" and "Open Season, for
Game and Flab,"
Full Psrticulars, Rates, etc., from
Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. agent.
I &n Willing To Prove
Can Cure You
To That End I Am Giving Away $10,000,
Worth of Medicine
In order to show beyond all doubt
that 1 tram in possession of a medicine
that will cure kidney trouble, bladder
trouble or rheumatism, 1 will this year give
away ten thousand ollars' worth of this
medicine, and anyone suffering from thew
'diseases can get a box of it absolutely free.
All that is necessary is to send me your ad-
d ress.
1i don't mean that yon are to use • part of
it or all of ,t and pay me if cured. 1 moan
that I will andou • boa of Itis medicine
absolutely free of charge, a gift from me to
the Urie Acid sufferers of the world, ro Ido
Mow them where and hew they may be aired.
I will not expect lament for this tree mesh -
else, nor would I accept it non or Tater if
)on a<nt it. It is free in the real meaning of
the word.
per twenty-five years--• quarter of a ren-
turr-- 1 have been trying to c, ounce the pub -
Ar that I have something genuine, sow..thmg
better than others have for the cure of stub. -
Urn, chronic ehenmati.m, for torturing kid-
ney ba,kabe for anyng calls to urinate.
lint it » ha-r,I to r. • •r.,"u a people—they try a
few [hives unwn•revf ally and give. np alt hope
end refuse to lige• to anyone thereafter.
Happily. 1 em b s politico now to demon.
Orate to caterers at my own expense that I
have a medicine that cures these disowns.
1 Jon'. ask them to spend any money to find
mit: 1 don't ask the to believe me, nor even
to talc the wet, of reliable people. bet •11 1
•,q is alma they Blow Me to wend them the
med.tin, at my ern cost Tbat is surely (air,
To 0.. end 1 have set side len thousand
.Melo.., nitwit 1I1 At used to eempound say
. scdse,ne. Micah of it is reedy mow is be
soot out, ail of jt fresh and wader& There
wig be yoergh tor W i.Iercrs, toga then
ui }btpsawwde rti And soiree* whj,o,
aMteeer. tlut is get Mae of it fri.. But I
yes ►ave a d e
one for *Nett is intebed, i
ink ani _ f Is,. *efBt et zinc [*•loss
o s
leer see. sgp pgal. Oil[', ,ee
wegtges— y��.ioatr. - +*ted ll Met �
•dresa �k naso a N ilea
f - elf
T renwit. Cew. IIasN
7 he ten romadeflart pit 1 am sptnaraia for
el •
ease `Ten �wanew , entaw
mediaaabe«iewyyae�ie'-es delligioe or..
et�eaae er f tog mhr. soh.
r ee.e rh+f wt.e wet yr,. U e
4411= sow- e_w_•/, fen throntosisol
Ts e�e_ •w mee'.Was�M.a ,ill.•
�slessae- o ben M de
lir.. rf awes. te�i
who b Wales sissy $tern. worth r s o ngiso
I ran say further that this tMKtiet hi+ >trn
vouched for according to Mw as emptying In
every Isnot with ail rgturen.ents. 11 wilt
slop rhn umansm, it will Mop pain an•l h./wh-
eelie, it will stop ton fre:meat dr•,re to
u rinate; it will bud. soothe end strengthen.
Veil will be better in every way bet harlot/
taker it There ie not an i.g .dirM that ear.
Injure; net twe bus will benefit All that s
sok is that you use it yemself ao that yowl
ins,be personally convinced.
ing to the large numb,- of request,, 11
have had ten thousand more rivies .asip
medical book printed. Thi. heel, .s now ,
up to date and contains complete d•sttiertees.
tyrepteme. mars, effects sad teem of kidney,
kl•dder aid rbeswwamalle diseases All who arae
for tM free reediting sin be sent a •r/Ir
.4 this grand I$.Mr•t m.,4 sl kook— /M
larpsst citta .Aare M three d.se•set l' -r fere
eaD Jog t ,� r1
1l yon nM.. Hp,. oath n 1 hart, is
des w •osie,ss to be egret sod Soot east
in awed any mewey LOOSING few earww+
write Oak imeM He gmptow• over and 1M
as bear feels pee W. At