The Signal, 1912-10-10, Page 80 Tavatntr O'rutak 11 i111 PASTOR RUSCI, AT ILLINOIS STATE FAIR Honor to the Soo Maas Haar to the Father ,foo. The Work •f Calvary* Progressing, but Far From Finished -The &lection ef the Elect Church 1s the Begin- ning, Net the Completion, of the Divine Purp•u, Springfield, Ill., Oct. b -Pastor It u&•eI I arrayed yesterday, the g Bed. 1i p Boort. his •,enialg tuddrearn Oa tart was takes tram PbJippians 4. ld, U: At the aunt of Jeans e, - knee thin bow every tongue "Pi�.. ano Roman mttectiei to Lopt that for Dal! • neat te•gId haa been un- dergoing a rewlut en �n He half et kalewl- ot e.IHe b7 to the elate intelligence. he am �� e>t at at this i• ploidy al{ if the wood.c. pl tiunus d �a devioss, etc. e *emu.don school exhibi- t/teas and what they Wheats of the amongst the of ttea•ral ltsremark mita on the improv $t of live . Moo poultry, etc. �ywad. Lee ttoek, boleti* S• the last fifty mooThe fruit" sad r•a db$ e1 i ydeclared, remind d. -r U there ova* have b is mon nearly perfect fruit cad regetahlaa OI•riew Epoch Beginning. T things an oerrebor►Uve of me Bible •,___`_, gfi� -y tett we are .t ""�e.�d Speck, coiled a the Segip The Reign of Christ ler a Years. Out alumina are the tK of coming Mla.daga, .bict► ond.ubiedly, will v �.'IMITiold� areata' 1L• Scriptures, Otaa�' ngt 401 d tLe Si Mat Des at e from fag a out Bo accuatomad hawe become. to • 1 • *. flat many it Sao nett hal nodi - ban JIM riot e1. There le ao .tu in ns the! there win b.ad nevidences t of the curse ea earth at the clue of Mss. alas'. Belga Palliser Adam's dle- "DAN hit tort Use moo Nin (Agfa Due Mote." �w► dasye of h . 1ga d Bin sad S.vest6 Day of R_ �fas aft ath cif rest �** "e's' d el feta the roll - x. Ihe rave a/w the 6�wgM�getkt�One mold end rebellious nod or boot the Divine ed Baton eats. Oa the o•atrary God has permilled evil ale a groat lesson until He &hell hp ready to establish His 'Th. touadwtbn of all the Au elf J rut sheen the a•crl- direct result loos been to But the titer s .f fes Church, the Elect, fosse iry ovary imams mod denomination. Thew pro- tected fa the First Resurrection, will ocaatitut. the Kingdom clam, emaci- ated with the Redeemer is HL glori- ous work of the future. Maay1 of as have not oppreciated the watt of Quiet in full; we thought *tat urs died merely to scant are GIbindegi dui the Appetit mess, He Is Church's aims. aat for hers "and fler this but also for the ho le world.'" (I. John ii, 9JMe ca . Hier will be ills aseooiatesia His card great work ret blamingns all , kiudreds. peoples and tougu•s frowhom Se died. "the Just for alk. unjust." The Day 1e at Hand. The marvels of our day are Merely the fermium' of this Thousand-Year- Asy of Messiah's Reign. But we man not expect all the good things Godtreht low; Qr will first be Just bro gRu- ms*injustioe will first Bove aa great fskment--"a time d troublsuch as sever was truce there was • nation.•• -Daniel The lifting of the veil a froewance has been delayed until now b•oau.e the effect of the knowledge in an un - sanctified heart is to bring discon- teat. This is the meaning of the Brat leas cuadition of the world today, which is toadies on to anarchy. God graciously withheld the light until sow, ao that the time of trouble re - milting may be duly checked by Hie !Leedom, which Or about to be net up, good for which we have so long pray- ed. "Thy Ktngd.so coma; Thy will bn doso on earth u 1n Heaven." P. "Every Knee Sall Sew.N A prt,grese s Messiah's Kingdom shall 1. eatabliehmegi, darknem, icor, iso.• willcont d before the light o carte shall b. filled with the know Ideas of God. until the Tree Light &hall light- en every awn -until there shrill be no aan.d for one to say to his re-tehbor, Kase thou the Lord, for all shall know His Jeremiah tool, St ;t4 1. that glorious Day the world will Me, abaadaat opportunity, tot only tar kaueiag, but also tor coming to obedience The Redeemer will be the Melper. the knout King, to reign Sad rale. and the glariuus Priest. 4. lastrart mid uplift; and th- (Tarok will b. Hie as.,.ciat.e and ).,,oi-there The wwN wilt then get cate great biesaiag of humane Restitution end uplift, •ad all who Muse the blurred oJf,.rrttwAy •ball w tt.atroyed In the e�pool sseee.•..s// math Thom will tome to po the promo. of oar not, that nee shall bow cad .very loo, oaths,. le the glory of Gad." Pope* Paid Neetterto aanm4. melte• 0 easel ,,,:1‘47.464"111 '' w. 'ship to i aup•ratitten. ince to I ghi o1 the Bata of un41 Um whole He oars seat the Preen Whim old "Abe Lincoln" B earners ,down by Premier Minister o4 Agriculture w Martin Durrell, the Fuchs way of Ntagora and the Brian bin fp.lt belt, people' iu OM why it was. But now NLPEA AURAELL, 1 - THE �ir►lilc � Lomaned the Q rhe THE SIGN : GODERICFI, ONTARIG Wen 'Chat Llverpe.i and at Puttered ier. Clea HI Ire Steck- ruder was Latest Borden as now a CHICAGO, alas*burn, by alas* today 0 htwo Cowolumn• act s eelu1.0 t o the .of 1,6X wW tit• secret roared noon lie to 1-14; decline to • shade advance. Cera dosed the same rvativea as Saturday arab' to k down; otos few d finished 1-1k on e0 1-tc up, sad pto- ei 1 -so, rIions dearer by ti 1-k to laic to Th. Livorpow anular Meese � today led clawed to 0 corn. n. oo wteatweed una4wr d. Berlin fiehigher Winnipeg Options. N hu Last ,year, when the ('cause were holding up supply to v up pwru: the racipprocft] agreement, Mr. Burda(, then plain Robert Laird Bor- d•o. toot Martial Burrell out to the Ott... golf links end tuttlated him lulu the myakwisse cat the ancient and royal game, or whatever It may be that tis• glfites call it. But it makes CIO difference ea to what the namo may be. The fact remains that when Mr Burrell had ban given a trial course coot tis. Ottawa golf links h. turned 4 Wt. Burden and aatd: "Wait until we get into power, ed then I'll show you how to play re%'batvms =with" before Mr. Bur- , rusticating ticating on his fruit farm, was called, like Otnoinnatua from his plow, to take • port to the adminis- tration of the affairs of his adopted country, But no mouser had Mr. Burnell Doss sworn in as Minister u} Agrtou1 re in October lest than he mad. up 4.4, naiad to prove that his challenge to his ohm: was no vain boast. Ha could trot play golf in winter, though he became a member of the Ottawa Golf Club Not as soon as he maid, atter he was sworn of the Privy Council, and he tried his prentice hand for • while even while tho frost wall reddening up the pumpkin But if he • do something not play gulf he detrrmin- •d distinguish bungs a mm .ber of lse which would Rideau Club, and be had not boon r member thereof more than throe weeks before ha woei the amateur bil- liard championship of the club, .ad so he remains to this day. despite many challenges. But may be at bil- lards, good he Minister �l Agriculture la anhave "friend of golf." liver elutetis noa . boon open this year, whist - ever tis. w woL4.r, oo matter whether it has rained or whether the sen bas been shining Martin Burrell has bun "On the job." Me defeated Mr. Bop White adeond 0... 0. H ?erl Um gismo ith leey, and he is now wailing for new heroes. of the links to conquer. Mar- tin Burro 1 Mt at the Ottawa links. &+ enthuaiutt0 has ho become that be ppl' s until the coddle cannot sae thed ball and until hfa Rowife"i, afraid that the soup will be cold before Mar- tin gets home. Nothing can stop him, not moo the Lord's Day Act, for when Minds, oomms be is on the bolts by ten o'eloak and he stays there all day. Bat the, this Ottawa golf links are located in Queb.e and the laws of Quebec do not prohibit Sunday golf. theme. Bet export oiasr- tee wheal market receipts northwest. wee ataad>. Viols New Y. M. C. A. Plans. aA important more was made in the Disorganisation at the work of the Y. M. 0. A. in Dada a few weeks at s national °purgation in Win- , T. M. C. Al was placed' upuu a more natbnal basis. A Dominion -yids diem ration to be known u tha Oana- n Oaatventicai of Young Men's Christian Vgogrtioria, having .a exe- cutive agent. th. Canadian National Commit oonaistfng of 36 4046 was founded- The National Cuuncll is to provide three territorial cwmudttaea who are -to look after work in district* allotted to them. Theme will take the place ateoa. the fit msnt nmd.l oom- appotut . National Council is to general secrterry who will 4.. 14.noprimentatAvo an the work of Decathlon cup rvialoo. Each t rritor• hal .thio! ties will hate 1te tesveling secretary to look after detail in its Bold; aim, a local treasurer, who will hold the p ttiuu of amistant treee- carer to the National Comae/ I Terri- torial budacrte will belopPromed 1s7 the N&Uonal Coupe!). Thu •z/ating provliucial organisa- tions haw decided to dirbwd, The members of provincial 'committees .re elected l members of ams. naw National Counci Aa regard' the polo of the clew Y M C A scheme, t4 la agreed that 1t is not intended to Veak•n in any way the hntornrth bond between � 'United ns of Amada and the what have 'd the the aim of those Wh..satiis bad.olmmo he roorganl- urVts cat a7 un abs Canadian 0! work f t4•tboT. M. 'A. to make the work As atlon in Canada effective as a podium,] force. (Science Versus Strength. • surprise uouj y win over Haloes was y theloboston Ian sooner and his trienaiswrybody slur lo ounoeded Du op a ry up los superior style, hiss skill, mad hL par fedi kuugywlegge ed 'the course Haines prf bhthe lisp huge 1+a much admired. itldicat.d strength e4 4 purpose, bu (acv beh�y� ! .air with but Ai, stumble a�r - ^te, with the fo- oilthe sod denoted lack of palish. ace ,i wafted him as anything but a Sol shad ovular, each ILA his opponent. No manerr le an !n this 1 world hula better an Duras* . He la a perfect expoiseut cat the al t of mulling, with the Itghtiress sad debeady of touch irks the born bill lard player, rupie. thiug that coast* be rcgaired. but mutt De both lac are a hi ase • watermsm, Duval physique, and themes11 slender lack the ball to ea had t boat td s s (skill in hoodlum Meson has gain 41 • victory, and the t„ gar • all *mood -Torus- to Oxen Pre,. Wheat- Op titin. Low. Close. talose. Z km Hoy.p LI tilt 5Fu draw i fir. Batu*. Novembermyte a De AC er 1, Toronto Grain Market. Wti.t, naw'. bushel . . 41 41 to t,,,. Wheat, goose, bushel eft Rye, bumbel --- el aarl r�shel Now bushel Itudrwneat. buena 0 s 4 imo i'01 Toronto Dalry Market. Lcreamery. Ib. rolls... 0 a 0 se utter, creamery, iodide.. 0 n 041 seer, separator, dairy, lb 017 0 air, store lots 061 0 new -laid .. .. , new, lb , extracted. lb Honey, comb., dozen Ota Ott 0 16 16 0 134 76 5.a„ Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Oct_ 7. -There was a tale from enquiry the comment for wheat, oats and the United Kingdom but the demand from wore nitedsenerKinut w op poor Cables did were teat and lit• w tar out o! un. that Do Irmo g� but, &s a Tim hada on meta .ppp�•a Q aelcportars ars out of at>D• of sbang doWere aoc.mt•d ams Ottani.none ' belts. The local trade 1a oats os quiet A solo of 1•,(00 burn•, f Ontario tasting belie/ w&. mad, at Flour fairly active and steady Wa- tered. "ofor oa••maalIDyd��~nNick tending lthe Mater eseIIlZtl Ink miry. weawereb. un'spinsj1.14 ear ago. &rago. gge hrm,sra- d Am•roan, n. No. i yonow. 77e. date -Canadian western, No. 1, it{kc to ik; extra No. 1 feed, tic to some. a riot -Manitoba feed, 11c to no: mala tog, sac to tic, uckwheat-,No 2, 7ee to 7tc out -Manitoba s wheat patent". darts, 1.10; seconds, 4120; strong bakers. N10, winteresu..ltR.., 16.16; etratght RolaiioNo -_. : do., Vi 11.1 to /L•0. 11.41iala tins. f0 lbs., N[llfeed-Bras, kit; short*, 8r. "WA - d aha, ��aa to *0., mwtllil., t1 to IE -No. 1, p.r ton cat lots, fe to Batcw� t w•etera., li4. to 17.1.. Noloest . W1 c to W,4o; s000p tic tc 171(c. Lggs- /•lint, 1'!c to Mo; No. t rock >a to M. bay. oar iota, Sc to 70a tit K sed abeltotr killed Ili to Pork -Heavy Canal. abort neva bots., X to 44 p1•cw, 111; short out buck. 20 's., di 49 --C pal camas a76 lea., 1'ltaf; s}� sic ' ite.78; pmttat imam net, W..• 4.M; pui••t wood frost Liverpool drain and Produce. Oct t. -W t --Spot r' "". •fits toba� as M daturas .d O rhe°, D oisb, 7s new, tiler• kilr 1yy��dd7s-�� ureas steady, Ow flour -Winter s. er be 1. Hams -Short cut. 11 to 1e tis., t0s. Bacon -Cumberland t, 66 to 10 1be., 71s; mid°hearbbabes. 1• to 11 We, to clear tt to e0 llight, 41 to ; M 71., do , heavy, to 10 Ila, do Id, o1ear lacks. it 11 the. It., .quare, 11 to Lord -Prime western, In tierces, tet td; Anastasia rennet, ea ad. cause --Canadian, finest wblte, new, ate: colored, new, ale CATTLE MARKETS. Montreal Uv. Stock. MONTREAL, Oct. 7. -At this Montreal Stock Talo wast end market the r•cslpe of llye stock for the week ending wen Mil cattle. crus sheep and lamb•. late boys sad 410 calves while the aunties on the teafket this morning for sale amount- ed to iqe cattle. e a seep and taint. 11M Mop sad gib carve.. Rhe market for cattle was weaker fats morning, and price. were ?idly fik to MO pig 100 pounds lower thea thla dar week. which was attrebuted to the steady mete- - illy The trade opened alow .fid was of • arseOng nature thruout the day, ea but- cher and mitoses 414 not show a daps - Whoa to operate treaty. Sales of a few Picked, choice steers were oral• at X.X. while an odd Wed or two ohulged hands at 4.0,t�ooand fair to good cattle beougbt recto SS• good eem.od aim Mir loo pomade. There was and olf bons Wire �upon _ for eb -"."'y 114 N. . ws at tits to PM per leo pounds Tie r'eeetpts d sleep and iambs were la geabr� a good many bee con the offsri on the packers rutwe ooirepnot 7 excess of the market,.4.wee not requlremaae•, and the tW. Ws wee , ady. The demand for I= _warssalto 6 a' ' too 4, andef Ontario wbec at sold at 43 60 to 1.t6. a pucka and bounds Ewe enoa k .t tf to as per 100 DOWNS, The tone et the market ter 'calve waw firm aderrt�a .good demand sad amap seed• 1w 7. 40 a Spelt wen keg l wp or asago •tad pew* g1 pPhan& advance -- ouliore, an/ 1y+ ly w wit pales of cel ted lets fru 7W oda. w sated fob• a M 71 to w s+r Akashen' cattle. err cue As4p um, KW moo al to w kr camases. li f1to Iii , bl sdteee► t1�a choana cow*. M A to ; do. N s gilt?. ao . buil. It a M._. eursM mesh, talo to to tas04o. , rr.>b, W to 1M. agetseeealua •Wes RM to 111 bvo4. sir 11 naval. • 10 at nom fob. AIX ~ Sant Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST morrow dot t ostiosa no °e.` swoon and higher prime steer• wj M �;« gab of the 4.s w.7wg�ht n 1 °b"'. es to /its MOW Indian. Sere In pop are Not holding for the laat limed M be WON. as hundred over lags under e,*a► Lon saaia4ost and 441 i weal•itonsioe of the inmosee sly Held Owes. their a Camellia Indira year seaer the total k ob.ik"'.1 ..e w reek eisl Moat barn es to et't «1. he41eru 1 r 14.•; .1* Mht� wove ta.is sspae�de mons 4.m. , to lewrrAbeadesse /. *.M M u b 41.41. )hwry, 0.11-1,- hara to 1641110 te =tem to ti erasure ete� tltste Map Lot.1- -liar eesal toP.$ de Ka. wet/koraM tt NS - w.w. eb.+, stood. 1 to N Cheese M.,4a(ie. L%tMaA, Oat ,6%p: ea sheaNI r A L/S>tyL L1LADaR. I thirty years entirely to politica-giving hi �oxw f Su Richard Caelme grt'a r Caesaa- Politica. • Llan• and weans to a cause from Lwg Record which he cannot bops, in cage of am - Born Born to I December 14, 18116 Richard Cartwright de- scended fr s iMMO* rod Irish parent- age. Hie father, the late R. D. Cart. *right. was chaplain to the force,. at Kingetoo And hie mother was a dattghter of Conway Rd wards Dobbs, Dublin. A trs.adr.n of Hon. Rich- ard Cartwright, a United Respire Loy- alist, fortuer y • Judge of the Court of Common Plasm is Upper Canada, and later a inesosb.r 1.1 the Legielative Council, Mir Richard had a libIral endowment of intellectual and rtn- lltical associations to hid teadencie• of Irtec year*. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and afterwards became president of the Commercial Bank of Canada, an institution not now In existence, and of the Women's Medical College Eingston. He was also vine - of the Trusts Oorp. ration of now merged with the Toro end Trusts Corporation, and 4 the Frontenaa Loam & in Company. He promoted th Electric Company in 1901. In IMP he married Fran eldest daughter oft'olonel Ale Cork. of the fast India Cow vice. John R. Carewri,tht, K. puty Attorney-lienerrl for On a first roman. 're-Coefe4eratioa Days. or anything snore than an op- portunity to serve his country." But tate portfolio of Trade and Commerce practically marked for Sir Richard hie retirement from active political lift. The attainment of power by the Lib- eral party In 1368 left bin• io a posi- tion that did not call for hie "agree- sivr. persistent and untiring analysis; from the attack ho at once became on thedefeanive, and was little roeu out- side the balls of P.1 4.,1teot, Two Important Measure, Two oleo/lures of recent date are at- tributable to his adtnloirtration. The irate the ()anad- grain a.•t, passed two semitone alto, to relieve the situation in the West, where harmers have a grievarico against elevator men for initial grain, he introduced into the Senate. The appointment of Canadian tea,'. conrrru•slonem In different parts t ' president the world is another inoovction that Ontario, he Inaugurated, and this may poast- nto lien- bly- develop into the nucleus of a l'au- president action consular service. vestment With Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Lotto e Ontario Davies and John Charlton, M. P., he went to Washington in 1890, and was nes, the later a member of the Government x. Lowe, High t •. , vat at WeMh- ny's ser- ington and tiuet,tx C., De tat -in, is The story of Sir Riche wrigbt's life is largely the Canadian politico since Coasted At the tithe he entered Par the political parties were so divided that a . ou1F•rativ .ot,s transferred to one aid other involved a .•binge of went, Appeals to the neo frequent, and conducted :wit than ordinary ran' r. in'thie phare Si,' Richard .,erved his meotary and political apprent But out of the turmoil and un bitterness carne the most tin change in the history of Neither party could govern t try on existing laao.e, and unless issue was presented that woul wand the confdence of both political anarchy was likely to That issue wan found in the p nisdP by 11 cominittee, of wh lase Hon, George Rr awn was man, that Rarliament should co rnea.ure+. to Ming shout the ttioo of all the Province, of North America. In this n and superheated atmosphere Mir ard Cartwright received his pal education. At First a Con.ervruve. rd Cert - story of erasion. !lament evenly ely few J Literalism no one can deny, and dur- e or the log the long years of opposition, fac- 1 oven• Ing defeat at four sllCCwesive general b more election*, witnem'ng the withdraw/61 of Hon. Edward Blake and the prowo- ktmos- tion of a new man -almost a novice-- Parlia-1 to the leadership, his loyalty never iceship. (v.am-e The principles tor which he rest and stood were more to him than emolu- portant ! morns of office. During the absence Canada. of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in England to be coon-' attend the Diamond Jubilee of Queen some Victoria he was acting Premnier, and d coin- again in 2907. He was included in the parties Diamond Jubilee honors, and received follow. the Grand Cross of the Order of St, ropoeal , Michael and St. ieh the George, and in liial was cello to His Majesty's Imperial chair -1 Privy Council. On . September 30, nailer . 1904, he was summoned to the Senate leder- land succeeded Sir Richard Stott as British leader of the upper House until the Lrenundechange of Government last year, mince Rich- I which time he had led the Opposition Mica' in the Red Chamber. fo private lite his tastes were sim- ple. He won the title "(Gladstone of Canada" for om to demolish then dame dear* .1 tt the forest with an axe. He had a Runt fond• news for outdoor sports, Tleader- shipe had neverbbbeen hie, of and it is doubtful i1 he ever aspired to it. That he was the Nestor of ('anadia At no time in hi. lite cou Richard halo leen accused of c ery or duplicity. At First his and vote were with tate t'oniter, He had none of the chat•acteri•r trimmer, and did not even a aurgeucv within his own party the Government of Sir John Ma aid he gave loyal support, and the coalition that made Confeder possible, was carried out he I supported it. His speech in fat - the union is reemrded as one most interesting of that hiatorici hate. In 1671 Mir Richard withdrew the Conservative party on groan public policy, and from [bat allied himself with the Liberal f in Parliament and in the coil With characteristic frankne*a never wavered in his loyalty to his new a®liations, and, like (shad',tone, once the pointer was cut there was no desire fora renewal of old part y alli- ances. He had the courage of his con- victions, and on many OOC$*i,lns th. se convictions were put to the tett. Sat for Huron Ridings. After associating himself with the Liberal party in 1871, Mar Richard "continued to sit for the e .netituenry Lennoxof in the House of Commons until 187th, when he wan defeated in the general election of that year and later returned for the toilet it nervy- of 1 Centre Huron at • bye -election on the resignation of the late Horace Horton. He was an nnsu.ewoeful candidate for' Wellinin the ton lection of I882grind found a general seat Mouth Huron at a hye.elet't•inn on the resignation of rho sitting member. the late John McMillan. In 18117 he n waelected for Snaith Oxford and rnntinued to represent the constitu- ency through the elections of 441)I, 1896 and 14MM1. Front November 7, 1873, until October 17, 18714, be was Minister• of Finance in the Mackenzie Admini.. Galion, and won created a K. C. M. G. in 1879. A Great Financial Critic. DIABETES CURED. ld Sir The Cure was -- -- hiean- Quick and Sore When He voice Used Dodd's Kidney Pills. nth -es, Lower Abougo4gln. Westmorelafld ics of a hole N. H. Oct. 7th. i4peciall-"I hail Kect - l e severe attack of la grippe, which t . To ' developed into diabetes and Bright's ,.don-; disease, but Dodd's Kidney Pills cured when Inc. Yes, 1 am seventy years old, hut atinn I I am in good health again and i oyally hardly need to tell you i am well or cat sstistfedi with Dddd's Kidney Pf11.." of the Ouch is the story of Damien Boud. tl de- res*, of this place. It show* what* `boon Dutld'e Kidr.ey Pills are to the old frorrr 11 folks. They cure the kidneys, clear CIA a I the dregs .,f disease out of the Mood .1Ire and make the old feel young. nrrev nary "His Version.' he A lfisbnp asked :t little toy in lfao., themy ily 1.4.,.. Wenner: "How old may you The little boy, who had been primed to address the Bishop without fail as "My God, I'm seven h he blurtedouthelplessly. On the defeat of the Msrkeozie Government in 1878 Sir Richard be- came the financial critic of the Op- position. o..ition, and it was during this period that his power. tri * Parliamentaryde- hater eecame herr known, 0. loved 10 light. He lone heavy blows and gave heavy blows in return. A great orntot he was not. in the general acceptance of the Germ, but as a public speaker be had many elements well worthy of imitation. The faculty of condennatinn he in a remarkable degree.els was fine of the taw speakers of hie generation that could he reported verbatim. Tbe matter of, his .peechen was well arranged and moved with a lgticsl sequence that vastly facilitated hie hearer', in following hie argument from start to finish. Never int-olved, never overloaded, hi. eentenc.s were crisp, tr'an+pat•aet and of unmietak- *Me meaning. Although hie epeech.s were eonapieurna for purity of diction and felicity of expression, they never appealed to the inundator of hi* andienev. He might bare itppenled in $ rh.tori.*1 manner to the menti. enema of hie bearers, Mot it was Addisonian rather than Olndetooisn, locking inpsnsion, rottenest and verve. R.idctnt did indulge In soothing "He apposes to drought more Is the' .word *now .,f th. Vikings then in the piney of ('en,-' +aid Sir (igeorg. Rae. Ie the Leerier Adaaeia tabes. lair R4bard was a try -mat years of ago 'rhea Air WHMd Louder eater into power la MB. He was else fit lbw first to he incited to joie the sew Administeatf'te, and aseept ed the pncUollo of Trade ..4 Cs ea Of IhJie s a.1moat ai the tioteliao abbe ub um of Um whit we=re• 'bi; primmaw mad theegMn AtnMaq yyae WHEREAS lire ran a t=* the word Zea -Bok was unknown ifs Canes. a>ad Zas-ink is to -day admitted to N the haat Can far side injuries and Assam* AND WHEREAS it has bean represented ,,, us that there ars still some good Canadians. ar even some mothers sad heads of families w1.0 have not yet tried this great bad. we herel; offer a REWARD of one tree trial box of Zam-Buk to every penoa who has •tot yet tried this wonderful balsa I PROVIDED they send by man tf to this proclamation together with one -cent stamp to pay return postage of such bawl I AND FURTHER PROVIDED that thz.,• address such application to our offices Toronto. Given under our head this day. • t ZAMBUK. SCHOOL: SHOES The time has come again to get your boys and girls prepared for the fall term it school. They wiil need good st r o n g serviceable Shoes -the kind that will stand a severe test in any weather. At our store you will find the most complete stock of the class of Footwear that will give satisfaction, at the lowest prices possible. Don't fail to call and see what good Shoes should be. Repairing Downing 6' MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF 4QUARri„ GODERICH. HIS book is worth waiting for; it illus- totes all the new styles in Furs for *Wane women andchildren. I / It tells you what fur is going o be fashion- able; and f shion able ; gives you full in- s, formation about every piece shown and quotes _ - very moderate priors for Furs of such good quality. Thyou is b0000k Furs also roves to you that you take' no risk when from us. If you are not pleased wittrthe she, quali�j+ and fit, return the furs at our. expense and .we prompuy refund your money, /'' .. `` MD tis TOM lows *. s sOr ,m HOfi.Ralt peorip.a vapors, 3 t' 3tTiR er l'0RoN"rU