HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-17, Page 2a T'tttoro. r. OoTOasa 17. IOU
SOIMIRtge11, osrT 4,1110.
Terms et strasrseeMw
'Ler pr saanet is sdvsl.ea
Al meselre. fie • acnes mesrb'. Ma
Te Mates sts, sebeseem s, Mee a Tear
.uYl;y la s hteress.
w� be to rewlve Tire BIea.L
mast wall aauhr a boor byat •tr
wdthe tact atresrV•awlsm
pyo a awe. d address Ia de trek both old
a.a Ib...°w° eddsr.. blade+ t» s►....
aweR4Ms Metes :
Leos' sad otter sladl r recta essenta, 1W
pet Ria ter first imertM to per Wm tor
soca sabepseat Iaserttea, by •
cowered coals, twelve lass to as WWM.
Buoteem card. olds ars arid ander. as vs
Wiens Vesaut,
�[ irtl
tter iuuust�At
larder advertise
Aawebesnsaete is ordinary
roadie[ type tiro
coo pr Unto. No mortes tem Goan 26c
t bp
Peeeal�eer Mauded a la�dtvteaat orwhichime
snag se 1e esasldeed an advertisement sad
charged aoemdleab.
Rates for display and contract advertise
matt& will be elven on application.
Address an cons-aunfnums to
.rettericb Ont.
Macdonald has elected the Conserv-
ative candidate by a large majority.
The riding has been alutodt continual
oubly Conservative, but the electors
were given en opportunity at this bye -
election of voting for a man who has
demonstrated his independence of
either political p rty and who has
consistently stood tot the iotereste of
the agricultural community. Hop;
Bohan Rogers,. the Minister of the
luteriot•, could not afford to lore the
seat, however. and in behalf of the
('onbervative candidate the full force
of botb Oover,.uteot.s. Federal and
Provincial, waw exerted, and practices
were resorted to such as hare given
Rogers and Roblin, the M..nitoha Pre-
mier, a reputation for noliticXll
tyranny and eleetoral trickery of the
most flegrant character. But to ac-
count for the sweeping majority otber
causes must have Dern at were, and
one of these ai p ars to be irniicated its
the vote of the French Catholic sub-
The Iteblin(+ ,vernut-utLas recently
granted concessions io t he matter of
the school law which, according to no
less an authority than The Orange
Sentinel, virtually merit the re-estab-
libbing of separate schools iu the
Province, and in return lot these con-
reseions it was hut natural that Arch-
bishop Langevin, who has always
fought against the Greenway settle-
ment. ',holed use his influence in he- i
half of the Roblin Government and its I e
ally, the present Minister of the in-
terior. i g
A large proportion of the voters of ' ,
the con•tttueney are renllycitypeople, I i
as the riding adjoins the city of 'Vin- 18
ripeg, and tbeee take their political' t
leanings front their ,uttoundings. it I b
semis to he chat /tete,istic of the mass t
of urbanites tl.at they should oppose
anything that will benefit the fel meta.
arid they vote much more solidly in
what they fancy to he their own inter -
my fatflter. Bir 1 t)estwrlg f• I
wish to imy the state-
tout of sympathy
wI his colleagues
coo the gwMisn est
reeiprrooity. 1(s strove for twwOty'4'
yepse to jure such an •grunge
end 1 know tans it teras •
bitter, bitter dilmp_Nnta»nt wheo in
a .moment of AMMO eherestioO the
peopis ot.ed it -
I was e/tth y fel zi t Woaahitigtoo
in lila, when Lord Herschell and the
International Commis/throws tried to
make just such • trade arrangement
as was offered us a year ago. At that
time there was no talk dim being dis-
loyal to the Empire. and. ea nee of the
American commbdooere told Sir
Louis Davids and my tatter. the in-
tense anxiety displayed by e11 the
European em es as to what was
going on between England, Canada
and the United States was almost
Laughable, and very significant.
Europe did not le the least like the
idea of a rapprnobetoent between
England and the States. to bay nothing
of Canada.
Thanking you fur your courtesy in
allowing we .pace in your valuable
Sincerely rotary.
The attempt made upon the life of
Colonel Roosevelt will bring him thou-
sands -of votes. Hero worship is
strong to the United Staten.
Canadian imports from the United
Staten average a million dollars a day.
The adoption of the reciprocity agree
ment would have allowed Canadian
producers to do something considerable
in the way of evening up the trade
by large exports of Canadian goods.
When the Liberal party of Ontario
takes the tax reform program a little
more seriously there will be no more
instances like that of North Waterloo.
where no Liberal candidate is in the
fleld for the bye -election. There must
be a Targe number mf voters in that
riding who would support the princi-
ple of exemption of improvements
front taxation.
Assessment Commissioner Forman
of Toronto bas returned from a trip
to the leading cities of Western Can-
ada. and states that the system of
partial tar total exemption of im-
provements from taxation practised
in these cities has proved a success
nod that nowhere is there a teturn to
the old methods of taxation. Mr.
Forman believes that a system of
exemption of improvements would
prove feasible in Toronto.
J. Allen Baker, a memhrr of the
British Hoe* of Commons, was inter-
viewed in Toronto the other day and
expeesmed hie belief that the German
war scare had no foundation 'in fact
but was manufactured by interested
persons. including large corporations
concerned in the construction of war
vessel,. He pointed out that both
'Britain and Germany have immenee
commercial interests at stake *bich
would he a great factor in preventing
war between the tvo nation.. Britain
s Germany's greatest' customet, and,
xcepting India, Geraieny is Britain's
r•eatest customer. Mr. Baker went
n 10 tell of the superior fighting
trength of the British navy, not only
n ships tnit in men. "Our life -trained
Odell tars outnumber the raw, con-
inually changing German conscripts
y more than two to one." Mr. Baker
alks more like an old faebiooed, uo-
fraid Briton team do these latter-day
art -mongers who want us to be frigbt-
ned w henever Germany lifts an eye-
sh. And yet it is a ten to one wager
hat The Montreal Star will talk of
r. Biker and his opinions as if they
ere somehow Inciting in loyalty.
Loyalty" end "patriotism"' are
retched ioto queer meanings in these
eats than the farmers do in support of t
their undoubted rights. Thetendepty M
• tat the agricultural vote to split ou
party lines often threasi the issue of
an election into the Lotion . 1 the city a
voters. and in this ;nate nee the da
atter conceived it to be in their inter-
ests to oppose tbe teciptut•i;y cause
and support the (tovernmrut candi-
The fight for wider market- win go
on, however, in spite 4.1 the )allure in
Macdonald, which must I* phiMsopbi-
calty accepted as a pat t of the furtuow
m1 woo. i
in a toren( number of Toronto '
Saturday Night appeared an article
apparently intended as a tribute to
the late Sir Richardlwrtwright which,
however. placed hint and his party ss-
suciates in suck a light that the article
as a whole was a blander upon the
Literal patty in general and Stir
Richard Cartwright in particular.
The writer of the article must have
had a curiously distorted t sew of the
politiret history of t'rounds within the
pest quarter of a century. One of the
innoet .iatougding ataten.eats he made
was that sir Richard t'artwnght was
.eeretty uneympatltetir low:trite the
teciproeity pbliry of the kite Liberal
Government. It seems hardly possible
that anyone who had even •alimualr-
ng of uaderetandingorf fhe 1sts Liberal
Minister and his attitude on Semi and
trade matters court make mob a .tate-
omit. The mat Nesse of `tatitvda'
Night toetained the tenoning note
hem Mr Richard t netwrigbt's
Tiles Editor (Ire 'Illetmrday Night
�nowal the Wide that apposeed is
y --h
Air.its thsahitil8 the
owncc=am iliemsese fee syieI gast1miblege ealljkM Ills
To Help Workers.
• oft elph Mercury.
rimier pteaent cooditioa, only
twenty-five pee cent. of the total
amount spent by employers for com-
pensation for injuries reaches the in-
sured person. The other seventy-five
per rent. goes to euutts. and lawyers.
Rowell plans to give the injured work-
ingman it» per reit. of the amount
due him.
Fooled the insurance Men.
14pedos Ad cert leer.
Linnet will be seventy-une en No
vember 311, and is making five speeches
e day in flood•VoIce: Yet in his youth
he wits •s, frail that he was rrttie.tl in-
surance. It often happens that per-
sons who ere forced to take cat. of
their beriPh outlive those who are
born withood constitutions and lett
their health take care of itself.
The Manitoba Meekiae.
whittle** Foe Pimp.
Politico' corruption and criminal
election methods ere not localised IA
Manitoba nor limited to the Coesarva-
tive party. They are, unfortunate e,
incidental in some measure to t11 oor
keen)) fought election oneteata. But
all otber ortganisetknu for corrupting
and maipslgting•vo •n in the orale
Dominion are mere Lind tiers in
comparison witb tae deadly taacbi;te
which strangler • to..elitnepcy, mu h
ash hoe constrictor e,.vel,opas and r e-
streys tea victim. Womb it knees tate
field the deselecue n id the ta'i sinal
code reuse to run in • be 1Hevtlsce mf
Mamitob►. And eye (Their )hoose
this to be tree.
A beset for Tele; hasp Oita
Sleeved Monster . ' e.1 N.
If • dm ie swills fouling lir t, wife
peeved of a easisty huuei4y. an heir-
ess sr a obelus gitt
est sNeatioon ay Mkt
nestd dm ids
Abeam, For
ilsltlMosss tanner= beaten
1 *the
ideas M&essedtirrr�w
ous,`youmossy siM
who you Oso *.round housewife.
We be never astir one Ise, w*ea't
tnpctythey Nli way
essild get.
giwatest virtues is
Mi. the meet orhottotr
to control their tongues. y eN
acouttoenod to being quarreled et nee
bewe•med. yin they ars not taro b
an outbyret thereby. We know
are emestfoss imposed upon and are
dost rated at theb true worth. If you
are in need of • good wife, get a tele-
phone girl,
Mammal Ser.td.
It web well 10 mark the reotenary
of the death of Renck as they did at
Qineeneteu Heights yesterday. The
aoeouuts of bis life all seem to
that be wee • man of kigb charaetisr.
That be was a Sae soldier his military
exploits at Detroit and Queenetoo
Heights proved. His death. like that
of Wolfe, want of a piece with 13ia life.
He died both a brave to on and • good
soldier. going whither hie stong sense
of duty guided him. Hs wale cutdown
in the prime of life. but going *a he
did he won tame that will continue as
long se Canadians take pride in the
valor shown by the brave a the
country's early years. He and Wolfe
will always be remembered. with Doi -
lord and Mootcalm, high up on tbe
list of those whose names our children
will be taught to honor. We have
alreaiy gone a long way towards for-
eetting the quarrok in which he bore
•Js port. That he bore it noble ie the
.lace and hour of conspicuous danger
•4 what will always be held to his
A Bo•aie Pechter.
Woodstock BeatiaeI Kerala.
There is one thing for which ail
manly people admire Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, and that is that be N not a
quitter. He may be defeated, but not
discouraged. Adversity has no power
oyer hint to supplest. his optimism
or to spoil his temper. Ile is I
as ready to *true hia country in
apposition as be was in mice, and
with the sarnr display of ability end
devotion to ideate. And indeee it ie
in the very nature of Liberalism that
it is possible for those who serve in its;
cause to he noway- well employed r
Liberalism being progressive it u.ust
be ever ready talo deal with changing •
conditions. anti he new p)ohlein*
which the change, produce. Much of ,
the work of Libelalis.s is of necessity
eJucationat, artd may he carried on int
opposition as well es its ofilee. So it
to that Sir Wifirid Laurier ti.day,
though relieved of the respousitiilities i
of office, is devoting Ws Much of his
time and of his energy to the duties of
the Libetat leadership that his work I
as a public mad may he 74 id to here
continued from otflce to opposition
without interruption.
It may be that Sir Wilfrid Laurier
baa a special claim on the affections
of his friends and the respect of
his opponents at the present time.
A year ties „been ellowed foe sober re-
Ber-tiou since the defeat of the Laurier
Government, end it may be that there
is come uneasiness of eonecience
among healthy -minded peuele rnr ac•
count of some of the methods by which
that defeat wee brought about. The
fine spirit in which he accepted defeat,
and the undaunted coursee with
which he rallied *geio to ; he fight.
moist have appealed to that sense of
chivalry and fair play tbat is su
element common 10 r.il nut human
nature. There is a growing feeling
that he oats nno hs.r:eu occurs -ding to
the rules of the game. Tne fact that
he has accepted the verdict without
complaint but makes his claim to
public sympathy and respect all the
Canada's Big Mistake.
Guelph Mercury.
A grocery traveller presented from
among bis samples to a Guelph mer-
chant a pound tin of fancy red cock-
eye salmon, put up in the United
Mabee. Tbit, he said, was 10 him a
proof it. concrete ferns of the advan-
tage which Canada would have de-
rived from the adoption of tar rerip-
rocity agreement. After paying a
duty of 50c. net J:ren,'too, the Guelph
merchant was ,.isle to,, buy these
United States g"ods for hi cents per
dozen leas tben he can buy Canadian
products, which. be ova.. ate no bet-
ter. and pet haps not quite so good : in
feet, be prefers the imported goods.
The (ianadiaa salmon wholesales at
$2 66 par dozed.. the American at
ral.50. including the duty of 60c. if
the duty were removed, as it would
have been by the trade agreement, the
wholesale price today would have
been 82. and the consumer could have
bought his goods east that much
cheaper. '•l have been a lifelong
Tory." said the traveller, "but 1 want
to make a confeeeion : The i.eople of
Canada made the mistake of their
lives when tbee- turned down the reci-
procity agreement.'
Low gales for Hunters Via Grand
Trunk Railway.
Fares—Single first-class fare for the
round trip from all 'stations in Ontario
)except north of Gravenhurst and
west of Pembroke►. also from Detroit
and Port Huron, Mich„ Buffalo, Brack
Rock and Suepeneioa Bridge. N. Y.
Going dates—October ith to Novem-
ber 9th. inclusive. to all Faints It,
Temiskaming and .Sorthern Ontario
Railway, Temagami, etc., and to cer-
tain points in Prn'ini-e, of Quebec,
Nora Scotia and New Brunswick. •Iso
State of Heine.
October 17th to November Otho in-
clusive. to Muskoka Lames, Lair of
Bays Georgian *ley, Maganetawen
and mew* Rivers. Kawartlla Lakes
and points ton Ord Trunk Ra•lway,
Severn to North Bay iocinaive Meda -
weeks to Parry Round, Lino�eav to
Halihurton, Argyle to Cub.ogrwk.
'tang. Midland and LskeMesd
Return limit -All tickets valid t.w
return until nut oho. December 1t.
except to points rwrbed by stmisist
lines, '1'needat•, Naveo.s•er ftttb. 1012
information and tickets from F. N.
Lawr•etoee, 'Poona Pm ft.
Write to A. Doff, distrltt pas-
»ngK igen:. station, Ter°na,,
Ol.ta$n. fie -- m '.str•ted booklet
eetitied • of Fish aid finesq"
coetalni laws says, reties,
The (folio wise editorhl but'-
a tow days Nt`o by T esuorit
ewe he esstttrali • b t be
tamper io opillestl'. u
aroab the biotic, 4bepiis ed. be met
y asappuslara q the tbintstwleret
It is ai ilibunt that t
ro haw a caa7idaia la
•hTesw is a ooaetiw
=Si My . y s-
yyaw Ithen their ill
lavender �eppon at�
. thou doss Mr. Rowell the
�kq�No doubt the explaretioe is that hie
Waterloo,%is not entombing Is Rpri4
If. however as baler, as
some of the Liberal journals pretend.
I. between "tie boy and the her" Mr.
Rowed ought to fight in North Water-
loo and fa every other ridlag in the
Province. For tbe bar as en institu-
tion th rei"I little to be said and as
little tor tbg treating system. But
even U this be true, is the sobriety of
the community to be greatly adveue-
ed by the policy to which Mr. Rowell
bas committed himself f
A thing tbat is ttow cruaing alarm
in Toronto is the amount of liquur
purchased at the shops for .coosump-
tion in the home. This abuse is oat tba
increase with the Doming of a consid-
erable population which has not been
reared under Canadian conditions.
Mr. Rowell proposes to dose the -bar
and to confine the sale of liquor to
.hope in the bands of private owners
with whom the desire to tuake money
will be as active and acute us it is
amongst hotel -keepers. How ran. by
the Rowell policy, will we intern -e.
drinking in the home and amongst
both neo and women, and abet will
be the msasune of gain over drinking
at the open bar as now practised
Another consideration of great im-
portance is that just in proportion as
bar drinking is abolished and the
trade confined to shops. whiskey, be-
cause it can he put into flasks and sold
its smaller quantities, will take the
place of beer and light beverage..
Here again there 1s danger that the
e.ru..• of subilei y will not 104'eed
anti that the later couditinn rosy b.
even worse rban he Ittst. It is mite,.
therefore, it the Rowell
liquor policy will give tetter ,e,ul's
than local option with string -h. en-
fwcenteut of the license law, or, in
other words, the present policy of the
Whitney Administration. If there is
to he a radical reform in temperance
legislation -private iutrttet in the
liquor trade should he ahoiiutely ter -
transited and retie rot liquor in shops
tinder Governwrnt Cole'rol end under
art ere meta learnt, surely %mild be the
wi.er policy. More .ver, we uught to
he willing to ^f sed tt•asnnabie cone
penattimn to those who have con-
ducted hotels with dors retard W tbe
law for years and who for all that
time have contributed heavily to ,the
public revenue.
'Compensating Injured Workmen.
Toronto Globe.
Although it is futile for ,the Ontario
Oppositirin to i i'roduce advanced or
progt•rrsive legislation, it is the only
et1'tcttve oceans of calling attention to
the Goyerneuent's dereliction. When
Mr. Proudfoot three yes%s ago,intro-
duced a bill designed to bring Ontario
who east of the times in regard 10 com-
pensating injured workmen there was
no possibility of its becoming law. If
Sir James Whitney had been favor-
able toward or had understood the
measure he would bewe t+ken creda
fur it by introducing n Government
bill. His re yuest that the hill be
withdrawn wart of course hacked by
the Oovernuten:'s overwhelming ma-
jority, and it Would have heeu a:elees
to preen the matter to a vote. An-
other year's delay and the appoint
ment ref a commission seemed to
lessen the chances of Governmental
&dine-. All the time the need of such
legislation was apparent. and the ex
perienee of other countries war av:ol-
alrle for guidance. in 1911 there were
996 accident, in Ontario in the indus-
tries coming under the supervision of
the factory inspectors, and of theme 44
were fetal. This record in the reports
of the factory inspectors is but a con-
tinuation of the reports of ,preyiou.:
years. and was not necessary to lin
press the Ministry with 'Le need of
making pro: Litt) to: the wotkwrt.
temporarily incapacitated and for the
dependents left without means of sum -
The policy of tbe' Govetnment ham
been its this regard one or conspicuous
inacti•ity. Three years after the Lib-
erals felt impelled • to concentrate
public attention by the actual intro-
duction of a hie/mute there ie onls• for
the public an ioteifm report of evi-
dence taken before a oomraisaioner.
The old device of a commission can be
defended. In It matter so complicated
it would be disesttous fur the present
Ministry to venture without employ-
ing outside guidance. 1t is not a
taait••rfor incotfrpetent handling. A
syete,t that promotes protective in-
surate• • by employ n irupo.es needless
burdens on the Industrie@ affected.
A system that presides various safe-
guards u::d quallecations generally
gives the i* tared workman or bis de.
ppeendeuts a wasteful and calamitous
leer mit. The complexity into which
luexperieoce usually plunge* roust be
avoided. But those end many other
reasons for outride guidance do not
excuse the Government for -years of
A favorable attitude leeward such
legislation or an' appreciation of the
need of it would have Prompted defi-
nite action lor.g ago. Yr. Rowell, the
Liherel leader, hat made in hie pub-
lished platior) a time= declaration
in favor of lep4ewen sotablisbhlg
systematic and effeelIve CompeAsstion
for injutie. mustalasd in 11.
army of itrdustry. The Libtstal
tude in this manor r traditional.
The Ministry has miss hada say des•
nate refusals, but, Ila ebsMustti a roar -
tam esti be (bored may by ssepbs t i c
cesdd_ssetiva et as polio
bag Men
$bouts es' and inspect the taatmor
sanita►y BMMI as shown by
Prof. Durunesl.d,, f ?ornate. si lis
Hotel Rl.dia'd oil ?sssday. Oct obo-
at& Thant toupees .stn not only per
beet ie emsetswet1oo, bet see the enly
vomitory sell goosseed smbetitotee for
osele taws haft-.
cimct mE
kMay saPassed .
is Safety.
.ill Gismo_IIs I was *8 tna
I cos.malt
les weak is ws& sod
sees sad vary I was
ring to het of -
tar taking
his (1mli�auad d
hada Rased awl
reamed. I em very
thaskin es yes sod
I hon sobbed several woos who suf-
fered as I id to try your rummies Yes
may publish tike it yeseriekii-4tran.
DAVID R. Monate, Smith W
Vancouver Island, B. C.
No other medical.* for =mom'. Ole has
received such widespread
w ad -
Sed �t Ws know of soother
medicine hes mach a recod of sow
ems as has Lydia Z. Phakham'e Vegeta-
ble Compound. For more than Ile years
it has been the standard remedy for ww
man's ills such as %flamata isle, Mesas -
Son, tumors, Irregularities, periodic
paid and nervous prostratics, and we
believe it is =equalled for women dor-
fog the period of change of life.
If yolk have the slightest tfialkbt
coat Lydia F. Piakhala'a Vegeta-
Ws Compound will balls y'eeb otitic
t=Lydia E. PlnklanneXedldneCw
(eoaadeatlal) Lynn. Mass., forad-
vice. Your letter will be oftwild.
read sad answered by a w -
end bald la strict canali
, Not A 1 Fools
A lady, fresh from hripin i the e. ik-
iog London di ekers, dtseusted ou the
Lusi an'* the new status of wwr..,n. •
"You perceive the new end the Peri
status of a woman," the said. "in rhe
respect that then now show this te-
epect. I remember a ►tasty - -" she
smiled. '•A mad and his cofe," she
said. "were wrangling. 7 he wife,
completely out of patience. at test ex-
claimed—'Are all men fool %' •Nc
my love,' the man answered, 'some
are bachelors.' "
Robbery at Wingham.
Winghatir, Oct. 14. -Tbe local police
eret•oofronted witb a mveterirua rob-
bery, The sum of *40, all in; hill., was
stolen on Setntday nigght-fains the till
in the store of Wallace Rough. nn
Josephine street, between 0 and 11:dll
in the evening, while Mrs. Hunch was
in the basement preparing tea. The
store was naoccupied at the time, and
the loss was not detected until 7
W. AOMR!OA► '* now
Chintz and Sateen Cowered Cppdorters
in lied e=cage °N this wrpssslt�ssarie spa
and A it IS A 5 none• Me~` Mn,end
sire 7!x78psehl at
Some claw pause=gr Ar•n Is am. q0pause= Elias 72 i 7r1 !WPM at aslb
We invite imspsettsb of our showing.. Flint
Stoles. Yung tool Costate. In sank the
showio was nsvre reisr dtrnpse oe d r , early4Y
tull aadsugg�lve e,f go�pot. 1 t*wO� are
Mink Marmot atom and Throws. switalser
Mink Margot Murf., pillow styles sad seamy with beads
or tail trimmings, at , ...., ..... , $411.001 *7.00 and WOO
Canadian Mink tyabs, might& ems,,» • 4 to *1st
Comedian ian angt .... Rios. or $60,
$75 /5
heart shape, rwngi ig
Persian Lamb Stores and Stoles $b0 W 0341
Persia° Lunb Muf?s.... ......- ......, , Alai" 'ass and
"Stanfield" Underwear
It is knitted of preset wool end replaced fres if it skies.
Stanfield Uoderw•ur ie maoufactused hi one of the
largest wool wille io Canada and by the most exper•iesced
knitters. Only purest wools are used, It isguareateed un.
conditionally against stuinklag in mishit.; mad it is made
in different weights to suit *11 14.es of warmth. We can
supply "Stanfield" garments in all sizes for man. in three
weight e vy,medium,*1heavy and .D ■ AW/ .P 1.25,.1.Jll
Bette heavy, at per garment w
Penman's and Turnbull's_llndersvear
livery style and every (Giza, Vtrq' spa Drawers for
women and children.
Our &bowing of floor Linoleums was never before so
large or s° well assorted --doses of patterns to select from
io ail the standard qualities. We constantly employ experi-
enced bele to lay Liooleuqu at no additional cost to our
customers, and values ore very special
40c 50c 60c
8 & 4 yards wide, at per square yard
• Metre L middle . else. oomph= of bet Agrees. lbw be t8
their odaii_Msev/oeism reeds * semiscad'--'LkOhpdw
i arg
P..,. ils Prsss.ipdea tea /ivy them. Ms.y =sum mar awl**
11�s- to wnaasabood sad from motherhood to old ep—with beekeeks.
trees or ieeds.tte. A women other becomes sleepless, servos., " rolua
IrritsMe cad feels tired from moraine to eight. Whs. psis. sod seas. rock
womanly system at frequent interests, ask year sender acct
Doctor Plsrco's Favorite Prescription.
Edea J. Io nor, or 721 S. BMWs* Nem. IaaltlawR 1rd., sirs: "1
=We yin asset nine .cath sad, tanker yea ire ep esanaaa. 1 have a
Ileo baby flirt weiabed alar mums wase tern. Me is ray third rh°d
Wed ttrll strewing ef than an. ley saartar was any 'for two hoots i
rook errand bottles of '?Spars, Prmrri?um ` and nae of Dr. Pirce`e
Swart -Weed. 1 never had • wen day before t took your medicines I war
Swart -Weed.
..dread bp, well Hest-osuld eat -wan always btaarr. and aeveer had •
ink ,tatsasa. The in.,. wise was with —. said the 'medicine was weedr-
rtd stn s m 1 sot along ss nicely after h•vlee bad ss ouch trouble Inters
Sin kneads to recommend it to all her .chert.¢ vatic:1u Everyborb is
astonished at me because I only wei=te.1 1,2 p•••.r. ,e before and now 1
we eb 136. t have had arveral ladies tome to me and a.k about Dr. Pierre's
medicine. 41/1 sun wiilinr t, reron,.ner,l .t to :.0 who .,; Yer and want bete.
If nay want information 1 till 5.' x :til , sive it Li them:" Itaa. (tear t Cans.
Style ; Qaality
erhaps you sometimes
wolldet why you hear so
much about loth Cen-
tury Brand Garments. Look
at the exzluftive loth Century
Brand style pictured above
and„vOI well maize tha t style,
fit a"' t t itlity are account-
able for the repntation of
these garments. You cannot
get the same Kyle or s.ttisfac-
tion in any other make.
We are exclusite agents.
Waiter C. Pri1kaat.
5HE moat appro•.ed designs and trimmings
in Millinery Goode are to be seen in
MISS CAMERON'S stock. She will
be pleased to have the ladies call and
wsrw.. \.
Hamilton Street • Ooderich, Ont.
Store News
loll can be shown & large assortment of fall mods : noihte
Hasehurners, Oaks: Ray° Lambe, Oil Heater,. We have put
lot of work and careful attenti6n into our Stove Department.
and it is a pleasure to show three Roods to you. We are proud VI
them. as they make customers and friends.
Paadorll Ranges
Are the ranges we iike hest W show you, for their good feature -
are a pleasure W explain.
Base Burgers
li'hen you are looking at ems! heaters ask to me the one .t
the m svahle Are • pot: the one with grwt#+s that move on who
that a child can shake. ft is called l(celery's F,mous.
Oil Nesters
Are used very notch now, es they are handy tis move from
room to another: they are quick and good hewters. We are
displsylog a Dew shipment.
Throw a besstiful whim, lira Is mush eppresisted for r' d I-
iog( sad stsdyhg teens.' desk toilirre them desseu tented.
Blew spun trawl' a. sb, until 6 p. m.
The tiowell ilardware Co.