HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-3, Page 6• Twwaatea r . Odie. tl 11K2 tfAVED BY FAtTH NOT NOW BY WOKS fit Is Not of Yourselves; It h the (ilft of Qod. Pastor Russell Puente Out That Pres Int Age 1s the Faith Age -Neat Age Will Be the Age of Works -Address is a Large C tion of Bible students. Halifax. N. Sept 1p -- Pas Russell eddre • large Colleen of Bible e bete Ile rice closest atten We report one e discourses she text. "For are M faith, that not of y selves; it is gift of God "-E tS. The speaker co ceded that the subject of faith and relation to salvation had been aiderably co/domed "in the minds many for centuries He held, ho ever, that clearer views are now meeting Christian minds and and tbat the conflict between ealur tion by faith and salvation by wor at en end Both are now seen necessary. Works devoid of fai could not be perfect nor in any w acceptable to God. Faith without a the works possible to it would not a loving fait[ but merely preen sasenl, which is not what God r quires of those who would be foo tate of Jesus. The judgment the Church determine., for each mem r lite or death eternal -and it lit what the degree of glory, honor, Di vine favor, "se star different fro in glory." Thus Bt. Jam pouite out that • faith which gives on mauitestation to do good mho be styled a dead faith and would valueless in God's sight. He deuton rate% hie argtement respecting th eceasit of works by reminding that although Abraham was justtifl y, faith and not by works, neverthe ego he was not justified withou works but was required to demon trate his faith by his works, even though ' his works were imperfect oulnot of themselves have justified m. Pastor Ruseels declared the preen Age the Age of faith and the oncoming period of Messiah's Kingdom the Ag works. He cautioned his hearers evertheleas, that. in harmony with list he had already shown in t Scriptures that this would not [mea at no works are now required no et in the future Age no faith would be , required. The standard or teat now is faith and" not works. The ateadard or teat of the next Age will be 'works, not faith. The reason of is difference, he said. was manifest: beoatlse of the fallen Condit in of the utire race none could do perfect mike now, and, if judged by worts, II would be condemned afresh. Henos God now in dealing with the Church t i sithem to walk by faith and In bthe �nezt Age, during Messiah's igu hA claimed that en the clouds d darkness, all the ignorance and perdition, would pass away before e rising Sun of Righteouanees. As result faith in the nezt Age will be very simple matter. Knowledge iU be eo great that faith 'will take ooud place Then good works will actually become the teat and man - id wiU gradually rise out of im- efection of mind and body. All e willing and obedient will be able do better and better until finally the time of the close of Messiah's ign all the willing and obedient II be perfected and able to do per - et works. And their judgment will according to works. Only the per- t will be granted everlasting 1110 and the Messianic Kingdom. Everything that God has arranged human salvation is properly said be of His grace. God is not bound justice to do anything et all for inanity; therefore whatever is done of Grace or unmerited favor. The xt Age also will indirectly he an e of Grace in that all the blessings at will go to -mankind in the way earthly restitution will be unmerit- so far am they are oonoerned. But Grace of that time will more par- ularI] be the Grace of the Lord us Christ. because all those bless - will Dome from His having net demands of Justices on mans be - f And during the thousand yea:* His Reign He will be merely giv- es mankind that whioh He pur- seed with His own sacrifice. But the present Age is peculi of Divine Oraoe because the call the Church and the great blesatlag IA to receive• as th• fist is something mote thea was rchaeed by the death of J este merely purchased human r human na-ore tor mankind by sacrifice of His own humin right human nature God's grace te Hest now in that the Church 1s ed to a d•gy rower, iulworaslity, ane nature, whish she River had never 'met a.xf w tree never tamed by Jeans' ~Yes w other - 8., for seed tion Students teed ti of from and our - the pa n- ib con - of w- Per- hearta rks to th ay 11 be VP e- tstep of e, m es old be e u3 ed and e IH n t be stir ol n b ,.1 a c h1 n w th eh ill e w a re DO re an SU th a s w se Pe ill to 1.. Ire wi re the bj for to by ia n e. flet th of e. the do lee rocs the hal of oh cine exi she Cub and the and man call Div and red wine How shall we egibee rd this ertelemeot' 8t 1y Gal doge ata es- ercise faith fee as sad Ibsw 11 something en .wr part wk ing is winnow te rew.rd Thsomething non hr Hite ram, la bla where N has a basis of In pepornon se Divine pwvld are pasta ns kOoeledge of Dlvtws rings ft 1s psssibie for es to swords* faith pproportlonseely And oar waits 1 tSsramoey .nik .00h faith demenslgai• the 'Walt, sed area,* al ear faith ✓ ie theiddladdthis amasses VD. Grasp op* way SoRwsed- (Mves the we/ tag talth am be- geWfng of the Holy $pit. flaw waits b extot, I it weartaNtp eltsasld trete the degree sad gegia1b eseeritr and Urals, of lid Oak NHE MARKfT$. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High - sr. Chicago Lower -Live Steck -Latest Quotations. CRICAoo, gem. 5).-Batkaa war algae fatted today to stimulate bi ylag eathualaam here 1n wheat. Ti. cleo- ing lone wa. rammed. with prt e. varying trod tic set decline to lie M- s ante. Coen finished lie to Mc Off to • rise of 3lic to i%c, oats lie to Me down. •ad provisions teraggllag from tin: foes to a gala of ltlic. The llverpool marked rimed • nter4r ted bleier on wheat. and lid Meter the cera Bade Peet wheat closed ilio higher Winnipeg Options. Op. High. Low �4o.s. Close. Wheat - Got. 116 May MP 36 3s %p bb aNMftaa[ Oats-- 'Today S$ 3711 Toronto Grain Market. Wheat, new, bushel MI6 to 31 e0 Wheatgoose, bushel 1 14 1 M Rys, bush • 11 Oats, lambed • 0 4••1 Barley, nudist • 11 •A Peas, bushed L M Buckwheat bushel • • t tl� Toronto Dalry Marken, Butter, creamery. lb. rolls• M Butter. orsamsry. solids • tf Bullar. minarets/. dales, Ib• 17 • Butter, store Iota 1 p Sags, new -laid r Cheese new, Ib 611 • 111[ Honey, extracted. Ih u doasy, combo ,wen 5 to I Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL Sept 11. -There was a good enquiry troth the continued ter Maaltoba spring wheat and some bushman was sorted, bot the deemed trots the tinned Kingdom was Door. A good Oust cream continuos to be done la oats :e.1 sales of Duluth No. 3 white were mad. at relic. ex -store. A few can of Ontario oats ars coml•g forward. which are pole la atµllty sad some heated. Manitoba oats les soeroe and very Arm on apot The trade la flour 1s fairly active tee lo cal account. but the foreign demand Is quiet. A good business la doing in mal feed at (iron prices. Butter is firm undo • fair demand. The demand for cheeser la Quiet and only a small business is pay Ing over the cable. Experts for west were 40,111 boxes, agalwt 33,067 a year ago active. Corn- seen an No. 3 /Aglow. 040 to tic. Oats-OanadWh western. No. it tone to 11c: extra No. 1 feed, kc to f4tic Barley-lltanitoba teed, 11c to 7io. malt. Mg. Mc to Ile. Buokw►eat-Ne. & 740 to Igo Flour-Itaaftoba spring wheat patents. Prete, 11.11; aeoonde, R.8; strong bak- ete�.ts: winter pateetti cketoe, et t +Doers. M It to Mee do,. bap. 32.15 to 33.11. Rolled oats -Barrels, x.11; bagn. 50 tba. 11.40. Millfeed-Bon $23: shorts, 337; mld- dlings. W to $3fi, moullle, Pts to M. ffay-No. 1. Per 1054. oar las. 01.11 a MCb....-Flaeat westerns, 13'ie to Mei flneet materna, tic to 1344c. Butter --Choicest creamery, 37Ke to 11c; seconds, 3ilic to 37c. roes- Selepted, Pc t0 3•c; NO. 3 stood, Inc to tic. Octeker f .ebail .. Potatoes -Per bag. car Iota. tic to Tic. Dressed begin -Abattoir Med. *13.0 s• 33.76. CATTLE MARKETS. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL. Sept. I0. -At the Montreal Stock Yards West End Market, the re celpta of live stock for the week =Ow Sept. 2e were 5300 Battle. 4110 sheep and lambs, 3e01 hogs and Tee calve. The of fering■ on the market this morning were 1700 cattle, 444• sheep and Iambs, lata hop wad 60) calves. Owing to the continued flmitgd supply of choice steers coning forward the too. of the market toe such was firm and sales of a couple of full loads were made on Saturday to local dealers at 3t, fo' which In a jobbing way they asked a. high as 37.50 This morning, and for while - buyers refused to pay and the top Woe realised was 37.U. while bids of 37 were refused. The supply of other grades of cattle was larger than It has been for some [Lae Peat and In consequence the tone of the market was weaker and prices ruled tut, Sic per cwt lower than this day week Even at this reduction some buyers wenn disposed to hold off, but on the whole the den:awl was fairly good, owing to 'br very cool weather for this time of year In addition to the buying for local re qulremeute several carloads were bong ..' for shipment to Quebec and other outside pointe, consequently the trade on the whole was fairly active and a good clear MI's. ante was made by noon. The demand lad from canners was Rood and a fair trade was done at a small decline. Lyn A we.k.r feeling developed to the mar lin ket for sheep and lambs, owing to th< Mrs larcwt. lower than reoetpts and day wes eek, bat 1 ter this reduction the demand from packer, 'Malt and butchers was good for supplies, a: brut they are all now putting them away to, Lay wlnlar requirements and In oonseque e, kis •n active trade was done, with lutes •f p n etarlo lamps at PR to 31, and Quebec )' stock at 06.36 to 16.30 per cwt., while ewe or' sheep sold at p.11 to 70, and bucks and D. M culla at 33 to $.11 per cwt. The demand mutt for milk -tea calves was good, of which etc the supply was small and sales were made at h to t7.M per cwt, white grate 11 -ton ors .old ata to 320 mob. Mit Owing to the Mermaid supplies of togs comas forward and ths lower prices rel Wu 101 la the Toronto market at the latt0t THE 13KINAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO THE LUCKNOW PAJR Nbeeaaed stun. pyre FRUIT. Judie- Ww. Fothergill, llfelgrave. Five beldwin, Jaa. Alton. McKende gave. ; eve Bien Davie, Jacot Miller. 11IcYanale Btu/. ; flee Culbert. Jacob liillor. WII.oa Mine:eon; five Duch- ess. 'stook Miller, W. J. McGuire; twelve stab .pptee, Guy variety, Jas. H. H.ekett. Wm. E. Mt Donald ; five wealthy, Wm. E. McDonald, Jas. H. Hat•i.ett; file king of l'ouleklnb� county. Jas. H. Hackett, Jacob Maher; eve Fal&owater, Wilson Hamilton; ave Mann apple., Jas. Alton, Jas. R. Hackett ; five 24 -oz pippins, Jae. R. Hackett; five Blenheim plppine, H. iltatben; five ribsoa pippins, Me - Kenzie Bros; five Ontario, James Al- ton, W. E. McDonald ; five Rhode Island greesiing, MCKenoie Bros, ; plums. W. A. N'ileun, P. McMillan ; five `olden russets, Wilson Hamil- ton, H. Mathece ; five fameuse or snow, H. Machete, W. E. McDonald ; live northern spies, Jags. Alton, Jacob Mil- ler ; five any other tall variety, Wm. E. McDonald, G. A. Greer ; fire any other winter variety, Jar. R. Hackett; three varieties of tall, not leas than 5 of each, McKens.ie Bros., Wm. E. Mc- Donald ; ten varieties of winter, not hew than 5 of each, pr sporty of donor, Jacob Miller ; live fall pears, Jacob Miler, Jas. Alton; five winter pears, five peseta -et, 1). McKenaie, Si. ilea - ens: grapes, three bunches Wutden, Wan E. MclDonald; three bunches Del - 'swede, 0. A. Greer, Ww. 1S. Mc- I►oetaM ; litmus, 'seedlings, Isaiah Con - gram, Wm. S. McDonald. LADIIr�' DEPARTMENT, Judges --Mrs. D. Munn, Ripley ; and Mrs, 1'. Stotners, Dungannon. Collection of fancy work, six twelve pieces, Leo' Livingstone, 111 11'. H. Ta obay-n ; collection of k Ding in cotton, Mrs. Mete, Mrs. W McKenzie, Teeawster. here. Tambl collection of knitting in wool, M Wm. McKenzie, Mrs. Tawblyu ; lection of novelties, Mrs. 1'aenbly counterpane, crocheted, Mts. 1' blyn, Mrs. A. IS Milleon ; count pane, knitted, Mra Tamblyn, Mrs. Webb;, drawn work, Mes. l'ambl Aire Wm. ' McKenzie, Mrs. Milton; def of women's to�y underw Mrs. Alex. MOCat161/, Mrs. W McKenzie; patch quilt in si Mrs. Tenably°, Mr.. 1). M. 'Thom eon; patch quilt in wool, Al Tamblyn. W. Reed; patch quilt cotton, Mrs. Tamblyn, Aire. Mclntoe pair slew got blankets, Jas. Alton, M L. 111. Thowpson ; sofa pillow, broidet ed, Lena. Livingstone pillow. hand painted, Mrs. Millso Mrs. 1).:d. Thompon, M. Mathesu sofa pillow, any other kind, Mrs. M.1'howpwn, Lena Livingstone, Matheson; shirt waist, band embroi ercd, 111. Matheson, Mrs. Alex. Aft -Car roll • door math, any kind, Witso Hamilton, 'W. tt e i d, Mrs. McCarroll ; ya res, 'hum e spu tingle and double, Margaret M K a y ; table centre 'piece an tau doilies, Lena Livsngetone, M Tsmblyo, Mrs. D. M. Thuwpeon ; lin wool work, any kind, Mrs. Sam len. Mos. D.Y. Thompson ; best d doll. Mts. 14d. McQuillin, Mrs. G Potter ; baby'* bonnet, any kind, Jen Livingstone. Mts. J. C. Hele, Toronto buttonholes, dmpley on three mater- ial*, Mts. L. M. Thompson:' Mrs. Wu* McKenzie; child's fancy dress, M Wm. McKenzie, Mrs. Geo. Potter darning, lu woollen and cotton, M L. M. Thompson, Mrs. Tamblyn ; ew broidery on linea, eyelet, Mrs. Tam iyo, 51rs. A. McCarroll ; embroidery on linen, Mount. Mellick, Lena Living 'done; fancy hxudkercbiets, ,u lea. tour, Lena Livingstone, Mrs. Taint' lye; fancy embroidered towel, Len Livings�3.uune, Mrs. A. McCarroll ; tune apron, Mrs, Tstwblyn, Mrs. Millw,o µpntrf's cotton dress, Mrs, Wm, Mc 1►enzie, Mrs. (neo. Potter; lace, Irish hand made," Lena Livingstone, Mt Tamblyn ; lace, tattenburg, han wadeM,Mrs. J. C. Bele, Toronto, Len Livingstone; lace, buniton or proiut not less than one yard, Mrs. 'ratably' Mrs. Heir ; laundered mho t end cuts Mrs, 1), M. Thompson; launch}, bag 1y u,. McKenzie, Mt,. Tan tit to re. nit. m. yn; col- a; anl- er- A. yu, ear, m. lk. p- ra. to h; rs. eni- wta n, n; D. M. d- n n, c- d ra Ber- b- nesend eo, te,� ts. rs. b - •t a y a. d a 0. • y's shawl, crocheted, 111r,. 'Iamb- . W. Reed; lady's shawl. knotted, , Tamblyn ; Iady'idreseing eecque , Alex. McC•rroil, Mee l.ri,. F of • netting, Lena Liyiugetuoe, Mre eon ; pillow covers, pair, hand eta - dried. Mrs. A. McCarroll, Lena iogetone ; pillow shatns, pair, any d, Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. Tomb- ; patch on old garment, woolen cottoo, Mrs. lsaislh Oongram, Mrs. . Thompson; pair men's heavy e, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, Margaret Kay ; pair men's fine mitts, Mrs. . McKenzie; pair women's fine ts, Airs. /fete. Mra. Wm. McKee- palr wen's tine wool socks, Mrs. I. McKenzie, Mts. Tamblyn: pelt 'a heavy ssool socks, Mrs. Win en•ir ; set table trate, crocheted, !tele, Mrs. Tamblyn ; set Liable tee, Mrs. I). M. Tnotgpaou, Lena ([atone ; sideboard drape, Mrs. Mee. D. Thompson; tatting. jiviogstooe, Mtn. Heli; tea . M. Matheson, Lena Livingtone; cloth, Lena Livingstone, M. heron ; women's working apron, Taolblyn, Mrs. W. H. Fourier. INE ARTS AND FLOWERS. P1' MOO RAPE Y. end of Mat week • weak feeling con Wen names to prevail In the local market and rid L. ChM scored • further deals* et tb tr Mrs- �o per cwt else. test Weds.day, our dull at the lower imago of primes the demur lavtfreen was pa. S1 be was and a tas tend, M Men to mres 0 i1 • u eleed lob • lath.•wd per cwt, weighed off ee, Lena the pro•peeta'were that v.l••,y cosy gr ogee lower. tray estehetf' e•t�le eholtpi, 31 33,34, • e Mara. 34 1a to 3tn 6 (i, comoa to K11 Mat •were, teat to 1171; chides tow. lax Mn. l• MN; aside ah, N.13 M a: ib, a tt Pale arse•, 080401. utak a T311s• ammo,send medluo. mete,te 111 ttpringer% 311 to 3*. eep-Nirria, a.11 to pls. boob am'a Ails. It toyIO lambs, SU to M Nolte-P.a�. Ulf/ to $11.1* C.eilviss-4111 to i0. Sas Buffets Cattle Merkel. SANT BtTTVALo, A./t. M-Cettlw-Re Mtpta. 0450. ,low Ile t0 Ile M�er .berg, 0 to p.je. batebera 3e 10 p s• .riga, N to M, .tock Miters, M to, M4Mag. 3t re to am; whet se.a to nu mews tan to MS, stockers sae fwM+re. wet to 81140; grab news age &prtage s, /mhos and .frono tea to 350 Nees-weMlpta. 41,OW; tair17 amerce esa 140.4,,heavv, _tan to NOD. mixed. KM to M. N.11 M a; pegs. 31.11 tores3Y sts a to 3x.50s nage. a to gr, K11 dairies.RM. gfaesera, as ti Wimp and lambs-Ro0ts, 11:A•; se. thin NaesM hea4y, tamed. fee higher. pit te 3 earlings PO to no. watt, !usm 31; ewes, et toes easep. mined 33 a111.0. oheiso Merk4om. CANTO1, WY , Sept, in Thai-. were 1111111 11 bea0a Weans told as M 04 tens bot 31.3 sept 311- tsa•y traitshavnod Weir efface .s abler ppesteemsooanisesone ton mum I_mr• ▪ 4.e. by We tilts Dalry ef tinny. The ,Nee Wer Dlta DIM 1" PUMutr fume, Lena Livingstone, Mrs. D. M. Thompson • box. Mn. D.W. Tboaspson Lena ievinet gone : plaoque, Mrs. D. M. Tbbmpeoo Lena Lirinn- stowe • collection, Mr.. p. M. Thomp. sow.,lu. J. C. Hese. PHoT4NsRA PUT. Collection of amalmiir photography.' Bert Mille. Mts. Tamblyn. 01 L. PAlwrtwas. Marin. view, C. McKeeaie, St. Hel- ena, Lena levinge Augur*, D. Me- Kensie, Legs Lie gwtone . animals, h. Mt-Kessis, Lena Livingstone; Can- adian laed.espe, Mi. R. ', Lena Li vtwgatene ;hest single psi nti ng, Loo. M'iageteawaren POLON . Mehra view, Lone ikeine/vein• Ltl silt/ Mad; ttlwi+ painting, Mrs. Hole, News Livingstone : floweret. Mrs Kele. 1 D. YeKmeie ; lendecapt, Mae. Bele, 11, McKersie; p•pming on glass fir pottny. Ilene lAviagweoe, Mew, 1/104. - MA Viirl ele.MAYUw museum. TOraywn drawing/, D. McKenzie, Nn. runwtewa, Assorteadtut of bowie Hants le pot► THE QQDERICH GARAGE TO MOTORISTS I now have • full etoce of Motor Aooeesurir,,, such as Spark Plugs, Wiring, Freab Batteries, Battery connectors, Ammeters, Aoetylehe Burners, ttgs Beira Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patches --no cement potcheea; Tube Protectors, Rim Out Patchett, Quick Repair Outfits, spare Tube Bags, Tire Envelopes, Inner Tubes. Valve Pasta, Tire Testers, Gasoline, Oita Grease', Linseed Soap for washing automobiles Anything not mentioned in the above list, please ask for. as I carry a complete stock and can furniab supplies at remarkably low prices. Yours truly, JOHN Cie KIJN 7 Z Kingston St. • Ooderich • • The food you eat for breakfast determines the standard of the day's work feeselliZpi Toasted Corn Flakes is a reals food and makes work a A good, wholesome sensible food -it gives lots of vim and vigor without tax- ing the digestion. Look for the name Kellogg's on the package. Sold every- where at 10 cents. 71 Mrs. A. ItfcCarroll, Mrs. D. M. Thomp- son ; table bouquet, ornamental, W. Reid, Mrs. D. ]1. Thompson; eweey' pear, Mrs. D. M. Thompson, Mrs. A. e[illson ; gladioli, Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mn. D. M. Thompson ; dahlias, H. Mather', G. A. Greer; asters, Phil. McMillan, Hrean McDonald ; au- tumn leaves, 1). C. McMorran, Mrs. D. Y. Thompson ; pansies in sand, Mts. A. McCarrroll ; zinnias, Mrs. I. Congram, Hagan McDonald ; nlari- golds, Mrs. D. M. Thump -ion ; ferns, collections. Aire. The.npwn ; collec- tion of foliages. Mrs, Thowpsuo, Mrs. • MISCELLANEOUS. Collection of curios or oddities. M re. Tamblyn, Mrs. Thompson ; collection of stuffed birds, Canadian, named, M ra. Jas. Lyons: collection of stuffed birds. foreign, named, Mrs. .Gas. Lyons; col- lection of coins. D. C. McMoiran ; ladies' fine shoes, J. G. Murdoch ; pair fine shoes, J. G. Murdoch. SCHOOL COMPETITIONS. Collection of noxious weeds, named, Gladys Webb, Mn. D. M. Thompson ; decorated load of lcbool children, St. Helens school: specimen of penman- ship, under l4. Mildred Treleaven, Mary Connell ; drawing, any subject, , Madeline Mc1orran, Lloyd Agnew. A Woman of Few Words. Mrs. Harry IL Bye, Main street North, Mount Forest, Ont., writes: "Your remely for kidney, bladder and stomach erooWe has given me great relief. Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better than 1 have felt for years and 1 give your P36 PILLS e11 the praise. for they ate the hest l have ever tried." At •11 dealers, X1 and 110 Dente, or The Fig Pills 1'0., At. Themes, Ont. No young man should sit in s horn monk with • gig 1 unless be knows the ropes. asssl sisnt moo Narabflearabair es tmegeea ow ohsot. 11 falsest e. Let the ohlldren Make e Brownie vacation a4.1 y Anyone eau wake 1„c - t eine with Brown1e Camera Browslee--112.00 t., a- ,, RUTLAND'S FOR KODAKS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES Remem bet that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the tact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS, ETC. -When you travel you will needa good strong Trunk, or perhappa a commodious Suit ;ase or Bag will meet our requirements. We can fursi.h all your wants in either liue. All Repairing Orders receive oar ,>resep attention. JOHN H. McCLINTON Telegraph Operating and Station Agent's work thoroughly taught in our School --The Central Telegraph and Railroad School, Toronto. Get our book "Guided by the Key. It explains our work and the splendid chances for eperators, Write W. H. Shaw, President, Y ooge and Gerrard St.., Toronto, CENTRAL OUSINE3S COLLEGE WILL YOU write for the large tree calialogueof this achool. and you will learn bon roo can succeed. It will then rest with y to deckle if you wilt suceem. Wear:ego:dm student. in position. paying to smo par 1111111411, Mod WO have many eon ape/leaden. for help which we MINNA inanely. The bee dose to enter our class 1. now Write for onr tree catalogue at once - D. A. McLACIRLAN, Principal. ',1 11 :;1111111111;1111111611111111111111111111111111111111;1111111111111111110. Here is a Specimen Page From Our New Fur Book We Has* a Copy R•ady T• Mail Y•tii Just mail us a card and say you want a copy of our Catalog. It's a book you will enjoy looking through. as it shows every- thing that is fashionable in Purs. It quotes very low Mktg for every piece shown and explains fully our system of setting hire by mail. There is NO RISK TO YOU because if the furs do not piease you. you may rend thaw back at our expense and we will refund your money. a. YONG* STREET. TO ILO N TO tat 71.7