The Signal, 1912-10-10, Page 2iR Temmer. Ol-ronu Nt 1112 THE SIGNAL : GODERICR, ONTARIG • OQIIit10t ONT atm. ?UBLI13ARD EL" Y TNIIR8DAY • TML BlOt=4•t YAitiNel tilted lie. Ph Terre ell a rhe,rme. : Li. pper mama t risme. To UaNed�«� �sr a year .trtctly in rear.oal. 8abecriM , who WI to reGMve Tru then At •agulrrb by sa.t1 will outer a dear by w epawsatotind r tr of the ot at early • data as wises a dross et edgier b Warrd. beth add and theism rarer raaaid be el •r. Aewrtieing name Legal sal err roar •ntMrmars. tic pet lir ter llrK insertion sod ee Psr Ila. fur each moborquoat insertion. Measured by a woo vire scar twelve lime to an lana. Bu.teses Garda et ail as. •*d actor, LS pe year. advrtbemesb et Lost, Fouad. Strayed. Bit- trier fit- t rtier Vacant, Sit nations Wanted. Hoare tor little or to Rest, Farts tar .sig sr to Root, Artioler tor Baia eta. tat esosdlag Meat rime., ate each tneertio• : $1 for dart Tooth. 1�b0 tor each ghaqnest month. urger advertise Erste to arsesrtbs. Yseaseemesb Is ordinary mottos type leo casts per Its. No wilco leo. than Any mord trios, the object of wets► is tie pecuniary ►emelt et say ladividsal or armr.d atio., to be .ssetdersd ea dvertiwmsat and charred acoerdiarty. Rats tar display and contract dvsrtte► masts will be Mrs on apportion. kddreem an eem.an•lcatiott. to THE SIGNAL PRI`vil‘ti CO.. Limited. tasdstich Out. ooDERZCH. THURSDAY. OCT. Ie. N SIR WILFRIO LAURIER'S TOUR. Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Mount Forest on Monday concluded a tour of Ontario which will long'be memorable for the wonderful enthusiasm with which Poatmoue crowds greeted a de- feated leader. None of the glamor of office, none of the prestige ot recent victory, none of the drawing power of s man who bas favors to beato*t•, attaches at the present time to the Liberal chieftain: but wherever be went he was received with such dem- onstrations: of goodwill and affection as tall to -the lot of few men. Wt does it mesa i Dors it mein that t men of Ontario, who put Sir Wllltl Laurier out cf office last year, hare already repented of their action • would like to show him that be still possesses their confidence ? Does it mean tb•t they have at last Been through the campaign of misrepre- sentation, and appeal to passion and 'prejudice. and bogus loyalty, which preceded the election of last year? Does i( mean that a few months of Borden and Monk and Hughee and Pelletier sod Rogers and Nsntei in o18ce have demonstrated their inabil- ity to cope with the problems of Cana- dian governwerit and that Ontario wants Sir With id and hos colleagues brick again? At several of the r.leetiuge held dur- ing the put week. Nana George P. Graham spoke plainly of the sideline campaign which w;.s waged against sir '1V-iltrid Laurier in connection with the ne tewete decree. All over Ontario in Protestant , ommuoities Sir Wilfrid was held'up .ra a supporter and upholder of the decree. Had not his Minister of Justice, Sir Allen Ayleswortb, stated in Parliament that tbe Dominion Government had no power to override the Provincial law of Quebec in relation to mar- riage's Many votere were no doubt led astray on this matter. When the new Government came into power, what happened % Mr. Borden and his Minister of Justice, Mr. Doherty. had to take the same position as Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir Allen Ayles- worth had takers. and declare that they bad no authority to enact a Dominion marriage law, and when Mr. Lancuter introduced • bill pro- viding for a uniform marriage law tor the Dominion Mr. Borden's supporters voted it down. 3o with other unwot thy appeals addressed to the electors of Ontario in the eempaigt) against Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Event. hove shown that in public life be knows nu division of twee or creed. tial be it. above ail a great Canadian. sincerely desirous of promoting the harmony and unity which are necessary to the making of * great nation on this half of the North American continent. It may not be long until he will again be called upon by the people to rule the destinies of the land to which he bar given the best of his life. BROl3K'S CENTENARY. Terre Sur. The hundredth enniversery of the Battle of Queetsatnn Heights is moo to be celebrated. What ought to be the lagoon of tine-eIehrution'r In the first place it is the Celebration of successful reeistaocar of invasion. it is an occasion for doing honor to tier lana.- Brock and oleo to the hardy Canadian pioneers who fought bravely for the hones whish they wove making in the forests of t •aneda. The pioneers abnnld be bald .n honor. not only for their dehisce of Canada. Wt for their years of lonely toil is beiWieg up Canada Bit the reflective mind, which goes Welkwhundred year*. will not stop the war. It will be struck by the fact that fur neer*/. bttdred year* there has been no war hstween Great Britain and the United State.. And this feet is all the more note- worthy because there have been nosey troubiesome controversies between the two countries. There were weed quertioua relating to boundaries -is - eluding Maine, Oregon and Alaska. In the Oregon case the parties were evidently near to war. for the cry of "Fifty -foul -forty or fight" was raised. In lilt*•_' the eeisure of the Moutbeta envoys on the Trent brought the two nations clues to war. The depredations of the Alabama caused great soreness in the United Ststee. The Fenian in- vasion caused great soreness in Cen- eds. Questions arising out of the Atlantic fisheries have caused trouble et various timer during the last century. The Behring Sea seal fisheries led to another dispute. The question of tolls on the Panama Canal has given rise to n disagreeable controversy. All there incidents, instead of being discouraging to those who hope for tbe abolition of international war• are in the highest degree encouraging. when considered together with the fac: that there has been no war. 1f these disputes can be settled without war, why not all disputes, between all nations i' The tact that there has been at times a good deal of soreness, at times a good deal of distrust, also strength- ens the argument. 1f the relations had always been pleasant, the absence of war would not have been remark- able. Advocates of peaceful settle- ment of ioteroatiousl question* ars often told jocularly to wait for the millennium. But here is something solid that ban been achieved without waiting for the millennium : achieved not by cherubim sod seraphim, but by imperfect human beings. who wrangle in a very human way. and freely ex- press, uncomplimentary opioionr of each other. If imperfect, combative human be- ings can do this on the continent of Mbrtb Amerini, canoe hods human beings do tbe name thing le Europe ? What is the secret of the difference P It is simply sanity. to Canada and in the United States we have communi- ties established on an industrial and commercial basis, with war relegated to A subordinate position. It is quite true, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier says, we do not *bink of war -that it, they have to be prodded into thinking of it. `o it is in the United States. Men whose minds are zoostantly dwelling on the Balkans and the Mediterrt•oean are angry 'cud impatient. They think the rest of us are dwelling. in a laid security. and it may be that we do need a little prodding. But, on liar whole, the North Ameri- can attitude i- the right attitude. It is by hard work end business that both these countries have grown strong. With reasonable provision for defence, the industrial, commer- cial -nation will always beat the nation which makes a business of war. Not onig is it true that the two English speaking nations on the North American continent have been at peace for nearly a hundred years. but if they made common caure against an invader, as they undoubt- edly would. they would be invincible: invincible largely because of their cen- tury -long devotion to industrial devel- opment. - A FALSE PARALLEL. A contemporary links the "buy at home" campaign with the protection policy, and claims the National Policy u a device which causes the "buy at home" principle to be applied on a n ationwide scale. Tbe usual lack of logic and clear- beaded•ees to be observed in advo- cates of protection is apparent in this cleats. The "buy at home" movement is purely voluntary. The people of a town are advised to buy from their home merchants for reason. which appeal to their good sense and local patriotism. Not so in the case of a protective tariff. The buyer in this case is rompelled.eitber to purchase at home or to pay a fine in the shape of • customs duty. The merchant In one town. say Guelph. lass ots tariff wall sheltering him from tbe competi- tion of merchants in other eities, any Hamilton and Toronto, sad cannot add the amount of a customs duty to hie selling price. He must meet his cowpetitors in an open Geld. and be can make out • good claim for the sympathy and support of his fellow- townetaeo. But let anyone propose to place • tax as purchases of goods in outside towns. let anyone propose to place a tariff wall around each tows and levy twee on al goods hrougttt in from other towns. sn4 face the tumult such a proposal wool I raise, sod our protectionist plesdeu would quickly drop his claim that ti .' "N. P." ie oto all -fours with the bey at -ha a mote went. EDITORIAL t.OTrA[ 1 do not mewed that ms loyally °MMPS no4 of the see. f Ey burets -.ay loyalty it .n int 5.t." -Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Mount Pend The war joet now potties darted in the B•lkwns may be more of the real thing thee the Tripoli *ff , wb1s seems to be dragging on intermienbly. Moet aewspaper reader, of the pre eat generation have seen the headlin "Trouble in the Balkans at varying periods ever rinse they were childreLn, eh Tis w•ha. been • bag time cotuirg. Tme Ogawa Citisea finds good deal to oommeod in the suggestion that the municipal electtin, be held the third Monday in January, instead art the first Monday. The Christ moo holiday season ie not • good time for the consider•tioo of municipal quer tions and the election of municipal councillors. The Toronto Telegram quotes the statement of a New York State man to the effect that "good farm land in certain isolated sections" of that Slate is valued as low as $17.5 an acre. The Telegram seizes this u another blow At "reciprocity and larger markets' end Mks the advocate, of reciprocity to explain why farm lands are so cheap in the United States. The Telegram is a city paper, but we suppose an odd farmer here and there reads it, and any farmer or anyone acquainted with farming coaditioue in Ontario will have a hearty laugh over its sublime i000cence. Fancy a Huron county f toner being offered anything like 75 an acre for his farm, whether • o .olated" or on the main highway ! They are having • lively electoral • .ntest in Macdonald, Manitoba. Ilan. Robert Rogers. Minister of the Interior, is fighting for his political lite, which was seriously endangered by tbe recent triumph of the Liberal Government of Saskatchewan. Ile is straining every nerve (and nerve is one of the Honorable Robert's strong points) to secure the return of the Conservative andidate, while the Uberals and independents are putting up a strong fight for R. L. Richardson, the Opposition nominee. The constl envy. telneR aleiM•tbe city of W • nitwit, kr prepontitsrl gn and part�v rural. It sees! tb be expected that the rural vote will favor Richardson and the suburban vote Morrison. the Conservative candidate. Saturday next is polling day. • Newspapers acmes the line are tak- ing straw rotes on the Presidential contest. Tbe results are rather con- flicting, and, of course. altogether in- decisive, but so far as they indicate anything they favor Woodrow Wil. Gua. The fight seems to be between Wilson and Roosevelt, with -Taft rather a poor third. it is not un- likely, however, that the 'Taft rote will be bigger on election day than it looks now, as there is always • regular party vote that can be depensei upon. and Tatt is the regular G. O. P. nom- inee. The same consideration favors Wil-on's chances, as he will get the regular Democratic vote pretty sol- idly. The insurgents are making a lot of noise in support of the Roosevelt cause, but noise doesn't count for much at the ballot -box. If any of our friends want to lose some money they are advised to bet oar either Taft or Roosevelt. Wilson is going to win. Bve-elections for the Provibei,J House are pending in North Waterloo and East Middlesex. 10 the latter constituency, which was opened by the death of the late Liberal member, Robert Sutherland, the opposing can- didates will be William Sutherland, brother of the late member, and George W. Neely, the defeated Con- servative candidate at the last election. In North Waterloo tbere may be four or five candidates, Richard Reid, who was defeated in 11108 by Hon. W. L. Mackenzie Bing for the Federal House, has leen chosen by the Con- servatives as their candidate, but has asked for a week to decide whether he will run or not.. The Liberal condi- date will be chosen this week. Be- sides the nominee* of the "regular' parties, a Socialist and one or two other candidates may take the Reid. The date fixed for polling in Rant Middleeez and North Waterloo ie Oc- tober 28th. Still another bye -election will be made neoeesaw by the appotet- meot of A. A. Mabafy, M. P. P. for Muskoka, to a °aunty ladyship. Ideals. T1s thing we bat tar --that we are Pet ane tramerealest mismetat before the Present per and hare. can make It. asertagaomnaem1. Loses. le Od'a mesh beur*nward tt"W With ear poor earthward attiring : We sneer ft flat we mar he sun Content with sorely YAan : cat week w• Is... teat hart s toll Trope ,Which we aGoody evertor. s her 11v« must elimb hem hope to hope Ad Salina ear Is•glrur. *441 throne' mer paltry lar and ,.trio (slew• dere the wired keel. UM waive meds In ease whet Lite Carves fa the marble reel t To let the err egos I*-.. knew BirYo inset mete. portal . Pwbnp tM iss.lmr u M its Oda mane Me swat beamed -dame w hw.A O1./ at Rh1..a1/wa, B i nnardiele. Oet. fns-/. IMrt 1.sur41 died y.aterdav, mates abaft forty -Ave years. He bed fnikrbed the amine.* of butcher sinew a ynweg man, and wan widely known all thermals the di.triet. FROM OUR OONTEMPOR imoniE4 AF Se Do We. � Moodeloa rtmea We retest Laurier. 111stns Dessert item to *stream• 'tie es. . Advswte. ♦ lifetla'e seperieace *tail taught w that Bond crop are hardly ever so good. mer tans epepe so had, as they ase e;tleated to drove. This te•deocy le to aseggigemte. either way. Thea. too. Date Ramie bat n woodetul balance of a7 tbf up, so that balancerscome e pcult � on somewhere Dear a swans! plane In the •mal reckoains Illee moral of It is to peg steadily away. tiniest the boot one knows Sow and keeping a stiff upper Up. Brit wins. Land Tax a Success. often, t'Waren Whoever Rbcs visited the West, and observed at flet band the actual work- ing of 'sod value taxation, becomes firmly convinced of its vaWoe. With the conviction comes the wonder that the Rest hes not tet discovered the fustier and proRt of the principle. it is no longer in any sense an esperi- ment, but has been proved worthy after years of practical experience. In all of the three westernmost Prov- inces, it is difficult today to find • man who does not fully endorse the new taxation principle. The testimony of the tried is the most cooviucing of all argu wen ts. The Signal's Advice Is Good Advice - Strada d Beacon. As will be seen from the article in The Goderich Signal, reproduced in an- other column, The Stratford Herald bar been caught in A rage and sub- jected to a scathing rebuke for Its lack of local patriotism. The Signal re- views moat •eeurately its controversy with our ocntempor•ry over tbe blo eking of the Stratford street rail- way by the H deo-Electrio Commis- sioo, necessitating a new bylaw with the Hydro -Electric clause eliminated or the droppinit of the project alto- gether. and points the warning the facts di*inee to avoid eare.lersnesr in neeeotiations with the Hydro-Etec- trir Commiaeinn, as is contemplated io Godericb. The people of (ioderich will be well guided in following The Signal's advice. WO! De Some Fog -waving, (anadiaa Courter. One of the most striking feature* of the Toronto Board of Trade banquet, at which Premier Borden was wel- comed back from England was the speech delivered by N. W. Rowell. E. C., leader of the Ontario Liberal party. While the interest of the people at tbe banquet centred largely in tbe guests of the evening -Mr. Hot.. - deo and several of MS followers --it is but fair to state that Mr. Rowell cap- tured the audience with • whirlwind Imperialistic oeatio°. Apparently Mr. Rowell and his friends are not going to leave Mr. Bor- den osden and his friends in free and udis- puted possession of the Union Jack. The speech of the Opposition leader for Ontario iodicates that be is going to do a litt:e -waving himself. He closed hie apeeeb with an entbusi•rtie appreciation of the ()Sion leek and what it mean* ao the various parts est the Empire. A Winning Pair. By special arrangement we are able to offer to new sub.ct-iters our own paper elong witb The Weekly Mail and Empire, the two together. . from now till January int, 1013, for Mc, or from now till Jaanary 1st, 1014. for $1 60. This is an opportunity fx getting two most valuable papers for the bonzes and firesides of this district, and we are hopeful *tut the full value of tbis ur?recedented offer will appeal in the most practical way to all With- in the limits of our circuian. The Weekly Mail and Empire is conceded to be one of the best town and country papers pablisbed in Can- ada, and Its sortie! department de- voted to ant icultut:e, horticulture. dairying, poultry -raising and stock- breeding renders it invaluable to the rural and farming interests, Its magazine section contains the beet of the current literature of today, its scientific and legal columna supply information on practical sohjecte and problems : while the news section gives the latest happenings of Canada and all tbe world. To tbe people of iho commouity the n itrite of our own paper ars well known, so nireiy the best local raper and the greet metropolitan weekly - the two together at little more than the price of one -should mean many new subscribers. Send all orders to the office of *bis paper. Shorter Hours and better Pay. Railway operator, will now have shorter hours and better pay. Ambi - thous young Two would do well to take a mune in the telegraphy de- partment of the Stratford %%eines, College. The principal ot said depart - twat. Mr. R. Larmsour, bee had moire raUw:ry experience thea the instructor in nay other Wegeapby sebool in Am- erica. You may mater at any time. Write foe a free catalogue. (advt.) Many a grouch makes money. but not because be's a grouse. WE war ThrlI.w3�aKays I — Happiness 11* These Hat Maim. hew. jrrdtpiadew wt. I liva ea i tapes W way bard. I elm lrrt-*w Ilam ri and am Oa maw at Wets= &Tea iw pas* t that Est bindmwith bald walk sod raawe ai' ib. but IUMthaw aImVgod India s Plairia Aa ' , ,, able Owa- - and tint ram will bee beak - sea wad bowies dews pias be tat i lbw will take itasIbsen Iasate rale erne wilbsst it Yrs Iowa. "1 will sr air. that I rick Ihns bl M baler modnina /• ba tawad tar swig Ms Ill, .slat 'a Yea WasOen- wed s Pbkbme. Qat* wPebat Wiped — O *odd r awl leangie • wad "I .m always wady sail wig ea speak a Bat wad be was s Mak- bales Visaing& Qanpsuai I tri wag mt�g.�li anrI �Oat �I ales wr Maid. riad -lire. J. i�J windiest awdkiw." &P.O. IL Lydia IL plakbaa'. Vegetable Caw pa ad. ma& trim waive new and balm e5taina me .-eelirs re banned awes .d tab bsNa r. retard at balm pa matt anaemed -wait.: toe weans si lower& — a From "A Fan's Confeseiee." 1 ear a frbod or day who Mid Ten boeke that I W lssoed : I saw a senate, or time That ao trostever eased -. I raw a bat that passed ter wile At bat tear dotter. Ad tree -1 mw a 001)0 Mame Where the Home ream ler*. 1 saw a waiter On who spersed The csct3mary tip 1 soar • Patter oars that had No Ire on Meed tis Orp I sew a Problem pie flat looked To be no way a frost : And ere -1 mew a 0000 Como Kline the Hoes Pram tog. --araatlaal Rios in New York Ms& Laurent Best Ever in Evansvrlta. The ffrat number or- th. lecture course was greeted by • full hoose last Thursday evening. The eatertaneseo fas the best of Its kind that ever appeared in Evane- villa, Prof. Laurent i3 • clever and skilful performer. He is a man of Emmy mysteries acct would convert a tweotletb century audieute to a belief in Magic. Hewitt make you sit up and cub your eyes and pinch' yourself to make sure you are not dreaming. Hs is a fascinating man with charming Emmen *bat ' would captivate any audience, and combined with hi, very clever performance makes his enter tainieent a grand success. Mr. Laurent carries his own stage hangings sad they preoent a very unique and phasing appearance. and snake • perfect background for his Appearance. Tbe Evansville people will be glad to greet Mr. L ursat vasa if be is pleased to corns this way -The Eaters price, Evemaille, Wis. Opportunity .eight call again it it got any sort of welcome tbe lest thee it called. CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES W1.dsai al inhm.rsM •tlsim.d■••r OOLa ALO It8C $ $RwBrw CANADA ANa uvwook Hasse ens et Iretasd Or. s Lata CMmetaia. Oct. i Lake Manitou .... .. lett 11 Emmet@ ed PrrtW ... Ort. M tame. of Beelasl ▪ Nev. t Ieke Champlata...... ........ . Nov. r 110keta and aa hell rmation trona any sienrmhr* agset. or J. gldd. Arcot. C. P. It. tedrtea. use Nature's WayyIs The Bleat.. Retried dyer dem tatsAirmails e "f+a/ vwptl1 drake Dred ansae reset, tleldenen fool. d, Oradea butte met god R. V. Pares sande a owe gh'eseie estreet dad hos b over forty Teas. fie ended it "Golden Medicd Disev re. • Ter " Ui..every " perils* the blood and testes err Ohs etamssh pod res gile logien is Nouse* ewe way. k's post the teery bund. Berke w5.. from • hard quid, n or isle ~g aeave.,wt env, v..rm..i.. w rause etre evmy rs sombeetiem tle stomach .. opt M M " oar ell kale, " et times j b eanaatre nee the bleed is d.aordared. kw the streselt le re laboratory dr re asednet nage• looms of Lleod. Dr. Pierce'* Goddee Medial Dissever" ottodabges do absamb- pies is dem sieve to sada Oen, rid heed_beap. ells Seer aid indoors to est rhe proms fres Iia Indy. TIrrim lb. erre► ems. res -sow,, dettitiressd a.elda media ee misty�ew� ouperi..ee at tbie time et the vee, is swift the eget f>f anis ass is the blend: his altos iedlemaed W stiaples er kyr siewereas se ate akin, the fee- beeeme* thin --ergs* bel " Mede• • More testa a week aro f was sedletteg ante mi aerial col in mf beard, Uv at. Wean awl body," wase e .1sewsG cagy of 7M L. hero* !i it., Washington. D. -mow caned it t.• Gr1pp owe p•. smnnte. I was tit • friend In any • Sr* tat your ' eieldeee i.adte•1 r•ry 1 tried • bottle end it t1M me eo mock rood chat AO* In Playlet It is the biota e% ted beee modletss ever %noir hr•Itb M peek Detect -sham It wan ss, ad your m It .em all yea nal* teff A ass J. 0 fiesre.lba. W. AOMgCON • SON curtain Materinis Special -- Itmeri°s n dachas end Scrim*, IM inches tglii► V Mw patterns. • Lane led et? eta, scroll and p sirai .ft etive deeigua, rev •.ibis, amass w of Sew. regular value 111- s yard. Mire ikota 19c _wigs Curtains A atocktaklog Importers in Swiss Cartes exquisite dosage*. nalull values special �� pp *we trona the largest sustaIa whote.ale llamwda Cascaded. up to $t.50 per pair. Your *theses, waits 1.75 Underwear Ladies' and Children's Underwear Penman's Underwear, "Pen Angle" brand, every size in Vats and Drawers aril combinations for wotaten and children Stanfleld's Underwear "Eltanti.ld'i' Underwear for mea. This famous make ot pared wool. un,hrinkable. in Osseo -Jigbt, medium and heavy. Shirts sad Drawees. every size, 1-40. $17s, Si Coats Our coat showing is in every detail the perfection of correctness i n regard to style. The cloths and materials a r e beautiful a n d colors pleasing, no two coats alike and a large showing. $8t0$20 Furs .50 Men's Coats Nine only men's tweed rain - Arnot Coats. splendidly made sod lined with beet farmer's satin, warranted and very stylisheines 42, 44, ( l2�value Specialat 00 Linoleum Sperdal ♦alue, 4 yeas arida, in new designs o A t per mal yam' 45c Furs The quality of oar Mink and Sable Fur. deka swoop is the ridged, deepest and of the brighte't lustre we save seer shown. We invite your inspection acrd urge our reload, to parched Fun early, as tater prices will be higher alio quality Iastront every amerce. W. AOHESON a SON t'1411 most appro d deigns and trmiin Millinery Goods are to be seem is degtyp MISS CAMERON'S stock. !be will be pleased to have the ladies cell sad inspect. HOWELL'S Store News YOU Call be shows a 1 oar rtMeta of tell Mods : Ranges. Baabwens,., Oaks; BeyerLraeps, Oil Haters. We ve Put r lot of wort and ca,s(dl attention late our Steve sent, and it is apiemasre tan show these goods to yon. We ere proud of theca. am ts.y make customers and friends. Plaadlors Ramses Are the Henget we lite beet to *bow you, foe that Real feature. ere • Osamu* to explain. Base bursars _- When you are looking at coal heaters mak to nee the ora with ti* movable fire - pot: the one with ggrreate.w*e thee trove on wheel.. that • child can *bete. it is called McOlary'* Panwts. iasters Are sed very much now. w. they y to move from one raver to smother : they are quirk and good beadera We are now diepiayiag a sew sbipmest. Rayo ?throw • he•etifi,l white Gast Leaps mora appre1etelfor reed kgr pad studying rooms. Ask to baro them deeemrfseMA Store opine from. 7 a. m. until 6 p. eta The Howell ilardware Co. LLIIITED Tun HEST PI AUI TO WY BAR!•*Arlt