HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-10-3, Page 1r Office Stationery Look over yogeetock. If aay line ie W. phone Tb. od will c&U,b ill- hrades •tate- meat& MINN tomes. re o~tl •Olt iy aMei office siadosety 'applied quality tIw beet. 1 11 til x'1'1' 1" iCRTY 41EAa--$.. 71.E TIJRftINGBANk CANADA "SPEND AS YOU MAKE" eat all you earn is poor policy. ill. a 011111,420 *mount in the Sterling • Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager LIFE IS SHORT Provide now for those -dependent on you by insuring your life in The Mutual Life of Canada A. G. NISBET, District Agent FFII'B NEXT CANADIAN BANE OF COMMERCE, UODERICH 'Pittman : OFFICIc 20; HOCAs 150. P. 0.'Box 364 rot 8AI1 OR !$ !O!' L' t R M FOR 8ALR.-1011) SORBS. 1' :ot 9t and met IR Eelw Wsa %yawaa.r, Owes mem ham rix mile. Prapi,r1at�an sad two from dei. sow Wo wit F LaTheism��gfg.E � e ;gent basis. hod"' :1ksi ef.rhatd mostly' Basin !: BALE OR TO RENT. -THE brisk bones at corner of Ilay er ti; nine rooms; modern eau be gives a once. WAITE,, BapEeld O . orNEL8O HILL.�■- OR SALE. -z NINE -ROOMED WasMims .fe =iint ; town wat.r, co einem. Two jets, with a- auebw lama taws or hasher w- and" to FERGUSON. on the premises. or ROB?. YOUNG. Elgin arena. 9,Ltm sssdvafla l+sn •m winter fish.'era be given an !nor NNW to sats insans e. ALEX. RI,E. Mahan. 961m. Lsiat SALL-A BUILDING LOT r on Nowgats stoma A pity to F. J. PaiD- HAN. 041 I it SALE t=thep�reasesmmtt� hems RENT. s othe u"MAPLE waned. censer Bewpts mast sad Cambria reed. Peressidate sae lis*vee Outisr let, w -ever uadeed. Teems a edit prrsoaaesr. ALEX. elAUNMOOR Gsi.die Ocean Co. tart LIOR SALE THE 100-AOEE FARM es the 7th el Ctlbsea. ass - palatally she ae�_�Ir.a.�f ed tor woe. rod Maes sib, eel Yme horde. Everything it sant Order;wseEtl famed "stand " by Melee Most. needed waw VW w et bat brmw in tt the sad c P. ~ 'marketbe pyre le the T OHNtl1'ON. CCartew P. O. to-tf. PARK- L5 1j R SA -THE EAST half et lot ens hi the im tth ttasm. itm. Fatter* DN1Ara tithe si sib kt cors IN arses Tum too. .t o! r free ant (nese 1e+ lfma 1. • „list( anima. as .en"nes/, K4IV DFOOT. Aga 241 l.tiHA\. edge t< tern L`1H,ST-CLASS *ARM FOR SALE l' or to rent. lot 1. oeetemtlatt 7. waetern din- ars. - rs. Colborne flat nest lata aset- rJa.. hot.,. with Rai 'wok barn, good yr$rtir 1'srrn ha- basso is .aster* kr tea Woaid rem house SOB. I yes )' Amy to F. W. LIOR SALE=1110 sow OF LAND l,e.nt rhe;1wi" affil lbs teimad egaEetstwtlw • Mak hero. paints , i• at bot hien endlnhN.ag lot w both IMIB 48111 b.aw eddy to >teef�wthi itt � tfL TRENT. -THAT DESIRABLE wane reside ttQs known a the Acbssoo road and Brook good formes and November tat. Iry Spins on premises to MRS. N. C 8V. loos SALE. -13d ACRES OF LAND r on the first °encomia of the towns= Anbeeld, about t4 mike wen of Nils. mil snarly all under Sa dv.tlon. most 0gf It •e.asd down. Geed «chord. Com toel►M boom with stone odder bawls& ssteent lsssrr Ananias wen at houm are ZOO with Mase Mammas ; eau le lied home Mable, she edger outbulldhtsa Sates k ,..alae smem the farm. ramie( is ship. Pensesi.e lathe fall For tell assay to JAMES Me - NEE. osi the preMr. orPale P.O. 0U. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON Huron road. men dittesaai from taws ilmbt< lot ooetals@ two awes with rood orchard and small traits. Mame hew in good repair. Anyone wishing to Iaspeet same will be - welcome at any time. Apply at THIS OFFICE ter information. t1 -01 � R SALE. -THAT FINE RESI- detttlal property at the corner et Cameron and Raglan n owte. formerly known as the A. Mcll Mian proper[ 1. for .ale. It contains eight. town low. ted with the choicest traits of all tic s. There a» two brick basso. seen of two stories, one built only oar, L. and the other in drat -claw repair. Both have modern oos.venicnos.. and alto Esther the Property V me of the met dad r able is llodericb. Will be sold on reesoe.ble teens. Apply to P, J. RYAN Oodalrb. AUCTIONEERSI. THOMAS" GUNDRY AUCTIONEER Boa e7. oederioa. All inetruotioss by mall or lett at Signal once will be promptly at tesdedto. Reeidoeoe Telephone 119. �1SYBUJ N UILILIETIN Many clients of ours have made thousands of Dollars by investing in Weyburn property during the past year. We can show a list of prominent business men who have made small fortunes by investing in WEI/ URN When you consider that the Grand Trunk l'acifiic are grading their line into Weyburn, the C. P. R. and G. T. P. are building new stations. freight sheds and yards, roundhouses, etc., and that building permits run over $Soo,000 for the year so far, a record that many a city of 75,000 would be proud of --wouldn't this convince you that an in- %estment in property situated only five blocks from the postofioe at $250 per lot is good buying and bound to make you money? Better write us at once. We sell on easy term... E. V. Campion & Company • RIMDURITY HAVE BUILDiNG WETSUtlrf, SAAtATCH1W AN GODERICH, THa PUBLIC NOTICFt STUDENTS OR, J.YYONS WISH- oar iSH- INe turdsasa or natuzo d is • a�oo.lg sIsaanse within • tow Moues' w of NAL Dams. r rammed to etw at THE 1t 10- ifilIL IRLS TO LEARN ELEOTROLY- C�lel�la Modena. .m uses sate, esei oyt�q. _den. Write tort terra .DAY .E hot (7N. Spsialist. 96 Daly Avwe�ltr•t iIRESSMAXINO.-WE AHE PRE - 1111 PARED to do •11 toads at Arms had made meana. MIKBES FARRUBH, 14 waterloo street FARM HELP ANrD�atDOOMESTICC saoeldRaevlp oasis sWiUj,*l[s UIL Axes% St. Hasty. trot. 1011 wlti HAD. WOOW, St. Rebar, Oats Will MOM" sseop1 attendee. - - Rid (TOWN OF GODSBICK. AKE NOTICE TR -AT TEl MUNICIPAL CoumU ta of e Cerpstlen of the Tem. ad Oedsr4h b oosis to eosstracx a lash }swot as 8t. vroom e 1. W between Neth street and +�- tends to area a pareira Mealy assn the real bs.pp�t� tie aypresIR V t er1 Meet,ineeet lea er D twie. the odd ps a ind ysy emit a� cat t to the trantems er er Lamaism id tens f spr'alwarssrlmrats_ work and the mase of the • Mas p l�sarstlrrr'erftM f. es !sr as the man sea he aa.. M free the fast »- runt aomesal.sv raotii era stherwlea 6 now Med f =. MS W y ws aim et W Clerk 011ie a Pace TheossW mote ddie rears is Mthe UM et ws/fy rpt sit Y to he out toff ds 1. lkt d A 11111, at tip seer 'the 17 4 Ur M the i the Cwadl t Mr la Ms Tow�s« the paters* of hemi[ s•� Ogia fW ((agaves as*o�aat sr W x.8.5 - s[ lsstap 4 .r .gpa.i r. er sweilLastz nay sthar ki.h�th. y.lssas Iator tr-24- dB" L. w 0 Yom.W Lw LI It O . Clerk. OTICE TO CREDITORS. N vex vrarx QQrr JamMOOlorTic , Walt Or WM 70848 Or -SWr, 1a >w d000111r0rtaor 4liens,1r0e►fat Notes a Wissaew toil 96. ties al dand r Me name of the sell ahsai the Eth �Mao. 1t> o died iii ve �m�stsl may of deur, 7Af iy fveeirb wt to f�ae salsa deems 'and 1.8. ie.. Wamen e�s[� et elft if a y, creta by them lad further take .tabt s hat atter ends Lest - ate the mail pe 455.5 well proceed u tba artiste 01185 i.. sd '�a�R the tis ttatAWi tbeeeta�t having regard 04 have ea tNesea awe Wm Vika net he liable for Oe "al er eq sect er�ast, tones gamester.e Mao sr owe= Dated Wee slab day of septmnber. 1914 CHARLES OA RRO W Solicitor for Henry Young and James Garrick. Escrows*. MR LOST OR FOUND. 0811. - ABOUT TWO WEEKS y�oo'' • yeareId butler, ligbt nd lu color. CHARD CARNEY• dbeppaadtos. nmoosNiD.-A PURSE CONTAiNING em 01 e. Apply at SIGNAL or. UcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN 31 a C R A N C E C O. -Farm and i.,olated tows O/c-JB Mohan, Pres., tiaalurLh P.O.; Jae. Oininatb Vtee-Yxti, Goderich P. O.; Thema E Hays, dee.-T: ens.. Seaforth P. 0. Director, -I). F. McGregor. Seaford) : John O. Grieve. Winthrop: William Rini), Constance; John Bennewele, Brodbareo : Jamas Evan., neechweed ; Joan Watt• Harlock ; Mcioolm rrcEwesr, bruoerad.Assets _ H •r I s o k: J. wtpl lllaro CR' homey.1Meafortnh ;HisohleSmith.0 .e y' u and get tail', cardsreoa pted at H. J. MerriW'. Ciotbing SWre•Clinton, or at R. H. Cwt'. Grocery, (memos Mreet. Ooderlci FOR SALE. LiOR,ME FOR SALE. -FIRS 1'- 11 CLAUS ,_delivery hone for .al. Apply JOHN SSPAHR, Hanultun aucet. DOR SALE. - THE TOWN OF r 0ODER1CH has for sale about 130 cedar plmmettogandfrom010 12 inches thick nhe Ott Fornt particulars ap- ply to the undersigned. L L. KNOX, B. C. MUNNINOH Town Clerk, Oed.ricb. Cb. of Public Works 011. Com.. Goderich. AUCTION SALTS. AUCTION MALE or FiNE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Thomas Gundry has received inetroouues from William Kilpatrick to otter for We by ppohne auction atthe premise.. Bruce .U•eet. (ioderich, se MONDAY. OCTOBER TTA, at 120 o'olsok p. m.. the house now occupied by Mr. Klipatrios. with a lot having le feet e Iaeha frontage no Brood street. Tawe are els* se t10 lot • work.bopant • Vaulter Mme. The preen ty i• located within a km *4. te' walk of [lis Square, .red Ow hems f. yaps and commodious. with bath. sows e.see.tkie. Mod cellar. good ol.torn. eta very d e propetty. The heves may be Wm at any t e by pwpeslvo eureka- ere. Terms et Sale. -Tao per cent at fixe of sale; ggbtiay. alance in thirty d, when poeseesioe will be THHeO1MA80UNDRY. WM. KILPATRICK. Aadb.meer. Prgsysar. O ODERICH 'BUS LINE 1 ' Two 'team meet all train.. Private calla have prompt and careful attention. First - elites livery omit* et all them Rema'sable prices. THF DAVIS LiVERY F. A T. M. DAVI. Peepeliseors Bpstb street 'none No. IR 1 i TEA • DAY, OCTOBER 3, 191, CONVENE. droehtuePmgary Wrn•' aetpeally EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS DIS- CUSSED AT ANNUAL MEETING. Mrs. Mayberry. of Stratford. Gives Ad- dresses on Subjects -School Readers CriIl ized--Exeter Princi- pal Nominated for the Advisory (.;cunt i I 'Pbe thirty-loureb annual meeting of the West Huroneachrni Aasociatlon weal held in tbsi Collegiate Institute, Oodericb, on Ttsorsday and Friday, September Jb.b and 27tb. The chair was taken by the presi- dent, Miss 1. S'. Sherman, of Goderich. Devotional epolldses were'conducted byJ. P. Bot, principal of Goderich CBoost IustS*Ie. The minutes et the last session in Exeter were rend and approved. Wm. MacKay, of Hensen, intro- duced the foibles* a "Physical Culture sod Military Drill in Public Schoola," explaitaiog first what is meant by pbysical culture as indicated by the Stratbcooa Trust The dismission wad continued by in- spector Tom, who eulogized the taking of drill in schools, saying that the pu- pils did better work where it was taken. B. R. Loaf wincipal nt Victoria oohed(, liodsSiM, explained how natural dame . sash as Bat-footednees and hollow cholla, might he corrected by some oft m0►ements. Mr. McLachlin also spoke o.t the subject atlas V. Mimes of Victoria school, Goderich, reedits excellent paper on "Aritbmetic for Senior Third. She thought arithmetic the most tumor - tent subject on the curriculum and its culture! value depended on the method used in teaching it. It may be easily correlated with other sub- jects, as geo�sgjy, history, etc. The greatest ptoYaM-ie (1) to interest the pupil. (2) iednoe metiarcb, and (31 to continually give the instinct that he is distoyering that which is being taught him. She Would allow the pu- pils to find out a great deal for them- selves -lire, by observation ; second, by the use of concrete objects ; third, by the graphic method. She would emphasise oral arithmetic, accuracy, neatness and rapidity. The discuseioq twee continued by Mr. Tom, who compaseuted Mies Misers en the thoughgla paper she had given. Mrs. Mayberry, teacher of art in the Normal School, Stratford, and repre- sentative of the Department of gduca- tion, then gave a splendid address on "The Teaching of Art io Relation to Rapteesion." Mrs. Mayberry de- plored the system of teaching art that has prevailed for years -a system that allows children to give tree expression to their ideas without gsidance--but believed a child had to learn bow to express himself t-- constant practice. She thought the choola sho •Id have special teachers for the subjecL Mechanical drawing should precede all other work in art. The discussion was led by Messrs. Tom and Strang. Dr. Strang thought too much stress was put on drawing in schools. Sixty-seven teachers were present. Inspector Tom spoke of a number of things noticed in hit snoods of inspec- tion and made one or two announce- ments. Adjournment was then made. Art•BRNUON Bse$JON. Minutes of the morning were read and approved. H. Horton, of Lumley, spoke on "Municipal Civics," and in a very lucid manner showed the necessity of a thorough knowledge of municipal government, and he held that the schoolroom was the place to acquire this knowledge. Many =Waked now made in thee*. matters would he avoided if people had s greater knowl- edge of this matter. F. Roes, of Dungannon, road a thoughtful paper On • Fifth Class Wort. Hs showed that the regula- tions of the present day in regard to fifth chase work WM. better than those ofa few years ago, as the pupil may now paw into the third form from the public school. He felt that Us, fifth cls* in the t drat school was good for teacher and pupil. The pupil is kept at home while too young to leave home and it would be more eeonomiral for the parents. The teacher Ands that it Is good for him and the rest of the school. The discussion was continued by Inventor Tom, .1. P. Hume and W. H. Johnston A. Y. Robertson. M. A., of the 1 Institute, Oodericb, gave a vary ateeeetiog address on "The Ice Age," showing bow g ologl.ts in read- ing the book of naterelearsed of the great glacial period. std then dealing with it as It relate. to North America. Ili then diecossed the sasses of the termation of the ice sap. lb* Misuse of the worse ofeattlisltilt iSSO agd also the sate000mieal ma- sses sits. given. The addrem was is- ssesstitre and 1 n toroidal.. Neyberry east a good address W fie a delivht.tuII i~ fanfare dissamated bar me eicamils. p=I as subject drseige. Masi from bee aseibed lusibersollet oh jseta save a gkMudid ad- INTVATJON$ VACANT. WA, .-FOR8. N. Efairgt. ;gib D.4111w�a.emir1- A. 11 veil. bog to beginners. He would nut think of using writing with beginners .od in spelling be would teach the prioci- pies. Aber adjournment the teacbeze visited the pew Victoria school and were greatly pleased with the build- ing. EARNING 'RMrilON. A large and expectant audience gathered io the assembly room of the Collegiate Institute for the evening °metaoir, and they were not dis- ap{wioted. The entertainment opened with • piano duet by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. Then a class of small boys and girls trained by Miss Parsons iotrrrated evelyooe by • spleodiily executed march and drill. Mies Sharman in the president's address spoke eloquently on "Th Efficient Teacher." In the course of he remarks she held that the efficient teacher should be a force for the moral elevation of the community, one who does not neglect his social duty to ethers but who possesses sympathies broad enough to have an interest in something besides teaching. He should have a rich imagination that sees the real beauties of nature. He shouk: have • wide knowledge of books and should do some travelling. He should be careful in drew, courte- ous in manner, honorable in his deal- ings and above all a lover of the Saviour of mankind. The address was replete with rich and apt poetical illustrstious and will not soon he tor - gotten by those who heard it. Miss Elda Stoddart sang sweetly "The Little Irish Girl." Dr. Macklin delivered au address on "Medical Inspection of Schools.' He claimed that infection is the cause of almost all diseases and illustrated this by many examples from history Then medical inspection of school will do more to stamp out disease than anything else in the world. Several countries and cities have adopted it with beneficial results. It will be a blessiog to pupils who are dull from defective eyesight, hearing or, breath - in power, and those dull by hre- dity. Tubercular children will then be discovered and removed. The adJress was a good one and was listened to with a great deal of interest. Mies McColl sang clearly and sym- pathetically "The Dear Little Sham- rock." Rev. J. B. Fotheringhaui spoke on "Teaching as a Lite Work." He thought no one should teach who did not intend to remain' in the teaching procession. He deplored the foci that there are so many who make it a step- ping stone to some other walk in life. The ends sought are sufficiently desir- able to make it one of the grandest of life works. These ends are, the power to lift the school, yea, a whole com- munity, the making of character and the giving of an inspiration to children to remain students all through life. He would have the teacher recognize that his profession is the greatest of all proteseiohs and' not to be lightly abuodoned. The address, sincere.acd earnest iu tone and delivery, gave food for meat thought. Mr. Cook sang a good solo. Dr. Strang spoke in his own ieligbt- fullyy entertaining meaner on his trip to Western Canada He spoke feel- ingly of the great kinduese and hos- pitality which were accorded to him everywhere duriog his trip, and of the pleasure of ..:eeting his old pupils and being made to realize the kindliness of their feeliosr towards him. It was im- pressed upon bin, that there were re- ward. greater than those of money, in the -appreciation and regard of those whom he had been able to help in their school days. The Doctor thought every teacher should take this trip, because it would enlarge Ms views as to the greatness of our country. its immense resource,, the magnificence of its scenery. He was impressed with it as a young man's country, with the liberality of the people and their boundless hospitality, but noted with regret tb superficial farming methods and unwhole- some 'aflutter of the u life spec- ulai�tiou there. Ilia advice was "Go West, if only fora trip." A hearty vote of thanks moved by Mr. Hunte and se,ondel by Mr. Tom was tendered all who contributed to the evening's eotertainment. FRIDAY FORENOON. TRIAL TRIP The Signal for the balance of the year to new subscribers fur ouly 2'5 CENTS THE SIGNAL PRINS IN() CO., Ltd., PustAinigfs 4. That at least fifty per cent. of the [narks in literature he assigned on pre- scribed work for entrance examina- tion. S. That all lessons in our preeent Readers containing objectionable or slang phrases be eliminated and that more suitable selections replace them. This Association believes that it is very desirable Unit poe of the members fthe Advi o soey Council of the Education Department should be from this western division of the Province, and they have great pleasure in placing in the field for election to that position Mr. Wm. B. Weiden- hammer, B. A., principal of the Exeter continuation school. Mr. Weiden- bamnser is eminently fitted for the positioo, M be has not only taught in the public sdbool. of Ontario but has bad similar experieuce in Manitoba. He would thus ably repzesent the e public and eootinuapoo schools of the e Province. Other Teachers' Asuoci- •bons are requested to give their hearty endorsation and support to Mr. W eidenhammer. The auditors' report was received and adopted. The report showed re- oeipts of 11181.43, expenditure of 1181.30 and a balance on hand of $1110.- 17. Mies J. Murray introduced the sub- ject of "Our School Readers" and ex- plained what she 000udered their de- fects. Tb.. are : First. the poor binding, on amount of which the back soon breaks and the child is disheart- ened and has to be content with an untidy book, the result being untidi- ness is taught rather than neatness. Second, the English io many cases is very faulty. Such expressions as "ain't," "ateerd the orkard'- gen'l'm," "you're •stump, ain't you, drutber," , and "by Jove" should surely not be in school readers. Third, many of the selections do not uplift but rather the reverse. In the lesson "Work and • Play" a premium is placed on schem- e ing and falsehood. The discussion was continued by In- spector Tom, Dr. Strang, Mr. How- ard, Misses Sharman and Kinsman, one and all condemning the Readers far the same reasons as Mina Murray suggested. The Aesociatioo showed by a taanimous vote that they %greed with all that had been said. J. P. Hume, B. A., gave an excel- lent address on "Science for Fifth Classes." He recognized that this subject meant a great deal of work for the teacher, but it was very inter- esting. He would require each pupil 4311 o Pr'pvl magnifying glass He wool he graeebopper or other creature by first having the pupils answer a lilt of questions sup- plied by him, be supplying technical terms. He then illustrated his method of catchiog and mounting in- sects. Then by means of a large col- lection of beautiful specimens be showed how this work may be con- tinued and taught. inspector Tom explained the changes in the new register. Mn. Mayberry gave an addre.u, on "The Um of Water Colors." She ad- vocated the use of better paper than is in the drawing books, white mixing palettes, drawing hoards, etc., and then illustrated her method of using paints and taking care of her brushes, etc. She recommended titch hair brushes manufactured by Itameay & Son, of Montreal. Dr. Straogfand Inspector Tom an- swered the questions in the Question Drawer in an instructive manner. A hearty vote of thanks was tend- ered the school board, the Collegiate staff and Mrs. Mayberry for the help they gave to the Association. The singing of the National Apthem brought a moat successful institnte,to a close. Trustees Department. A meeting of public school trustees of the inspectorate was held on Thursday afternoon. F. W. Glad - man, of Exeter, Wag appointed chair- man and Samuel Martin. of Exeter, secrets[ y. There were representatives present from Exeter. Stephen, Usboine, Gods rich township, East Wawaoosh and West Wawanu•h. A trustees' depottment for West Huron was organize.( snd it was decided to meet next year at the same time as the teacher•. do. Opening exerci.ee were conducted by inspector Tom. The minutes of Thursday afternoon and evening sessions were read and approved. The election of uffteer, was then proceeded with, with the following re- sult : Past president, Miss 1. E. Shar- man, Ooderich; president, Min A. E. Oonsitt, Hensel(: vice-president, Miss M. A. Balli., Nile; secretary treas- urer, W. H. Johnston, Kipper'. Coun- dilors-M4.. V. Miners, Ondericb : W. B. Ryden[, H urondale ; W. I3. Weidenhammer, Exeter; H. R. Loag. Ooderieh ; A. M. Robartpn, Goderich; Graham, Crediton ; .1. Elgin Tom, Goderich. Miss Beatrice Pridham delighted everyone by her tMitation of "The, Bebool Examination," by Ralph Con- nor. The reeoluoon eeinmittee reported as follows : Roselssd- 1. That where/vs the Department( has raiesj the minimum salary from ilw0 co tido, it .h.iuld also raise the maximum to WO 2. That the teacher hw permitted to ooteYstss the um of the School and Beswe, and Help+ me heretofore, itU weal 'chortlesuch a time saver to the teacher t g�4. Per the election et public school eft the tlovinee be Brini Mato 'Me- ue ese So slap__ tOats- l dissMstai with otse.jogressetative distriet for Lege( Query. The following is from the legal col- umns of last Saturday's Mall and Em- pire : W. H. W.. Bayfield. -Qu. -Two years ago I loaned a part who then owned a tiers in this neighborhood a coosiderable aunt of mosey, and took his promissory [rote for Lbw amount, payable in one par. Before the note omnia due be sold his farm and want to the States, taking a mortgage for part of the march/me money. 1 know where be lives. Can 1 sue upon the note aadarnishee the mortgagor ? Ans.- Thur first proceeding would be to sue sed obtain a judgment upon your not*. Then you ran apply to the court for en attaching or garnieb- Ing order. attaching the monsy pay- able by the mortgagor to the judg- ment debtor. J. W. MOYFS HERE. CONFERENCE ON MONQAY ON ELECTRIC RAILWAY MATTERS. Proposal for Further Assistance by the Municipalities Not Received with Much Enthusiasm by the Municipal Representatives Mr. Moyes Blames Hydroelectric Commission for Delay. An interesting meeting was held at the town hall on Mond.c afternoon, when 3. W. Moyers, of Toronto, pres- ident of the Ontario West Shore Rail- way Company, met representatives of the muoicipalities which have guar- anteed bonds of the railway. The municipal representatives pies- eot were Mayor Patterson and Reeve Hunter, of Kincardine; Reeve Wil- kinson and Councillor Brown, of Huron township; Reeve Stothere and Coun- cillors Stewart and Dalton, of Asbfleld ; Mayor Reid, Reeve Mooning., Deputy Reeve Clark and Councillors Vanatter and Elliott, of Goderich. W. Proud - foot, M. P. P., and Chas. Garrow, of town, and P. A. Malcomkon, of Kin- cardine. wait' present as legal rep- resentatives of the municipalities. Mayor Reid of Goderich presided over• the meeting. Mr. Moes addressed the meeting and stated that construction work on the railway had been held up by the unsatisfactory condition of affairs re- lating to power in this district. It had been planned that the railway project and the power project should help each other, hut the action of the Hydro- electric Commission in entering this ifehL_Inglamiguld ane bonds of the Ma121121WW11121116. unsalable, and at the su%d'tfsli lhetre was no certainty of a supply of power for the railway. Now that the Hydro -electric Commis- sion had submitted a report on* supply of power for this district be had lost no time in arranging for this nieettng. if the power were available he bad a prospect of securing mooeys for the completion of the road. Mr. Moyes said thataltbough he was a Conservative he felt he had not been properly treated by the Hydro -electric Commission and by Hon, Adam Beck. The railway company's sole interest in the power proposition was to secure power at the lowest possible cost for the railway. Mr. )¥yea then spoke, rather indef- initely, of a plan for securing funds for the completion of the railway to Kincardine. With the assistance of the municipalities and a guarantee that the road would be completed he could raise on certain securities, which were now bypotbecated for a sum between 575,000 and =80,000, enough money to complete the road. One hundred thousand dollars or less would be sufficient to put the road ib shape for operation to Kincardine. He offered to resign from the directorate of the railway company to make way for a representative of the mnni^i- polities, who would see that the money was properly expended. Anything paid out by the municipalities up io date would be recouped to them. In return for the assistance from the munici- palities they would be given. without purchase, a substantial interest in the railway company. it was afterwards stated that the "substantial interest" would be stock in the company to the amount of $100,000. Questioning brought out the inform- ation that the securities mentioned were bonds of the railway. Mr. Moyes slated 1 hat he had storage battery care in mind fortbe operation of the road. Mr. Proudfoot said he had told Mr. Moyes that he did not think the municipalities would be prepared to do anything further until they had the report of an independent engineer showing bow much it would cost to complete the road. Mr. Moyes at one stage of the disci' - Mon spoke with some bitterness of t he wry in which be and others associai,.1 with the railway had been "maligned." He said there was a road in the - construct ion heconstruction of which better value had been secured for the money expended. Pointing to H. J. A. McEwan, he said th ere was a man who bad spent his time on the railway without receiving a ceet. He himself had "gone to the limit" in putting up bis own money for the road. Councillor Stewart said hr thought Mr. Moyes had been pretty well treated ; it was the people who were paying out their money in interest on the railway bonds oho hada right to complain. Speaking for the township of Asblleld, be thought that if any further moneys were to be raised they should not he put in the hand* of Mr. Mayes butin the hands of men in whom the ratepayers would have oonadeuc*. Finally a motion was carried to the effect that a committee eepreeenting all .of tb* interested munietpaiitlen should wait upon Hon. Adam Beck to sit for a definite assurance irgartil g supply of power for the railway. 13 probable &bat action will be taken leo towards securing an estimate of the coat of completing the road from Ooderich to Kincardine. Among the terested aneetatneein the Mime ball Mkt the sweetie' was is p RoAt were John Cowan. Thos. Sandy Ureisnan. S. McNair and Michael Dalton. all of Asbleld. Diviesed Declared. Sta at ford, Rept. S0. - A t a ttaeetine i the directors 01 R. M. Ballantyne, exited, the regular quarterly dlvi. ntistd of 1f�st• es.[. es the preference stark was nMMiaesi a 8100 Reward, t;100. a The readers Of 04 paler will he Oared to le Issro tet ter* t. u exam ave dra0Md Comm a Met .fess• alas bene sale to see le 41 N. .lanes. aid that r catarrh. Rare Catarrh Cee le .py rs e semar e itotem M tinl fatereltnevy. Catarrh blas a sea- in noose requires - 1 w ( �ar as eaters es alai tw M., .e tem* tier ogee sax t it bile leeine Oar . (MEN E Y t <Yr.. Toledo. 0 11a i a%+itiui aih17M roe .siMleattss s. Headgnarten for lweh oygaey � •tune'. Weer +treat ['hose w The else of a dolt., depends on both., It ,s coating or going.