The Signal, 1912-10-3, Page 8• 1lavaen*T, oc' oson B 1911
11 ��
'i to t. the mart that het
ovrt 60 years has distiw-
gviahed "Saver Tots
Mat Wearr. ' I t c and s
... for ill beet eaceth:nt
eualiuea tuun.j0
1 Duty ti dig
world's hc%t.
With it as yew you can
buy lust as
safely at the
silex expert.
Walter H. Harrison
on the Square (ioderich
IMO . •
/— •
__ a a
Cod _.
-Montreal �to HnNol"
The Service on Board
It doe* INN he,tol had e.J moth the i,.,.
elr., nor em. wan the .none On Ward
bath Ow R. M. > Ror.l F_lwu. .n4
It. 14 N. Royal ln.,te m Enr1ad, u1-
aa.e frorn.0 and uubih.r W
...y rooter/ Iho.i nd. roarle .
nod oar•.r u,r.t+w 1. eah.aed to
earl W»e„ae,. t, the Arad
Ono 1 repeat.. Jar loin(
more than to a averted .batt
mark nor Royal rwae.
H. C. Roarer,
Cr.real .,rat Tetuan
Hs v lug purchased the busi-
ness for:perky conducted by
F. Harlow Holmes, we pur-
pose dealing in
Coal, Wood
Lime, Cement
Fire Brick, Etc.
We will handle Scranton
and Lehigh Valley (foal. two
Innes which are recognized as
the beet. We wish to give
the people of (iodericb and
vicinity the beat service pos-
sible, and .uhall be glad to
hear from all of Mi. Holmes:
castanets and any others
who wish anything in our
A11 orders left with Jas.
Yates, W est wtieot, promptly
attended to.
I cDonagh&Gledhill
'iahone No. 75
Yards et Gia T. R . Nelson Street
Not Grace.
1'be oyoung undergraduate was
betalcd hefoie hin two,. Be had
e,C,eded hip leave of absence by no
less !bail two days. "Well," said the
profrwsor, "what have you to say for
yowrtelf Y'
"1'm awfully worry," replied the
underprad. "1 teeny could dot get.
back before. 1 was detained by most
impost tint huwineta.'•
The professor looked at him aternly. j
-No yens wanted two more days of.
grace, did }•oil ; Le asked.
''Nu, sir, ' an. ,-i ed the young man,
..fl' hie gnwrd' for the moment, "of
wind you will fled the content,:
M. «oil at the bottom ea 041
the top. We Give you a square
deal uu
Fruits and
Come and .Are our display.
LI will do your eyes Rood to
POI' it. Every seasonable
vegetable is here fresh from
the farm. The fruit* 'nclwde
beth the hone Krone and the
pre -Aileen of the tropic. Beth
snake the finest kited of .ens.,
tiler. (ler prime snake them
& cheap one
hate Flt Feet
Those 61
THIS big Fire Sale swings into its second week with the interest practically unabated. A stock
the size and quality of this cannot be sold in a week or two, even though prices be cut ever so low.
It is going to be sold, though, in a very short time if prices will do it. We want to emphasize the fact that
we are going to sell every dollar's worth of Dry Goods in the store today, and that before October is over.
We have made our plans definitely and decidedly with that end in view and it must be done for this reason.
Every Article in the Store Damaged or Undam
aged Has Been Reduced in Price
You cannot buy anything here today and pay the same price it was marked before the fire. There is a
new price and a lower price on everything. Damaged goods are selling without any regard to formerrices
the undamaged at prices that mean saving in no uncertain way. Come and see for yourself. The Prices
will•tell the story. p
Only the Upstair Stocks were Damaged by Fire or Smoke. Those Downstairs were Either
Unhurt or Damaged by Water Only .
Coat While the
Sale Is On
Most of our Winter Coats were badly dam-
aged by fire and smoke. These we are selling
at:prices low enough to make it worth your while to
make them over. Two large shipments of Winter
Coats, ordered months ago, have arrived since the
fire. These we have placed in stock and marked
them:all very much under the regular selling prices.
They are very handsome garments, either in blacks
or fancy tweeds, all fresh in within the last week and
each and everytone selling at from $3.00 to $5.00
less than regular price.
We positively will save you money on your
Winter Coat.
Great Money - Saving
Chances in Dress Goods
We have divided most of the damaged Dress Goods into five lots and
placed them on tables for quick selling. There is not a piece on any of these
tables that is not the biggest kind of a bargain. They are going this way,:
Table No. 1, choice IOc per yard.
Table No. 2, choice lac per yard.
Table No. 3, choice 25c per yard.
Table No. 4, choice 35c per yard.
Table No. 5, choice SOc per yard.
These Dress Goods are in many cases only slightly damaged and are worth
from two tq six times the prices they are marked. The rest of the Dress Goods
stock has been reduced in price and -you can save from 25c to $1.00 per yard on
black and colored Dress Goods that were not touched by water and suffered no
damage whatever. Our Fall stock was practically all in and the bulk of it was
removed to the front of the store before the water started to come through from
above and so it is today as good as when taken from the cases.
The Silk stock was badly damaged by water. We have done
t he same with it as with the Drees Goode—taken practically every-
thing and placed them on tables as follows :
Table No. 1, choice per yard, 16c
Table No. 2, choice per yard, 25,c
Taole No. 3, choice per yard, 36c
Table No. 4, choice per yard, hoc
On these tablra will be found black and colored Silks and Satins
of all kinds. They ate nimbly damaged through being wet &nd in
many case can be made peerly as good as ever.
Buy Your Winter Stockings or a Supply for
Next Summer While the Sale Lasts
We bnve reduced the pi ices on every pair and there is on having.
You know the quality of our standard lines. They are just as good
today as ever and you can buy them all at reduced prices.
. This piece of Silk was untouched by either lire or water and ie
absolutely perfect. It is full 38 inches wide, heavy weight, rich
lustrous black, sowethiog that will rake a handsome &nd service-
able waist or dress. Regular $1.50 per yard. /Special e1 s� 5
Fire Sale price, only
Of course we cannot get it to sell again at this price.
Silks not damrged, all selling at cut prices:
Corsets Are Selling Under Price
We bave changed the price of every pair of Corsets in stock end
are determined to empty the shelves befusre this sale its over. Tbey
are all our well-known standard lines and the prices are from 30c to
75c a pair under usual.
fTheReserveReserve Linens
Now on Sale
We have always prided ourseive, on the quality of our
Linens. When you can buy' Linens such as
prices you ought to lay in a supple for a year .bead ntThifoie
week we have brought forward on/ reserve stock from our
stock room in the basement. These were not even wet hut
every yard is going on the counter marked at Fire Sale Prices.
You can huy good linens and save uio if you take advant-
age leof this offer.
for r.laHa and acbk ns, Table
Damask. Bleached
etc., Lit going at Fire Sale Prices.Na1tlOTowels, Towe{longs,
The Furs and Fur Coats
ltefore we offered one dollar's worth of the Fur stock for sale we bad nn expert furrier
come and took the stook over. Wt
told him we did Dot want t.o pati amide, solitary piece of
Fur on sate that would not give the bltyer perfect satiafaetion. Pile examined oarefnlly every
pieoe saved from the fire and had them shipped to his factory, where they wets gone over and
put in first -clue condition. These Pura and Pur Coats are now,btack. We bave the guarantee
of one of the lest firms that they are to all intents and purposes as good as ever. It is our
intention to sell them out at prices away below their former pries or actual value, and if you
want a Fur or PurOoat this winter we strongly advise you to take adventof this sale aa
sown a, possible. We bave some really beautiful pieces for you to pick and cRttese from and
are gyite wilting to hack them ail with our guarantee. You can save dollar. end debars buy-
ing a set of Fare here and now. On sale thin week for the first time.
Two Persian Lamb Coats
We have two Persian L&nib Ooata that earn. tbrougb the fire. One is singed to a very
��lig lot extent at the edge of the oollad. Tbla can be m►de asgood a ever et the sspence of
140 00. The other one was never out of the box and suffS.rta from water only, the lining being
water marked. ih every other way these coats are a. good as they ever were and vet§ wear
as long se If they had never bean damaged They were richt out at the front of the store with
moat of the good fun and escaped with slight injury, a regular price of them coats was
S'.196 -W to 9250.00, We will give you either of them for
CURTAIN ENDS 3 for 1Oc Men's Heavy Socks 23c
Nearly a thousand eoda of Lace Curtains, &tout one yard in
leogt.h sad the full width of the curtain. The Ore ran along the
front of the ()attain shelves and hurried them as the folds. That's Men's heavy pure wool ribbed Socks, seamless,
the reason they ars in this shape. Suitable for sash curtains, ioin black, grey or brown. Fire Sale Special
etc. Clearing at 3 for mama c
A few better ends showing the lower part of certain at oath only de per pair 2 3e
Selling Out the Linoleums
This week the hasasseatbse been cleaned oat and the entire stock
of Linoiaeea is to Its elea ed out at Fire Hale Pries. You will never
have a better ebanoe to bey Liaolellma, for they are practically un -
d amarted.
With us now it is a question of turningthe stock into moat in the
without an reain tables
and to a q e actual value. PUy y �r shooresatime..From day to day things are thrown on the bar
there will be n any and many a dollar to be saved WE *REl th001 g114Goods.TO Eass otll*ELL yEVoto visit the store every day.As long as the sttacic iaata
obu►aes soar
Direct Importers1.0111 ft=nNimams0'
• Goderich, Ont.