HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-10, Page 9THE f1 IU.L1 L : 'GOJ)ERICi . ONTARIO Tevruose, Cotonou 10/Ill • * ***** **4 •4, 4,44, 4 46 The Newsof the District ��� +++++ + +4 ++6+ 454464+4++ • 41 EAST WAW Kodak o,.7tb. • _AL the Wane ofKr.and � od4 the near - Jan l bas. Napo t,upbd •ssl, tam 11111101 e in Se 1�1eplace il0 uo d Coe - Oro to llrltwres 'ore Wigw- am.. performed cbe osesmo•y is the �' of Lilt inunodiats relatives. Vaud rite. 11oDowss= lift In the Afternoon tor Toronto S and flaveiock. NILE. wwlrllaDAT, Oct. �VOL vatuter aeewfesi wsbwbold Aso Coe - c ant aicc owaa. orser c6 M at Ebt p.m. etc i l'Stb, at 2� Ails •w ff. N'illaie, ties will ch and special m~iswlll�a ren ',teach at both services Thank -offer - jigs willle received. Un the follow- sodey evening a soared °remelt 31 es given in tbe church. James gowand other taleat Nom Uodo- e bare at.-rn engaged to provide _ asst program of vocal and Is- MOnen u,tuiett,wb_ieb iLaura nters with y Miss r,. of rAbove*. and aYr'sear mintetete Coodkskoseams Wool e o'clock sharp dares SORT ALBERT. MONDAT, Meet- 30th. SCHOOL HEPURT.--Tile following is ilii• report of No. 1. for the of the prattb of b..S.. , • marked orof September. Those r absent u.o.t of the csootit. Sr. IV. - Sevin Schoenbals. Vittoria 8male, Say Diction. Jr. I V. -Albert Smale. La. Willis. Dells McGee a Maryon Royer c syph Buckinn."HpCan . Jr. Ili. -[bra Buckingham. Olive Vi- ls, Willie Dickson. Sr. IL -Harold Smile George McBride. Sr. Pt. 1I. - Viola Hoy. Lorne McGee, Violet Wil- es, Harry NVillis. •Wesley Fielder, 'Riittie Dicksob. Sr. Pt. I. -ivy '.Muck sod Willis (Oauley equal. Ikon Hoy and Harrel Groan equal, GsdysGteen. Jr. Pt. 1. A-Keooetb Green and Olive Scbwobals. Pt. I. J-Jsmeo Ruddock. Number on roll S. Average daily atleadanoe, Patents are requested to neo that the pupils attend regularly. E. CLAar. Terieber. (:uL.dSORN E. W&DIK•DAT, Oat. 0th. Watch for bills announcing poetic. Wars of big supper and sntertainmeaL M Zion (Ooiboroel Methodist church on Thaakaglvlog ay. MULLETT. MONDAY, Oct. 7. Aeneas. --Mrs. McNeil, of Fullerton. has been vidUag her sinter, Mrs. Jas. Da* sad other friends in the town- ship A utile daugbt.er baa arrived at the hours ot Albert Rapson. F Trickett has returned from a visit to his home in Rowland Messrs. A gulch and Johnston commenced operations in the Londer- bnro' evaporator last week Frank Flannery iotends to leave in a few days for Monktou. wbere he will open an agency for M&-(ormiclt machinery. KIP PEN. fctutDAY, (kt. Lith. &moot RKi o&rr. --The tollowitrg is the September monthly report of S. S. No. 14, Stanley. Names are in order of merit : V. -Iliacs Ross. Sr. IV. -Ansa Hood. Nelson Hood, Alex. Mc- Murtrie. Jr. IV. -W. C. B. Johnston, Louise McClytnont, Anna Fisher. Jr. IIL-Bdla Collins. Matilda Nigh. Mar- garet Cooper. Jr. ll. -W. Sutton. (inset Cowper, Norms Hood. Second Part -Gila Fisher, Verner McOlymont. Grace Fairbairn. First Part -Fred Parson.. Agnes Nigb, Loretta Sutton. The boot spellers in the moothly spell- ing twitches were: Sr. IV. -Anna Hood. Jr. IV. -Louisa McOlywont. Jr. 111.-Marasret Cooper. Jr. I1. - Norma Hood. W. H. JORN8Ti,N, Terchrt LEEBURN. Tom oto. Or: t. At b. LegerttN LOCAL, -Apple -packing it tbe order of the day Miss Gladys Stewart was home from Gode- rich over Sunday J Moser. of Godorieh. came omit last week and put up a Dew wiodmill for Mr. (Cook Mies Clara Fulford returned home Thursday atter visiting friends at N ra Falls and Buffalo... . Mia L. Feagen .pent the week-eod at her 1 to level them up and put on gravel .... , championships and nine reserc� open KINTAIL WKDNESDAY, Oct, bad. A K tats' ('LLL -This commwity wu,kockad 00 Monday whet it be- essieknown t Wed aways°ddorwli7• Mr. Mac - win [rs:le was unworried and lived alone at be house on the Ink. Shore road. 8e was it church 8nadar morning hat Was not out at the eveetng ewry Oallooday morning bis brother John west ap to the house and found biro dead. It is supposed that tbe mea - eager m f death came without waro- bg sbortly before the hour of evening woke. Thr deceased bad been somewhat indisposed of late, but it wrsot suppooed that hie condition we. at all enemy. Mr. MaeKsosie was born in this towea`ip fifty -raven feun aro and spent his litehereHe a survived by one sister-MnPeter Clot. of St. Heteee--and four hwtbert- Roderick MacKenzie, seer. - tars of the Grain -grower: Association at Winnipeg ; Rev. Lbesis14 MiaelCee- tie,otBritish Columbia, and Melsdoch and Jobn. of MIAMI. The deceased eatagentleman of five. unassuming character and was a promlouot mem- ber of AshNrld Presbyterian church, being a member d the erosion and taring held the odic* of church tceas- urer fa thirty-five years. Hs ass held in the highest respect in this twttmunity, and the funeral, widish tot placr this afteenooi to Kiatsil ~try, e u veryattended. atd Ree. Jj N. Rutile largelyucted the aerial seri ices and the pallbearers mete Roderick MacKewgis. Obas. *mart. Roderick Armour Mrllurcby. C'bas- asoand Duncan McKay. SLY fH. Tresnee, Oct. tltb. P[nWaAL AND GgtvaaaL. -Tbe haasar held by the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday last was a splendid success. Every- thing was sold early in the day and the ladies could have sold a great deal more if they had had it Mr.. A. W. Sloan, who has been confined to her bed ger some time, is gradually gaining, but it will be some time before she will be able to get around again. The pipe. to convey the water over the town as a means of Aro pro- tection are now Lid, and Blyth has one of the bee: tire protection systems to be found in any shall place. and tboee who are carrying Insurance should get after the companies for s lower rate on their pr t}- .The Flax Co. are having a hard time this year and now instead of bringing their fiax in from the fields rotted they are just bringing it in to thresh. As yet the mill has not tltart.d up and in con- sequent* the prospects are that there will be no scotching this year, tbere- fore it will not be the benefit to the town that it was expected to be Fred Moron and Jas. Hirons while driving over to Br issels last Thursday r So frs- RHTG MAKES MONDAY SHORTr.R, BIER, COOLER. MSITMELY tr MST SALE Y MAIM S r i II IP _ • IP VIII It 11111 Dispersion of Me Penzance Herd. The sale of the Perazaace herd of Aberdeen -Angus cattle. to take place at Penzance Perm, Colborne towo- ebip, on the 17th haat,. will mark the dispersion of the last of tbs four pioneer horde of Ontario. About tbirty years ••to the Geary Bros., ot London, and Jas. Mcl•'arlane, of 8tanlev, imported from Scotland the first of their respective her& of pure- bred Angus -Aberdeen. A yeat later Wm. Stewart, of Local's -die, started the Willow Grove hoed, and Cul. Varcoe started the Penzance herd at the barns time; in fact, Mr. Stewart and CoL Varcoe made theft first our - evening had the misfortune to run in- chases at the same time frum Hon. to another rig, twisting the front axis M• H• Cochrane. of Qcetbrc• About ot their buggy pretty madly. They eight years ago. atter tis death Vf Mr. got to Brussels all right, however, and Stewart, Col. Versos bought from returned Friday Quite a number the a:maters of the rotate the whole from here took in Brussels fair on Fri. of the Willow Grove herd, cowpoesed day and report it the hest they have of nineteen head of choice purebred seen in the county. They had splen- cattle. in this herd were the did weather and L very large crowd. cbacnpionPrise-w(noenet the Toronto, F. Anderson, who left bore a few London, Winnipeg other principal veers ago, returned house Monday. exhibitions of Caned i io the previous Re was engaged in husioess at y erurit� the teat t wenty-8n. e years do Pincher Creek, Albertan, for some time, hu he has sold out there and is now Penzance hard h .+ turned out oiPr 100 in Seattle, Wash. He was unable to purebred young bulls to improve the arrive soon enough to attend 'bis i stock of the country. in addition to & father's funeral .T he concert hinge number of young cows sod given in industry Hall on WedneedaTheifers. Twenty-five years ago there evening was well .attended, the heal; were only a hew huodred of regis- being packed to the doors. h was a' t e r e d purebred Angus Aberdeen very good -fair night" convert. with cattle in the United 'States and Can - lots of fun, which seems to be what is ada; now the latest certificates num- wanted... .The streets are very ber over 190,000. rough at present, caused by the put.' During the last ten years at the ting in of the water pipes. but we! great interuatiunal exhibition tat understand it is the council's intention Ohicago, out of nine possible grand home at n Mt. and Mn. Windmill spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. A. Horton.. Miss Bisie Linklatee woe laid up for a couple of weeks with blood -poisoning in her hand. She is able to be around again . .(leo. Freeman is wearing a towed smile these days. It is a young daughter. LANES. MovuAY, Oct. ith. Leegem loo .Ls. -Mr. and Mies Mc- Donald and Mrs. Frank Scott visited at J. Innes' last week... ..Inst Fri- day being such a fine day Dearly everybody within reach went to Dun- gannon fair. Threshing menu to be the order of the dry. The Latter part of last week a man was supposed to fill three orders at once Mr. and Mn. W. G. Gardiner. of "Lion, were guest. of Mrs. W. H. Reid for an afternoon last week Mr. and Mrs. Twaealep of Belfast, visited at the house of Jas. Lane last week Mr. Ross. who for the last couple of weeks has been i cry. i11. is not improving as fast as his man friends would wish to sea W*hope by next week to hear of an improvement Mr. and Mn. William Btklwin visited friends near Blvtb on Sundav last. MONDAY, Oct. 7th. �irra-.—Mrs. Taylor. of BI th, 1. •Fatting +.t the boor. of Data McDon- .N .... Mrs. J. F. Thomson, of Gude' rich. spent last work at the home of bar parents, Mr. and Mea. nonneth erGau • Mr. and Mn. Geo. Fer- guson and hairy of Loyal, visited the boor of A. McMurchy last week.....A herr number from around bees took n Dungannon show on Friday and all report a good time.......Tbe monthly sareting of the Wowew's IInetitute was held at the home of Miss Mae Dren- asn. and in spite of the rain a large mother attended the mooting. Mr. Moore, who recently purchased , to all purebreds and g the McPherson hardware stock. is breeds. the Aberdeen -Angus breed won getting it in good shape and is adding I eve of each, Herefords three of- each to it all the time. He seems to under- and shorthorns one of each. During stand his business thoroughly and will nine years st the same exhibition in no doubt make a .umds of it the grand champion fat cat IoaJ 'lot Jas. Cutt is conftoed to the house with ! award.. the Aberdeen -Angus won a serious attack of rheumatism . . 1 seven times and the Herefords twice. The painters who were engaged Dai -.t- About the same results have taken ing ties C. P. R. station and bnildiogs i place at the great fat stock shows of have flashed the job end have moved England. Scotland and Ireland ot on to Walton . Miss Ida Paulin Smithfield. Aberdeen and Dublin and Miss Nora Mc4Jy spent • respectively which clearly proves the few days of this week with toe form-; superiority of this excellent breed of err permits at Teeswater and while cattle. there attended a trance, baying an en- joyable time Mrs. Curti., who; Laurent and Company. bad been on a visit t o b e r Durant, the world-famous wagi- fewtber at Inglewood. 1o. for au pant cies with his able company, appeared few work., returned come Saturday y 1 in Chatham last night for the third whoha been and Mrs. Jas. Jackson. 1 consecutive season. and was greeted had been visiting stands in De- 1 by a packed house. ho more delight- • troit, returned humor last week • , ed audience ever left a ball in this city, and It was the universal opinion ot those who Leard and saw Laurant last night that no magician in the world today excels him in bis magic art. The show -a clean one -runs a little over two hours and is divided into ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY. Oct. ?sibs Ngwe NoTit -Mr. and Mrs. S. Series. of Auburn, visited at M%illism J. Thompson's this week and Betsy McAllister visited Brussels and Jamestown friends last Werk.... Miss Martha Ferguson retutoed borne ]tet week after a mooth's visit with London friends .. .. Mr. tiorasky, of Toronto. visited at Wm. 'Thompson's last week ... Miss May Redwood, of the G. C. I., spent the week -end at her home here . .Janie+ Elliott. of Nile, is putting cement floors in John Redwood's new stables Ibis week .... Potato picking is the order of the day in this vicinity. The crop is good. but quite a few are rotting Wm. Henry is threshing in this vicinitythis week . Mee. Mggins, of Loodon, is visiting friends in this vicinity • Mrs. Ballantyne visited at Uriah Thotnpson's this week .. .. Alfred and Charles Asquith, of Auburn, packed apple(' at Joseph Bolest weekshow- ingfruit was of g quality. y that it pays to spray visited Bella Wilson. of Auburn, v. C. cd friends here last week M. Rutherford and Mn. Rutherford. of Reid's Oornere. visited at %Vm. Mc- Allister's last week There was a holiday In the school here last Wed- needay. the teacber, Miss Ntollivan, at- tending a wedding at Kingsbridge.. Rt. Augustine was well represented at Dungannon Mir last Fr iday r shoot. - At tthe Huron County Rifle Leagu which took place oo the ranges here Monday of last week. the 81. Augus- tine tine team got third place, being -only elevei pointe behind Dungannon team No. i and two pointe behind Colborne. At the rifle practice last Saturday Wm. Thompson wes high man. scor- ing coping .izty-four points nut of a possible YOUR HAIR NERDS PARISIAN SAGE. Use It u a Dearing-flatiab Daadratf -Stop Falhag Hair sad Scalp tech. Parisian Sage, the delightful and tn- notating halt tonic, is a true hair awr(sher. It penetrates into the inil. get. to the roots of the hair. kis the dsndroft germs wad wtppitos tis hair with jet the kind of sourish - meat it needs to snake ft grew abutsd- oatly since .0 introdogloo Into Canada P.rb4an saga has bad a>• immense Me. and here are the reason 11 does not metals gefes.uo ansa of lead. nitrate of idiom we wlpbwr or say injurious I t coma dannart�d!�,wo weeks, by killing thecomaa it stup0 fa111al yBt Int Promptly pops Maim of tbs it makes the hair wit, SISSY a.d hrxerian t . Italie. life sod beaMoe to . hair. it is eon ea stick a h thke e 1111411•01hair tads Mr. Murray express auditor. pard au official visit to Blyth on Friday S. A. Poplestone received word on Sat- urday of the serious illness of his mother at Exeter. and lett for there no the afternoon train..... L Hill re- ceived re car of lime and one of lumber three achy. It would be impossible to lot week for his building npentions describe everything that happened. From start to flulab the audience was convulsed with laughter. All classes of people enjoyed it. The childtsn were amused, the moi in the back benches demand' an hilarious time certainly excelled himself to deafening applause. and the refined. quiet person Laurant's manner and warmed up to the occasion. The two sesistents were oleo very clever. and Mr. Gradolph provided &pp:optiate music. The outstaeodiog feature of the ID -at act was The Mystic Chapeau. With bat the brim of a bat and an opera cloak Laurent realistically presented • score of characters well known in history The Inst character dissp- pesred altogether in full view of ttie audience. This illusion is one of the best ever seen in this city. -Chatham News. ... John Stewart received a car of cement on Friday via 0. T. R. He is still busy with his contracts, with good proepecte for a late season's work. The wet weather has kept him hock greatly ......Sunday morning was Children s Day in the Presbyter- ian church. The church way decor- ated for the occasion very nicely with flowers and • great many children were in atteodaoee. At the evening service Rev. Mr. Turner preached 'a sermon eopecially for young people. A. E. Cook. leader of St. An- drew'.churcb choir, assisted the choir at Westfield Sunday. it being the an- niversary terriers there. Mr. Oook is a good singer and was missed out of the Presbyterian choir in the evening. th twit . host. hiss Nat esamiat sad rit+r, nub Oestillahair ` trasideg ete` It. T. lush ('o ib„ park ago, Oat.. T1ss Pita aid or hew le only IID sesta all diary stowow nosy eT+ wtoilet goods am It R Wide (<ersa.teme It, seventy. -- A MESSAGE. Dodo's Keeney Pills a Sore Remedy for Rbsemadsea. Diabetes and Pais is die Limbs. Oriwdstone Island. Magdal Sept.ROO. --(Specill)-That Oodd's kidney Pi11s meaning a great work for the suffering omen iw denied. Meade ran leo longer *vy corwer of the Dominion furnlob- be some notes woman who is m willing to spook out andtell relief, lied deter. wbeev tbs5 con May, Jam McLisn, of this place. is awe of them. 1 sea flryeix years old. and wt t,b it crideal time of lie I bat conies to every weer*. 1 had ebewisatbnt. diabetes, is la way eerie so I mold not d w bsUt ti tee greatest Ia.1 Mot le two hoses d Osddti gassy FOR BALD HEADS. A Treatment that Costs Nothing 11 It Fails. We want you to try three large bottles of Rexall •'Ri" Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny it it does not give you absolute satisfaction. That's rrroof of oar faith in this remedy, and 1' should indisputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we hay that Rezall 'Ile" Hair Tonic will retard baldness. over- come scalp and hair enamors, and, if any human &genet can aetompli.b this result. it may also be relied upon to promote • new growth of hair. Remember we are lasing our *tee, e, menti upon wbat has already been ac- complished by the use of Rexall '7R Hair Toni:, and we have the right to assume that wbat it has done for thon- sands of others it will do for tont. In any event you cannot Ions anything by giving it • trial on our Tiber it guar- antee. Two airs•. 50e. and $Ifni. Re- member. you e&n obtain Rezall Reme- dies in this community only e1 our stere --The Rezall Store. H. C. Dun- lop, Godericb. -- - . - Cert and Kilkenny. The New Doctor. invalid, reading doctor's sign -"First visit, $6 ; second visit. *2." Invalid. to doctor -"Well, Doc.. I'm Isere again." An Irish waits, nameu Keony was n� ted for bis wit and ready answers. A party of gentlemen. who weer *toy- ing at the botpl, hoard of Kenny's wit aid one of tbem made a het that k would soy something that Kenny couldn't answer at ones. A battle of elsompagne was ordered. the one watt baA oder the bet took bold of the bottle mad eomm.aee4 to MOO it. The eork i#1010 riot with a "bang.' end flew into K.noy'. r.rut.b -MN' be said. "that is not the way to lk Ken out „( hM Kenny teak the cork month and •f4 but it's m oe wayto•` .' en es part raiin.,meter ran 'sa. e new pekoe of furniture sed mike K lurk r If n }as Ing �+a+e old sad se tin aha avodieo small Iro7 Fitwell Hats The growing demand for Fitwell Hats is due to their superior style and • quality. No other make embodies the same degree of distinction and value, at a popular price. Once you get to wearing them you will be a regular cus- tomer. These hats combine the Fitwell and Union labels as a double guarantee of style and workmanship. You can be sure of abso- lute satidaction by wear- ies ' ifitwell." McLean Bros. The Square, Ooderich The home of Semi -Ready Tailor ing. Agents for the Ihasoue . arhartt Overalls and Smocks, Fitwell Hata, Stanfield's) Pure Wool Underwear. remember =t that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the tact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS, ETC. -When you travel you will need • good strong Trunk, or perhaps a coasmodtous Suit_ase or Bag will tweet your requirements. We can furnish all your wants in either lice. AU Repairing Orders receive oar prompt attention. JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE RANSCONA REAT CITY IN THE MAKING Transcona will be one of the greatest railway centra of the West. The Grand T ru•k Pacific hoe lance shops located there, the Canadian Pacific Railway has established immense freight yards. aid it has been persistently rumored that the Canadian Northern Railway will move their entire shops from Fort Rouge to Tranecona. ict Tratwco•a'e futyre sera woo Luring city, as Well aa a taitwa$ eeSttte. p a erre ed rmlverai large n industries aalready eetabi , requiring a 1.. ge Onamber of inen. PROPERTY WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE many time. over in the next two years. and there are big profits for the investor who buys today. We have a number of lots to sell at Trans^_ona and offer them on very idvautageoue terms to (lode - rich purchasers. Write for our booklet, which telly all about 'nauseous'. Scott, Hill & Co. J. T. Goldthorpe 22 Canada Life Building Agent in 000E1110H WINNIPEG, PIAN. Rural Tekphooe 13 r 9 o 70,-M . .11 ` i W• Multitudes of People take scO77's EMULSION regu- larly to repair wasted vitality and enrich the blond to withstand winter colds and exposure. It contains the highest grade of coil liver oil, medically perfected; it is a creat -like food -medicine, scrupulously pure fad healthful without drag or sdmulant. Fe- dorsed sod advocalblid by medical authorities everywhere. scorrs ssfuslisosidrives out colds--nounahes 11s mfrbranse d the throat and hoe wad keeps them healthy. Nae•tag agorae SCOTT'S 6£RiL ION hr isms s.1 Menadist .aeras. -*sec tight iihmaa we/ .g 'cassowary traaidte. Equally good for infants, children or adds, but yogi mast have 4NIITria. a wow. 'r.n.eea. Ouis,i, *as ow. Uawewlse or miimitaa saseatise. 'Tita1 CaM►Ye Is wine\ Y saws • .trahlae ser Dem iWs work. Tbsasesa ecru :ma to Mw+M, Pandas, pw.lerr. eisl► Sabo* 5414.444 Came sae Ds.satis &clears tsars ennesis. Waterer eevire*. *went. nearest mss Imam Yalta A sarirass. Rate srit.sea Marr sire needs an ALMA tra44iae. Maa:,swe pre. apattur sent on &amikados to Preaslwsl. A ICE CREAM The most delicious flavors, wit b the best and purest Cream. serv- ed et the BALMOKAL (]Ara. Or- ders by telephone for lot Crease in bulk or in bricks attended to promptly. Telephone b4. F. E. BURDETTE araosasosososososo vwrwwa. L.B. Tape of the Singer Store offers at gond prices wad terms all styles of Sieger Sewi.g Ma- ^bisea. Some good ,wood -baht ince chines for eel,. Oil, atts.-hrnents, .pairs and neo dere for every wake of war ebio,. t ritual -tock of fang anode on sale, such as handkerchiefs for open.... cape. toms, rte, Kiderdown yarn for raps soil inettuitioas Mete foe trakhss aawse. Irish erorb•t pals Ate, lane ala in.ertinn •.a bend anal made to or.I.r oleo. Katie roma for hat triwnw'og. M.an.pe•I restrepbew, ieilMs, ate., and etutw•o dere thread. Miamian/ lose at sssader.•to mew.. ei====,====i‘ 1 a a 111 THE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE is still the leading range oe the Canadian market. it burped lees coal and gives better II cookiwg results with a small quantity of coal than most stoves do with a large quantity. THE RADiANT HOME HEATER still leads the market as a heater. It is generally ackuowledged to be the stronger' heater on the market. Owls,/ to the seorcity of haul coal we b•ve put in a line of O•k Heaters which win burn Hard Coal, Soft ];owl, Coke ,-r Wood. a � O 0 ] Ems, 11g Y flased � awd i 1 half d Bard C >•I etatflT red1 a Portland Cement We have just. received another carload of NATIONAL. PORTLAND CILM . Coke and Wood 0 Phone+ : Store 22 House 112 liklita�r.....rj ...fess =I i We are reoeivia a carload • week of Solvay Chestnut 1; oke This Coke ie tieing' oniv.•rsal malefaction sad a great Dumber or our eoetoasen ss M prefer it to the t cow.w moth cheaper. am burn very little more in it weigh,' on. y an mu .e c : roneequ you ucc. your fowl bill by fully owe-tbltd. We have ere. received another • erload of slab, and con give pr. anpt attention to any orders. O. , Shelf and Heist' Hardware war neverr more complete. Another barrel of Columbia Dry Cell Batteries just io. Let es figure on your pluuhiug, heating, effete, wino,. troughing, etc. CHAS. C. LEE w 1