The Signal, 1912-10-17, Page 1OA's sutiancry Look eft, turf Red Id phone fns+. Weeds. • Y • pt.. ANY. wee offset Vit • irge tar'. cs ONE DOLLAR will bring Th. emend to the oddness of way sew subscriber Inor thi (treat Britain booss date to January 1st, 1914. Subscribe Now. ells 'I1 soUR1S GODERICH. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912 ARE YOU SO RICH that you WM) n0 ieesetive to nate ? 11 Dot, remember you era io06 r0 U0,4s'S a000uot in the Sternen Baak wI slam Head O&e. King and Bay Streets, Toronto Gioderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager NO WEAK SPOTS - - I N -.- The Mutual Life Co. of Canada A. G. NISBET, District Agent i•: NEXT CANADIAN RANK OF (,OMMERCE. C.ODERICH 'I}HOIWS: Orrwz *1; HOOSE 100. P.0. Box 3ttt - G ODERICS BUS LINE Two 'buses aoeet ail idea. Private calls bah' prompt atld careful attention. fleet -ohne livery outfits at all threes. Reasonable prises THE DAVIS LIVERY F. & T. M. Davie Proprietors _South Street 'Phase No. 61 IGEO.WATSON PRACTICAL TAILOR hes e too ahnea�isdb�kase e�� 01ae4 w wlu bs pyW4 to em en -- esdomerL N wltl 110 007 INV sera CLOTHES OI.xANEb ' REPAIRED and MISSED la the b.R .tyle at -.-este prime- OiVE HIM A CAiL. ounesamommoso LOST Ot 1/011116L -SEVEN HEAD - OF YOUNG SITUATIONS VACANT. AcRER WANTED. -FUR 8, S. Na 9, Colborne 'Maloof. Dude. to com- mute, is January nSIL Apply. -wine ua11- IketJoss sad star, iipectel. •o A. 1. WIL- Ll♦l1ti, Secretary, Dunlop, 321. L1E4IRIli To LEARN ELECTROLY• 1318. -Removal w hair, modes, Na e Dedsefe�t. Write for terms. MAIZE • speaWt >a Daly Avenue. Strut• toed Oat. Int. ANT 000D GENERAL TV MeV *R8. J. F. ANDREWS, UJ.LNTED.--A GENERAL SER- VANT. HA71. N guest to MRS. CHAR. wC.Ax- WANTED.-A GOOD GENERAL serwot. M112, WM. PROUDSOOT. !]IRLB AND WOMEN WANTED lT at the Coderich Evaporator. 11 F. HA M LINK. FORSALE- R SALE. - OKE TREASURE Heave. asset, mew - prim rea.esable. ly to ALFRED J. ARMSTRONG. R•ftent Nowt DOULTRY FOR KALE FOR iM. .1 MEDIATE iris. 8) geed cockerels 8. 1'. white egberwe aid white Plymouth rock. Mem Ma Is laristt s�+w)n. 9t each. Write peer want* to J. C. ULR8T. 3eom girt. VOR SALE. -A SMALL QUAN- eeLee'�gimnnTITY if kiswlehd tomt:or ; • seed flvsardI7.fiererneen. Amply to MR8. LUC'AA o.roer oltt street gad brie reed. R SALE. -THAT VERY DEBIR- AIiLE let W0et sr m7 redba» ea 8t. rest - dent Sal aioe43I le.. Crescent. n the is a host MES CLARE. :S-tt twaet:b0�w�'e• harem we R SALE-TWO�'TORY MOD- • miter, est �Ovreag.O.• . a(, yWadies a Meg A R 0114 -T beam ;saves NO D- �l tiOr, t1Os waj IeO4 b •bathroom and pantry. Apply e7 --tt. "rO se INInw*O4- rlOYA8 Drees atm- 9S-tt Y, AN' IMPORTANT Announcement The Winnipeg Free Press of September 21st contains an official announcement that the tine now building from Winnipeg through Weyburn will be the New Southern Main Line of the C. P. R. • y to the Coast. This means that Weyburn will have Y four main tinea of ths Three Great Railways, with steps acid yids. Weyburn now has 133 buildings under Oyalion• This is your last chance to Secure a int its the ori`inal townsite five (s) blocks from the Wan of dh* city for Saso.00 on easy terms. A C T N O W We will gllrs*tee this investment. inisnastion gives, en all Western Investments. a v. 0101110011 & Company watspnnr woww L atm t r7W Ire wiTloaif, RAINLATOHEW AN r THE IIONAL PRINTING CO.. Ltd.. Posuaemm FOR SALE OR TO *UT FOR BALI. -MO AORilk aa4 EL osseendeaaoiler trams�ett Wasi sad hotwo odes horn ss. aMw ner SAY I'g is :geed • hwaster hell. ard Pomiils easel he ALIT. R AkatTensete snit R r. Abs. rR SALE. -A BUILDING LOT A]n Newest' street Apply to F. J. PURJD LiOR SALK OR RENT. - "MAPLE • Laws." the proses;basso � tinier - aimed. mew Newsom Casnielia read. Po+ssolea oat be elves October let. ee seesaw If land. Term. 4 .o it purchaser. ALEX. SAUNDERS, Uodertcb 04111111 (.4% LeALE. -THE 100-AORE FARM i. Hit coecoodon ofw understood. le tight rood beak include wind die, .01 bank liverytiina to good ordelr; (yamitzes watered by spring creek- ]mad dews. In every way one d letzoo oo hots to Lb. township. Situation mart ter market towns and C. P. R. station. Poeamdw elm he gives to the tall ANDREW JOHNtpT'ON, .new P. 0. t7tt. rail FOR SALE. THE EAST Mit of lot one in W AWL coogortain Divides111aasf the 't�i[ ♦0h shit of • frameehhouuse .ad hame7 haef• e y •.asallorchard. tror p.ryp.epr op�r uederwlgned. PROUDPWT, H♦Y8-t KIL LORAN, Ood.rtcb. 1241 1RBT-CLASS FARM FOR SALE ▪ ' cute rent, lot 1. oean.sdoo 7, western dirt. Soo. Colborne township, It. &arra with first clam hoose. with modern convenience.. good oank barn, good orchard and plenty of water. Farm has been in pasture for tenerect Would rent house.epar'ately. Apply to F. W. -McDONAOH, Carlow. (Jot ER SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND li mils worth of the town of 8e•torth. else loam, all render cultivstiontriune :hank both. with osment toners- large triune lose,' �, final newly taunted, all in geed repair; well at both born and boars An Meal home. APIA/ to IMISB) SU&,1 E UOV ENI,OCK. 8eatorth, Out. 9041 14 rise street NOTICE Fth A AUCTION,NALE2. -W6 AKKE PR& AUCTION SALE �( $ ear (ick» 14 ti segJ T Y.FI V etas Oat-.grill Hlll.p AND DOMESTiO Tos 7}l a.eaga asst t newer , !M M e „wiz tweets halters, tom years old outlaw at osw mutters and spet�er • a beach of w.2-bo01 oaCW wd It yw yes tike haws � ovate it will t�elt�d •sd s» 7t...: iteaa menthe' esedlt an htraLaiat f•Mst sites. A deco nt at w rate P.11.17.:944.6 ies asst aWwsd hr oath. C ♦T THOULII O 'ND Anotieneer' woosattent, et lEsisim�at , }rtjl t TOWN OF 'RICH. TAK=)i0i10E T THE MUNICIPAL e..arl et the at w town Wools rash isesuds to tet • anew ern l at6eld wad, la 11.•34 tanto, between Esalao stress ass w4..trgot. tut tnteeds be seems a Perlin of w dant t banal pea the real M 1 cls bra rd tlweby, owMew1101 p1 H.ysetd rod, okra Igitie rat., sal to 1•vy -+►eh art tat ti montes t10 e,J, by tweft"•a ..i.pe�a/alirrne r.nis; teat. �t � Amines the hands liable to Iwo- =7: ro plwms to b. .pec1•tb meowed ter mkt brae the MEN 1he a �• we wo�Ttcue corpora aoe.sthseef e Is sew 4kd het In the ease m rade edWlr• sed is gee beam TheAgoweals beardsA assetday aadmit isherdet snorts. crew a lm emu interested weep r. by Lw cognisable Dated the tet b dry rattle - eche p pt et- t. b.coot aswlis rta1 of art Vas. Use Pith Of ellsest. atMt UM as e•1et- b, for the meowthe t s' 10 to Leake andwhich !}rk. eoart- tuber. 1911 L- L KNOY k• ,/ 1LEARiNO AUCTION SALE • l or FARM STOCK. Mr. A .drew Johnston will sell public gun tios u lot 7. swamies 7, le. D.. Celborue. on MONDAY, OC BER 90, oommooairM at 1 AWnk one tweed mane. .. te. be to teaLip I:: drilling beret, one geed work we new, svw}eawa e14, iecalf : eon 0.w. three yeas W, ss.! pored to be in oaf; w her ,cane }ss ; iiiDs sew; ave ewers, years grid ; Mass. riding latheaid r Med Labour • rTltwS ut<GommicH. TAKE NOTICE T1'*i�T THE MUNICWAL council of the oer00 d w tows of Oso. ricb street. tyea s nlse-Heel �ewe1 es Mary stet. le 1 4001 Mtwrea Maga- a both .tree[ and s• reset •N Weeds to Il•.ae.. • portion 02 good rest r e r»lp{.roleityNle Mosotho' e�/� tbarobr. terming Wallow ng oeaaillear teres, este char____ atore•ai1. heft era t said points, ami 9. levy herr ns. cost to the frontage there- at. eeat. by twenty en al aamess10enta : and that • •taintiest the lends liable to sad proposedto a meially ,..'wad ter the said work. and themes. of the owoars there - et so far as the same aro be .,:certataad from the tut revised 0rgtema•t roll and owrw1, is now filed in the Mies of the Berk of the mooicapalityr, and le amen for tnap..t losdeduring ofllce hour-. The ed .vat of w workis. 9801, of which MOM. to be provided out of the general foods of t moolci polity. A court of rev Wen will be beta en the :ala day nf October, 1/1; at the hoar of eight O neck in the afternoon. at the oosaell ohom- Der in the town at 0o•0rieb. for the pa1}fatf at hearing complaints a.miset the ,..; gib aw setm est or the artetleA of trap meets, or soy other int rr- woos interacted t0 [make as& wbict, is by Saw co1n� r,1ar1 Dated thin 9th day October. 1913 9491 L L KIgOCC-., Clark. were, ug pompdo metra Thew wee bens r.tsre.A r , ss Mr. JMaNes le leaving W hers♦ ter T AL sow d Ms cid . caw ; 0' Met =woven eaves smet LOW be ggi1ver es raeeWt31 sir M sorra • dl+oee.1 at bar per ars-1. a2.wed for sash M credit a mesnt. ANDREW JOHN.fu,N, TH08. 01?NDRY. Proprietor. Aoetion ep. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OR$Ek1 HARNitee. BUGGIES. WAGONS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FUR- N1-HINO8. Mr. Robert -C. Keg will sell by public .uc- pae at w King Edward hotel, In the town of (±04.1!.1 en SATURDAY. OCTOBER M. at 9 o'clock ..ah1a�rpp read Octillion Prodigal Bon. h P-t11g s.00dd Meek baso and • money - at time of sale. ewlt including • tour - with hie harness and caller. Omegas& mown mare. seven year. old. io foal to Prs&Igsl ass: two rear of giggle bar. ser - two cutters . two -heavy wagons : one runabout. AJa0 at1 the turultnre and furnishing*, elec. trio whine sad appliances, and - t CCec •ad about the fibrae. It is well fur. Malted and this will be aa ezoeptebal, chance u buy dining -room furniture, climate. cutlery. 41•4awart, ate„ Bedroom limiter,. bedroom setts. Collet sets. carpets. rwrtaio.. blinds. .trine*, mattresses,. Ota Reading room furniture. writing de-ka. tabes. chairs. picture., mirrors, cigar 0a -ea. clocks. etc. Kneene furniture and utensils. Mr. Kung Ls moving to Clinton and there will be uo reserve on anything; it will all have to arta Teres,. -All rums of 91 and under, cash over that amount. eighths' mien will be given on t,rn3hing approved dint notes. A dlecoost of tour per rent. straight allowed for 44.l on niacin amount-. R. C. KING, T. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. L1OR SALE OR TO RENT. THE comfortable brick ioa m at. corner of Bay- ard Britannia roads; nine rooms ; tnodent ooaresieooa•. Pose.slon can be given at once. Apply to W13. WAITE, Bayfield road, Oodericb P. 0. or NIELSON HILL, Lon- d1boro• P. 0. D -U. FW R SALE. - NINE-ROOMED lure un Key. street ; town water con- nection, alai cistern. Two iota with number of good front trees. For terms or further par- ticulars apply to MRS. FIIROUSON, oo the premtees, or 110111. YOUNG. Elgin av»oe- Ittlm LiOR SALE. -TWO VERY DESIR- E' ABLC houses. oonvenient to tac1srise see tread Trunk station. Apply to LRARLEa (JARROW. 24-11. POR SALE, -l33 ACRES OF LAND 1 on the gnat osnoesion of the township of Aa18dd. about I] miles • eat of Nile. Good .oil Dearly all under cultivation, most of it ea sbeed down. UOod orchard. Comfortable house with atone °calor having cement floor. Artesian went at house. Barn M170 with .tone teaadation : mule and horse amides, also other out buildings. Spring creek runnier across the farm. Fencing in good shape. Posesteo antis fait For full particuero apply to JAMES Me - 0a1 on the premWa, or Ain P. 0. 0041. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON al Huron road. • short distance from town limit . Lot oontalns two acres with coed orchard and small fruits. Frame house in good repair. Aoyoit wlehtng to inspect same will be we'0oms at any Ume. Apply .at THIS OFFICE for 3formsrioe. 30611 L'OX SALE -THAT FINE REM- waren 1 4Camerosooroer of Cameros y known A. MoD 1 ear W le for rale. It esuta3se de a. berm ±.tad' with the eholeen *efts 0t all There ere two brink beam, gosh et two stales. one built .mom w y0ar. lei tie 1111., as areps1repair.Dank 10.000 1107, seder• ece.vem,venlem0ea, 004 WO: y in one of** sant r fa reworable w+.., Apply to P. J. be t( EARM FOR SALE. -SIXTY-FIVE roes, lot 14 0esoonloo 1 E. D. Colborne.y and a hag haste hoose, kitchen sad either ; hard wa�Nr petmp u kit - s10 4.e eonoecrJm o0sd heroe bun teenulna brass awl O1Mr MOdeac ; gwi 1•A mile,at♦E�dam buyildings wall br▪ and. • iesElbrOesp dom Weed o - oA•e4-apes, t/1.sstt ewe other Mits. eke. v1 l4 erase Ashlers antics end IWea�y STSINOTONcan bo er JOhad HN SYMINOTO. Askant P. O. iLlm. WANTED RM WANTED. -NEAR THE brawn 0133s4ieleh. Apply tet farther in- motion o-motion et Leges) OR1e . 23--4 t TENDERS WANTED. �010 _- up ts November .c.o.gi.t t�itlMMe ul�,�be a eee0Pleted ea sr kdetotppJaty to. n�aaRa.oed Plans eet Mew, e.Ier .07 mitarela 11.iF[dtEs Ibeeerearras- Male lestau•s • OR ANYONE W ISH- 10NYAsekhd er ontatLled ib a I�eOae�WUS within a few mine ~t°read a osli.t It AUCTION SAtJZB- FNMA Y. Octoses Mk -.4.44psaa 1�a 0330 10prr >lwAteiosde , cor Dst(t1dv,. T.Dvrse►df auM90asw. tem aid AY. Oketivoia-stestien oak • 6 "a, aetri..er yen Ven Tw9t Rir.Oreseeriest -A cels et term at 101 t. Loot . desetas- /ii OWN OF GODffifCFtt TAKE NUTICe THAT THE MUNIOIPAL council of the corporation of the Lowe Gate - rick intra& to construct a rower ea lbiem- stop steam, to the said boom between■ street and Baldwin street sod et to wooer a portion of the final not hetes Iwo W real property to be iosmedlego kese4tted thereby-. heating or abu s1ea retse street. atoreaid. between gold-pdwt.. and to levy "etch goal cost •estrdeg tow front- age thereof by twenty AWIIIMS WNW aseew- tents ; and that a .tatement inew1ag the Mods liable to and pi opoaed to be speasau7 AS. sensed for the mid work. and the USW* of w owner. thereof. m tar as the emit hos be as- certained from the lot resteda»e�,reit aAl and otherwise, to now et to 111. Noce Nr the dark of ihemwnicipalit and tttepest for h- e�ee�jpm darts, office .401 w wort i. $330, of e re be wedded oat of the 700.ra the meal- �y. of revision win 31 1014 ea the mW dig elatter( , 1912. at W�p�g.(.tj�t o'clock ei ma pttereeo. at the tose.Yetmmbar la the hews of (Ni.+k0. for the wpm, of hearing aerlgiak•sagainst the pr.pMI.4 asomemest ee the •e.�tm..af)) of front.gs mtseoMemeot., or any ether e.rmtat which the interested mlorsYdloels to make and 0111! Y by law eett- D.W i e% dart; of • fetes. 1011 L. L KNOB, 919t.Clerk TALLION INSPECTION -UNDER ONTARIO STALLION ACT. ROUTE Fos'' STALLION INIP'NCTORB FOR DISTRICT NO. 1 Pont, ri snit ixerst.Ytot( DAra commoscse. dl0a m. . tJS 004 h. p. Ulla m.. LM p. s. m . ...il a re. .....1.41p. m... • 1*.. m 1MRm .. et p�aen ad. s. LseFt= , .•130 p. m EXECUTOR'S SALE. EXECUTOR'S' SALE OF TOWN TROPERTYMte Jane . The mentors az .' :_,.�'� ill g sggg� the ps viin a lends. e0 TYMI L-IA(a numbers AN wen 101. tome ealqi. Vet: aaicsrvoy. le11sWein K Rsir '0sosedr lcasad id ~upwNpOMswY'sis . awertos'w. Mv, tl tel.m llfits--AtaMMs of =mop rvasmA, se tbe esRloe eats dist tlhtter M OMm10r Soon • will ruble diked =geabbeto the ♦rs. Herr, �M •, 000ERICH MARKETS. TnYtinay. Ont 1711 wheat per beak bea i lei M a aaslrl�rw/��ea�►� 3 .,�;,, 141 beper per ewe is rotten per em r , pct beer w 3s toerperionda 0 m per ie • M „at- sew` 3 orik * gs i.. e41.14:tutM • e to gs sere M ft M (CLEARING AUCTION SALE .1 or FARM 3F0CK AND IMPLEMENTS. Mr. James McNee will sell by public auction at let 9, cameral n 1. Asbflefd, on TUESDAY. OC1'PURER 2f'tD. 0ammceaetee at 1 o'clock sharp : Oso geoid draught brood mare, twelve years *M, with foal at toot ; nue good draught brood mato Neves yeanold. with foal at toot' one draught ri.ing three years old. by Hak two draught gelding , rising two yew old. h Rakertleld : four gond mien cows. .05po+ed to be in alt ; one better, riming three years. Arte to cal q January 1st . five/OK steer.. rWor three lean old ; four good atema, rhino two reseeded • five .Pring nal re.. boar semi EOM a ■uuber of fowl. Coe H.a.eyHarrY 31s nee Deering mower. nae Money-HMtie web drill. one riding mow, ow walking Slew, Nee Rant[ plow, see re , of iron harrow.. one eat of disc harrow., two heavy wagons, Dam seedy new ; ~set of .Mies, one Wink., w tenor sl.irh. one setter. w deekil Nmtd lieagy. ezneLaval dreaNspsratea one bay -reek, • o wm gaanuty or nes. w pave' hew, one set of heavy harness, w enc d ghee yeses, ticks. .hovel•, shrift ewe wttmms...eller amid•. Ytirrytking wait M el. es Mr. McNee isa1"glvl14 m1w sp 11rg a04 111. pyre ter Tarr; AB mum se tae sail seder, cosh : overt that .M/ow !taut' credit will be given w fu spm . 5.3. rat note.. A dim- mest of he eeii. gib fwat allowed ter iamb es ar.'d1t nmsuwtw, .•IIQ0 Mc'EIf, THOS. 0UNDRY, Prewister. Auctioneer CLOrE %RING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLKMENTs. Mr. Andrew 00111.' will soltby public anc- one. 114 at 14.5. E. D. Colborne t0temeklp.nearwill•htt4aa on MONDAY. OC'TO'BER 21. oommeselag h 1.e, , i-. p. m, (Jae d bort! t icing Az scan old ; ems draft mare, ream leer years old ; one driving mare rheas elevenmyew, w t 044 ;; one &bring flay, to peen skidebts fooD ; draft g4Mtyt. Hoke weee. year. ell; is. gwtetr4 venom bore. bar mowed ; tour o.wa, supposed t0 be in =ewers. rising three years o3d t- three t hefaNa, raging three years old ; Ore letter, lag nee ,mate cid ; two .pd.g calves. term sow► elevenwhk. I dbot ww14 elf : a 'Wise :Lir. rte 1Mtaorn : nos Float & AroN.Fi award new; two mower, we . owed treebarrows. , we two stairs b�.nm cW.w two cep w one canteen, troth twee w rant, w Mg reek. ere gravd�: w faa,tur sok, paha hsw, w hens reek...hevI.. shah., author. ese W Mit. ear rep+ end pdimre. Omte•l. www. 1f m004034r. forty rode Meg ; tea rows 004 !tut a3apl1,, �t we seen et nerdsbermes. ber. ti cit 1.mWme, one w 5.5.t Meek ~h. ires-- onesirs, emsessl 410100 ,901* pent Ponta • «twit amlas� ...-4,m.... es r baler Ire. fear WierO'.`ewe • s..1 k tNe tarot this Tome All soma M mew d,, �evverer d0=dovde A &ics.urt of Isar pme0esa Ew _ Seat .yades it .. R.t,.s EnDrwiresI of Ropol Engine h Weld bolt Rf.tism. ±las wpaee hard Was the grand "Herd of • ms9Hls &mat:. .�rs floor of MIS hs tiMsstoy hso aril the resrih ps Tors eir..ielek _HAIM lirI61•7. 444 aseevaellames silted settees Ms eel pales et preys sed petal. .srlig ��t .'10 owls S1 401 Ob. ' D.rbrn 1* 101._.•1 Ow bard .assQ snail `'' aa": vary �� r well M. Goderich's Great Opportunity. The Town Council Should Not Allow Itself to Be Hurried into Any Action Which Would Endanger the ProspEct of the Development of Maitland River Power. Chas. Leacock, of the staff of the Ontario Hydro-electrie Power Com- mission, was in town this week on a preliminary visit in e000ection with the proposal to supply power to Godericb. He will be in town again neat week, and it is .his intention to examine thoroughly idto conditions here, prepare plane for power and lighting aystenis. sod give an esti- mate of the cost of introducing the power here, including, the,coet of re- modelling tbe municipal -power plant. The results of Mr. Leaoock's work here will come before the town coun- cil in due course, sod there appears to be no good reason to burry tbe coun- cil in the matter. There ±.evident in certain quarters a disposition to rush the council into the signing of • con- tract of the terms of which the mem- bers know practically nothing, for the simple reason that they have never seen it. The council cannot be ae- cuaed of any lack of dilieeoce in con- nection with the matter of power. Mayor Reid especially employed every effort to burry along the report on the Maitland River, and now that that report is before the council and the citileas the further steps necessary for the securing of a supply of cheap power will be taken doubtless without undue delay, and, we hope, without undue haste. The council should ex- amine and discuss any contract .ub- mitted to it and when thoroughly sat- isfied with it should pass it on to the people for their apptaaval before plac- ing the todi#11ilidimop. thirty yearn obligation. It will be remembered that last J&cuary The Signal made the point that tee bylaw then being submitted touhe people. merely asking whether they were in favor of securing asupply of power from the Hydro - electric Commission, would it passed put the whole matter in the hands of the town council. The Signal's conten- tion w.e disputed at the time (al- though it is now seen that it was ate solutely correct), acrd Mayor Reid fettled the matter by promising that any contract coming before him would be submitted to vote of the people be- fore he would sign it. And eurely that is the reasonable and rational course to pursue. We are told that Hon. M. Beck promises that Maitland River power will be developed. Well, let that be provided for in the contract. The town has found out what cornea of entering into obligations on the strength of prdmises. When it comes down to the real thing IT I8 NOT WHAT WE SUPPOSED WOULD BE IN THE CONTRACT, BUT WHAT ACTUALLY 19 THERE, THAT COUNTS. The Signal bee no Intention of questioning Mr. Beck's good faith --let that be clearly under- stood. The point it wishes to make is t hat what Mr. Beck says, or what the Commission says, but does not put in the contract. will not lessen in the slightest degree any obIlptieo to which the town pledges Itself. Mr. Beck may be out of politics within thirty days -the cootract lasts for thirty years. The personae/ and the policy of the Commission may change at any time, end sap contest'ster'ed into may be interpreted at any time without reference to anything but tbe enact terms whit:b it is found to con- tain. Too much caution sennet be exer- cised in providing a5ete.1 fire hose of the opportunity of 'ocarina the de- veiopelent of 'else Kaitlasd River. We have waited long year, for thial. and now we knew more defini telt' than ever before what it will mess to the town. Accordion IAA, report 01 the Hydro-eleeteic ('4tsitieeics, k wi1l. meas that Gederleh slim /Score power at ays.1* par h. p.. instead of .t s37,M1 foe Niagara power. it will clean tet 1>s 4044 of befog at a dtadvsetage whits compared with Raroased sed other toter east of In w sisal he ads to Orate • Agora for joipe' tau should he • 4191st maws nutty'', tee town's hithestelsl dsvekeenont. Is ties@ .es mop laps her a prier ea low as SW or 4.4 3. Is it not worth whits to Mash es airport malty 11• this f Weald It not be isaseuaahis felly to let tee,Noressk7 slip for tee want d a NOW easel= sats •aaefebee.s even at the price of a little more wait - lig If necessary The Signal looks to Mayor Reid and the town council W get a clinch -bold on Maitland River pow.-,. G. C. 1. SPORTS. Duncan Matheson• J. E. Kelly and Miss Mary Tom are the Chummier - Friday, the day appointed for the Collegiate Institute games. was r&231, w01 and the track et Agricultural Park was consequently in poor condi- tion for the sports ; but in spite of this a good pat t of the un.gratu was car- ried out sod the retaining event have since been held. The senior championship goes to Duncan Matheson, the junior champion i. J. E. Kelly. while Mies Mary Tom wine the girls' champion- ship. The priers are to be awarded at the meeting of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society on Frday evening next. The list of event and the winners are as follows : *Running broad jurnp (senior), D. Matheson, 1t?ft.,2in., H. Hallman. *Running broad jump (junior), J. E. Kelly, 14 ft., 3 in., F. Buechler. ]funning broad jump (under 15 year -s), B. Lillew, 12 ft., 5 in., Uraba•u Ross. 'Running hop, -rep And lump (senior), 11 Matheson, :ffift, loin., J. E. Swart R. 'Running hop, step and jump (junior). J. E. Kelly, 31 tt.. 1 in..' F. Baech.ter. Running hop, sten and jump (under 15 years), B. Lillew, ltd ft., i l Currie. Throwing and catching fall (Riede), Mary Tutu and Eva Sornerville, E. McLean and E. McManus. *Standing broad jump (senior), D. Matheson, 8 L. 4 in., H. Colborne, 'Blanding broad jump (junior). (', Kidd, 8 IL, F. Baecbler. •Half -mile race (senior H. Hall- man, 3 min., 3 sec., Unsworth Jones. *Half -mile race (junior), H..y Hunt, 2 ntin., 41 sec., C. Suicides t. Potato rare tsit'l.i, Esse Hume, Grace Warooet Running high jump (under 15 years), B. Lillew, 4 ft., 1t in.. H. Currie. •Vault with pole (junior); 8. Ifrimi- eombe, J. E. Kelly, tie. 7 ft., 8 in. 100 yards dash (under 13 years), H. Waiters. B. Lillew. Book race (girls). Mat y Fom, Agnes Saunders. •Putting shot (coni... ), D. Mathreoo, 'Si ft., 11. Hallman. Thread and nerd le ia.-r (girls), M. Welsh, 11. GriM b. Sack race, F. Bae.'bier. (' Kidd. '100 yards dash ('.pen). J. E. Swart. D. Netherton. •'lilt yards race (junior), C. Kidd, t . Hays. Three legged race (girl.), C. Welsh and A. Clark, G. iVaroock and M. Tom. *Standing high jump (senior), J. E. Swart., 3 ft., 1)1 in., J. McClinton. •100 yards dash (junior), J. E. Kelly, C. Kidd. •Rooning high jump (open), J. E. Swart., 4 ft., 84 in., D. Matheson. 50 yards race (gird), G. Warnock, M. Thin, i, *Vault with pole (senior), Harry Colborne, 7 ft., 3 in., J. E. Swart*. *Running high jump *junior), J. E. Kelly and C. Hays, tie. L20 yards race (senior), J. E. Swans, D. Matheson. Spoon race (gird), H. Griffith, G. Warnock. *Standing high jump (junior), F. et cbkr, 3 11, 5 in., J. E. Kelly. Quarter -mile race (under 15 years'. R. Hunt. 1 min., 11 air B. Lillew. •Putting shot (Jailor), H. Meede1, 2811.,Iin.,C.Kidd. Relay race (open), C. Hays, Je E. Kelly. U. Jones and H. Hallman ; t3. Cave, H. Jones, H. Colborne and J. McClinton. Pitching ball (girls), Mary Tom, A. Clark. Events marked • .were for chem- pionehip. Tbe proposed beae1a11 snatch-Oode- rich C. I. versus Clinton ('. L -did not. Come 011'. MOO Reward, 5900. Tee readss e& eine Asper wird be plowed co ears that them la at deet me dnn4.4 dbsse that a.oseg W hem et* ss.an all Ib dtarea. •04 31.4 1. ewterda �. Catarrh Cure 4.w crab paitlee eyes new known to the ..011003 hiter.•iy. ( atter' baler • eon dit.19OsalEIazrequires r come national CNtrr1.( le anWeer- aid wtlw« &e ±the bpp;`�e *hate. is"Meg the meet. �vstire.0l�gse oh 7541041/ w4y400ap1��i ne h Mir thathk i1M berm aM ler sac et r J (mime' �a(`U.Toledo.o. . Pfmib Pts. M moo Morriss. Name. wine. The wg111's elbsmpi..ebip h hies boll was ' wee by the Boston "Red loft.- Ited.rs of lh. Ar.wiis.s Leave•. the Sad saw Ming played st tame. ,. M _4&y. The beam team w.w with the Lialwaerlemom of 11--! le IOW a `eawi. 1. 7ar.d lbee New Teri Went. three, with es s 1s per 1 t web p'e1.My fee ems osteiting '. rbi !Iter p1•yed �io.siip sorbs