The Signal, 1912-10-10, Page 10I. hind raf,T. Ovronna 10 1411 Copyrighf, Books REDUCE O The following Ooi.yelgbt Books, regular 81.26. Special, 711o. List of Titles : "Life Rverlaating." by Mark Cotelii; 'Coniaoo Law." ley Chambers; "Mary Midtborne._L ►.1 Md`.utcbeoe; "Yeanedy Square," F. Hopkinson Smith; "Fourth Watcb,» by Cody ; 'Sieger of the Kootenay." b) !Crow,.: 'Barbara a( tb• eeows," by Harr Irvle• G, ern : "A Prairiedn(lourtebi . h• Harold Moose u "L a d y Merton Colonist," by Mee. Huss - Miley Ward ; "The Carpet from Bagdad," by McOratb : "Mother Corey's Chickens," ty K a t • I I. eagles' Maeda ; 'The Glory of Clementine." by Locke. Tke Colonial loot Sure OEO. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100 God -with. 4•11561` DON'T *TF LECT YO'.31t WATCH A�WATCH is a delicate piece clef machinery. It calls for less attention than most machinery, but must be cleaned and oiled occasionally to keep -'erfect time. Jeweller and Optician. A Local Representative Wanted by Lowry's Limited Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Town - eke Agtot., 121 Bay Street. Toronto, to sell lots in the Official Hallway Townsite of Swalwell, Alta. Fifty - Ave miles N. K. of Calgary, Alto., on the Tofleld Branch. at the original prices fixed by the Company's Lend Commie/4one,-. All lute within four blocks of the Rail- way Station. l►ata woommalmeaselietmfatea/t vaillIMINEMININIEW 11 FRUITS 4V 11 / / 1 •Vit,\��, / 11 411 TURN 1'HR BA$KRT OVRR tend you will Ann the contents ea good at the bottom as on the op. We gore you a swore deal Fruits and Vegetables Come and .is our diaplay. It will do your eyes gond to wee it. R eeuomehle viewable ia fresh from tiesfarm. The fruits Inde both the. home grown and dee produet• of the tropics. Roth maks the lines kind of wrm., diet. Our pricee meek* them a cheap on.. S.J.YOUNG Ji a G1OC1R Lamont TMR MYTH FAIL Cesuse,e teem Perot , t•, GRAIN. Wheat, bsdsy, Bate A .tbr aiij peas. J. 1i. Wise took deft prtae Ier emelt; B. R. Harriette Ind for white oats, ad Laidlaw Aron. !ad for tis- otby seed; red clover, Tboe. Id. Tay- lor