The Signal, 1912-10-3, Page 3IND ONLY GENUINE BMW ARE OF IMITA- TIONS. ;7 BOLD ON THE MERITS OF, i1N�tV's LUYIIENI BO0KBIND1NG MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired, tiOI.10 LEMMING on LEATHER GOODS ;Eric a[ TH All lfils EI(iNAIw Aebrtsdu Os' laa.tns A. E. TAYLOR. IITaaTrORD MEDICAL tuts. TAYLOR AND TAYLOR, Lu perxtdagr a annessoOfios-Neetb dada X81- T. 0611 ids M.11.. le A. 01L W. 11 UALLLOa �`Wx. M. B. 1Juw Kalles�a•aa iseaeae 11. F. J. B. WUBSTE R—EYE, EAR PROoss and thrust " Meuse egmeou Clinical AmerAmer.cal . err York Y8.t lr�`esWMad �seat, uae. act etnllord. ,march. Kae Chitral'. Heuer 9 • It a w., a te a p.m- r to e w ss. ?elsoion. LEGAL DROUDFOOT. HAYS & KILLOR- • eN,tsarifatss, w Hamasr11Meestariea puddle �eaetarr la court. ata. Private tun. w feet at lawastrates et interest W �Ittto T IL QLe.nril J. Ii:1L1.0EAN. 11 G. CAMERON. L 0.. BARRIES- ji1. TER w1raesrU-0-eieh, 1A1t. ratary itc. oas- n -otitic street. pakl Omdao• from Nthin CHARLES °ARROW. L.L.R., BAR }WALK. mamma; sebolter, eta, bode risk. Roast to MIM at Rawest eras. V O. JOHNSTON. BARRII8TER m.. .ailmtor. ammteiew, , aster, public maw Menthes meet 4isdeaiak pnt. INSURANCE. LOAMS. LTC. 40'000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO i tw , b Wsrrwati Mawftttaa GUM leas. Amoy to m. tGod. fob \1 R. ROBERTSON. 1 . ISSUE/ANC L AtLNT. uutANL Lo Nova: hetfr8,C:aeaat k and moan; trMinas AND ,+o.. �LuatU RT : rs �aataa r,o-n of Vani&JI t�sea� • The U"8, uelbasitrret�..aw thus .am miser vte- .ons and 8t. beelike etresh. Phew 176 t1 OBN W. OgA1NL1„ LIFE. FIRE 1)taw W sad weette saddest bet Ise er1saLd1 W ots . tweeted es e: �MIII�a oast lwt.i, -al at Mae, must OM sal Sellars .1. N r address. C 410601106 Out. rime .eons et NARRI&OE LiMED IVALTRR E YECHLL,YGNT., J. P.. WD>Ot1 INSt; Kit OR ItARRIAOL LUCLN8 . W LANE, ISMER GF MARRI- . AGE Ilimm Geilarh_ pet SHAVING PARLOR BEDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP ie a, ▪ t� guard. edea iamphmta BpgH H iii M tt�a�a��B. Brophey Bros. IODERI.OH The Lead* Funeral Di a Bars and Embalmers Orden carefully att.sded to et all bows,. sight or day. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND b Wight by the imbeutor. at 440.14gleidere l emits � R Cabled" w'ae. NOW std theta A Plini"a ablrgart THE LUC�[NOW FAIR ; !Vied cow. steer or heifer, Alex. IBtoo Nicholson, Robert Duroin; hest tir.e aeceetsshel athibi at the Northers stock steers, Robert Durbin, ,t ex. Tows -List of Prise -winners. Nicholson ; beet steer, age or lie eel u. • • Lucknow tall fair, bell on Tburrdx • conetdrind' Alex. Nicbrrls'.6; heat fat Iliad FM&ckno y calf, elieiele for the Guelph orToroi,',. ll eogtembsr 115 and 8D, woe fairy, Jau1, Barber, John Web -ter. • esaessetnl event. The exhibits iu ascot Imes were up to standard, and J ERIIIIT. there was a very good showing of live Bull calf, D. K. Webster ; female. stock. In which the Lucknow fair eaY age, D. K. Webster; le -rd, one the aroma' fair concert was eV !D. the usually excels. On Friday evening , wale and there ler D. K. %Vebater, S PUrfkrtmera belch Mae La Dons Milo Judge— Jia. Snell, Clinton. ]]naris Edwards and Walter Edwards, ! wbo gave a good ail -round progrsw. OXFORDS. The prise list is as follows : Aged ream, W. R McDuovl 1 ; ehear- HORSlSS. � ling raw. W. R. McDonald ; ram Iamb, W. R. McDonald ; aged ewe, Judgs-- T. E. Robson, London. 1W. R. McDonald ; sbwrliog•ewe, W. IMPORTED HORSES, OR TRACING To IN- It. McDonald ; ewe lamb, W. Il. Mc - FORTED DAM, , Donald ; pen, consisting of ram, 1 ewe. THE SIGNAL GVDERTH ON'J'ARI O 12 sbears or more, 1 'beartio ewe and Imported mare, three yearn or over, Abe Stringer. W. R. Martin ; lase I I ewe lamb, \V, R. McUuna1l. potted are, two yerev, John McQuil• BHROPetl1HE DOWNS. mare. ; imported ware, oue year, W, R, Aged ram, J. A. McDonald, J. A at un ; foal, W, R. Martino McDonald ; ehearlinb ram, David I"RAYT nRArr 8088118 (CANADIAN lamb, David Heoderwn, John A. Me- BICKD)• : Donald ; aged ewe, John A. McDonald, Span, in harness and wagon, Win. D. Henderson; shearling ewe, John A. McKenzie, John McKenzie, Jas" Fora. McDonald, David Hendereon ; ewe ter; brood mare, Jas. Barbour, John lswb, David Henderson, John A. Mc- Webeter, Fordyce, Wm. Taller; foal Donald ; pen, consisting of ram, 1 ewe, of 1912, Jos. Hackett., John ebster, 2 shears or more, 1 shearling ewe and Fordyce, Sam Morrison ; two-year-old one ewe lamb, John A. McDonald ; gelding, Jaa. Barbour, McKenzie Broe. ; best ram, any age or breed, David two-year-old fitly, John McDiarmid, Henderson. David Scott, David Scott; iAte-year- SWINE. okl gelding, Wm. Taylor. Jas. Bar- , Judge -James Snell, Clinton. boor, Geo. Middle ;on ; one-year filly, Henderson, Joh1n A. McDonald; ram Wm. Taylor, David Scott ; female, any BERKSHIRE P108, age, Canadiau bred, J.F. Davison, John Boar. Jas. Alton ; sow, Jas. Alton; McDiartnid ; brood mare and pro- :sow, tarrowed in 1912, Jas. Alton, Jas. Reny, Wm. Taylor, Jaa. Barbour;Alton 1'boar, farrowed in 1912, Jae, Al - best live boomer from either Huron or ton. Bruce, two years or over. John Mc -1 • YORKSHIRE PIGS. Diarwids John McKenzie, Wm, Mo -Boar, Jas. Alton ; sow. Jas. Alton Kenzie, Abe Stringer, W. R. Martin. I suw, farrowed iu 1912, Jaa. Alton ; boar- AGRICULTURAL. oarAGRICULTURAL renamed in 1912, Jas. Alton. Span in harness and rig, Wm. Wat- e•LAee 22 son, Alex. Nicholrou, Jas. R. Hackett ;1 Three bacon hogv, Jam. Alton. brood mare, John McDiarmid, Wee• ley Henderson & Sons, Jas. Barbour ; POULTRY. foal of 1912. Jas. Barbour, Wm. Tar-1Judge—H. Goddart, Listowel. lor, John McDiarmid ; two-yearod FOWL gel ring, Jas. Barbour, tiam Phillips, Jar. Foniter; two-yru old filly, Milan I Black winorcas, Geo. Potter, Jas. McMillan, Kinnon McKinnon, D. K. ' Alton ; leghor n, white, D. C. Maitre - Alton ; ooe•yeat-old filly, Ed. McQuil- I ran. Geo. Potter ; Plymouth Rock, lin ; female, any age, Uanadian bred, barred, Jae. Alton, Geo. Putter- or. Sant Phillips, Jas. R. Hackett. pingtou, buff, Geo. Potter; dorktngs, Jas. Alton ; wyaudottes, white, D. C. GENERAL PURPOSE 1108888. - ; Mellott an, D., C. McMorran ; Hou - Span in harness and rig, Wesley dans, D. C. McMunan ; geese, any Henderson A Sons, Wilson Hamilton ; kind, Jae. Alton • docks, Pekin. Jas. brood mate, W. R. Ferrier, John Alton, Re. JdtQoillin ; Guinea fowl, Webster, henry Mstbere foal of Jas. Altou, W. k. Ferrier; anconal, 1912, Saar Philips, Jas. Gaunt, Jaa, ' Geo. Pette). ; best cock, hen, cockerel Barbour ; two-year-old gelding or and pullet of any one of the following flyy, Robert G. Taylor, W. R Ferrier, ' varieties, uawely ; Anconal, minor - Masa McMillan ; one -year-old gelding • car, white or brown legborns, 'Jeo• or filly, John McQuillin. !'otter, CARRIAGE HORSES. CHICKENS OF 1912. Judge—Dr. Clark, Goderich. 1 Black wincres, Geo. Potter ; leg - Span in harness and carriage, Levi bore, wbite, Geo. Power, D. C. Me - Murrain ; legborn, blown, D. C. Mc - Moreau ; Ply umut.b Rock. Moorebouse Mitchell ; orpington, buff, Geo. Pot- ter let and god ; wyandottes, D. C. Mc - Moreau ; Houdane, D. C. McMoaran let and 2nd ; aneonai, Geo. Potter 1st and 2nd. GRAIN, Boyle, Jake Reid; brood mare. John Joyut, John G. McLeod; foal of 1912, Adam McQueen, John Joynt ; two- year-old gelding or filly, John Mow- bray, Hilae McMillan, Alf. Webb; single horse, Grant Bros., W. Heodecsss if Sons, LIGHT HORSES. Buggy hone., in harness, Robert 1Vebster, S. A. McEvers, A. E. Mil. son ; mare:. Milan McMillan ; foal of 1912, Milan McMillan. NV, R. Ferrier; two-year-old gelding or filly, John Joynt ; one -year-old gelding or filly, Rubt. Webster, Milne McMillan, John O. McLeod. 8PKCIAL8. Lady drivers, Rena Gordon, Mrs. Milson, Robt" Webster; gentleman's dozen ears corn, erry other, Jnu. lc - turnout, Robt. Webeter, W. A. Mc- Diarmid, Mrs- McIntosh bag of Evers, A. E. Milson ; mare or gelding, flour, open to millers and agents only, any age or claw, J. T. Davison, Abe" W Reid ; one bag oatweal, W. Reid, W. Reid ; one peck flax areal. Jas. Alton, Jno. McDIarwid ; one peck rel clover seed, Jas'. R. Hackett ; one peck garden beans,- D. K. Alton ; one peck white beans, 1D. K. Alton, W. R. Fer- One bushel fell wheat, white, W. R. Ferrier ; one bushel 0515, Maid, D: K. Akan ; one hurdle' oats, white, lung, D. K. Alton : one baser' six rowed barley, Jno. McDiarwid ; one -buabel peas, large, Jas. Alton, Jou. McUier- mid ; one bushel peas. small, W. '`R. Fen•rer, Ed. Mc uillin ; half bushel timothy, Juo. McDurmid, Jae. Alton ; half-dozen ears corn, yellow, Mrs. A. Mc(:anoll, Jno. McDiarwrd ; half - Stringer ; most valuable, Abe. Stringer ; best halter broken foal of 1912, Richard McQuillan, Ed. McQuil- lan, D. K. Webeter, W R. Ferrier; uoye' competition judging horses, Chester Taylor, Alex. Nicholsou, Ed- ries ; largest and best arrenged eollee- die M Quillen. tion of corn, grain and grasses in CATTLE. straw, named. Mrs. Ed. McQuillan, Judge—Mr. White, Guelph. • Mrs. A. McCarroll. Mrs. Geo, Plotter PURE-BRED SHORTHORN CATTLE. three sunflowers, Paul Smeltzer, D. K. Alton" Bull, three years or over, Wesley ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Henderson & bons, Jas. Alton ; bull, Judge—H. Goddert, Listowel. Potatoes, McKenzie Bros., P,tul Smelt zee ; wangold., red, Paul Swett- zer, Win. Lyons • waogulds, yellow, Paul Sweltser; beets, snort, Mrs. D. M. Thompson, Jas. Alton ;-beet,, long, Jas. Alton, Wm. Reid ; turnips, Swede, Paul Smeltzer, Ala; McMillan turnips, any other verosty, Paul Smel- ter, Jacob Miller • field carrots, Den S. McIntosh; garden carrots, short, Wm.' Reid, Wm. Lyons ; carrots. long. \V w. Lyons, W. H. Fee ries parsnips, \V w. Reid ; toruatoes, Wm. Reid, - D. McKenzie, St. Helens ; onions, Jacob Miller, D. C. McMorrsri ; top onions, Thomas Smith ; cabbage, early, Mrs. Wilson, Iran, S. Mclntueh ;cauliflower, Mrs. D. two years old, lohn Webster ; bull, one year old, McKay Bros.. Jno. Mc- Diarwtd ; bul l calf, 6 months and under 12 mouths, McKay Bros., Jas. Baird; bull calf, 6 mouths and under ; aged cow, John Webster, John Webster there -year-old ,-ow, John Webster, McKay Bros. ; two-year-old heifer, John Webeter, McKay Bros. ; one- year -old heifer, John Webster ; heifer calf, 6 months and under 12 months; heifer calf, 6 menthe and under, John %Velteter, John Webster ; female, any age. Jahn %Jebster'; four calves, the get of one bull, John Webster; herd, one male and these females, John Web- ster, McKay Bro.; most valuable herd. John Webster; reale, any age, Durham, Hereford or Polled Angus, John Webster. M. Thompson, Geo. Potter ; pump - (mane. kins, Jacob Miller, Mts. D. M.Thowp- eon ; citroo., Miles McMillan ; celery, Grate cow, John Webeter, Wm. I kers. Millson, William Lyons; Lyons ; two-year-old heifer, John squares, Geo. Potter ; sugar beets, D. Webster, John Webster ; one -year-old ( HcKeusie ; garden vegetables, Dan. 8. f McIntosh ; sample collection, Mrs. D. 11. Thompson. heifer. Jobn Webster ; het er calf, two -yew -old steer, John Webster, John Webster; one -year-old atter, John Webster ; steer calf, James Bar- ber. John Webster; dairy cow, any breed, owned and kept in the village of Ltckoow, not to be shown in any otter dais, Wm. Reid, Ben McClure ; best three steer ; herd of one cow, two heifers. two steers, Jobs Webster. GRADE CASTLE POR DEALilta. Two- ser -old heifer, Robert Derain, Ales. Nicholson ; two-year-old steer. Alen. Nichol/es, Robert Durnin : not less then tee pound., Mrs. J. DAIRY ANDTABLE CIU PPLIES. Judges—H. D. Henderson. White- church; 8. Brill. Tee.water; Mare Green, Loyal. , Special collection butter, oollection must be separate from otber entries. Isaiah Congraw. Mrs. D. 6. McIntosh, Mrs. Jas. Lyons ; tub butter or hoz. not less than 40 pound., 2od prize Mrs. McIntosh, Jsa. Alton ; Groot of butter, DERBY SIIQE QUALITY SHOES FOR M E N. LATEST STYLES ALWAYS iN STOCK AT W!'1. SNARI1AN.'S Corner East St. and Square Prkt4'°91., trig this splendid ,range places you under no obliga- tion to buy. We guarantee the “PLndora" just gig willinglyaeMcClary people because we know its perfec- tions just as . thoroughly. 110 rt -Clary s etre sale liy Howell Hardware to GRAND TRUN,tYS WA" Colonist Excursions Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th Spokane, Wash . Nelson, B. C. V aneouver, B. C. Purtland, Ore., etc. San 1•'rancieco...... $4715 Los Angeles. Mexico City One-way Second-class from Goderich Proportionate rates from all sta- tiona"in Ontario to above and other pointe in Arizona, British Colum- bia, California, Idaho, Mexico, Ore- gon. Nevada, Texas', Utah and Washington. Hunters' Excursions Single fare for round trip. Going dates, October 7 to November 9 to points in Tema mi, etc. October 17 to November 9 to Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Penetang, Midland, Lakeaeid, Severn to North Bay inclusive, Argyle to Cobo,onk inclusive, Lindsay to Haliburton inclusive, Madawaska to Parry Sound inclusive. All ttekete valid for return until Thurs- day, December 12th, 1012, except to pomta reached by steamer lines, Tuesday, November 12th. Secure tickets and full particulars from Grand Trunk agents. F. F. LAWRENCE, Agent, Gode- rich. 'Phone No. 8. Office hours 6 a,un to 9 p.m. Lyons. Mrs. Mclntosl. ; two loaves home-made bread, made from Jewel hour, Mrs. Ferrier ; two loaves home- niede bread, baked by agill lOyear•s of age or under, Ella McIntosh; two loaves huwe-wade bread, mode from Five Roses flour, Mrs. Wilson, MR". Alex. McCarroll ; two loaves of baker's bread, W. Reid ; factory cheeoe, Stanley Freese, Stanley Fraser: horsey in Bomb, not lees than 5 Ila, Hagan Mc- Donald; honey, extracted, not less than 5 lbs., D. K. Alton, Hagan Mc- Donald; one quart maple syrup, Mrs. Millson, McKenzie Bros. ; collection canned fruit., six varieties, named, in quer t jars, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll, Mrs. D. S. Mclotosb ; best collection of Wkntg. consisting of uoe loaf home - wade bread, one half dozen buns, light cake oat cake, pie, any kind, one half dozen tea biscuit►, onehalfdozn cream puffs Mrs. W. R. Ferrier; best eight articiee of food, suitable for at working- MAW* supper, cream, sugar and tea 10 eount ar one article, and bread and butter to count as one article, Mrs. Alex" McCarron, Mrs. Geo. Potter, Mks. Million; hest set eve o'clock tea, Mr'. Alex. McCarroll ; collection of pickles. named, four diode, Mrs. Aex. Mc - Can ell, Moe McIntosh ; half dozen home -Wade buns, plain, Mrs. Alex. Mel.arn,ll, Mrs. D. M. Tbompson; bait dozen bou,e-made tea biscuits, Mrs. D. M. Thomason, S. Millson ; Johnny cake, Mrs. Mclutn,b, Mrs. W. It. Ferrier : layer rake, light, Mrs. McIntosh, Mre. Millson; layer cake, dark, Mre. Mclotoeb, Mrs. A. Mc- Carroll; fruit- cake, Mrs. Jae. Lyon., Mrs. McIntosh : doughnuts, Mrs. Mc- Intosh : oat carte, Mrs. A. McCarroll, W. Reid; *bort bread, Mrs. A. Mc- Carron, Mrs. Jas. Lyons ; pie. lemon. Mrs. Million, Mrs. McIntosh ; pie, ay pp41ee,� Mrs. 111 Mame Mrs, W. R. 1►srrier : pie pumpkin. Mee. D. M. Ihosopenn, W. Reid 1 one down bens' eggs, weight and appearasce eon - Neared, George Petter, Jacob Miller two loaves borne -shade bawd, made frons elepoy blended floor, Mrs.. H. Meeker,; beet colM made pastry bat- ing. ade from Besse heal pastry flout, Mrs. A. McCarroll. ,Oentrae al re sees ai WIdoors Wrong T- 11 they ere yrs are Is deager. Whew through weakness or disease the kidstya fail to alter the Impurities frets the hbote trouble coeseeJle hr. Beekschs, Rites trate, Serried, Gravel, Diabetes, Stones sad the doodly Bright's Disease are some of the results ei Neglected kidneys. Dr. Mence's Indian Rom Pitta °retrain a saes active diuretic which wantegtbie+. and stimulates the thereogkty andkidseye Tes rhes dtheWerk Dr. Mor..'. a' Indian Root Pills THvamter. Or'n.ata a. iaa a D. I LLAR & SON THE :NEW : COATS All that is newest in ladies' Coats is now in stock, and at no other time of the season will the selection be better. We would advise an early inspection to:ensure best choice. Ladies' Winter Coats Ladies' Winter Coats, made of best quality chinchilla cloth, in the season's most approved styles, from 10.00 to $18.00 Misses' and Children's Coats We arty the recognized headquarters for chil- dren's Coats in Huron county. We are making a special showing of children's school Coats and dressy Coats, all at most popular prices. CHILDREN'S HEADWEAR Our first showing of the new children's Headwear for the fall and winter— Infants' Silk and Cashmere Bonnets, Infants' Bearskin Bonnets, Hats and Tams, Girls' Velvet Hats in great variety. SPECIAL SHOWING OF WOOL BLANKETSrr With the approach of colder weather comes the demand for warmer Blankets. Our stock is exceptionally weli selected from the best mills. Specials -1b. Union Blankets made for hard wear. Per pair, $3.25. Imperial Blankets,;same weight as above, $3.75 per pair. Conqueror all wool Blankets, perfect beauties, $5.00 per pair. Special Drumtochty Blankets, 6 lbs, extra superior quality, full double bed size. Per pair, $4.50. Children's Crib Blankets. - Zile Store Pat Js X911 'o Store SkouldBe MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE Phone 86 "11411111111/11111111& AP.". Practical, --- Practical, if Not Poetic. W. D. Howells, at „ luncheon at Kittery Poibt, said of a certain popu- lar novelist : "There is abaut as much poetryin bon as there is in McMaster,. "McMasters, you know, was walk- ing with a beautiful girl in a wild New England wood. "'What is your favorite flower. Mr. McMaetere?' the girl asked softly. -McMaster@ thought a moment. then clewed hi. throat and answered : 'Well, 1 believe f like the whole wheat best.' "—Washington Star. tarries Its Own Power. The first brio deriving its motive power from a portable storage battery hat, made a successful run of flfty miles. Edison, the invehter• of the Lutery, predicts. that it will revolu- tionize the operation of railroad trains and street railway cars. The world is only on the threshold of development in the practical application of electri- cal energy. Many of the electrical en• terprises which seem to be the last word today will be obsolete tomorrow. —London Advertiser. The Man Who Always Moved. Mr. John Burns• statement regard" int; the frequency with which the pops change their address recalls a debate overheard between some workingmen as to whether it was cheaper to move or to pay rent. Opinion being about equally divided. they referred the question to the oldest man they knew. "Is it cheaper to move or to pay tent=" Said he, ••Well, mates, ye see I ain't exactly in a position to say. I've always m wed." Write for the " Concrete Book" 1N Canada, where the winters ass sad cold, houses must be solid sod sebsraatil. No "eiageren+d frills,' rush 5. d.16111.. sh CMeseta res be /remit . Canon= berries should be built to defy wird sad cold, to b+ ureic beide wbea it'. thirty eel -deers. 1T is beams fbereese, of all seserish„ beet withssrtsi wind, water and cold, that 11 a hat becomsg peyrrlar with„ Ciradlast beers-beildna Caseoses hewn ace warts is wetter, rt�oi�- Tess coal Mpunting ting ; they are coolin aersuser. A Cesettr house sever sees repos , because, etstsd d lecaring. it a. tually met iron a, with time and reposer, to the timssea. VERY attractive a.ehivetwnal erects may be elegised with Concrete, e•pecrlly for houses in the coeatry, where the rough coin reit sttsfase kes-esiess grid he asr.owAistp SNCE a .a.w "mum. a .assess she loam gi.....7. t1 r w.Raw.. t 4 tars...wise.rw...w.wiir►s4a sr. w isisiaMw I: rw sash .1 s ahtas tb ratio sod et east : sada i`wd `.:. Ms mama. .meas s i Ins ►.a .sato i�....a.,.aJ dasartYm al ram - era ' a• o hates, Eutaw NOT sob is Cwa as ase =aria h O a lase woe a �ti�asiisaatlMr k..a+.ddee a Est atm lea • Crum no de As k hal will t» awn we